# Functions Abs Addr AnsiCompareStr AnsiCompareText AnsiContainsStr AnsiContainsText AnsiEndsStr AnsiIndexStr AnsiLeftStr AnsiLowerCase AnsiMatchStr AnsiMidStr AnsiPos AnsiReplaceStr AnsiReverseString AnsiRightStr AnsiStartsStr AnsiUpperCase ArcCos ArcSin ArcTan Assigned BeginThread Bounds CelsiusToFahrenheit ChangeFileExt Convert CompareStr CompareText CompareValue Concat Convert Copy Cos CreateDir CurrToStr CurrToStrF Date DateTimeToFileDate DateTimeToStr DateToStr DayOfTheMonth DayOfTheWeek DayOfTheYear DayOfWeek DaysBetween DaysInAMonth DaysInAYear DaySpan DegToRad DeleteFile DirectoryExists DiskFree DiskSize DupeString EncodeDate EncodeDateTime EncodeTime EndOfADay EndOfAMonth Eof Eoln Exp ExtractFileDir ExtractFileDrive ExtractFileExt ExtractFileName ExtractFilePath FahrenheitToCelsius FileAge FileDateToDateTime FileExists FileGetAttr FilePos FileSearch FileSetAttr FileSetDate FileSize FindClose FindCmdLineSwitch FindFirst FindNext FloatToStr FloatToStrF ForceDirectories Format FormatCurr FormatDateTime FormatFloat Frac GetCurrentDir GetLastError GetMem Hi High IncDay IncHour IncMillisecond IncMinute IncMonth IncSecond IncYear InputBox InputQuery Int IntToHex IntToStr IOResult IsInfinite IsLeapYear IsMultiThread IsNaN LastDelimiter Length Ln Lo Log10 Low LowerCase Max Mean MessageDlg MessageDlgPos Min MonthOfTheYear Now Odd Ord ParamCount ParamStr Pi Point PointsEqual Pos Pred Printer PromptForFileName PtInRect RadToDeg Random RandomRange RecodeDate RecodeTime Rect RemoveDir RenameFile Round SeekEof SeekEoln SelectDirectory SetCurrentDir Sin SizeOf Slice Sqr Sqrt StringOfChar StringReplace StringToWideChar StrScan StrToCurr StrToDate StrToDateTime StrToFloat StrToInt StrToInt64 StrToInt64Def StrToIntDef StrToTime StuffString Succ Sum Tan Time TimeToStr Tomorrow Trim TrimLeft TrimRight Trunc UpCase UpperCase VarType WideCharToString WrapText Yesterday # working on these absolute abstract and Application as asm assembler at automated case cdecl class comp const constructor contains default deprecated destructor dispid dispinterface div do downto dynamic else end except Exception export exports external false far file final finalization finally for forward function goto if implementation implements in index inherited initialization inline interface is label library local message mod name near nil null nodefault not of on or out overload override package packed pascal platform private procedure program property protected public published raise read readonly record register reintroduce remove repeat requires resident resourcestring safecall Self set shl shr static stdcall stored strictprivate strictprotected then threadvar to true try type unit unsafe until uses var varargs virtual while with write writeonly xor