
1373 lines
38 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-08-30 19:30:19 +02:00
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Crayon Syntax Highlighter v2.4.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-12-10 17:11+1000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-07-28 18:55:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Stephan Knauss <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: CSL v1.x\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: \n"
"X-Poedit-Country: \n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_c,_nc:4c,1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2;\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
"X-Poedit-Bookmarks: \n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n"
"X-Textdomain-Support: yes"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:164
#: crayon_settings.class.php:168
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:164
#: crayon_settings.class.php:168
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Min"
msgstr "Min"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:164
#: crayon_settings.class.php:168
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Static"
msgstr "Fix"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:166
#: crayon_settings.class.php:170
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:774
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:783
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1059
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1061
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Pixels"
msgstr "Pixels"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:166
#: crayon_settings.class.php:170
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Percent"
msgstr "Prozent"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:179
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "None"
msgstr "Keine"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:179
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Links"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:179
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Center"
msgstr "Mitte"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:179
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Rechts"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:181
#: crayon_settings.class.php:206
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "On MouseOver"
msgstr "Bei MouseOver"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:181
#: crayon_settings.class.php:187
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Immer"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:181
#: crayon_settings.class.php:187
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nie"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:187
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "When Found"
msgstr "Wenn gefunden"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:206
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "On Double Click"
msgstr "Bei Doppelklick"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:206
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "On Single Click"
msgstr "Bei Mausklick"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:213
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "An error has occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:53
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:210
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1258
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:252
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:193
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."
msgstr "Sie verfügen nicht über ausreichende Berechtigungen um diese Seite zu betreten."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:225
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Änderungen speichern"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:233
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Reset Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen zurücksetzen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:751
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Höhe"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:757
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Breite"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:763
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Top Margin"
msgstr "Oberer Rand"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:764
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Bottom Margin"
msgstr "Unterer Rand"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:765
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:770
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Left Margin"
msgstr "Linker Rand"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:766
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:770
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Right Margin"
msgstr "Rechter Rand"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:776
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
msgstr "Horizontale Ausrichtung"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:779
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Allow floating elements to surround Crayon"
msgstr "Crayon in Floating Elemente einbetten"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:789
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Display the Toolbar"
msgstr "Symbolleiste anzeigen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:792
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Overlay the toolbar on code rather than push it down when possible"
msgstr "Versuchen mit Symbolleiste Code zu überlagern statt zu verschieben"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:793
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Toggle the toolbar on single click when it is overlayed"
msgstr "Symbolleiste mit Klick umschalten wenn als Overlay"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:794
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Delay hiding the toolbar on MouseOut"
msgstr "Nach MouseOut Symbolleiste verzögert ausblenden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:796
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Display the title when provided"
msgstr "Titel anzeigen wenn vorhanden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:797
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Display the language"
msgstr "Anzeige der Sprache"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:804
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Display striped code lines"
msgstr "Anzeige gestreifte Codezeilen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:805
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable line marking for important lines"
msgstr "wichtige Zeilen markieren"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:807
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Display line numbers by default"
msgstr "Zeilennummern standardmäßig anzeigen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:808
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable line number toggling"
msgstr "Zeilennummern umschaltbar"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:811
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Start line numbers from"
msgstr "Erste Zeilennummer"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:822
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "When no language is provided, use the fallback"
msgstr "Wenn keine Sprache festgelegt wird als Standard verwenden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:829
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Parsing was successful"
msgstr "Laden erfolgreich"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:829
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Parsing was unsuccessful"
msgstr "Laden fehlgeschlagen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:835
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "The selected language with id %s could not be loaded"
msgstr "Die gewählte Sprache mit der id %s konnte nicht geladen werden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:838
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Show Languages"
msgstr "Zeige Sprachen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1038
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable Live Preview"
msgstr "Live-Vorschau aktivieren"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1043
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "The selected theme with id %s could not be loaded"
msgstr "Das gewählte Theme mit id %s konnte nicht geladen werden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1057
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Custom Font Size"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Schriftgröße"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1064
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "The selected font with id %s could not be loaded"
msgstr "Die ausgewählte Schrift mit der id %s konnte nicht geladen werden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1075
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable plain code view and display"
msgstr "Unformatierte Code-Ansicht ermöglichen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1080
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable code copy/paste"
msgstr "Code kopieren/einfügen ermöglichen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1082
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable opening code in a window"
msgstr "Code in neuem Fenster anzeigbar machen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1100
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Tab size in spaces"
msgstr "Anzahl Leerzeichen für Tabulator"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1093
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Remove whitespace surrounding the shortcode content"
msgstr "Leerzeichen um den Shortcode Inhalt entfernen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1126
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "When loading local files and a relative path is given for the URL, use the absolute path"
msgstr "Wenn beim Laden von lokalen Dateien ein relativer Pfad für die URL angegeben ist den absoluten Pfad verwenden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1153
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Clear the cache used to store remote code requests"
msgstr "Cache für Remote Code Requests leeren"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1155
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Clear Now"
msgstr "Jetzt löschen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1161
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Disable mouse gestures for touchscreen devices (eg. MouseOver)"
msgstr "Deaktiviere Mausgesten für Touchscreen-Geräte (z.B. MouseOver)"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1162
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Disable animations"
msgstr "Deaktiviere Animationen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1163
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Disable runtime stats"
msgstr "Deaktiviere Laufzeit Statistiken"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1169
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Log errors for individual Crayons"
msgstr "Protokolliere Fehler für individuelle Crayons"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1170
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Log system-wide errors"
msgstr "Protokolliere systemweite Fehler"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1171
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Display custom message for errors"
msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Meldungen für Fehler anzeigen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1183
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Show Log"
msgstr "Protokoll anzeigen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1185
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Clear Log"
msgstr "Protokoll löschen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1186
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Email Admin"
msgstr "E-Mail Admin"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1188
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Email Developer"
msgstr "E-Mail Entwickler"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1204
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Version"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1206
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Entwickler"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:151
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Hourly"
msgstr "Stündlich"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:151
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Täglich"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:152
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Wöchentlich"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:152
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Monatlich"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:153
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Immediately"
msgstr "Sofort"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1156
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Attempt to load Crayon's CSS and JavaScript only when needed"
msgstr "Versuchen Crayon CSS und JavaScript nur bei Bedarf zu laden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1129
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Followed by your relative URL."
msgstr "Gefolgt von Ihrer relativen URL."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1190
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "The log is currently empty."
msgstr "Das Protokoll ist derzeit leer."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1192
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "The log file exists and is writable."
msgstr "Die Protokolldatei existiert und ist beschreibbar."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1192
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "The log file exists and is not writable."
msgstr "Die Protokolldatei existiert und ist nicht beschreibbar."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1194
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "The log file does not exist and is not writable."
msgstr "Die Protokolldatei existiert nicht und ist nicht schreibbar."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:828
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "%d language has been detected."
msgid_plural "%d languages have been detected."
msgstr[0] "%d Sprache wurde erkannt."
msgstr[1] "%d Sprachen wurden erkannt."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1116
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Capture &lt;pre&gt; tags as Crayons"
msgstr "&lt;pre&gt; tags wie Crayons behandeln"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1098
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Show Mixed Language Icon (+)"
msgstr "Zeige gemischte Sprachen Symbol (+)"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1096
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Allow Mixed Language Highlighting with delimiters and tags."
msgstr "Erlaube Hervorhebung gemischter Sprachen mit Trennzeichen und Tags"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1119
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Capture Mini Tags like [php][/php] as Crayons."
msgstr "Mini Tags wie [php][/php] als Crayons behandeln"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1121
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable [plain][/plain] tag."
msgstr "Aktiviere [plain][/plain] Tag."
#: crayon_settings.class.php:206
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Disable Mouse Events"
msgstr "Mausereignisse deaktivieren"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1078
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable plain code toggling"
msgstr "Umschaltung auf unformatierte Anzeige ermöglichen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1079
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Show the plain code by default"
msgstr "Unformatierten Code standardmäßig anzeigen"
#. translators: plugin header field 'Name'
#: crayon_wp.class.php:0
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Crayon Syntax Highlighter"
msgstr ""
#. translators: plugin header field 'AuthorURI'
#: crayon_wp.class.php:0
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: plugin header field 'Author'
#: crayon_wp.class.php:0
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Aram Kocharyan"
msgstr ""
#. translators: plugin header field 'Description'
#: crayon_wp.class.php:0
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Supports multiple languages, themes, highlighting from a URL, local file or post text."
msgstr "Unterstützt mehrere Sprachen und Designs. Hervorhebung von Code aus einer URL, lokalen Datei oder Artikeltext."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1260
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "Spenden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:491
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:492
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Design"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:493
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Schriftart"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:494
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Metrics"
msgstr "Layout"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:495
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:299
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Toolbar"
msgstr "Symbolleiste"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:496
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:297
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Lines"
msgstr "Zeilen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:497
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:212
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Code"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:499
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Sprachen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:500
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Dateien"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:503
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Sonstiges"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:506
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "Debuggen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:507
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Errors"
msgstr "Fehler"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:508
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Log"
msgstr "Protokoll"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:511
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "About"
msgstr "Über"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1040
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enqueue themes in the header (more efficient)."
msgstr "Designs im Header laden (effizienter)."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1070
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enqueue fonts in the header (more efficient)."
msgstr "Schriftarten im Header laden (effizienter)."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1018
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Lade..."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1259
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:336
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Theme Editor"
msgstr "Thema Editor"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1083
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Always display scrollbars"
msgstr "Immer Scrollbalken anzeigen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1157
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Disable enqueuing for page templates that may contain The Loop."
msgstr "Deaktiviere Laden im Header für Themes die The Loop verwenden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1160
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Load Crayons only from the main Wordpress query"
msgstr "Crayons nur aus der main Wordpress query laden"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:351
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Back To Settings"
msgstr "Zurück zu Einstellungen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1207
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Translators"
msgstr "Übersetzer"
#: crayon_formatter.class.php:290
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Toggle Plain Code"
msgstr "Unformatierte Code-Ansicht"
#: crayon_formatter.class.php:306
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Open Code In New Window"
msgstr "Code in einem neuen Fenster anzeigen"
#: crayon_formatter.class.php:286
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Toggle Line Numbers"
msgstr "Zeilennummern"
#: crayon_formatter.class.php:333
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Contains Mixed Languages"
msgstr "Enthält verschiedene Sprachen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1183
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Hide Log"
msgstr "Protokoll ausblenden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:136
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Press %s to Copy, %s to Paste"
msgstr "Drücken Sie %s zum Kopieren, %s zum Einfügen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:498
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Tags"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:781
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Inline Margin"
msgstr "Inline Rand"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1120
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Capture Inline Tags like {php}{/php} inside sentences."
msgstr "Tags wie {php} {/php} innerhalb Sätzen erkennen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1115
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Capture `backquotes` as &lt;code&gt;"
msgstr "`backquotes` als &lt;code&gt; behandeln"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1158
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Allow Crayons inside comments"
msgstr "Crayons innerhalb von Kommentaren erlauben"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1110
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Wrap Inline Tags"
msgstr "Inline-Tags umbrechen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:502
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Tag Editor"
msgstr ""
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1252
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "?"
msgstr ""
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1089
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Decode HTML entities in code"
msgstr "HTML entities im code decodieren"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1091
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Decode HTML entities in attributes"
msgstr "HTML entities in Attributen decodieren"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1145
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Use %s to separate setting names from values in the &lt;pre&gt; class attribute"
msgstr "Mit %s in den &lt;pre&gt; class Attributen die Schlüsselworte der Optionen von den Werten trennen"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:62
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Add Crayon Code"
msgstr "Crayon code einfügen"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:63
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Edit Crayon Code"
msgstr "Crayon code bearbeiten"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:64
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Einfügen"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:65
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:352
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Speichern"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:900
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:189
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:314
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:191
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "A short description"
msgstr "kurze Beschreibung"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:193
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:318
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Inline"
msgstr ""
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:200
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:322
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Sprache"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:205
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Marked Lines"
msgstr "Markierte Zeilen"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:206
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "(e.g. 1,2,3-5)"
msgstr "(z.B. 1,2,3-5)"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:215
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Löschen"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:219
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Paste your code here, or type it in manually."
msgstr "Code hier einfügen oder eingeben"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:223
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:225
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Relative local path or absolute URL"
msgstr "Relativer lokaler Pfad oder absoluter URL"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:228
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "If the URL fails to load, the code above will be shown instead. If no code exists, an error is shown."
msgstr "Wenn der URL nicht geladen werden kann wird der Code aus dem oberen Feld angezeigt. Ohne Code erfolgt eine Fehlermeldung."
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:230
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "If a relative local path is given it will be appended to %s - which is defined in %sCrayon &gt; Settings &gt; Files%s."
msgstr "Ein relativer Pfad wird an %s angehängt. Die Adresse ist in %sCrayon &gt; Einstellungen &gt; Dateien%s definiert."
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:257
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Change the following settings to override their global values."
msgstr "Änderungen an den folgenden Einstellungen ersetzen die globalen Werte."
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:259
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Only changes (shown yellow) are applied."
msgstr "Nur (gelb hervorgehobene) Änderungen werden zum crayon hinzugefügt."
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:261
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Future changes to the global settings under %sCrayon &gt; Settings%s won't affect overridden settings."
msgstr "Zukünftige Änderungen der globalen Einstellungen unter %sCrayon &gt; Einstellungen%s ändern nicht die hier gemachten Einstellungen."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1159
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Remove Crayons from excerpts"
msgstr "Auszüge ohne Crayons"
#: crayon_formatter.class.php:294
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Toggle Line Wrap"
msgstr "Zeilenumbruch umschalten"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:501
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Posts"
msgstr "Artikel"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:806
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable line ranges for showing only parts of code"
msgstr "Erlaube die Anzeige auf Zeilenbereiche zu beschränken"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:809
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Wrap lines by default"
msgstr "Zeilen automatisch umbrechen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:810
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable line wrap toggling"
msgstr "Erlaube Umschalten des automatischen Zeilenumbruchs"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:874
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Show Crayon Posts"
msgstr "Zeige Artikel mit Crayon Einträgen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1015
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Bearbeiten"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1102
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Blank lines before code:"
msgstr "Leere Zeilen vor dem Code:"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1104
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Blank lines after code:"
msgstr "Leere Zeilen nach dem Code:"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1136
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Convert Legacy Tags"
msgstr "Konvertiere veraltete Tags"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1139
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "No Legacy Tags Found"
msgstr "Keine veralteten Tags gefunden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1149
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Display Tag Editor settings on the frontend"
msgstr "Tag Editor Einstellungen in der Oberfläche anzeigen"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:195
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Don't Highlight"
msgstr "Nicht hervorheben"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:203
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Line Range"
msgstr "Zeilenbereich"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:204
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "(e.g. 3-5 or 3)"
msgstr "(z.B. 3 oder 3-5)"
#: crayon_formatter.class.php:298
#: crayon_formatter.class.php:302
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Expand Code"
msgstr "Code aufklappen"
#: crayon_settings.class.php:229
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Inline Tag"
msgstr ""
#: crayon_settings.class.php:229
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Block Tag"
msgstr ""
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:137
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Click To Expand Code"
msgstr "Klicken um Code aufzuklappen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:179
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Prompt"
msgstr "Anfrage"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:180
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wert"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:181
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Alert"
msgstr "Achtung"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:182
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:920
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nein"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:183
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:920
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:184
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Bestätigung"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:185
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Change Code"
msgstr "Code anpassen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:875
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Aktualisieren"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:900
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "ID"
msgstr ""
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:900
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Posted"
msgstr "Veröffentlicht"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:900
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Modifed"
msgstr "Geändert"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:900
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Contains Legacy Tags?"
msgstr "Veraltete Tags enthalten?"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1015
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:199
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Kopieren"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1015
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Einsenden"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1016
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:196
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1020
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Duplicate a Stock Theme into a User Theme to allow editing."
msgstr "Standard-Design in ein Benutzer-Design kopieren um Bearbeitung zu ermöglichen."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1031
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Change the %1$sfallback language%2$s to change the sample code or %3$schange it manually%4$s. Lines 5-7 are marked."
msgstr "Die %1$sStandard Sprache%2$s ändern um das Codebeispiel zu ändern. Alternativ kann der %3$sBeispielcode%4$s von Hand angepasst werden. Im Beispiel sind die Zeilen 5-7 markiert."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1055
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Add More"
msgstr "Weitere hinzufügen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1059
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Line Height"
msgstr "Zeilenhöhe"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1084
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Minimize code"
msgstr "Code einklappen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1085
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Expand code beyond page borders on mouseover"
msgstr "Code bei MouseOver über Bereichsgrenze erweitern"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1086
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Enable code expanding toggling when possible"
msgstr "Erlaube Umschaltung der Aufklappfunktion"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1095
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Remove &lt;code&gt; tags surrounding the shortcode content"
msgstr "&lt;code&gt; Tags um den Shortcode Inhalt entfernen"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1109
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Capture Inline Tags"
msgstr "Behandle eingebettete Tags"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1111
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Capture &lt;code&gt; as"
msgstr "Behandle &lt;code&gt; wie"
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1118
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Using this markup for Mini Tags and Inline tags is now %sdeprecated%s! Use the %sTag Editor%s instead and convert legacy tags."
msgstr "Diese Auszeichnung für Mini-Tags und Inline-Tags ist %sveraltet%s!. Bitte den %sTag Editor%s verwenden und veraltete Tags konvertieren."
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1143
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Encode"
msgstr ""
#: crayon_settings_wp.class.php:1148
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Display the Tag Editor in any TinyMCE instances on the frontend (e.g. bbPress)"
msgstr "Tag Editor in jedem TinyMCE Editor auf der Seite anzeigen (z.B. bbPress)"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:180
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: util/tag-editor/crayon_tag_editor_wp.class.php:182
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:192
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "User-Defined Theme"
msgstr "Benutzer-Design"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:193
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Stock Theme"
msgstr "Standard-Design"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:194
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Success!"
msgstr "Erfolgreich!"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:195
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Failed!"
msgstr "Fehlgeschlagen!"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:197
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the \"%s\" theme?"
msgstr "Soll das Design \"%s\" wirklich gelöscht werden?"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:198
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Delete failed!"
msgstr "Löschen fehlgeschlagen!"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:200
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "New Name"
msgstr "Neuer Name"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:201
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Duplicate failed!"
msgstr "Kopieren fehlgeschlagen!"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:202
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Please check the log for details."
msgstr "Bitte das Logfile für Details überprüfen."
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:203
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Are you sure you want to discard all changes?"
msgstr "Wirklich alle Änderungen verwerfen?"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:204
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Editing Theme: %s"
msgstr "Bearbeite Design: %s"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:205
#, php-format
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Creating Theme: %s"
msgstr "Erstelle Design: %s"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:206
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Submit Your Theme"
msgstr "Benutzer-Design einsenden"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:207
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Submit your User Theme for inclusion as a Stock Theme in Crayon! This will email me your theme - make sure it's considerably different from the stock themes :)"
msgstr "Benutzer-Design einsenden und als Crayon Standard-Design vorschlagen. Diese Funktion schickt das Design an den Plugin Autor. Bitte nur Designs schicken die sich von den Standard-Designs deutlich unterscheiden."
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:208
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Nachricht"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:209
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Please include this theme in Crayon!"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:210
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Submit was successful."
msgstr "Einsendung erfolgreich."
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:211
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Submit failed!"
msgstr "Einsendung fehlgeschlagen!"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:294
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Eigenschaften"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:295
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Highlighting"
msgstr "Hervorhebung"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:296
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Rahmen"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:298
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Line Numbers"
msgstr "Zeilennummern"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:301
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Hintergrund"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:302
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:303
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Border"
msgstr "Rand"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:304
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Top Border"
msgstr "Oberer Rand"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:305
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Bottom Border"
msgstr "Unterer Rand"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:306
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Right Border"
msgstr "Rechter Rand"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:308
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Hover"
msgstr "Hover"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:309
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktiv"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:310
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Pressed"
msgstr "Gedrückt"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:311
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Pressed & Hover"
msgstr "Gedrückt & Hover"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:312
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Pressed & Active"
msgstr "Gedrückt & Aktiv"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:315
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr "Schaltflächen"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:317
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:319
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Striped"
msgstr "Gestreift"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:320
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Marked"
msgstr "Markiert"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:321
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Striped & Marked"
msgstr "Gestreift & Markiert"
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:390
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:391
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "String"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:392
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Preprocessor"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:393
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Tag"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:394
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:395
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Statement"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:396
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Reserved"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:397
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:398
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Modifier"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:399
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Identifier"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:400
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Entity"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:401
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Variable"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:402
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Constant"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:403
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Operator"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:404
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:405
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Notation"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:406
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Faded"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:407
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "HTML"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:408
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "Unhighlighted"
msgstr ""
#: util/theme-editor/theme_editor.php:542
#@ crayon-syntax-highlighter
msgid "(Used for Copy/Paste)"
msgstr ""