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* Stores CrayonSetting objects.
* Each Crayon instance stores an instance of this class containing its specific settings.
class CrayonSettings {
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
const INVALID = -1; // Used for invalid dropdown index
// Plugin data
const VERSION = 'version';
// Added when used in HTML to avoid id conflicts
const PREFIX = 'crayon-';
const SETTING = 'crayon-setting';
const SETTING_SELECTED = 'crayon-setting-selected';
const SETTING_CHANGED = 'crayon-setting-changed';
const SETTING_SPECIAL = 'crayon-setting-special';
const SETTING_ORIG_VALUE = 'data-orig-value';
// Global names for settings
const THEME = 'theme';
const FONT = 'font';
const FONT_SIZE_ENABLE = 'font-size-enable';
const FONT_SIZE = 'font-size';
const LINE_HEIGHT = 'line-height';
const PREVIEW = 'preview';
const HEIGHT_SET = 'height-set';
const HEIGHT_MODE = 'height-mode';
const HEIGHT = 'height';
const HEIGHT_UNIT = 'height-unit';
const WIDTH_SET = 'width-set';
const WIDTH_MODE = 'width-mode';
const WIDTH = 'width';
const WIDTH_UNIT = 'width-unit';
const TOP_SET = 'top-set';
const TOP_MARGIN = 'top-margin';
const LEFT_SET = 'left-set';
const LEFT_MARGIN = 'left-margin';
const BOTTOM_SET = 'bottom-set';
const BOTTOM_MARGIN = 'bottom-margin';
const RIGHT_SET = 'right-set';
const RIGHT_MARGIN = 'right-margin';
const H_ALIGN = 'h-align';
const FLOAT_ENABLE = 'float-enable';
const TOOLBAR = 'toolbar';
const TOOLBAR_OVERLAY = 'toolbar-overlay';
const TOOLBAR_HIDE = 'toolbar-hide';
const TOOLBAR_DELAY = 'toolbar-delay';
const COPY = 'copy';
const POPUP = 'popup';
const SHOW_LANG = 'show-lang';
const SHOW_TITLE = 'show-title';
const STRIPED = 'striped';
const MARKING = 'marking';
const START_LINE = 'start-line';
const NUMS = 'nums';
const NUMS_TOGGLE = 'nums-toggle';
const TRIM_WHITESPACE = 'trim-whitespace';
const WHITESPACE_BEFORE = 'whitespace-before';
const WHITESPACE_AFTER = 'whitespace-after';
const TRIM_CODE_TAG = 'trim-code-tag';
const TAB_SIZE = 'tab-size';
const TAB_CONVERT = 'tab-convert';
const FALLBACK_LANG = 'fallback-lang';
const LOCAL_PATH = 'local-path';
const SCROLL = 'scroll';
const PLAIN = 'plain';
const PLAIN_TOGGLE = 'plain-toggle';
const SHOW_PLAIN = 'show-plain';
const DISABLE_RUNTIME = 'runtime';
const DISABLE_DATE = 'disable-date';
const TOUCHSCREEN = 'touchscreen';
const DISABLE_ANIM = 'disable-anim';
const ERROR_LOG = 'error-log';
const ERROR_LOG_SYS = 'error-log-sys';
const ERROR_MSG_SHOW = 'error-msg-show';
const ERROR_MSG = 'error-msg';
const HIDE_HELP = 'hide-help';
const CACHE = 'cache';
const EFFICIENT_ENQUEUE = 'efficient-enqueue';
const CAPTURE_PRE = 'capture-pre';
const CAPTURE_MINI_TAG = 'capture-mini-tag';
const MIXED = 'mixed';
const SHOW_MIXED = 'show_mixed';
const PLAIN_TAG = 'plain_tag';
const SHOW_PLAIN_DEFAULT = 'show-plain-default';
const ENQUEUE_THEMES = 'enqueque-themes';
const ENQUEUE_FONTS = 'enqueque-fonts';
const MAIN_QUERY = 'main-query';
const SAFE_ENQUEUE = 'safe-enqueue';
const INLINE_TAG = 'inline-tag';
const INLINE_TAG_CAPTURE = 'inline-tag-capture';
const CODE_TAG_CAPTURE = 'code-tag-capture';
const CODE_TAG_CAPTURE_TYPE = 'code-tag-capture-type';
const INLINE_MARGIN = 'inline-margin';
const INLINE_WRAP = 'inline-wrap';
const BACKQUOTE = 'backquote';
const COMMENTS = 'comments';
const DECODE = 'decode';
const DECODE_ATTRIBUTES = 'decode-attributes';
// const TINYMCE_USED = 'tinymce-used';
const ATTR_SEP = 'attr-sep';
const EXCERPT_STRIP = 'excerpt-strip';
const RANGES = 'ranges';
const TAG_EDITOR_FRONT = 'tag-editor-front';
const TAG_EDITOR_SETTINGS = 'tag-editor-front-hide';
const TAG_EDITOR_ADD_BUTTON_TEXT = 'tag-editor-button-add-text';
const TAG_EDITOR_EDIT_BUTTON_TEXT = 'tag-editor-button-edit-text';
const TAG_EDITOR_QUICKTAG_BUTTON_TEXT = 'tag-editor-quicktag-button-text';
const WRAP_TOGGLE = 'wrap-toggle';
const WRAP = 'wrap';
const EXPAND = 'expand';
const EXPAND_TOGGLE = 'expand-toggle';
const MINIMIZE = 'minimize';
const IGNORE = 'ignore';
const DELAY_LOAD_JS = 'delay-load-js';
private static $cache_array;
public static function get_cache_sec($cache) {
$values = array_values(self::$cache_array);
if (array_key_exists($cache, $values)) {
return $values[$cache];
} else {
return $values[0];
// The current settings, should be loaded with default if none exists
private $settings = array();
// The settings with default values
private static $default = NULL;
function __construct() {
function copy() {
$settings = new CrayonSettings();
foreach ($this->settings as $setting) {
$settings->set($setting); // Overuse of set?
return $settings;
// Methods ================================================================
private function init() {
self::$cache_array = array(crayon__('Hourly') => 3600, crayon__('Daily') => 86400,
crayon__('Weekly') => 604800, crayon__('Monthly') => 18144000,
crayon__('Immediately') => 1);
$settings = array(
new CrayonSetting(self::VERSION, $CRAYON_VERSION, NULL, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::THEME, CrayonThemes::DEFAULT_THEME),
new CrayonSetting(self::FONT, CrayonFonts::DEFAULT_FONT),
new CrayonSetting(self::FONT_SIZE_ENABLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::FONT_SIZE, 12),
new CrayonSetting(self::LINE_HEIGHT, 15),
new CrayonSetting(self::PREVIEW, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::HEIGHT_SET, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::HEIGHT_MODE, array(crayon__('Max'), crayon__('Min'), crayon__('Static'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::HEIGHT, '500'),
new CrayonSetting(self::HEIGHT_UNIT, array(crayon__('Pixels'), crayon__('Percent'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::WIDTH_SET, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::WIDTH_MODE, array(crayon__('Max'), crayon__('Min'), crayon__('Static'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::WIDTH, '500'),
new CrayonSetting(self::WIDTH_UNIT, array(crayon__('Pixels'), crayon__('Percent'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOP_SET, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOP_MARGIN, 12),
new CrayonSetting(self::BOTTOM_SET, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::BOTTOM_MARGIN, 12),
new CrayonSetting(self::LEFT_SET, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::LEFT_MARGIN, 12),
new CrayonSetting(self::RIGHT_SET, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::RIGHT_MARGIN, 12),
new CrayonSetting(self::H_ALIGN, array(crayon__('None'), crayon__('Left'), crayon__('Center'), crayon__('Right'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::FLOAT_ENABLE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOOLBAR, array(crayon__('On MouseOver'), crayon__('Always'), crayon__('Never'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOOLBAR_OVERLAY, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOOLBAR_HIDE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOOLBAR_DELAY, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::COPY, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::POPUP, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::SHOW_LANG, array(crayon__('When Found'), crayon__('Always'), crayon__('Never'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::SHOW_TITLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::STRIPED, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::MARKING, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::START_LINE, 1),
new CrayonSetting(self::NUMS, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::NUMS_TOGGLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TRIM_WHITESPACE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::WHITESPACE_BEFORE, 0),
new CrayonSetting(self::WHITESPACE_AFTER, 0),
new CrayonSetting(self::TRIM_CODE_TAG, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAB_CONVERT, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAB_SIZE, 4),
new CrayonSetting(self::FALLBACK_LANG, CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG),
new CrayonSetting(self::LOCAL_PATH, ''),
new CrayonSetting(self::SCROLL, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::PLAIN, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::PLAIN_TOGGLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::SHOW_PLAIN_DEFAULT, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::SHOW_PLAIN,
array(crayon__('On Double Click'), crayon__('On Single Click'), crayon__('On MouseOver'), crayon__('Disable Mouse Events'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::DISABLE_ANIM, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TOUCHSCREEN, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::DISABLE_RUNTIME, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::DISABLE_DATE, ''),
new CrayonSetting(self::ERROR_LOG, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ERROR_LOG_SYS, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ERROR_MSG_SHOW, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ERROR_MSG, crayon__('An error has occurred. Please try again later.')),
new CrayonSetting(self::HIDE_HELP, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::CACHE, array_keys(self::$cache_array), 1),
new CrayonSetting(self::EFFICIENT_ENQUEUE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::CAPTURE_PRE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::CAPTURE_MINI_TAG, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::MIXED, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::SHOW_MIXED, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::PLAIN_TAG, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ENQUEUE_THEMES, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ENQUEUE_FONTS, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::MAIN_QUERY, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::SAFE_ENQUEUE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::INLINE_TAG, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::INLINE_TAG_CAPTURE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::CODE_TAG_CAPTURE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::CODE_TAG_CAPTURE_TYPE, array(crayon__('Inline Tag'), crayon__('Block Tag'))),
new CrayonSetting(self::INLINE_MARGIN, 5),
new CrayonSetting(self::INLINE_WRAP, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::BACKQUOTE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::COMMENTS, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::DECODE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::DECODE_ATTRIBUTES, TRUE),
// new CrayonSetting(self::TINYMCE_USED, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::ATTR_SEP, array(':', '_')),
new CrayonSetting(self::EXCERPT_STRIP, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::RANGES, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAG_EDITOR_FRONT, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAG_EDITOR_SETTINGS, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAG_EDITOR_ADD_BUTTON_TEXT, crayon__('Add Code')),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAG_EDITOR_EDIT_BUTTON_TEXT, crayon__('Edit Code')),
new CrayonSetting(self::TAG_EDITOR_QUICKTAG_BUTTON_TEXT, 'crayon'),
new CrayonSetting(self::WRAP_TOGGLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::WRAP, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::EXPAND, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::EXPAND_TOGGLE, TRUE),
new CrayonSetting(self::MINIMIZE, FALSE),
new CrayonSetting(self::DELAY_LOAD_JS, FALSE)
$nonNegs = array(self::FONT_SIZE, self::LINE_HEIGHT, self::HEIGHT, self::WIDTH, self::START_LINE, self::WHITESPACE_BEFORE, self::WHITESPACE_AFTER, self::TAB_SIZE, self::INLINE_MARGIN);
$intNonNegValid = new CrayonNonNegIntValidator();
foreach ($nonNegs as $name) {
// Getter and Setter ======================================================
// TODO this needs simplification
function set($name, $value = NULL, $replace = FALSE) {
// Set associative array of settings
if (is_array($name)) {
$keys = array_keys($name);
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (is_string($key)) {
// Associative value
$this->set($key, $name[$key], $replace);
} else if (is_int($key)) {
$setting = $name[$key];
$this->set($setting, NULL, $replace);
} else if (is_string($name) && !empty($name) && $value !== NULL) {
$value = CrayonSettings::validate($name, $value);
if ($replace || !$this->is_setting($name)) {
// Replace/Create
$this->settings[$name] = new CrayonSetting($name, $value);
} else {
// Update
} else if (is_object($name) && get_class($name) == CRAYON_SETTING_CLASS) {
$setting = $name; // Semantics
if ($replace || !$this->is_setting($setting->name())) {
// Replace/Create
$this->settings[$setting->name()] = $setting->copy();
} else {
// Update
if ($setting->is_array()) {
} else {
function get($name = NULL) {
if ($name === NULL) {
$copy = array();
foreach ($this->settings as $name => $setting) {
$copy[$name] = $setting->copy(); // Deep copy
return $copy;
} else if (is_string($name)) {
if ($this->is_setting($name)) {
return $this->settings[$name];
return FALSE;
function val($name = NULL) {
if (($setting = self::get($name)) != FALSE) {
return $setting->value();
} else {
return NULL;
function val_str($name) {
if (($setting = self::get($name)) != FALSE) {
$def = $setting->def();
$index = $setting->value();
if (array_key_exists($index, $def)) {
return $def[$index];
} else {
return NULL;
function get_array() {
$array = array();
foreach ($this->settings as $setting) {
$array[$setting->name()] = $setting->value();
return $array;
function is_setting($name) {
return (is_string($name) && array_key_exists($name, $this->settings));
/* Gets default settings, either as associative array of name=>value or CrayonSetting
objects */
public static function get_defaults($name = NULL, $objects = TRUE) {
if (self::$default === NULL) {
self::$default = new CrayonSettings();
if ($name === NULL) {
// Get all settings
if ($objects) {
// Return array of objects
return self::$default->get();
} else {
// Return associative array of name=>value
$settings = self::$default->get();
$defaults = array();
foreach ($settings as $setting) {
$defaults[$setting->name()] = $setting->value();
return $defaults;
} else {
// Return specific setting
if ($objects) {
return self::$default->get($name);
} else {
return self::$default->get($name)->value();
public static function get_defaults_array() {
return self::get_defaults(NULL, FALSE);
// Validation =============================================================
* Validates settings coming from an HTML form and also for internal use.
* This is used when saving form an HTML form to the db, and also when reading from the db
* back into the global settings.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
public static function validate($name, $value) {
if (!is_string($name)) {
return '';
// Type-cast to correct value for known settings
if (($setting = CrayonGlobalSettings::get($name)) != FALSE) {
// Booleans settings that are sent as string are allowed to have "false" == false
if (is_bool($setting->def())) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$value = CrayonUtil::str_to_bool($value);
} else {
// Ensure we don't cast integer settings to 0 because $value doesn't have any numbers in it
$value = strval($value);
// Only occurs when saving from the form ($_POST values are strings)
if ($value == '' || ($cleaned = $setting->sanitize($value, FALSE)) == '') {
// The value sent has no integers, change to default
$value = $setting->def();
} else {
// Cleaned value is int
$value = $cleaned;
// Cast all other settings as usual
if (!settype($value, $setting->type())) {
// If we can't cast, then use default value
if ($setting->is_array()) {
$value = 0; // default index
} else {
$value = $setting->def();
} else {
// If setting not found, remove value
return '';
switch ($name) {
case CrayonSettings::LOCAL_PATH:
$path = parse_url($value, PHP_URL_PATH);
// Remove all spaces, prefixed and trailing forward slashes
$path = preg_replace('#^/*|/*$|\s*#', '', $path);
// Replace backslashes
$path = preg_replace('#\\\\#', '/', $path);
// Append trailing forward slash
if (!empty($path)) {
$path .= '/';
return $path;
case CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE:
if ($value < 1) {
$value = 1;
case CrayonSettings::LINE_HEIGHT:
$font_size = CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE);
$value = $value >= $font_size ? $value : $font_size;
case CrayonSettings::THEME:
$value = strtolower($value);
// XXX validate settings here
// If no validation occurs, return value
return $value;
// Takes an associative array of "smart settings" and regular settings. Smart settings can be used
// to configure regular settings quickly.
// E.g. 'max_height="20px"' will set 'height="20"', 'height_mode="0", height_unit="0"'
public static function smart_settings($settings) {
if (!is_array($settings)) {
return FALSE;
// If a setting is given, it is automatically enabled
foreach ($settings as $name => $value) {
if (($setting = CrayonGlobalSettings::get($name)) !== FALSE && is_bool($setting->def())) {
$value = CrayonUtil::str_to_bool($value);
// XXX removed height and width, since it wasn't using the global settings for mode if only height was provided
if ($name == 'min-height' || $name == 'max-height' /* || $name == 'height'*/) {
self::smart_hw($name, CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_SET, CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_MODE, CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_UNIT, $settings);
} else if ($name == 'min-width' || $name == 'max-width' /* || $name == 'width'*/) {
self::smart_hw($name, CrayonSettings::WIDTH_SET, CrayonSettings::WIDTH_MODE, CrayonSettings::WIDTH_UNIT, $settings);
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE_ENABLE] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::TOP_MARGIN) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::TOP_SET] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::LEFT_MARGIN) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::LEFT_SET] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::BOTTOM_MARGIN) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::BOTTOM_SET] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::RIGHT_MARGIN) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::RIGHT_SET] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::ERROR_MSG) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::ERROR_MSG_SHOW] = TRUE;
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::H_ALIGN) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::FLOAT_ENABLE] = TRUE;
$value = CrayonUtil::tlower($value);
$values = array('none' => 0, 'left' => 1, 'center' => 2, 'right' => 3);
if (array_key_exists($value, $values)) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::H_ALIGN] = $values[$value];
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::SHOW_LANG) {
$value = CrayonUtil::tlower($value);
$values = array('found' => 0, 'always' => 1, 'true' => 1, 'never' => 2, 'false' => 2);
if (array_key_exists($value, $values)) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::SHOW_LANG] = $values[$value];
} else if ($name == CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR) {
if (CrayonUtil::tlower($value) == 'always') {
$settings[CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR] = 1;
} else if (CrayonUtil::str_to_bool($value) === FALSE) {
$settings[CrayonSettings::TOOLBAR] = 2;
return $settings;
// Used for height and width smart settings, I couldn't bear to copy paste code twice...
private static function smart_hw($name, $set, $mode, $unit, &$settings) {
if (!is_string($name) || !is_string($set) || !is_string($mode) || !is_string($unit) || !is_array($settings)) {
$settings[$set] = TRUE;
if (strpos($name, 'max-') !== FALSE) {
$settings[$mode] = 0;
} else if (strpos($name, 'min-') !== FALSE) {
$settings[$mode] = 1;
} else {
$settings[$mode] = 2;
preg_match('#(\d+)\s*([^\s]*)#', $settings[$name], $match);
if (count($match) == 3) {
$name = str_replace(array('max-', 'min-'), '', $name);
$settings[$name] = $match[1];
switch (strtolower($match[2])) {
case 'px':
$settings[$unit] = 0;
case '%':
$settings[$unit] = 1;
* Stores global/static copy of CrayonSettings loaded from db.
* These settings can be overriden by individual Crayons.
* Also manages global site settings and paths.
class CrayonGlobalSettings {
// The global settings stored as a CrayonSettings object.
private static $global = NULL;
/* These are used to load local files reliably and prevent scripts like PHP from executing
when attempting to load their code. */
// The URL of the site (eg. http://localhost/example/)
private static $site_http = '';
// The absolute root directory of the site (eg. /User/example/)
private static $site_path = '';
// The absolute root directory of the plugins (eg. /User/example/plugins)
private static $plugin_path = '';
private static $upload_path = '';
private static $upload_url = '';
private static $mkdir = NULL;
private function __construct() {
private static function init() {
if (self::$global === NULL) {
self::$global = new CrayonSettings();
public static function get($name = NULL) {
return self::$global->get($name);
public static function get_array() {
return self::$global->get_array();
public static function get_obj() {
return self::$global->copy();
public static function val($name = NULL) {
return self::$global->val($name);
public static function val_str($name = NULL) {
return self::$global->val_str($name);
public static function has_changed($input, $setting, $value) {
return $input == $setting && $value != CrayonGlobalSettings::val($setting);
public static function set($name, $value = NULL, $replace = FALSE) {
self::$global->set($name, $value, $replace);
public static function site_url($site_http = NULL) {
if ($site_http === NULL) {
return self::$site_http;
} else {
self::$site_http = CrayonUtil::url_slash($site_http);
public static function site_path($site_path = NULL) {
if ($site_path === NULL) {
return self::$site_path;
} else {
self::$site_path = CrayonUtil::path_slash($site_path);
public static function plugin_path($plugin_path = NULL) {
if ($plugin_path === NULL) {
return self::$plugin_path;
} else {
self::$plugin_path = CrayonUtil::path_slash($plugin_path);
public static function upload_path($upload_path = NULL) {
if ($upload_path === NULL) {
return self::$upload_path;
} else {
self::$upload_path = CrayonUtil::path_slash($upload_path);
public static function upload_url($upload_url = NULL) {
if ($upload_url === NULL) {
return self::$upload_url;
} else {
self::$upload_url = CrayonUtil::url_slash($upload_url);
public static function set_mkdir($mkdir = NULL) {
if ($mkdir === NULL) {
return self::$mkdir;
} else {
self::$mkdir = $mkdir;
public static function mkdir($dir = NULL) {
if (self::$mkdir) {
call_user_func(self::$mkdir, $dir);
} else {
@mkdir($dir, 0777, TRUE);
$INT = new CrayonValidator('#\d+#');
* Validation class.
class CrayonValidator {
private $pattern = '#*#msi';
public function __construct($pattern) {
public function pattern($pattern) {
if ($pattern === NULL) {
return $pattern;
} else {
$this->pattern = $pattern;
public function validate($str) {
return preg_match($this->pattern, $str) !== FALSE;
public function sanitize($str) {
preg_match_all($this->pattern, $str, $matches);
$result = '';
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$result .= $match[0];
return $result;
class CrayonNonNegIntValidator extends CrayonValidator {
public function __construct() {
class CrayonIntValidator extends CrayonValidator {
public function __construct() {
* Individual setting.
* Can store boolean, string, dropdown (with array of strings), etc.
class CrayonSetting {
private $name = '';
/* The type of variables that can be set as the value.
* For dropdown settings, value is int, even though value() will return a string. */
private $type = NULL;
private $default = NULL; // stores string array for dropdown settings
private $value = NULL; // stores index int for dropdown settings
private $is_array = FALSE; // only TRUE for dropdown settings
private $locked = FALSE;
private $validator = NULL;
public function __construct($name, $default = '', $value = NULL, $locked = NULL) {
if ($default !== NULL) {
$this->def($default); // Perform first to set type
if ($value !== NULL) {
if ($locked !== NULL) {
function __tostring() {
return $this->name;
function copy() {
return new CrayonSetting($this->name, $this->default, $this->value, $this->locked);
function name($name = NULL) {
if (!CrayonUtil::str($this->name, $name)) {
return $this->name;
function type() {
return $this->type;
function is_array() {
return $this->is_array;
function locked($locked = NULL) {
if ($locked === NULL) {
return $this->locked;
} else {
$this->locked = ($locked == TRUE);
* Sets/gets value;
* Value is index (int) in default value (array) for dropdown settings.
* value($value) is alias for index($index) if dropdown setting.
* value() returns string value at current index for dropdown settings.
* @param $value
function value($value = NULL) {
if ($value === NULL) {
/*if ($this->is_array) {
return $this->default[$this->value]; // value at index
} else */
if ($this->value !== NULL) {
return $this->value;
} else {
if ($this->is_array) {
return 0;
} else {
return $this->default;
} else if ($this->locked === FALSE) {
if ($this->is_array) {
$this->index($value); // $value is index
} else {
settype($value, $this->type); // Type cast
$this->value = $value;
function array_value() {
if ($this->is_array) {
return NULL;
return $this->default[$this->value];
* Sets/gets default value.
* For dropdown settings, default value is array of all possible value strings.
* @param $default
function def($default = NULL) {
// Only allow default to be set once
if ($this->type === NULL && $default !== NULL) {
// For dropdown settings
if (is_array($default)) { // The only time we don't use $this->is_array
// If empty, set to blank array
if (empty($default)) {
$default = array('');
} else {
// Ensure all values are unique strings
$default = CrayonUtil::array_unique_str($default);
$this->value = 0; // initial index
$this->is_array = TRUE;
$this->type = gettype(0); // Type is int (index)
} else {
$this->is_array = FALSE;
$this->type = gettype($default);
if (is_int($default)) {
$this->validator(new CrayonIntValidator());
$this->default = $default;
} else {
return $this->default;
* Sets/gets index.
* @param int|string $index
* @return FALSE if not dropdown setting
function index($index = NULL) {
if (!$this->is_array) {
return FALSE;
} else if ($index === NULL) {
return $this->value; // return current index
} else {
if (!is_int($index)) {
// Ensure $value is int for index
$index = intval($index);
// Validate index
if ($index < 0 || $index > count($this->default) - 1) {
$index = 0;
$this->value = $index;
* Finds the index of a string in an array setting
function find_index($str) {
if (!$this->is_array || is_string($str)) {
return FALSE;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->default); $i++) {
if ($this->default[$i] == $str) {
return $i;
return FALSE;
function validator($validator) {
if ($validator === NULL) {
return $this->validator;
} else {
$this->validator = $validator;
function sanitize($str) {
if ($this->validator != NULL) {
return $this->validator->sanitize($str);
} else {
return $str;