/*jslint devel: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, browser: true, confusion: true, unparam: true, eqeq: true, white: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */ /*globals jQuery,Color */ /* * ColorPicker * * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Martijn W. van der Lee * Licensed under the MIT. * * Full-featured colorpicker for jQueryUI with full theming support. * Most images from jPicker by Christopher T. Tillman. * Sourcecode created from scratch by Martijn W. van der Lee. */ (function ($) { "use strict"; $.colorpicker = new function() { this.regional = []; this.regional[''] = { ok: 'OK', cancel: 'Cancel', none: 'None', button: 'Color', title: 'Pick a color', transparent: 'Transparent', hsvH: 'H', hsvS: 'S', hsvV: 'V', rgbR: 'R', rgbG: 'G', rgbB: 'B', labL: 'L', labA: 'a', labB: 'b', hslH: 'H', hslS: 'S', hslL: 'L', cmykC: 'C', cmykM: 'M', cmykY: 'Y', cmykK: 'K', alphaA: 'A' }; }; var _colorpicker_index = 0, _container_popup = '', _container_inline = '
', _parts_lists = { 'full': ['header', 'map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'lab', 'cmyk', 'preview', 'swatches', 'footer'], 'popup': ['map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'preview', 'footer'], 'draggable': ['header', 'map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'preview', 'footer'], 'inline': ['map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'preview'] }, _intToHex = function (dec) { var result = Math.round(dec).toString(16); if (result.length === 1) { result = ('0' + result); } return result.toLowerCase(); }, _formats = { '#HEX': function(color) { return _formatColor('#rxgxbx', color); } , '#HEX3': function(color) { var hex3 = _formats.HEX3(color); return hex3 === false? false : '#'+hex3; } , 'HEX': function(color) { return _formatColor('rxgxbx', color); } , 'HEX3': function(color) { var rgb = color.getRGB(), r = Math.round(rgb.r * 255), g = Math.round(rgb.g * 255), b = Math.round(rgb.b * 255); if (((r >>> 4) == (r &= 0xf)) && ((g >>> 4) == (g &= 0xf)) && ((b >>> 4) == (b &= 0xf))) { return r.toString(16)+g.toString(16)+b.toString(16); } return false; } , 'RGB': function(color) { return color.getAlpha() >= 1 ? _formatColor('rgb(rd,gd,bd)', color) : false; } , 'RGBA': function(color) { return _formatColor('rgba(rd,gd,bd,af)', color); } , 'RGB%': function(color) { return color.getAlpha() >= 1 ? _formatColor('rgb(rp%,gp%,bp%)', color) : false; } , 'RGBA%': function(color) { return _formatColor('rgba(rp%,gp%,bp%,af)', color); } , 'HSL': function(color) { return color.getAlpha() >= 1 ? _formatColor('hsl(hd,sd,vd)', color) : false; } , 'HSLA': function(color) { return _formatColor('hsla(hd,sd,vd,af)', color); } , 'HSL%': function(color) { return color.getAlpha() >= 1 ? _formatColor('hsl(hp%,sp%,vp%)', color) : false; } , 'HSLA%': function(color) { return _formatColor('hsla(hp%,sp%,vp%,af)', color); } , 'NAME': function(color) { return _closestName(color); } , 'EXACT': function(color) { //@todo experimental. Implement a good fallback list return _exactName(color); } }, _formatColor = function (formats, color) { var that = this, text = null, types = { 'x': function(v) {return _intToHex(v * 255);} , 'd': function(v) {return Math.round(v * 255);} , 'f': function(v) {return v;} , 'p': function(v) {return v * 100;} }, channels = color.getChannels(); if (!$.isArray(formats)) { formats = [formats]; } $.each(formats, function(index, format) { if (_formats[format]) { text = _formats[format](color); return (text === false); } else { text = format.replace(/\\?[argbhsvcmykLAB][xdfp]/g, function(m) { if (m.match(/^\\/)) { return m.slice(1); } return types[m.charAt(1)](channels[m.charAt(0)]); }); return false; } }); return text; }, _colors = { 'black': {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0}, 'dimgray': {r: 0.4117647058823529, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.4117647058823529}, 'gray': {r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5019607843137255}, 'darkgray': {r: 0.6627450980392157, g: 0.6627450980392157, b: 0.6627450980392157}, 'silver': {r: 0.7529411764705882, g: 0.7529411764705882, b: 0.7529411764705882}, 'lightgrey': {r: 0.8274509803921568, g: 0.8274509803921568, b: 0.8274509803921568}, 'gainsboro': {r: 0.8627450980392157, g: 0.8627450980392157, b: 0.8627450980392157}, 'whitesmoke': {r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.9607843137254902}, 'white': {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1}, 'rosybrown': {r: 0.7372549019607844, g: 0.5607843137254902, b: 0.5607843137254902}, 'indianred': {r: 0.803921568627451, g: 0.3607843137254902, b: 0.3607843137254902}, 'brown': {r: 0.6470588235294118, g: 0.16470588235294117, b: 0.16470588235294117}, 'firebrick': {r: 0.6980392156862745, g: 0.13333333333333333, b: 0.13333333333333333}, 'lightcoral': {r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5019607843137255}, 'maroon': {r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0, b: 0}, 'darkred': {r: 0.5450980392156862, g: 0, b: 0}, 'red': {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0}, 'snow': {r: 1, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.9803921568627451}, 'salmon': {r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.4470588235294118}, 'mistyrose': {r: 1, g: 0.8941176470588236, b: 0.8823529411764706}, 'tomato': {r: 1, g: 0.38823529411764707, b: 0.2784313725490196}, 'darksalmon': {r: 0.9137254901960784, g: 0.5882352941176471, b: 0.47843137254901963}, 'orangered': {r: 1, g: 0.27058823529411763, b: 0}, 'coral': {r: 1, g: 0.4980392156862745, b: 0.3137254901960784}, 'lightsalmon': {r: 1, g: 0.6274509803921569, b: 0.47843137254901963}, 'sienna': {r: 0.6274509803921569, g: 0.3215686274509804, b: 0.17647058823529413}, 'seashell': {r: 1, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.9333333333333333}, 'chocolate': {r: 0.8235294117647058, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.11764705882352941}, 'saddlebrown': {r: 0.5450980392156862, g: 0.27058823529411763, b: 0.07450980392156863}, 'sandybrown': {r: 0.9568627450980393, g: 0.6431372549019608, b: 0.3764705882352941}, 'peachpuff': {r: 1, g: 0.8549019607843137, b: 0.7254901960784313}, 'peru': {r: 0.803921568627451, g: 0.5215686274509804, b: 0.24705882352941178}, 'linen': {r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.9411764705882353, b: 0.9019607843137255}, 'darkorange': {r: 1, g: 0.5490196078431373, b: 0}, 'bisque': {r: 1, g: 0.8941176470588236, b: 0.7686274509803922}, 'burlywood': {r: 0.8705882352941177, g: 0.7215686274509804, b: 0.5294117647058824}, 'tan': {r: 0.8235294117647058, g: 0.7058823529411765, b: 0.5490196078431373}, 'antiquewhite': {r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.9215686274509803, b: 0.8431372549019608}, 'navajowhite': {r: 1, g: 0.8705882352941177, b: 0.6784313725490196}, 'blanchedalmond': {r: 1, g: 0.9215686274509803, b: 0.803921568627451}, 'papayawhip': {r: 1, g: 0.9372549019607843, b: 0.8352941176470589}, 'orange': {r: 1, g: 0.6470588235294118, b: 0}, 'moccasin': {r: 1, g: 0.8941176470588236, b: 0.7098039215686275}, 'wheat': {r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 0.8705882352941177, b: 0.7019607843137254}, 'oldlace': {r: 0.9921568627450981, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.9019607843137255}, 'floralwhite': {r: 1, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.9411764705882353}, 'goldenrod': {r: 0.8549019607843137, g: 0.6470588235294118, b: 0.12549019607843137}, 'darkgoldenrod': {r: 0.7215686274509804, g: 0.5254901960784314, b: 0.043137254901960784}, 'cornsilk': {r: 1, g: 0.9725490196078431, b: 0.8627450980392157}, 'gold': {r: 1, g: 0.8431372549019608, b: 0}, 'palegoldenrod': {r: 0.9333333333333333, g: 0.9098039215686274, b: 0.6666666666666666}, 'khaki': {r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 0.9019607843137255, b: 0.5490196078431373}, 'lemonchiffon': {r: 1, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.803921568627451}, 'darkkhaki': {r: 0.7411764705882353, g: 0.7176470588235294, b: 0.4196078431372549}, 'beige': {r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.8627450980392157}, 'lightgoldenrodyellow': {r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.8235294117647058}, 'olive': {r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0}, 'yellow': {r: 1, g: 1, b: 0}, 'lightyellow': {r: 1, g: 1, b: 0.8784313725490196}, 'ivory': {r: 1, g: 1, b: 0.9411764705882353}, 'olivedrab': {r: 0.4196078431372549, g: 0.5568627450980392, b: 0.13725490196078433}, 'yellowgreen': {r: 0.6039215686274509, g: 0.803921568627451, b: 0.19607843137254902}, 'darkolivegreen': {r: 0.3333333333333333, g: 0.4196078431372549, b: 0.1843137254901961}, 'greenyellow': {r: 0.6784313725490196, g: 1, b: 0.1843137254901961}, 'lawngreen': {r: 0.48627450980392156, g: 0.9882352941176471, b: 0}, 'chartreuse': {r: 0.4980392156862745, g: 1, b: 0}, 'darkseagreen': {r: 0.5607843137254902, g: 0.7372549019607844, b: 0.5607843137254902}, 'forestgreen': {r: 0.13333333333333333, g: 0.5450980392156862, b: 0.13333333333333333}, 'limegreen': {r: 0.19607843137254902, g: 0.803921568627451, b: 0.19607843137254902}, 'lightgreen': {r: 0.5647058823529412, g: 0.9333333333333333, b: 0.5647058823529412}, 'palegreen': {r: 0.596078431372549, g: 0.984313725490196, b: 0.596078431372549}, 'darkgreen': {r: 0, g: 0.39215686274509803, b: 0}, 'green': {r: 0, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0}, 'lime': {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0}, 'honeydew': {r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 1, b: 0.9411764705882353}, 'mediumseagreen': {r: 0.23529411764705882, g: 0.7019607843137254, b: 0.44313725490196076}, 'seagreen': {r: 0.1803921568627451, g: 0.5450980392156862, b: 0.3411764705882353}, 'springgreen': {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0.4980392156862745}, 'mintcream': {r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 1, b: 0.9803921568627451}, 'mediumspringgreen': {r: 0, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.6039215686274509}, 'mediumaquamarine': {r: 0.4, g: 0.803921568627451, b: 0.6666666666666666}, 'aquamarine': {r: 0.4980392156862745, g: 1, b: 0.8313725490196079}, 'turquoise': {r: 0.25098039215686274, g: 0.8784313725490196, b: 0.8156862745098039}, 'lightseagreen': {r: 0.12549019607843137, g: 0.6980392156862745, b: 0.6666666666666666}, 'mediumturquoise': {r: 0.2823529411764706, g: 0.8196078431372549, b: 0.8}, 'darkslategray': {r: 0.1843137254901961, g: 0.30980392156862746, b: 0.30980392156862746}, 'paleturquoise': {r: 0.6862745098039216, g: 0.9333333333333333, b: 0.9333333333333333}, 'teal': {r: 0, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5019607843137255}, 'darkcyan': {r: 0, g: 0.5450980392156862, b: 0.5450980392156862}, 'darkturquoise': {r: 0, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.8196078431372549}, 'aqua': {r: 0, g: 1, b: 1}, 'cyan': {r: 0, g: 1, b: 1}, 'lightcyan': {r: 0.8784313725490196, g: 1, b: 1}, 'azure': {r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 1, b: 1}, 'cadetblue': {r: 0.37254901960784315, g: 0.6196078431372549, b: 0.6274509803921569}, 'powderblue': {r: 0.6901960784313725, g: 0.8784313725490196, b: 0.9019607843137255}, 'lightblue': {r: 0.6784313725490196, g: 0.8470588235294118, b: 0.9019607843137255}, 'deepskyblue': {r: 0, g: 0.7490196078431373, b: 1}, 'skyblue': {r: 0.5294117647058824, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.9215686274509803}, 'lightskyblue': {r: 0.5294117647058824, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.9803921568627451}, 'steelblue': {r: 0.27450980392156865, g: 0.5098039215686274, b: 0.7058823529411765}, 'aliceblue': {r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 0.9725490196078431, b: 1}, 'dodgerblue': {r: 0.11764705882352941, g: 0.5647058823529412, b: 1}, 'slategray': {r: 0.4392156862745098, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5647058823529412}, 'lightslategray': {r: 0.4666666666666667, g: 0.5333333333333333, b: 0.6}, 'lightsteelblue': {r: 0.6901960784313725, g: 0.7686274509803922, b: 0.8705882352941177}, 'cornflowerblue': {r: 0.39215686274509803, g: 0.5843137254901961, b: 0.9294117647058824}, 'royalblue': {r: 0.2549019607843137, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.8823529411764706}, 'midnightblue': {r: 0.09803921568627451, g: 0.09803921568627451, b: 0.4392156862745098}, 'lavender': {r: 0.9019607843137255, g: 0.9019607843137255, b: 0.9803921568627451}, 'navy': {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.5019607843137255}, 'darkblue': {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.5450980392156862}, 'mediumblue': {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.803921568627451}, 'blue': {r: 0, g: 0, b: 1}, 'ghostwhite': {r: 0.9725490196078431, g: 0.9725490196078431, b: 1}, 'darkslateblue': {r: 0.2823529411764706, g: 0.23921568627450981, b: 0.5450980392156862}, 'slateblue': {r: 0.41568627450980394, g: 0.35294117647058826, b: 0.803921568627451}, 'mediumslateblue': {r: 0.4823529411764706, g: 0.40784313725490196, b: 0.9333333333333333}, 'mediumpurple': {r: 0.5764705882352941, g: 0.4392156862745098, b: 0.8588235294117647}, 'blueviolet': {r: 0.5411764705882353, g: 0.16862745098039217, b: 0.8862745098039215}, 'indigo': {r: 0.29411764705882354, g: 0, b: 0.5098039215686274}, 'darkorchid': {r: 0.6, g: 0.19607843137254902, b: 0.8}, 'darkviolet': {r: 0.5803921568627451, g: 0, b: 0.8274509803921568}, 'mediumorchid': {r: 0.7294117647058823, g: 0.3333333333333333, b: 0.8274509803921568}, 'thistle': {r: 0.8470588235294118, g: 0.7490196078431373, b: 0.8470588235294118}, 'plum': {r: 0.8666666666666667, g: 0.6274509803921569, b: 0.8666666666666667}, 'violet': {r: 0.9333333333333333, g: 0.5098039215686274, b: 0.9333333333333333}, 'purple': {r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0, b: 0.5019607843137255}, 'darkmagenta': {r: 0.5450980392156862, g: 0, b: 0.5450980392156862}, 'magenta': {r: 1, g: 0, b: 1}, 'fuchsia': {r: 1, g: 0, b: 1}, 'orchid': {r: 0.8549019607843137, g: 0.4392156862745098, b: 0.8392156862745098}, 'mediumvioletred': {r: 0.7803921568627451, g: 0.08235294117647059, b: 0.5215686274509804}, 'deeppink': {r: 1, g: 0.0784313725490196, b: 0.5764705882352941}, 'hotpink': {r: 1, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.7058823529411765}, 'palevioletred': {r: 0.8588235294117647, g: 0.4392156862745098, b: 0.5764705882352941}, 'lavenderblush': {r: 1, g: 0.9411764705882353, b: 0.9607843137254902}, 'crimson': {r: 0.8627450980392157, g: 0.0784313725490196, b: 0.23529411764705882}, 'pink': {r: 1, g: 0.7529411764705882, b: 0.796078431372549}, 'lightpink': {r: 1, g: 0.7137254901960784, b: 0.7568627450980392} }, _exactName = function(color) { var name = false; $.each(_colors, function(n, color_b) { if (color.equals(new Color(color_b.r, color_b.g, color_b.b))) { name = n; return false; } }); return name; }, _closestName = function(color) { var rgb = color.getRGB(), distance = null, name = false, d; $.each(_colors, function(n, color_b) { d = color.distance(new Color(color_b.r, color_b.g, color_b.b)); if (d < distance || distance === null) { name = n; if (d == 0) { return false; // can't get much closer than 0 } distance = d; } }); return name; }, _parseHex = function(color) { var c, m; // {#}rrggbb m = /^#?([a-fA-F0-9]{1,6})$/.exec(color); if (m) { c = parseInt(m[1], 16); return new Color( ((c >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255, ((c >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255, (c & 0xFF) / 255 ); } return false; }, _parseColor = function(color) { var name = $.trim(color).toLowerCase(), m; if (color == '') { return new Color(); } if (_colors[name]) { return new Color(_colors[name].r, _colors[name].g, _colors[name].b); } // rgba(r,g,b,a) m = /^rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color); if (m) { return new Color( m[1] / 255, m[2] / 255, m[3] / 255, parseFloat(m[4]) ); } // hsla(r,g,b,a) m = /^hsla?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color); if (m) { return (new Color()).setHSL( m[1] / 255, m[2] / 255, m[3] / 255).setAlpha(parseFloat(m[4])); } // rgba(r%,g%,b%,a%) m = /^rgba?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color); if (m) { return new Color( m[1] / 100, m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100, m[4] / 100 ); } // hsla(r%,g%,b%,a%) m = /^hsla?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color); if (m) { return (new Color()).setHSL( m[1] / 100, m[2] / 100, m[3] / 100).setAlpha(m[4] / 100); } // #rrggbb m = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})$/.exec(color); if (m) { return new Color( parseInt(m[1], 16) / 255, parseInt(m[2], 16) / 255, parseInt(m[3], 16) / 255 ); } // #rgb m = /^#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])$/.exec(color); if (m) { return new Color( parseInt(m[1] + m[1], 16) / 255, parseInt(m[2] + m[2], 16) / 255, parseInt(m[3] + m[3], 16) / 255 ); } return _parseHex(color); }, _layoutTable = function(layout, callback) { var bitmap, x, y, width, height, columns, rows, index, cell, html, w, h, colspan, walked; layout.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.pos[1] == b.pos[1]) { return a.pos[0] - b.pos[0]; } return a.pos[1] - b.pos[1]; }); // Determine dimensions of the table width = 0; height = 0; $.each (layout, function(index, part) { width = Math.max(width, part.pos[0] + part.pos[2]); height = Math.max(height, part.pos[1] + part.pos[3]); }); // Initialize bitmap bitmap = []; for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) { bitmap.push([]); } // Mark rows and columns which have layout assigned rows = []; columns = []; $.each(layout, function(index, part) { // mark columns for (x = 0; x < part.pos[2]; x += 1) { columns[part.pos[0] + x] = true; } for (y = 0; y < part.pos[3]; y += 1) { rows[part.pos[1] + y] = true; } }); // Generate the table html = ''; cell = layout[index = 0]; for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) { html += ''; for (x = 0; x < width; x) { if (typeof cell !== 'undefined' && x == cell.pos[0] && y == cell.pos[1]) { // Create a "real" cell html += callback(cell, x, y); for (h = 0; h < cell.pos[3]; h +=1) { for (w = 0; w < cell.pos[2]; w +=1) { bitmap[x + w][y + h] = true; } } x += cell.pos[2]; cell = layout[++index]; } else { // Fill in the gaps colspan = 0; walked = false; while (x < width && bitmap[x][y] === undefined && (cell === undefined || y < cell.pos[1] || (y == cell.pos[1] && x < cell.pos[0]))) { if (columns[x] === true) { colspan += 1; } walked = true; x += 1; } if (colspan > 0) { html += ''; } else if (!walked) { x += 1; } } } html += ''; } return '' + html + '
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' + html + '
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' + ' ' + ' ' + (inst.options.alpha ? ' ' : '') + '
'; return html; }; this.update = function () { switch (inst.mode) { case 'h': $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 0', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).hide(); break; case 's': case 'a': $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -260px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -520px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); break; case 'v': $(e).css('background-color', 'black'); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -780px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).hide(); break; case 'r': $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1040px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1300px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); break; case 'g': $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1560px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1820px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); break; case 'b': $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2080px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2340px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); break; } that.repaint(); }; this.repaint = function () { var div = $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-pointer', e), x = 0, y = 0; switch (inst.mode) { case 'h': x = inst.color.getHSV().s * div.width(); y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().v) * div.width(); $(e).css('background-color', inst.color.copy().normalize().toCSS()); break; case 's': case 'a': x = inst.color.getHSV().h * div.width(); y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().v) * div.width(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getHSV().s); break; case 'v': x = inst.color.getHSV().h * div.width(); y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().s) * div.width(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css('opacity', inst.color.getHSV().v); break; case 'r': x = inst.color.getRGB().b * div.width(); y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().g) * div.width(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css('opacity', inst.color.getRGB().r); break; case 'g': x = inst.color.getRGB().b * div.width(); y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().r) * div.width(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css('opacity', inst.color.getRGB().g); break; case 'b': x = inst.color.getRGB().r * div.width(); y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().g) * div.width(); $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css('opacity', inst.color.getRGB().b); break; } if (inst.options.alpha) { $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-alpha', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getAlpha()); } $('.ui-colorpicker-map-pointer', e).css({ 'left': x - 7, 'top': y - 7 }); }; this.init = function () { e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-map-container', inst.dialog)); e.bind('mousedown', _mousedown); }; }, bar: function (inst) { var that = this, e = null, _mousedown, _mouseup, _mousemove, _html; _mousedown = function (event) { if (!inst.opened) { return; } var div = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-pointer', e), offset = div.offset(), width = div.width(), height = div.height(), x = event.pageX - offset.left, y = event.pageY - offset.top; if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); e.unbind('mousedown', _mousedown); $(document).bind('mouseup', _mouseup); $(document).bind('mousemove', _mousemove); _mousemove(event); } }; _mouseup = function (event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); $(document).unbind('mouseup', _mouseup); $(document).unbind('mousemove', _mousemove); e.bind('mousedown', _mousedown); }; _mousemove = function (event) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); if (event.pageY === that.y) { return; } that.y = event.pageY; var div = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-pointer', e), offset = div.offset(), height = div.height(), y = event.pageY - offset.top; y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y / height, 1)); // interpret values switch (inst.mode) { case 'h': inst.color.setHSV(1 - y, null, null); break; case 's': inst.color.setHSV(null, 1 - y, null); break; case 'v': inst.color.setHSV(null, null, 1 - y); break; case 'r': inst.color.setRGB(1 - y, null, null); break; case 'g': inst.color.setRGB(null, 1 - y, null); break; case 'b': inst.color.setRGB(null, null, 1 - y); break; case 'a': inst.color.setAlpha(1 - y); break; } inst._change(); }; _html = function () { var html = '
' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' '; if (inst.options.alpha) { html += ' ' + ' '; } html += '
'; return html; }; this.update = function () { switch (inst.mode) { case 'h': case 's': case 'v': case 'r': case 'g': case 'b': $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alpha', e).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alphabar', e).hide(); break; case 'a': $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alpha', e).hide(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alphabar', e).show(); break; } switch (inst.mode) { case 'h': $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 0', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).hide(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).hide(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).hide(); break; case 's': $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -260px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -520px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).hide(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).hide(); break; case 'v': $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -520px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).hide(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).hide(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).hide(); break; case 'r': $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1560px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1300px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css({'background-position': '0 -780px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1040px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); break; case 'g': $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2600px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2340px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1820px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2080px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); break; case 'b': $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -3640px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -3380px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2860px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css({'background-position': '0 -3120px', 'opacity': ''}).show(); break; case 'a': $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).hide(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).hide(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).hide(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).hide(); break; } that.repaint(); }; this.repaint = function () { var div = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-pointer', e), y = 0; switch (inst.mode) { case 'h': y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().h) * div.height(); break; case 's': y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().s) * div.height(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getHSV().v); $(e).css('background-color', inst.color.copy().normalize().toCSS()); break; case 'v': y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().v) * div.height(); $(e).css('background-color', inst.color.copy().normalize().toCSS()); break; case 'r': y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().r) * div.height(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().b - inst.color.getRGB().g))); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().g - inst.color.getRGB().b))); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css('opacity', Math.min(inst.color.getRGB().b, inst.color.getRGB().g)); break; case 'g': y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().g) * div.height(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().b - inst.color.getRGB().r))); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().r - inst.color.getRGB().b))); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css('opacity', Math.min(inst.color.getRGB().r, inst.color.getRGB().b)); break; case 'b': y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().b) * div.height(); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().r - inst.color.getRGB().g))); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().g - inst.color.getRGB().r))); $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css('opacity', Math.min(inst.color.getRGB().r, inst.color.getRGB().g)); break; case 'a': y = (1 - inst.color.getAlpha()) * div.height(); $(e).css('background-color', inst.color.copy().normalize().toCSS()); break; } if (inst.mode !== 'a') { $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alpha', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getAlpha()); } $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-pointer', e).css('top', y - 3); }; this.init = function () { e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-bar-container', inst.dialog)); e.bind('mousedown', _mousedown); }; }, preview: function (inst) { var that = this, e = null, _html; _html = function () { return '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; }; this.init = function () { e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-preview-container', inst.dialog)); $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial', e).click(function () { inst.color = inst.currentColor.copy(); inst._change(); }); }; this.update = function () { if (inst.options.alpha) { $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial-alpha, .ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha', e).show(); } else { $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial-alpha, .ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha', e).hide(); } this.repaint(); }; this.repaint = function () { $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial', e).css('background-color', inst.currentColor.toCSS()).attr('title', inst.currentColor.toHex()); $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial-alpha', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.currentColor.getAlpha()); $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-current', e).css('background-color', inst.color.toCSS()).attr('title', inst.color.toHex()); $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getAlpha()); }; }, hsv: function (inst) { var that = this, e = null, _html; _html = function () { var html = ''; if (inst.options.hsv) { html += '
' + '
' + '
'; } return '
' + html + '
'; }; this.init = function () { e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-container', inst.dialog)); $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).click(function () { inst.mode = $(this).val(); inst._updateAllParts(); }); $('.ui-colorpicker-number', e).bind('change keyup', function () { inst.color.setHSV( $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-h .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 360, $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-s .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 100, $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-v .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 100 ); inst._change(); }); }; this.repaint = function () { var hsv = inst.color.getHSV(); hsv.h *= 360; hsv.s *= 100; hsv.v *= 100; $.each(hsv, function (index, value) { var input = $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-' + index + ' .ui-colorpicker-number', e); value = Math.round(value); if (input.val() !== value) { input.val(value); } }); }; this.update = function () { $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).each(function () { $(this).attr('checked', $(this).val() === inst.mode); }); this.repaint(); }; }, rgb: function (inst) { var that = this, e = null, _html; _html = function () { var html = ''; if (inst.options.rgb) { html += '
' + '
' + '
'; } return '
' + html + '
'; }; this.init = function () { e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-container', inst.dialog)); $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).click(function () { inst.mode = $(this).val(); inst._updateAllParts(); }); $('.ui-colorpicker-number', e).bind('change keyup', function () { inst.color.setRGB( $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-r .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 255, $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-g .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 255, $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-b .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 255 ); inst._change(); }); }; this.repaint = function () { $.each(inst.color.getRGB(), function (index, value) { var input = $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-' + index + ' .ui-colorpicker-number', e); value = Math.round(value * 255); if (input.val() !== value) { input.val(value); } }); }; this.update = function () { $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).each(function () { $(this).attr('checked', $(this).val() === inst.mode); }); this.repaint(); }; }, lab: function (inst) { var that = this, part = null, html = function () { var html = ''; if (inst.options.hsv) { html += '
' + '
' + '
'; } return '
' + html + '
'; }; this.init = function () { var data = 0; part = $(html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-lab-container', inst.dialog)); $('.ui-colorpicker-number', part).on('change keyup', function (event) { inst.color.setLAB( parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-lab-l .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) / 100, (parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-lab-a .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) + 128) / 255, (parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-lab-b .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) + 128) / 255 ); inst._change(); }); }; this.repaint = function () { var lab = inst.color.getLAB(); lab.l *= 100; lab.a = (lab.a * 255) - 128; lab.b = (lab.b * 255) - 128; $.each(lab, function (index, value) { var input = $('.ui-colorpicker-lab-' + index + ' .ui-colorpicker-number', part); value = Math.round(value); if (input.val() !== value) { input.val(value); } }); }; this.update = function () { this.repaint(); }; }, cmyk: function (inst) { var that = this, part = null, html = function () { var html = ''; if (inst.options.hsv) { html += '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; } return '
' + html + '
'; }; this.init = function () { part = $(html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-container', inst.dialog)); $('.ui-colorpicker-number', part).on('change keyup', function (event) { inst.color.setCMYK( parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-c .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) / 100, parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-m .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) / 100, parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-y .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) / 100, parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-k .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) / 100 ); inst._change(); }); }; this.repaint = function () { $.each(inst.color.getCMYK(), function (index, value) { var input = $('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-' + index + ' .ui-colorpicker-number', part); value = Math.round(value * 100); if (input.val() !== value) { input.val(value); } }); }; this.update = function () { this.repaint(); }; }, alpha: function (inst) { var that = this, e = null, _html; _html = function () { var html = ''; if (inst.options.alpha) { html += '
'; } return '
' + html + '
'; }; this.init = function () { e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-alpha-container', inst.dialog)); $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).click(function () { inst.mode = $(this).val(); inst._updateAllParts(); }); $('.ui-colorpicker-number', e).bind('change keyup', function () { inst.color.setAlpha($('.ui-colorpicker-a .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 100); inst._change(); }); }; this.update = function () { $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).each(function () { $(this).attr('checked', $(this).val() === inst.mode); }); this.repaint(); }; this.repaint = function () { var input = $('.ui-colorpicker-a .ui-colorpicker-number', e), value = Math.round(inst.color.getAlpha() * 100); if (!input.is(':focus') && input.val() !== value) { input.val(value); } }; }, hex: function (inst) { var that = this, e = null, _html; _html = function () { var html = ''; if (inst.options.alpha) { html += ''; } html += ''; return '
' + html + '
'; }; this.init = function () { e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-hex-container', inst.dialog)); // repeat here makes the invalid input disappear faster $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-input', e).bind('change keydown keyup', function (a, b, c) { if (/[^a-fA-F0-9]/.test($(this).val())) { $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^a-fA-F0-9]/, '')); } }); $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-input', e).bind('change keyup', function () { // repeat here makes sure that the invalid input doesn't get parsed inst.color = _parseHex($(this).val()).setAlpha(inst.color.getAlpha()); inst._change(); }); $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', e).bind('change keydown keyup', function () { if (/[^a-fA-F0-9]/.test($(this).val())) { $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^a-fA-F0-9]/, '')); } }); $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', e).bind('change keyup', function () { inst.color.setAlpha(parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', e).val(), 16) / 255); inst._change(); }); }; this.update = function () { this.repaint(); }; this.repaint = function () { if (!$('.ui-colorpicker-hex-input', e).is(':focus')) { $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-input', e).val(inst.color.toHex(true)); } if (!$('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', e).is(':focus')) { $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', e).val(_intToHex(inst.color.getAlpha() * 255)); } }; }, swatches: function (inst) { var that = this, part = null, html = function () { var html = ''; $.each(inst.options.swatches, function (name, color) { var c = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b), css = c.toCSS(); html += '
'; }); return '
' + html + '
'; }; this.init = function () { part = $(html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-swatches-container', inst.dialog)); $('.ui-colorpicker-swatch', part).click(function () { inst.color = _parseColor($(this).css('background-color')); inst._change(); }); }; }, footer: function (inst) { var that = this, part = null, id_transparent = 'ui-colorpicker-special-transparent-'+_colorpicker_index, id_none = 'ui-colorpicker-special-none-'+_colorpicker_index, html = function () { var html = ''; if (inst.options.alpha || (!inst.inline && inst.options.showNoneButton)) { html += '
'; if (inst.options.alpha) { html += ''; } if (!inst.inline && inst.options.showNoneButton) { html += ''; } html += '
'; } if (!inst.inline) { html += '
'; if (inst.options.showCancelButton) { html += ''; } html += ''; html += '
'; } return '
' + html + '
'; }; this.init = function () { part = $(html()).appendTo(inst.dialog); $('.ui-colorpicker-ok', part).button().click(function () { inst.close(); }); $('.ui-colorpicker-cancel', part).button().click(function () { inst.color = inst.currentColor.copy(); inst._change(inst.color.set); inst.close(); }); //inst._getRegional('transparent') $('.ui-colorpicker-buttonset', part).buttonset(); $('.ui-colorpicker-special-color', part).click(function () { inst._change(); }); $('#'+id_none, part).click(function () { inst._change(false); }); $('#'+id_transparent, part).click(function () { inst.color.setAlpha(0); inst._change(); }); }; this.repaint = function () { if (!inst.color.set) { $('.ui-colorpicker-special-none', part).attr('checked', true).button( "refresh" ); } else if (inst.color.getAlpha() == 0) { $('.ui-colorpicker-special-transparent', part).attr('checked', true).button( "refresh" ); } else { $('input', part).attr('checked', false).button( "refresh" ); } $('.ui-colorpicker-cancel', part).button(inst.changed ? 'enable' : 'disable'); }; this.update = function () {}; } }, Color = function () { var spaces = { rgb: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0}, hsv: {h: 0, s: 0, v: 0}, hsl: {h: 0, s: 0, l: 0}, lab: {l: 0, a: 0, b: 0}, cmyk: {c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 1} }, a = 1, arg, args = arguments, _clip = function(v) { if (isNaN(v) || v === null) { return 0; } if (typeof v == 'string') { v = parseInt(v, 10); } return Math.max(0, Math.min(v, 1)); }, _hexify = function (number) { var digits = '0123456789abcdef', lsd = number % 16, msd = (number - lsd) / 16, hexified = digits.charAt(msd) + digits.charAt(lsd); return hexified; }, _rgb_to_xyz = function(rgb) { var r = (rgb.r > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((rgb.r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : rgb.r / 12.92, g = (rgb.g > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((rgb.g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : rgb.g / 12.92, b = (rgb.b > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((rgb.b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : rgb.b / 12.92; return { x: r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805, y: r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722, z: r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505 }; }, _xyz_to_rgb = function(xyz) { var rgb = { r: xyz.x * 3.2406 + xyz.y * -1.5372 + xyz.z * -0.4986, g: xyz.x * -0.9689 + xyz.y * 1.8758 + xyz.z * 0.0415, b: xyz.x * 0.0557 + xyz.y * -0.2040 + xyz.z * 1.0570 }; rgb.r = (rgb.r > 0.0031308) ? 1.055 * Math.pow(rgb.r, (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * rgb.r; rgb.g = (rgb.g > 0.0031308) ? 1.055 * Math.pow(rgb.g, (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * rgb.g; rgb.b = (rgb.b > 0.0031308) ? 1.055 * Math.pow(rgb.b, (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * rgb.b; return rgb; }, _rgb_to_hsv = function(rgb) { var minVal = Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b), maxVal = Math.max(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b), delta = maxVal - minVal, del_R, del_G, del_B, hsv = { h: 0, s: 0, v: maxVal }; if (delta === 0) { hsv.h = 0; hsv.s = 0; } else { hsv.s = delta / maxVal; del_R = (((maxVal - rgb.r) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta; del_G = (((maxVal - rgb.g) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta; del_B = (((maxVal - rgb.b) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta; if (rgb.r === maxVal) { hsv.h = del_B - del_G; } else if (rgb.g === maxVal) { hsv.h = (1 / 3) + del_R - del_B; } else if (rgb.b === maxVal) { hsv.h = (2 / 3) + del_G - del_R; } if (hsv.h < 0) { hsv.h += 1; } else if (hsv.h > 1) { hsv.h -= 1; } } return hsv; }, _hsv_to_rgb = function(hsv) { var rgb = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, var_h, var_i, var_1, var_2, var_3; if (hsv.s === 0) { rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = hsv.v; } else { var_h = hsv.h === 1 ? 0 : hsv.h * 6; var_i = Math.floor(var_h); var_1 = hsv.v * (1 - hsv.s); var_2 = hsv.v * (1 - hsv.s * (var_h - var_i)); var_3 = hsv.v * (1 - hsv.s * (1 - (var_h - var_i))); if (var_i === 0) { rgb.r = hsv.v; rgb.g = var_3; rgb.b = var_1; } else if (var_i === 1) { rgb.r = var_2; rgb.g = hsv.v; rgb.b = var_1; } else if (var_i === 2) { rgb.r = var_1; rgb.g = hsv.v; rgb.b = var_3; } else if (var_i === 3) { rgb.r = var_1; rgb.g = var_2; rgb.b = hsv.v; } else if (var_i === 4) { rgb.r = var_3; rgb.g = var_1; rgb.b = hsv.v; } else { rgb.r = hsv.v; rgb.g = var_1; rgb.b = var_2; } } return rgb; }, _rgb_to_hsl = function(rgb) { var minVal = Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b), maxVal = Math.max(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b), delta = maxVal - minVal, del_R, del_G, del_B, hsl = { h: 0, s: 0, l: (maxVal + minVal) / 2 }; if (delta === 0) { hsl.h = 0; hsl.s = 0; } else { hsl.s = hsl.l < 0.5 ? delta / (maxVal + minVal) : delta / (2 - maxVal - minVal); del_R = (((maxVal - rgb.r) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta; del_G = (((maxVal - rgb.g) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta; del_B = (((maxVal - rgb.b) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta; if (rgb.r === maxVal) { hsl.h = del_B - del_G; } else if (rgb.g === maxVal) { hsl.h = (1 / 3) + del_R - del_B; } else if (rgb.b === maxVal) { hsl.h = (2 / 3) + del_G - del_R; } if (hsl.h < 0) { hsl.h += 1; } else if (hsl.h > 1) { hsl.h -= 1; } } return hsl; }, _hsl_to_rgb = function(hsl) { var var_1, var_2, hue_to_rgb = function(v1, v2, vH) { if (vH < 0) { vH += 1; } if (vH > 1) { vH -= 1; } if ((6 * vH) < 1) { return v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6 * vH; } if ((2 * vH) < 1) { return v2; } if ((3 * vH) < 2) { return v1 + (v2 - v1) * ((2 / 3) - vH) * 6; } return v1; }; if (hsl.s === 0) { return { r: hsl.l, g: hsl.l, b: hsl.l }; } var_2 = (hsl.l < 0.5) ? hsl.l * (1 + hsl.s) : (hsl.l + hsl.s) - (hsl.s * hsl.l); var_1 = 2 * hsl.l - var_2; return { r: hue_to_rgb(var_1, var_2, hsl.h + (1 / 3)), g: hue_to_rgb(var_1, var_2, hsl.h), b: hue_to_rgb(var_1, var_2, hsl.h - (1 / 3)) }; }, _xyz_to_lab = function(xyz) { // CIE-L*ab D65 1931 var x = xyz.x / 0.95047, y = xyz.y, z = xyz.z / 1.08883; x = (x > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(x, (1/3)) : (7.787 * x) + (16/116); y = (y > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(y, (1/3)) : (7.787 * y) + (16/116); z = (z > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(z, (1/3)) : (7.787 * z) + (16/116); return { l: ((116 * y) - 16) / 100, // [0,100] a: ((500 * (x - y)) + 128) / 255, // [-128,127] b: ((200 * (y - z)) + 128) / 255 // [-128,127] }; }, _lab_to_xyz = function(lab) { var lab2 = { l: lab.l * 100, a: (lab.a * 255) - 128, b: (lab.b * 255) - 128 }, xyz = { x: 0, y: (lab2.l + 16) / 116, z: 0 }; xyz.x = lab2.a / 500 + xyz.y; xyz.z = xyz.y - lab2.b / 200; xyz.x = (Math.pow(xyz.x, 3) > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(xyz.x, 3) : (xyz.x - 16 / 116) / 7.787; xyz.y = (Math.pow(xyz.y, 3) > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(xyz.y, 3) : (xyz.y - 16 / 116) / 7.787; xyz.z = (Math.pow(xyz.z, 3) > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(xyz.z, 3) : (xyz.z - 16 / 116) / 7.787; xyz.x *= 0.95047; xyz.y *= 1; xyz.z *= 1.08883; return xyz; }, _rgb_to_cmy = function(rgb) { return { c: 1 - (rgb.r), m: 1 - (rgb.g), y: 1 - (rgb.b) }; }, _cmy_to_rgb = function(cmy) { return { r: 1 - (cmy.c), g: 1 - (cmy.m), b: 1 - (cmy.y) }; }, _cmy_to_cmyk = function(cmy) { var K = 1; if (cmy.c < K) { K = cmy.c; } if (cmy.m < K) { K = cmy.m; } if (cmy.y < K) { K = cmy.y; } if (K == 1) { return { c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 1 }; } return { c: (cmy.c - K) / (1 - K), m: (cmy.m - K) / (1 - K), y: (cmy.y - K) / (1 - K), k: K }; }, _cmyk_to_cmy = function(cmyk) { return { c: cmyk.c * (1 - cmyk.k) + cmyk.k, m: cmyk.m * (1 - cmyk.k) + cmyk.k, y: cmyk.y * (1 - cmyk.k) + cmyk.k }; }; this.set = true; this.setAlpha = function(_a) { if (_a !== null) { a = _clip(_a); } return this; }; this.getAlpha = function() { return a; }; this.setRGB = function(r, g, b) { spaces = {rgb: this.getRGB()}; if (r !== null) { spaces.rgb.r = _clip(r); } if (g !== null) { spaces.rgb.g = _clip(g); } if (b !== null) { spaces.rgb.b = _clip(b); } return this; }; this.setHSV = function(h, s, v) { spaces = {hsv: this.getHSV()}; if (h !== null) { spaces.hsv.h = _clip(h); } if (s !== null) { spaces.hsv.s = _clip(s); } if (v !== null) { spaces.hsv.v = _clip(v); } return this; }; this.setHSL = function(h, s, l) { spaces = {hsl: this.getHSL()}; if (h !== null) { spaces.hsl.h = _clip(h); } if (s !== null) { spaces.hsl.s = _clip(s); } if (l !== null) { spaces.hsl.l = _clip(l); } return this; }; this.setLAB = function(l, a, b) { spaces = {lab: this.getLAB()}; if (l !== null) { spaces.lab.l = _clip(l); } if (a !== null) { spaces.lab.a = _clip(a); } if (b !== null) { spaces.lab.b = _clip(b); } return this; }; this.setCMYK = function(c, m, y, k) { spaces = {cmyk: this.getCMYK()}; if (c !== null) { spaces.cmyk.c = _clip(c); } if (m !== null) { spaces.cmyk.m = _clip(m); } if (y !== null) { spaces.cmyk.y = _clip(y); } if (k !== null) { spaces.cmyk.k = _clip(k); } return this; }; this.getRGB = function() { if (!spaces.rgb) { spaces.rgb = spaces.lab ? _xyz_to_rgb(_lab_to_xyz(spaces.lab)) : spaces.hsv ? _hsv_to_rgb(spaces.hsv) : spaces.hsl ? _hsl_to_rgb(spaces.hsl) : spaces.cmyk ? _cmy_to_rgb(_cmyk_to_cmy(spaces.cmyk)) : {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0}; spaces.rgb.r = _clip(spaces.rgb.r); spaces.rgb.g = _clip(spaces.rgb.g); spaces.rgb.b = _clip(spaces.rgb.b); } return $.extend({}, spaces.rgb); }; this.getHSV = function() { if (!spaces.hsv) { spaces.hsv = spaces.lab ? _rgb_to_hsv(this.getRGB()) : spaces.rgb ? _rgb_to_hsv(spaces.rgb) : spaces.hsl ? _rgb_to_hsv(this.getRGB()) : spaces.cmyk ? _rgb_to_hsv(this.getRGB()) : {h: 0, s: 0, v: 0}; spaces.hsv.h = _clip(spaces.hsv.h); spaces.hsv.s = _clip(spaces.hsv.s); spaces.hsv.v = _clip(spaces.hsv.v); } return $.extend({}, spaces.hsv); }; this.getHSL = function() { if (!spaces.hsl) { spaces.hsl = spaces.rgb ? _rgb_to_hsl(spaces.rgb) : spaces.hsv ? _rgb_to_hsl(this.getRGB()) : spaces.cmyk ? _rgb_to_hsl(this.getRGB()) : spaces.hsv ? _rgb_to_hsl(this.getRGB()) : {h: 0, s: 0, l: 0}; spaces.hsl.h = _clip(spaces.hsl.h); spaces.hsl.s = _clip(spaces.hsl.s); spaces.hsl.l = _clip(spaces.hsl.l); } return $.extend({}, spaces.hsl); }; this.getCMYK = function() { if (!spaces.cmyk) { spaces.cmyk = spaces.rgb ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(spaces.rgb)) : spaces.hsv ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(this.getRGB())) : spaces.hsl ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(this.getRGB())) : spaces.lab ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(this.getRGB())) : {c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 1}; spaces.cmyk.c = _clip(spaces.cmyk.c); spaces.cmyk.m = _clip(spaces.cmyk.m); spaces.cmyk.y = _clip(spaces.cmyk.y); spaces.cmyk.k = _clip(spaces.cmyk.k); } return $.extend({}, spaces.cmyk); }; this.getLAB = function() { if (!spaces.lab) { spaces.lab = spaces.rgb ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(spaces.rgb)) : spaces.hsv ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(this.getRGB())) : spaces.hsl ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(this.getRGB())) : spaces.cmyk ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(this.getRGB())) : {l: 0, a: 0, b: 0}; spaces.lab.l = _clip(spaces.lab.l); spaces.lab.a = _clip(spaces.lab.a); spaces.lab.b = _clip(spaces.lab.b); } return $.extend({}, spaces.lab); }; this.getChannels = function() { return { r: this.getRGB().r, g: this.getRGB().g, b: this.getRGB().b, a: this.getAlpha(), h: this.getHSV().h, s: this.getHSV().s, v: this.getHSV().v, c: this.getCMYK().c, m: this.getCMYK().m, y: this.getCMYK().y, k: this.getCMYK().k, L: this.getLAB().l, A: this.getLAB().a, B: this.getLAB().b }; }; this.distance = function(color) { var space = 'lab', getter = 'get'+space.toUpperCase(), a = this[getter](), b = color[getter](), distance = 0, channel; for (channel in a) { distance += Math.pow(a[channel] - b[channel], 2); } return distance; }; this.equals = function(color) { var a = this.getRGB(), b = color.getRGB(); return this.getAlpha() == color.getAlpha() && a.r == b.r && a.g == b.g && a.b == b.b; }; this.limit = function(steps) { steps -= 1; var rgb = this.getRGB(); this.setRGB( Math.round(rgb.r * steps) / steps, Math.round(rgb.g * steps) / steps, Math.round(rgb.b * steps) / steps ); }; this.toHex = function() { var rgb = this.getRGB(); return _hexify(rgb.r * 255) + _hexify(rgb.g * 255) + _hexify(rgb.b * 255); }; this.toCSS = function() { return '#' + this.toHex(); }; this.normalize = function() { this.setHSV(null, 1, 1); return this; }; this.copy = function() { var rgb = this.getRGB(), a = this.getAlpha(); return new Color(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, a); }; // Construct if (args.length > 0) { this.setRGB(args[0], args[1], args[2]); this.setAlpha(args[3] === 0 ? 0 : args[3] || 1); } }; $.widget("vanderlee.colorpicker", { options: { alpha: false, // Show alpha controls and mode altAlpha: true, // change opacity of altField as well? altField: '', // selector for DOM elements which change background color on change. altOnChange: true, // true to update on each change, false to update only on close. altProperties: 'background-color', // comma separated list of any of 'background-color', 'color', 'border-color', 'outline-color' autoOpen: false, // Open dialog automatically upon creation buttonColorize: false, buttonImage: 'images/ui-colorpicker.png', buttonImageOnly: false, buttonText: null, // Text on the button and/or title of button image. closeOnEscape: true, // Close the dialog when the escape key is pressed. closeOnOutside: true, // Close the dialog when clicking outside the dialog (not for inline) color: '#00FF00', // Initial color (for inline only) colorFormat: 'HEX', // Format string for output color format draggable: true, // Make popup dialog draggable if header is visible. duration: 'fast', hsv: true, // Show HSV controls and modes regional: '', layout: { map: [0, 0, 1, 5], // Left, Top, Width, Height (in table cells). bar: [1, 0, 1, 5], preview: [2, 0, 1, 1], hsv: [2, 1, 1, 1], rgb: [2, 2, 1, 1], alpha: [2, 3, 1, 1], hex: [2, 4, 1, 1], lab: [3, 1, 1, 1], cmyk: [3, 2, 1, 2], swatches: [4, 0, 1, 5] }, limit: '', // Limit color "resolution": '', 'websafe', 'nibble', 'binary', 'name' modal: false, // Modal dialog? mode: 'h', // Initial editing mode, h, s, v, r, g, b or a parts: '', // leave empty for automatic selection rgb: true, // Show RGB controls and modes showAnim: 'fadeIn', showCancelButton: true, showNoneButton: false, showCloseButton: true, showOn: 'focus', // 'focus', 'button', 'both' showOptions: {}, swatches: null, title: null, close: null, init: null, select: null, open: null }, _create: function () { var that = this, text; ++_colorpicker_index; that.widgetEventPrefix = 'color'; that.opened = false; that.generated = false; that.inline = false; that.changed = false; that.dialog = null; that.button = null; that.image = null; that.overlay = null; that.mode = that.options.mode; if (that.options.swatches === null) { that.options.swatches = _colors; } if (this.element[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' || !this.inline) { that._setColor(that.element.val()); this._callback('init'); $('body').append(_container_popup); that.dialog = $('.ui-colorpicker:last'); // Click outside/inside $(document).mousedown(function (event) { if (!that.opened || event.target === that.element[0] || that.overlay) { return; } // Check if clicked on any part of dialog if (that.dialog.is(event.target) || that.dialog.has(event.target).length > 0) { that.element.blur(); // inside window! return; } // Check if clicked on button var p, parents = $(event.target).parents(); for (p = 0; p <= parents.length; ++p) { if (that.button !== null && parents[p] === that.button[0]) { return; } } // no closeOnOutside if (!that.options.closeOnOutside) { return; } that.close(); }); $(document).keydown(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 27 && that.opened && that.options.closeOnEscape) { that.close(); } }); if (that.options.showOn === 'focus' || that.options.showOn === 'both') { that.element.focus(function () { that.open(); }); } if (that.options.showOn === 'button' || that.options.showOn === 'both') { if (that.options.buttonImage !== '') { text = that.options.buttonText || that._getRegional('button'); that.image = $('').attr({ 'src': that.options.buttonImage, 'alt': text, 'title': text }); that._setImageBackground(); } if (that.options.buttonImageOnly && that.image) { that.button = that.image; } else { that.button = $('').html(that.image || that.options.buttonText).button(); that.image = that.image ? $('img', that.button).first() : null; } that.button.insertAfter(that.element).click(function () { that[that.opened ? 'close' : 'open'](); }); } if (that.options.autoOpen) { that.open(); } that.element.keydown(function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 9) { that.close(); } }).keyup(function (event) { var color = _parseColor(that.element.val()); if (!that.color.equals(color)) { that.color = color; that._change(); } }); } else { that.inline = true; $(this.element).html(_container_inline); that.dialog = $('.ui-colorpicker', this.element); that._generate(); that.opened = true; } return this; }, _setOption: function(key, value){ var that = this; switch (key) { case "disabled": if (value) { that.dialog.addClass('ui-colorpicker-disabled'); } else { that.dialog.removeClass('ui-colorpicker-disabled'); } break; } $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(that, arguments); }, /* setBackground */ _setImageBackground: function() { if (this.image && this.options.buttonColorize) { this.image.css('background-color', this.color.set? _formatColor('RGBA', this.color) : ''); } }, /** * If an alternate field is specified, set it according to the current color. */ _setAltField: function () { if (this.options.altOnChange && this.options.altField && this.options.altProperties) { var index, property, properties = this.options.altProperties.split(','); for (index = 0; index <= properties.length; ++index) { property = $.trim(properties[index]); switch (property) { case 'color': case 'background-color': case 'outline-color': case 'border-color': $(this.options.altField).css(property, this.color.set? this.color.toCSS() : ''); break; } } if (this.options.altAlpha) { $(this.options.altField).css('opacity', this.color.set? this.color.getAlpha() : ''); } } }, _setColor: function(text) { this.color = _parseColor(text); this.currentColor = this.color.copy(); this._setImageBackground(); this._setAltField(); }, setColor: function(text) { this._setColor(text); this._change(this.color.set); }, _generate: function () { var that = this, index, part, parts_list, layout_parts; // Set color based on element? that._setColor(that.inline? that.options.color : that.element.val()); // Determine the parts to include in this colorpicker if (typeof that.options.parts === 'string') { if (_parts_lists[that.options.parts]) { parts_list = _parts_lists[that.options.parts]; } else { // automatic parts_list = _parts_lists[that.inline ? 'inline' : 'popup']; } } else { parts_list = that.options.parts; } // Add any parts to the internal parts list that.parts = {}; $.each(parts_list, function(index, part) { if (_parts[part]) { that.parts[part] = new _parts[part](that); } }); if (!that.generated) { layout_parts = []; $.each(that.options.layout, function(part, pos) { if (that.parts[part]) { layout_parts.push({ 'part': part, 'pos': pos }); } }); $(_layoutTable(layout_parts, function(cell, x, y) { var classes = ['ui-colorpicker-' + cell.part + '-container']; if (x > 0) { classes.push('ui-colorpicker-padding-left'); } if (y > 0) { classes.push('ui-colorpicker-padding-top'); } return ' 1 ? ' colspan="' + cell.pos[2] + '"' : '') + (cell.pos[3] > 1 ? ' rowspan="' + cell.pos[3] + '"' : '') + ' valign="top">'; })).appendTo(that.dialog).addClass('ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content'); that._initAllParts(); that._updateAllParts(); that.generated = true; } }, _effectGeneric: function (element, show, slide, fade, callback) { var that = this; if ($.effects && $.effects[that.options.showAnim]) { element[show](that.options.showAnim, that.options.showOptions, that.options.duration, callback); } else { element[(that.options.showAnim === 'slideDown' ? slide : (that.options.showAnim === 'fadeIn' ? fade : show))]((that.options.showAnim ? that.options.duration : null), callback); if (!that.options.showAnim || !that.options.duration) { callback(); } } }, _effectShow: function(element, callback) { this._effectGeneric(element, 'show', 'slideDown', 'fadeIn', callback); }, _effectHide: function(element, callback) { this._effectGeneric(element, 'hide', 'slideUp', 'fadeOut', callback); }, open: function() { var that = this, offset, bottom, right, height, width, x, y, zIndex; if (!that.opened) { that._generate(); offset = that.element.offset(); bottom = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop(); right = $(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft(); height = that.dialog.outerHeight(); width = that.dialog.outerWidth(); x = offset.left; y = offset.top + that.element.outerHeight(); if (x + width > right) { x = Math.max(0, right - width); } if (y + height > bottom) { if (offset.top - height >= $(window).scrollTop()) { y = offset.top - height; } else { y = Math.max(0, bottom - height); } } that.dialog.css({'left': x, 'top': y}); // Automatically find highest z-index. zIndex = 0; $(that.element[0]).parents().each(function() { var z = $(this).css('z-index'); if ((typeof(z) === 'number' || typeof(z) === 'string') && z !== '' && !isNaN(z)) { zIndex = z; return false; } }); //@todo zIndexOffset option, to raise above other elements? that.dialog.css('z-index', zIndex += 2); that.overlay = that.options.modal ? new $.ui.dialog.overlay(that) : null; that._effectShow(this.dialog); that.opened = true; that._callback('open', true); // Without waiting for domready the width of the map is 0 and we // wind up with the cursor stuck in the upper left corner $(function() { that._repaintAllParts(); }); } }, close: function () { var that = this; that.currentColor = that.color.copy(); that.changed = false; // tear down the interface that._effectHide(that.dialog, function () { that.dialog.empty(); that.generated = false; that.opened = false; that._callback('close', true); }); if (that.overlay) { that.overlay.destroy(); } }, destroy: function() { this.element.unbind(); if (this.image !== null) { this.image.remove(); } if (this.button !== null) { this.button.remove(); } if (this.dialog !== null) { this.dialog.remove(); } if (this.overlay) { this.overlay.destroy(); } }, _callback: function (callback, spaces) { var that = this, data, lab; if (that.color.set) { data = { formatted: _formatColor(that.options.colorFormat, that.color) }; lab = that.color.getLAB(); lab.a = (lab.a * 2) - 1; lab.b = (lab.b * 2) - 1; if (spaces === true) { data.a = that.color.getAlpha(); data.rgb = that.color.getRGB(); data.hsv = that.color.getHSV(); data.cmyk = that.color.getCMYK(); data.hsl = that.color.getHSL(); data.lab = lab; } return that._trigger(callback, null, data); } else { return that._trigger(callback, null, { formatted: '' }); } }, _initAllParts: function () { $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) { if (part.init) { part.init(); } }); }, _updateAllParts: function () { $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) { if (part.update) { part.update(); } }); }, _repaintAllParts: function () { $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) { if (part.repaint) { part.repaint(); } }); }, _change: function (set /* = true */) { this.color.set = (set !== false); this.changed = true; // Limit color palette switch (this.options.limit) { case 'websafe': this.color.limit(6); break; case 'nibble': this.color.limit(16); break; case 'binary': this.color.limit(2); break; case 'name': var name = _closestName(this.color); this.color.setRGB(_colors[name].r, _colors[name].g, _colors[name].b); break; } // update input element content if (!this.inline) { if (!this.color.set) { this.element.val(''); } else if (!this.color.equals(_parseColor(this.element.val()))) { this.element.val(_formatColor(this.options.colorFormat, this.color)); } this._setImageBackground(); this._setAltField(); } if (this.opened) { this._repaintAllParts(); } // callback this._callback('select'); }, // This will be deprecated by jQueryUI 1.9 widget _hoverable: function (e) { e.hover(function () { e.addClass("ui-state-hover"); }, function () { e.removeClass("ui-state-hover"); }); }, // This will be deprecated by jQueryUI 1.9 widget _focusable: function (e) { e.focus(function () { e.addClass("ui-state-focus"); }).blur(function () { e.removeClass("ui-state-focus"); }); }, _getRegional: function(name) { return $.colorpicker.regional[this.options.regional][name] !== undefined ? $.colorpicker.regional[this.options.regional][name] : $.colorpicker.regional[''][name]; } }); }(jQuery));