Fix the weird one-pixel vertical shift bug. Caused by ui-widget class. Only happens in Chrome and only on some, not all. Disappears and re-appears at different zoom levels. In hex input, accept (and strip) '#' symbol on copy/past. Completely destroy object when closed. Enabled/disabled isRTL? What to RTL, besides button? Disable selection in MSIE: this.dialog.on('selectstart', function(event) { return false; }) Special rendering mode for color_none? Use [X] images? Fix parsing from input with websafe colors Recognize "transparent" color name. Limit number of events triggered. Small size variant (128x128) isRTL? What to RTL, besides button? Undo/redo memory? ARIA support. Allow only set (dec/hex) characters in inputs Most-recently-used swatches HSL/HSV distance calculations should take into account cyclic hue.