2014-07-28 16:21:38 +02:00

1.5 KiB


Build Status GitTip

Official filter and tag add-ons for pongo2. Uses 3rd-party-libraries.

How to use and install

Install via go get -u github.com/flosch/pongo2-addons.

Simply add the following import line after importing pongo2:

_ "github.com/flosch/pongo2-addons"

All additional filters/tags will be registered automatically.


  • markdown (parses markdown text and outputs HTML; hint: use the safe-filter to make the output not being escaped)
  • slugify (creates a slug for a given input)
  • filesizeformat (human-readable filesize; takes bytes as input)
  • timesince/timeuntil/naturaltime (human-readable time [duration] indicator)
  • intcomma (put decimal marks into the number)


(nothing yet)