
1272 lines
36 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-08-30 19:30:19 +02:00
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: crayon-syntax-highlighter\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-24 08:40+1000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: ar-AR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: ..\n"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_formatter.class.php:286
msgid "Toggle Line Numbers"
msgstr "أظهر/أخف أرقام الأسطر"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_formatter.class.php:290
msgid "Toggle Plain Code"
msgstr "الذهاب إلى كامل الكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_formatter.class.php:294
msgid "Toggle Line Wrap"
msgstr "أظهر/ أخف الأسطر"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_formatter.class.php:298 ../crayon_formatter.class.php:302
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expand Code"
msgstr "إنسخ كامل الكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_formatter.class.php:306
msgid "Open Code In New Window"
msgstr "إفتح الكود في نافذة جديدة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_formatter.class.php:333
msgid "Contains Mixed Languages"
msgstr "يحتوى على لغات مدمجة فيما بينها"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:150
msgid "Hourly"
msgstr "ساعيا"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:150
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "يوميا"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:151
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "أسبوعيا"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:151
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "شهريا"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:152
msgid "Immediately"
msgstr "حا?"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:163 ../crayon_settings.class.php:167
msgid "Max"
msgstr "أكبر"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:163 ../crayon_settings.class.php:167
msgid "Min"
msgstr "أقل"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:163 ../crayon_settings.class.php:167
msgid "Static"
msgstr "ثابتة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:165 ../crayon_settings.class.php:169
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:774 ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:783
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1059 ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1061
msgid "Pixels"
msgstr "بيكسل"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:165 ../crayon_settings.class.php:169
msgid "Percent"
msgstr "بالمئة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:178
msgid "None"
msgstr "بدون"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:178
msgid "Left"
msgstr "يسار"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:178
msgid "Center"
msgstr "توسيط"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:178
msgid "Right"
msgstr "يمين"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:180 ../crayon_settings.class.php:204
msgid "On MouseOver"
msgstr "عند تمرير الفأرة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:180 ../crayon_settings.class.php:186
msgid "Always"
msgstr "دائما"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:180 ../crayon_settings.class.php:186
msgid "Never"
msgstr "أبدا"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:186
msgid "When Found"
msgstr "إذا استكشفت"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:204
msgid "On Double Click"
msgstr "عند النقر المزدوج"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:204
msgid "On Single Click"
msgstr "عند النقر مرة واحدة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:204
msgid "Disable Mouse Events"
msgstr "تعطيل أفعال الفأرة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:211
msgid "An error has occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "لقد حدث خطأ . الرجاء اعادة المحاولة ?حقا."
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inline Tag"
msgstr "الهامش بين الاسطر"
#: ../crayon_settings.class.php:227
msgid "Block Tag"
msgstr ""
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:53 ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:210
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1257
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:254
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "إعدادات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:136
#, php-format
msgid "Press %s to Copy, %s to Paste"
msgstr "قم ب %s للنسخ, %s للصق"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:137
msgid "Click To Expand Code"
msgstr ""
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:179
msgid "Prompt"
msgstr ""
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:180
msgid "Value"
msgstr ""
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:181
msgid "Alert"
msgstr ""
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:182 ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:920
msgid "No"
msgstr "لا"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:183 ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:920
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "نعم"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:184
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr ""
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Code"
msgstr "إنسخ كامل الكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:193
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."
msgstr "ليس لديك تصاريح كافية لدخول هذه الصفحة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:225
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "حفظ التغييرات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:233
msgid "Reset Settings"
msgstr "إعادة تعيين الاعدادات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:491
msgid "General"
msgstr "عام"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:492
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "الشكل"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:493
msgid "Font"
msgstr "الخط"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:494
msgid "Metrics"
msgstr "الأبعاد"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:495
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:299
msgid "Toolbar"
msgstr "شريط الأدوات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:496
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:297
msgid "Lines"
msgstr "سطر"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:497
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:214
msgid "Code"
msgstr "كود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:498
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "أوسمة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:499
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "لغات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:500
msgid "Files"
msgstr "ملفات"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:501
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "تدوينات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:502
msgid "Tag Editor"
msgstr "محرر الأوسمة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:503
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "متفرقات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:506
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "تصحيح"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:507
msgid "Errors"
msgstr "أخطاء"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:508
msgid "Log"
msgstr "سجل"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:511
msgid "About"
msgstr "حول"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:751
msgid "Height"
msgstr "الارتفاع"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:757
msgid "Width"
msgstr "الطول"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:763
msgid "Top Margin"
msgstr "الهامش العلوي"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:764
msgid "Bottom Margin"
msgstr "الهامش السفلي"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:765 ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:770
msgid "Left Margin"
msgstr "هامش اليسار"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:766 ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:770
msgid "Right Margin"
msgstr "هامش اليمين"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:776
msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
msgstr "المحاذاة الأفقية"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:779
msgid "Allow floating elements to surround Crayon"
msgstr "السماح لعناصر العائمة لتطويق ملون الكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:781
msgid "Inline Margin"
msgstr "الهامش بين الاسطر"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:789
msgid "Display the Toolbar"
msgstr "إظهار شريط الأدوات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:792
msgid "Overlay the toolbar on code rather than push it down when possible"
msgstr "ركب شريط الأدوات فوق الكود بدلا من دفعه نحو الأسفل إن كان ذلك ممكنا"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:793
msgid "Toggle the toolbar on single click when it is overlayed"
msgstr "أظهر شريط الأدوات عند النقر مرة واحدةحينما يكون مركبا"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:794
msgid "Delay hiding the toolbar on MouseOut"
msgstr "أخر اخفاء شريط الأدوات عندما تكون الفأرة فوقه"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:796
msgid "Display the title when provided"
msgstr "أظهر العنوان اذا وجد"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:797
msgid "Display the language"
msgstr "أظهر اللغة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:804
msgid "Display striped code lines"
msgstr "أظهر تلوين الأسطر"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:805
msgid "Enable line marking for important lines"
msgstr "تفعيل تحديد الأسطر المهمة"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:806
msgid "Enable line ranges for showing only parts of code"
msgstr "تفعيل نطاق الأسطر لإظهار جزء من الكود فقط"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:807
msgid "Display line numbers by default"
msgstr "عرض أرقام الأسطر افتراضيا"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:808
msgid "Enable line number toggling"
msgstr "تفعيل عرض أرقام الأسطر"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:809
msgid "Wrap lines by default"
msgstr "عرض أرقام الأسطر الافتراضية"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:810
msgid "Enable line wrap toggling"
msgstr "تفعيل عرض أرقام الأسطر"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:811
msgid "Start line numbers from"
msgstr "إبدأ ترقيم الأسطر بـــ "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:822
msgid "When no language is provided, use the fallback"
msgstr "إذا لم تهتر اللغة ،، استخدم الافتراضية"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:828
#, php-format
msgid "%d language has been detected."
msgstr "تم ايجاد %d لغة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:829
msgid "Parsing was successful"
msgstr "تم التحويل بنجاح"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:829
msgid "Parsing was unsuccessful"
msgstr "خطأ في التحويل "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:835
#, php-format
msgid "The selected language with id %s could not be loaded"
msgstr " (%s) ? نستطيع تحديد اللغة المختارة بـالرقم "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:838
msgid "Show Languages"
msgstr "مشاهدة اللغات"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:874
msgid "Show Crayon Posts"
msgstr "مشاهدة تدوينات المستعملة للاضافة"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:875
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "تحديث"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:900
msgid "ID"
msgstr "الرقم"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:900
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:191
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:314
msgid "Title"
msgstr "عنوان"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:900
msgid "Posted"
msgstr "كتب في"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:900
msgid "Modifed"
msgstr "حرر في"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:900
msgid "Contains Legacy Tags?"
msgstr "يحتوي على الأوسمة؟"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1015
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "حرر"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1015
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:199
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "انسخ"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1015
msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1016
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:196
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "احذف"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1018
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr " جاري التحميل ..."
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1020
msgid "Duplicate a Stock Theme into a User Theme to allow editing."
msgstr ""
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1031
#, fuzzy, php-format
msgid ""
"Change the %1$sfallback language%2$s to change the sample code or %3$schange "
"it manually%4$s. Lines 5-7 are marked."
msgstr ""
"غير الـ %1$s اللغة الاحتياطية %2$s لتغيير كود المثال.تم تعليم الأسطر 5-7 "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1038
msgid "Enable Live Preview"
msgstr "المشاهدة المباشرة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1040
msgid "Enqueue themes in the header (more efficient)."
msgstr "تحميل اعدادات الاضافة في التروسية -أكثر فعالية "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1043
#, php-format
msgid "The selected theme with id %s could not be loaded"
msgstr " %s ? نستطيع تحميل الشكل المحدد بالرقم "
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1055
msgid "Add More"
msgstr ""
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1057
msgid "Custom Font Size"
msgstr "تخصيص حجم الخط"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1059
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line Height"
msgstr "الارتفاع"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1064
#, php-format
msgid "The selected font with id %s could not be loaded"
msgstr " (%s) ? يمكن تحديد الخط المحدد بالــ"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1070
msgid "Enqueue fonts in the header (more efficient)."
msgstr "إدراج الخطوط بالتروسية ( أكثر فعالية ) "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1075
msgid "Enable plain code view and display"
msgstr "تفعيل اظهار ومشاهدة كامل الكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1078
msgid "Enable plain code toggling"
msgstr "تفعيل تغيير كامل الكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1079
msgid "Show the plain code by default"
msgstr "اظهار كامل الكود افتراضيا"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1080
msgid "Enable code copy/paste"
msgstr "السماح بنسخ الكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1082
msgid "Enable opening code in a window"
msgstr "السماح بفتح الكود في نافذة جديدة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1083
msgid "Always display scrollbars"
msgstr "اظهار شريط التمرير دائما "
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1084
msgid "Minimize code"
msgstr ""
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1085
msgid "Expand code beyond page borders on mouseover"
msgstr ""
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1086
msgid "Enable code expanding toggling when possible"
msgstr ""
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1089
msgid "Decode HTML entities in code"
msgstr "تشفير أكواد الهتمل تلقائيا"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1091
msgid "Decode HTML entities in attributes"
msgstr "تشفير أكواد الهتمل تلقائيا "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1093
msgid "Remove whitespace surrounding the shortcode content"
msgstr "حذف الفراغات في حول الكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1095
msgid "Allow Mixed Language Highlighting with delimiters and tags."
msgstr "السماح بتلوين الكود المتعدد اللغات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1097
msgid "Show Mixed Language Icon (+)"
msgstr "إظهار أيقونة اللغات المدمجة والمتعددة (+) "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1099
msgid "Tab size in spaces"
msgstr "حجم الفراغات"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1101
msgid "Blank lines before code:"
msgstr "أسطر فارغة قبل الكود"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1103
msgid "Blank lines after code:"
msgstr "أسطر فارغة بعد الكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1108
#, fuzzy
msgid "Capture Inline Tags"
msgstr "تمكين التعرف على أوسمة الروج الى السطر"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1109
msgid "Wrap Inline Tags"
msgstr "تمكين التعرف على أوسمة الروج الى السطر"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Capture <code> as"
msgstr "تمكين التعرف على أوسمة <pre> في الاضافة "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1114
msgid "Capture `backquotes` as <code>"
msgstr "تمكين التعرف على الاقتباسات "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1115
msgid "Capture <pre> tags as Crayons"
msgstr "تمكين التعرف على أوسمة <pre> في الاضافة "
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1117
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Using this markup for Mini Tags and Inline tags is now %sdeprecated%s! Use "
"the %sTag Editor%s instead and convert legacy tags."
msgstr ""
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1118
msgid "Capture Mini Tags like [php][/php] as Crayons."
msgstr " [php][/php]تمكين التعرف على الاوسمة مثل "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1119
msgid "Capture Inline Tags like {php}{/php} inside sentences."
msgstr "تمكين التعرف على أكواد مثل {php}{/php} داخل التدوينات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1120
msgid "Enable [plain][/plain] tag."
msgstr "تفعيل أوسمة [plain][/plain]"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1125
msgid ""
"When loading local files and a relative path is given for the URL, use the "
"absolute path"
msgstr "عند رفع ملفات من الجهاز ، عليك اعطاء الروابط الصحيحة "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1128
msgid "Followed by your relative URL."
msgstr "متبوعا برابطك "
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1135
msgid "Convert Legacy Tags"
msgstr "تحويل الأوسمة "
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1138
msgid "No Legacy Tags Found"
msgstr "لم يتم ايجاد اوسمة"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1142
msgid "Encode"
msgstr ""
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1144
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Use %s to separate setting names from values in the <pre> class "
msgstr "استعمل %s لتفصل بين اسماء الاعدادات والقيم ف <pre> "
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1147
msgid ""
"Display the Tag Editor in any TinyMCE instances on the frontend (e.g. "
msgstr "عرض أوسمة المحرر في أي واجهة محرر TinyMCE آخر "
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1148
msgid "Display Tag Editor settings on the frontend"
msgstr "عرض أوسمة المحرر في الواجهة "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1152
msgid "Clear the cache used to store remote code requests"
msgstr "تفريغ الكاش المستعمل للحفظ التلقائي للكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1154
msgid "Clear Now"
msgstr "تفريغ الأن"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1155
msgid "Attempt to load Crayon's CSS and JavaScript only when needed"
msgstr "? تحاول أن تغير في ملفات الـ CSS و JavaScript في حالة الضرورة فقط "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1156
msgid "Disable enqueuing for page templates that may contain The Loop."
msgstr "تعطيل حقن الكود في القوالب التي تجتوي على Loop"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1157
msgid "Allow Crayons inside comments"
msgstr "تمكين الاضافة في التعليقات"
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1158
msgid "Remove Crayons from excerpts"
msgstr "حذف تنسيقات اضافة كود التلوين في ال excerpts"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1159
msgid "Load Crayons only from the main Wordpress query"
msgstr "تمكين الاضافة من استعلامات ووردبريس الرئيسية فقط "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1160
msgid "Disable mouse gestures for touchscreen devices (eg. MouseOver)"
msgstr "تعطيل اعدادات الفأرة للأجهزة اللوحية "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1161
msgid "Disable animations"
msgstr "تعطيل التتنسيقات المتحركة "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1162
msgid "Disable runtime stats"
msgstr "تعطيل احصاءات العمل "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1168
msgid "Log errors for individual Crayons"
msgstr "سجلات الأخطاء الفردية للاضافة "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1169
msgid "Log system-wide errors"
msgstr "سجلات أخطاء النظام"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1170
msgid "Display custom message for errors"
msgstr "عرض رسالة مخصصة للأخطاء"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1182
msgid "Show Log"
msgstr "عرض السجلات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1182
msgid "Hide Log"
msgstr "اخفاء السجلات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1184
msgid "Clear Log"
msgstr "تفريغ السجلات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1185
msgid "Email Admin"
msgstr "ايميل الادارة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1187
msgid "Email Developer"
msgstr "ايميل المطور"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1189
msgid "The log is currently empty."
msgstr "السجلات فارغة "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1191
msgid "The log file exists and is writable."
msgstr "السجلات متاحة وتستطيع الكتابة عليها "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1191
msgid "The log file exists and is not writable."
msgstr "السجلات موجودة لكن ? تسنطيع الكتابة عليها "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1193
msgid "The log file does not exist and is not writable."
msgstr "السجلات غير موجودة ، و? تستطيع كتابتها"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1203
msgid "Version"
msgstr "النسخة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1205
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "المطور"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1206
msgid "Translators"
msgstr "المترجم"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1251
msgid "?"
msgstr "؟"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1258
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:336
msgid "Theme Editor"
msgstr "محرر الاشكال"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1259
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "تبرع "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:62
msgid "Add Crayon Code"
msgstr "أظف كود تلوين جديد"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:63
msgid "Edit Crayon Code"
msgstr "عدل كود تلوين "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:64
msgid "Add"
msgstr "أظف"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:65
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:352
msgid "Save"
msgstr "احفظ"
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:182
msgid "OK"
msgstr "تأكيد"
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:184
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "إلغاء"
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:193
msgid "A short description"
msgstr "وصف قصير "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:195
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:318
msgid "Inline"
msgstr "تضمين"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:197
msgid "Don't Highlight"
msgstr "تعطيل تلوين الكود"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:202
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:322
msgid "Language"
msgstr "اللغات"
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:205
msgid "Line Range"
msgstr "نطاق الأسطر"
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:206
msgid "(e.g. 3-5 or 3)"
msgstr "(أمثلة : 3، 3-5 ) "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:207
msgid "Marked Lines"
msgstr "الأسطر المعلمة "
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:208
msgid "(e.g. 1,2,3-5)"
msgstr "( أمثلة 3،2،1-5 )"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:217
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "مسح"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:221
msgid "Paste your code here, or type it in manually."
msgstr "الصق الكود هنا ، أو اكتبه يدويا "
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:225
msgid "URL"
msgstr "الرابط"
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:227
msgid "Relative local path or absolute URL"
msgstr "رابط داخلي أو رابط خارجي "
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:230
msgid ""
"If the URL fails to load, the code above will be shown instead. If no code "
"exists, an error is shown."
msgstr ""
"عند فشل تحميل الرابط ، سيظهر الكود مكانه ، في حال عدم وجود الكود ، ستظهر "
"رسالة خطأ "
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:232
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If a relative local path is given it will be appended to %s - which is "
"defined in %sCrayon > Settings > Files%s."
msgstr ""
"في حالة اعطاء الرابط الداخلي ، سيتم اضافته الى %s الموجود على المسار "
"%sكريون > اعدادات > ملفات %s."
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:259
msgid "Change the following settings to override their global values."
msgstr "غير الاعدادات التالية لتحل محل الاعدادات العامة لهذه التدوينة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:261
msgid "Only changes (shown yellow) are applied."
msgstr "التغييرات باللون الاصفر هي فقط من فعلت "
#: ../util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:263
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Future changes to the global settings under %sCrayon > Settings%s won't "
"affect overridden settings."
msgstr ""
"التغييرات المستقبلية للاعدادات العامة %sللأضافة > %s لن تأثر على "
"الاعدادات المغيرة يدويا"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:192
msgid "User-Defined Theme"
msgstr "ثيم معرف من المستخدم"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stock Theme"
msgstr "الشكل المخزن"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:194
msgid "Success!"
msgstr "نجح"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:195
msgid "Failed!"
msgstr "فشل"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:197
#, php-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the \"%s\" theme?"
msgstr "؟ \"%s\" ىهل أنت متأكد من حذف الثيم المسمى بـ"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete failed!"
msgstr "فشل الحذف"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:200
msgid "New Name"
msgstr "اسم جديد"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:201
#, fuzzy
msgid "Duplicate failed!"
msgstr "فشل النسخ"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:202
msgid "Please check the log for details."
msgstr "من فضلك ، تحقق من السجلات لمزيد من التفاصيل "
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:203
msgid "Are you sure you want to discard all changes?"
msgstr "هل أنت متأكد من حذف جميع التغييرات ؟"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:204
#, fuzzy, php-format
msgid "Editing Theme: %s"
msgstr " \"%s\" تحرير الشكل "
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:205
#, fuzzy, php-format
msgid "Creating Theme: %s"
msgstr " \"%s\" أنشأ شكلا مبني على "
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:206
msgid "Submit Your Theme"
msgstr "ارسل الثيم"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:207
msgid ""
"Submit your User Theme for inclusion as a Stock Theme in Crayon! This will "
"email me your theme - make sure it's considerably different from the stock "
"themes :)"
msgstr ""
"ارسل هذا الثيم في الاضافة, وهذا سيرسل الى ايميل بهذا الثيمتأكد من أن يكون "
"الثيم فريد ولايشبه شكلا سابقا"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:208
msgid "Message"
msgstr "رسالة"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:209
msgid "Please include this theme in Crayon!"
msgstr "ضمن هذا الثيمفي الاضافة "
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "Submit was successful."
msgstr "تم التحويل بنجاح"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:211
msgid "Submit failed!"
msgstr "فشل الارسال"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:294
msgid "Information"
msgstr "معلومات"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "Highlighting"
msgstr "تعطيل تلوين الكود"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:296
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "الاطار"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line Numbers"
msgstr "أظهر/أخف أرقام الأسطر"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:301
msgid "Background"
msgstr "الخلفية"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:302
msgid "Text"
msgstr "الرسالة"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:303
msgid "Border"
msgstr "الحدود"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:304
msgid "Top Border"
msgstr "الحد الأعلى"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:305
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bottom Border"
msgstr "الهامش السفلي"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:306
msgid "Right Border"
msgstr "الحد الأيمن"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:308
msgid "Hover"
msgstr "ممرر"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:309
msgid "Active"
msgstr "مفعل"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:310
msgid "Pressed"
msgstr "الضغط"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:311
msgid "Pressed & Hover"
msgstr "مضغط و عند التمرير"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:312
msgid "Pressed & Active"
msgstr "مضغط و معلم"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:315
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr "ازرار"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:317
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "عادي"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:319
msgid "Striped"
msgstr "ملقم"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:320
#, fuzzy
msgid "Marked"
msgstr "الأسطر المعلمة "
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:321
msgid "Striped & Marked"
msgstr "ملقم ومعلم"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:351
msgid "Back To Settings"
msgstr "العودة للإعدادات"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:390
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "تعليق"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:391
msgid "String"
msgstr "حروف"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:392
msgid "Preprocessor"
msgstr "قبل المعالجة"
# @ crayon-syntax-highlighter
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:393
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "أوسمة"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:394
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "كلمات مفتاحية"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:395
msgid "Statement"
msgstr "تقرير"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:396
msgid "Reserved"
msgstr "محفوظة"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:397
msgid "Type"
msgstr "نوع"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:398
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modifier"
msgstr "حرر في"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:399
msgid "Identifier"
msgstr "معرف"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:400
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "وحدة"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:401
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "متغير"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:402
msgid "Constant"
msgstr "ثابت"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:403
msgid "Operator"
msgstr "معامل"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:404
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "رمز"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:405
msgid "Notation"
msgstr "تدوين"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:406
msgid "Faded"
msgstr "تلاشي"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:407
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
#: ../util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:540
msgid "(Used for Copy/Paste)"
msgstr "(مستخدم للنسخ/اللصق)"