### any entity with '?' has to be added to scheme.txt separately to be escaped properly ### any entity with '!' has to be added to scheme.txt separately, although '!' need not be escaped scheme-report-environment interaction-environment call-with-output-file with-input-from-file call-with-input-file with-output-to-file current-output-port current-input-port close-output-port open-output-file null-environment make-rectangular close-input-port # char-whitespace? # char-upper-case? # char-lower-case? # char-alphabetic? call-with-values open-input-file transcript-off symbol->string string->symbol string->number number->string inexact->exact exact->inexact vector-length transcript-on string-length string-append integer->char # char-numeric? char->integer char-downcase vector->list # vector-fill! string->list # string-fill! # string-ci>=? # string-ci<=? # output-port? list->vector list->string # vector-set! # string-set! string-copy # string-ci>? # string-ci=? # string-ci=? # char-ci<=? substring # string>=? # string<=? remainder real-part read-char # rational? # positive? peek-char numerator # negative? magnitude list-tail imag-part # char-ci>? # char-ci=? # char-ci? # string=? # string=? # char<=? ceiling vector values string modulo member length # exact? # equal? # char>? # char=? # char