
290 lines
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package options
import (
// ClaimsContextKeyName is the type for they key value used to pass claims using request context.
// Using separate type because of the following: https://staticcheck.io/docs/checks#SA1029
type ClaimsContextKeyName string
// ErrosContextKeyName holds the key to pass errors under.
type ErrorsContextKeyName string
// DefaultClaimsContextKeyName is of type ClaimsContextKeyName and defaults to "claims"
const DefaultClaimsContextKeyName ClaimsContextKeyName = "claims"
// DefaultErrorsContextKeyName is of type ErrorsContextKeyName and defaults to "oidcerrors"
const DefaultErrorsContextKeyName ErrorsContextKeyName = "oidcerrors"
// ErrorHandler is called by the middleware if not nil
type ErrorHandler func(description ErrorDescription, err error)
// ErrorDescription is used to pass the description of the error to ErrorHandler
type ErrorDescription string
const (
// GetTokenErrorDescription is returned to ErrorHandler if the middleware is unable to get a token from the request
GetTokenErrorDescription ErrorDescription = "unable to get token string"
// ParseTokenErrorDescription is returned to ErrorHandler if the middleware is unable to parse the token extracted from the request
ParseTokenErrorDescription ErrorDescription = "unable to parse token string"
// ConvertTokenErrorDescription is returned to ErrorHandler if the middleware is unable to convert the token to a map
ConvertTokenErrorDescription ErrorDescription = "unable to convert token to map"
// Options defines the options for OIDC Middleware.
type Options struct {
Issuer string
DiscoveryUri string
JwksUri string
JwksFetchTimeout time.Duration
JwksRateLimit uint
FallbackSignatureAlgorithm string
AllowedTokenDrift time.Duration
LazyLoadJwks bool
RequiredTokenType string
RequiredAudience string
RequiredClaims map[string]interface{}
DisableKeyID bool
HttpClient *http.Client
TokenString [][]TokenStringOption
ClaimsContextKeyName ClaimsContextKeyName
ErrorHandler ErrorHandler
Permissive bool
ErrorsContextKeyName ErrorsContextKeyName
// New takes Option setters and returns an Options pointer.
// Mainly used by the internal functions and most likely not
// needed by any external application using this library.
func New(setters ...Option) *Options {
opts := &Options{
JwksFetchTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
JwksRateLimit: 1,
AllowedTokenDrift: 10 * time.Second,
HttpClient: http.DefaultClient,
ClaimsContextKeyName: DefaultClaimsContextKeyName,
Permissive: false,
ErrorsContextKeyName: DefaultErrorsContextKeyName,
for _, setter := range setters {
return opts
// Option returns a function that modifies an Options pointer.
type Option func(*Options)
// WithIssuer sets the Issuer parameter for Options.
// Issuer is the authority that issues the tokens
func WithIssuer(opt string) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.Issuer = opt
// WithDiscoveryUri sets the Issuer parameter for an Options pointer.
// DiscoveryUri is where the `jwks_uri` will be grabbed
// Defaults to `fmt.Sprintf("%s/.well-known/openid-configuration", strings.TrimSuffix(issuer, "/"))`
func WithDiscoveryUri(opt string) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.DiscoveryUri = opt
// WithJwksUri sets the JwksUri parameter for an Options pointer.
// JwksUri is used to download the public key(s)
// Defaults to the `jwks_uri` from the response of DiscoveryUri
func WithJwksUri(opt string) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.JwksUri = opt
// WithJwksFetchTimeout sets the JwksFetchTimeout parameter for an Options pointer.
// JwksFetchTimeout sets the context timeout when downloading the jwks
// Defaults to 5 seconds
func WithJwksFetchTimeout(opt time.Duration) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.JwksFetchTimeout = opt
// WithJwksRateLimit sets the JwksFetchTimeout parameter for an Options pointer.
// JwksRateLimit takes an uint and makes sure that the jwks will at a maximum
// be requested these many times per second.
// Defaults to 1 (Request Per Second)
// Please observe: Requests that force update of jwks (like wrong keyID) will be rate limited
func WithJwksRateLimit(opt uint) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.JwksRateLimit = opt
// WithFallbackSignatureAlgorithm sets the FallbackSignatureAlgorithm parameter for an Options pointer.
// FallbackSignatureAlgorithm needs to be used when the jwks doesn't contain the alg key.
// If not specified and jwks doesn't contain alg key, will default to:
// - RS256 for key type (kty) RSA
// - ES256 for key type (kty) EC
// When specified and jwks contains alg key, alg key from jwks will be used.
// Example values (one of them): RS256 RS384 RS512 ES256 ES384 ES512
func WithFallbackSignatureAlgorithm(opt string) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.FallbackSignatureAlgorithm = opt
// WithAllowedTokenDrift sets the AllowedTokenDrift parameter for an Options pointer.
// AllowedTokenDrift adds the duration to the token expiration to allow
// for time drift between parties.
// Defaults to 10 seconds
func WithAllowedTokenDrift(opt time.Duration) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.AllowedTokenDrift = opt
// WithLazyLoadJwks sets the LazyLoadJwks parameter for an Options pointer.
// LazyLoadJwks makes it possible to use OIDC Discovery without being
// able to load the keys at startup.
// Default setting is disabled.
// Please observe: If enabled, it will always load even though settings
// may be wrong / not working.
func WithLazyLoadJwks(opt bool) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.LazyLoadJwks = opt
// WithRequiredTokenType sets the RequiredTokenType parameter for an Options pointer.
// RequiredTokenType is used if only specific tokens should be allowed.
// Default is empty string `""` and means all token types are allowed.
// Use case could be to configure this if the TokenType (set in the header of the JWT)
// should be `JWT` or maybe even `JWT+AT` to differentiate between access tokens and
// id tokens. Not all providers support or use this.
func WithRequiredTokenType(opt string) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.RequiredTokenType = opt
// WithRequiredAudience sets the RequiredAudience parameter for an Options pointer.
// RequiredAudience is used to require a specific Audience `aud` in the claims.
// Defaults to empty string `""` and means all audiences are allowed.
func WithRequiredAudience(opt string) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.RequiredAudience = opt
// WithRequiredClaims sets the RequiredClaims parameter for an Options pointer.
// RequiredClaims is used to require specific claims in the token
// Defaults to empty map (nil) and won't check for anything else
// Works with primitive types, slices and maps.
// Please observe: slices and strings checks that the token contains it, but more is allowed.
// Required claim []string{"bar"} matches token []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
// Required claim map[string]string{{"foo": "bar"}} matches token map[string]string{{"a": "b"},{"foo": "bar"},{"c": "d"}}
// Example:
// ```go
// map[string]interface{}{
// "foo": "bar",
// "bar": 1337,
// "baz": []string{"bar"},
// "oof": []map[string]string{
// {"bar": "baz"},
// },
// },
// ```
func WithRequiredClaims(opt map[string]interface{}) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.RequiredClaims = opt
// WithDisableKeyID sets the DisableKeyID parameter for an Options pointer.
// DisableKeyID adjusts if a KeyID needs to be extracted from the token or not
// Defaults to false and means KeyID is required to be present in both the jwks and token
// The OIDC specification doesn't require KeyID if there's only one key in the jwks:
// https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#Signing
// This also means that if enabled, refresh of the jwks will be done if the token can't be
// validated due to invalid key. The JWKS fetch will fail if there's more than one key present.
func WithDisableKeyID(opt bool) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.DisableKeyID = opt
// WithHttpClient sets the HttpClient parameter for an Options pointer.
// HttpClient takes a *http.Client for external calls
// Defaults to http.DefaultClient
func WithHttpClient(opt *http.Client) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.HttpClient = opt
// WithTokenString sets the TokenString parameter for an Options pointer.
// TokenString makes it possible to configure how the JWT token should be extracted from
// an http header. Not supported by Echo JWT and will be ignored if used by it.
// Defaults to: 'Authorization: Bearer JWT'
func WithTokenString(setters ...TokenStringOption) Option {
var tokenString []TokenStringOption
tokenString = append(tokenString, setters...)
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.TokenString = append(opts.TokenString, tokenString)
// WithClaimsContextKeyName sets the ClaimsContextKeyName parameter for an Options pointer.
// ClaimsContextKeyName is the name of key that will be used to pass claims using request context.
// Not supported by Echo JWT and will be ignored if used by it.
// Important note: If you change this using `options.WithClaimsContextKeyName("foo")`, then
// you also need to use it like this:
// `claims, ok := r.Context().Value(options.ClaimsContextKeyName("foo")).(map[string]interface{})`
// Default: `options.DefaultClaimsContextKeyName`
// Used like this: ``claims, ok := r.Context().Value(options.DefaultClaimsContextKeyName).(map[string]interface{})``
// When used with gin, it is converted to normal string - by default:
// `claimsValue, found := c.Get("claims")`
func WithClaimsContextKeyName(opt string) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.ClaimsContextKeyName = ClaimsContextKeyName(opt)
// WithErrorHandler sets the ErrorHandler parameter for an Options pointer.
// You can pass a function to run custom logic on errors, logging as an example.
// Defaults to nil
func WithErrorHandler(opt ErrorHandler) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.ErrorHandler = opt
// IsPermissive allows incoming requests to pass even if the client does not provide a token.
func IsPermissive() Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.Permissive = true
// WithErrorsContextKeyName sets the ErrorsContextKeyName parameter for an Options pointer.
// ErrorsContextKeyName is the name of the key that will be used to pass errors using the request context.
func WithErrorsContextKeyName(opt string) Option {
return func(opts *Options) {
opts.ErrorsContextKeyName = ErrorsContextKeyName(opt)