
278 lines
6.7 KiB

package pongo2addons
import (
func init() {
// Regulars
pongo2.RegisterFilter("slugify", filterSlugify)
pongo2.RegisterFilter("filesizeformat", filterFilesizeformat)
pongo2.RegisterFilter("truncatesentences", filterTruncatesentences)
pongo2.RegisterFilter("truncatesentences_html", filterTruncatesentencesHtml)
// Markup
pongo2.RegisterFilter("markdown", filterMarkdown)
// Humanize
pongo2.RegisterFilter("timeuntil", filterTimeuntilTimesince)
pongo2.RegisterFilter("timesince", filterTimeuntilTimesince)
pongo2.RegisterFilter("naturaltime", filterTimeuntilTimesince)
pongo2.RegisterFilter("naturalday", filterNaturalday)
pongo2.RegisterFilter("intcomma", filterIntcomma)
pongo2.RegisterFilter("ordinal", filterOrdinal)
func filterMarkdown(in *pongo2.Value, param *pongo2.Value) (*pongo2.Value, error) {
return pongo2.AsSafeValue(string(blackfriday.MarkdownCommon([]byte(in.String())))), nil
func filterSlugify(in *pongo2.Value, param *pongo2.Value) (*pongo2.Value, error) {
return pongo2.AsValue(slug.Slug(in.String())), nil
func filterFilesizeformat(in *pongo2.Value, param *pongo2.Value) (*pongo2.Value, error) {
return pongo2.AsValue(humanize.IBytes(uint64(in.Integer()))), nil
var filterTruncatesentencesRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(?U:.*[\w]{3,}.*([\d][\.!?][\D]|[\D][\.!?][\s]|[\n$]))`)
func filterTruncatesentences(in *pongo2.Value, param *pongo2.Value) (*pongo2.Value, error) {
count := param.Integer()
if count <= 0 {
return pongo2.AsValue(""), nil
sentencens := filterTruncatesentencesRe.FindAllString(strings.TrimSpace(in.String()), -1)
return pongo2.AsValue(strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(sentencens[:min(count, len(sentencens))], ""))), nil
// Taken from pongo2/filters_builtin.go
func filterTruncateHtmlHelper(value string, new_output *bytes.Buffer, cond func() bool, fn func(c rune, s int, idx int) int, finalize func()) {
vLen := len(value)
tag_stack := make([]string, 0)
idx := 0
for idx < vLen && !cond() {
c, s := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(value[idx:])
if c == utf8.RuneError {
idx += s
if c == '<' {
idx += s // consume "<"
if idx+1 < vLen {
if value[idx] == '/' {
// Close tag
tag := ""
idx += 1 // consume "/"
for idx < vLen {
c2, size2 := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(value[idx:])
if c2 == utf8.RuneError {
idx += size2
// End of tag found
if c2 == '>' {
idx++ // consume ">"
tag += string(c2)
idx += size2
if len(tag_stack) > 0 {
// Ideally, the close tag is TOP of tag stack
// In malformed HTML, it must not be, so iterate through the stack and remove the tag
for i := len(tag_stack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if tag_stack[i] == tag {
// Found the tag
tag_stack[i] = tag_stack[len(tag_stack)-1]
tag_stack = tag_stack[:len(tag_stack)-1]
} else {
// Open tag
tag := ""
params := false
for idx < vLen {
c2, size2 := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(value[idx:])
if c2 == utf8.RuneError {
idx += size2
// End of tag found
if c2 == '>' {
idx++ // consume ">"
if !params {
if c2 == ' ' {
params = true
} else {
tag += string(c2)
idx += size2
// Add tag to stack
tag_stack = append(tag_stack, tag)
} else {
idx = fn(c, s, idx)
for i := len(tag_stack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
tag := tag_stack[i]
// Close everything from the regular tag stack
new_output.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("</%s>", tag))
func filterTruncatesentencesHtml(in *pongo2.Value, param *pongo2.Value) (*pongo2.Value, error) {
count := param.Integer()
if count <= 0 {
return pongo2.AsValue(""), nil
value := in.String()
newLen := max(param.Integer(), 0)
new_output := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
sentencefilter := 0
filterTruncateHtmlHelper(value, new_output, func() bool {
return sentencefilter >= newLen
}, func(_ rune, _ int, idx int) int {
// Get next word
word_found := false
for idx < len(value) {
c2, size2 := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(value[idx:])
if c2 == utf8.RuneError {
idx += size2
if c2 == '<' {
// HTML tag start, don't consume it
return idx
idx += size2
if (c2 == '.' && !(idx+1 < len(value) && value[idx+1] >= '0' && value[idx+1] <= '9')) ||
c2 == '!' || c2 == '?' || c2 == '\n' {
// Sentence ends here, stop capturing it now
} else {
word_found = true
if word_found {
return idx
}, func() {})
return pongo2.AsSafeValue(new_output.String()), nil
func filterTimeuntilTimesince(in *pongo2.Value, param *pongo2.Value) (*pongo2.Value, error) {
basetime, is_time := in.Interface().(time.Time)
if !is_time {
return nil, errors.New("time-value is not a time.Time-instance.")
var paramtime time.Time
if !param.IsNil() {
paramtime, is_time = param.Interface().(time.Time)
if !is_time {
return nil, errors.New("time-parameter is not a time.Time-instance.")
} else {
paramtime = time.Now()
return pongo2.AsValue(humanize.TimeDuration(basetime.Sub(paramtime))), nil
func filterIntcomma(in *pongo2.Value, param *pongo2.Value) (*pongo2.Value, error) {
return pongo2.AsValue(humanize.Comma(int64(in.Integer()))), nil
func filterOrdinal(in *pongo2.Value, param *pongo2.Value) (*pongo2.Value, error) {
return pongo2.AsValue(humanize.Ordinal(in.Integer())), nil
func filterNaturalday(in *pongo2.Value, param *pongo2.Value) (*pongo2.Value, error) {
basetime, is_time := in.Interface().(time.Time)
if !is_time {
return nil, errors.New("naturalday-value is not a time.Time-instance.")
var reference_time time.Time
if !param.IsNil() {
reference_time, is_time = param.Interface().(time.Time)
if !is_time {
return nil, errors.New("naturalday-parameter is not a time.Time-instance.")
} else {
reference_time = time.Now()
d := reference_time.Sub(basetime) / time.Hour
switch {
case d >= 0 && d < 24:
// Today
return pongo2.AsValue("today"), nil
case d >= 24:
return pongo2.AsValue("yesterday"), nil
case d < 0 && d >= -24:
return pongo2.AsValue("tomorrow"), nil
// Default behaviour
return pongo2.ApplyFilter("naturaltime", in, param)