package pongo2addons import ( "testing" "time" "" . "" ) // Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner. func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) } // A wrapprt of pongo2.RenderTemplateString func getResult(s string, ctx pongo2.Context) string { result, _ := pongo2.RenderTemplateString(s, ctx) return result } type TestSuite1 struct{} var _ = Suite(&TestSuite1{}) func (s *TestSuite1) TestFilters(c *C) { // Markdown c.Assert(getResult("{{ \"**test**\"|markdown }}", nil), Equals, "


\n") // Slugify c.Assert(getResult("{{ \"this is รค test!\"|slugify }}", nil), Equals, "this-is-a-test") // Filesizeformat c.Assert(getResult("{{ 123456789|filesizeformat }}", nil), Equals, "118MiB") // Timesince/timeuntil baseDate := time.Date(2014, time.February, 1, 8, 30, 00, 00, time.UTC) futureDate := baseDate.Add(24*7*4*time.Hour + 2*time.Hour) c.Assert(getResult("{{ future_date|timeuntil:base_date }}", pongo2.Context{"base_date": baseDate, "future_date": futureDate}), Equals, "4 weeks from now") baseDate = time.Date(2014, time.February, 1, 8, 30, 00, 00, time.UTC) futureDate = baseDate.Add(2 * time.Hour) c.Assert(getResult("{{ future_date|timeuntil:base_date }}", pongo2.Context{"base_date": baseDate, "future_date": futureDate}), Equals, "2 hours from now") baseDate = time.Date(2014, time.February, 1, 8, 30, 00, 00, time.UTC) futureDate = baseDate.Add(2 * time.Hour) c.Assert(getResult("{{ base_date|timesince:future_date }}", pongo2.Context{"base_date": baseDate, "future_date": futureDate}), Equals, "2 hours ago") // Natural time baseDate = time.Date(2014, time.February, 1, 8, 30, 00, 00, time.UTC) futureDate = baseDate.Add(4 * time.Second) c.Assert(getResult("{{ base_date|naturaltime:future_date }}", pongo2.Context{"base_date": baseDate, "future_date": futureDate}), Equals, "4 seconds ago") // Naturalday today := time.Date(2014, time.February, 1, 8, 30, 00, 00, time.UTC) yesterday := today.Add(-24 * time.Hour) tomorrow := today.Add(24 * time.Hour) todayPlus3 := today.Add(3 * 24 * time.Hour) c.Assert(getResult("{{ date|naturalday:today }}", pongo2.Context{"date": today, "today": today}), Equals, "today") c.Assert(getResult("{{ date|naturalday:today }}", pongo2.Context{"date": yesterday, "today": today}), Equals, "yesterday") c.Assert(getResult("{{ date|naturalday:today }}", pongo2.Context{"date": tomorrow, "today": today}), Equals, "tomorrow") c.Assert(getResult("{{ date|naturalday:today }}", pongo2.Context{"date": todayPlus3, "today": today}), Equals, "3 days from now") // Intcomma c.Assert(getResult("{{ 123456789|intcomma }}", nil), Equals, "123,456,789") // Ordinal c.Assert(getResult("{{ 1|ordinal }} {{ 2|ordinal }} {{ 3|ordinal }} {{ 18241|ordinal }}", nil), Equals, "1st 2nd 3rd 18241st") // Truncatesentences c.Assert(getResult("{{ text|truncatesentences:3|safe }}", pongo2.Context{ "text": `This is a first sentence with a 4.50 number. The second one is even more fun! Isn't it? Last sentence, okay.`}), Equals, "This is a first sentence with a 4.50 number. The second one is even more fun! Isn't it?") // Truncatesentences_html c.Assert(getResult("{{ text|truncatesentences_html:2 }}", pongo2.Context{ "text": `
`}), Equals, `
`) c.Assert(getResult("{{ text|truncatesentences_html:3 }}", pongo2.Context{ "text": `
`}), Equals, `
`) // Random c.Assert(getResult("{{ array|random }}", pongo2.Context{"array": []int{42}}), Equals, "42") }