"); define('CRAYON_NL', "\r\n"); define('CRAYON_BL', CRAYON_BR . CRAYON_NL); define('CRAYON_DASH', "=============================================================================="); define('CRAYON_LINE', "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); // Load utilities require_once (CRAYON_UTIL_PHP); require_once (CRAYON_TIMER_PHP); require_once (CRAYON_LOG_PHP); // Turn on the error & exception handlers //crayon_handler_on(); // GLOBAL FUNCTIONS // Check for forwardslash/backslash in folder path to structure paths function crayon_s($url = '') { $url = strval($url); if (!empty($url) && !preg_match('#(\\\\|/)$#', $url)) { return $url . '/'; } else if (empty($url)) { return '/'; } else { return $url; } } // Returns path using forward slashes, slash added at the end function crayon_pf($url, $slash = TRUE) { $url = trim(strval($url)); if ($slash) { $url = crayon_s($url); } return str_replace('\\', '/', $url); } // Returns path using back slashes function crayon_pb($url) { return str_replace('/', '\\', crayon_s(trim(strval($url)))); } // Get/Set plugin information function crayon_set_info($info_array) { global $CRAYON_VERSION, $CRAYON_DATE, $CRAYON_AUTHOR, $CRAYON_WEBSITE; if (!is_array($info_array)) { return; } crayon_set_info_key('Version', $info_array, $CRAYON_VERSION); crayon_set_info_key('Date', $info_array, $CRAYON_DATE); crayon_set_info_key('AuthorName', $info_array, $CRAYON_AUTHOR); crayon_set_info_key('PluginURI', $info_array, $CRAYON_WEBSITE); } function crayon_set_info_key($key, $array, &$info) { if (array_key_exists($key, $array)) { $info = $array[$key]; } else { return FALSE; } } function crayon_vargs(&$var, $default) { $var = isset($var) ? $var : $default; } // Checks if the input is a valid PHP file and matches the $valid filename function crayon_is_php_file($filepath, $valid) { $path = pathinfo(crayon_pf($filepath)); return is_file($filepath) && $path['extension'] === 'php' && $path['filename'] === $valid; } // Stops the script if crayon_is_php_file() returns false or a remote path is given function crayon_die_if_not_php($filepath, $valid) { if (!crayon_is_php_file($filepath, $valid) || crayon_is_path_url($filepath)) { die("[ERROR] '$filepath' is not a valid PHP file for '$valid'"); } } function crayon_is_path_url($path) { $parts = parse_url($path); return isset($parts['scheme']) && strlen($parts['scheme']) > 1; } // LANGUAGE TRANSLATION FUNCTIONS function crayon_load_plugin_textdomain() { if (function_exists('load_plugin_textdomain')) { load_plugin_textdomain(CRAYON_DOMAIN, false, CRAYON_DIR . CRAYON_TRANS_DIR); } } function crayon__($text) { if (function_exists('__')) { return __($text, CRAYON_DOMAIN); } else { return $text; } } function crayon_e($text) { if (function_exists('_e')) { _e($text, CRAYON_DOMAIN); } else { echo $text; } } function crayon_n($singular, $plural, $count) { if (function_exists('_n')) { return _n($singular, $plural, $count, CRAYON_DOMAIN); } else { return $count > 1 ? $plural : $singular; } } function crayon_x($text, $context) { if (function_exists('_x')) { return _x($text, $context, CRAYON_DOMAIN); } else { return $text; } } ?>