Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# .project
# .settings
# .buildpath
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
[submodule "js/jquery-colorpicker"]
path = js/jquery-colorpicker
[submodule "langs/ada"]
path = langs/ada
url =
[submodule "langs/vbnet"]
path = langs/vbnet
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"follow_symlinks": true,
"path": ".",
"folder_exclude_patterns": [
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
require_once ('global.php');
require_once (CRAYON_RESOURCE_PHP);
/* Manages fonts once they are loaded. */
class CrayonFonts extends CrayonUserResourceCollection {
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
const DEFAULT_FONT = 'monaco';
const DEFAULT_FONT_NAME = 'Monaco';
// Methods ================================================================
function __construct() {
$this->set_default(self::DEFAULT_FONT, self::DEFAULT_FONT_NAME);
CrayonLog::debug("Setting font directories");
$upload = CrayonGlobalSettings::upload_path();
if ($upload) {
$this->user_directory($upload . CRAYON_FONT_DIR);
if (!is_dir($this->user_directory())) {
CrayonLog::debug($this->user_directory(), "FONT USER DIR");
} else {
CrayonLog::syslog("Upload directory is empty: " . $upload . " cannot load fonts.");
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
/* Manages formatting the html with html and css. */
class CrayonFormatter {
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
/* Used to temporarily store the array of CrayonElements passed to format_code(), so that
format_matches() can access them and identify which elements were captured and format
accordingly. This must be static for preg_replace_callback() to access it.*/
private static $elements = array();
// Delimiters
// Current crayon undergoing delimiter replace
private static $curr;
private static $delimiters;
private static $delim_regex;
private static $delim_pieces;
// Methods ================================================================
private function __construct() {
/* Formats the code using the parsed language elements. */
public static function format_code($code, $language, $hl = NULL) {
// Ensure the language is defined
if ($language != NULL && $hl->is_highlighted()) {
$code = self::clean_code($code, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
/* Perform the replace on the code using the regex, pass the captured matches for
formatting before they are replaced */
try {
// Match language regex
$elements = $language->elements();
$regex = $language->regex();
if (!empty($regex) && !empty($elements)) {
// Get array of CrayonElements
self::$elements = array_values($elements);
$code = preg_replace_callback($regex, 'CrayonFormatter::format_match', $code);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$error = 'An error occured when formatting: ' . $e->message();
$hl ? $hl->log($error) : CrayonLog::syslog($error);
return $code;
} else {
return self::clean_code($code, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
/* Performs a replace to format each match based on the captured element. */
private static function format_match($matches) {
/* First index in $matches is full match, subsequent indices are groups.
* Minimum number of elements in array is 2, so minimum captured group is 0. */
$captured_group_number = count($matches) - 2;
$code = $matches[0];
if (array_key_exists($captured_group_number, self::$elements)) {
$captured_element = self::$elements[$captured_group_number];
// Avoid capturing and formatting internal Crayon elements
if ($captured_element->name() == CrayonParser::CRAYON_ELEMENT) {
return $code; // Return as is
} else {
// Separate lines and add css class, keep extended class last to allow overriding
$fallback_css = CrayonLangs::known_elements($captured_element->fallback());
$element_css = $captured_element->css();
$css = !empty($fallback_css) ? $fallback_css . ' ' . $element_css : $element_css;
return self::split_lines($code, $css);
} else {
// All else fails, return the match
return $matches[0];
/* Prints the formatted code, option to override the line numbers with a custom string */
public static function print_code($hl, $code, $line_numbers = TRUE, $print = TRUE) {
// We can print either block or inline, inline is treated differently, factor out common stuff here
$output = '';
// Used for style tag
$main_style = $code_style = $toolbar_style = $info_style = $font_style = $line_style = $pre_style = '';
// Unique ID for this instance of Crayon
$uid = 'crayon-' . $hl->id();
// Print theme id
// We make the assumption that the id is correct (checked in crayon_wp)
$theme_id = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::THEME);
$theme_id_dashed = CrayonUtil::space_to_hyphen($theme_id);
if (!$hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::ENQUEUE_THEMES)) {
$output .= CrayonResources::themes()->get_css($theme_id);
// Print font id
// We make the assumption that the id is correct (checked in crayon_wp)
$font_id = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FONT);
$font_id_dashed = CrayonUtil::space_to_hyphen($font_id);
if (!$hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::ENQUEUE_FONTS)) {
$output .= CrayonResources::fonts()->get_css($font_id);
// Inline margin
if ($hl->is_inline()) {
$inline_margin = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::INLINE_MARGIN) . 'px !important;';
// Determine font size
// TODO improve logic
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE_ENABLE)) {
$_font_size = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE);
$_font_size = $_font_size . 'px !important;';
$_line_height = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::LINE_HEIGHT);
// Don't allow line height to be less than font size
$line_height = ($_line_height > $_font_size ? $_line_height : $_font_size) . 'px !important;';
$toolbar_height = $_font_size * 1.5 . 'px !important;';
$info_height = $_font_size * 1.4 . 'px !important;';
$font_style .= "font-size: $_font_size line-height: $line_height";
$toolbar_style .= "font-size: $_font_size";
$line_style .= "height: $line_height";
if ($hl->is_inline()) {
$font_style .= "font-size: $_font_size";
} else {
$toolbar_style .= "height: $toolbar_height line-height: $toolbar_height";
$info_style .= "min-height: $info_height line-height: $info_height";
} else if (!$hl->is_inline()) {
if (($_font_size = CrayonGlobalSettings::get(CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE)) !== FALSE) {
$_font_size = $_font_size->def() . 'px !important;';
$line_height = ($_font_size * 1.4) . 'px !important;';
$tab = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TAB_SIZE);
$pre_style = "-moz-tab-size:$tab; -o-tab-size:$tab; -webkit-tab-size:$tab; tab-size:$tab;";
// This will return from function with inline print
if ($hl->is_inline()) {
$wrap = !$hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::INLINE_WRAP) ? 'crayon-syntax-inline-nowrap' : '';
$output .= '
<span id="' . $uid . '" class="crayon-syntax crayon-syntax-inline ' . $wrap . ' crayon-theme-' . $theme_id_dashed . ' crayon-theme-' . $theme_id_dashed . '-inline crayon-font-' . $font_id_dashed . '" style="' . $font_style . '">' .
'<span class="crayon-pre crayon-code" style="' . $font_style . ' ' . $pre_style . '">' . $code . '</span>' .
return $output;
// Below code only for block (default) printing
// Generate the code lines and separate each line as a div
$print_code = '';
$print_nums = '';
$hl->line_count(preg_match_all("#(?:^|(?<=\r\n|\n))[^\r\n]*#", $code, $code_lines));
// The line number to start from
$start_line = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::START_LINE);
$marking = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::MARKING);
$striped = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::STRIPED);
$range = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::RANGES) ? $hl->range() : FALSE;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $hl->line_count(); $i++) {
// Check if the current line is in the range of code to display
if ($range) {
if ($i < $range[0]) {
} else if ($i > $range[1]) {
$code_line = $code_lines[0][$i - 1];
// If line is blank, add a space so the div has the correct height
if ($code_line == '') {
$code_line = ' ';
// Check if the current line has been selected
$marked_lines = $hl->marked();
// Check if lines need to be marked as important
if ($marking && in_array($i, $marked_lines)) {
$marked_num = ' crayon-marked-num';
$marked_line = ' crayon-marked-line';
// If multiple lines are marked, only show borders for top and bottom lines
if (!in_array($i - 1, $marked_lines)) {
$marked_num .= ' crayon-top';
$marked_line .= ' crayon-top';
// Single lines are both the top and bottom of the multiple marked lines
if (!in_array($i + 1, $marked_lines)) {
$marked_num .= ' crayon-bottom';
$marked_line .= ' crayon-bottom';
} else {
$marked_num = $marked_line = '';
// Stripe odd lines
if ($striped && $i % 2 == 0) {
$striped_num = ' crayon-striped-num';
$striped_line = ' crayon-striped-line';
} else {
$striped_num = $striped_line = '';
// Generate the lines
$line_num = $start_line + $i - 1;
$line_id = $uid . '-' . $line_num;
$print_code .= '<div class="crayon-line' . $marked_line . $striped_line . '" id="' . $line_id . '">' . $code_line . '</div>';
if (!is_string($line_numbers)) {
$print_nums .= '<div class="crayon-num' . $marked_num . $striped_num . '" data-line="' . $line_id . '">' . $line_num . '</div>';
// If $line_numbers is a string, display it
if (is_string($line_numbers) && !empty($line_numbers)) {
$print_nums .= '<div class="crayon-num">' . $line_numbers . '</div>';
} else if (empty($line_numbers)) {
$print_nums = FALSE;
// Determine whether to print title, encode characters
$title = $hl->title();
// Decode if needed
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::DECODE_ATTRIBUTES)) {
$title = CrayonUtil::html_entity_decode($title);
$print_title = '<span class="crayon-title">' . $title . '</span>';
// Determine whether to print language
$print_lang = '';
// XXX Use for printing the regex
if ($hl->language()) {
$lang = $hl->language()->name();
switch ($hl->setting_index(CrayonSettings::SHOW_LANG)) {
case 0 :
if ($hl->language()->id() == CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG) {
// Falls through
case 1 :
$print_lang = '<span class="crayon-language">' . $lang . '</span>';
// Disable functionality for errors
$error = $hl->error();
// Combined settings for code
$code_settings = '';
// Disable mouseover for touchscreen devices and mobiles, if we are told to
$touch = FALSE; // Whether we have detected a touchscreen device
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TOUCHSCREEN) && CrayonUtil::is_touch()) {
$touch = TRUE;
$code_settings .= ' touchscreen';
// Disabling Popup
if (!$hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::POPUP)) {
$code_settings .= ' no-popup';
// Minimize
if (!$hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::MINIMIZE)) {
$code_settings .= ' minimize';
// Draw the plain code and toolbar
$toolbar_settings = $print_plain_button = $print_copy_button = '';
$toolbar_index = $hl->setting_index(CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR);
if (empty($error) && ($toolbar_index != 2 || $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::MINIMIZE))) {
// Enable mouseover setting for toolbar
if ($toolbar_index == 0 && !$touch) {
// No touchscreen detected
$toolbar_settings .= ' mouseover';
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR_OVERLAY)) {
$toolbar_settings .= ' overlay';
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR_HIDE)) {
$toolbar_settings .= ' hide';
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR_DELAY)) {
$toolbar_settings .= ' delay';
} else if ($toolbar_index == 1) {
// Always display the toolbar
$toolbar_settings .= ' show';
} else if ($toolbar_index == 2) {
$toolbar_settings .= ' never-show';
$buttons = array();
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::NUMS_TOGGLE)) {
$buttons['nums'] = crayon__('Toggle Line Numbers');
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::PLAIN) && $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::PLAIN_TOGGLE)) {
$buttons['plain'] = crayon__('Toggle Plain Code');
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::WRAP_TOGGLE)) {
$buttons['wrap'] = crayon__('Toggle Line Wrap');
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::EXPAND_TOGGLE)) {
$buttons['expand'] = crayon__('Expand Code');
if (!$touch && $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::PLAIN) && $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::COPY)) {
$buttons['copy'] = crayon__('Copy');
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::POPUP)) {
$buttons['popup'] = crayon__('Open Code In New Window');
$buttons_str = '';
foreach ($buttons as $button => $value) {
$buttons_str .= '<div class="crayon-button crayon-' . $button . '-button"';
if (!is_array($value)) {
$value = array('title' => $value);
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$buttons_str .= ' ' . $k . '="' . $v . '"';
$buttons_str .= '><div class="crayon-button-icon"></div></div>';
/* The table is rendered invisible by CSS and enabled with JS when asked to. If JS
is not enabled or fails, the toolbar won't work so there is no point to display it. */
$print_plus = $hl->is_mixed() && $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::SHOW_MIXED) ? '<span class="crayon-mixed-highlight" title="' . crayon__('Contains Mixed Languages') . '"></span>' : '';
$buttons = $print_plus . $buttons_str . $print_lang;
$toolbar = '
<div class="crayon-toolbar" data-settings="' . $toolbar_settings . '" style="' . $toolbar_style . '">' . $print_title . '
<div class="crayon-tools" style="' . $toolbar_style . '">' . $buttons . '</div></div>
<div class="crayon-info" style="' . $info_style . '"></div>';
} else {
$toolbar = $buttons = $plain_settings = '';
if (empty($error) && $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::PLAIN)) {
// Different events to display plain code
switch ($hl->setting_index(CrayonSettings::SHOW_PLAIN)) {
case 0 :
$plain_settings = 'dblclick';
case 1 :
$plain_settings = 'click';
case 2 :
$plain_settings = 'mouseover';
default :
$plain_settings = '';
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::SHOW_PLAIN_DEFAULT)) {
$plain_settings .= ' show-plain-default';
$readonly = $touch ? '' : 'readonly';
$print_plain = $print_plain_button = '';
$textwrap = !$hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::WRAP) ? 'wrap="soft"' : '';
$print_plain = '<textarea ' . $textwrap . ' class="crayon-plain print-no" data-settings="' . $plain_settings . '" ' . $readonly . ' style="' . $pre_style . ' ' . $font_style . '">' . "\n" . self::clean_code($hl->code()) . '</textarea>';
} else {
$print_plain = $plain_settings = $plain_settings = '';
// Line numbers visibility
$num_vis = $num_settings = '';
if ($line_numbers === FALSE) {
$num_vis = 'crayon-invisible';
} else {
$num_settings = ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::NUMS) ? 'show' : 'hide');
// Determine scrollbar visibility
$code_settings .= $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::SCROLL) && !$touch ? ' scroll-always' : ' scroll-mouseover';
// Disable animations
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::DISABLE_ANIM)) {
$code_settings .= ' disable-anim';
// Wrap
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::WRAP)) {
$code_settings .= ' wrap';
// Expand
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::EXPAND)) {
$code_settings .= ' expand';
// Determine dimensions
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_SET)) {
$height_style = self::dimension_style($hl, CrayonSettings::HEIGHT);
// XXX Only set height for main, not code (if toolbar always visible, code will cover main)
if ($hl->setting_index(CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_UNIT) == 0) {
$main_style .= $height_style;
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::WIDTH_SET)) {
$width_style = self::dimension_style($hl, CrayonSettings::WIDTH);
$code_style .= $width_style;
if ($hl->setting_index(CrayonSettings::WIDTH_UNIT) == 0) {
$main_style .= $width_style;
// Determine margins
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TOP_SET)) {
$code_style .= ' margin-top: ' . $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TOP_MARGIN) . 'px;';
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::BOTTOM_SET)) {
$code_style .= ' margin-bottom: ' . $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::BOTTOM_MARGIN) . 'px;';
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::LEFT_SET)) {
$code_style .= ' margin-left: ' . $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::LEFT_MARGIN) . 'px;';
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::RIGHT_SET)) {
$code_style .= ' margin-right: ' . $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::RIGHT_MARGIN) . 'px;';
// Determine horizontal alignment
$align_style = '';
switch ($hl->setting_index(CrayonSettings::H_ALIGN)) {
case 1 :
$align_style = ' float: left;';
case 2 :
$align_style = ' float: none; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;';
case 3 :
$align_style = ' float: right;';
$code_style .= $align_style;
// Determine allowed float elements
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FLOAT_ENABLE)) {
$clear_style = ' clear: none;';
} else {
$clear_style = '';
$code_style .= $clear_style;
// Determine if operating system is mac
$crayon_os = CrayonUtil::is_mac() ? 'mac' : 'pc';
// Produce output
$output .= '
<div id="' . $uid . '" class="crayon-syntax crayon-theme-' . $theme_id_dashed . ' crayon-font-' . $font_id_dashed . ' crayon-os-' . $crayon_os . ' print-yes notranslate" data-settings="' . $code_settings . '" style="' . $code_style . ' ' . $font_style . '">
' . $toolbar . '
<div class="crayon-plain-wrap">' . $print_plain . '</div>' . '
<div class="crayon-main" style="' . $main_style . '">
<table class="crayon-table">
<tr class="crayon-row">';
if ($print_nums !== FALSE) {
$output .= '
<td class="crayon-nums ' . $num_vis . '" data-settings="' . $num_settings . '">
<div class="crayon-nums-content" style="' . $font_style . '">' . $print_nums . '</div>
// XXX
$output .= '
<td class="crayon-code"><div class="crayon-pre" style="' . $font_style . ' ' . $pre_style . '">' . $print_code . '</div></td>
// Debugging stats
$runtime = $hl->runtime();
if (!$hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::DISABLE_RUNTIME) && is_array($runtime) && !empty($runtime)) {
$output = '<!-- Crayon Syntax Highlighter v' . $CRAYON_VERSION . ' -->'
. CRAYON_NL . $output . CRAYON_NL . '<!-- ';
foreach ($hl->runtime() as $type => $time) {
$output .= '[' . $type . ': ' . sprintf('%.4f seconds', $time) . '] ';
$output .= '-->' . CRAYON_NL;
// Determine whether to print to screen or save
if ($print) {
echo $output;
} else {
return $output;
public static function print_error($hl, $error, $line_numbers = 'ERROR', $print = TRUE) {
if (get_class($hl) != CRAYON_HIGHLIGHTER) {
// Either print the error returned by the handler, or a custom error message
if ($hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::ERROR_MSG_SHOW)) {
$error = $hl->setting_val(CrayonSettings::ERROR_MSG);
$error = self::split_lines(trim($error), 'crayon-error');
return self::print_code($hl, $error, $line_numbers, $print);
// Delimiters =============================================================
public static function format_mixed_code($code, $language, $hl) {
self::$curr = $hl;
self::$delim_pieces = array();
// Remove crayon internal element from INPUT code
$code = preg_replace('#' . CrayonParser::CRAYON_ELEMENT_REGEX_CAPTURE . '#msi', '', $code);
if (self::$delimiters == NULL) {
self::$delimiters = CrayonResources::langs()->delimiters();
// Find all delimiters in all languages
if (self::$delim_regex == NULL) {
self::$delim_regex = '#(' . implode(')|(', array_values(self::$delimiters)) . ')#msi';
// Extract delimited code, replace with internal elements
$internal_code = preg_replace_callback(self::$delim_regex, 'CrayonFormatter::delim_to_internal', $code);
// Format with given language
$formatted_code = CrayonFormatter::format_code($internal_code, $language, $hl);
// Replace internal elements with delimited pieces
$formatted_code = preg_replace_callback('#\{\{crayon-internal:(\d+)\}\}#', 'CrayonFormatter::internal_to_code', $formatted_code);
return $formatted_code;
public static function delim_to_internal($matches) {
// Mark as mixed so we can show (+)
$capture_group = count($matches) - 2;
$capture_groups = array_keys(self::$delimiters);
$lang_id = $capture_groups[$capture_group];
if (($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->get($lang_id)) === NULL) {
return $matches[0];
$internal = sprintf('{{crayon-internal:%d}}', count(self::$delim_pieces));
// TODO fix
self::$delim_pieces[] = CrayonFormatter::format_code($matches[0], $lang, self::$curr);
return $internal;
public static function internal_to_code($matches) {
return self::$delim_pieces[intval($matches[1])];
// Auxiliary Methods ======================================================
/* Prepares code for formatting. */
public static function clean_code($code, $escape = TRUE, $spaces = FALSE, $tabs = FALSE, $lines = FALSE) {
if (empty($code)) {
return $code;
/* Convert <, > and & characters to entities, as these can appear as HTML tags and entities. */
if ($escape) {
$code = CrayonUtil::htmlspecialchars($code);
if ($spaces) {
// Replace 2 spaces with html escaped characters
$code = preg_replace('#[ ]{2}#msi', ' ', $code);
if ($tabs && CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::TAB_CONVERT)) {
// Replace tabs with 4 spaces
$code = preg_replace('#\t#', str_repeat(' ', CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::TAB_SIZE)), $code);
if ($lines) {
$code = preg_replace('#(\r\n)|\r|\n#msi', "\r\n", $code);
return $code;
/* Converts the code to entities and wraps in a <pre><code></code></pre> */
public static function plain_code($code, $encoded = TRUE) {
if (is_array($code)) {
// When used as a preg_replace_callback
$code = $code[1];
if (!$encoded) {
$code = CrayonUtil::htmlentities($code);
if (CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::TRIM_WHITESPACE)) {
$code = trim($code);
return '<pre class="crayon-plain-tag">' . $code . '</pre>';
public static function split_lines($code, $class) {
$code = self::clean_code($code, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
$class = preg_replace('#(\w+)#m', 'crayon-$1', $class);
$code = preg_replace('#^([^\r\n]+)(?=\r\n|\r|\n|$)#m', '<span class="' . $class . '">$1</span>', $code);
return $code;
private static function dimension_style($hl, $name) {
$mode = $unit = '';
switch ($name) {
case CrayonSettings::HEIGHT :
$mode = CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_MODE;
$unit = CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_UNIT;
case CrayonSettings::WIDTH :
$mode = CrayonSettings::WIDTH_MODE;
$unit = CrayonSettings::WIDTH_UNIT;
// XXX Uses actual index value to identify options
$mode = $hl->setting_index($mode);
$unit = $hl->setting_index($unit);
$dim_mode = $dim_unit = '';
if ($mode !== FALSE) {
switch ($mode) {
case 0 :
$dim_mode .= 'max-';
case 1 :
$dim_mode .= 'min-';
$dim_mode .= $name;
if ($unit !== FALSE) {
switch ($unit) {
case 0 :
$dim_unit = 'px';
case 1 :
$dim_unit = '%';
return ' ' . $dim_mode . ': ' . $hl->setting_val($name) . $dim_unit . ';';
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
// Class includes
require_once ('global.php');
require_once (CRAYON_PARSER_PHP);
require_once (CRAYON_FORMATTER_PHP);
require_once (CRAYON_SETTINGS_PHP);
require_once (CRAYON_LANGS_PHP);
/* The main class for managing the syntax highlighter */
class CrayonHighlighter {
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
private $id = '';
// URL is initially NULL, meaning none provided
private $url = NULL;
private $code = '';
private $formatted_code = '';
private $title = '';
private $line_count = 0;
private $marked_lines = array();
private $range = NULL;
private $error = '';
// Determine whether the code needs to be loaded, parsed or formatted
private $needs_load = FALSE;
private $needs_format = FALSE;
// Record the script run times
private $runtime = array();
// Whether the code is mixed
private $is_mixed = FALSE;
// Inline code on a single floating line
private $is_inline = FALSE;
private $is_highlighted = TRUE;
// Objects
// Stores the CrayonLang being used
private $language = NULL;
// A copy of the current global settings which can be overridden
private $settings = NULL;
// Methods ================================================================
function __construct($url = NULL, $language = NULL, $id = NULL) {
if ($url !== NULL) {
if ($language !== NULL) {
// Default ID
$id = $id !== NULL ? $id : uniqid();
/* Tries to load the code locally, then attempts to load it remotely */
private function load() {
if (empty($this->url)) {
$this->error('The specified URL is empty, please provide a valid URL.');
// Try to replace the URL with an absolute path if it is local, used to prevent scripts
// from executing when they are loaded.
$url = $this->url;
if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::DECODE_ATTRIBUTES)) {
$url = CrayonUtil::html_entity_decode($url);
$url = CrayonUtil::pathf($url);
$site_http = CrayonGlobalSettings::site_url();
$scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
// Try to replace the site URL with a path to force local loading
if (empty($scheme)) {
// No url scheme is given - path may be given as relative
$url = CrayonUtil::path_slash($site_http) . CrayonUtil::path_slash($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::LOCAL_PATH)) . $url;
$http_code = 0;
// If available, use the built in wp remote http get function.
if (function_exists('wp_remote_get')) {
$url_uid = 'crayon_' . CrayonUtil::str_uid($url);
$cached = get_transient($url_uid, 'crayon-syntax');
if ($cached !== FALSE) {
$content = $cached;
$http_code = 200;
} else {
$response = @wp_remote_get($url, array('sslverify' => false, 'timeout' => 20));
$content = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
$http_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response);
$cache = $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::CACHE);
$cache_sec = CrayonSettings::get_cache_sec($cache);
if ($cache_sec > 1 && $http_code >= 200 && $http_code < 400) {
set_transient($url_uid, $content, $cache_sec);
} else if (in_array(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME), array('ssl', 'http', 'https'))) {
// Fallback to cURL. At this point, the URL scheme must be valid.
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
// For https connections, we do not require SSL verification
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5);
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
$content = curl_exec($ch);
$error = curl_error($ch);
$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($http_code >= 200 && $http_code < 400) {
} else {
if (empty($this->code)) {
// If code is also given, just use that
$this->error("The provided URL ('$this->url'), parsed remotely as ('$url'), could not be accessed.");
$this->needs_load = FALSE;
/* Central point of access for all other functions to update code. */
public function process() {
$tmr = new CrayonTimer();
$this->runtime = NULL;
if ($this->needs_load) {
$this->runtime[CRAYON_LOAD_TIME] = $tmr->stop();
if (!empty($this->error) || empty($this->code)) {
// Disable highlighting for errors and empty code
if ($this->language === NULL) {
if ($this->needs_format) {
try {
// Parse before hand to read modes
$code = $this->code;
// If inline, then combine lines into one
if ($this->is_inline) {
$code = preg_replace('#[\r\n]+#ms', '', $code);
if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TRIM_WHITESPACE)) {
$code = trim($code);
// Decode html entities (e.g. if using visual editor or manually encoding)
if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::DECODE)) {
$code = CrayonUtil::html_entity_decode($code);
// Save code so output is plain output is the same
$this->code = $code;
// Allow mixed if langauge supports it and setting is set
if (!$this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::MIXED) || !$this->language->mode(CrayonParser::ALLOW_MIXED)) {
// Format the code with the generated regex and elements
$this->formatted_code = CrayonFormatter::format_code($code, $this->language, $this);
} else {
// Format the code with Mixed Highlighting
$this->formatted_code = CrayonFormatter::format_mixed_code($code, $this->language, $this);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->needs_format = FALSE;
$this->runtime[CRAYON_FORMAT_TIME] = $tmr->stop();
/* Used to format the glue in between code when finding mixed languages */
private function format_glue($glue, $highlight = TRUE) {
// TODO $highlight
return CrayonFormatter::format_code($glue, $this->language, $this, $highlight);
/* Sends the code to the formatter for printing. Apart from the getters and setters, this is
the only other function accessible outside this class. $show_lines can also be a string. */
function output($show_lines = TRUE, $print = TRUE) {
if (empty($this->error)) {
// If no errors have occured, print the formatted code
$ret = CrayonFormatter::print_code($this, $this->formatted_code, $show_lines, $print);
} else {
$ret = CrayonFormatter::print_error($this, $this->error, '', $print);
// Reset the error message at the end of the print session
$this->error = '';
// If $print = FALSE, $ret will contain the output
return $ret;
// Getters and Setters ====================================================
function code($code = NULL) {
if ($code === NULL) {
return $this->code;
} else {
// Trim whitespace
if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TRIM_WHITESPACE)) {
$code = preg_replace("#(?:^\\s*\\r?\\n)|(?:\\r?\\n\\s*$)#", '', $code);
if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TRIM_CODE_TAG)) {
$code = preg_replace('#^\s*<\s*code[^>]*>#msi', '', $code);
$code = preg_replace('#</\s*code[^>]*>\s*$#msi', '', $code);
$before = $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::WHITESPACE_BEFORE);
if ($before > 0) {
$code = str_repeat("\n", $before) . $code;
$after = $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::WHITESPACE_AFTER);
if ($after > 0) {
$code = $code . str_repeat("\n", $after);
if (!empty($code)) {
$this->code = $code;
$this->needs_format = TRUE;
function language($id = NULL) {
if ($id === NULL || !is_string($id)) {
return $this->language;
if ( ($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->get($id)) != FALSE || ($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->alias($id)) != FALSE ) {
// Set the language if it exists or look for an alias
$this->language = $lang;
} else {
// Prepare the language for use, even if we have no code, we need the name
function language_detect() {
// Attempt to detect the language
if (!empty($id)) {
$this->log("The language '$id' could not be loaded.");
$this->language = CrayonResources::langs()->detect($this->url, $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG));
function url($url = NULL) {
if ($url === NULL) {
return $this->url;
} else {
$this->url = $url;
$this->needs_load = TRUE;
function title($title = NULL) {
if (!CrayonUtil::str($this->title, $title)) {
return $this->title;
function line_count($line_count = NULL) {
if (!CrayonUtil::num($this->line_count, $line_count)) {
return $this->line_count;
function marked($str = NULL) {
if ($str === NULL) {
return $this->marked_lines;
// If only an int is given
if (is_int($str)) {
$array = array($str);
return CrayonUtil::arr($this->marked_lines, $array);
// A string with ints separated by commas, can also contain ranges
$array = CrayonUtil::trim_e($str);
$array = array_unique($array);
$lines = array();
foreach ($array as $line) {
// Check for ranges
if (strpos($line, '-') !== FALSE) {
$ranges = CrayonUtil::range_str($line);
$lines = array_merge($lines, $ranges);
} else {
// Otherwise check the string for a number
$line = intval($line);
if ($line !== 0) {
$lines[] = $line;
return CrayonUtil::arr($this->marked_lines, $lines);
function range($str = NULL) {
if ($str === NULL) {
return $this->range;
} else {
$range = CrayonUtil::range_str_single($str);
if ($range) {
$this->range = $range;
return FALSE;
function log($var) {
if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::ERROR_LOG)) {
function id($id = NULL) {
if ($id == NULL) {
return $this->id;
} else {
$this->id = strval($id);
function error($string = NULL) {
if (!$string) {
return $this->error;
$this->error .= $string;
// Add the error string and ensure no further processing occurs
$this->needs_load = FALSE;
$this->needs_format = FALSE;
// Set and retreive settings
// TODO fix this, it's too limiting
function settings($mixed = NULL) {
if ($this->settings == NULL) {
$this->settings = CrayonGlobalSettings::get_obj();
if ($mixed === NULL) {
return $this->settings;
} else if (is_string($mixed)) {
return $this->settings->get($mixed);
} else if (is_array($mixed)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Retrieve a single setting's value for use in the formatter. By default, on failure it will
* return TRUE to ensure FALSE is only sent when a setting is found. This prevents a fake
* FALSE when the formatter checks for a positive setting (Show/Enable) and fails. When a
* negative setting is needed (Hide/Disable), $default_return should be set to FALSE. */
// TODO fix this (see above)
function setting_val($name = NULL, $default_return = TRUE) {
if (is_string($name) && $setting = $this->settings($name)) {
return $setting->value();
} else {
// Name not valid
return (is_bool($default_return) ? $default_return : TRUE);
// Set a setting value
// TODO fix this (see above)
function setting_set($name = NULL, $value = TRUE) {
$this->settings->set($name, $value);
// Used to find current index in dropdown setting
function setting_index($name = NULL) {
$setting = $this->settings($name);
if (is_string($name) && $setting->is_array()) {
return $setting->index();
} else {
// Returns -1 to avoid accidentally selecting an item in a dropdown
return CrayonSettings::INVALID;
function formatted_code() {
return $this->formatted_code;
function runtime() {
return $this->runtime;
function is_highlighted($highlighted = NULL) {
if ($highlighted === NULL) {
return $this->is_highlighted;
} else {
$this->is_highlighted = $highlighted;
function is_mixed($mixed = NULL) {
if ($mixed === NULL) {
return $this->is_mixed;
} else {
$this->is_mixed = $mixed;
function is_inline($inline = NULL) {
if ($inline === NULL) {
return $this->is_inline;
} else {
$inline = CrayonUtil::str_to_bool($inline, FALSE);
$this->is_inline = $inline;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
require_once ('global.php');
require_once (CRAYON_RESOURCE_PHP);
class CrayonLangsResourceType {
const EXTENSION = 0;
const ALIAS = 1;
const DELIMITER = 2;
/* Manages languages once they are loaded. The parser directly loads them, saves them here. */
class CrayonLangs extends CrayonUserResourceCollection {
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
// CSS classes for known elements
private static $known_elements = array('COMMENT' => 'c', 'PREPROCESSOR' => 'p', 'STRING' => 's', 'KEYWORD' => 'k',
'STATEMENT' => 'st', 'RESERVED' => 'r', 'TYPE' => 't', 'TAG' => 'ta', 'MODIFIER' => 'm', 'IDENTIFIER' => 'i',
'ENTITY' => 'e', 'VARIABLE' => 'v', 'CONSTANT' => 'cn', 'OPERATOR' => 'o', 'SYMBOL' => 'sy',
'NOTATION' => 'n', 'FADED' => 'f', CrayonParser::HTML_CHAR => 'h', CrayonParser::CRAYON_ELEMENT => 'crayon-internal-element');
const DEFAULT_LANG = 'default';
const DEFAULT_LANG_NAME = 'Default';
const RESOURCE_TYPE = 'CrayonLangsResourceType';
// Used to cache the objects, since they are unlikely to change during a single run
private static $resource_cache = array();
// Methods ================================================================
public function __construct() {
$this->set_default(self::DEFAULT_LANG, self::DEFAULT_LANG_NAME);
CrayonLog::debug("Setting lang directories");
$upload = CrayonGlobalSettings::upload_path();
if ($upload) {
$this->user_directory($upload . CRAYON_LANG_DIR);
if (!is_dir($this->user_directory())) {
CrayonLog::debug($this->user_directory(), "LANG USER DIR");
} else {
CrayonLog::syslog("Upload directory is empty: " . $upload . " cannot load languages.");
public function filename($id, $user = NULL) {
return $id."/$id.".$this->extension();
// XXX Override
public function load_process() {
$this->load_delimiters(); // TODO check for setting?
public function load_resources($dir = NULL) {
// XXX Override
public function create_user_resource_instance($id, $name = NULL) {
return new CrayonLang($id, $name);
// XXX Override
public function add_default() {
$result = parent::add_default();
if ($this->is_state_loading() && !$result) {
// Default not added, must already be loaded, ready to parse
/* Attempts to detect the language based on extension, otherwise falls back to fallback language given.
* Returns a CrayonLang object. */
public function detect($path, $fallback_id = NULL) {
// If fallback id if given
if ($fallback_id == NULL) {
// Otherwise use global fallback
$fallback_id = CrayonGlobalSettings::get(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG);
// Attempt to use fallback
$fallback = $this->get($fallback_id);
// Use extension before trying fallback
$extension = isset($extension) ? $extension : '';
if ( !empty($extension) && ($lang = $this->ext($extension)) || ($lang = $this->get($extension)) ) {
// If extension is found, attempt to find a language for it.
// If that fails, attempt to load a language with the same id as the extension.
return $lang;
} else if ($fallback != NULL || $fallback = $this->get_default()) {
// Resort to fallback if loaded, or fallback to default
return $fallback;
} else {
// No language found
return NULL;
/* Load all extensions and add them into each language. */
private function load_exts() {
// Load only once
if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
if ( ($lang_exts = self::load_attr_file(CRAYON_LANG_EXT)) !== FALSE ) {
foreach ($lang_exts as $lang_id=>$exts) {
$lang = $this->get($lang_id);
/* Load all extensions and add them into each language. */
private function load_aliases() {
// Load only once
if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
if ( ($lang_aliases = self::load_attr_file(CRAYON_LANG_ALIAS)) !== FALSE ) {
foreach ($lang_aliases as $lang_id=>$aliases) {
$lang = $this->get($lang_id);
/* Load all extensions and add them into each language. */
private function load_delimiters() {
// Load only once
if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
if ( ($lang_delims = self::load_attr_file(CRAYON_LANG_DELIM)) !== FALSE ) {
foreach ($lang_delims as $lang_id=>$delims) {
$lang = $this->get($lang_id);
// Used to load aliases and extensions to languages
private function load_attr_file($path) {
if ( ($lines = CrayonUtil::lines($path, 'lwc')) !== FALSE) {
$attributes = array(); // key = language id, value = array of attr
foreach ($lines as $line) {
preg_match('#^[\t ]*([^\r\n\t ]+)[\t ]+([^\r\n]+)#', $line, $matches);
if (count($matches) == 3 && $lang = $this->get($matches[1])) {
// If the langauges of the attribute exists, return it in an array
// TODO merge instead of replace key?
$attributes[$matches[1]] = explode(' ', $matches[2]);
return $attributes;
} else {
CrayonLog::syslog('Could not load attr file: ' . $path);
return FALSE;
/* Returns the CrayonLang for the given extension */
public function ext($ext) {
foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
if ($lang->has_ext($ext)) {
return $lang;
return FALSE;
/* Returns the CrayonLang for the given alias */
public function alias($alias) {
foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
if ($lang->has_alias($alias)) {
return $lang;
return FALSE;
/* Fetches a resource. Type is an int from CrayonLangsResourceType. */
public function fetch($type, $reload = FALSE, $keep_empty_fetches = FALSE) {
if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$resource_cache) || $reload) {
$fetches = array();
foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
switch ($type) {
case CrayonLangsResourceType::EXTENSION:
$fetch = $lang->ext();
case CrayonLangsResourceType::ALIAS:
$fetch = $lang->alias();
case CrayonLangsResourceType::DELIMITER:
$fetch = $lang->delimiter();
return FALSE;
if ( !empty($fetch) || $keep_empty_fetches ) {
$fetches[$lang->id()] = $fetch;
self::$resource_cache[$type] = $fetches;
return self::$resource_cache[$type];
public function extensions($reload = FALSE) {
return $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::EXTENSION, $reload);
public function aliases($reload = FALSE) {
return $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::ALIAS, $reload);
public function delimiters($reload = FALSE) {
return $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::DELIMITER, $reload);
public function extensions_inverted($reload = FALSE) {
$extensions = $this->extensions($reload);
$inverted = array();
foreach ($extensions as $lang=>$exts) {
foreach ($exts as $ext) {
$inverted[$ext] = $lang;
return $inverted;
public function ids_and_aliases($reload = FALSE) {
$fetch = $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::ALIAS, $reload, TRUE);
foreach ($fetch as $id=>$alias_array) {
$ids_and_aliases[] = $id;
foreach ($alias_array as $alias) {
$ids_and_aliases[] = $alias;
return $ids_and_aliases;
/* Return the array of valid elements or a particular element value */
public static function known_elements($name = NULL) {
if ($name === NULL) {
return self::$known_elements;
} else if (is_string($name) && array_key_exists($name, self::$known_elements)) {
return self::$known_elements[$name];
} else {
return FALSE;
/* Verify an element is valid */
public static function is_known_element($name) {
return self::known_elements($name) !== FALSE;
/* Compare two languages by name */
public static function langcmp($a, $b) {
$a = strtolower($a->name());
$b = strtolower($b->name());
if ($a == $b) {
return 0;
} else {
return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;
public static function sort_by_name($langs) {
// Sort by name
usort($langs, 'CrayonLangs::langcmp');
$sorted_lags = array();
foreach ($langs as $lang) {
$sorted_lags[$lang->id()] = $lang;
return $sorted_lags;
public function is_parsed($id = NULL) {
if ($id === NULL) {
// Determine if all langs are successfully parsed
foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
if ($lang->state() != CrayonLang::PARSED_SUCCESS) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
} else if (($lang = $this->get($id)) != FALSE) {
return $lang->is_parsed();
return FALSE;
public function is_default($id) {
if (($lang = $this->get($id)) != FALSE) {
return $lang->is_default();
return FALSE;
/* Individual language. */
class CrayonLang extends CrayonVersionResource {
private $ext = array();
private $aliases = array();
private $delimiters = '';
// Associative array of CrayonElement objects
private $elements = array();
//private $regex = '';
private $state = self::UNPARSED;
private $modes = array();
// Whether this language allows Multiple Highlighting from other languages
const PARSED_ERRORS = -1;
const UNPARSED = 0;
function __construct($id, $name = NULL) {
parent::__construct($id, $name);
$this->modes = CrayonParser::modes();
// Override
function clean_id($id) {
$id = CrayonUtil::space_to_hyphen( strtolower(trim($id)) );
return preg_replace('/[^\w\-+#]/msi', '', $id);
function ext($ext = NULL) {
if ($ext === NULL) {
return $this->ext;
} else if (is_array($ext) && !empty($ext)) {
foreach ($ext as $e) {
} else if (is_string($ext) && !empty($ext) && !in_array($ext, $this->ext)) {
$ext = strtolower($ext);
$ext = str_replace('.', '', $ext);
$this->ext[] = $ext;
function has_ext($ext) {
return is_string($ext) && in_array($ext, $this->ext);
function alias($alias = NULL) {
if ($alias === NULL) {
return $this->aliases;
} else if (is_array($alias) && !empty($alias)) {
foreach ($alias as $a) {
} else if (is_string($alias) && !empty($alias) && !in_array($alias, $this->aliases)) {
$alias = strtolower($alias);
$this->aliases[] = $alias;
function has_alias($alias) {
return is_string($alias) && in_array($alias, $this->aliases);
function delimiter($delim = NULL) {
if ($delim === NULL) {
return $this->delimiters;
// Convert to regex for capturing delimiters
} else if (is_string($delim) && !empty($delim)) {
$this->delimiters = '(?:'.$delim.')';
} else if (is_array($delim) && !empty($delim)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($delim); $i++) {
$delim[$i] = CrayonUtil::esc_atomic($delim[$i]);
$this->delimiters = '(?:'.implode(')|(?:', $delim).')';
function regex($element = NULL) {
if ($element == NULL) {
$regexes = array();
foreach ($this->elements as $element) {
$regexes[] = $element->regex();
return '#' . '(?:('. implode(')|(', array_values($regexes)) . '))' . '#' .
($this->mode(CrayonParser::CASE_INSENSITIVE) ? 'i' : '') .
($this->mode(CrayonParser::MULTI_LINE) ? 'm' : '') .
($this->mode(CrayonParser::SINGLE_LINE) ? 's' : '');
} else if (is_string($element) && array_key_exists($element, $this->elements)) {
return $this->elements[$element]->regex();
// Retrieve by element name or set by CrayonElement
function element($name, $element = NULL) {
if (is_string($name)) {
$name = trim(strtoupper($name));
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->elements) && $element === NULL) {
return $this->elements[$name];
} else if (@get_class($element) == CRAYON_ELEMENT_CLASS) {
$this->elements[$name] = $element;
function elements() {
return $this->elements;
function mode($name = NULL, $value = NULL) {
if (is_string($name) && CrayonParser::is_mode($name)) {
$name = trim(strtoupper($name));
if ($value == NULL && array_key_exists($name, $this->modes)) {
return $this->modes[$name];
} else if (is_string($value)) {
if (CrayonUtil::str_equal_array(trim($value), array('ON', 'YES', '1'))) {
$this->modes[$name] = TRUE;
} else if (CrayonUtil::str_equal_array(trim($value), array('OFF', 'NO', '0'))) {
$this->modes[$name] = FALSE;
} else {
return $this->modes;
function state($state = NULL) {
if ($state === NULL) {
return $this->state;
} else if (is_int($state)) {
if ($state < 0) {
$this->state = self::PARSED_ERRORS;
} else if ($state > 0) {
$this->state = self::PARSED_SUCCESS;
} else if ($state == 0) {
$this->state = self::UNPARSED;
function state_info() {
switch ($this->state) {
case self::PARSED_ERRORS :
return 'Parsed With Errors';
case self::PARSED_SUCCESS :
return 'Successfully Parsed';
case self::UNPARSED :
return 'Not Parsed';
default :
return 'Undetermined';
function is_parsed() {
return ($this->state != self::UNPARSED);
function is_default() {
return $this->id() == CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG;
class CrayonElement {
// The pure regex syntax without any modifiers or delimiters
private $name = '';
private $css = '';
private $regex = '';
private $fallback = '';
private $path = '';
function __construct($name, $path, $regex = '') {
function __toString() {
return $this->regex();
function name($name = NULL) {
if ($name == NULL) {
return $this->name;
} else if (is_string($name)) {
$name = trim(strtoupper($name));
if (CrayonLangs::is_known_element($name)) {
// If known element, set CSS to known class
$this->name = $name;
function regex($regex = NULL) {
if ($regex == NULL) {
return $this->regex;
} else if (is_string($regex)) {
if (($result = CrayonParser::validate_regex($regex, $this)) !== FALSE) {
$this->regex = $result;
} else {
return FALSE;
// Expects: 'class1 class2 class3'
function css($css = NULL) {
if ($css == NULL) {
return $this->css;
} else if (is_string($css)) {
$this->css = CrayonParser::validate_css($css);
function fallback($fallback = NULL) {
if ($fallback == NULL) {
return $this->fallback;
} else if (is_string($fallback) && CrayonLangs::is_known_element($fallback)) {
$this->fallback = $fallback;
function path($path = NULL) {
if ($path == NULL) {
return $this->path;
} else if (is_string($path) && @file_exists($path)) {
$this->path = $path;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
require_once ('global.php');
require_once (CRAYON_LANGS_PHP);
/* Manages parsing the syntax for any given language, constructing the regex, and validating the
elements. */
class CrayonParser {
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
//const NO_END_TAG = '(?![^<]*>)'; // No longer used
const HTML_CHAR_REGEX = '<|>|(&([\w-]+);?)|[ \t]+';
const CRAYON_ELEMENT_REGEX = '\{\{crayon-internal:[^\}]*\}\}';
const CRAYON_ELEMENT_REGEX_CAPTURE = '\{\{crayon-internal:([^\}]*)\}\}';
private static $modes = array(self::CASE_INSENSITIVE => TRUE, self::MULTI_LINE => TRUE, self::SINGLE_LINE => TRUE, self::ALLOW_MIXED => TRUE);
// Methods ================================================================
private function __construct() {}
* Parse all languages stored in CrayonLangs.
* Avoid using this unless you must list the details in language files for all languages.
* @return array Array of all loaded CrayonLangs.
public static function parse_all() {
$langs = CrayonResources::langs()->get();
if (empty($langs)) {
return FALSE;
foreach ($langs as $lang) {
return $langs;
/* Read a syntax file and parse the regex rules within it, this may require several other
files containing lists of keywords and such to be read. Updates the parsed elements and
regex in the CrayonLang with the given $id. */
public static function parse($id) {
// Verify the language is loaded and has not been parsed before
if ( !($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->get($id)) ) {
CrayonLog::syslog("The language with id '$id' was not loaded and could not be parsed.");
return FALSE;
} else if ($lang->is_parsed()) {
// Read language file
$path = CrayonResources::langs()->path($id);
CrayonLog::debug('Parsing language ' . $path);
if ( ($file = CrayonUtil::lines($path, 'wcs')) === FALSE ) {
CrayonLog::debug('Parsing failed ' . $path);
return FALSE;
// Extract the language name
$name_pattern = '#^[ \t]*name[ \t]+([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#mi';
preg_match($name_pattern, $file, $name);
if (count($name) > 1) {
$name = $name[1];
$file = preg_replace($name_pattern, '', $file);
} else {
$name = $lang->id();
// Extract the language version
$version_pattern = '#^[ \t]*version[ \t]+([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#mi';
preg_match($version_pattern, $file, $version);
if (count($version) > 1) {
$version = $version[1];
$file = preg_replace($version_pattern, '', $file);
// Extract the modes
$mode_pattern = '#^[ \t]*(' . implode('|', array_keys(self::$modes)) . ')[ \t]+(?:=[ \t]*)?([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#mi';
preg_match_all($mode_pattern, $file, $mode_matches);
if (count($mode_matches) == 3) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($mode_matches[0]); $i++) {
$lang->mode($mode_matches[1][$i], $mode_matches[2][$i]);
$file = preg_replace($mode_pattern, '', $file);
/* Add reserved Crayon element. This is used by Crayon internally. */
$crayon_element = new CrayonElement(self::CRAYON_ELEMENT, $path, self::CRAYON_ELEMENT_REGEX);
$lang->element(self::CRAYON_ELEMENT, $crayon_element);
// Extract elements, classes and regex
$pattern = '#^[ \t]*([\w:]+)[ \t]+(?:\[([\w\t ]*)\][ \t]+)?([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#m';
preg_match_all($pattern, $file, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[0])) {
$elements = $matches[1];
$classes = $matches[2];
$regexes = $matches[3];
} else {
CrayonLog::syslog("No regex patterns and/or elements were parsed from language file at '$path'.");
// Remember state in case we encounter catchable exceptions
$error = FALSE;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
// References
$name = &$elements[$i];
$class = &$classes[$i];
$regex = &$regexes[$i];
$name = trim(strtoupper($name));
// Ensure both the element and regex are valid
if (empty($name) || empty($regex)) {
CrayonLog::syslog("Element(s) and/or regex(es) are missing in '$path'.");
$error = TRUE;
// Look for fallback element
$pieces = explode(':', $name);
if (count($pieces) == 2) {
$name = $pieces[0];
$fallback = $pieces[1];
} else if (count($pieces) == 1) {
$name = $pieces[0];
$fallback = '';
} else {
CrayonLog::syslog("Too many colons found in element name '$name' in '$path'");
$error = TRUE;
// Create a new CrayonElement
$element = new CrayonElement($name, $path);
if (!empty($class)) {
// Avoid setting known css to blank
if ($element->regex($regex) === FALSE) {
$error = TRUE;
// Add the regex to the element
$lang->element($name, $element);
$state = $error ? CrayonLang::PARSED_ERRORS : CrayonLang::PARSED_SUCCESS;
/* Prevents < > and other html entities from being printed as is, which could lead to actual html tags
* from the printed code appearing on the page - not good. This can also act to color any HTML entities
* that are not picked up by previously defined elements.
$html = new CrayonElement(self::HTML_CHAR, $path, self::HTML_CHAR_REGEX);
$lang->element(self::HTML_CHAR, $html);
// Validates regex and accesses data stored in a CrayonElement
public static function validate_regex($regex, $element) {
if (is_string($regex) && @get_class($element) == CRAYON_ELEMENT_CLASS) {
// If the (?alt) tag has been used, insert the file into the regex
$file = self::regex_match('#\(\?alt:(.+?)\)#', $regex);
if ( count($file) == 2 ) {
// Element 0 has full match, 1 has captured groups
for ($i = 0; $i < count($file[1]); $i++) {
$file_lines = CrayonUtil::lines(dirname($element->path()) . crayon_s() . $file[1][$i], 'rcwh');
if ($file_lines !== FALSE) {
$file_lines = implode('|', $file_lines);
// If any spaces exist, treat them as whitespace
$file_lines = preg_replace('#[ \t]+#msi', '\s+', $file_lines);
$regex = str_replace($file[0][$i], "(?:$file_lines)", $regex);
} else {
CrayonLog::syslog("Parsing of '{$element->path()}' failed, an (?alt) tag failed for the element '{$element->name()}'" );
return FALSE;
// If the (?default:element) function is used, replace the regex with the default, if exists
$def = self::regex_match('#\(\?default(?:\:(\w+))?\)#', $regex);
if ( count($def) == 2 ) {
// Load default language
$default = CrayonResources::langs()->get(CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG);
// If default has not been loaded, we can't use it, skip the element
if (!$default) {
"Could not use default regex in the element '{$element->name()}' in '{$element->path()}'");
return FALSE;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($def[1]); $i++) {
// If an element has been provided
$element_name = ( !empty($def[1][$i]) ) ? $def[1][$i] : $element->name();
if (($default_element = $default->element($element_name)) != FALSE) {
$regex = str_replace($def[0][$i], '(?:' . $default_element->regex() .')', $regex);
} else {
CrayonLog::syslog("The language at '{$element->path()}' referred to the Default Language regex for element '{$element->name()}', which did not exist.");
CrayonLog::syslog("Default language URL: " . CrayonResources::langs()->url(CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG));
CrayonLog::syslog("Default language Path: " . CrayonResources::langs()->path(CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG));
return FALSE;
// If the (?html) tag is used, escape characters in html (<, > and &)
$html = self::regex_match('#\(\?html:(.+?)\)#', $regex);
if ( count($html) == 2 ) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($html[1]); $i++) {
$regex = str_replace($html[0][$i], htmlentities($html[1][$i]), $regex);
// Ensure all parenthesis are atomic to avoid conflicting with element matches
$regex = CrayonUtil::esc_atomic($regex);
// Escape #, this is our delimiter
$regex = CrayonUtil::esc_hash($regex);
// Test if regex is valid
if (@preg_match("#$regex#", '') === FALSE) {
CrayonLog::syslog("The regex for the element '{$element->name()}' in '{$element->path()}' is not valid.");
return FALSE;
return $regex;
} else {
return '';
public static function validate_css($css) {
if (is_string($css)) {
// Remove dots in CSS class and convert to lowercase
$css = str_replace('.', '', $css);
$css = strtolower($css);
$css = explode(' ', $css);
$css_str = '';
foreach ($css as $c) {
if (!empty($c)) {
$css_str .= $c . ' ';
return trim($css_str);
} else {
return '';
public static function regex_match($pattern, $subject) {
if (preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches)) {
return $matches;
return array();
public static function modes() {
return self::$modes;
public static function is_mode($name) {
return is_string($name) && array_key_exists($name, self::$modes);
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
require_once ('global.php');
require_once (CRAYON_LANGS_PHP);
require_once (CRAYON_THEMES_PHP);
require_once (CRAYON_FONTS_PHP);
class CrayonResources {
private static $langs = NULL;
private static $themes = NULL;
private static $fonts = NULL;
private function __construct() {}
public static function langs() {
if (self::$langs == NULL) {
self::$langs = new CrayonLangs();
return self::$langs;
public static function themes() {
if (self::$themes == NULL) {
self::$themes = new CrayonThemes();
return self::$themes;
public static function fonts() {
if (self::$fonts == NULL) {
self::$fonts = new CrayonFonts();
return self::$fonts;
class CrayonResourceCollection {
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
// Loaded resources
private $collection = array();
// Loading state
private $state = self::UNLOADED;
// Directory containing resources
private $dir = '';
private $default_id = '';
private $default_name = '';
const UNLOADED = -1;
const LOADING = 0;
const LOADED = 1;
// Methods ================================================================
/* Override in subclasses. Returns the absolute path for a given resource. Does not check for its existence. */
public function path($id) {
return '';
/* Verifies a resource exists. */
public function exists($id) {
return file_exists($this->path($id));
/* Load all the available languages. Doesn't parse them for their names and regex. */
public function load() {
// Load only once
if (!$this->is_state_unloaded()) {
$this->state = self::LOADING;
$this->state = self::LOADED;
public function load_resources($dir = NULL) {
if ($dir === NULL) {
$dir = $this->dir;
if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
// Load only once
try {
// Look in directory for resources
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
CrayonLog::syslog('The resource directory is missing, should be at \'' . $dir . '\'.');
} else if (($handle = @opendir($dir)) != FALSE) {
// Loop over directory contents
while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
// Check if $file is directory, remove extension when checking for existence.
if (!is_dir($dir . $file)) {
$file = CrayonUtil::path_rem_ext($file);
if ($this->exists($file)) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
CrayonLog::syslog('An error occured when trying to load resources: ' . $e->getFile() . $e->getLine());
/* Override in subclasses. */
public function load_process() {
if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
/* Override in subclasses */
public function add_default() {
if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
return FALSE;
} else if (!$this->is_loaded($this->default_id)) {
CrayonLog::syslog('The default resource could not be loaded from \'' . $this->dir . '\'.');
// Add the default, but it will not be functionable
$default = $this->resource_instance($this->default_id, $this->default_name);
$this->add($this->default_id, $default);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Returns the default resource */
public function set_default($id, $name) {
$this->default_id = $id;
$this->default_name = $name;
/* Returns the default resource */
public function get_default() {
return $this->get($this->default_id);
/* Override in subclasses to create subclass object if needed */
public function resource_instance($id, $name = NULL) {
return new CrayonResource($id, $name);
public function add($id, $resource) {
if (is_string($id) && !empty($id)) {
$this->collection[$id] = $resource;
CrayonLog::debug('Added resource: ' . $this->path($id));
} else {
CrayonLog::syslog('Could not add resource: ', $id);
public function add_resource($resource) {
$this->add($resource->id(), $resource);
public function remove($name) {
if (is_string($name) && !empty($name) && array_key_exists($name, $this->collection)) {
public function remove_all() {
$this->collection = array();
/* Returns the resource for the given id or NULL if it can't be found */
public function get($id = NULL) {
if ($id === NULL) {
return $this->collection;
} else if (is_string($id) && $this->is_loaded($id)) {
return $this->collection[$id];
return NULL;
public function get_array() {
$array = array();
foreach ($this->get() as $resource) {
$array[$resource->id()] = $resource->name();
return $array;
public function is_loaded($id) {
if (is_string($id)) {
return array_key_exists($id, $this->collection);
return FALSE;
public function get_state() {
return $this->state;
public function is_state_loaded() {
return $this->state == self::LOADED;
public function is_state_loading() {
return $this->state == self::LOADING;
public function is_state_unloaded() {
return $this->state == self::UNLOADED;
public function directory($dir = NULL) {
if ($dir === NULL) {
return $this->dir;
} else {
$this->dir = CrayonUtil::path_slash($dir);
public function url($id) {
return '';
public function get_css($id, $ver = NULL) {
$resource = $this->get($id);
return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $this->url($resource->id()) . ($ver ? "?ver=$ver" : '') . '" />' . CRAYON_NL;
class CrayonUsedResourceCollection extends CrayonResourceCollection {
// Checks if any resoruces are being used
public function is_used($id = NULL) {
if ($id === NULL) {
foreach ($this->get() as $resource) {
if ($resource->used()) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} else {
$resource = $this->get($id);
if (!$resource) {
return FALSE;
} else {
return $resource->used();
public function set_used($id, $value = TRUE) {
$resource = $this->get($id);
if ($resource !== NULL && !$resource->used()) {
$resource->used($value == TRUE);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
public function get_used() {
$used = array();
foreach ($this->get() as $resource) {
if ($resource->used()) {
$used[] = $resource;
return $used;
// XXX Override
public function resource_instance($id, $name = NULL) {
return new CrayonUsedResource($id, $name);
public function get_used_css() {
$used = $this->get_used();
$css = array();
foreach ($used as $resource) {
$url = $this->url($resource->id());
$css[$resource->id()] = $url;
return $css;
class CrayonUserResourceCollection extends CrayonUsedResourceCollection {
private $user_dir = '';
private $curr_dir = NULL;
// TODO better to use a base dir and relative
private $relative_directory = NULL;
// TODO move this higher up inheritance
private $extension = '';
// XXX Override
public function resource_instance($id, $name = NULL) {
$resource = $this->create_user_resource_instance($id, $name);
$resource->user($this->curr_dir == $this->user_directory());
return $resource;
public function create_user_resource_instance($id, $name = NULL) {
return new CrayonUserResource($id, $name);
public function user_directory($dir = NULL) {
if ($dir === NULL) {
return $this->user_dir;
} else {
$this->user_dir = CrayonUtil::path_slash($dir);
public function relative_directory($relative_directory = NULL) {
if ($relative_directory == NULL) {
return $this->relative_directory;
$this->relative_directory = $relative_directory;
public function extension($extension = NULL) {
if ($extension == NULL) {
return $this->extension;
$this->extension = $extension;
public function load_resources($dir = NULL) {
$this->curr_dir = $this->directory();
$this->curr_dir = $this->user_directory();
$this->curr_dir = NULL;
public function current_directory() {
return $this->curr_dir;
public function dir_is_user($id, $user = NULL) {
if ($user === NULL) {
if ($this->is_state_loading()) {
// We seem to be loading resources - use current directory
$user = $this->current_directory() == $this->user_directory();
} else {
$theme = $this->get($id);
if ($theme) {
$user = $theme->user();
} else {
$user = FALSE;
return $user;
public function dirpath($user = NULL) {
$path = $user ? $this->user_directory() : $this->directory();
return CrayonUtil::path_slash($path);
public function dirpath_for_id($id, $user = NULL) {
$user = $this->dir_is_user($id, $user);
return $this->dirpath($user) . $id;
public function dirurl($user = NULL) {
$path = $user ? CrayonGlobalSettings::upload_url() : CrayonGlobalSettings::plugin_path();
return CrayonUtil::path_slash($path . $this->relative_directory());
// XXX Override
public function path($id, $user = NULL) {
$user = $this->dir_is_user($id, $user);
return $this->dirpath($user) . $this->filename($id, $user);
// XXX Override
public function url($id, $user = NULL) {
$user = $this->dir_is_user($id, $user);
return $this->dirurl($user) . $this->filename($id, $user);
public function filename($id, $user = NULL) {
return "$id.$this->extension";
class CrayonResource {
private $id = '';
private $name = '';
function __construct($id, $name = NULL) {
$id = $this->clean_id($id);
CrayonUtil::str($this->id, $id);
( empty($name) ) ? $this->name( self::clean_name($this->id) ) : $this->name($name);
function __tostring() {
return $this->name;
function id() {
return $this->id;
function name($name = NULL) {
if ($name === NULL) {
return $this->name;
} else {
$this->name = $name;
function clean_id($id) {
$id = CrayonUtil::space_to_hyphen( strtolower(trim($id)) );
return preg_replace('#[^\w-]#msi', '', $id);
public static function clean_name($id) {
$id = CrayonUtil::hyphen_to_space( strtolower(trim($id)) );
return CrayonUtil::ucwords($id);
class CrayonUsedResource extends CrayonResource {
// Keeps track of usage
private $used = FALSE;
function used($used = NULL) {
if ($used === NULL) {
return $this->used;
} else {
$this->used = ($used ? TRUE : FALSE);
class CrayonUserResource extends CrayonUsedResource {
// Keeps track of user modifications
private $user = FALSE;
function user($user = NULL) {
if ($user === NULL) {
return $this->user;
} else {
$this->user = ($user ? TRUE : FALSE);
class CrayonVersionResource extends CrayonUserResource {
// Adds version
private $version = '';
function __construct($id, $name = NULL, $version = NULL) {
parent::__construct($id, $name);
function version($version = NULL) {
if ($version === NULL) {
return $this->version;
} else if (is_string($version)) {
$this->version = $version;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
* Stores CrayonSetting objects.
* Each Crayon instance stores an instance of this class containing its specific settings.
class CrayonSettings {
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
const INVALID = -1; // Used for invalid dropdown index
// Plugin data
const VERSION = 'version';
// Added when used in HTML to avoid id conflicts
const PREFIX = 'crayon-';
const SETTING = 'crayon-setting';
const SETTING_SELECTED = 'crayon-setting-selected';
const SETTING_CHANGED = 'crayon-setting-changed';
const SETTING_SPECIAL = 'crayon-setting-special';
const SETTING_ORIG_VALUE = 'data-orig-value';
// Global names for settings
const THEME = 'theme';
const FONT = 'font';
const FONT_SIZE_ENABLE = 'font-size-enable';
const FONT_SIZE = 'font-size';
const LINE_HEIGHT = 'line-height';
const PREVIEW = 'preview';
const HEIGHT_SET = 'height-set';
const HEIGHT_MODE = 'height-mode';
const HEIGHT = 'height';
const HEIGHT_UNIT = 'height-unit';
const WIDTH_SET = 'width-set';
const WIDTH_MODE = 'width-mode';
const WIDTH = 'width';
const WIDTH_UNIT = 'width-unit';
const TOP_SET = 'top-set';
const TOP_MARGIN = 'top-margin';
const LEFT_SET = 'left-set';
const LEFT_MARGIN = 'left-margin';
const BOTTOM_SET = 'bottom-set';
const BOTTOM_MARGIN = 'bottom-margin';
const RIGHT_SET = 'right-set';
const RIGHT_MARGIN = 'right-margin';
const H_ALIGN = 'h-align';
const FLOAT_ENABLE = 'float-enable';
const TOOLBAR = 'toolbar';
const TOOLBAR_OVERLAY = 'toolbar-overlay';
const TOOLBAR_HIDE = 'toolbar-hide';
const TOOLBAR_DELAY = 'toolbar-delay';
const COPY = 'copy';
const POPUP = 'popup';
const SHOW_LANG = 'show-lang';
const SHOW_TITLE = 'show-title';
const STRIPED = 'striped';
const MARKING = 'marking';
const START_LINE = 'start-line';
const NUMS = 'nums';
const NUMS_TOGGLE = 'nums-toggle';
const TRIM_WHITESPACE = 'trim-whitespace';
const WHITESPACE_BEFORE = 'whitespace-before';
const WHITESPACE_AFTER = 'whitespace-after';
const TRIM_CODE_TAG = 'trim-code-tag';
const TAB_SIZE = 'tab-size';
const TAB_CONVERT = 'tab-convert';
const FALLBACK_LANG = 'fallback-lang';
const LOCAL_PATH = 'local-path';
const SCROLL = 'scroll';
const PLAIN = 'plain';
const PLAIN_TOGGLE = 'plain-toggle';
const SHOW_PLAIN = 'show-plain';
const DISABLE_RUNTIME = 'runtime';
const DISABLE_DATE = 'disable-date';
const TOUCHSCREEN = 'touchscreen';
const DISABLE_ANIM = 'disable-anim';
const ERROR_LOG = 'error-log';
const ERROR_LOG_SYS = 'error-log-sys';
const ERROR_MSG_SHOW = 'error-msg-show';
const ERROR_MSG = 'error-msg';
const HIDE_HELP = 'hide-help';
const CACHE = 'cache';
const EFFICIENT_ENQUEUE = 'efficient-enqueue';
const CAPTURE_PRE = 'capture-pre';
const CAPTURE_MINI_TAG = 'capture-mini-tag';
const MIXED = 'mixed';
const SHOW_MIXED = 'show_mixed';
const PLAIN_TAG = 'plain_tag';
const SHOW_PLAIN_DEFAULT = 'show-plain-default';
const ENQUEUE_THEMES = 'enqueque-themes';
const ENQUEUE_FONTS = 'enqueque-fonts';
const MAIN_QUERY = 'main-query';
const SAFE_ENQUEUE = 'safe-enqueue';
const INLINE_TAG = 'inline-tag';
const INLINE_TAG_CAPTURE = 'inline-tag-capture';
const CODE_TAG_CAPTURE = 'code-tag-capture';
const CODE_TAG_CAPTURE_TYPE = 'code-tag-capture-type';
const INLINE_MARGIN = 'inline-margin';
const INLINE_WRAP = 'inline-wrap';
const BACKQUOTE = 'backquote';
const COMMENTS = 'comments';
const DECODE = 'decode';
const DECODE_ATTRIBUTES = 'decode-attributes';
// const TINYMCE_USED = 'tinymce-used';
const ATTR_SEP = 'attr-sep';
const EXCERPT_STRIP = 'excerpt-strip';
const RANGES = 'ranges';
const TAG_EDITOR_FRONT = 'tag-editor-front';
const TAG_EDITOR_SETTINGS = 'tag-editor-front-hide';
const TAG_EDITOR_ADD_BUTTON_TEXT = 'tag-editor-button-add-text';
const TAG_EDITOR_EDIT_BUTTON_TEXT = 'tag-editor-button-edit-text';
const TAG_EDITOR_QUICKTAG_BUTTON_TEXT = 'tag-editor-quicktag-button-text';
const WRAP_TOGGLE = 'wrap-toggle';
const WRAP = 'wrap';
const EXPAND = 'expand';
const EXPAND_TOGGLE = 'expand-toggle';
const MINIMIZE = 'minimize';
const IGNORE = 'ignore';
const DELAY_LOAD_JS = 'delay-load-js';
private static $cache_array;
public static function get_cache_sec($cache) {
$values = array_values(self::$cache_array);
if (array_key_exists($cache, $values)) {
return $values[$cache];
} else {
return $values[0];
// The current settings, should be loaded with default if none exists
private $settings = array();
// The settings with default values
private static $default = NULL;
function __construct() {
function copy() {
$settings = new CrayonSettings();
foreach ($this->settings as $setting) {
$settings->set($setting); // Overuse of set?
return $settings;
// Methods ================================================================
private function init() {
self::$cache_array = array(crayon__('Hourly') => 3600, crayon__('Daily') => 86400,
crayon__('Weekly') => 604800, crayon__('Monthly') => 18144000,
crayon__('Immediately') => 1);
$settings = array(
new CrayonSetting(self::VERSION, $CRAYON_VERSION, NULL, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::THEME, CrayonThemes::DEFAULT_THEME),
new CrayonSetting(self::FONT, CrayonFonts::DEFAULT_FONT),
new CrayonSetting(self::FONT_SIZE_ENABLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::FONT_SIZE, 12),
new CrayonSetting(self::LINE_HEIGHT, 15),
new CrayonSetting(self::PREVIEW, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::HEIGHT_SET, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::HEIGHT_MODE, array(crayon__('Max'), crayon__('Min'), crayon__('Static'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::HEIGHT, '500'),
new CrayonSetting(self::HEIGHT_UNIT, array(crayon__('Pixels'), crayon__('Percent'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::WIDTH_SET, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::WIDTH_MODE, array(crayon__('Max'), crayon__('Min'), crayon__('Static'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::WIDTH, '500'),
new CrayonSetting(self::WIDTH_UNIT, array(crayon__('Pixels'), crayon__('Percent'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOP_SET, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOP_MARGIN, 12),
new CrayonSetting(self::BOTTOM_SET, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::BOTTOM_MARGIN, 12),
new CrayonSetting(self::LEFT_SET, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::LEFT_MARGIN, 12),
new CrayonSetting(self::RIGHT_SET, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::RIGHT_MARGIN, 12),
new CrayonSetting(self::H_ALIGN, array(crayon__('None'), crayon__('Left'), crayon__('Center'), crayon__('Right'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::FLOAT_ENABLE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOOLBAR, array(crayon__('On MouseOver'), crayon__('Always'), crayon__('Never'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOOLBAR_OVERLAY, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOOLBAR_HIDE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOOLBAR_DELAY, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::COPY, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::POPUP, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::SHOW_LANG, array(crayon__('When Found'), crayon__('Always'), crayon__('Never'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::SHOW_TITLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::STRIPED, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::MARKING, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::START_LINE, 1),
new CrayonSetting(self::NUMS, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::NUMS_TOGGLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TRIM_WHITESPACE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::WHITESPACE_BEFORE, 0),
new CrayonSetting(self::WHITESPACE_AFTER, 0),
new CrayonSetting(self::TRIM_CODE_TAG, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAB_CONVERT, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAB_SIZE, 4),
new CrayonSetting(self::FALLBACK_LANG, CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG),
new CrayonSetting(self::LOCAL_PATH, ''),
new CrayonSetting(self::SCROLL, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::PLAIN, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::PLAIN_TOGGLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::SHOW_PLAIN_DEFAULT, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::SHOW_PLAIN,
array(crayon__('On Double Click'), crayon__('On Single Click'), crayon__('On MouseOver'), crayon__('Disable Mouse Events'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::DISABLE_ANIM, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOUCHSCREEN, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::DISABLE_RUNTIME, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::DISABLE_DATE, ''),
new CrayonSetting(self::ERROR_LOG, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ERROR_LOG_SYS, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ERROR_MSG_SHOW, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ERROR_MSG, crayon__('An error has occurred. Please try again later.')),
new CrayonSetting(self::HIDE_HELP, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::CACHE, array_keys(self::$cache_array), 1),
new CrayonSetting(self::EFFICIENT_ENQUEUE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::CAPTURE_PRE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::CAPTURE_MINI_TAG, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::MIXED, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::SHOW_MIXED, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::PLAIN_TAG, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ENQUEUE_THEMES, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ENQUEUE_FONTS, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::MAIN_QUERY, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::SAFE_ENQUEUE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::INLINE_TAG, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::INLINE_TAG_CAPTURE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::CODE_TAG_CAPTURE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::CODE_TAG_CAPTURE_TYPE, array(crayon__('Inline Tag'), crayon__('Block Tag'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::INLINE_MARGIN, 5),
new CrayonSetting(self::INLINE_WRAP, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::BACKQUOTE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::COMMENTS, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::DECODE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::DECODE_ATTRIBUTES, TRUE),
// new CrayonSetting(self::TINYMCE_USED, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ATTR_SEP, array(':', '_')),
new CrayonSetting(self::EXCERPT_STRIP, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::RANGES, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAG_EDITOR_FRONT, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAG_EDITOR_SETTINGS, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAG_EDITOR_ADD_BUTTON_TEXT, crayon__('Add Code')),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAG_EDITOR_EDIT_BUTTON_TEXT, crayon__('Edit Code')),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAG_EDITOR_QUICKTAG_BUTTON_TEXT, 'crayon'),
new CrayonSetting(self::WRAP_TOGGLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::WRAP, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::EXPAND, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::EXPAND_TOGGLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::MINIMIZE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::DELAY_LOAD_JS, FALSE)
$nonNegs = array(self::FONT_SIZE, self::LINE_HEIGHT, self::HEIGHT, self::WIDTH, self::START_LINE, self::WHITESPACE_BEFORE, self::WHITESPACE_AFTER, self::TAB_SIZE, self::INLINE_MARGIN);
$intNonNegValid = new CrayonNonNegIntValidator();
foreach ($nonNegs as $name) {
// Getter and Setter ======================================================
// TODO this needs simplification
function set($name, $value = NULL, $replace = FALSE) {
// Set associative array of settings
if (is_array($name)) {
$keys = array_keys($name);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (is_string($key)) {
// Associative value
$this->set($key, $name[$key], $replace);
} else if (is_int($key)) {
$setting = $name[$key];
$this->set($setting, NULL, $replace);
} else if (is_string($name) && !empty($name) && $value !== NULL) {
$value = CrayonSettings::validate($name, $value);
if ($replace || !$this->is_setting($name)) {
// Replace/Create
$this->settings[$name] = new CrayonSetting($name, $value);
} else {
// Update
} else if (is_object($name) && get_class($name) == CRAYON_SETTING_CLASS) {
$setting = $name; // Semantics
if ($replace || !$this->is_setting($setting->name())) {
// Replace/Create
$this->settings[$setting->name()] = $setting->copy();
} else {
// Update
if ($setting->is_array()) {
} else {
function get($name = NULL) {
if ($name === NULL) {
$copy = array();
foreach ($this->settings as $name => $setting) {
$copy[$name] = $setting->copy(); // Deep copy
return $copy;
} else if (is_string($name)) {
if ($this->is_setting($name)) {
return $this->settings[$name];
return FALSE;
function val($name = NULL) {
if (($setting = self::get($name)) != FALSE) {
return $setting->value();
} else {
return NULL;
function val_str($name) {
if (($setting = self::get($name)) != FALSE) {
$def = $setting->def();
$index = $setting->value();
if (array_key_exists($index, $def)) {
return $def[$index];
} else {
return NULL;
function get_array() {
$array = array();
foreach ($this->settings as $setting) {
$array[$setting->name()] = $setting->value();
return $array;
function is_setting($name) {
return (is_string($name) && array_key_exists($name, $this->settings));
/* Gets default settings, either as associative array of name=>value or CrayonSetting
objects */
public static function get_defaults($name = NULL, $objects = TRUE) {
if (self::$default === NULL) {
self::$default = new CrayonSettings();
if ($name === NULL) {
// Get all settings
if ($objects) {
// Return array of objects
return self::$default->get();
} else {
// Return associative array of name=>value
$settings = self::$default->get();
$defaults = array();
foreach ($settings as $setting) {
$defaults[$setting->name()] = $setting->value();
return $defaults;
} else {
// Return specific setting
if ($objects) {
return self::$default->get($name);
} else {
return self::$default->get($name)->value();
public static function get_defaults_array() {
return self::get_defaults(NULL, FALSE);
// Validation =============================================================
* Validates settings coming from an HTML form and also for internal use.
* This is used when saving form an HTML form to the db, and also when reading from the db
* back into the global settings.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
public static function validate($name, $value) {
if (!is_string($name)) {
return '';
// Type-cast to correct value for known settings
if (($setting = CrayonGlobalSettings::get($name)) != FALSE) {
// Booleans settings that are sent as string are allowed to have "false" == false
if (is_bool($setting->def())) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$value = CrayonUtil::str_to_bool($value);
} else {
// Ensure we don't cast integer settings to 0 because $value doesn't have any numbers in it
$value = strval($value);
// Only occurs when saving from the form ($_POST values are strings)
if ($value == '' || ($cleaned = $setting->sanitize($value, FALSE)) == '') {
// The value sent has no integers, change to default
$value = $setting->def();
} else {
// Cleaned value is int
$value = $cleaned;
// Cast all other settings as usual
if (!settype($value, $setting->type())) {
// If we can't cast, then use default value
if ($setting->is_array()) {
$value = 0; // default index
} else {
$value = $setting->def();
} else {
// If setting not found, remove value
return '';
switch ($name) {
case CrayonSettings::LOCAL_PATH:
$path = parse_url($value, PHP_URL_PATH);
// Remove all spaces, prefixed and trailing forward slashes
$path = preg_replace('#^/*|/*$|\s*#', '', $path);
// Replace backslashes
$path = preg_replace('#\\\\#', '/', $path);
// Append trailing forward slash
if (!empty($path)) {
$path .= '/';
return $path;
case CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE:
if ($value < 1) {
$value = 1;
case CrayonSettings::LINE_HEIGHT:
$font_size = CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE);
$value = $value >= $font_size ? $value : $font_size;
case CrayonSettings::THEME:
$value = strtolower($value);
// XXX validate settings here
// If no validation occurs, return value
return $value;
// Takes an associative array of "smart settings" and regular settings. Smart settings can be used
// to configure regular settings quickly.
// E.g. 'max_height="20px"' will set 'height="20"', 'height_mode="0", height_unit="0"'
public static function smart_settings($settings) {
if (!is_array($settings)) {
return FALSE;
// If a setting is given, it is automatically enabled
foreach ($settings as $name => $value) {
if (($setting = CrayonGlobalSettings::get($name)) !== FALSE && is_bool($setting->def())) {
$value = CrayonUtil::str_to_bool($value);
// XXX removed height and width, since it wasn't using the global settings for mode if only height was provided
if ($name == 'min-height' || $name == 'max-height' /* || $name == 'height'*/) {
self::smart_hw($name, CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_SET, CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_MODE, CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_UNIT, $settings);
} else if ($name == 'min-width' || $name == 'max-width' /* || $name == 'width'*/) {
self::smart_hw($name, CrayonSettings::WIDTH_SET, CrayonSettings::WIDTH_MODE, CrayonSettings::WIDTH_UNIT, $settings);
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE_ENABLE] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::TOP_MARGIN) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::TOP_SET] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::LEFT_MARGIN) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::LEFT_SET] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::BOTTOM_MARGIN) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::BOTTOM_SET] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::RIGHT_MARGIN) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::RIGHT_SET] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::ERROR_MSG) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::ERROR_MSG_SHOW] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::H_ALIGN) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::FLOAT_ENABLE] = TRUE;
$value = CrayonUtil::tlower($value);
$values = array('none' => 0, 'left' => 1, 'center' => 2, 'right' => 3);
if (array_key_exists($value, $values)) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::H_ALIGN] = $values[$value];
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::SHOW_LANG) {
$value = CrayonUtil::tlower($value);
$values = array('found' => 0, 'always' => 1, 'true' => 1, 'never' => 2, 'false' => 2);
if (array_key_exists($value, $values)) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::SHOW_LANG] = $values[$value];
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR) {
if (CrayonUtil::tlower($value) == 'always') {
$settings[CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR] = 1;
} else if (CrayonUtil::str_to_bool($value) === FALSE) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR] = 2;
return $settings;
// Used for height and width smart settings, I couldn't bear to copy paste code twice...
private static function smart_hw($name, $set, $mode, $unit, &$settings) {
if (!is_string($name) || !is_string($set) || !is_string($mode) || !is_string($unit) || !is_array($settings)) {
$settings[$set] = TRUE;
if (strpos($name, 'max-') !== FALSE) {
$settings[$mode] = 0;
} else if (strpos($name, 'min-') !== FALSE) {
$settings[$mode] = 1;
} else {
$settings[$mode] = 2;
preg_match('#(\d+)\s*([^\s]*)#', $settings[$name], $match);
if (count($match) == 3) {
$name = str_replace(array('max-', 'min-'), '', $name);
$settings[$name] = $match[1];
switch (strtolower($match[2])) {
case 'px':
$settings[$unit] = 0;
case '%':
$settings[$unit] = 1;
* Stores global/static copy of CrayonSettings loaded from db.
* These settings can be overriden by individual Crayons.
* Also manages global site settings and paths.
class CrayonGlobalSettings {
// The global settings stored as a CrayonSettings object.
private static $global = NULL;
/* These are used to load local files reliably and prevent scripts like PHP from executing
when attempting to load their code. */
// The URL of the site (eg. http://localhost/example/)
private static $site_http = '';
// The absolute root directory of the site (eg. /User/example/)
private static $site_path = '';
// The absolute root directory of the plugins (eg. /User/example/plugins)
private static $plugin_path = '';
private static $upload_path = '';
private static $upload_url = '';
private static $mkdir = NULL;
private function __construct() {
private static function init() {
if (self::$global === NULL) {
self::$global = new CrayonSettings();
public static function get($name = NULL) {
return self::$global->get($name);
public static function get_array() {
return self::$global->get_array();
public static function get_obj() {
return self::$global->copy();
public static function val($name = NULL) {
return self::$global->val($name);
public static function val_str($name = NULL) {
return self::$global->val_str($name);
public static function has_changed($input, $setting, $value) {
return $input == $setting && $value != CrayonGlobalSettings::val($setting);
public static function set($name, $value = NULL, $replace = FALSE) {
self::$global->set($name, $value, $replace);
public static function site_url($site_http = NULL) {
if ($site_http === NULL) {
return self::$site_http;
} else {
self::$site_http = CrayonUtil::url_slash($site_http);
public static function site_path($site_path = NULL) {
if ($site_path === NULL) {
return self::$site_path;
} else {
self::$site_path = CrayonUtil::path_slash($site_path);
public static function plugin_path($plugin_path = NULL) {
if ($plugin_path === NULL) {
return self::$plugin_path;
} else {
self::$plugin_path = CrayonUtil::path_slash($plugin_path);
public static function upload_path($upload_path = NULL) {
if ($upload_path === NULL) {
return self::$upload_path;
} else {
self::$upload_path = CrayonUtil::path_slash($upload_path);
public static function upload_url($upload_url = NULL) {
if ($upload_url === NULL) {
return self::$upload_url;
} else {
self::$upload_url = CrayonUtil::url_slash($upload_url);
public static function set_mkdir($mkdir = NULL) {
if ($mkdir === NULL) {
return self::$mkdir;
} else {
self::$mkdir = $mkdir;
public static function mkdir($dir = NULL) {
if (self::$mkdir) {
call_user_func(self::$mkdir, $dir);
} else {
@mkdir($dir, 0777, TRUE);
$INT = new CrayonValidator('#\d+#');
* Validation class.
class CrayonValidator {
private $pattern = '#*#msi';
public function __construct($pattern) {
public function pattern($pattern) {
if ($pattern === NULL) {
return $pattern;
} else {
$this->pattern = $pattern;
public function validate($str) {
return preg_match($this->pattern, $str) !== FALSE;
public function sanitize($str) {
preg_match_all($this->pattern, $str, $matches);
$result = '';
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$result .= $match[0];
return $result;
class CrayonNonNegIntValidator extends CrayonValidator {
public function __construct() {
class CrayonIntValidator extends CrayonValidator {
public function __construct() {
* Individual setting.
* Can store boolean, string, dropdown (with array of strings), etc.
class CrayonSetting {
private $name = '';
/* The type of variables that can be set as the value.
* For dropdown settings, value is int, even though value() will return a string. */
private $type = NULL;
private $default = NULL; // stores string array for dropdown settings
private $value = NULL; // stores index int for dropdown settings
private $is_array = FALSE; // only TRUE for dropdown settings
private $locked = FALSE;
private $validator = NULL;
public function __construct($name, $default = '', $value = NULL, $locked = NULL) {
if ($default !== NULL) {
$this->def($default); // Perform first to set type
if ($value !== NULL) {
if ($locked !== NULL) {
function __tostring() {
return $this->name;
function copy() {
return new CrayonSetting($this->name, $this->default, $this->value, $this->locked);
function name($name = NULL) {
if (!CrayonUtil::str($this->name, $name)) {
return $this->name;
function type() {
return $this->type;
function is_array() {
return $this->is_array;
function locked($locked = NULL) {
if ($locked === NULL) {
return $this->locked;
} else {
$this->locked = ($locked == TRUE);
* Sets/gets value;
* Value is index (int) in default value (array) for dropdown settings.
* value($value) is alias for index($index) if dropdown setting.
* value() returns string value at current index for dropdown settings.
* @param $value
function value($value = NULL) {
if ($value === NULL) {
/*if ($this->is_array) {
return $this->default[$this->value]; // value at index
} else */
if ($this->value !== NULL) {
return $this->value;
} else {
if ($this->is_array) {
return 0;
} else {
return $this->default;
} else if ($this->locked === FALSE) {
if ($this->is_array) {
$this->index($value); // $value is index
} else {
settype($value, $this->type); // Type cast
$this->value = $value;
function array_value() {
if ($this->is_array) {
return NULL;
return $this->default[$this->value];
* Sets/gets default value.
* For dropdown settings, default value is array of all possible value strings.
* @param $default
function def($default = NULL) {
// Only allow default to be set once
if ($this->type === NULL && $default !== NULL) {
// For dropdown settings
if (is_array($default)) { // The only time we don't use $this->is_array
// If empty, set to blank array
if (empty($default)) {
$default = array('');
} else {
// Ensure all values are unique strings
$default = CrayonUtil::array_unique_str($default);
$this->value = 0; // initial index
$this->is_array = TRUE;
$this->type = gettype(0); // Type is int (index)
} else {
$this->is_array = FALSE;
$this->type = gettype($default);
if (is_int($default)) {
$this->validator(new CrayonIntValidator());
$this->default = $default;
} else {
return $this->default;
* Sets/gets index.
* @param int|string $index
* @return FALSE if not dropdown setting
function index($index = NULL) {
if (!$this->is_array) {
return FALSE;
} else if ($index === NULL) {
return $this->value; // return current index
} else {
if (!is_int($index)) {
// Ensure $value is int for index
$index = intval($index);
// Validate index
if ($index < 0 || $index > count($this->default) - 1) {
$index = 0;
$this->value = $index;
* Finds the index of a string in an array setting
function find_index($str) {
if (!$this->is_array || is_string($str)) {
return FALSE;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->default); $i++) {
if ($this->default[$i] == $str) {
return $i;
return FALSE;
function validator($validator) {
if ($validator === NULL) {
return $this->validator;
} else {
$this->validator = $validator;
function sanitize($str) {
if ($this->validator != NULL) {
return $this->validator->sanitize($str);
} else {
return $str;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
require_once ('global.php');
require_once (CRAYON_RESOURCE_PHP);
/* Manages themes once they are loaded. */
class CrayonThemes extends CrayonUserResourceCollection {
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
const DEFAULT_THEME = 'classic';
const DEFAULT_THEME_NAME = 'Classic';
const CSS_PREFIX = '.crayon-theme-';
private $printed_themes = array();
// Methods ================================================================
function __construct() {
$this->set_default(self::DEFAULT_THEME, self::DEFAULT_THEME_NAME);
CrayonLog::debug("Setting theme directories");
$upload = CrayonGlobalSettings::upload_path();
if ($upload) {
$this->user_directory($upload . CRAYON_THEME_DIR);
if (!is_dir($this->user_directory())) {
CrayonLog::debug($this->user_directory(), "THEME USER DIR");
} else {
CrayonLog::syslog("Upload directory is empty: " . $upload . " cannot load themes.");
// XXX Override
public function filename($id, $user = NULL) {
return CrayonUtil::path_slash($id) . parent::filename($id, $user);
Normal file
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)
source ../util/
minify $COLORBOX_PATH/colorbox.css $INPUT_PATH/admin_style.css $INPUT_PATH/crayon_style.css $INPUT_PATH/global_style.css $OUTPUT_PATH/crayon.min.css
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
#crayon-log-wrapper {
/*width: 100%;*/
#crayon-main-wrap .form-table th {
width: 100px;
#crayon-log {
display: none;
max-height: 200px;
/*width: 100%;
/*resize: vertical;*/
border-color: #DFDFDF;
background-color: white;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-radius: 4px;
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
margin: 1px;
padding: 3px;
overflow: auto;
white-space: pre;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.crayon-span,.crayon-span-5,.crayon-span-10,.crayon-span-50,.crayon-span-100,.crayon-span-110 {
line-height: 24px;
display: inline-block;
.crayon-span-5 {
min-width: 5px;
.crayon-span-10 {
min-width: 10px;
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min-width: 50px;
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min-width: 100px;
.crayon-span-110 {
min-width: 117px;
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margin-left: 5px;
#height_mode, #width_mode {
min-width: 65px;
.crayon-error {
color: #F00;
.crayon-success {
color: #00F;
.crayon-warning {
color: #FF8000;
.crayon-help {
min-height: 30px;
padding: 5px 10px;
.crayon-help .crayon-help-close,
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text-decoration: none;
float: right;
color: #000;
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.crayon-help a {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-size: 12px;
#crayon-log-text {
font: 11px/13px Monaco, 'MonacoRegular', 'Courier New', monospace;
#crayon-log-controls {
float: left;
margin-right: 5px;
/*margin: 5px 0px;*/
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font-size: 12px;
border: 1px solid #999;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
margin-top: 12px;
.crayon-table td {
vertical-align: top;
border-bottom: 1px solid #AAA;
padding: 0px 6px;
margin: 0;
background: #EEE;
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background: #F8F8F8;
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font-weight: bold;
background: #CCC;
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.crayon-table tr:last-child td {
border: 0;
/*#lang-info {
display: none;
#lang-info div {
padding: 5px 0px;
.crayon-table .not-parsed {
color: #F00;
.crayon-table .parsed-with-errors {
color: #FF9900;
.crayon-table .successfully-parsed {
color: #77A000;
#crayon-log-wrapper {
padding: 0px;
width: 100%;
float: left;
clear: both;
#crayon-live-preview {
float: none;
padding: 0;
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text-align: center;
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border: none;
padding: 0 5px;
margin: 0px;
.crayon-admin-button {
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
#crayon-subsection-langs-info {
margin-top: 5px;
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display: inline;
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margin-left: 5px;
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display: table;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
margin-top: 5px;
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display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
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#crayon-theme-info .field,
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margin-left: 5px;
#crayon-theme-info .description.value {
font-style: italic;
color: #999;
#crayon-theme-info .type {
text-align: center;
min-width: 120px;
font-weight: bold;
border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
padding-right: 5px;
#crayon-theme-info .type.stock {
color: #666;
#crayon-theme-info .type.user {
color: #5b9a00;
#crayon-editor-table td {
vertical-align: top;
.small-icon {
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
display: inline-block;
margin: 5px 5px 0 0;
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background: url(../images/twitter.png);
#gmail-icon {
background: url(../images/google.png);
#docs-icon {
background: url(../images/docs.png);
#git-icon {
background: url(../images/github.png);
#wp-icon {
background: url(../images/wordpress-blue.png);
#donate-icon {
background: url(../images/donate.png);
width: 75px;
#crayon-donate input {
margin: 0;
display: inline;
padding: 0;
#crayon-theme-editor-info a {
text-decoration: none !important;
font-style: italic !important;
color: #666 !important;
#crayon-main-wrap .form-table .note {
font-style: italic;
color: #999;
#crayon-change-code-text {
width: 400px;
height: 300px;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
Crayon Syntax Highlighter Structure Style Sheet
- This style sheet is used to structure a Crayon's dimensions and visibility, but does not contain any details regarding
coloring etc.
- Attributes, where possible, are kept flexible such that Themes can customise them.
- Themes are used to add coloring to the Crayon and the syntax highlighting itself.
- Themes can be considered as layers on top of this style sheet.
- Several attributes are marked !important where they are required to remain unchanged by CSS precedence,
which may occur from conflicts with certain Wordpress Themes.
- The attributes in Themes are generally all marked !important to ensure styles are not altered by precedence.
/* General ========================= */
.crayon-syntax {
overflow: hidden !important;
position: relative !important;
direction: ltr;
text-align: left;
box-sizing: border-box;
direction: ltr !important;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
.crayon-syntax div {
/* Need !important? */
background: none;
border: none;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
text-align: left;
.crayon-syntax.crayon-loading {
visibility: hidden;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-main,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-info,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-plain,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-code {
/* Dimensions of code */
width: 100%;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-main,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-plain {
/* TODO a bug in IE8 causes max-height and overflow:auto to set max-height = height
|||| */
overflow: auto;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-main,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-plain,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-table {
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
.crayon-syntax-inline {
margin: 0 2px;
padding: 0 2px;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-table {
border: none !important;
background: none !important;
padding: 0px !important;
margin-top: 0px !important;
margin-right: 0px !important;
margin-bottom: 0px !important;
width: auto !important;
border-spacing: 0 !important;
border-collapse: collapse !important;
table-layout: auto !important;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-table td,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-table tr {
padding: 0 !important;
border: none !important;
background: none;
vertical-align: top !important;
margin: 0 !important;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-invisible {
display: none !important;
.crayon-plain-tag {
margin-bottom: 12px;
/* End General ===================== */
/* Popup ========================= */
.crayon-popup {
.crayon-popup .crayon-plain {
display: block !important;
width: 100% !important;
height: 100% !important;
opacity: 100 !important;
position: relative !important;
.crayon-popup-window {
background: #fff;
/* End Popup ========================= */
/* Line Numbers ==================== */
.crayon-syntax .crayon-num {
text-align: center;
padding: 0 5px;
margin: 0px;
/* End Line Numbers ================ */
/* Toolbar & Info ================== */
.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
z-index: 4;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-info {
position: absolute;
overflow: hidden;
display: none;
z-index: 3;
padding: 0px;
/* Must be able to expand! */
min-height: 18px;
line-height: 18px;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-info div {
padding: 2px !important;
text-align: center;
/*.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar,*/
/*.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar * {*/
/*height: 18px;*/
/*line-height: 18px;*/
/*padding: 0px;*/
.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar span {
padding: 0 4px !important;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar .crayon-button {
display: inline;
float: left !important;
position: relative;
width: 24px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/*height: 16px;*/
line-height: 15px;
/*padding: 0px 2px !important;*/
border: none;
/*border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;*/
text-decoration: none;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button:hover,
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background-position: 0px center;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-pressed,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button:active,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-pressed:active {
background-position: -24px 0;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-popup-button .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-popup-button:hover .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-popup-button.crayon-pressed:hover .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: 0 0;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-copy-button .crayon-button-icon,
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background-position: 0 -16px;
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.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-nums-button:hover .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-nums-button.crayon-pressed:hover .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: 0 -32px;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-plain-button .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-plain-button:hover .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-plain-button.crayon-pressed:hover .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: 0 -48px;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-mixed-button .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-mixed-button:hover .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-mixed-button.crayon-pressed:hover .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: 0 -64px;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-minimize .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: 0 -80px;
background-color: transparent !important;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-expand-button .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-expand-button:hover .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-expand-button.crayon-pressed:hover .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: 0 -96px;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-wrap-button .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-wrap-button:hover .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-wrap-button.crayon-pressed:hover .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: 0 -112px;
/* -- */
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-popup-button.crayon-pressed .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-popup-button:active .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-popup-button.crayon-pressed:active .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: -24px 0;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-copy-button.crayon-pressed .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-copy-button:active .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-copy-button.crayon-pressed:active .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: -24px -16px;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-nums-button.crayon-pressed .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-nums-button:active .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-nums-button.crayon-pressed:active .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: -24px -32px;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-plain-button.crayon-pressed .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-plain-button:active .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-plain-button.crayon-pressed:active .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: -24px -48px;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-mixed-button.crayon-pressed .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-mixed-button:active .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-mixed-button.crayon-pressed:active .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: -24px -64px;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-minimize .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: -24px -80px;
background-color: transparent !important;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-expand-button.crayon-pressed .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-expand-button:active .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-expand-button.crayon-pressed:active .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: -24px -96px;
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-wrap-button.crayon-pressed .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-wrap-button:active .crayon-button-icon,
.crayon-toolbar .crayon-button.crayon-wrap-button.crayon-pressed:active .crayon-button-icon {
background-position: -24px -112px;
/* Language */
.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar .crayon-language {
padding-right: 8px !important;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-title,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-language {
float: left;
/* End Toolbar ===================== */
/* Scrollbar ======================= */
.crayon-plain::-webkit-scrollbar {
height: 6px;
overflow: visible;
width: 6px;
background: #EEE;
.crayon-plain::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: #CCC;
background-clip: padding-box;
border: 1px solid #AAA;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px #999;
min-height: 8px;
padding: 0;
border-width: 1px;
.crayon-plain::-webkit-scrollbar-button {
height: 0;
width: 0;
padding: 0px;
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background-clip: padding-box;
border: solid transparent;
border-width: 0 0 0 4px;
border: 1px solid #BBB;
border-right: none;
border-bottom: none;
.crayon-plain::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
background: #EEE;
.crayon-plain::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
background: #AAA;
border: 1px solid #777;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px #777;
/* End Scrollbar =================== */
/* Code ============================ */
.crayon-syntax .crayon-pre,
.crayon-syntax pre {
color: #000;
white-space: pre;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: visible;
background: none !important;
border: none !important;
tab-size: 4;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-line {
padding: 0 5px;
.crayon-syntax.crayon-wrapped .crayon-line {
/* width: 500px !important; */
white-space: pre-wrap !important;
/* word-wrap:break-word !important;*/
height: auto;
word-break: break-all;
.crayon-syntax-inline .crayon-pre,
.crayon-syntax-inline pre {
white-space: normal;
.crayon-syntax-inline-nowrap .crayon-pre,
.crayon-syntax-inline-nowrap pre {
white-space: pre;
/* Default Font */
.crayon-syntax /*,
.crayon-syntax **/
font-family: Monaco, 'MonacoRegular', 'Courier New', monospace;
font-weight: 500;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar *::selection,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-nums *::selection {
background: transparent;
This has been disabled to allow more flexibility in changing font sizes.
.crayon-syntax .crayon-nums,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-plain,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-pre {
font-size: 12px !important;
line-height: 15px !important;
.crayon-table .crayon-nums-content {
white-space: nowrap; /* Prevent wrapping line numbers in some themes */
.crayon-syntax .crayon-num,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-pre .crayon-line,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar *,
.crayon-syntax .crayon-pre * {
font-family: inherit;
font-size: inherit !important;
line-height: inherit !important;
font-weight: inherit !important;
height: inherit;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar .crayon-button .crayon-button-icon {
background-image: url('../images/toolbar/buttons.png');
height: 16px !important;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -8px;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-toolbar .crayon-tools {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
.crayon-syntax.crayon-expanded {
position: absolute !important;
margin: 0 !important;
.crayon-syntax.crayon-expanded .crayon-main {
overflow: hidden !important;
.crayon-placeholder {
width: 100% !important;
.crayon-toolbar-visible .crayon-toolbar {
position: relative !important;
margin-top: 0 !important;
display: block !important;
.crayon-syntax.crayon-expanded .crayon-toolbar .crayon-tools {
position: relative;
right: auto;
float: left !important;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-plain-wrap {
height: auto !important;
padding: 0 !important;
margin: 0 !important;
.crayon-syntax .crayon-plain {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
padding: 0 5px;
margin: 0px;
border: none;
box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-shadow: none;
border-radius: 0px;
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
/*white-space: pre-wrap;*/
white-space: pre;
word-wrap: normal;
overflow: auto;
resize: none;
color: #000;
background: #FFF;
.crayon-wrapped .crayon-plain {
white-space: pre-wrap;
.bbp-body .crayon-syntax {
clear: none !important;
/* End Code ======================== */
/* Minimize ================= */
.crayon-minimized .crayon-toolbar {
cursor: pointer;
.crayon-minimized .crayon-plain-wrap,
.crayon-minimized .crayon-main,
.crayon-minimized .crayon-toolbar .crayon-tools * {
display: none !important;
.crayon-minimized .crayon-toolbar .crayon-tools .crayon-minimize {
display: block !important;
.crayon-minimized .crayon-toolbar {
position: relative !important;
.crayon-syntax.crayon-minimized .crayon-toolbar {
border-bottom: none !important;
/* End Minimize ============= */
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
/* TinyMCE */
.crayon-te *, #crayon-te-bar-content {
font-family: "Lucida Grande", Arial, sans-serif !important;
font-size: 12px;
.crayon-te input[type="text"], .crayon-te textarea {
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padding: 2px 4px;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
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font-family: monospace !important;
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height: auto !important;
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font-weight: normal;
padding: 0;
#crayon-code {
height: 200px;
white-space: pre;
/*white-space: nowrap;
overflow: auto;*/
#crayon-code, #crayon-url {
width: 555px !important;
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background: #EEE !important;
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background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, #daf2ff, white) !important;
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background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, #daf2ff, white) !important;
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #daf2ff, white) !important;
background-image: linear-gradient(bottom, #daf2ff, white) !important;
.qt_crayon_highlight:hover {
background: #ddebf2 !important;
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display: inline-block;
/* TinyMCE v4 */
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margin: 2px 3px !important;
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background: url(../images/crayon_tinymce.png) 0 0 !important;
/* TinyMCE v3 - deprecated */
a.mce_crayon_tinymce {
background-position: 2px 0 !important;
.wp_themeSkin .mceButtonEnabled:hover span.mce_crayon_tinymce,
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margin-left: 8px;
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.crayon-font-verdana * {
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// Switches
// Constants
// General definitions
define('CRAYON_DOMAIN', 'crayon-syntax-highlighter');
// These are overridden by functions since v1.1.1
$CRAYON_VERSION = '1.1.1';
$CRAYON_DATE = '27th September, 2011';
$CRAYON_AUTHOR = 'Aram Kocharyan';
// XXX Used to name the class
define('CRAYON_HIGHLIGHTER', 'CrayonHighlighter');
define('CRAYON_ELEMENT_CLASS', 'CrayonElement');
define('CRAYON_SETTING_CLASS', 'CrayonSetting');
// Directories
define('CRAYON_DIR', crayon_pf(basename(dirname(__FILE__))));
define('CRAYON_LANG_DIR', crayon_s('langs'));
define('CRAYON_THEME_DIR', crayon_s('themes'));
define('CRAYON_FONT_DIR', crayon_s('fonts'));
define('CRAYON_UTIL_DIR', crayon_s('util'));
define('CRAYON_CSS_DIR', crayon_s('css'));
define('CRAYON_CSS_SRC_DIR', CRAYON_CSS_DIR . crayon_s('src'));
define('CRAYON_CSS_MIN_DIR', CRAYON_CSS_DIR . crayon_s('min'));
define('CRAYON_JS_DIR', crayon_s('js'));
define('CRAYON_JS_SRC_DIR', CRAYON_JS_DIR . crayon_s('src'));
define('CRAYON_JS_MIN_DIR', CRAYON_JS_DIR . crayon_s('min'));
define('CRAYON_TRANS_DIR', crayon_s('trans'));
define('CRAYON_THEME_EDITOR_DIR', crayon_s('theme-editor'));
define('CRAYON_TAG_EDITOR_DIR', crayon_s('tag-editor'));
// Paths
define('CRAYON_ROOT_PATH', crayon_pf(dirname(__FILE__)));
// Files
define('CRAYON_LOG_FILE', CRAYON_ROOT_PATH . 'log.txt');
define('CRAYON_TOUCH_FILE', CRAYON_UTIL_PATH . 'touch.txt');
define('CRAYON_LOG_MAX_SIZE', 50000); // Bytes
define('CRAYON_README_FILE', CRAYON_ROOT_PATH . 'readme.txt');
define('CRAYON_LANG_EXT', CRAYON_LANG_PATH . 'extensions.txt');
define('CRAYON_LANG_ALIAS', CRAYON_LANG_PATH . 'aliases.txt');
define('CRAYON_LANG_DELIM', CRAYON_LANG_PATH . 'delimiters.txt');
define('CRAYON_HELP_FILE', CRAYON_UTIL_PATH . 'help.htm');
// Minified
define('CRAYON_JS_MIN', CRAYON_JS_MIN_DIR . 'crayon.min.js');
define('CRAYON_JS_TE_MIN', CRAYON_JS_MIN_DIR . 'crayon.te.min.js');
// Source
define('CRAYON_JQUERY_POPUP', CRAYON_JS_SRC_DIR . 'jquery.popup.js');
define('CRAYON_JS', CRAYON_JS_SRC_DIR . 'crayon.js');
define('CRAYON_JS_ADMIN', CRAYON_JS_SRC_DIR . 'crayon_admin.js');
define('CRAYON_JS_UTIL', CRAYON_JS_SRC_DIR . 'util.js');
define('CRAYON_CSSJSON_JS', CRAYON_JS_SRC_DIR . 'cssjson.js');
define('CRAYON_CSS_JQUERY_COLORPICKER', CRAYON_JS_DIR . 'jquery-colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.css');
define('CRAYON_JS_JQUERY_COLORPICKER', CRAYON_JS_DIR . 'jquery-colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.js');
define('CRAYON_JS_TINYCOLOR', CRAYON_JS_DIR . 'tinycolor-min.js');
define('CRAYON_TAG_EDITOR_JS', 'crayon_tag_editor.js');
define('CRAYON_COLORBOX_JS', 'colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js');
define('CRAYON_COLORBOX_CSS', 'colorbox/colorbox.css');
define('CRAYON_TAG_EDITOR_PHP', CRAYON_TAG_EDITOR_PATH . 'crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php');
define('CRAYON_TINYMCE_JS', 'crayon_tinymce.js');
define('CRAYON_QUICKTAGS_JS', 'crayon_qt.js');
define('CRAYON_STYLE', CRAYON_CSS_SRC_DIR . 'crayon_style.css');
define('CRAYON_STYLE_ADMIN', CRAYON_CSS_SRC_DIR . 'admin_style.css');
define('CRAYON_STYLE_GLOBAL', CRAYON_CSS_SRC_DIR . 'global_style.css');
define('CRAYON_STYLE_MIN', CRAYON_CSS_MIN_DIR . 'crayon.min.css');
define('CRAYON_LOGO', CRAYON_CSS_DIR . 'images/crayon_logo.png');
define('CRAYON_DONATE_BUTTON', CRAYON_CSS_DIR . 'images/donate.png');
define('CRAYON_THEME_EDITOR_BUTTON', CRAYON_CSS_DIR . 'images/theme_editor.png');
// PHP Files
define('CRAYON_FORMATTER_PHP', CRAYON_ROOT_PATH . 'crayon_formatter.class.php');
define('CRAYON_HIGHLIGHTER_PHP', CRAYON_ROOT_PATH . 'crayon_highlighter.class.php');
define('CRAYON_LANGS_PHP', CRAYON_ROOT_PATH . 'crayon_langs.class.php');
define('CRAYON_PARSER_PHP', CRAYON_ROOT_PATH . 'crayon_parser.class.php');
define('CRAYON_SETTINGS_PHP', CRAYON_ROOT_PATH . 'crayon_settings.class.php');
define('CRAYON_THEMES_PHP', CRAYON_ROOT_PATH . 'crayon_themes.class.php');
define('CRAYON_FONTS_PHP', CRAYON_ROOT_PATH . 'crayon_fonts.class.php');
define('CRAYON_RESOURCE_PHP', CRAYON_ROOT_PATH . 'crayon_resource.class.php');
define('CRAYON_UTIL_PHP', CRAYON_UTIL_DIR . 'crayon_util.class.php');
define('CRAYON_TIMER_PHP', CRAYON_UTIL_DIR . 'crayon_timer.class.php');
define('CRAYON_LOG_PHP', CRAYON_UTIL_DIR . 'crayon_log.class.php');
// Script time
define('CRAYON_LOAD_TIME', 'Load Time');
//define('CRAYON_PARSE_TIME', 'Parse Time');
define('CRAYON_FORMAT_TIME', 'Format Time');
// Printing
define('CRAYON_BR', "<br />");
define('CRAYON_NL', "\r\n");
define('CRAYON_DASH', "==============================================================================");
define('CRAYON_LINE', "------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
// Load utilities
require_once (CRAYON_UTIL_PHP);
require_once (CRAYON_TIMER_PHP);
require_once (CRAYON_LOG_PHP);
// Turn on the error & exception handlers
// Check for forwardslash/backslash in folder path to structure paths
function crayon_s($url = '') {
$url = strval($url);
if (!empty($url) && !preg_match('#(\\\\|/)$#', $url)) {
return $url . '/';
} else if (empty($url)) {
return '/';
} else {
return $url;
// Returns path using forward slashes, slash added at the end
function crayon_pf($url, $slash = TRUE) {
$url = trim(strval($url));
if ($slash) {
$url = crayon_s($url);
return str_replace('\\', '/', $url);
// Returns path using back slashes
function crayon_pb($url) {
return str_replace('/', '\\', crayon_s(trim(strval($url))));
// Get/Set plugin information
function crayon_set_info($info_array) {
if (!is_array($info_array)) {
crayon_set_info_key('Version', $info_array, $CRAYON_VERSION);
crayon_set_info_key('Date', $info_array, $CRAYON_DATE);
crayon_set_info_key('AuthorName', $info_array, $CRAYON_AUTHOR);
crayon_set_info_key('PluginURI', $info_array, $CRAYON_WEBSITE);
function crayon_set_info_key($key, $array, &$info) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
$info = $array[$key];
} else {
return FALSE;
function crayon_vargs(&$var, $default) {
$var = isset($var) ? $var : $default;
// Checks if the input is a valid PHP file and matches the $valid filename
function crayon_is_php_file($filepath, $valid) {
$path = pathinfo(crayon_pf($filepath));
return is_file($filepath) && $path['extension'] === 'php' && $path['filename'] === $valid;
// Stops the script if crayon_is_php_file() returns false or a remote path is given
function crayon_die_if_not_php($filepath, $valid) {
if (!crayon_is_php_file($filepath, $valid) || crayon_is_path_url($filepath)) {
die("[ERROR] '$filepath' is not a valid PHP file for '$valid'");
function crayon_is_path_url($path) {
$parts = parse_url($path);
return isset($parts['scheme']) && strlen($parts['scheme']) > 1;
function crayon_load_plugin_textdomain() {
if (function_exists('load_plugin_textdomain')) {
load_plugin_textdomain(CRAYON_DOMAIN, false, CRAYON_DIR . CRAYON_TRANS_DIR);
function crayon__($text) {
if (function_exists('__')) {
return __($text, CRAYON_DOMAIN);
} else {
return $text;
function crayon_e($text) {
if (function_exists('_e')) {
_e($text, CRAYON_DOMAIN);
} else {
echo $text;
function crayon_n($singular, $plural, $count) {
if (function_exists('_n')) {
return _n($singular, $plural, $count, CRAYON_DOMAIN);
} else {
return $count > 1 ? $plural : $singular;
function crayon_x($text, $context) {
if (function_exists('_x')) {
return _x($text, $context, CRAYON_DOMAIN);
} else {
return $text;
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jQuery.colorpicker v0.9.3
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Martijn W. van der Lee
Licensed under the MIT.
Full-featured colorpicker for jQueryUI with full theming support.
Most images from jPicker by Christopher T. Tillman.
Sourcecode created from scratch by Martijn W. van der Lee.
IE support; make sure you have a doctype defined, or the colorpicker will not
display correctly.
alpha: false
Whether or not to show the inputs for alpha.
altAlpha: true
Change the opacity of the altField element(s) according to the alpha
altField: ''
Change the background color of the elements specified in this element.
altOnChange: true
If true, the altField element(s) are updated on every change, otherwise
only upon closing.
altProperties: 'background-color'
Comma-separated list of CSS properties to set color of in the altField.
The following properties are allowed, all others are ignored.
autoOpen: false
If true, the dialog opens automatically upon page load.
buttonColorize: false
If a buttonimage is specified, change the background color of the
image when the color is changed.
buttonImage: 'images/ui-colorpicker.png'
Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
buttonImageOnly: false
Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
buttonText: null
Same as jQueryUI DatePicker. If null, use language default.
closeOnEscape: true
Close the window when pressing the Escape key on the keyboard.
closeOnOutside: true
Close the window when clicking outside the colorpicker display.
color: '#00FF00'
Initial color. Formats recognized are:
rrggbb (same as previous, but without the #)
w3c-defined color name
colorFormat: 'HEX'
Specifies the format of the color string returned in callbacks.
You can either specify one of the predefined formats:
#HEX #112233
#HEX3 #123 if possible, otherwise false.
HEX 112233
HEX3 123 if possible, otherwise false.
RGB rgb(123,45,67) if opaque, otherwise false.
RGBA rgba(123,45,67,0.123%)
RGB% rgb(12%,34%,56%) if opaque, otherwise false.
RGBA% rgba(12%,34%,56%,0.123%)
HSL hsl(123,45,67) if opaque, otherwise false.
HSLA hsla(123,45,67,0.123%)
HSL% hsl(12%,34%,56%) if opaque, otherwise false.
HSLA% hsla(12%,34%,56%,0.123%)
NAME Closest color name
EXACT Exact name if possible, otherwise false.
or specify your own format...
Each color channel is specified as a pair of two characters.
The first character determines the color channel:
a Alpha
r, g, b RGB color space; red, green and blue
h, s, v HSV color space; hue, saturation and value
c, m, y, k CMYK color space; cyan, magenta, yellow and black
L, A, B LAB color space; Luminosity, *A and *B.
The second character specifies the data type:
x Two-digit hexadecimal notation.
d Decimal (0-255) notation.
f Floating point (0-1) notation, not rounded.
p Percentage (0-100) notation, not rounded.
If you prefix a valid pair with a backslash, it won't be replaced.
All patterns are case sensitive.
For example, to create the common hex color format, use "#rxgxbx".
For an rgba() format, use "rgba(rd,gd,bd,af)"
You can also specify an array of formats where the first non-FALSE one
is returned. Note that the only formats able to return FALSE are the
predefined formats HEX3 and EXACT. For example, this array will output
HEX3 format if possible or HEX format otherwise:
['HEX3', 'HEX']
dragggable: true
Make the dialog draggable if the header is visible and the dialog is
not inline.
duration: 'fast'
Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
hsv: true
Whether or not to show the inputs for HSV.
layout: { ... }
Set the position of elements in a table layout.
You could create any layout possible with HTML tables by specifying
cell position and size of each part.
@todo document how this works.
limit: ''
Limit the selectable colors to any of the predefined limits:
'' No limitations, allow 8bpp color for a palette of
all 16 million colors.
'websafe' Set of 216 colors composed of 00, 33, 66, 99, cc
and ff color channel values in #rrggbb.
'nibble' 4 bits per color, can be easily converted to #rgb
The palette is limited to 4096 colors.
'binary' Allow only #00 or #ff as color channel values for
primary colors only; only 8 colors are available
with this limit.
'name' Limit to closest color name.
Ensures no other controls on screen can be used while the dialog is
Also look at showCancelButton and closeOnEscape to use in combination
with the modal option. closeOnOutside is redundant when used with modal.
mode: 'h'
Determines the functionality of the map and bar components. Allowed
values are; 'h', 's', 'l', 'r', 'g', 'b' or 'a', for hue, saturation,
luminosity, red, green, blue and alpha respectively.
parts: ''
Determine which parts to display.
Use any of the preset names ('full', 'popup' or 'inline') or specify
an array of part names (i.e. ['header', 'map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv',
'rgb', 'alpha', 'lab', 'cmyk', 'preview', 'swatches', 'footer']).
If an empty string is given, the parts will be automatically chosen as
preset 'popup' or 'inline' depending on the context in which the
colorpicker is used.
rgb: true, // Show RGB controls and modes
Whether or not to show the inputs for RGB.
regional: '',
Sets the language to use. Note that you must load the appropriate
language file from the i18n directory. '' is included by default.
showAnim: 'fadeIn'
Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
showCancelButton: true
Show the Cancel button if buttonpane is visible.
showCloseButton: true
Show the Close button if the header is visible.
If the dialog is inline, the close button is never shown.
showNoneButton: false
Show the None/Revert button if buttonpane is visible.
showOn: 'focus'
Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
showOptions: {}
Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
swatches: null
'null' to show swatches of HTML colors or provide your own object
with colornames and {r:1, g:1, b:1} array.
For example { 'red': {r:1, g:0, b:0}, 'blue': {r:0, g:0, b:1} }
title: null
Title to display in the header. If null, use language default.
init: null
Triggered on initially setting the color. Called only once.
Callbacks recieve same data as select event.
close: null
Triggered when the popup is closed.
Callbacks recieve same data as select event and an additional number
of fields containing the current color in all supported color spaces.
These are rgb{}, hsv{}, cmyk{}, lab{}, hsl{} and a.
Most values are floating point numbers in range [0,1] for accuracy.
The a and b values in the lab color space have range [-1,1].
select: null
Triggered on each change, confirmation (click on OK button) and
cancellation (click on Cancel, outside window or window close button)
The event recieves a jQuery event object and a data object containing
the elements 'formatted' (with the color formatted according to
Note that select may be triggered in rapid succession when dragging
the mouse accross the map or bar and may be triggered without a change
in color upon specific user interactions.
Open the dialog
Close the dialog
Destroy the widget
Set the current color to the specified color. Accepts any
CSS-confirmant color specification.
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Fix the weird one-pixel vertical shift bug.
Caused by ui-widget class.
Only happens in Chrome and only on some, not all.
Disappears and re-appears at different zoom levels.
In hex input, accept (and strip) '#' symbol on copy/past.
Completely destroy object when closed.
isRTL? What to RTL, besides button?
Disable selection in MSIE: this.dialog.on('selectstart', function(event) { return false; })
Special rendering mode for color_none? Use [X] images?
Fix parsing from input with websafe colors
Recognize "transparent" color name.
Limit number of events triggered.
Small size variant (128x128)
isRTL? What to RTL, besides button?
Undo/redo memory?
ARIA support.
Allow only set (dec/hex) characters in inputs
Most-recently-used swatches
HSL/HSV distance calculations should take into account cyclic hue.
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jQuery(function($) {
$.colorpicker.regional['en'] = {
ok: 'OK',
cancel: 'Cancel',
none: 'None',
button: 'Color',
title: 'Pick a color',
transparent: 'Transparent',
hsvH: 'H',
hsvS: 'S',
hsvV: 'V',
rgbR: 'R',
rgbG: 'G',
rgbB: 'B',
labL: 'L',
labA: 'a',
labB: 'b',
hslH: 'H',
hslS: 'S',
hslL: 'L',
cmykC: 'C',
cmykM: 'M',
cmykY: 'Y',
cmykK: 'K',
alphaA: 'A'
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
jQuery(function($) {
$.colorpicker.regional['fr'] = {
ok: 'OK',
cancel: 'Annuler',
none: 'Aucune couleur',
button: 'Couleur',
title: 'Choisir une couleur',
transparent: 'Transparent',
hsvH: 'T',
hsvS: 'S',
hsvV: 'V',
rgbR: 'R',
rgbG: 'V',
rgbB: 'B',
labL: 'L',
labA: 'a',
labB: 'b',
hslH: 'T',
hslS: 'S',
hslL: 'L',
cmykC: 'C',
cmykM: 'M',
cmykY: 'J',
cmykK: 'N',
alphaA: 'A'
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jQuery(function($) {
$.colorpicker.regional['nl'] = {
ok: 'OK',
cancel: 'Annuleren',
none: 'Geen',
button: 'Kleur',
title: 'Kies een kleur',
transparent: 'Transparant',
hsvH: 'H',
hsvS: 'S',
hsvV: 'V',
rgbR: 'R',
rgbG: 'G',
rgbB: 'B',
labL: 'L',
labA: 'a',
labB: 'b',
hslH: 'H',
hslS: 'S',
hslL: 'L',
cmykC: 'C',
cmykM: 'M',
cmykY: 'Y',
cmykK: 'K',
alphaA: 'A'
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>jQuery Colorpicker</title>
<!-- jQuery/jQueryUI (hosted) -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
body {
font-family: 'Segoe UI', Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 62.5%;
<script src="jquery.colorpicker.js"></script>
<link href="jquery.colorpicker.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<script src="i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-nl.js"></script>
<h1>jQuery ColorPicker</h1>
Basic <input> example, without any options: <input type="text" class="cp-basic" value="fe9810"/>
Basic <div> example, without any options: <span class="cp-basic" style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;"></span>
$( function() {
Fully-featured example: <input type="text" class="cp-full" value="186aa7"/>
$( function() {
parts: 'full',
showOn: 'both',
buttonColorize: true,
showNoneButton: true,
alpha: true
Localized to Dutch (nl): <input type="text" class="cp-nl" value="ccea73"/>
$( function() {
regional: 'nl',
showNoneButton: true,
alpha: true
Limit to websafe colors: <input type="text" class="cp-websafe" value="0fa7c2"/>
$( function() {
limit: 'websafe'
Alternative field class: <input type="text" class="cp-alt" value="b762ae"/>
<span class="cp-alt-target" style="display: inline-block; border: thin solid black; padding: .5em 4em;">
<div style=" background-color: white; border: thin solid black; padding: .25em 2em; font-size: 1.25em; font-weight: bold;">Background-color on outside, text color here</div>
$( function() {
altField: '.cp-alt-target',
altProperties: 'background-color,color',
altAlpha: true,
alpha: true
Events: <input type="text" class="cp-events" value="92b64a"/>
<div class="cp-events-log" style="vertical-align: top; display: inline-block; border: thin solid black; height: 10em; overflow-y: scroll; width: 50em;"></div>
$( function() {
var count = 0;
function addToEventLog(label, message) {
var line = '<div>#'+(++count)+' '+label+': '+message+'</div>';
var log = $('.cp-events-log');
init: function(event, color) {
addToEventLog('Init', color.formatted);
select: function(event, color) {
addToEventLog('Select', color.formatted);
close: function(event, color) {
addToEventLog('Close', color.formatted + ' r:' + color.rgb.r + ' g:' + color.rgb.g + ' b:' + color.rgb.b + ' a:' + color.a);
Output formatting HSLA: <input type="text" class="cp-format" value="918237"/>
<span class="cp-format-output"></span>
$( function() {
colorFormat: 'HSLA',
alpha: true,
init: function(event, color) {
select: function(event, color) {
Output format list: <input type="text" class="cp-name" value="a92fb4"/>
<span class="cp-name-output"></span>
$( function() {
parts: 'full',
colorFormat: ['NAME', 'EXACT', '#HEX3', 'RGB', 'RGBA'],
init: function(event, color) {
select: function(event, color) {
Dialog with Colorpicker popup (demonstrates z-index):
<button id="cp-dialog-open">Open dialog</button>
<div id="cp-dialog-modal" title="Basic modal dialog">
Basic <input> example, without any options: <input type="text" class="cp-basic" value="fe9810"/>
Basic <div> example, without any options: <span class="cp-basic" style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;"></span>
$(function() {
var dialog = $('#cp-dialog-modal').dialog({
autoOpen: false,
minWidth: 500,
modal: true,
buttons: { 'Close': function() {
$('#cp-dialog-open').click(function() {
Modal (and showCancelButton, closeOnEscape, showCloseButton): <input type="text" class="cp-modal" value="9ba73f"/>
$( function() {
parts: 'draggable',
showCloseButton: false,
modal: true,
showCancelButton: false,
closeOnEscape: false
Input formatting: <input type="text" class="cp-input" value="rgb(123,42,87)"/>
$( function() {
colorFormat: ['RGBA']
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@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
.ui-dialog.ui-colorpicker {
width: auto;
white-space: nowrap;
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
.ui-colorpicker-inline {
position: static;
.ui-colorpicker-buttonset {
float: left;
margin-left: .4em;
.ui-colorpicker-buttonset .ui-button {
margin: .5em 0 .5em 0;
cursor: pointer;
.ui-colorpicker-buttonpane {
background-image: none;
margin: .7em 0 0 0;
padding: 0 .2em;
border-left: 0;
border-right: 0;
border-bottom: 0;
.ui-colorpicker-buttonpane button {
float: right;
margin: .5em .2em .4em;
cursor: pointer;
padding: .2em .6em .3em .6em;
width: auto;
overflow: visible;
.ui-colorpicker-buttonpane button.ui-colorpicker-current {
float: left;
.ui-colorpicker table {
font-size: 100%; /* Reset browser table font-size */
margin: 0;
.ui-colorpicker table td {
vertical-align: top;
.ui-colorpicker-padding-left {
padding-left: 10px;
.ui-colorpicker-padding-top {
padding-top: 10px;
.ui-colorpicker-border {
border: 1px inset;
display: inline-block;
/* Bar & map */
.ui-colorpicker-map > *,
.ui-colorpicker-bar > * {
position: absolute;
cursor: crosshair;
.ui-colorpicker-bar-pointer {
position: absolute;
/* Map */
.ui-colorpicker-map > * {
display: block;
width: 256px;
height: 256px;
overflow: hidden;
.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2 {
background: url(images/map.png) no-repeat;
.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-alpha {
background: url(images/map-opacity.png);
.ui-colorpicker-map-pointer {
display: inline-block;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
background: url(images/map-pointer.png) no-repeat;
/* Bar */
.ui-colorpicker-bar > * {
display: block;
width: 20px;
height: 256px;
overflow: hidden;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4 {
background: url(images/bar.png) repeat-x;
.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alpha {
background: url(images/bar-opacity.png);
.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alphabar {
background: url(images/bar-alpha.png);
.ui-colorpicker-bar-pointer {
display: inline-block;
width: 20px;
height: 7px;
background: url(images/bar-pointer.png) no-repeat;
/* Preview */
.ui-colorpicker-preview {
text-align: center;
.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial {
cursor: pointer;
.ui-colorpicker-preview-current {
width: 50px;
height: 20px;
display: inline-block;
.ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha {
width: 50px;
height: 20px;
display: inline-block;
background: url(images/preview-opacity.png) repeat;
/* Inputs */
.ui-colorpicker-rgb label,
.ui-colorpicker-hsv label,
.ui-colorpicker-hsl label,
.ui-colorpicker-lab label,
.ui-colorpicker-cmyk label,
.ui-colorpicker-alpha label {
width: 1.5em;
display: inline-block;
.ui-colorpicker-number {
margin: .1em;
width: 4em;
/* Hex */
.ui-colorpicker-hex {
text-align: center;
/* Swatches */
.ui-colorpicker-swatches {
width: 84px;
height: 256px;
overflow: auto;
background-color: #f8f8f8;
.ui-colorpicker-swatch {
cursor: pointer;
float: left;
width: 11px;
height: 11px;
border-right: 1px solid black;
border-bottom: 1px solid black;