diff --git a/crayon-syntax-highlighter.sublime-project b/crayon-syntax-highlighter.sublime-project
deleted file mode 100644
index c3e83ab..0000000
--- a/crayon-syntax-highlighter.sublime-project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- "folders":
- [
- {
- "follow_symlinks": true,
- "path": ".",
- "folder_exclude_patterns": [
- "min",
- "trans"
- ]
- }
- ]
diff --git a/crayon_fonts.class.php b/crayon_fonts.class.php
index 4995d95..4ee3bcb 100644
--- a/crayon_fonts.class.php
+++ b/crayon_fonts.class.php
@@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
set_default(self::DEFAULT_FONT, self::DEFAULT_FONT_NAME);
+ // Methods ================================================================
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ $this->set_default(self::DEFAULT_FONT, self::DEFAULT_FONT_NAME);
@@ -30,7 +33,6 @@ class CrayonFonts extends CrayonUserResourceCollection {
- }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crayon_formatter.class.php b/crayon_formatter.class.php
index 3cf3c08..3d6fa81 100644
--- a/crayon_formatter.class.php
+++ b/crayon_formatter.class.php
@@ -629,5 +629,3 @@ class CrayonFormatter {
return ' ' . $dim_mode . ': ' . $hl->setting_val($name) . $dim_unit . ';';
diff --git a/crayon_highlighter.class.php b/crayon_highlighter.class.php
index 72b86e6..bda2aad 100644
--- a/crayon_highlighter.class.php
+++ b/crayon_highlighter.class.php
@@ -1,423 +1,449 @@
- }
- if ($language !== NULL) {
- $this->language($language);
- }
- // Default ID
- $id = $id !== NULL ? $id : uniqid();
- $this->id($id);
- }
- /* Tries to load the code locally, then attempts to load it remotely */
- private function load() {
- if (empty($this->url)) {
- $this->error('The specified URL is empty, please provide a valid URL.');
- return;
- }
- // Try to replace the URL with an absolute path if it is local, used to prevent scripts
- // from executing when they are loaded.
- $url = $this->url;
- if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::DECODE_ATTRIBUTES)) {
- $url = CrayonUtil::html_entity_decode($url);
- }
- $url = CrayonUtil::pathf($url);
- $site_http = CrayonGlobalSettings::site_url();
- $scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
- // Try to replace the site URL with a path to force local loading
- if (empty($scheme)) {
- // No url scheme is given - path may be given as relative
- $url = CrayonUtil::path_slash($site_http) . CrayonUtil::path_slash($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::LOCAL_PATH)) . $url;
- }
- $http_code = 0;
- // If available, use the built in wp remote http get function.
- if (function_exists('wp_remote_get')) {
- $url_uid = 'crayon_' . CrayonUtil::str_uid($url);
- $cached = get_transient($url_uid, 'crayon-syntax');
- CrayonSettingsWP::load_cache();
- if ($cached !== FALSE) {
- $content = $cached;
- $http_code = 200;
- } else {
- $response = @wp_remote_get($url, array('sslverify' => false, 'timeout' => 20));
- $content = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
- $http_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response);
- $cache = $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::CACHE);
- $cache_sec = CrayonSettings::get_cache_sec($cache);
- if ($cache_sec > 1 && $http_code >= 200 && $http_code < 400) {
- set_transient($url_uid, $content, $cache_sec);
- CrayonSettingsWP::add_cache($url_uid);
- }
- }
- } else if (in_array(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME), array('ssl', 'http', 'https'))) {
- // Fallback to cURL. At this point, the URL scheme must be valid.
- $ch = curl_init($url);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
- // For https connections, we do not require SSL verification
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, FALSE);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5);
- if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
- }
- $content = curl_exec($ch);
- $error = curl_error($ch);
- $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
- curl_close($ch);
- }
- if ($http_code >= 200 && $http_code < 400) {
- $this->code($content);
- } else {
- if (empty($this->code)) {
- // If code is also given, just use that
- $this->error("The provided URL ('$this->url'), parsed remotely as ('$url'), could not be accessed.");
- }
- }
- $this->needs_load = FALSE;
- }
- /* Central point of access for all other functions to update code. */
- public function process() {
- $tmr = new CrayonTimer();
- $this->runtime = NULL;
- if ($this->needs_load) {
- $tmr->start();
- $this->load();
- $this->runtime[CRAYON_LOAD_TIME] = $tmr->stop();
- }
- if (!empty($this->error) || empty($this->code)) {
- // Disable highlighting for errors and empty code
- return;
- }
- if ($this->language === NULL) {
- $this->language_detect();
- }
- if ($this->needs_format) {
- $tmr->start();
- try {
- // Parse before hand to read modes
- $code = $this->code;
- // If inline, then combine lines into one
- if ($this->is_inline) {
- $code = preg_replace('#[\r\n]+#ms', '', $code);
- if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TRIM_WHITESPACE)) {
- $code = trim($code);
- }
- }
- // Decode html entities (e.g. if using visual editor or manually encoding)
- if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::DECODE)) {
- $code = CrayonUtil::html_entity_decode($code);
- }
- // Save code so output is plain output is the same
- $this->code = $code;
- // Allow mixed if langauge supports it and setting is set
- CrayonParser::parse($this->language->id());
- if (!$this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::MIXED) || !$this->language->mode(CrayonParser::ALLOW_MIXED)) {
- // Format the code with the generated regex and elements
- $this->formatted_code = CrayonFormatter::format_code($code, $this->language, $this);
- } else {
- // Format the code with Mixed Highlighting
- $this->formatted_code = CrayonFormatter::format_mixed_code($code, $this->language, $this);
- }
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- $this->error($e->message());
- return;
- }
- $this->needs_format = FALSE;
- $this->runtime[CRAYON_FORMAT_TIME] = $tmr->stop();
- }
- }
- /* Used to format the glue in between code when finding mixed languages */
- private function format_glue($glue, $highlight = TRUE) {
- // TODO $highlight
- return CrayonFormatter::format_code($glue, $this->language, $this, $highlight);
- }
+class CrayonHighlighter
+ // Properties and Constants ===============================================
+ private $id = '';
+ // URL is initially NULL, meaning none provided
+ private $url = NULL;
+ private $code = '';
+ private $formatted_code = '';
+ private $title = '';
+ private $line_count = 0;
+ private $marked_lines = array();
+ private $range = NULL;
+ private $error = '';
+ // Determine whether the code needs to be loaded, parsed or formatted
+ private $needs_load = FALSE;
+ private $needs_format = FALSE;
+ // Record the script run times
+ private $runtime = array();
+ // Whether the code is mixed
+ private $is_mixed = FALSE;
+ // Inline code on a single floating line
+ private $is_inline = FALSE;
+ private $is_highlighted = TRUE;
- /* Sends the code to the formatter for printing. Apart from the getters and setters, this is
- the only other function accessible outside this class. $show_lines can also be a string. */
- function output($show_lines = TRUE, $print = TRUE) {
- $this->process();
- if (empty($this->error)) {
- // If no errors have occured, print the formatted code
- $ret = CrayonFormatter::print_code($this, $this->formatted_code, $show_lines, $print);
- } else {
- $ret = CrayonFormatter::print_error($this, $this->error, '', $print);
- }
- // Reset the error message at the end of the print session
- $this->error = '';
- // If $print = FALSE, $ret will contain the output
- return $ret;
- }
+ // Objects
+ // Stores the CrayonLang being used
+ private $language = NULL;
+ // A copy of the current global settings which can be overridden
+ private $settings = NULL;
- // Getters and Setters ====================================================
- function code($code = NULL) {
- if ($code === NULL) {
- return $this->code;
- } else {
- // Trim whitespace
- if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TRIM_WHITESPACE)) {
- $code = preg_replace("#(?:^\\s*\\r?\\n)|(?:\\r?\\n\\s*$)#", '', $code);
- }
+ // Methods ================================================================
+ function __construct($url = NULL, $language = NULL, $id = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($url !== NULL) {
+ $this->url($url);
+ }
+ if ($language !== NULL) {
+ $this->language($language);
+ }
+ // Default ID
+ $id = $id !== NULL ? $id : uniqid();
+ $this->id($id);
+ }
+ /* Tries to load the code locally, then attempts to load it remotely */
+ private function load()
+ {
+ if (empty($this->url)) {
+ $this->error('The specified URL is empty, please provide a valid URL.');
+ return;
+ }
+ // Try to replace the URL with an absolute path if it is local, used to prevent scripts
+ // from executing when they are loaded.
+ $url = $this->url;
+ if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::DECODE_ATTRIBUTES)) {
+ $url = CrayonUtil::html_entity_decode($url);
+ }
+ $url = CrayonUtil::pathf($url);
+ $site_http = CrayonGlobalSettings::site_url();
+ $scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
+ // Try to replace the site URL with a path to force local loading
+ if (empty($scheme)) {
+ // No url scheme is given - path may be given as relative
+ $url = CrayonUtil::path_slash($site_http) . CrayonUtil::path_slash($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::LOCAL_PATH)) . $url;
+ }
+ $http_code = 0;
+ // If available, use the built in wp remote http get function.
+ if (function_exists('wp_remote_get')) {
+ $url_uid = 'crayon_' . CrayonUtil::str_uid($url);
+ $cached = get_transient($url_uid, 'crayon-syntax');
+ CrayonSettingsWP::load_cache();
+ if ($cached !== FALSE) {
+ $content = $cached;
+ $http_code = 200;
+ } else {
+ $response = @wp_remote_get($url, array('sslverify' => false, 'timeout' => 20));
+ $content = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
+ $http_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response);
+ $cache = $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::CACHE);
+ $cache_sec = CrayonSettings::get_cache_sec($cache);
+ if ($cache_sec > 1 && $http_code >= 200 && $http_code < 400) {
+ set_transient($url_uid, $content, $cache_sec);
+ CrayonSettingsWP::add_cache($url_uid);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (in_array(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME), array('ssl', 'http', 'https'))) {
+ // Fallback to cURL. At this point, the URL scheme must be valid.
+ $ch = curl_init($url);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
+ // For https connections, we do not require SSL verification
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, FALSE);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5);
+ if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
+ }
+ $content = curl_exec($ch);
+ $error = curl_error($ch);
+ $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
+ curl_close($ch);
+ }
+ if ($http_code >= 200 && $http_code < 400) {
+ $this->code($content);
+ } else {
+ if (empty($this->code)) {
+ // If code is also given, just use that
+ $this->error("The provided URL ('$this->url'), parsed remotely as ('$url'), could not be accessed.");
+ }
+ }
+ $this->needs_load = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Central point of access for all other functions to update code. */
+ public function process()
+ {
+ $tmr = new CrayonTimer();
+ $this->runtime = NULL;
+ if ($this->needs_load) {
+ $tmr->start();
+ $this->load();
+ $this->runtime[CRAYON_LOAD_TIME] = $tmr->stop();
+ }
+ if (!empty($this->error) || empty($this->code)) {
+ // Disable highlighting for errors and empty code
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($this->language === NULL) {
+ $this->language_detect();
+ }
+ if ($this->needs_format) {
+ $tmr->start();
+ try {
+ // Parse before hand to read modes
+ $code = $this->code;
+ // If inline, then combine lines into one
+ if ($this->is_inline) {
+ $code = preg_replace('#[\r\n]+#ms', '', $code);
+ if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TRIM_WHITESPACE)) {
+ $code = trim($code);
+ }
+ }
+ // Decode html entities (e.g. if using visual editor or manually encoding)
+ if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::DECODE)) {
+ $code = CrayonUtil::html_entity_decode($code);
+ }
+ // Save code so output is plain output is the same
+ $this->code = $code;
+ // Allow mixed if langauge supports it and setting is set
+ CrayonParser::parse($this->language->id());
+ if (!$this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::MIXED) || !$this->language->mode(CrayonParser::ALLOW_MIXED)) {
+ // Format the code with the generated regex and elements
+ $this->formatted_code = CrayonFormatter::format_code($code, $this->language, $this);
+ } else {
+ // Format the code with Mixed Highlighting
+ $this->formatted_code = CrayonFormatter::format_mixed_code($code, $this->language, $this);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $this->error($e->message());
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->needs_format = FALSE;
+ $this->runtime[CRAYON_FORMAT_TIME] = $tmr->stop();
+ }
+ }
+ /* Used to format the glue in between code when finding mixed languages */
+ private function format_glue($glue, $highlight = TRUE)
+ {
+ // TODO $highlight
+ return CrayonFormatter::format_code($glue, $this->language, $this, $highlight);
+ }
+ /* Sends the code to the formatter for printing. Apart from the getters and setters, this is
+ the only other function accessible outside this class. $show_lines can also be a string. */
+ function output($show_lines = TRUE, $print = TRUE)
+ {
+ $this->process();
+ if (empty($this->error)) {
+ // If no errors have occured, print the formatted code
+ $ret = CrayonFormatter::print_code($this, $this->formatted_code, $show_lines, $print);
+ } else {
+ $ret = CrayonFormatter::print_error($this, $this->error, '', $print);
+ }
+ // Reset the error message at the end of the print session
+ $this->error = '';
+ // If $print = FALSE, $ret will contain the output
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ // Getters and Setters ====================================================
+ function code($code = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($code === NULL) {
+ return $this->code;
+ } else {
+ // Trim whitespace
+ if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TRIM_WHITESPACE)) {
+ $code = preg_replace("#(?:^\\s*\\r?\\n)|(?:\\r?\\n\\s*$)#", '', $code);
+ }
if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::TRIM_CODE_TAG)) {
$code = preg_replace('#^\s*<\s*code[^>]*>#msi', '', $code);
$code = preg_replace('#\s*code[^>]*>\s*$#msi', '', $code);
- $before = $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::WHITESPACE_BEFORE);
- if ($before > 0) {
- $code = str_repeat("\n", $before) . $code;
- }
- $after = $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::WHITESPACE_AFTER);
- if ($after > 0) {
- $code = $code . str_repeat("\n", $after);
- }
- if (!empty($code)) {
- $this->code = $code;
- $this->needs_format = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
+ $before = $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::WHITESPACE_BEFORE);
+ if ($before > 0) {
+ $code = str_repeat("\n", $before) . $code;
+ }
+ $after = $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::WHITESPACE_AFTER);
+ if ($after > 0) {
+ $code = $code . str_repeat("\n", $after);
+ }
- function language($id = NULL) {
- if ($id === NULL || !is_string($id)) {
- return $this->language;
- }
- if ( ($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->get($id)) != FALSE || ($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->alias($id)) != FALSE ) {
- // Set the language if it exists or look for an alias
- $this->language = $lang;
- } else {
- $this->language_detect();
- }
- // Prepare the language for use, even if we have no code, we need the name
- CrayonParser::parse($this->language->id());
- }
- function language_detect() {
- // Attempt to detect the language
- if (!empty($id)) {
- $this->log("The language '$id' could not be loaded.");
- }
- $this->language = CrayonResources::langs()->detect($this->url, $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG));
- }
+ if (!empty($code)) {
+ $this->code = $code;
+ $this->needs_format = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- function url($url = NULL) {
- if ($url === NULL) {
- return $this->url;
- } else {
- $this->url = $url;
- $this->needs_load = TRUE;
- }
- }
+ function language($id = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($id === NULL || !is_string($id)) {
+ return $this->language;
+ }
- function title($title = NULL) {
- if (!CrayonUtil::str($this->title, $title)) {
- return $this->title;
- }
- }
+ if (($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->get($id)) != FALSE || ($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->alias($id)) != FALSE) {
+ // Set the language if it exists or look for an alias
+ $this->language = $lang;
+ } else {
+ $this->language_detect();
+ }
- function line_count($line_count = NULL) {
- if (!CrayonUtil::num($this->line_count, $line_count)) {
- return $this->line_count;
- }
- }
+ // Prepare the language for use, even if we have no code, we need the name
+ CrayonParser::parse($this->language->id());
+ }
- function marked($str = NULL) {
- if ($str === NULL) {
- return $this->marked_lines;
- }
- // If only an int is given
- if (is_int($str)) {
- $array = array($str);
- return CrayonUtil::arr($this->marked_lines, $array);
- }
- // A string with ints separated by commas, can also contain ranges
- $array = CrayonUtil::trim_e($str);
- $array = array_unique($array);
- $lines = array();
- foreach ($array as $line) {
- // Check for ranges
- if (strpos($line, '-') !== FALSE) {
- $ranges = CrayonUtil::range_str($line);
- $lines = array_merge($lines, $ranges);
- } else {
- // Otherwise check the string for a number
- $line = intval($line);
- if ($line !== 0) {
- $lines[] = $line;
- }
- }
- }
- return CrayonUtil::arr($this->marked_lines, $lines);
- }
- function range($str = NULL) {
- if ($str === NULL) {
- return $this->range;
- } else {
- $range = CrayonUtil::range_str_single($str);
- if ($range) {
- $this->range = $range;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
+ function language_detect()
+ {
+ // Attempt to detect the language
+ if (!empty($id)) {
+ $this->log("The language '$id' could not be loaded.");
+ }
+ $this->language = CrayonResources::langs()->detect($this->url, $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG));
+ }
- function log($var) {
- if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::ERROR_LOG)) {
- CrayonLog::log($var);
- }
- }
+ function url($url = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($url === NULL) {
+ return $this->url;
+ } else {
+ $this->url = $url;
+ $this->needs_load = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
- function id($id = NULL) {
- if ($id == NULL) {
- return $this->id;
- } else {
- $this->id = strval($id);
- }
- }
- function error($string = NULL) {
- if (!$string) {
- return $this->error;
- }
- $this->error .= $string;
- $this->log($string);
- // Add the error string and ensure no further processing occurs
- $this->needs_load = FALSE;
- $this->needs_format = FALSE;
- }
+ function title($title = NULL)
+ {
+ if (!CrayonUtil::str($this->title, $title)) {
+ return $this->title;
+ }
+ }
- // Set and retreive settings
- // TODO fix this, it's too limiting
- function settings($mixed = NULL) {
- if ($this->settings == NULL) {
- $this->settings = CrayonGlobalSettings::get_obj();
- }
- if ($mixed === NULL) {
- return $this->settings;
- } else if (is_string($mixed)) {
- return $this->settings->get($mixed);
- } else if (is_array($mixed)) {
- $this->settings->set($mixed);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
+ function line_count($line_count = NULL)
+ {
+ if (!CrayonUtil::num($this->line_count, $line_count)) {
+ return $this->line_count;
+ }
+ }
- /* Retrieve a single setting's value for use in the formatter. By default, on failure it will
- * return TRUE to ensure FALSE is only sent when a setting is found. This prevents a fake
- * FALSE when the formatter checks for a positive setting (Show/Enable) and fails. When a
- * negative setting is needed (Hide/Disable), $default_return should be set to FALSE. */
- // TODO fix this (see above)
- function setting_val($name = NULL, $default_return = TRUE) {
- if (is_string($name) && $setting = $this->settings($name)) {
- return $setting->value();
- } else {
- // Name not valid
- return (is_bool($default_return) ? $default_return : TRUE);
- }
- }
- // Set a setting value
- // TODO fix this (see above)
- function setting_set($name = NULL, $value = TRUE) {
- $this->settings->set($name, $value);
- }
+ function marked($str = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($str === NULL) {
+ return $this->marked_lines;
+ }
+ // If only an int is given
+ if (is_int($str)) {
+ $array = array($str);
+ return CrayonUtil::arr($this->marked_lines, $array);
+ }
+ // A string with ints separated by commas, can also contain ranges
+ $array = CrayonUtil::trim_e($str);
+ $array = array_unique($array);
+ $lines = array();
+ foreach ($array as $line) {
+ // Check for ranges
+ if (strpos($line, '-') !== FALSE) {
+ $ranges = CrayonUtil::range_str($line);
+ $lines = array_merge($lines, $ranges);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise check the string for a number
+ $line = intval($line);
+ if ($line !== 0) {
+ $lines[] = $line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return CrayonUtil::arr($this->marked_lines, $lines);
+ }
- // Used to find current index in dropdown setting
- function setting_index($name = NULL) {
- $setting = $this->settings($name);
- if (is_string($name) && $setting->is_array()) {
- return $setting->index();
- } else {
- // Returns -1 to avoid accidentally selecting an item in a dropdown
- return CrayonSettings::INVALID;
- }
- }
+ function range($str = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($str === NULL) {
+ return $this->range;
+ } else {
+ $range = CrayonUtil::range_str_single($str);
+ if ($range) {
+ $this->range = $range;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- function formatted_code() {
- return $this->formatted_code;
- }
+ function log($var)
+ {
+ if ($this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::ERROR_LOG)) {
+ CrayonLog::log($var);
+ }
+ }
- function runtime() {
- return $this->runtime;
- }
- function is_highlighted($highlighted = NULL) {
- if ($highlighted === NULL) {
- return $this->is_highlighted;
- } else {
- $this->is_highlighted = $highlighted;
- }
- }
- function is_mixed($mixed = NULL) {
- if ($mixed === NULL) {
- return $this->is_mixed;
- } else {
- $this->is_mixed = $mixed;
- }
- }
- function is_inline($inline = NULL) {
- if ($inline === NULL) {
- return $this->is_inline;
- } else {
- $inline = CrayonUtil::str_to_bool($inline, FALSE);
- $this->is_inline = $inline;
- }
- }
+ function id($id = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($id == NULL) {
+ return $this->id;
+ } else {
+ $this->id = strval($id);
+ }
+ }
+ function error($string = NULL)
+ {
+ if (!$string) {
+ return $this->error;
+ }
+ $this->error .= $string;
+ $this->log($string);
+ // Add the error string and ensure no further processing occurs
+ $this->needs_load = FALSE;
+ $this->needs_format = FALSE;
+ }
+ // Set and retreive settings
+ // TODO fix this, it's too limiting
+ function settings($mixed = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($this->settings == NULL) {
+ $this->settings = CrayonGlobalSettings::get_obj();
+ }
+ if ($mixed === NULL) {
+ return $this->settings;
+ } else if (is_string($mixed)) {
+ return $this->settings->get($mixed);
+ } else if (is_array($mixed)) {
+ $this->settings->set($mixed);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Retrieve a single setting's value for use in the formatter. By default, on failure it will
+ * return TRUE to ensure FALSE is only sent when a setting is found. This prevents a fake
+ * FALSE when the formatter checks for a positive setting (Show/Enable) and fails. When a
+ * negative setting is needed (Hide/Disable), $default_return should be set to FALSE. */
+ // TODO fix this (see above)
+ function setting_val($name = NULL, $default_return = TRUE)
+ {
+ if (is_string($name) && $setting = $this->settings($name)) {
+ return $setting->value();
+ } else {
+ // Name not valid
+ return (is_bool($default_return) ? $default_return : TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ // Set a setting value
+ // TODO fix this (see above)
+ function setting_set($name = NULL, $value = TRUE)
+ {
+ $this->settings->set($name, $value);
+ }
+ // Used to find current index in dropdown setting
+ function setting_index($name = NULL)
+ {
+ $setting = $this->settings($name);
+ if (is_string($name) && $setting->is_array()) {
+ return $setting->index();
+ } else {
+ // Returns -1 to avoid accidentally selecting an item in a dropdown
+ return CrayonSettings::INVALID;
+ }
+ }
+ function formatted_code()
+ {
+ return $this->formatted_code;
+ }
+ function runtime()
+ {
+ return $this->runtime;
+ }
+ function is_highlighted($highlighted = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($highlighted === NULL) {
+ return $this->is_highlighted;
+ } else {
+ $this->is_highlighted = $highlighted;
+ }
+ }
+ function is_mixed($mixed = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($mixed === NULL) {
+ return $this->is_mixed;
+ } else {
+ $this->is_mixed = $mixed;
+ }
+ }
+ function is_inline($inline = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($inline === NULL) {
+ return $this->is_inline;
+ } else {
+ $inline = CrayonUtil::str_to_bool($inline, FALSE);
+ $this->is_inline = $inline;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crayon_langs.class.php b/crayon_langs.class.php
index ee6c156..f0e4d1f 100644
--- a/crayon_langs.class.php
+++ b/crayon_langs.class.php
@@ -1,33 +1,37 @@
'c', 'PREPROCESSOR' => 'p', 'STRING' => 's', 'KEYWORD' => 'k',
- 'STATEMENT' => 'st', 'RESERVED' => 'r', 'TYPE' => 't', 'TAG' => 'ta', 'MODIFIER' => 'm', 'IDENTIFIER' => 'i',
- 'ENTITY' => 'e', 'VARIABLE' => 'v', 'CONSTANT' => 'cn', 'OPERATOR' => 'o', 'SYMBOL' => 'sy',
- 'NOTATION' => 'n', 'FADED' => 'f', CrayonParser::HTML_CHAR => 'h', CrayonParser::CRAYON_ELEMENT => 'crayon-internal-element');
- const DEFAULT_LANG = 'default';
- const DEFAULT_LANG_NAME = 'Default';
- const RESOURCE_TYPE = 'CrayonLangsResourceType';
+class CrayonLangs extends CrayonUserResourceCollection
+ // Properties and Constants ===============================================
+ // CSS classes for known elements
+ private static $known_elements = array('COMMENT' => 'c', 'PREPROCESSOR' => 'p', 'STRING' => 's', 'KEYWORD' => 'k',
+ 'STATEMENT' => 'st', 'RESERVED' => 'r', 'TYPE' => 't', 'TAG' => 'ta', 'MODIFIER' => 'm', 'IDENTIFIER' => 'i',
+ 'ENTITY' => 'e', 'VARIABLE' => 'v', 'CONSTANT' => 'cn', 'OPERATOR' => 'o', 'SYMBOL' => 'sy',
+ 'NOTATION' => 'n', 'FADED' => 'f', CrayonParser::HTML_CHAR => 'h', CrayonParser::CRAYON_ELEMENT => 'crayon-internal-element');
+ const DEFAULT_LANG = 'default';
+ const DEFAULT_LANG_NAME = 'Default';
- // Used to cache the objects, since they are unlikely to change during a single run
- private static $resource_cache = array();
+ const RESOURCE_TYPE = 'CrayonLangsResourceType';
- // Methods ================================================================
- public function __construct() {
- $this->set_default(self::DEFAULT_LANG, self::DEFAULT_LANG_NAME);
- $this->directory(CRAYON_LANG_PATH);
+ // Used to cache the objects, since they are unlikely to change during a single run
+ private static $resource_cache = array();
+ // Methods ================================================================
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ $this->set_default(self::DEFAULT_LANG, self::DEFAULT_LANG_NAME);
+ $this->directory(CRAYON_LANG_PATH);
@@ -44,501 +48,550 @@ class CrayonLangs extends CrayonUserResourceCollection {
- }
- public function filename($id, $user = NULL) {
- return $id."/$id.".$this->extension();
- // XXX Override
- public function load_process() {
- parent::load_process();
- $this->load_exts();
- $this->load_aliases();
- $this->load_delimiters(); // TODO check for setting?
- }
+ public function filename($id, $user = NULL)
+ {
+ return $id . "/$id." . $this->extension();
+ }
- public function load_resources($dir = NULL) {
+ // XXX Override
+ public function load_process()
+ {
+ parent::load_process();
+ $this->load_exts();
+ $this->load_aliases();
+ $this->load_delimiters(); // TODO check for setting?
+ }
+ public function load_resources($dir = NULL)
+ {
- // XXX Override
- public function create_user_resource_instance($id, $name = NULL) {
+ // XXX Override
+ public function create_user_resource_instance($id, $name = NULL)
+ {
return new CrayonLang($id, $name);
- }
+ }
- // XXX Override
- public function add_default() {
- $result = parent::add_default();
- if ($this->is_state_loading() && !$result) {
- // Default not added, must already be loaded, ready to parse
- CrayonParser::parse(self::DEFAULT_LANG);
- }
- }
+ // XXX Override
+ public function add_default()
+ {
+ $result = parent::add_default();
+ if ($this->is_state_loading() && !$result) {
+ // Default not added, must already be loaded, ready to parse
+ CrayonParser::parse(self::DEFAULT_LANG);
+ }
+ }
- /* Attempts to detect the language based on extension, otherwise falls back to fallback language given.
- * Returns a CrayonLang object. */
- public function detect($path, $fallback_id = NULL) {
- $this->load();
- extract(pathinfo($path));
+ /* Attempts to detect the language based on extension, otherwise falls back to fallback language given.
+ * Returns a CrayonLang object. */
+ public function detect($path, $fallback_id = NULL)
+ {
+ $this->load();
+ extract(pathinfo($path));
- // If fallback id if given
- if ($fallback_id == NULL) {
- // Otherwise use global fallback
- $fallback_id = CrayonGlobalSettings::get(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG);
- }
- // Attempt to use fallback
- $fallback = $this->get($fallback_id);
- // Use extension before trying fallback
- $extension = isset($extension) ? $extension : '';
+ // If fallback id if given
+ if ($fallback_id == NULL) {
+ // Otherwise use global fallback
+ $fallback_id = CrayonGlobalSettings::get(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG);
+ }
+ // Attempt to use fallback
+ $fallback = $this->get($fallback_id);
+ // Use extension before trying fallback
+ $extension = isset($extension) ? $extension : '';
- if ( !empty($extension) && ($lang = $this->ext($extension)) || ($lang = $this->get($extension)) ) {
- // If extension is found, attempt to find a language for it.
- // If that fails, attempt to load a language with the same id as the extension.
- return $lang;
- } else if ($fallback != NULL || $fallback = $this->get_default()) {
- // Resort to fallback if loaded, or fallback to default
- return $fallback;
- } else {
- // No language found
- return NULL;
- }
- }
+ if (!empty($extension) && ($lang = $this->ext($extension)) || ($lang = $this->get($extension))) {
+ // If extension is found, attempt to find a language for it.
+ // If that fails, attempt to load a language with the same id as the extension.
+ return $lang;
+ } else if ($fallback != NULL || $fallback = $this->get_default()) {
+ // Resort to fallback if loaded, or fallback to default
+ return $fallback;
+ } else {
+ // No language found
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
- /* Load all extensions and add them into each language. */
- private function load_exts() {
- // Load only once
- if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
- return;
- }
- if ( ($lang_exts = self::load_attr_file(CRAYON_LANG_EXT)) !== FALSE ) {
- foreach ($lang_exts as $lang_id=>$exts) {
- $lang = $this->get($lang_id);
- $lang->ext($exts);
- }
- }
- }
+ /* Load all extensions and add them into each language. */
+ private function load_exts()
+ {
+ // Load only once
+ if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (($lang_exts = self::load_attr_file(CRAYON_LANG_EXT)) !== FALSE) {
+ foreach ($lang_exts as $lang_id => $exts) {
+ $lang = $this->get($lang_id);
+ $lang->ext($exts);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- /* Load all extensions and add them into each language. */
- private function load_aliases() {
- // Load only once
- if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
- return;
- }
- if ( ($lang_aliases = self::load_attr_file(CRAYON_LANG_ALIAS)) !== FALSE ) {
- foreach ($lang_aliases as $lang_id=>$aliases) {
- $lang = $this->get($lang_id);
- $lang->alias($aliases);
- }
- }
- }
+ /* Load all extensions and add them into each language. */
+ private function load_aliases()
+ {
+ // Load only once
+ if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (($lang_aliases = self::load_attr_file(CRAYON_LANG_ALIAS)) !== FALSE) {
+ foreach ($lang_aliases as $lang_id => $aliases) {
+ $lang = $this->get($lang_id);
+ $lang->alias($aliases);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- /* Load all extensions and add them into each language. */
- private function load_delimiters() {
- // Load only once
- if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
- return;
- }
- if ( ($lang_delims = self::load_attr_file(CRAYON_LANG_DELIM)) !== FALSE ) {
- foreach ($lang_delims as $lang_id=>$delims) {
- $lang = $this->get($lang_id);
- $lang->delimiter($delims);
- }
- }
- }
+ /* Load all extensions and add them into each language. */
+ private function load_delimiters()
+ {
+ // Load only once
+ if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (($lang_delims = self::load_attr_file(CRAYON_LANG_DELIM)) !== FALSE) {
+ foreach ($lang_delims as $lang_id => $delims) {
+ $lang = $this->get($lang_id);
+ $lang->delimiter($delims);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // Used to load aliases and extensions to languages
- private function load_attr_file($path) {
- if ( ($lines = CrayonUtil::lines($path, 'lwc')) !== FALSE) {
- $attributes = array(); // key = language id, value = array of attr
- foreach ($lines as $line) {
- preg_match('#^[\t ]*([^\r\n\t ]+)[\t ]+([^\r\n]+)#', $line, $matches);
- if (count($matches) == 3 && $lang = $this->get($matches[1])) {
- // If the langauges of the attribute exists, return it in an array
- // TODO merge instead of replace key?
- $attributes[$matches[1]] = explode(' ', $matches[2]);
- }
- }
- return $attributes;
- } else {
- CrayonLog::syslog('Could not load attr file: ' . $path);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
+ // Used to load aliases and extensions to languages
+ private function load_attr_file($path)
+ {
+ if (($lines = CrayonUtil::lines($path, 'lwc')) !== FALSE) {
+ $attributes = array(); // key = language id, value = array of attr
+ foreach ($lines as $line) {
+ preg_match('#^[\t ]*([^\r\n\t ]+)[\t ]+([^\r\n]+)#', $line, $matches);
+ if (count($matches) == 3 && $lang = $this->get($matches[1])) {
+ // If the langauges of the attribute exists, return it in an array
+ // TODO merge instead of replace key?
+ $attributes[$matches[1]] = explode(' ', $matches[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $attributes;
+ } else {
+ CrayonLog::syslog('Could not load attr file: ' . $path);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
- /* Returns the CrayonLang for the given extension */
- public function ext($ext) {
- $this->load();
- foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
- if ($lang->has_ext($ext)) {
- return $lang;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
+ /* Returns the CrayonLang for the given extension */
+ public function ext($ext)
+ {
+ $this->load();
+ foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
+ if ($lang->has_ext($ext)) {
+ return $lang;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- /* Returns the CrayonLang for the given alias */
- public function alias($alias) {
- $this->load();
- foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
- if ($lang->has_alias($alias)) {
- return $lang;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
+ /* Returns the CrayonLang for the given alias */
+ public function alias($alias)
+ {
+ $this->load();
+ foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
+ if ($lang->has_alias($alias)) {
+ return $lang;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- /* Fetches a resource. Type is an int from CrayonLangsResourceType. */
- public function fetch($type, $reload = FALSE, $keep_empty_fetches = FALSE) {
- $this->load();
+ /* Fetches a resource. Type is an int from CrayonLangsResourceType. */
+ public function fetch($type, $reload = FALSE, $keep_empty_fetches = FALSE)
+ {
+ $this->load();
- if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$resource_cache) || $reload) {
- $fetches = array();
- foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
+ if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$resource_cache) || $reload) {
+ $fetches = array();
+ foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
- switch ($type) {
- case CrayonLangsResourceType::EXTENSION:
- $fetch = $lang->ext();
- break;
- case CrayonLangsResourceType::ALIAS:
- $fetch = $lang->alias();
- break;
- case CrayonLangsResourceType::DELIMITER:
- $fetch = $lang->delimiter();
- break;
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
+ switch ($type) {
+ case CrayonLangsResourceType::EXTENSION:
+ $fetch = $lang->ext();
+ break;
+ case CrayonLangsResourceType::ALIAS:
+ $fetch = $lang->alias();
+ break;
+ case CrayonLangsResourceType::DELIMITER:
+ $fetch = $lang->delimiter();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- if ( !empty($fetch) || $keep_empty_fetches ) {
- $fetches[$lang->id()] = $fetch;
- }
- }
- self::$resource_cache[$type] = $fetches;
- }
- return self::$resource_cache[$type];
- }
+ if (!empty($fetch) || $keep_empty_fetches) {
+ $fetches[$lang->id()] = $fetch;
+ }
+ }
+ self::$resource_cache[$type] = $fetches;
+ }
+ return self::$resource_cache[$type];
+ }
- public function extensions($reload = FALSE) {
- return $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::EXTENSION, $reload);
- }
+ public function extensions($reload = FALSE)
+ {
+ return $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::EXTENSION, $reload);
+ }
- public function aliases($reload = FALSE) {
- return $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::ALIAS, $reload);
- }
+ public function aliases($reload = FALSE)
+ {
+ return $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::ALIAS, $reload);
+ }
- public function delimiters($reload = FALSE) {
- return $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::DELIMITER, $reload);
- }
+ public function delimiters($reload = FALSE)
+ {
+ return $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::DELIMITER, $reload);
+ }
- public function extensions_inverted($reload = FALSE) {
- $extensions = $this->extensions($reload);
- $inverted = array();
- foreach ($extensions as $lang=>$exts) {
- foreach ($exts as $ext) {
- $inverted[$ext] = $lang;
- }
- }
- return $inverted;
- }
+ public function extensions_inverted($reload = FALSE)
+ {
+ $extensions = $this->extensions($reload);
+ $inverted = array();
+ foreach ($extensions as $lang => $exts) {
+ foreach ($exts as $ext) {
+ $inverted[$ext] = $lang;
+ }
+ }
+ return $inverted;
+ }
- public function ids_and_aliases($reload = FALSE) {
- $fetch = $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::ALIAS, $reload, TRUE);
- foreach ($fetch as $id=>$alias_array) {
- $ids_and_aliases[] = $id;
- foreach ($alias_array as $alias) {
- $ids_and_aliases[] = $alias;
- }
- }
- return $ids_and_aliases;
- }
+ public function ids_and_aliases($reload = FALSE)
+ {
+ $fetch = $this->fetch(CrayonLangsResourceType::ALIAS, $reload, TRUE);
+ foreach ($fetch as $id => $alias_array) {
+ $ids_and_aliases[] = $id;
+ foreach ($alias_array as $alias) {
+ $ids_and_aliases[] = $alias;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ids_and_aliases;
+ }
- /* Return the array of valid elements or a particular element value */
- public static function known_elements($name = NULL) {
- if ($name === NULL) {
- return self::$known_elements;
- } else if (is_string($name) && array_key_exists($name, self::$known_elements)) {
- return self::$known_elements[$name];
- } else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
+ /* Return the array of valid elements or a particular element value */
+ public static function known_elements($name = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($name === NULL) {
+ return self::$known_elements;
+ } else if (is_string($name) && array_key_exists($name, self::$known_elements)) {
+ return self::$known_elements[$name];
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
- /* Verify an element is valid */
- public static function is_known_element($name) {
- return self::known_elements($name) !== FALSE;
- }
+ /* Verify an element is valid */
+ public static function is_known_element($name)
+ {
+ return self::known_elements($name) !== FALSE;
+ }
- /* Compare two languages by name */
- public static function langcmp($a, $b) {
- $a = strtolower($a->name());
- $b = strtolower($b->name());
- if ($a == $b) {
- return 0;
- } else {
- return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;
- }
- }
+ /* Compare two languages by name */
+ public static function langcmp($a, $b)
+ {
+ $a = strtolower($a->name());
+ $b = strtolower($b->name());
+ if ($a == $b) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ }
- public static function sort_by_name($langs) {
- // Sort by name
- usort($langs, 'CrayonLangs::langcmp');
- $sorted_lags = array();
- foreach ($langs as $lang) {
- $sorted_lags[$lang->id()] = $lang;
- }
- return $sorted_lags;
- }
+ public static function sort_by_name($langs)
+ {
+ // Sort by name
+ usort($langs, 'CrayonLangs::langcmp');
+ $sorted_lags = array();
+ foreach ($langs as $lang) {
+ $sorted_lags[$lang->id()] = $lang;
+ }
+ return $sorted_lags;
+ }
- public function is_parsed($id = NULL) {
- if ($id === NULL) {
- // Determine if all langs are successfully parsed
- foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
- if ($lang->state() != CrayonLang::PARSED_SUCCESS) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- } else if (($lang = $this->get($id)) != FALSE) {
- return $lang->is_parsed();
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
+ public function is_parsed($id = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($id === NULL) {
+ // Determine if all langs are successfully parsed
+ foreach ($this->get() as $lang) {
+ if ($lang->state() != CrayonLang::PARSED_SUCCESS) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if (($lang = $this->get($id)) != FALSE) {
+ return $lang->is_parsed();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- public function is_default($id) {
- if (($lang = $this->get($id)) != FALSE) {
- return $lang->is_default();
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
+ public function is_default($id)
+ {
+ if (($lang = $this->get($id)) != FALSE) {
+ return $lang->is_default();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
/* Individual language. */
-class CrayonLang extends CrayonVersionResource {
- private $ext = array();
- private $aliases = array();
- private $delimiters = '';
- // Associative array of CrayonElement objects
- private $elements = array();
- //private $regex = '';
- private $state = self::UNPARSED;
- private $modes = array();
- // Whether this language allows Multiple Highlighting from other languages
- const PARSED_ERRORS = -1;
- const UNPARSED = 0;
- const PARSED_SUCCESS = 1;
- function __construct($id, $name = NULL) {
- parent::__construct($id, $name);
- $this->modes = CrayonParser::modes();
- }
+class CrayonLang extends CrayonVersionResource
+ private $ext = array();
+ private $aliases = array();
+ private $delimiters = '';
+ // Associative array of CrayonElement objects
+ private $elements = array();
+ //private $regex = '';
+ private $state = self::UNPARSED;
+ private $modes = array();
+ // Whether this language allows Multiple Highlighting from other languages
+ const PARSED_ERRORS = -1;
+ const UNPARSED = 0;
+ const PARSED_SUCCESS = 1;
- // Override
- function clean_id($id) {
- $id = CrayonUtil::space_to_hyphen( strtolower(trim($id)) );
+ function __construct($id, $name = NULL)
+ {
+ parent::__construct($id, $name);
+ $this->modes = CrayonParser::modes();
+ }
+ // Override
+ function clean_id($id)
+ {
+ $id = CrayonUtil::space_to_hyphen(strtolower(trim($id)));
return preg_replace('/[^\w\-+#]/msi', '', $id);
- }
+ }
- function ext($ext = NULL) {
- if ($ext === NULL) {
- return $this->ext;
- } else if (is_array($ext) && !empty($ext)) {
- foreach ($ext as $e) {
- $this->ext($e);
- }
- } else if (is_string($ext) && !empty($ext) && !in_array($ext, $this->ext)) {
- $ext = strtolower($ext);
- $ext = str_replace('.', '', $ext);
- $this->ext[] = $ext;
- }
- }
+ function ext($ext = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($ext === NULL) {
+ return $this->ext;
+ } else if (is_array($ext) && !empty($ext)) {
+ foreach ($ext as $e) {
+ $this->ext($e);
+ }
+ } else if (is_string($ext) && !empty($ext) && !in_array($ext, $this->ext)) {
+ $ext = strtolower($ext);
+ $ext = str_replace('.', '', $ext);
+ $this->ext[] = $ext;
+ }
+ }
- function has_ext($ext) {
- return is_string($ext) && in_array($ext, $this->ext);
- }
+ function has_ext($ext)
+ {
+ return is_string($ext) && in_array($ext, $this->ext);
+ }
- function alias($alias = NULL) {
- if ($alias === NULL) {
- return $this->aliases;
- } else if (is_array($alias) && !empty($alias)) {
- foreach ($alias as $a) {
- $this->alias($a);
- }
- } else if (is_string($alias) && !empty($alias) && !in_array($alias, $this->aliases)) {
- $alias = strtolower($alias);
- $this->aliases[] = $alias;
- }
- }
+ function alias($alias = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($alias === NULL) {
+ return $this->aliases;
+ } else if (is_array($alias) && !empty($alias)) {
+ foreach ($alias as $a) {
+ $this->alias($a);
+ }
+ } else if (is_string($alias) && !empty($alias) && !in_array($alias, $this->aliases)) {
+ $alias = strtolower($alias);
+ $this->aliases[] = $alias;
+ }
+ }
- function has_alias($alias) {
- return is_string($alias) && in_array($alias, $this->aliases);
- }
+ function has_alias($alias)
+ {
+ return is_string($alias) && in_array($alias, $this->aliases);
+ }
- function delimiter($delim = NULL) {
- if ($delim === NULL) {
- return $this->delimiters;
- // Convert to regex for capturing delimiters
- } else if (is_string($delim) && !empty($delim)) {
- $this->delimiters = '(?:'.$delim.')';
- } else if (is_array($delim) && !empty($delim)) {
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($delim); $i++) {
- $delim[$i] = CrayonUtil::esc_atomic($delim[$i]);
- }
+ function delimiter($delim = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($delim === NULL) {
+ return $this->delimiters;
+ // Convert to regex for capturing delimiters
+ } else if (is_string($delim) && !empty($delim)) {
+ $this->delimiters = '(?:' . $delim . ')';
+ } else if (is_array($delim) && !empty($delim)) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($delim); $i++) {
+ $delim[$i] = CrayonUtil::esc_atomic($delim[$i]);
+ }
- $this->delimiters = '(?:'.implode(')|(?:', $delim).')';
- }
- }
+ $this->delimiters = '(?:' . implode(')|(?:', $delim) . ')';
+ }
+ }
- function regex($element = NULL) {
- if ($element == NULL) {
- $regexes = array();
- foreach ($this->elements as $element) {
- $regexes[] = $element->regex();
- }
- return '#' . '(?:('. implode(')|(', array_values($regexes)) . '))' . '#' .
- ($this->mode(CrayonParser::CASE_INSENSITIVE) ? 'i' : '') .
- ($this->mode(CrayonParser::MULTI_LINE) ? 'm' : '') .
- ($this->mode(CrayonParser::SINGLE_LINE) ? 's' : '');
- } else if (is_string($element) && array_key_exists($element, $this->elements)) {
- return $this->elements[$element]->regex();
- }
- }
+ function regex($element = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($element == NULL) {
+ $regexes = array();
+ foreach ($this->elements as $element) {
+ $regexes[] = $element->regex();
+ }
+ return '#' . '(?:(' . implode(')|(', array_values($regexes)) . '))' . '#' .
+ ($this->mode(CrayonParser::CASE_INSENSITIVE) ? 'i' : '') .
+ ($this->mode(CrayonParser::MULTI_LINE) ? 'm' : '') .
+ ($this->mode(CrayonParser::SINGLE_LINE) ? 's' : '');
+ } else if (is_string($element) && array_key_exists($element, $this->elements)) {
+ return $this->elements[$element]->regex();
+ }
+ }
- // Retrieve by element name or set by CrayonElement
- function element($name, $element = NULL) {
- if (is_string($name)) {
- $name = trim(strtoupper($name));
- if (array_key_exists($name, $this->elements) && $element === NULL) {
- return $this->elements[$name];
- } else if (@get_class($element) == CRAYON_ELEMENT_CLASS) {
- $this->elements[$name] = $element;
- }
- }
- }
+ // Retrieve by element name or set by CrayonElement
+ function element($name, $element = NULL)
+ {
+ if (is_string($name)) {
+ $name = trim(strtoupper($name));
+ if (array_key_exists($name, $this->elements) && $element === NULL) {
+ return $this->elements[$name];
+ } else if (@get_class($element) == CRAYON_ELEMENT_CLASS) {
+ $this->elements[$name] = $element;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- function elements() {
- return $this->elements;
- }
+ function elements()
+ {
+ return $this->elements;
+ }
- function mode($name = NULL, $value = NULL) {
- if (is_string($name) && CrayonParser::is_mode($name)) {
- $name = trim(strtoupper($name));
- if ($value == NULL && array_key_exists($name, $this->modes)) {
- return $this->modes[$name];
- } else if (is_string($value)) {
- if (CrayonUtil::str_equal_array(trim($value), array('ON', 'YES', '1'))) {
- $this->modes[$name] = TRUE;
- } else if (CrayonUtil::str_equal_array(trim($value), array('OFF', 'NO', '0'))) {
- $this->modes[$name] = FALSE;
- }
- }
- } else {
- return $this->modes;
- }
- }
+ function mode($name = NULL, $value = NULL)
+ {
+ if (is_string($name) && CrayonParser::is_mode($name)) {
+ $name = trim(strtoupper($name));
+ if ($value == NULL && array_key_exists($name, $this->modes)) {
+ return $this->modes[$name];
+ } else if (is_string($value)) {
+ if (CrayonUtil::str_equal_array(trim($value), array('ON', 'YES', '1'))) {
+ $this->modes[$name] = TRUE;
+ } else if (CrayonUtil::str_equal_array(trim($value), array('OFF', 'NO', '0'))) {
+ $this->modes[$name] = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $this->modes;
+ }
+ }
- function state($state = NULL) {
- if ($state === NULL) {
- return $this->state;
- } else if (is_int($state)) {
- if ($state < 0) {
- $this->state = self::PARSED_ERRORS;
- } else if ($state > 0) {
- $this->state = self::PARSED_SUCCESS;
- } else if ($state == 0) {
- $this->state = self::UNPARSED;
- }
- }
- }
+ function state($state = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($state === NULL) {
+ return $this->state;
+ } else if (is_int($state)) {
+ if ($state < 0) {
+ $this->state = self::PARSED_ERRORS;
+ } else if ($state > 0) {
+ $this->state = self::PARSED_SUCCESS;
+ } else if ($state == 0) {
+ $this->state = self::UNPARSED;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- function state_info() {
- switch ($this->state) {
- case self::PARSED_ERRORS :
- return 'Parsed With Errors';
- case self::PARSED_SUCCESS :
- return 'Successfully Parsed';
- case self::UNPARSED :
- return 'Not Parsed';
- default :
- return 'Undetermined';
- }
- }
+ function state_info()
+ {
+ switch ($this->state) {
+ case self::PARSED_ERRORS :
+ return 'Parsed With Errors';
+ case self::PARSED_SUCCESS :
+ return 'Successfully Parsed';
+ case self::UNPARSED :
+ return 'Not Parsed';
+ default :
+ return 'Undetermined';
+ }
+ }
- function is_parsed() {
- return ($this->state != self::UNPARSED);
- }
+ function is_parsed()
+ {
+ return ($this->state != self::UNPARSED);
+ }
- function is_default() {
- return $this->id() == CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG;
- }
+ function is_default()
+ {
+ return $this->id() == CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG;
+ }
-class CrayonElement {
- // The pure regex syntax without any modifiers or delimiters
- private $name = '';
- private $css = '';
- private $regex = '';
- private $fallback = '';
- private $path = '';
+class CrayonElement
+ // The pure regex syntax without any modifiers or delimiters
+ private $name = '';
+ private $css = '';
+ private $regex = '';
+ private $fallback = '';
+ private $path = '';
- function __construct($name, $path, $regex = '') {
- $this->name($name);
- $this->path($path);
- $this->regex($regex);
- }
+ function __construct($name, $path, $regex = '')
+ {
+ $this->name($name);
+ $this->path($path);
+ $this->regex($regex);
+ }
- function __toString() {
- return $this->regex();
- }
+ function __toString()
+ {
+ return $this->regex();
+ }
- function name($name = NULL) {
- if ($name == NULL) {
- return $this->name;
- } else if (is_string($name)) {
- $name = trim(strtoupper($name));
- if (CrayonLangs::is_known_element($name)) {
- // If known element, set CSS to known class
- $this->css(CrayonLangs::known_elements($name));
- }
- $this->name = $name;
- }
- }
+ function name($name = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($name == NULL) {
+ return $this->name;
+ } else if (is_string($name)) {
+ $name = trim(strtoupper($name));
+ if (CrayonLangs::is_known_element($name)) {
+ // If known element, set CSS to known class
+ $this->css(CrayonLangs::known_elements($name));
+ }
+ $this->name = $name;
+ }
+ }
- function regex($regex = NULL) {
- if ($regex == NULL) {
- return $this->regex;
- } else if (is_string($regex)) {
- if (($result = CrayonParser::validate_regex($regex, $this)) !== FALSE) {
- $this->regex = $result;
- } else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
+ function regex($regex = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($regex == NULL) {
+ return $this->regex;
+ } else if (is_string($regex)) {
+ if (($result = CrayonParser::validate_regex($regex, $this)) !== FALSE) {
+ $this->regex = $result;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // Expects: 'class1 class2 class3'
- function css($css = NULL) {
- if ($css == NULL) {
- return $this->css;
- } else if (is_string($css)) {
- $this->css = CrayonParser::validate_css($css);
- }
- }
+ // Expects: 'class1 class2 class3'
+ function css($css = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($css == NULL) {
+ return $this->css;
+ } else if (is_string($css)) {
+ $this->css = CrayonParser::validate_css($css);
+ }
+ }
- function fallback($fallback = NULL) {
- if ($fallback == NULL) {
- return $this->fallback;
- } else if (is_string($fallback) && CrayonLangs::is_known_element($fallback)) {
- $this->fallback = $fallback;
- }
- }
+ function fallback($fallback = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($fallback == NULL) {
+ return $this->fallback;
+ } else if (is_string($fallback) && CrayonLangs::is_known_element($fallback)) {
+ $this->fallback = $fallback;
+ }
+ }
- function path($path = NULL) {
- if ($path == NULL) {
- return $this->path;
- } else if (is_string($path) && @file_exists($path)) {
- $this->path = $path;
- }
- }
+ function path($path = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($path == NULL) {
+ return $this->path;
+ } else if (is_string($path) && @file_exists($path)) {
+ $this->path = $path;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crayon_parser.class.php b/crayon_parser.class.php
index 44a2ede..59bb836 100644
--- a/crayon_parser.class.php
+++ b/crayon_parser.class.php
@@ -1,265 +1,275 @@
)'; // No longer used
- const HTML_CHAR = 'HTML_CHAR';
- const HTML_CHAR_REGEX = '<|>|(&([\w-]+);?)|[ \t]+';
- const CRAYON_ELEMENT_REGEX = '\{\{crayon-internal:[^\}]*\}\}';
- const CRAYON_ELEMENT_REGEX_CAPTURE = '\{\{crayon-internal:([^\}]*)\}\}';
- private static $modes = array(self::CASE_INSENSITIVE => TRUE, self::MULTI_LINE => TRUE, self::SINGLE_LINE => TRUE, self::ALLOW_MIXED => TRUE);
+class CrayonParser
+ // Properties and Constants ===============================================
+ //const NO_END_TAG = '(?![^<]*>)'; // No longer used
+ const HTML_CHAR = 'HTML_CHAR';
+ const HTML_CHAR_REGEX = '<|>|(&([\w-]+);?)|[ \t]+';
+ const CRAYON_ELEMENT_REGEX = '\{\{crayon-internal:[^\}]*\}\}';
+ const CRAYON_ELEMENT_REGEX_CAPTURE = '\{\{crayon-internal:([^\}]*)\}\}';
- // Methods ================================================================
- private function __construct() {}
+ private static $modes = array(self::CASE_INSENSITIVE => TRUE, self::MULTI_LINE => TRUE, self::SINGLE_LINE => TRUE, self::ALLOW_MIXED => TRUE);
- /**
- * Parse all languages stored in CrayonLangs.
- * Avoid using this unless you must list the details in language files for all languages.
- * @return array Array of all loaded CrayonLangs.
- */
- public static function parse_all() {
- $langs = CrayonResources::langs()->get();
- if (empty($langs)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- foreach ($langs as $lang) {
- self::parse($lang->id());
- }
- return $langs;
- }
+ // Methods ================================================================
+ private function __construct()
+ {
+ }
- /* Read a syntax file and parse the regex rules within it, this may require several other
- files containing lists of keywords and such to be read. Updates the parsed elements and
- regex in the CrayonLang with the given $id. */
- public static function parse($id) {
- // Verify the language is loaded and has not been parsed before
- if ( !($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->get($id)) ) {
- CrayonLog::syslog("The language with id '$id' was not loaded and could not be parsed.");
- return FALSE;
- } else if ($lang->is_parsed()) {
- return;
- }
- // Read language file
- $path = CrayonResources::langs()->path($id);
+ /**
+ * Parse all languages stored in CrayonLangs.
+ * Avoid using this unless you must list the details in language files for all languages.
+ * @return array Array of all loaded CrayonLangs.
+ */
+ public static function parse_all()
+ {
+ $langs = CrayonResources::langs()->get();
+ if (empty($langs)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ foreach ($langs as $lang) {
+ self::parse($lang->id());
+ }
+ return $langs;
+ }
+ /* Read a syntax file and parse the regex rules within it, this may require several other
+ files containing lists of keywords and such to be read. Updates the parsed elements and
+ regex in the CrayonLang with the given $id. */
+ public static function parse($id)
+ {
+ // Verify the language is loaded and has not been parsed before
+ if (!($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->get($id))) {
+ CrayonLog::syslog("The language with id '$id' was not loaded and could not be parsed.");
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if ($lang->is_parsed()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read language file
+ $path = CrayonResources::langs()->path($id);
CrayonLog::debug('Parsing language ' . $path);
- if ( ($file = CrayonUtil::lines($path, 'wcs')) === FALSE ) {
+ if (($file = CrayonUtil::lines($path, 'wcs')) === FALSE) {
CrayonLog::debug('Parsing failed ' . $path);
- return FALSE;
- }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- // Extract the language name
- $name_pattern = '#^[ \t]*name[ \t]+([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#mi';
- preg_match($name_pattern, $file, $name);
- if (count($name) > 1) {
- $name = $name[1];
- $lang->name($name);
- $file = preg_replace($name_pattern, '', $file);
- } else {
- $name = $lang->id();
- }
+ // Extract the language name
+ $name_pattern = '#^[ \t]*name[ \t]+([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#mi';
+ preg_match($name_pattern, $file, $name);
+ if (count($name) > 1) {
+ $name = $name[1];
+ $lang->name($name);
+ $file = preg_replace($name_pattern, '', $file);
+ } else {
+ $name = $lang->id();
+ }
- // Extract the language version
- $version_pattern = '#^[ \t]*version[ \t]+([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#mi';
- preg_match($version_pattern, $file, $version);
- if (count($version) > 1) {
- $version = $version[1];
- $lang->version($version);
- $file = preg_replace($version_pattern, '', $file);
- }
+ // Extract the language version
+ $version_pattern = '#^[ \t]*version[ \t]+([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#mi';
+ preg_match($version_pattern, $file, $version);
+ if (count($version) > 1) {
+ $version = $version[1];
+ $lang->version($version);
+ $file = preg_replace($version_pattern, '', $file);
+ }
- // Extract the modes
- $mode_pattern = '#^[ \t]*(' . implode('|', array_keys(self::$modes)) . ')[ \t]+(?:=[ \t]*)?([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#mi';
- preg_match_all($mode_pattern, $file, $mode_matches);
- if (count($mode_matches) == 3) {
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($mode_matches[0]); $i++) {
- $lang->mode($mode_matches[1][$i], $mode_matches[2][$i]);
- }
- $file = preg_replace($mode_pattern, '', $file);
- }
+ // Extract the modes
+ $mode_pattern = '#^[ \t]*(' . implode('|', array_keys(self::$modes)) . ')[ \t]+(?:=[ \t]*)?([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#mi';
+ preg_match_all($mode_pattern, $file, $mode_matches);
+ if (count($mode_matches) == 3) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($mode_matches[0]); $i++) {
+ $lang->mode($mode_matches[1][$i], $mode_matches[2][$i]);
+ }
+ $file = preg_replace($mode_pattern, '', $file);
+ }
- /* Add reserved Crayon element. This is used by Crayon internally. */
- $crayon_element = new CrayonElement(self::CRAYON_ELEMENT, $path, self::CRAYON_ELEMENT_REGEX);
- $lang->element(self::CRAYON_ELEMENT, $crayon_element);
+ /* Add reserved Crayon element. This is used by Crayon internally. */
+ $crayon_element = new CrayonElement(self::CRAYON_ELEMENT, $path, self::CRAYON_ELEMENT_REGEX);
+ $lang->element(self::CRAYON_ELEMENT, $crayon_element);
- // Extract elements, classes and regex
- $pattern = '#^[ \t]*([\w:]+)[ \t]+(?:\[([\w\t ]*)\][ \t]+)?([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#m';
- preg_match_all($pattern, $file, $matches);
+ // Extract elements, classes and regex
+ $pattern = '#^[ \t]*([\w:]+)[ \t]+(?:\[([\w\t ]*)\][ \t]+)?([^\r\n]+)[ \t]*#m';
+ preg_match_all($pattern, $file, $matches);
- if (!empty($matches[0])) {
- $elements = $matches[1];
- $classes = $matches[2];
- $regexes = $matches[3];
- } else {
- CrayonLog::syslog("No regex patterns and/or elements were parsed from language file at '$path'.");
- }
+ if (!empty($matches[0])) {
+ $elements = $matches[1];
+ $classes = $matches[2];
+ $regexes = $matches[3];
+ } else {
+ CrayonLog::syslog("No regex patterns and/or elements were parsed from language file at '$path'.");
+ }
- // Remember state in case we encounter catchable exceptions
- $error = FALSE;
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
- // References
- $name = &$elements[$i];
- $class = &$classes[$i];
- $regex = &$regexes[$i];
- $name = trim(strtoupper($name));
- // Ensure both the element and regex are valid
- if (empty($name) || empty($regex)) {
- CrayonLog::syslog("Element(s) and/or regex(es) are missing in '$path'.");
- $error = TRUE;
- continue;
- }
- // Look for fallback element
- $pieces = explode(':', $name);
- if (count($pieces) == 2) {
- $name = $pieces[0];
- $fallback = $pieces[1];
- } else if (count($pieces) == 1) {
- $name = $pieces[0];
- $fallback = '';
- } else {
- CrayonLog::syslog("Too many colons found in element name '$name' in '$path'");
- $error = TRUE;
- continue;
- }
- // Create a new CrayonElement
- $element = new CrayonElement($name, $path);
- $element->fallback($fallback);
- if (!empty($class)) {
- // Avoid setting known css to blank
- $element->css($class);
- }
- if ($element->regex($regex) === FALSE) {
- $error = TRUE;
- continue;
- }
- // Add the regex to the element
- $lang->element($name, $element);
- $state = $error ? CrayonLang::PARSED_ERRORS : CrayonLang::PARSED_SUCCESS;
- $lang->state($state);
- }
+ // Remember state in case we encounter catchable exceptions
+ $error = FALSE;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
+ // References
+ $name = &$elements[$i];
+ $class = &$classes[$i];
+ $regex = &$regexes[$i];
+ $name = trim(strtoupper($name));
+ // Ensure both the element and regex are valid
+ if (empty($name) || empty($regex)) {
+ CrayonLog::syslog("Element(s) and/or regex(es) are missing in '$path'.");
+ $error = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Look for fallback element
+ $pieces = explode(':', $name);
+ if (count($pieces) == 2) {
+ $name = $pieces[0];
+ $fallback = $pieces[1];
+ } else if (count($pieces) == 1) {
+ $name = $pieces[0];
+ $fallback = '';
+ } else {
+ CrayonLog::syslog("Too many colons found in element name '$name' in '$path'");
+ $error = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Create a new CrayonElement
+ $element = new CrayonElement($name, $path);
+ $element->fallback($fallback);
+ if (!empty($class)) {
+ // Avoid setting known css to blank
+ $element->css($class);
+ }
+ if ($element->regex($regex) === FALSE) {
+ $error = TRUE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Add the regex to the element
+ $lang->element($name, $element);
+ $state = $error ? CrayonLang::PARSED_ERRORS : CrayonLang::PARSED_SUCCESS;
+ $lang->state($state);
+ }
- /* Prevents < > and other html entities from being printed as is, which could lead to actual html tags
- * from the printed code appearing on the page - not good. This can also act to color any HTML entities
- * that are not picked up by previously defined elements.
- */
- $html = new CrayonElement(self::HTML_CHAR, $path, self::HTML_CHAR_REGEX);
- $lang->element(self::HTML_CHAR, $html);
- }
+ /* Prevents < > and other html entities from being printed as is, which could lead to actual html tags
+ * from the printed code appearing on the page - not good. This can also act to color any HTML entities
+ * that are not picked up by previously defined elements.
+ */
+ $html = new CrayonElement(self::HTML_CHAR, $path, self::HTML_CHAR_REGEX);
+ $lang->element(self::HTML_CHAR, $html);
+ }
- // Validates regex and accesses data stored in a CrayonElement
- public static function validate_regex($regex, $element) {
- if (is_string($regex) && @get_class($element) == CRAYON_ELEMENT_CLASS) {
- // If the (?alt) tag has been used, insert the file into the regex
- $file = self::regex_match('#\(\?alt:(.+?)\)#', $regex);
- if ( count($file) == 2 ) {
- // Element 0 has full match, 1 has captured groups
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($file[1]); $i++) {
- $file_lines = CrayonUtil::lines(dirname($element->path()) . crayon_s() . $file[1][$i], 'rcwh');
- if ($file_lines !== FALSE) {
- $file_lines = implode('|', $file_lines);
- // If any spaces exist, treat them as whitespace
- $file_lines = preg_replace('#[ \t]+#msi', '\s+', $file_lines);
- $regex = str_replace($file[0][$i], "(?:$file_lines)", $regex);
- } else {
- CrayonLog::syslog("Parsing of '{$element->path()}' failed, an (?alt) tag failed for the element '{$element->name()}'" );
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
+ // Validates regex and accesses data stored in a CrayonElement
+ public static function validate_regex($regex, $element)
+ {
+ if (is_string($regex) && @get_class($element) == CRAYON_ELEMENT_CLASS) {
+ // If the (?alt) tag has been used, insert the file into the regex
+ $file = self::regex_match('#\(\?alt:(.+?)\)#', $regex);
+ if (count($file) == 2) {
+ // Element 0 has full match, 1 has captured groups
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($file[1]); $i++) {
+ $file_lines = CrayonUtil::lines(dirname($element->path()) . crayon_s() . $file[1][$i], 'rcwh');
+ if ($file_lines !== FALSE) {
+ $file_lines = implode('|', $file_lines);
+ // If any spaces exist, treat them as whitespace
+ $file_lines = preg_replace('#[ \t]+#msi', '\s+', $file_lines);
+ $regex = str_replace($file[0][$i], "(?:$file_lines)", $regex);
+ } else {
+ CrayonLog::syslog("Parsing of '{$element->path()}' failed, an (?alt) tag failed for the element '{$element->name()}'");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // If the (?default:element) function is used, replace the regex with the default, if exists
- $def = self::regex_match('#\(\?default(?:\:(\w+))?\)#', $regex);
- if ( count($def) == 2 ) {
- // Load default language
- $default = CrayonResources::langs()->get(CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG);
- // If default has not been loaded, we can't use it, skip the element
- if (!$default) {
- CrayonLog::syslog(
- "Could not use default regex in the element '{$element->name()}' in '{$element->path()}'");
- return FALSE;
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($def[1]); $i++) {
- // If an element has been provided
- $element_name = ( !empty($def[1][$i]) ) ? $def[1][$i] : $element->name();
- if (($default_element = $default->element($element_name)) != FALSE) {
- $regex = str_replace($def[0][$i], '(?:' . $default_element->regex() .')', $regex);
- } else {
- CrayonLog::syslog("The language at '{$element->path()}' referred to the Default Language regex for element '{$element->name()}', which did not exist.");
+ // If the (?default:element) function is used, replace the regex with the default, if exists
+ $def = self::regex_match('#\(\?default(?:\:(\w+))?\)#', $regex);
+ if (count($def) == 2) {
+ // Load default language
+ $default = CrayonResources::langs()->get(CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG);
+ // If default has not been loaded, we can't use it, skip the element
+ if (!$default) {
+ CrayonLog::syslog(
+ "Could not use default regex in the element '{$element->name()}' in '{$element->path()}'");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($def[1]); $i++) {
+ // If an element has been provided
+ $element_name = (!empty($def[1][$i])) ? $def[1][$i] : $element->name();
+ if (($default_element = $default->element($element_name)) != FALSE) {
+ $regex = str_replace($def[0][$i], '(?:' . $default_element->regex() . ')', $regex);
+ } else {
+ CrayonLog::syslog("The language at '{$element->path()}' referred to the Default Language regex for element '{$element->name()}', which did not exist.");
CrayonLog::syslog("Default language URL: " . CrayonResources::langs()->url(CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG));
CrayonLog::syslog("Default language Path: " . CrayonResources::langs()->path(CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // If the (?html) tag is used, escape characters in html (<, > and &)
- $html = self::regex_match('#\(\?html:(.+?)\)#', $regex);
- if ( count($html) == 2 ) {
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($html[1]); $i++) {
- $regex = str_replace($html[0][$i], htmlentities($html[1][$i]), $regex);
- }
- }
+ // If the (?html) tag is used, escape characters in html (<, > and &)
+ $html = self::regex_match('#\(\?html:(.+?)\)#', $regex);
+ if (count($html) == 2) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($html[1]); $i++) {
+ $regex = str_replace($html[0][$i], htmlentities($html[1][$i]), $regex);
+ }
+ }
- // Ensure all parenthesis are atomic to avoid conflicting with element matches
- $regex = CrayonUtil::esc_atomic($regex);
+ // Ensure all parenthesis are atomic to avoid conflicting with element matches
+ $regex = CrayonUtil::esc_atomic($regex);
- // Escape #, this is our delimiter
- $regex = CrayonUtil::esc_hash($regex);
+ // Escape #, this is our delimiter
+ $regex = CrayonUtil::esc_hash($regex);
- // Test if regex is valid
- if (@preg_match("#$regex#", '') === FALSE) {
- CrayonLog::syslog("The regex for the element '{$element->name()}' in '{$element->path()}' is not valid.");
- return FALSE;
- }
+ // Test if regex is valid
+ if (@preg_match("#$regex#", '') === FALSE) {
+ CrayonLog::syslog("The regex for the element '{$element->name()}' in '{$element->path()}' is not valid.");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- return $regex;
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- }
+ return $regex;
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
- public static function validate_css($css) {
- if (is_string($css)) {
- // Remove dots in CSS class and convert to lowercase
- $css = str_replace('.', '', $css);
- $css = strtolower($css);
- $css = explode(' ', $css);
- $css_str = '';
- foreach ($css as $c) {
- if (!empty($c)) {
- $css_str .= $c . ' ';
- }
- }
- return trim($css_str);
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- }
+ public static function validate_css($css)
+ {
+ if (is_string($css)) {
+ // Remove dots in CSS class and convert to lowercase
+ $css = str_replace('.', '', $css);
+ $css = strtolower($css);
+ $css = explode(' ', $css);
+ $css_str = '';
+ foreach ($css as $c) {
+ if (!empty($c)) {
+ $css_str .= $c . ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ return trim($css_str);
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
- public static function regex_match($pattern, $subject) {
- if (preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches)) {
- return $matches;
- }
- return array();
- }
+ public static function regex_match($pattern, $subject)
+ {
+ if (preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches)) {
+ return $matches;
+ }
+ return array();
+ }
- public static function modes() {
- return self::$modes;
- }
+ public static function modes()
+ {
+ return self::$modes;
+ }
- public static function is_mode($name) {
- return is_string($name) && array_key_exists($name, self::$modes);
- }
+ public static function is_mode($name)
+ {
+ return is_string($name) && array_key_exists($name, self::$modes);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crayon_resource.class.php b/crayon_resource.class.php
index 03df8e2..40b8a73 100644
--- a/crayon_resource.class.php
+++ b/crayon_resource.class.php
@@ -1,296 +1,333 @@
- }
+ /* Verifies a resource exists. */
+ public function exists($id)
+ {
+ return file_exists($this->path($id));
+ }
- /* Load all the available languages. Doesn't parse them for their names and regex. */
- public function load() {
- // Load only once
+ /* Load all the available languages. Doesn't parse them for their names and regex. */
+ public function load()
+ {
+ // Load only once
- if (!$this->is_state_unloaded()) {
- return;
- }
- $this->state = self::LOADING;
- $this->load_process();
- $this->state = self::LOADED;
- }
+ if (!$this->is_state_unloaded()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->state = self::LOADING;
+ $this->load_process();
+ $this->state = self::LOADED;
+ }
- public function load_resources($dir = NULL) {
+ public function load_resources($dir = NULL)
+ {
if ($dir === NULL) {
$dir = $this->dir;
- if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
+ if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
// Load only once
- return;
- }
- try {
- // Look in directory for resources
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ // Look in directory for resources
- if (!is_dir($dir)) {
- CrayonLog::syslog('The resource directory is missing, should be at \'' . $dir . '\'.');
- } else if (($handle = @opendir($dir)) != FALSE) {
- // Loop over directory contents
- while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
- if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
- // Check if $file is directory, remove extension when checking for existence.
+ if (!is_dir($dir)) {
+ CrayonLog::syslog('The resource directory is missing, should be at \'' . $dir . '\'.');
+ } else if (($handle = @opendir($dir)) != FALSE) {
+ // Loop over directory contents
+ while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
+ if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
+ // Check if $file is directory, remove extension when checking for existence.
- if (!is_dir($dir . $file)) {
- $file = CrayonUtil::path_rem_ext($file);
- }
- if ($this->exists($file)) {
- $this->add_resource($this->resource_instance($file));
- }
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- }
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- CrayonLog::syslog('An error occured when trying to load resources: ' . $e->getFile() . $e->getLine());
- }
- }
+ if (!is_dir($dir . $file)) {
+ $file = CrayonUtil::path_rem_ext($file);
+ }
+ if ($this->exists($file)) {
+ $this->add_resource($this->resource_instance($file));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($handle);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ CrayonLog::syslog('An error occured when trying to load resources: ' . $e->getFile() . $e->getLine());
+ }
+ }
- /* Override in subclasses. */
- public function load_process() {
- if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
- return;
- }
- $this->load_resources();
- $this->add_default();
- }
+ /* Override in subclasses. */
+ public function load_process()
+ {
+ if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->load_resources();
+ $this->add_default();
+ }
- /* Override in subclasses */
- public function add_default() {
- if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
- return FALSE;
- } else if (!$this->is_loaded($this->default_id)) {
- CrayonLog::syslog('The default resource could not be loaded from \'' . $this->dir . '\'.');
- // Add the default, but it will not be functionable
+ /* Override in subclasses */
+ public function add_default()
+ {
+ if (!$this->is_state_loading()) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if (!$this->is_loaded($this->default_id)) {
+ CrayonLog::syslog('The default resource could not be loaded from \'' . $this->dir . '\'.');
+ // Add the default, but it will not be functionable
- $default = $this->resource_instance($this->default_id, $this->default_name);
- $this->add($this->default_id, $default);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
+ $default = $this->resource_instance($this->default_id, $this->default_name);
+ $this->add($this->default_id, $default);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- /* Returns the default resource */
- public function set_default($id, $name) {
- $this->default_id = $id;
- $this->default_name = $name;
- }
+ /* Returns the default resource */
+ public function set_default($id, $name)
+ {
+ $this->default_id = $id;
+ $this->default_name = $name;
+ }
- /* Returns the default resource */
- public function get_default() {
- return $this->get($this->default_id);
- }
+ /* Returns the default resource */
+ public function get_default()
+ {
+ return $this->get($this->default_id);
+ }
- /* Override in subclasses to create subclass object if needed */
- public function resource_instance($id, $name = NULL) {
- return new CrayonResource($id, $name);
- }
+ /* Override in subclasses to create subclass object if needed */
+ public function resource_instance($id, $name = NULL)
+ {
+ return new CrayonResource($id, $name);
+ }
- public function add($id, $resource) {
- if (is_string($id) && !empty($id)) {
- $this->collection[$id] = $resource;
- asort($this->collection);
+ public function add($id, $resource)
+ {
+ if (is_string($id) && !empty($id)) {
+ $this->collection[$id] = $resource;
+ asort($this->collection);
CrayonLog::debug('Added resource: ' . $this->path($id));
- } else {
+ } else {
CrayonLog::syslog('Could not add resource: ', $id);
- }
+ }
- public function add_resource($resource) {
- $this->add($resource->id(), $resource);
- }
+ public function add_resource($resource)
+ {
+ $this->add($resource->id(), $resource);
+ }
- public function remove($name) {
- if (is_string($name) && !empty($name) && array_key_exists($name, $this->collection)) {
- unset($this->collection[$name]);
- }
- }
+ public function remove($name)
+ {
+ if (is_string($name) && !empty($name) && array_key_exists($name, $this->collection)) {
+ unset($this->collection[$name]);
+ }
+ }
- public function remove_all() {
- $this->collection = array();
- }
+ public function remove_all()
+ {
+ $this->collection = array();
+ }
- /* Returns the resource for the given id or NULL if it can't be found */
- public function get($id = NULL) {
- $this->load();
- if ($id === NULL) {
- return $this->collection;
- } else if (is_string($id) && $this->is_loaded($id)) {
- return $this->collection[$id];
- }
- return NULL;
- }
+ /* Returns the resource for the given id or NULL if it can't be found */
+ public function get($id = NULL)
+ {
+ $this->load();
+ if ($id === NULL) {
+ return $this->collection;
+ } else if (is_string($id) && $this->is_loaded($id)) {
+ return $this->collection[$id];
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
- public function get_array() {
- $array = array();
- foreach ($this->get() as $resource) {
- $array[$resource->id()] = $resource->name();
- }
- return $array;
- }
+ public function get_array()
+ {
+ $array = array();
+ foreach ($this->get() as $resource) {
+ $array[$resource->id()] = $resource->name();
+ }
+ return $array;
+ }
- public function is_loaded($id) {
- if (is_string($id)) {
- return array_key_exists($id, $this->collection);
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
+ public function is_loaded($id)
+ {
+ if (is_string($id)) {
+ return array_key_exists($id, $this->collection);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- public function get_state() {
- return $this->state;
- }
+ public function get_state()
+ {
+ return $this->state;
+ }
- public function is_state_loaded() {
- return $this->state == self::LOADED;
- }
+ public function is_state_loaded()
+ {
+ return $this->state == self::LOADED;
+ }
- public function is_state_loading() {
- return $this->state == self::LOADING;
- }
+ public function is_state_loading()
+ {
+ return $this->state == self::LOADING;
+ }
- public function is_state_unloaded() {
- return $this->state == self::UNLOADED;
- }
+ public function is_state_unloaded()
+ {
+ return $this->state == self::UNLOADED;
+ }
- public function directory($dir = NULL) {
+ public function directory($dir = NULL)
+ {
if ($dir === NULL) {
return $this->dir;
} else {
$this->dir = CrayonUtil::path_slash($dir);
- }
+ }
- public function url($id) {
- return '';
- }
+ public function url($id)
+ {
+ return '';
+ }
- public function get_css($id, $ver = NULL) {
- $resource = $this->get($id);
- return ' ' . CRAYON_NL;
- }
+ public function get_css($id, $ver = NULL)
+ {
+ $resource = $this->get($id);
+ return ' ' . CRAYON_NL;
+ }
-class CrayonUsedResourceCollection extends CrayonResourceCollection {
+class CrayonUsedResourceCollection extends CrayonResourceCollection
- // Checks if any resoruces are being used
- public function is_used($id = NULL) {
- if ($id === NULL) {
- foreach ($this->get() as $resource) {
- if ($resource->used()) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- } else {
- $resource = $this->get($id);
- if (!$resource) {
- return FALSE;
- } else {
- return $resource->used();
- }
- }
- }
+ // Checks if any resoruces are being used
+ public function is_used($id = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($id === NULL) {
+ foreach ($this->get() as $resource) {
+ if ($resource->used()) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ $resource = $this->get($id);
+ if (!$resource) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ return $resource->used();
+ }
+ }
+ }
- public function set_used($id, $value = TRUE) {
- $resource = $this->get($id);
- if ($resource !== NULL && !$resource->used()) {
- $resource->used($value == TRUE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
+ public function set_used($id, $value = TRUE)
+ {
+ $resource = $this->get($id);
+ if ($resource !== NULL && !$resource->used()) {
+ $resource->used($value == TRUE);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- public function get_used() {
- $used = array();
- foreach ($this->get() as $resource) {
- if ($resource->used()) {
- $used[] = $resource;
- }
- }
- return $used;
- }
+ public function get_used()
+ {
+ $used = array();
+ foreach ($this->get() as $resource) {
+ if ($resource->used()) {
+ $used[] = $resource;
+ }
+ }
+ return $used;
+ }
- // XXX Override
- public function resource_instance($id, $name = NULL) {
- return new CrayonUsedResource($id, $name);
- }
+ // XXX Override
+ public function resource_instance($id, $name = NULL)
+ {
+ return new CrayonUsedResource($id, $name);
+ }
- public function get_used_css() {
- $used = $this->get_used();
- $css = array();
- foreach ($used as $resource) {
- $url = $this->url($resource->id());
- $css[$resource->id()] = $url;
- }
- return $css;
- }
+ public function get_used_css()
+ {
+ $used = $this->get_used();
+ $css = array();
+ foreach ($used as $resource) {
+ $url = $this->url($resource->id());
+ $css[$resource->id()] = $url;
+ }
+ return $css;
+ }
-class CrayonUserResourceCollection extends CrayonUsedResourceCollection {
+class CrayonUserResourceCollection extends CrayonUsedResourceCollection
private $user_dir = '';
private $curr_dir = NULL;
// TODO better to use a base dir and relative
@@ -299,17 +336,20 @@ class CrayonUserResourceCollection extends CrayonUsedResourceCollection {
private $extension = '';
// XXX Override
- public function resource_instance($id, $name = NULL) {
+ public function resource_instance($id, $name = NULL)
+ {
$resource = $this->create_user_resource_instance($id, $name);
$resource->user($this->curr_dir == $this->user_directory());
return $resource;
- public function create_user_resource_instance($id, $name = NULL) {
+ public function create_user_resource_instance($id, $name = NULL)
+ {
return new CrayonUserResource($id, $name);
- public function user_directory($dir = NULL) {
+ public function user_directory($dir = NULL)
+ {
if ($dir === NULL) {
return $this->user_dir;
} else {
@@ -317,21 +357,24 @@ class CrayonUserResourceCollection extends CrayonUsedResourceCollection {
- public function relative_directory($relative_directory = NULL) {
+ public function relative_directory($relative_directory = NULL)
+ {
if ($relative_directory == NULL) {
return $this->relative_directory;
$this->relative_directory = $relative_directory;
- public function extension($extension = NULL) {
+ public function extension($extension = NULL)
+ {
if ($extension == NULL) {
return $this->extension;
$this->extension = $extension;
- public function load_resources($dir = NULL) {
+ public function load_resources($dir = NULL)
+ {
$this->curr_dir = $this->directory();
$this->curr_dir = $this->user_directory();
@@ -339,11 +382,13 @@ class CrayonUserResourceCollection extends CrayonUsedResourceCollection {
$this->curr_dir = NULL;
- public function current_directory() {
+ public function current_directory()
+ {
return $this->curr_dir;
- public function dir_is_user($id, $user = NULL) {
+ public function dir_is_user($id, $user = NULL)
+ {
if ($user === NULL) {
if ($this->is_state_loading()) {
// We seem to be loading resources - use current directory
@@ -360,95 +405,112 @@ class CrayonUserResourceCollection extends CrayonUsedResourceCollection {
return $user;
- public function dirpath($user = NULL) {
+ public function dirpath($user = NULL)
+ {
$path = $user ? $this->user_directory() : $this->directory();
return CrayonUtil::path_slash($path);
- public function dirpath_for_id($id, $user = NULL) {
+ public function dirpath_for_id($id, $user = NULL)
+ {
$user = $this->dir_is_user($id, $user);
return $this->dirpath($user) . $id;
- public function dirurl($user = NULL) {
+ public function dirurl($user = NULL)
+ {
$path = $user ? CrayonGlobalSettings::upload_url() : CrayonGlobalSettings::plugin_path();
return CrayonUtil::path_slash($path . $this->relative_directory());
// XXX Override
- public function path($id, $user = NULL) {
+ public function path($id, $user = NULL)
+ {
$user = $this->dir_is_user($id, $user);
return $this->dirpath($user) . $this->filename($id, $user);
// XXX Override
- public function url($id, $user = NULL) {
+ public function url($id, $user = NULL)
+ {
$user = $this->dir_is_user($id, $user);
return $this->dirurl($user) . $this->filename($id, $user);
- public function filename($id, $user = NULL) {
+ public function filename($id, $user = NULL)
+ {
return "$id.$this->extension";
-class CrayonResource {
- private $id = '';
- private $name = '';
+class CrayonResource
+ private $id = '';
+ private $name = '';
- function __construct($id, $name = NULL) {
- $id = $this->clean_id($id);
- CrayonUtil::str($this->id, $id);
- ( empty($name) ) ? $this->name( self::clean_name($this->id) ) : $this->name($name);
- }
+ function __construct($id, $name = NULL)
+ {
+ $id = $this->clean_id($id);
+ CrayonUtil::str($this->id, $id);
+ (empty($name)) ? $this->name(self::clean_name($this->id)) : $this->name($name);
+ }
- function __tostring() {
- return $this->name;
- }
+ function __tostring()
+ {
+ return $this->name;
+ }
- function id() {
- return $this->id;
- }
+ function id()
+ {
+ return $this->id;
+ }
- function name($name = NULL) {
- if ($name === NULL) {
- return $this->name;
- } else {
- $this->name = $name;
- }
- }
+ function name($name = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($name === NULL) {
+ return $this->name;
+ } else {
+ $this->name = $name;
+ }
+ }
- function clean_id($id) {
- $id = CrayonUtil::space_to_hyphen( strtolower(trim($id)) );
+ function clean_id($id)
+ {
+ $id = CrayonUtil::space_to_hyphen(strtolower(trim($id)));
return preg_replace('#[^\w-]#msi', '', $id);
- }
+ }
- public static function clean_name($id) {
- $id = CrayonUtil::hyphen_to_space( strtolower(trim($id)) );
- return CrayonUtil::ucwords($id);
- }
+ public static function clean_name($id)
+ {
+ $id = CrayonUtil::hyphen_to_space(strtolower(trim($id)));
+ return CrayonUtil::ucwords($id);
+ }
-class CrayonUsedResource extends CrayonResource {
+class CrayonUsedResource extends CrayonResource
// Keeps track of usage
- private $used = FALSE;
+ private $used = FALSE;
- function used($used = NULL) {
- if ($used === NULL) {
- return $this->used;
- } else {
- $this->used = ($used ? TRUE : FALSE);
- }
- }
+ function used($used = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($used === NULL) {
+ return $this->used;
+ } else {
+ $this->used = ($used ? TRUE : FALSE);
+ }
+ }
-class CrayonUserResource extends CrayonUsedResource {
+class CrayonUserResource extends CrayonUsedResource
// Keeps track of user modifications
private $user = FALSE;
- function user($user = NULL) {
+ function user($user = NULL)
+ {
if ($user === NULL) {
return $this->user;
} else {
@@ -457,22 +519,23 @@ class CrayonUserResource extends CrayonUsedResource {
-class CrayonVersionResource extends CrayonUserResource {
+class CrayonVersionResource extends CrayonUserResource
// Adds version
- private $version = '';
+ private $version = '';
- function __construct($id, $name = NULL, $version = NULL) {
- parent::__construct($id, $name);
- $this->version($version);
- }
+ function __construct($id, $name = NULL, $version = NULL)
+ {
+ parent::__construct($id, $name);
+ $this->version($version);
+ }
- function version($version = NULL) {
- if ($version === NULL) {
- return $this->version;
- } else if (is_string($version)) {
- $this->version = $version;
- }
- }
+ function version($version = NULL)
+ {
+ if ($version === NULL) {
+ return $this->version;
+ } else if (is_string($version)) {
+ $this->version = $version;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crayon_settings.class.php b/crayon_settings.class.php
index 9c7acae..97e97c4 100644
--- a/crayon_settings.class.php
+++ b/crayon_settings.class.php
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ require_once(CRAYON_THEMES_PHP);
* Stores CrayonSetting objects.
* Each Crayon instance stores an instance of this class containing its specific settings.
-class CrayonSettings {
+class CrayonSettings
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
const INVALID = -1; // Used for invalid dropdown index
// Plugin data
@@ -121,7 +122,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
private static $cache_array;
- public static function get_cache_sec($cache) {
+ public static function get_cache_sec($cache)
+ {
$values = array_values(self::$cache_array);
if (array_key_exists($cache, $values)) {
return $values[$cache];
@@ -136,11 +138,13 @@ class CrayonSettings {
// The settings with default values
private static $default = NULL;
- function __construct() {
+ function __construct()
+ {
- function copy() {
+ function copy()
+ {
$settings = new CrayonSettings();
foreach ($this->settings as $setting) {
$settings->set($setting); // Overuse of set?
@@ -150,7 +154,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
// Methods ================================================================
- private function init() {
+ private function init()
+ {
@@ -271,7 +276,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
// Getter and Setter ======================================================
// TODO this needs simplification
- function set($name, $value = NULL, $replace = FALSE) {
+ function set($name, $value = NULL, $replace = FALSE)
+ {
// Set associative array of settings
if (is_array($name)) {
$keys = array_keys($name);
@@ -309,7 +315,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
- function get($name = NULL) {
+ function get($name = NULL)
+ {
if ($name === NULL) {
$copy = array();
foreach ($this->settings as $name => $setting) {
@@ -324,7 +331,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
return FALSE;
- function val($name = NULL) {
+ function val($name = NULL)
+ {
if (($setting = self::get($name)) != FALSE) {
return $setting->value();
} else {
@@ -332,7 +340,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
- function val_str($name) {
+ function val_str($name)
+ {
if (($setting = self::get($name)) != FALSE) {
$def = $setting->def();
$index = $setting->value();
@@ -344,7 +353,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
- function get_array() {
+ function get_array()
+ {
$array = array();
foreach ($this->settings as $setting) {
$array[$setting->name()] = $setting->value();
@@ -352,13 +362,15 @@ class CrayonSettings {
return $array;
- function is_setting($name) {
+ function is_setting($name)
+ {
return (is_string($name) && array_key_exists($name, $this->settings));
/* Gets default settings, either as associative array of name=>value or CrayonSetting
objects */
- public static function get_defaults($name = NULL, $objects = TRUE) {
+ public static function get_defaults($name = NULL, $objects = TRUE)
+ {
if (self::$default === NULL) {
self::$default = new CrayonSettings();
@@ -386,7 +398,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
- public static function get_defaults_array() {
+ public static function get_defaults_array()
+ {
return self::get_defaults(NULL, FALSE);
@@ -399,7 +412,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
- public static function validate($name, $value) {
+ public static function validate($name, $value)
+ {
if (!is_string($name)) {
return '';
@@ -470,7 +484,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
// Takes an associative array of "smart settings" and regular settings. Smart settings can be used
// to configure regular settings quickly.
// E.g. 'max_height="20px"' will set 'height="20"', 'height_mode="0", height_unit="0"'
- public static function smart_settings($settings) {
+ public static function smart_settings($settings)
+ {
if (!is_array($settings)) {
return FALSE;
@@ -524,7 +539,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
// Used for height and width smart settings, I couldn't bear to copy paste code twice...
- private static function smart_hw($name, $set, $mode, $unit, &$settings) {
+ private static function smart_hw($name, $set, $mode, $unit, &$settings)
+ {
if (!is_string($name) || !is_string($set) || !is_string($mode) || !is_string($unit) || !is_array($settings)) {
@@ -557,7 +573,8 @@ class CrayonSettings {
* These settings can be overriden by individual Crayons.
* Also manages global site settings and paths.
-class CrayonGlobalSettings {
+class CrayonGlobalSettings
// The global settings stored as a CrayonSettings object.
private static $global = NULL;
/* These are used to load local files reliably and prevent scripts like PHP from executing
@@ -572,50 +589,60 @@ class CrayonGlobalSettings {
private static $upload_url = '';
private static $mkdir = NULL;
- private function __construct() {
+ private function __construct()
+ {
- private static function init() {
+ private static function init()
+ {
if (self::$global === NULL) {
self::$global = new CrayonSettings();
- public static function get($name = NULL) {
+ public static function get($name = NULL)
+ {
return self::$global->get($name);
- public static function get_array() {
+ public static function get_array()
+ {
return self::$global->get_array();
- public static function get_obj() {
+ public static function get_obj()
+ {
return self::$global->copy();
- public static function val($name = NULL) {
+ public static function val($name = NULL)
+ {
return self::$global->val($name);
- public static function val_str($name = NULL) {
+ public static function val_str($name = NULL)
+ {
return self::$global->val_str($name);
- public static function has_changed($input, $setting, $value) {
+ public static function has_changed($input, $setting, $value)
+ {
return $input == $setting && $value != CrayonGlobalSettings::val($setting);
- public static function set($name, $value = NULL, $replace = FALSE) {
+ public static function set($name, $value = NULL, $replace = FALSE)
+ {
self::$global->set($name, $value, $replace);
- public static function site_url($site_http = NULL) {
+ public static function site_url($site_http = NULL)
+ {
if ($site_http === NULL) {
return self::$site_http;
} else {
@@ -623,7 +650,8 @@ class CrayonGlobalSettings {
- public static function site_path($site_path = NULL) {
+ public static function site_path($site_path = NULL)
+ {
if ($site_path === NULL) {
return self::$site_path;
} else {
@@ -631,7 +659,8 @@ class CrayonGlobalSettings {
- public static function plugin_path($plugin_path = NULL) {
+ public static function plugin_path($plugin_path = NULL)
+ {
if ($plugin_path === NULL) {
return self::$plugin_path;
} else {
@@ -639,7 +668,8 @@ class CrayonGlobalSettings {
- public static function upload_path($upload_path = NULL) {
+ public static function upload_path($upload_path = NULL)
+ {
if ($upload_path === NULL) {
return self::$upload_path;
} else {
@@ -647,7 +677,8 @@ class CrayonGlobalSettings {
- public static function upload_url($upload_url = NULL) {
+ public static function upload_url($upload_url = NULL)
+ {
if ($upload_url === NULL) {
return self::$upload_url;
} else {
@@ -655,7 +686,8 @@ class CrayonGlobalSettings {
- public static function set_mkdir($mkdir = NULL) {
+ public static function set_mkdir($mkdir = NULL)
+ {
if ($mkdir === NULL) {
return self::$mkdir;
} else {
@@ -663,7 +695,8 @@ class CrayonGlobalSettings {
- public static function mkdir($dir = NULL) {
+ public static function mkdir($dir = NULL)
+ {
if (self::$mkdir) {
call_user_func(self::$mkdir, $dir);
} else {
@@ -678,14 +711,17 @@ $INT = new CrayonValidator('#\d+#');
* Validation class.
-class CrayonValidator {
+class CrayonValidator
private $pattern = '#*#msi';
- public function __construct($pattern) {
+ public function __construct($pattern)
+ {
- public function pattern($pattern) {
+ public function pattern($pattern)
+ {
if ($pattern === NULL) {
return $pattern;
} else {
@@ -693,11 +729,13 @@ class CrayonValidator {
- public function validate($str) {
+ public function validate($str)
+ {
return preg_match($this->pattern, $str) !== FALSE;
- public function sanitize($str) {
+ public function sanitize($str)
+ {
preg_match_all($this->pattern, $str, $matches);
$result = '';
foreach ($matches as $match) {
@@ -707,14 +745,18 @@ class CrayonValidator {
-class CrayonNonNegIntValidator extends CrayonValidator {
- public function __construct() {
+class CrayonNonNegIntValidator extends CrayonValidator
+ public function __construct()
+ {
-class CrayonIntValidator extends CrayonValidator {
- public function __construct() {
+class CrayonIntValidator extends CrayonValidator
+ public function __construct()
+ {
@@ -723,7 +765,8 @@ class CrayonIntValidator extends CrayonValidator {
* Individual setting.
* Can store boolean, string, dropdown (with array of strings), etc.
-class CrayonSetting {
+class CrayonSetting
private $name = '';
/* The type of variables that can be set as the value.
* For dropdown settings, value is int, even though value() will return a string. */
@@ -738,7 +781,8 @@ class CrayonSetting {
private $validator = NULL;
- public function __construct($name, $default = '', $value = NULL, $locked = NULL) {
+ public function __construct($name, $default = '', $value = NULL, $locked = NULL)
+ {
if ($default !== NULL) {
$this->def($default); // Perform first to set type
@@ -751,29 +795,35 @@ class CrayonSetting {
- function __tostring() {
+ function __tostring()
+ {
return $this->name;
- function copy() {
+ function copy()
+ {
return new CrayonSetting($this->name, $this->default, $this->value, $this->locked);
- function name($name = NULL) {
+ function name($name = NULL)
+ {
if (!CrayonUtil::str($this->name, $name)) {
return $this->name;
- function type() {
+ function type()
+ {
return $this->type;
- function is_array() {
+ function is_array()
+ {
return $this->is_array;
- function locked($locked = NULL) {
+ function locked($locked = NULL)
+ {
if ($locked === NULL) {
return $this->locked;
} else {
@@ -788,7 +838,8 @@ class CrayonSetting {
* value() returns string value at current index for dropdown settings.
* @param $value
- function value($value = NULL) {
+ function value($value = NULL)
+ {
if ($value === NULL) {
/*if ($this->is_array) {
return $this->default[$this->value]; // value at index
@@ -812,7 +863,8 @@ class CrayonSetting {
- function array_value() {
+ function array_value()
+ {
if ($this->is_array) {
return NULL;
@@ -824,7 +876,8 @@ class CrayonSetting {
* For dropdown settings, default value is array of all possible value strings.
* @param $default
- function def($default = NULL) {
+ function def($default = NULL)
+ {
// Only allow default to be set once
if ($this->type === NULL && $default !== NULL) {
@@ -864,7 +917,8 @@ class CrayonSetting {
* @param int|string $index
* @return FALSE if not dropdown setting
- function index($index = NULL) {
+ function index($index = NULL)
+ {
if (!$this->is_array) {
return FALSE;
} else if ($index === NULL) {
@@ -885,7 +939,8 @@ class CrayonSetting {
* Finds the index of a string in an array setting
- function find_index($str) {
+ function find_index($str)
+ {
if (!$this->is_array || is_string($str)) {
return FALSE;
@@ -897,7 +952,8 @@ class CrayonSetting {
return FALSE;
- function validator($validator) {
+ function validator($validator)
+ {
if ($validator === NULL) {
return $this->validator;
} else {
@@ -905,7 +961,8 @@ class CrayonSetting {
- function sanitize($str) {
+ function sanitize($str)
+ {
if ($this->validator != NULL) {
return $this->validator->sanitize($str);
} else {
@@ -914,5 +971,3 @@ class CrayonSetting {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crayon_settings_wp.class.php b/crayon_settings_wp.class.php
index 640732f..baf332b 100644
--- a/crayon_settings_wp.class.php
+++ b/crayon_settings_wp.class.php
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ require_once(CRAYON_SETTINGS_PHP);
CrayonHighlighter and any non-WP classes will only use CrayonSettings to separate
the implementation of global settings and ensure any system can use them. */
-class CrayonSettingsWP {
+class CrayonSettingsWP
// Properties and Constants ===============================================
// A copy of the current options in db
@@ -45,12 +46,14 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
const SAMPLE_CODE = 'sample-code';
const CACHE_CLEAR = 'crayon-cache-clear';
- private function __construct() {
+ private function __construct()
+ {
// Methods ================================================================
- public static function admin_load() {
+ public static function admin_load()
+ {
self::$admin_page = $admin_page = add_options_page('Crayon Syntax Highlighter ' . crayon__('Settings'), 'Crayon', 'manage_options', 'crayon_settings', 'CrayonSettingsWP::settings');
add_action("admin_print_scripts-$admin_page", 'CrayonSettingsWP::admin_scripts');
add_action("admin_print_styles-$admin_page", 'CrayonSettingsWP::admin_styles');
@@ -73,7 +76,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- public static function admin_styles() {
+ public static function admin_styles()
+ {
wp_enqueue_style('crayon', plugins_url(CRAYON_STYLE_MIN, __FILE__), array('editor-buttons'), $CRAYON_VERSION);
@@ -84,7 +88,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- public static function admin_scripts() {
+ public static function admin_scripts()
+ {
@@ -102,7 +107,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- public static function other_scripts() {
+ public static function other_scripts()
+ {
$deps = array('jquery', 'crayon_util_js');
@@ -114,7 +120,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
wp_enqueue_script('crayon_js', plugins_url(CRAYON_JS, __FILE__), $deps, $CRAYON_VERSION);
- public static function init_js_settings() {
+ public static function init_js_settings()
+ {
// This stores JS variables used in AJAX calls and in the JS files
@@ -147,7 +154,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- public static function init_admin_js_settings() {
+ public static function init_admin_js_settings()
+ {
if (!self::$admin_js_settings) {
// We need to load themes at this stage
@@ -189,7 +197,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- public static function settings() {
+ public static function settings()
+ {
if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
wp_die(crayon__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
@@ -238,11 +247,12 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- ', ($break ? CRAYON_BR : '');
- private static function checkbox($args, $line_break = TRUE, $preview = TRUE) {
+ private static function checkbox($args, $line_break = TRUE, $preview = TRUE)
+ {
if (empty($args) || !is_array($args) || count($args) != 2) {
@@ -661,7 +695,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
// Draws a dropdown by loading the default value (an array) from a setting
- private static function dropdown($id, $line_break = TRUE, $preview = TRUE, $echo = TRUE, $resources = NULL, $selected = NULL) {
+ private static function dropdown($id, $line_break = TRUE, $preview = TRUE, $echo = TRUE, $resources = NULL, $selected = NULL)
+ {
if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$options)) {
@@ -686,7 +721,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- private static function button($args = array()) {
+ private static function button($args = array())
+ {
CrayonUtil::set_var($id, '');
CrayonUtil::set_var($class, '');
@@ -695,26 +731,27 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
return '' . $title . ' ';
- private static function info_span($name, $text) {
+ private static function info_span($name, $text)
+ {
echo '', $text, ' ';
- private static function span($text) {
+ private static function span($text)
+ {
echo '', $text, ' ';
// General Fields =========================================================
- public static function help() {
+ public static function help()
+ {
if (CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::HIDE_HELP)) {
- echo '
- ';
- public static function help_screen() {
+ public static function help_screen()
+ {
$screen = get_current_screen();
if ($screen->id != self::$admin_page) {
@@ -722,7 +759,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- public static function metrics() {
+ public static function metrics()
+ {
echo '';
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_SET, '' . crayon__('Height') . ' '), FALSE);
self::dropdown(CrayonSettings::HEIGHT_MODE, FALSE);
@@ -760,7 +798,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
echo '
- public static function toolbar() {
+ public static function toolbar()
+ {
echo '';
self::span(crayon__('Display the Toolbar') . ' ');
@@ -775,7 +814,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
echo '
- public static function lines() {
+ public static function lines()
+ {
echo '';
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::STRIPED, crayon__('Display striped code lines')));
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::MARKING, crayon__('Enable line marking for important lines')));
@@ -789,7 +829,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
echo '
- public static function langs() {
+ public static function langs()
+ {
echo ' ';
// Specialised dropdown for languages
if (array_key_exists(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG, self::$options)) {
@@ -818,7 +859,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- public static function show_langs() {
+ public static function show_langs()
+ {
if (($langs = CrayonParser::parse_all()) != FALSE) {
@@ -846,7 +888,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- public static function posts() {
+ public static function posts()
+ {
echo ' ';
echo self::button(array('id' => 'show-posts', 'title' => crayon__('Show Crayon Posts')));
echo ' ';
@@ -854,7 +897,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
echo '
- public static function post_cmp($a, $b) {
+ public static function post_cmp($a, $b)
+ {
$a = $a->post_modified;
$b = $b->post_modified;
if ($a == $b) {
@@ -864,7 +908,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- public static function show_posts() {
+ public static function show_posts()
+ {
$postIDs = self::load_posts();
$legacy_posts = self::load_legacy_posts();
@@ -903,7 +948,8 @@ class CrayonSettingsWP {
- public static function show_preview() {
+ public static function show_preview()
+ {
echo '';
self::load_settings(); // Run first to ensure global settings loaded
@@ -970,7 +1016,8 @@ class Human {
- public static function theme($editor = FALSE) {
+ public static function theme($editor = FALSE)
+ {
$db_theme = self::$options[CrayonSettings::THEME]; // Theme name from db
if (!array_key_exists(CrayonSettings::THEME, self::$options)) {
$db_theme = '';
@@ -1022,7 +1069,8 @@ class Human {
- public static function font($editor = FALSE) {
+ public static function font($editor = FALSE)
+ {
$db_font = self::$options[CrayonSettings::FONT]; // Theme name from db
if (!array_key_exists(CrayonSettings::FONT, self::$options)) {
$db_font = '';
@@ -1049,7 +1097,8 @@ class Human {
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::ENQUEUE_FONTS, crayon__('Enqueue fonts in the header (more efficient).') . self::help_button('http://aramk.com/blog/2012/01/07/enqueuing-themes-and-fonts-in-crayon/')));
- public static function code($editor = FALSE) {
+ public static function code($editor = FALSE)
+ {
echo '
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::PLAIN, crayon__('Enable plain code view and display') . ' '), FALSE);
@@ -1085,7 +1134,8 @@ class Human {
self::input(array('id' => CrayonSettings::WHITESPACE_AFTER, 'size' => 2, 'break' => TRUE));
- public static function tags() {
+ public static function tags()
+ {
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::INLINE_TAG, crayon__('Capture Inline Tags') . self::help_button('http://aramk.com/blog/2012/03/07/inline-crayons/')));
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::INLINE_WRAP, crayon__('Wrap Inline Tags') . self::help_button('http://aramk.com/blog/2012/03/07/inline-crayons/')));
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::CODE_TAG_CAPTURE, crayon__('Capture <code> as')), FALSE);
@@ -1101,7 +1151,8 @@ class Human {
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::PLAIN_TAG, crayon__('Enable [plain][/plain] tag.') . self::help_button('http://aramk.com/blog/2011/12/27/mini-tags-in-crayon/')));
- public static function files() {
+ public static function files()
+ {
echo '
echo crayon__('When loading local files and a relative path is given for the URL, use the absolute path'), ': ',
', home_url(), '/';
@@ -1109,7 +1160,8 @@ class Human {
echo '
', crayon__('Followed by your relative URL.');
- public static function tag_editor() {
+ public static function tag_editor()
+ {
$can_convert = self::load_legacy_posts();
if ($can_convert) {
$disabled = '';
@@ -1135,7 +1187,8 @@ class Human {
self::input(array('id' => CrayonSettings::TAG_EDITOR_QUICKTAG_BUTTON_TEXT, 'break' => TRUE));
- public static function misc() {
+ public static function misc()
+ {
echo crayon__('Clear the cache used to store remote code requests'), ': ';
self::dropdown(CrayonSettings::CACHE, false);
echo '
@@ -1155,14 +1208,16 @@ class Human {
// Debug Fields ===========================================================
- public static function errors() {
+ public static function errors()
+ {
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::ERROR_LOG, crayon__('Log errors for individual Crayons')));
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::ERROR_LOG_SYS, crayon__('Log system-wide errors')));
self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::ERROR_MSG_SHOW, crayon__('Display custom message for errors')));
self::input(array('id' => CrayonSettings::ERROR_MSG, 'size' => 60, 'margin' => TRUE));
- public static function log() {
+ public static function log()
+ {
$log = CrayonLog::log();
$exists = file_exists(CRAYON_LOG_FILE);
@@ -1188,7 +1243,8 @@ class Human {
// About Fields ===========================================================
- public static function info() {
+ public static function info()
+ {
echo '
$version = '
' . crayon__('Version') . ': ' . $CRAYON_VERSION;
@@ -1224,10 +1280,7 @@ class Human {
echo '
@@ -1244,14 +1297,15 @@ class Human {
' . $links . '
- public static function help_button($link) {
+ public static function help_button($link)
+ {
return '
' . crayon__('?') . ' ';
- public static function plugin_row_meta($meta, $file) {
+ public static function plugin_row_meta($meta, $file)
+ {
if ($file == CrayonWP::basename()) {
$meta[] = '
' . crayon__('Settings') . ' ';
@@ -1269,5 +1323,3 @@ if (defined('ABSPATH') && is_admin()) {
add_action('admin_menu', 'CrayonSettingsWP::admin_load');
add_filter('plugin_row_meta', 'CrayonSettingsWP::plugin_row_meta', 10, 2);
diff --git a/crayon_themes.class.php b/crayon_themes.class.php
index a452018..18310f3 100644
--- a/crayon_themes.class.php
+++ b/crayon_themes.class.php
@@ -41,5 +41,3 @@ class CrayonThemes extends CrayonUserResourceCollection {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/crayon_wp.class.php b/crayon_wp.class.php
index ca0d418..a3c4751 100644
--- a/crayon_wp.class.php
+++ b/crayon_wp.class.php
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Plugin Name: Crayon Syntax Highlighter
Plugin URI: https://github.com/aramk/crayon-syntax-highlighter
Description: Supports multiple languages, themes, highlighting from a URL, local file or post text.
-Version: 2.8.4
+Version: 2.8.6
Author: Aram Kocharyan
Author URI: http://aramk.com/
Text Domain: crayon-syntax-highlighter
@@ -1336,5 +1336,3 @@ if (defined('ABSPATH')) {
add_filter('init', 'CrayonWP::init_ajax');
diff --git a/global.php b/global.php
index 3a2ad0e..0a16148 100644
--- a/global.php
+++ b/global.php
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
-define('CRAYON_NL', "\r\n");
-define('CRAYON_DASH', "==============================================================================");
-define('CRAYON_LINE', "------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
+const CRAYON_BR = "
+const CRAYON_NL = "\r\n";
+const CRAYON_DASH = "==============================================================================";
+const CRAYON_LINE = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
// Load utilities
-require_once (CRAYON_UTIL_PHP);
-require_once (CRAYON_TIMER_PHP);
-require_once (CRAYON_LOG_PHP);
// Turn on the error & exception handlers
-// Check for forwardslash/backslash in folder path to structure paths
-function crayon_s($url = '') {
+// Check for forward slash/backslash in folder path to structure paths
+function crayon_s($url = '')
$url = strval($url);
if (!empty($url) && !preg_match('#(\\\\|/)$#', $url)) {
return $url . '/';
@@ -152,7 +153,8 @@ function crayon_s($url = '') {
// Returns path using forward slashes, slash added at the end
-function crayon_pf($url, $slash = TRUE) {
+function crayon_pf($url, $slash = TRUE)
$url = trim(strval($url));
if ($slash) {
$url = crayon_s($url);
@@ -161,12 +163,14 @@ function crayon_pf($url, $slash = TRUE) {
// Returns path using back slashes
-function crayon_pb($url) {
+function crayon_pb($url)
return str_replace('/', '\\', crayon_s(trim(strval($url))));
// Get/Set plugin information
-function crayon_set_info($info_array) {
+function crayon_set_info($info_array)
if (!is_array($info_array)) {
@@ -177,45 +181,53 @@ function crayon_set_info($info_array) {
crayon_set_info_key('PluginURI', $info_array, $CRAYON_WEBSITE);
-function crayon_set_info_key($key, $array, &$info) {
+function crayon_set_info_key($key, $array, &$info)
if (array_key_exists($key, $array)) {
$info = $array[$key];
+ return true;
} else {
return FALSE;
-function crayon_vargs(&$var, $default) {
+function crayon_vargs(&$var, $default)
$var = isset($var) ? $var : $default;
// Checks if the input is a valid PHP file and matches the $valid filename
-function crayon_is_php_file($filepath, $valid) {
+function crayon_is_php_file($filepath, $valid)
$path = pathinfo(crayon_pf($filepath));
return is_file($filepath) && $path['extension'] === 'php' && $path['filename'] === $valid;
// Stops the script if crayon_is_php_file() returns false or a remote path is given
-function crayon_die_if_not_php($filepath, $valid) {
+function crayon_die_if_not_php($filepath, $valid)
if (!crayon_is_php_file($filepath, $valid) || crayon_is_path_url($filepath)) {
die("[ERROR] '$filepath' is not a valid PHP file for '$valid'");
-function crayon_is_path_url($path) {
+function crayon_is_path_url($path)
$parts = parse_url($path);
return isset($parts['scheme']) && strlen($parts['scheme']) > 1;
-function crayon_load_plugin_textdomain() {
+function crayon_load_plugin_textdomain()
if (function_exists('load_plugin_textdomain')) {
load_plugin_textdomain(CRAYON_DOMAIN, false, CRAYON_DIR . CRAYON_TRANS_DIR);
-function crayon__($text) {
+function crayon__($text)
if (function_exists('__')) {
return __($text, CRAYON_DOMAIN);
} else {
@@ -223,7 +235,8 @@ function crayon__($text) {
-function crayon_e($text) {
+function crayon_e($text)
if (function_exists('_e')) {
_e($text, CRAYON_DOMAIN);
} else {
@@ -231,7 +244,8 @@ function crayon_e($text) {
-function crayon_n($singular, $plural, $count) {
+function crayon_n($singular, $plural, $count)
if (function_exists('_n')) {
return _n($singular, $plural, $count, CRAYON_DOMAIN);
} else {
@@ -239,12 +253,11 @@ function crayon_n($singular, $plural, $count) {
-function crayon_x($text, $context) {
+function crayon_x($text, $context)
if (function_exists('_x')) {
return _x($text, $context, CRAYON_DOMAIN);
} else {
return $text;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/.editorconfig b/js/jquery-colorpicker/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b6ff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# https://editorconfig.org
+root = true
+charset = utf-8
+indent_style = space
+end_of_line = lf
+insert_final_newline = true
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+indent_size = 2
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/.eslintrc.json b/js/jquery-colorpicker/.eslintrc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faf333c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/.eslintrc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ "env": {
+ "browser": true,
+ "es6": true
+ },
+ "extends": "eslint:recommended",
+ "globals": {
+ "Atomics": "readonly",
+ "SharedArrayBuffer": "readonly"
+ },
+ "parserOptions": {
+ "ecmaVersion": 2018
+ },
+ "rules": {
+ "indent": [
+ "error",
+ 2
+ ],
+ "no-trailing-whitespace": true,
+ "no-multi-space": true,
+ "linebreak-style": [
+ "error",
+ "unix"
+ ],
+ "quotes": [
+ "error",
+ "single"
+ ],
+ "semi": [
+ "error",
+ "always"
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/.gitignore b/js/jquery-colorpicker/.gitignore
index 90ec22b..c182ea1 100644
--- a/js/jquery-colorpicker/.gitignore
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/.stylelintrc b/js/jquery-colorpicker/.stylelintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a2ac0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/.stylelintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "rules": {
+ "indentation": 2,
+ "no-descending-specificity": null
+ },
+ "extends": "stylelint-config-recommended"
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/CHANGELOG.md b/js/jquery-colorpicker/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aabac2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Change Log
+All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
+The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/)
+and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
+## 1.2.20 - 2019-09-01
+### Fixed
+- Merged security patches for third party components.
+## 1.2.19 - 2019-07-11
+### Fixed
+- Merged security patches for third party components.
+## 1.2.18 - 2019-05-13
+### Added
+- Merged PR #159 by @NicolasCARPi; Added `cancelOnExit` option in response to #158.
+## 1.2.17 - 2018-07-15
+### Fixed
+- Merged PR #148 by @teambuktu; Input event for ui-colorpicker-number.
+## 1.2.16 - 2018-02-19
+### Fixed
+- Merged PR #145 by @gentoo90; accept numpad keys on hex inputs.
+## 1.2.15 - 2018-02-12
+### Fixed
+- Fix #144 by @Backslider23; memory part doesn't enable OK button correctly.
+- Fixed black initialization issue in rgbslider part.
+## 1.2.14 - 2017-12-10
+### Added
+- PR #143 by @zaeder; `ready` event at end of widget creation.
+## 1.2.13 - 2017-05-02
+### Fixed
+- Fix #137 by @larsinsd; Typing in hex input does not enable OK button.
+- Fix #139 by @s1738berger; Colorpicker cannot get disabled with option
+ 'buttonImageOnly'
+- Fix #130 by @actionpark; Return `css` and `hex` color in all events.
+## 1.2.12 - 2017-03-29
+### Fixed
+- Fixed #136 by @mateuszf; Cannot disable animation.
+## 1.2.11 - 2017-03-29
+### Fixed
+- Fixed #134 by @larsinsd and @justzuhri; `Ctrl+V` not working on Mac OS-X.
+## 1.2.10 - 2017-03-29
+### Added
+- Added Copic color swatches.
+- Added Prismacolor color swatches.
+- Added DIN 6164 color swatches.
+- Added ISCC-NBS color swatches.
+## 1.2.9 - 2017-01-21
+### Fixed
+- Implemented fix #135 by @cosmicnet; replaced `.attr()` calls with `.prop()`.
+## 1.2.8 - 2017-01-05
+### Added
+- Polish (`pl`) translation added from PR #133 by @kniziol.
+### Changed
+- Replaced deprecated `.bind()`, `.unbind()`, `.delegate()` and `.undelegate()`
+functions by `.on()` and `.off()` for jQuery 3.0.0 compatibility.
+- Documented jQueryUI 1.12.0+ requirement for jQuery 3.0.0+.
+## 1.2.7 - 2016-12-24
+### Added
+- Ukranian (`uk`) translation added from PR #131 by @ashep.
+## 1.2.6 - 2016-10-28
+### Fixed
+- Allow focussing and keyboard support on the "map" and "bar" parts.
+## 1.2.5 - 2016-10-28
+### Fixed
+- The "None" and "Transparent" radiobuttons didn't always refresh in certain
+color states.
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/LICENSE b/js/jquery-colorpicker/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af9901a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2011 Martijn van der Lee
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/README b/js/jquery-colorpicker/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 038e717..0000000
--- a/js/jquery-colorpicker/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-jQuery.colorpicker v0.9.3
-Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Martijn W. van der Lee
-Licensed under the MIT.
-Full-featured colorpicker for jQueryUI with full theming support.
-Most images from jPicker by Christopher T. Tillman.
-Sourcecode created from scratch by Martijn W. van der Lee.
-IE support; make sure you have a doctype defined, or the colorpicker will not
-display correctly.
- alpha: false
- Whether or not to show the inputs for alpha.
- altAlpha: true
- Change the opacity of the altField element(s) according to the alpha
- setting.
- altField: ''
- Change the background color of the elements specified in this element.
- altOnChange: true
- If true, the altField element(s) are updated on every change, otherwise
- only upon closing.
- altProperties: 'background-color'
- Comma-separated list of CSS properties to set color of in the altField.
- The following properties are allowed, all others are ignored.
- background-color
- color
- border-color
- outline-color
- autoOpen: false
- If true, the dialog opens automatically upon page load.
- buttonColorize: false
- If a buttonimage is specified, change the background color of the
- image when the color is changed.
- buttonImage: 'images/ui-colorpicker.png'
- Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
- buttonImageOnly: false
- Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
- buttonText: null
- Same as jQueryUI DatePicker. If null, use language default.
- closeOnEscape: true
- Close the window when pressing the Escape key on the keyboard.
- closeOnOutside: true
- Close the window when clicking outside the colorpicker display.
- color: '#00FF00'
- Initial color. Formats recognized are:
- #rrggbb
- rrggbb (same as previous, but without the #)
- rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb)
- rgba(rrr,ggg,bbb,a.a)
- rgb(rrr%,ggg%,bbb%)
- rgba(rrr%,ggg%,bbb%,aaa%)
- w3c-defined color name
- colorFormat: 'HEX'
- Specifies the format of the color string returned in callbacks.
- You can either specify one of the predefined formats:
- #HEX #112233
- #HEX3 #123 if possible, otherwise false.
- HEX 112233
- HEX3 123 if possible, otherwise false.
- RGB rgb(123,45,67) if opaque, otherwise false.
- RGBA rgba(123,45,67,0.123%)
- RGB% rgb(12%,34%,56%) if opaque, otherwise false.
- RGBA% rgba(12%,34%,56%,0.123%)
- HSL hsl(123,45,67) if opaque, otherwise false.
- HSLA hsla(123,45,67,0.123%)
- HSL% hsl(12%,34%,56%) if opaque, otherwise false.
- HSLA% hsla(12%,34%,56%,0.123%)
- NAME Closest color name
- EXACT Exact name if possible, otherwise false.
- or specify your own format...
- Each color channel is specified as a pair of two characters.
- The first character determines the color channel:
- a Alpha
- r, g, b RGB color space; red, green and blue
- h, s, v HSV color space; hue, saturation and value
- c, m, y, k CMYK color space; cyan, magenta, yellow and black
- L, A, B LAB color space; Luminosity, *A and *B.
- The second character specifies the data type:
- x Two-digit hexadecimal notation.
- d Decimal (0-255) notation.
- f Floating point (0-1) notation, not rounded.
- p Percentage (0-100) notation, not rounded.
- If you prefix a valid pair with a backslash, it won't be replaced.
- All patterns are case sensitive.
- For example, to create the common hex color format, use "#rxgxbx".
- For an rgba() format, use "rgba(rd,gd,bd,af)"
- You can also specify an array of formats where the first non-FALSE one
- is returned. Note that the only formats able to return FALSE are the
- predefined formats HEX3 and EXACT. For example, this array will output
- HEX3 format if possible or HEX format otherwise:
- ['HEX3', 'HEX']
- dragggable: true
- Make the dialog draggable if the header is visible and the dialog is
- not inline.
- duration: 'fast'
- Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
- hsv: true
- Whether or not to show the inputs for HSV.
- layout: { ... }
- Set the position of elements in a table layout.
- You could create any layout possible with HTML tables by specifying
- cell position and size of each part.
- @todo document how this works.
- limit: ''
- Limit the selectable colors to any of the predefined limits:
- '' No limitations, allow 8bpp color for a palette of
- all 16 million colors.
- 'websafe' Set of 216 colors composed of 00, 33, 66, 99, cc
- and ff color channel values in #rrggbb.
- 'nibble' 4 bits per color, can be easily converted to #rgb
- format.
- The palette is limited to 4096 colors.
- 'binary' Allow only #00 or #ff as color channel values for
- primary colors only; only 8 colors are available
- with this limit.
- 'name' Limit to closest color name.
- modal:
- Ensures no other controls on screen can be used while the dialog is
- opened.
- Also look at showCancelButton and closeOnEscape to use in combination
- with the modal option. closeOnOutside is redundant when used with modal.
- mode: 'h'
- Determines the functionality of the map and bar components. Allowed
- values are; 'h', 's', 'l', 'r', 'g', 'b' or 'a', for hue, saturation,
- luminosity, red, green, blue and alpha respectively.
- parts: ''
- Determine which parts to display.
- Use any of the preset names ('full', 'popup' or 'inline') or specify
- an array of part names (i.e. ['header', 'map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv',
- 'rgb', 'alpha', 'lab', 'cmyk', 'preview', 'swatches', 'footer']).
- If an empty string is given, the parts will be automatically chosen as
- preset 'popup' or 'inline' depending on the context in which the
- colorpicker is used.
- rgb: true, // Show RGB controls and modes
- Whether or not to show the inputs for RGB.
- regional: '',
- Sets the language to use. Note that you must load the appropriate
- language file from the i18n directory. '' is included by default.
- showAnim: 'fadeIn'
- Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
- showCancelButton: true
- Show the Cancel button if buttonpane is visible.
- showCloseButton: true
- Show the Close button if the header is visible.
- If the dialog is inline, the close button is never shown.
- showNoneButton: false
- Show the None/Revert button if buttonpane is visible.
- showOn: 'focus'
- Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
- showOptions: {}
- Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
- swatches: null
- 'null' to show swatches of HTML colors or provide your own object
- with colornames and {r:1, g:1, b:1} array.
- For example { 'red': {r:1, g:0, b:0}, 'blue': {r:0, g:0, b:1} }
- title: null
- Title to display in the header. If null, use language default.
- init: null
- Triggered on initially setting the color. Called only once.
- Callbacks recieve same data as select event.
- close: null
- Triggered when the popup is closed.
- Callbacks recieve same data as select event and an additional number
- of fields containing the current color in all supported color spaces.
- These are rgb{}, hsv{}, cmyk{}, lab{}, hsl{} and a.
- Most values are floating point numbers in range [0,1] for accuracy.
- The a and b values in the lab color space have range [-1,1].
- select: null
- Triggered on each change, confirmation (click on OK button) and
- cancellation (click on Cancel, outside window or window close button)
- respectively.
- The event recieves a jQuery event object and a data object containing
- the elements 'formatted' (with the color formatted according to
- formatColor).
- Note that select may be triggered in rapid succession when dragging
- the mouse accross the map or bar and may be triggered without a change
- in color upon specific user interactions.
- open
- Open the dialog
- close
- Close the dialog
- destroy
- Destroy the widget
- setColor
- Set the current color to the specified color. Accepts any
- CSS-confirmant color specification.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/README.md b/js/jquery-colorpicker/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1268f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
A full-featured colorpicker for jQueryUI with full theming support.
+Copyright © 2011-2019 Martijn W. van der Lee.
+Most images from jPicker by Christopher T. Tillman.
+Sourcecode created from scratch by Martijn W. van der Lee.
+- jQueryUI (themeroller-based) look & feel
+- Familiar interface layout
+- Highly configurable
+ - Control parts
+ - Layout
+ - Input/output formats
+ - Swatches
+ - Many more
+- Accurate color model
+- Supports localization
+ - English, Dutch, French, etc.
+ - Easily translatable (https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/jquery-colorpicker/)
+- Smart window alignment
+- Complete API with events and methods
+- Easily extendable with plugins
+ - Many examples included: RGB-Sliders with CSS gradients, Per-user cookie
+ memory for colors.
+- Documented
+- Limited Unit tests (QUnit-based)
+- Disable/enable
+- Keyboard support
+jQuery 1.7.1 or higher required (will not work with v1.6 or before).
+jQueryUI 1.8.0 or higher required.
+For jQuery 3.0.0 or higher, you must use jQueryUI 1.12.0 or higher.
+IE support; make sure you have a doctype defined, or the colorpicker will not
+display correctly.
+With **npm**: `npm install vanderlee-colorpicker`
+With **yarn**: `yarn add vanderlee-colorpicker`
+With **bower** (deprecated): `bower install colorpicker`
+Zip archive: https://github.com/vanderlee/colorpicker/archive/master.zip
+jQueryUI custom build
+If you download a custom build of jQueryUI, you need these components:
+* Dialog (includes Core, Widget, Mouse, Position, Draggable and Resizable)
+* Fade Effect (only if you use the `showAnim` option, includes Effects Core)
+To use the `parts/jquery.ui.colorpicker-rgbslider.js` plugin, you must add:
+* Slider (includes Core, Widget and Mouse)
+To use the demo page included in the documentation, you must add:
+* Tabs (includes Core and Widget)
+Browser support
+Tested various versions of this plugin with the following browsers:
+- Chrome 31-54
+- FireFox 25-48
+- Opera 17-39
+- Internet Explorer 10-11
+- Edge 20-25
+Keyboard support
+You can use the arrow keys to move the cursors on the map and bar controls.
+Steps are measures in on-screen pixels.
+Holding the `shift` key while using the arrow keys takes steps 10x larger.
+Pressing the `page down` and `page up` keys does the same for vertical movement.
+Holding the `ctrl` key while using the arrow keys takes you to the edges.
+Pressing the `home` and `end` keys does the same for vertical movement.
+Turns an element into a colorpicker.
+### alpha (false)
+Whether or not to show the inputs for alpha.
+### altAlpha (true)
+Change the opacity of the altField element(s) according to the alpha setting.
+### altField ('')
+Change the background color of the elements specified in this element.
+### altOnChange (true)
+If true, the altField element(s) are updated on every change, otherwise
+only upon closing.
+### altProperties (background-color)
+Comma-separated list of CSS properties to set color of in the altField.
+The following properties are allowed, all others are ignored.
+* ``background-color``
+* ``border-color``
+* ``color``
+* ``fill``
+* ``outline-color``
+* ``stroke``
+### autoOpen (false)
+If true, the dialog opens automatically upon page load.
+### buttonClass (null)
+If this option is set to a string, the button will be assigned the
+class specified.
+### buttonColorize (false)
+If a `buttonImage` is specified, change the background color of the
+image when the color is changed.
+### buttonImage ('images/ui-colorpicker.png')
+Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
+### buttonImageOnly (false)
+Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
+### buttonText (null)
+Same as jQueryUI DatePicker. If null, use language default.
+### cancelOnExit (false)
+If true, the value is reverted to the original one on exit.
+### closeOnEscape (true)
+Close the window when pressing the Escape key on the keyboard.
+### closeOnOutside (true)
+Close the window when clicking outside the colorpicker display.
+### color ('#00FF00')
+Initial color. Formats recognized are:
+* #rrggbb
+* rrggbb (same as previous, but without the #)
+* rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb)
+* rgba(rrr,ggg,bbb,a.a)
+* rgb(rrr%,ggg%,bbb%)
+* rgba(rrr%,ggg%,bbb%,aaa%)
+* w3c-defined color name
+### colorFormat ('HEX')
+Specifies the format of the color string returned in callbacks.
+You can either specify one of the predefined formats:
+* ``#HEX`` #112233 (#RRGGBB)
+* ``#HEX3`` #123 (#RGB) if possible, otherwise false.
+* ``HEX`` 112233 (RRGGBB)
+* ``HEX3`` 123 (RGB) if possible, otherwise false.
+* ``#HEXA`` #11223344 (#RRGGBBAA)
+* ``#HEXA4`` #1234 (#RGBA) if possible, otherwise false.
+* ``HEXA`` 11223344 (RRGGBBAA)
+* ``HEXA4 `` 1234 (RGBA) if possible, otherwise false.
+* ``RGB`` rgb(123,45,67) if opaque, otherwise false.
+* ``RGBA`` rgba(123,45,67,0.123%)
+* ``RGB%`` rgb(12%,34%,56%) if opaque, otherwise false.
+* ``RGBA%`` rgba(12%,34%,56%,0.123%)
+* ``HSL`` hsl(123,45,67) if opaque, otherwise false.
+* ``HSLA`` hsla(123,45,67,0.123%)
+* ``HSL%`` hsl(12%,34%,56%) if opaque, otherwise false.
+* ``HSLA%`` hsla(12%,34%,56%,0.123%)
+* ``NAME`` Closest color name
+* ``EXACT`` Exact name if possible, otherwise false.
+or specify your own format...
+Each color channel is specified as a pair of two characters.
+The first character determines the color channel:
+* ``a`` Alpha
+* ``r, g, b`` RGB color space; red, green and blue
+* ``h, s, v`` HSV color space; hue, saturation and value
+* ``c, m, y, k`` CMYK color space; cyan, magenta, yellow and black
+* ``L, A, B`` LAB color space; Luminosity, *A and *B.
+The second character specifies the data type:
+* ``x`` Two-digit hexadecimal notation.
+* ``d`` Decimal (0-255) notation.
+* ``f`` Floating point (0-1) notation, not rounded.
+* ``p`` Percentage (0-100) notation, not rounded.
+If you prefix a valid pair with a backslash, it won't be replaced.
+All patterns are case sensitive.
+For example, to create the common hex color format, use "#rxgxbx".
+For an rgba() format, use "rgba(rd,gd,bd,af)"
+You can also specify an array of formats where the first non-FALSE one
+is returned. Note that the only formats able to return FALSE are the
+predefined formats HEX3 and EXACT. For example, this array will output
+HEX3 format if possible or HEX format otherwise:
+* ``['HEX3', 'HEX']``
+### disabled (false)
+Disable or enable the colorpicker and all it's controls by setting this option.
+If you disable the `input` using the `disabled` HTML attribute before attaching
+a colorpicker, it will automatically be disabled.
+You can change this option using the `option` method call.
+### draggable (true)
+Make the dialog draggable if the header is visible and the dialog is
+not inline.
+### containment (null)
+If the dialog is draggable, constrains dragging to within the bounds of the
+specified element or region. Same as jQueryUI Draggable.
+### duration ('fast')
+Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
+### hideOn ('button')
+Specifies what user events will hide the colorpicker if not inline.
+Specify multiple events by separating with space.
+* ``focus`` When the element goes out of focus (either tab or click)
+* ``click`` When the element is clicked (for non-inputs)
+* ``alt`` When clicking on an element specified with as altField
+* ``button`` When clicking on the button created if this event is specified.
+* ``all`` selects all possible triggers
+* ``both`` same as ``all`` (deprecated, kept backwards compatibility)
+### hsv (true)
+Whether or not to show the inputs for HSV.
+### inline (true)
+If set to false, attaching to a non-input will still make the dialog
+a popup instead of inline. Make sure you handle events to catch the
+color change, otherwise you can't use the color.
+### inlineFrame (true)
+If enabled, shows a border and background when inline. Disabling may
+allow closer integration.
+### layout ({ ... })
+Set the position of elements in a table layout.
+You could create any layout possible with HTML tables by specifying
+cell position and size of each part.
+The layout option takes a map (object) with each property name matching one of
+the available parts (including any possible custom or plugin parts). The value
+is a an array with four coordinates on order `[`left`, `top`, `width`,
+The coordinates correspond to cells in a table, so if you want to have a part
+at top-left and spanning two rows and three columns, the value would be
+`[0, 0, 3, 2]`.
+Care should be taken to ensure no parts overlap (best to just draw out a grid
+on paper first). Behavior is undefined if parts overlap. You need not cover
+the entire rectangular area; any empty cells will be simply remain empty.
+The default layout is as follows:
+ {
+ map: [0, 0, 1, 5],
+ bar: [1, 0, 1, 5],
+ preview: [2, 0, 1, 1],
+ hsv: [2, 1, 1, 1],
+ rgb: [2, 2, 1, 1],
+ alpha: [2, 3, 1, 1],
+ hex: [2, 4, 1, 1],
+ lab: [3, 1, 1, 1],
+ cmyk: [3, 2, 1, 2],
+ swatches: [4, 0, 1, 5]
+ }
+### limit ('')
+Limit the selectable colors to any of the predefined limits:
+* ``''`` No limitations, allow 8bpp color for a palette of all 16 million
+ colors.
+* ``websafe`` Set of 216 colors composed of 00, 33, 66, 99, cc and ff color
+ channel values in #rrggbb.
+* ``nibble`` 4 bits per color, can be easily converted to #rgb format. The
+ palette is limited to 4096 colors.
+* ``binary`` Allow only #00 or #ff as color channel values for primary colors
+ only; only 8 colors are available with this limit.
+* ``name`` Limit to closest color name.
+### modal (false)
+Ensures no other controls on screen can be used while the dialog is
+Also look at showCancelButton and closeOnEscape to use in combination
+with the modal option. closeOnOutside is redundant when used with modal.
+### mode ('h')
+Determines the functionality of the map and bar components. Allowed
+values are; 'h', 's', 'l', 'r', 'g', 'b' or 'a', for hue, saturation,
+luminosity, red, green, blue and alpha respectively.
+### okOnEnter (false)
+Close the window when pressing the Enter key on the keyboard, keeping the
+selected color.
+### part
+Use the part option to specify options specific to parts (including plugin
+parts). By default, the following part options are available:
+### parts ('')
+Determine which parts to display.
+Use any of the preset names ('full', 'popup' or 'inline') or specify an array
+of part names (i.e. ['header', 'map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv',
+'rgb', 'alpha', 'lab', 'cmyk', 'preview', 'swatches', 'footer']).
+If an empty string is given, the parts will be automatically chosen as
+preset 'popup' or 'inline' depending on the context in which the
+colorpicker is used.
+### position (null)
+Specify the position of the dialog as a jQueryUI position object.
+See [jQueryUI .position() API documentation](http://api.jqueryui.com/position/)
+for information on how to use.
+ColorPicker adds an additional option to the `of` option; the value `'element'`
+will refer to the element to which the ColorPicker is attached, including if it
+is invisible).
+By default, the dialog will attached to the bottom-left of the element, flipping
+on collision.
+### regional ('')
+Sets the language to use. Note that you must load the appropriate language file
+from the i18n directory. '' is included by default.
+### revert (false)
+If enabled, closing the dialog through any means but the OK button will revert
+the color back to the previous state, as if pressing the Cancel button.
+The revert option changes the behavior of the [X] button in the header, the
+Escape keyboard button and clicking outside the dialog, when any of these
+features are enabled.
+### rgb (true)
+Whether or not to show the inputs for RGB.
+### showAnim ('fadeIn')
+Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
+### showCancelButton (true)
+Show the Cancel button if buttonpane is visible.
+### showCloseButton (true)
+Show the Close button if the header is visible.
+If the dialog is inline, the close button is never shown.
+### showNoneButton (false)
+Show the None/Revert button if buttonpane is visible.
+### showOn ('focus click alt')
+Specifies what user events will show the colorpicker if not inline.
+Specify multiple events by separating with space.
+* ``focus`` When the element comes into focus (either tab or click)
+* ``click`` When the element is clicked (for non-inputs)
+* ``alt`` When clicking on an element specified with as altField
+* ``button`` When clicking on the button created if this event is specified.
+* ``all`` selects all possible triggers
+* ``both`` same as ``all`` (deprecated, kept backwards compatibility)
+### showOptions ({})
+Same as jQueryUI DatePicker.
+### swatches (null)
+'null' to show swatches of HTML colors or provide your own object
+with colornames and {r:1, g:1, b:1} array.
+For example { 'red': {r:1, g:0, b:0}, 'blue': {r:0, g:0, b:1} }
+Alternatively, load a predefined set of swatches and specify the name.
+For example, for the pantone set, specify 'pantone'.
+### swatchesWidth (84)
+Width of the swatches display in pixels.
+### title (null)
+Title to display in the header. If null, use language default.
+Each event receives a jQuery `event` object and an object containing the
+elements 'formatted' (with the color formatted according to `formatColor`),
+the Colorpicker element that triggered the event and the color represented in a
+number of format:
+* `hex: rrggbb`
+* `css: #rrggbb`
+* `a: ...`
+* `rgb: {r: ..., g: ..., b: ...}`
+* `hsv: {h: ..., s: ..., v: ...}`
+* `cmyk: {c: ..., m: ..., y: ..., k: ...}`
+* `hsl: {h: ..., s: ..., l: ...}`
+* `lab: {l: ..., a: ..., b: ...}`
+Note that select may be triggered in rapid succession when dragging
+the mouse across the map or bar and may be triggered without a change
+in color upon specific user interactions.
+### cancel (event, {formatted: ..., colorPicker: ...})
+Triggered when the dialog is closed through the cancel button.
+### close (event, {formatted: ..., colorPicker: ...})
+Triggered when the popup is closed.
+### init (event, {formatted: ..., colorPicker: ...})
+Triggered on initially setting the color. Called only once.
+Callbacks receive same data as select event.
+### ok (event, {formatted: ..., colorPicker: ...})
+Triggered when the dialog is closed through the cancel button.
+### open (event, {formatted: ..., colorPicker: ...})
+Triggered whenever the dialog is opened.
+### ready (event, {formatted: ..., colorPicker: ...})
+Triggered after creating the widget/dialog.
+### select (event, {formatted: ..., colorPicker: ...})
+Triggered on each change, confirmation (click on OK button) and
+cancellation (click on Cancel, outside window or window close button)
+### stop(event, {formatted: ..., colorPicker: ...})
+Triggered when the user stops changing a control. This only affects the map
+and bar parts. Where the `select` event will trigger on each mouse move, the
+`stop` event will only trigger when the mouse button is released. For other
+controls, `stop` and `select` are both triggered.
+The callback is otherwise identical to `select`. When both are triggered,
+`select` is triggered before `stop`.
+### open
+Open the dialog
+### close
+Close the dialog
+### destroy
+Destroy the widget
+### setColor
+Set the current color to the specified color. Accepts any CSS-confirming color
+Colorpicker is extensible with several types of plugins. A number of plugins
+is provided for use. The plugins are constructed such that you only need to
+load the javascript file after the Colorpicker plugin itself is loaded.
+### limits
+Limits let you limit the possible colors, as used by the 'limit' option.
+No plugins included.
+### parsers
+Parser take a textual representation of a color and return a Color object.
+If no match is found, nothing is returned and the next parser is tried.
+Parsers are tried in order of appearance.
+Included plugins:
+* ``cmyk-parser`` Parses a ``cmyk(c, y, m, k)`` format, similar
+ to rgba.
+* ``cmyk-percentage-parser`` Parses a ``cmyk(c%, y%, m%, k%)`` format with
+ percentages.
+### parts
+You can add additional visual parts, usually controls, that interact
+with the rest of Colorpicker framework.
+Included plugins:
+* ``memory`` Cookie-based memory nodes.
+* ``rgbsliders`` Set of three red/green/blue sliders with dynamically
+adjusted gradients.
+* ``swatchesswitcher`` Switch through all available sets of swatches.
+### partslists
+Partslists are a convenient way to select multiple parts at once without having
+to specify each one individually.
+No plugins included.
+### regional
+Regional (in the i18n directory) plugins contain localized texts
+(a.k.a. translations). A number of languages is provided.
+Included regionals:
+* ``de`` German (Deutsch).
+* ``el`` Greece.
+* ``en`` English (default).
+* ``fr`` French.
+* ``nl`` Dutch.
+* ``pt-br`` Brazilian Portuguese.
+* ``ru`` Russian.
+### swatches
+Swatches are collections of predefined and named colors. By default the
+standard ``html`` colors are loaded.
+Setting `swatches` using the `option` method will switch the displayed swatches.
+Included plugins:
+* ``crayola`` Crayola pencil color names
+* ``pantone`` Pantone color codes
+* ``ral-classic`` Classic RAL paint numbers
+* ``x11`` X11 color palette (using "gray", not "grey").
+### writers
+Writers take a Color object and output a textual representation of the color.
+Writers are used for the colorFormat option.
+No plugins included.
+Colorpicker uses a Color object internally to represent a color and convert
+between the supported color models.
+You can create a new Color object through $.colorpicker.Color.
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/TODO b/js/jquery-colorpicker/TODO
index 6916720..1d9cbfc 100644
--- a/js/jquery-colorpicker/TODO
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/TODO
@@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
-Fix the weird one-pixel vertical shift bug.
- Caused by ui-widget class.
- Only happens in Chrome and only on some, not all.
- Disappears and re-appears at different zoom levels.
-In hex input, accept (and strip) '#' symbol on copy/past.
-Completely destroy object when closed.
-isRTL? What to RTL, besides button?
-Disable selection in MSIE: this.dialog.on('selectstart', function(event) { return false; })
-Special rendering mode for color_none? Use [X] images?
-Fix parsing from input with websafe colors
-Recognize "transparent" color name.
-Limit number of events triggered.
-Small size variant (128x128)
-isRTL? What to RTL, besides button?
-Undo/redo memory?
-ARIA support.
-Allow only set (dec/hex) characters in inputs
-Most-recently-used swatches
-HSL/HSV distance calculations should take into account cyclic hue.
\ No newline at end of file
+$.undelegate and remove keydown methods for opening upon close()
+Separate into a pure dialog and a "caller" plugin.
+Implement a getColor method.
+Use preconfigured/default output color.
+Allow optional manual specification of color.
+Fix the weird one-pixel vertical shift bug.
+Caused by ui-widget class.
+Only happens in Chrome and only on some, not all.
+Disappears and re-appears at different zoom levels.
+In hex input, accept (and strip) '#' symbol on copy/past.
+Completely destroy object when closed.
+isRTL? What to RTL, besides button?
+Disable selection in MSIE: this.dialog.on('selectstart', function(event) { return false; })
+Special rendering mode for color_none? Use [X] images?
+Fix parsing from input with websafe colors
+Recognize "transparent" color name.
+Limit number of events triggered.
+Small size variant (128x128)
+isRTL? What to RTL, besides button?
+Undo/redo memory?
+ARIA support.
+Allow only set (dec/hex) characters in inputs
+Most-recently-used swatches
+HSL/HSV distance calculations should take into account cyclic hue.
+Support CSS4 color format draft proposals: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-color/
+Add more swatches; i.e. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_8-bit_computer_hardware_palettes
+Allow Cancel button to be enabled even when no change. Extra value for `showCancelButton`?
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/bower.json b/js/jquery-colorpicker/bower.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8754e4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/bower.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "name": "colorpicker",
+ "version": "1.2.20",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/vanderlee/colorpicker",
+ "authors": [
+ "Martijn van der Lee
+ ],
+ "description": "JQuery colorpicker: themeroller styling, RGB, HSL, CMYK and L*A*B support. Standard look & feel, configurable. Works as a popup or inline.",
+ "main": "jquery.colorpicker.js",
+ "keywords": [
+ "jquery",
+ "colorpicker"
+ ],
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "ignore": [
+ "**/.*",
+ "node_modules",
+ "bower_components",
+ "test",
+ "tests"
+ ],
+ "dependencies": {
+ "jquery": ">=1.7.1",
+ "jquery-ui": ">=1.8.0"
+ }
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/demo.html b/js/jquery-colorpicker/demo.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da775e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/demo.html
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+ jQuery Colorpicker
+ jQuery ColorPicker - Demo page
Basic <input> example, without any options
Basic element (<span>> example, without any options
Fully-featured example
Localized to Dutch (nl)
Limit to websafe colors
Alternative field class
+ Background-color on outside, text color here
Output formatting HSLA
Output format list
+ You can specify a list of output formats, the first perfect match for the color is output.
Dialog with Colorpicker popup (demonstrates z-index)
Open dialog
+ Basic <input> example, without any options:
+ Basic element example, without any options:
Modal (and showCancelButton, closeOnEscape, showCloseButton)
Input formatting
+ Demonstrates the ability to parse common color formats as input.
Popup from any element (<em>)
+ Just click on this Emphasized word to show the colorpicker.
Custom layout
+ It's easy to arrange a new layout for the dialog. Especially handy when used in a sidebar.
Custom swatches
+ Use the Pantone PMS colors as swatches
Custom swatches - array
+ Use an array of swatches
Hidden input
+ Uses a hidden input and buttons to pop open the colorpicker
+ Open
+ Demonstrates how to extend the set of parts with plugins.
+ RGB Slider - Individual RGB sliders
+ Memory - Store and retrieve colors with cookies
+ Swatches Switcher - Switch between different sets of swatches
Only a button image
+ Enabled:
Revert color on non-button exit.
Reverts the color on escape, clickOnOutside or close window
+ using the [X] button.
Open the Colorpicker, change color and click outside window,
+ press ESC key or click the [X] button in the header. The dialog
+ should now close and the previous color restored in the
+ input.
Close OK on enter
+ Close the popup by pressing the enter key, keeping the selected color.
128-pixel map and bar
Custom color format
Centered using position option
+ Enabled:
+ Disabled by default:
+ Disabled using option:
No show animation
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-de.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0382e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.regional['de'] = {
+ ok: 'OK',
+ cancel: 'Abbrechen',
+ none: 'Keine',
+ button: 'Farbe',
+ title: 'Wähle eine Farbe',
+ transparent: 'Transparent',
+ hsvH: 'H',
+ hsvS: 'S',
+ hsvV: 'V',
+ rgbR: 'R',
+ rgbG: 'G',
+ rgbB: 'B',
+ labL: 'L',
+ labA: 'a',
+ labB: 'b',
+ hslH: 'H',
+ hslS: 'S',
+ hslL: 'L',
+ cmykC: 'C',
+ cmykM: 'M',
+ cmykY: 'Y',
+ cmykK: 'K',
+ alphaA: 'A'
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-el.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-el.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..123db29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-el.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+jQuery(function ($) {
+ $.colorpicker.regional['el'] = {
+ "alphaA": "A",
+ "button": "Χρώμα",
+ "cancel": "Άκυρο",
+ "cmykC": "C",
+ "cmykK": "K",
+ "cmykM": "M",
+ "cmykY": "Y",
+ "hslH": "H",
+ "hslL": "L",
+ "hslS": "S",
+ "hsvH": "H",
+ "hsvS": "S",
+ "hsvV": "V",
+ "labA": "a",
+ "labB": "b",
+ "labL": "L",
+ "none": "Κανένα",
+ "ok": "Επιβεβαίωση",
+ "rgbB": "B",
+ "rgbG": "G",
+ "rgbR": "Κ",
+ "title": "Επιλέξτε χρώμα",
+ "transparent": "Διαφάνεια"
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-en-GB.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-en-GB.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1487a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-en-GB.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.regional['en-GB'] = {
+ ok: 'OK',
+ cancel: 'Cancel',
+ none: 'None',
+ button: 'Colour',
+ title: 'Pick a colour',
+ transparent: 'Transparent',
+ hsvH: 'H',
+ hsvS: 'S',
+ hsvV: 'V',
+ rgbR: 'R',
+ rgbG: 'G',
+ rgbB: 'B',
+ labL: 'L',
+ labA: 'a',
+ labB: 'b',
+ hslH: 'H',
+ hslS: 'S',
+ hslL: 'L',
+ cmykC: 'C',
+ cmykM: 'M',
+ cmykY: 'Y',
+ cmykK: 'K',
+ alphaA: 'A'
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-en-US.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-en-US.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13d371b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-en-US.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.regional['en-US'] = {
+ ok: 'OK',
+ cancel: 'Cancel',
+ none: 'None',
+ button: 'Color',
+ title: 'Pick a color',
+ transparent: 'Transparent',
+ hsvH: 'H',
+ hsvS: 'S',
+ hsvV: 'V',
+ rgbR: 'R',
+ rgbG: 'G',
+ rgbB: 'B',
+ labL: 'L',
+ labA: 'a',
+ labB: 'b',
+ hslH: 'H',
+ hslS: 'S',
+ hslL: 'L',
+ cmykC: 'C',
+ cmykM: 'M',
+ cmykY: 'Y',
+ cmykK: 'K',
+ alphaA: 'A'
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-en.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-en.js
index 82ff967..03eeea3 100644
--- a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-en.js
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-en.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-jQuery(function($) {
+;jQuery(function($) {
$.colorpicker.regional['en'] = {
ok: 'OK',
cancel: 'Cancel',
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-es.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-es.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3531ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-es.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.regional['es'] = {
+ ok: 'OK',
+ cancel: 'Cancelar',
+ none: 'Ninguno',
+ button: 'Color',
+ title: 'Selecciona un color',
+ transparent: 'Transparente',
+ hsvH: 'H',
+ hsvS: 'S',
+ hsvV: 'V',
+ rgbR: 'R',
+ rgbG: 'G',
+ rgbB: 'B',
+ labL: 'L',
+ labA: 'a',
+ labB: 'b',
+ hslH: 'H',
+ hslS: 'S',
+ hslL: 'L',
+ cmykC: 'C',
+ cmykM: 'M',
+ cmykY: 'Y',
+ cmykK: 'K',
+ alphaA: 'A'
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-fr.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-fr.js
index e981edf..cd1b336 100644
--- a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-fr.js
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-fr.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-jQuery(function($) {
+;jQuery(function($) {
$.colorpicker.regional['fr'] = {
ok: 'OK',
cancel: 'Annuler',
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-nl.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-nl.js
index 48fa7eb..9bab104 100644
--- a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-nl.js
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-nl.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-jQuery(function($) {
+;jQuery(function($) {
$.colorpicker.regional['nl'] = {
ok: 'OK',
cancel: 'Annuleren',
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-pl.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-pl.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6f2f1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-pl.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.regional['pl'] = {
+ ok: 'OK',
+ cancel: 'Anuluj',
+ none: 'Wyczyść',
+ button: 'Kolor',
+ title: 'Wskaż kolor',
+ transparent: 'Przezroczysty',
+ hsvH: 'H',
+ hsvS: 'S',
+ hsvV: 'V',
+ rgbR: 'R',
+ rgbG: 'G',
+ rgbB: 'B',
+ labL: 'L',
+ labA: 'a',
+ labB: 'b',
+ hslH: 'H',
+ hslS: 'S',
+ hslL: 'L',
+ cmykC: 'C',
+ cmykM: 'M',
+ cmykY: 'Y',
+ cmykK: 'K',
+ alphaA: 'A'
+ };
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-pt-BR.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-pt-BR.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fec1e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-pt-BR.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.regional['pt-br'] = {
+ ok: 'OK',
+ cancel: 'Cancelar',
+ none: 'Nenhum',
+ button: 'Cor',
+ title: 'Escolha uma cor',
+ transparent: 'Transparente',
+ hsvH: 'H',
+ hsvS: 'S',
+ hsvV: 'V',
+ rgbR: 'R',
+ rgbG: 'G',
+ rgbB: 'B',
+ labL: 'L',
+ labA: 'a',
+ labB: 'b',
+ hslH: 'H',
+ hslS: 'S',
+ hslL: 'L',
+ cmykC: 'C',
+ cmykM: 'M',
+ cmykY: 'Y',
+ cmykK: 'K',
+ alphaA: 'A'
+ };
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-ru.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04ff993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.regional['ru'] = {
+ ok: 'OK',
+ cancel: 'Отменить',
+ none: 'Никакой',
+ button: 'Цвет',
+ title: 'Выбрать цвет',
+ transparent: 'Прозрачный',
+ hsvH: 'H',
+ hsvS: 'S',
+ hsvV: 'V',
+ rgbR: 'R',
+ rgbG: 'G',
+ rgbB: 'B',
+ labL: 'L',
+ labA: 'a',
+ labB: 'b',
+ hslH: 'H',
+ hslS: 'S',
+ hslL: 'L',
+ cmykC: 'C',
+ cmykM: 'M',
+ cmykY: 'Y',
+ cmykK: 'K',
+ alphaA: 'A'
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-sr.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-sr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6de9a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-sr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.regional['sr'] = {
+ ok: 'OK',
+ cancel: 'Odustani',
+ none: 'Nijedno',
+ button: 'Boja',
+ title: 'Izaberi boju',
+ transparent: 'Providno',
+ hsvH: 'H',
+ hsvS: 'S',
+ hsvV: 'V',
+ rgbR: 'R',
+ rgbG: 'G',
+ rgbB: 'B',
+ labL: 'L',
+ labA: 'a',
+ labB: 'b',
+ hslH: 'H',
+ hslS: 'S',
+ hslL: 'L',
+ cmykC: 'C',
+ cmykM: 'M',
+ cmykY: 'Y',
+ cmykK: 'K',
+ alphaA: 'A'
+ };
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-uk.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-uk.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a3f4ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/i18n/jquery.ui.colorpicker-uk.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;jQuery(function ($) {
+ $.colorpicker.regional['uk'] = {
+ ok: 'ОК',
+ cancel: 'Скасувати',
+ none: 'Ніякий',
+ button: 'Колір',
+ title: 'Обрати колір',
+ transparent: 'Прозорий',
+ hsvH: 'H',
+ hsvS: 'S',
+ hsvV: 'V',
+ rgbR: 'R',
+ rgbG: 'G',
+ rgbB: 'B',
+ labL: 'L',
+ labA: 'a',
+ labB: 'b',
+ hslH: 'H',
+ hslS: 'S',
+ hslL: 'L',
+ cmykC: 'C',
+ cmykM: 'M',
+ cmykY: 'Y',
+ cmykK: 'K',
+ alphaA: 'A'
+ };
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/128/bar-alpha.png b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/128/bar-alpha.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..454dc9e
Binary files /dev/null and b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/128/bar-alpha.png differ
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/128/bar.png b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/128/bar.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32d0c8f
Binary files /dev/null and b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/128/bar.png differ
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/128/map.png b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/128/map.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37e8cae
Binary files /dev/null and b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/128/map.png differ
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/favicon.png b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/favicon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..932f962
Binary files /dev/null and b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/favicon.png differ
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/logotype-a.png b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/logotype-a.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8eea61
Binary files /dev/null and b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/logotype-a.png differ
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/logotype-b.png b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/logotype-b.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8e0c6f
Binary files /dev/null and b/js/jquery-colorpicker/images/logotype-b.png differ
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/index.html b/js/jquery-colorpicker/index.html
index db9fae7..46f8692 100644
--- a/js/jquery-colorpicker/index.html
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/index.html
@@ -1,210 +1,332 @@
- jQuery Colorpicker
- jQuery ColorPicker
- Basic <input> example, without any options:
- Basic <div> example, without any options:
- Fully-featured example:
- Localized to Dutch (nl):
- Limit to websafe colors:
- Alternative field class:
- Background-color on outside, text color here
- Events:
- Output formatting HSLA:
- Output format list:
- Dialog with Colorpicker popup (demonstrates z-index):
- Open dialog
- Basic <input> example, without any options:
- Basic <div> example, without any options:
- Modal (and showCancelButton, closeOnEscape, showCloseButton):
- Input formatting:
+ jQuery.Colorpicker
+ Try it yourself…
Simple popup
Fully featured popup
Custom layout
More examples…
+ Click here view a lot more demo's
+ jQuery.colorpicker comes with a small set of QUnit-based unittests.
+ Click here to run the tests in a new window:
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.css b/js/jquery-colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.css
index 8487cdc..995d3eb 100644
--- a/js/jquery-colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.css
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.css
@@ -1,199 +1,238 @@
-.ui-dialog.ui-colorpicker {
- width: auto;
- white-space: nowrap;
- -webkit-touch-callout: none;
- -webkit-user-select: none;
- -khtml-user-select: none;
- -moz-user-select: none;
- -ms-user-select: none;
- user-select: none;
-.ui-colorpicker-inline {
- position: static;
-.ui-colorpicker-buttonset {
- float: left;
- margin-left: .4em;
-.ui-colorpicker-buttonset .ui-button {
- margin: .5em 0 .5em 0;
- cursor: pointer;
-.ui-colorpicker-buttonpane {
- background-image: none;
- margin: .7em 0 0 0;
- padding: 0 .2em;
- border-left: 0;
- border-right: 0;
- border-bottom: 0;
-.ui-colorpicker-buttonpane button {
- float: right;
- margin: .5em .2em .4em;
- cursor: pointer;
- padding: .2em .6em .3em .6em;
- width: auto;
- overflow: visible;
-.ui-colorpicker-buttonpane button.ui-colorpicker-current {
- float: left;
-.ui-colorpicker table {
- font-size: 100%; /* Reset browser table font-size */
- margin: 0;
-.ui-colorpicker table td {
- vertical-align: top;
-.ui-colorpicker-padding-left {
- padding-left: 10px;
-.ui-colorpicker-padding-top {
- padding-top: 10px;
-.ui-colorpicker-border {
- border: 1px inset;
- display: inline-block;
-/* Bar & map */
-.ui-colorpicker-map > *,
-.ui-colorpicker-bar > * {
- position: absolute;
- cursor: crosshair;
-.ui-colorpicker-bar-pointer {
- position: absolute;
-/* Map */
-.ui-colorpicker-map > * {
- display: block;
- width: 256px;
- height: 256px;
- overflow: hidden;
-.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2 {
- background: url(images/map.png) no-repeat;
-.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-alpha {
- background: url(images/map-opacity.png);
-.ui-colorpicker-map-pointer {
- display: inline-block;
- width: 15px;
- height: 15px;
- background: url(images/map-pointer.png) no-repeat;
-/* Bar */
-.ui-colorpicker-bar > * {
- display: block;
- width: 20px;
- height: 256px;
- overflow: hidden;
- background-repeat: repeat-x;
-.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4 {
- background: url(images/bar.png) repeat-x;
-.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alpha {
- background: url(images/bar-opacity.png);
-.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alphabar {
- background: url(images/bar-alpha.png);
-.ui-colorpicker-bar-pointer {
- display: inline-block;
- width: 20px;
- height: 7px;
- background: url(images/bar-pointer.png) no-repeat;
-/* Preview */
-.ui-colorpicker-preview {
- text-align: center;
-.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial {
- cursor: pointer;
-.ui-colorpicker-preview-current {
- width: 50px;
- height: 20px;
- display: inline-block;
-.ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha {
- width: 50px;
- height: 20px;
- display: inline-block;
- background: url(images/preview-opacity.png) repeat;
-/* Inputs */
-.ui-colorpicker-rgb label,
-.ui-colorpicker-hsv label,
-.ui-colorpicker-hsl label,
-.ui-colorpicker-lab label,
-.ui-colorpicker-cmyk label,
-.ui-colorpicker-alpha label {
- width: 1.5em;
- display: inline-block;
-.ui-colorpicker-number {
- margin: .1em;
- width: 4em;
-/* Hex */
-.ui-colorpicker-hex {
- text-align: center;
-/* Swatches */
-.ui-colorpicker-swatches {
- width: 84px;
- height: 256px;
- overflow: auto;
- background-color: #f8f8f8;
-.ui-colorpicker-swatch {
- cursor: pointer;
- float: left;
- width: 11px;
- height: 11px;
- border-right: 1px solid black;
- border-bottom: 1px solid black;
\ No newline at end of file
+.ui-dialog.ui-colorpicker {
+ width: auto;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ -webkit-touch-callout: none;
+ -webkit-user-select: none;
+ -khtml-user-select: none;
+ -ms-user-select: none;
+ user-select: none;
+.ui-colorpicker-inline {
+ position: static;
+.ui-colorpicker-buttonset {
+ float: left;
+ margin-left: .4em;
+.ui-colorpicker-buttonset .ui-button {
+ margin: .5em 0 .5em 0;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.ui-colorpicker-buttonpane {
+ background-image: none;
+ margin: .7em 0 0 0;
+ padding: 0 .2em;
+ border-left: 0;
+ border-right: 0;
+ border-bottom: 0;
+.ui-colorpicker-buttonpane button {
+ float: right;
+ margin: .5em .2em .4em;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ padding: .2em .6em .3em .6em;
+ width: auto;
+ overflow: visible;
+.ui-colorpicker-buttonpane button.ui-colorpicker-current {
+ float: left;
+.ui-colorpicker table {
+ width: 100%;
+ font-size: 100%; /* Reset browser table font-size */
+ margin: 0;
+.ui-colorpicker table td {
+ vertical-align: top;
+.ui-colorpicker-padding-left {
+ padding-left: 10px;
+.ui-colorpicker-padding-top {
+ padding-top: 10px;
+.ui-colorpicker-border {
+ border: 1px inset;
+ display: inline-block;
+/* Bar & map */
+.ui-colorpicker-map > *,
+.ui-colorpicker-bar > * {
+ position: absolute;
+ cursor: crosshair;
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-pointer {
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+/* Map */
+.ui-colorpicker-map > * {
+ display: block;
+ width: 256px;
+ height: 256px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2 {
+ background: url(images/map.png) no-repeat;
+.ui-colorpicker-map-128 > * {
+ width: 128px;
+ height: 128px;
+.ui-colorpicker-map-128 .ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1,
+.ui-colorpicker-map-128 .ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2 {
+ background: url(images/128/map.png) no-repeat;
+.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-alpha {
+ background: url(images/map-opacity.png);
+.ui-colorpicker-map-pointer {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 15px;
+ height: 15px;
+ background: url(images/map-pointer.png) no-repeat;
+/* Bar */
+.ui-colorpicker-bar > * {
+ display: block;
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 256px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-128 > * {
+ height: 128px;
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4 {
+ background: url(images/bar.png) repeat-x;
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-128 .ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1,
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-128 .ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2,
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-128 .ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3,
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-128 .ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4 {
+ background: url(images/128/bar.png) repeat-x;
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alpha {
+ background: url(images/bar-opacity.png);
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alphabar {
+ background: url(images/bar-alpha.png);
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-128 .ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alphabar {
+ background: url(images/128/bar-alpha.png);
+.ui-colorpicker-bar-pointer {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 7px;
+ background: url(images/bar-pointer.png) no-repeat;
+/* Preview */
+.ui-colorpicker-preview {
+ text-align: center;
+ height: 20px;
+.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial {
+ cursor: pointer;
+.ui-colorpicker-preview-current {
+ width: 50px;
+ height: 20px;
+ display: inline-block;
+.ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha {
+ width: 50px;
+ height: 20px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ background: url(images/preview-opacity.png) repeat;
+/* Inputs */
+.ui-colorpicker-rgb label,
+.ui-colorpicker-hsv label,
+.ui-colorpicker-hsl label,
+.ui-colorpicker-lab label,
+.ui-colorpicker-cmyk label,
+.ui-colorpicker-alpha label {
+ width: 1.5em;
+ display: inline-block;
+.ui-colorpicker-number {
+ margin: .1em;
+ width: 4em;
+/* Hex */
+.ui-colorpicker-hex {
+ text-align: center;
+/* Swatches */
+.ui-colorpicker-swatches {
+ height: 256px;
+ overflow: auto;
+ background-color: #f8f8f8;
+.ui-colorpicker-swatch {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ float: left;
+ width: 11px;
+ height: 11px;
+ border-right: 1px solid black;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid black;
+.ui-colorpicker-disabled {
+ opacity: .5;
+ -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=50)";
+ filter: alpha(opacity=50);
+ pointer-events: none;
+.ui-colorpicker-disabled * {
+ cursor: default !important;
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.js
index e19db7b..4e09943 100644
--- a/js/jquery-colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.js
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/jquery.colorpicker.js
@@ -1,2552 +1,3284 @@
-/*jslint devel: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, browser: true, confusion: true, unparam: true, eqeq: true, white: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */
-/*globals jQuery,Color */
- * ColorPicker
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Martijn W. van der Lee
- * Licensed under the MIT.
- *
- * Full-featured colorpicker for jQueryUI with full theming support.
- * Most images from jPicker by Christopher T. Tillman.
- * Sourcecode created from scratch by Martijn W. van der Lee.
- */
-(function ($) {
- "use strict";
- $.colorpicker = new function() {
- this.regional = [];
- this.regional[''] = {
- ok: 'OK',
- cancel: 'Cancel',
- none: 'None',
- button: 'Color',
- title: 'Pick a color',
- transparent: 'Transparent',
- hsvH: 'H',
- hsvS: 'S',
- hsvV: 'V',
- rgbR: 'R',
- rgbG: 'G',
- rgbB: 'B',
- labL: 'L',
- labA: 'a',
- labB: 'b',
- hslH: 'H',
- hslS: 'S',
- hslL: 'L',
- cmykC: 'C',
- cmykM: 'M',
- cmykY: 'Y',
- cmykK: 'K',
- alphaA: 'A'
- };
- };
- var _colorpicker_index = 0,
- _container_popup = '
- _container_inline = '
- _parts_lists = {
- 'full': ['header', 'map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'lab', 'cmyk', 'preview', 'swatches', 'footer'],
- 'popup': ['map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'preview', 'footer'],
- 'draggable': ['header', 'map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'preview', 'footer'],
- 'inline': ['map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'preview']
- },
- _intToHex = function (dec) {
- var result = Math.round(dec).toString(16);
- if (result.length === 1) {
- result = ('0' + result);
- }
- return result.toLowerCase();
- },
- _formats = {
- '#HEX': function(color) {
- return _formatColor('#rxgxbx', color);
- }
- , '#HEX3': function(color) {
- var hex3 = _formats.HEX3(color);
- return hex3 === false? false : '#'+hex3;
- }
- , 'HEX': function(color) {
- return _formatColor('rxgxbx', color);
- }
- , 'HEX3': function(color) {
- var rgb = color.getRGB(),
- r = Math.round(rgb.r * 255),
- g = Math.round(rgb.g * 255),
- b = Math.round(rgb.b * 255);
- if (((r >>> 4) == (r &= 0xf))
- && ((g >>> 4) == (g &= 0xf))
- && ((b >>> 4) == (b &= 0xf))) {
- return r.toString(16)+g.toString(16)+b.toString(16);
- }
- return false;
- }
- , 'RGB': function(color) {
- return color.getAlpha() >= 1
- ? _formatColor('rgb(rd,gd,bd)', color)
- : false;
- }
- , 'RGBA': function(color) {
- return _formatColor('rgba(rd,gd,bd,af)', color);
- }
- , 'RGB%': function(color) {
- return color.getAlpha() >= 1
- ? _formatColor('rgb(rp%,gp%,bp%)', color)
- : false;
- }
- , 'RGBA%': function(color) {
- return _formatColor('rgba(rp%,gp%,bp%,af)', color);
- }
- , 'HSL': function(color) {
- return color.getAlpha() >= 1
- ? _formatColor('hsl(hd,sd,vd)', color)
- : false;
- }
- , 'HSLA': function(color) {
- return _formatColor('hsla(hd,sd,vd,af)', color);
- }
- , 'HSL%': function(color) {
- return color.getAlpha() >= 1
- ? _formatColor('hsl(hp%,sp%,vp%)', color)
- : false;
- }
- , 'HSLA%': function(color) {
- return _formatColor('hsla(hp%,sp%,vp%,af)', color);
- }
- , 'NAME': function(color) {
- return _closestName(color);
- }
- , 'EXACT': function(color) { //@todo experimental. Implement a good fallback list
- return _exactName(color);
- }
- },
- _formatColor = function (formats, color) {
- var that = this,
- text = null,
- types = { 'x': function(v) {return _intToHex(v * 255);}
- , 'd': function(v) {return Math.round(v * 255);}
- , 'f': function(v) {return v;}
- , 'p': function(v) {return v * 100;}
- },
- channels = color.getChannels();
- if (!$.isArray(formats)) {
- formats = [formats];
- }
- $.each(formats, function(index, format) {
- if (_formats[format]) {
- text = _formats[format](color);
- return (text === false);
- } else {
- text = format.replace(/\\?[argbhsvcmykLAB][xdfp]/g, function(m) {
- if (m.match(/^\\/)) {
- return m.slice(1);
- }
- return types[m.charAt(1)](channels[m.charAt(0)]);
- });
- return false;
- }
- });
- return text;
- },
- _colors = {
- 'black': {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0},
- 'dimgray': {r: 0.4117647058823529, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.4117647058823529},
- 'gray': {r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5019607843137255},
- 'darkgray': {r: 0.6627450980392157, g: 0.6627450980392157, b: 0.6627450980392157},
- 'silver': {r: 0.7529411764705882, g: 0.7529411764705882, b: 0.7529411764705882},
- 'lightgrey': {r: 0.8274509803921568, g: 0.8274509803921568, b: 0.8274509803921568},
- 'gainsboro': {r: 0.8627450980392157, g: 0.8627450980392157, b: 0.8627450980392157},
- 'whitesmoke': {r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.9607843137254902},
- 'white': {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1},
- 'rosybrown': {r: 0.7372549019607844, g: 0.5607843137254902, b: 0.5607843137254902},
- 'indianred': {r: 0.803921568627451, g: 0.3607843137254902, b: 0.3607843137254902},
- 'brown': {r: 0.6470588235294118, g: 0.16470588235294117, b: 0.16470588235294117},
- 'firebrick': {r: 0.6980392156862745, g: 0.13333333333333333, b: 0.13333333333333333},
- 'lightcoral': {r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5019607843137255},
- 'maroon': {r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0, b: 0},
- 'darkred': {r: 0.5450980392156862, g: 0, b: 0},
- 'red': {r: 1, g: 0, b: 0},
- 'snow': {r: 1, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.9803921568627451},
- 'salmon': {r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.4470588235294118},
- 'mistyrose': {r: 1, g: 0.8941176470588236, b: 0.8823529411764706},
- 'tomato': {r: 1, g: 0.38823529411764707, b: 0.2784313725490196},
- 'darksalmon': {r: 0.9137254901960784, g: 0.5882352941176471, b: 0.47843137254901963},
- 'orangered': {r: 1, g: 0.27058823529411763, b: 0},
- 'coral': {r: 1, g: 0.4980392156862745, b: 0.3137254901960784},
- 'lightsalmon': {r: 1, g: 0.6274509803921569, b: 0.47843137254901963},
- 'sienna': {r: 0.6274509803921569, g: 0.3215686274509804, b: 0.17647058823529413},
- 'seashell': {r: 1, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.9333333333333333},
- 'chocolate': {r: 0.8235294117647058, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.11764705882352941},
- 'saddlebrown': {r: 0.5450980392156862, g: 0.27058823529411763, b: 0.07450980392156863},
- 'sandybrown': {r: 0.9568627450980393, g: 0.6431372549019608, b: 0.3764705882352941},
- 'peachpuff': {r: 1, g: 0.8549019607843137, b: 0.7254901960784313},
- 'peru': {r: 0.803921568627451, g: 0.5215686274509804, b: 0.24705882352941178},
- 'linen': {r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.9411764705882353, b: 0.9019607843137255},
- 'darkorange': {r: 1, g: 0.5490196078431373, b: 0},
- 'bisque': {r: 1, g: 0.8941176470588236, b: 0.7686274509803922},
- 'burlywood': {r: 0.8705882352941177, g: 0.7215686274509804, b: 0.5294117647058824},
- 'tan': {r: 0.8235294117647058, g: 0.7058823529411765, b: 0.5490196078431373},
- 'antiquewhite': {r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.9215686274509803, b: 0.8431372549019608},
- 'navajowhite': {r: 1, g: 0.8705882352941177, b: 0.6784313725490196},
- 'blanchedalmond': {r: 1, g: 0.9215686274509803, b: 0.803921568627451},
- 'papayawhip': {r: 1, g: 0.9372549019607843, b: 0.8352941176470589},
- 'orange': {r: 1, g: 0.6470588235294118, b: 0},
- 'moccasin': {r: 1, g: 0.8941176470588236, b: 0.7098039215686275},
- 'wheat': {r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 0.8705882352941177, b: 0.7019607843137254},
- 'oldlace': {r: 0.9921568627450981, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.9019607843137255},
- 'floralwhite': {r: 1, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.9411764705882353},
- 'goldenrod': {r: 0.8549019607843137, g: 0.6470588235294118, b: 0.12549019607843137},
- 'darkgoldenrod': {r: 0.7215686274509804, g: 0.5254901960784314, b: 0.043137254901960784},
- 'cornsilk': {r: 1, g: 0.9725490196078431, b: 0.8627450980392157},
- 'gold': {r: 1, g: 0.8431372549019608, b: 0},
- 'palegoldenrod': {r: 0.9333333333333333, g: 0.9098039215686274, b: 0.6666666666666666},
- 'khaki': {r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 0.9019607843137255, b: 0.5490196078431373},
- 'lemonchiffon': {r: 1, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.803921568627451},
- 'darkkhaki': {r: 0.7411764705882353, g: 0.7176470588235294, b: 0.4196078431372549},
- 'beige': {r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.8627450980392157},
- 'lightgoldenrodyellow': {r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.8235294117647058},
- 'olive': {r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0},
- 'yellow': {r: 1, g: 1, b: 0},
- 'lightyellow': {r: 1, g: 1, b: 0.8784313725490196},
- 'ivory': {r: 1, g: 1, b: 0.9411764705882353},
- 'olivedrab': {r: 0.4196078431372549, g: 0.5568627450980392, b: 0.13725490196078433},
- 'yellowgreen': {r: 0.6039215686274509, g: 0.803921568627451, b: 0.19607843137254902},
- 'darkolivegreen': {r: 0.3333333333333333, g: 0.4196078431372549, b: 0.1843137254901961},
- 'greenyellow': {r: 0.6784313725490196, g: 1, b: 0.1843137254901961},
- 'lawngreen': {r: 0.48627450980392156, g: 0.9882352941176471, b: 0},
- 'chartreuse': {r: 0.4980392156862745, g: 1, b: 0},
- 'darkseagreen': {r: 0.5607843137254902, g: 0.7372549019607844, b: 0.5607843137254902},
- 'forestgreen': {r: 0.13333333333333333, g: 0.5450980392156862, b: 0.13333333333333333},
- 'limegreen': {r: 0.19607843137254902, g: 0.803921568627451, b: 0.19607843137254902},
- 'lightgreen': {r: 0.5647058823529412, g: 0.9333333333333333, b: 0.5647058823529412},
- 'palegreen': {r: 0.596078431372549, g: 0.984313725490196, b: 0.596078431372549},
- 'darkgreen': {r: 0, g: 0.39215686274509803, b: 0},
- 'green': {r: 0, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0},
- 'lime': {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0},
- 'honeydew': {r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 1, b: 0.9411764705882353},
- 'mediumseagreen': {r: 0.23529411764705882, g: 0.7019607843137254, b: 0.44313725490196076},
- 'seagreen': {r: 0.1803921568627451, g: 0.5450980392156862, b: 0.3411764705882353},
- 'springgreen': {r: 0, g: 1, b: 0.4980392156862745},
- 'mintcream': {r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 1, b: 0.9803921568627451},
- 'mediumspringgreen': {r: 0, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.6039215686274509},
- 'mediumaquamarine': {r: 0.4, g: 0.803921568627451, b: 0.6666666666666666},
- 'aquamarine': {r: 0.4980392156862745, g: 1, b: 0.8313725490196079},
- 'turquoise': {r: 0.25098039215686274, g: 0.8784313725490196, b: 0.8156862745098039},
- 'lightseagreen': {r: 0.12549019607843137, g: 0.6980392156862745, b: 0.6666666666666666},
- 'mediumturquoise': {r: 0.2823529411764706, g: 0.8196078431372549, b: 0.8},
- 'darkslategray': {r: 0.1843137254901961, g: 0.30980392156862746, b: 0.30980392156862746},
- 'paleturquoise': {r: 0.6862745098039216, g: 0.9333333333333333, b: 0.9333333333333333},
- 'teal': {r: 0, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5019607843137255},
- 'darkcyan': {r: 0, g: 0.5450980392156862, b: 0.5450980392156862},
- 'darkturquoise': {r: 0, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.8196078431372549},
- 'aqua': {r: 0, g: 1, b: 1},
- 'cyan': {r: 0, g: 1, b: 1},
- 'lightcyan': {r: 0.8784313725490196, g: 1, b: 1},
- 'azure': {r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 1, b: 1},
- 'cadetblue': {r: 0.37254901960784315, g: 0.6196078431372549, b: 0.6274509803921569},
- 'powderblue': {r: 0.6901960784313725, g: 0.8784313725490196, b: 0.9019607843137255},
- 'lightblue': {r: 0.6784313725490196, g: 0.8470588235294118, b: 0.9019607843137255},
- 'deepskyblue': {r: 0, g: 0.7490196078431373, b: 1},
- 'skyblue': {r: 0.5294117647058824, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.9215686274509803},
- 'lightskyblue': {r: 0.5294117647058824, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.9803921568627451},
- 'steelblue': {r: 0.27450980392156865, g: 0.5098039215686274, b: 0.7058823529411765},
- 'aliceblue': {r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 0.9725490196078431, b: 1},
- 'dodgerblue': {r: 0.11764705882352941, g: 0.5647058823529412, b: 1},
- 'slategray': {r: 0.4392156862745098, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5647058823529412},
- 'lightslategray': {r: 0.4666666666666667, g: 0.5333333333333333, b: 0.6},
- 'lightsteelblue': {r: 0.6901960784313725, g: 0.7686274509803922, b: 0.8705882352941177},
- 'cornflowerblue': {r: 0.39215686274509803, g: 0.5843137254901961, b: 0.9294117647058824},
- 'royalblue': {r: 0.2549019607843137, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.8823529411764706},
- 'midnightblue': {r: 0.09803921568627451, g: 0.09803921568627451, b: 0.4392156862745098},
- 'lavender': {r: 0.9019607843137255, g: 0.9019607843137255, b: 0.9803921568627451},
- 'navy': {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.5019607843137255},
- 'darkblue': {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.5450980392156862},
- 'mediumblue': {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.803921568627451},
- 'blue': {r: 0, g: 0, b: 1},
- 'ghostwhite': {r: 0.9725490196078431, g: 0.9725490196078431, b: 1},
- 'darkslateblue': {r: 0.2823529411764706, g: 0.23921568627450981, b: 0.5450980392156862},
- 'slateblue': {r: 0.41568627450980394, g: 0.35294117647058826, b: 0.803921568627451},
- 'mediumslateblue': {r: 0.4823529411764706, g: 0.40784313725490196, b: 0.9333333333333333},
- 'mediumpurple': {r: 0.5764705882352941, g: 0.4392156862745098, b: 0.8588235294117647},
- 'blueviolet': {r: 0.5411764705882353, g: 0.16862745098039217, b: 0.8862745098039215},
- 'indigo': {r: 0.29411764705882354, g: 0, b: 0.5098039215686274},
- 'darkorchid': {r: 0.6, g: 0.19607843137254902, b: 0.8},
- 'darkviolet': {r: 0.5803921568627451, g: 0, b: 0.8274509803921568},
- 'mediumorchid': {r: 0.7294117647058823, g: 0.3333333333333333, b: 0.8274509803921568},
- 'thistle': {r: 0.8470588235294118, g: 0.7490196078431373, b: 0.8470588235294118},
- 'plum': {r: 0.8666666666666667, g: 0.6274509803921569, b: 0.8666666666666667},
- 'violet': {r: 0.9333333333333333, g: 0.5098039215686274, b: 0.9333333333333333},
- 'purple': {r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0, b: 0.5019607843137255},
- 'darkmagenta': {r: 0.5450980392156862, g: 0, b: 0.5450980392156862},
- 'magenta': {r: 1, g: 0, b: 1},
- 'fuchsia': {r: 1, g: 0, b: 1},
- 'orchid': {r: 0.8549019607843137, g: 0.4392156862745098, b: 0.8392156862745098},
- 'mediumvioletred': {r: 0.7803921568627451, g: 0.08235294117647059, b: 0.5215686274509804},
- 'deeppink': {r: 1, g: 0.0784313725490196, b: 0.5764705882352941},
- 'hotpink': {r: 1, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.7058823529411765},
- 'palevioletred': {r: 0.8588235294117647, g: 0.4392156862745098, b: 0.5764705882352941},
- 'lavenderblush': {r: 1, g: 0.9411764705882353, b: 0.9607843137254902},
- 'crimson': {r: 0.8627450980392157, g: 0.0784313725490196, b: 0.23529411764705882},
- 'pink': {r: 1, g: 0.7529411764705882, b: 0.796078431372549},
- 'lightpink': {r: 1, g: 0.7137254901960784, b: 0.7568627450980392}
- },
- _exactName = function(color) {
- var name = false;
- $.each(_colors, function(n, color_b) {
- if (color.equals(new Color(color_b.r, color_b.g, color_b.b))) {
- name = n;
- return false;
- }
- });
- return name;
- },
- _closestName = function(color) {
- var rgb = color.getRGB(),
- distance = null,
- name = false,
- d;
- $.each(_colors, function(n, color_b) {
- d = color.distance(new Color(color_b.r, color_b.g, color_b.b));
- if (d < distance || distance === null) {
- name = n;
- if (d == 0) {
- return false; // can't get much closer than 0
- }
- distance = d;
- }
- });
- return name;
- },
- _parseHex = function(color) {
- var c,
- m;
- // {#}rrggbb
- m = /^#?([a-fA-F0-9]{1,6})$/.exec(color);
- if (m) {
- c = parseInt(m[1], 16);
- return new Color(
- ((c >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255,
- ((c >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255,
- (c & 0xFF) / 255
- );
- }
- return false;
- },
- _parseColor = function(color) {
- var name = $.trim(color).toLowerCase(),
- m;
- if (color == '') {
- return new Color();
- }
- if (_colors[name]) {
- return new Color(_colors[name].r, _colors[name].g, _colors[name].b);
- }
- // rgba(r,g,b,a)
- m = /^rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color);
- if (m) {
- return new Color(
- m[1] / 255,
- m[2] / 255,
- m[3] / 255,
- parseFloat(m[4])
- );
- }
- // hsla(r,g,b,a)
- m = /^hsla?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color);
- if (m) {
- return (new Color()).setHSL(
- m[1] / 255,
- m[2] / 255,
- m[3] / 255).setAlpha(parseFloat(m[4]));
- }
- // rgba(r%,g%,b%,a%)
- m = /^rgba?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color);
- if (m) {
- return new Color(
- m[1] / 100,
- m[2] / 100,
- m[3] / 100,
- m[4] / 100
- );
- }
- // hsla(r%,g%,b%,a%)
- m = /^hsla?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color);
- if (m) {
- return (new Color()).setHSL(
- m[1] / 100,
- m[2] / 100,
- m[3] / 100).setAlpha(m[4] / 100);
- }
- // #rrggbb
- m = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})$/.exec(color);
- if (m) {
- return new Color(
- parseInt(m[1], 16) / 255,
- parseInt(m[2], 16) / 255,
- parseInt(m[3], 16) / 255
- );
- }
- // #rgb
- m = /^#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])$/.exec(color);
- if (m) {
- return new Color(
- parseInt(m[1] + m[1], 16) / 255,
- parseInt(m[2] + m[2], 16) / 255,
- parseInt(m[3] + m[3], 16) / 255
- );
- }
- return _parseHex(color);
- },
- _layoutTable = function(layout, callback) {
- var bitmap,
- x,
- y,
- width, height,
- columns, rows,
- index,
- cell,
- html,
- w,
- h,
- colspan,
- walked;
- layout.sort(function(a, b) {
- if (a.pos[1] == b.pos[1]) {
- return a.pos[0] - b.pos[0];
- }
- return a.pos[1] - b.pos[1];
- });
- // Determine dimensions of the table
- width = 0;
- height = 0;
- $.each (layout, function(index, part) {
- width = Math.max(width, part.pos[0] + part.pos[2]);
- height = Math.max(height, part.pos[1] + part.pos[3]);
- });
- // Initialize bitmap
- bitmap = [];
- for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
- bitmap.push([]);
- }
- // Mark rows and columns which have layout assigned
- rows = [];
- columns = [];
- $.each(layout, function(index, part) {
- // mark columns
- for (x = 0; x < part.pos[2]; x += 1) {
- columns[part.pos[0] + x] = true;
- }
- for (y = 0; y < part.pos[3]; y += 1) {
- rows[part.pos[1] + y] = true;
- }
- });
- // Generate the table
- html = '';
- cell = layout[index = 0];
- for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
- html += '';
- for (x = 0; x < width; x) {
- if (typeof cell !== 'undefined' && x == cell.pos[0] && y == cell.pos[1]) {
- // Create a "real" cell
- html += callback(cell, x, y);
- for (h = 0; h < cell.pos[3]; h +=1) {
- for (w = 0; w < cell.pos[2]; w +=1) {
- bitmap[x + w][y + h] = true;
- }
- }
- x += cell.pos[2];
- cell = layout[++index];
- } else {
- // Fill in the gaps
- colspan = 0;
- walked = false;
- while (x < width && bitmap[x][y] === undefined && (cell === undefined || y < cell.pos[1] || (y == cell.pos[1] && x < cell.pos[0]))) {
- if (columns[x] === true) {
- colspan += 1;
- }
- walked = true;
- x += 1;
- }
- if (colspan > 0) {
- html += ' ';
- } else if (!walked) {
- x += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- html += ' ';
- }
- return '';
- },
- _parts = {
- header: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- e = null,
- _html =function() {
- var title = inst.options.title || inst._getRegional('title'),
- html = '' + title + ' ';
- if (!inst.inline && inst.options.showCloseButton) {
- html += ''
- + 'close ';
- }
- return '';
- };
- this.init = function() {
- e = $(_html()).prependTo(inst.dialog);
- var close = $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close', e);
- inst._hoverable(close);
- inst._focusable(close);
- close.click(function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- inst.close();
- });
- if (!inst.inline && inst.options.draggable) {
- inst.dialog.draggable({
- handle: e
- });
- }
- };
- },
- map: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- e = null,
- mousemove_timeout = null,
- _mousedown, _mouseup, _mousemove, _html;
- _mousedown = function (event) {
- if (!inst.opened) {
- return;
- }
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- offset = div.offset(),
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- height = div.height(),
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- $(document).bind('mouseup', _mouseup);
- $(document).bind('mousemove', _mousemove);
- _mousemove(event);
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- $(document).unbind('mousemove', _mousemove);
- e.bind('mousedown', _mousedown);
- };
- _mousemove = function (event) {
- event.stopImmediatePropagation();
- event.preventDefault();
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- return;
- }
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- that.y = event.pageY;
- var div = $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-pointer', e),
- offset = div.offset(),
- width = div.width(),
- height = div.height(),
- x = event.pageX - offset.left,
- y = event.pageY - offset.top;
- x = Math.max(0, Math.min(x / width, 1));
- y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y / height, 1));
- // interpret values
- switch (inst.mode) {
- case 'h':
- inst.color.setHSV(null, x, 1 - y);
- break;
- case 's':
- case 'a':
- inst.color.setHSV(x, null, 1 - y);
- break;
- case 'v':
- inst.color.setHSV(x, 1 - y, null);
- break;
- case 'r':
- inst.color.setRGB(null, 1 - y, x);
- break;
- case 'g':
- inst.color.setRGB(1 - y, null, x);
- break;
- case 'b':
- inst.color.setRGB(x, 1 - y, null);
- break;
- }
- inst._change();
- };
- _html = function () {
- var html = ''
- + ' '
- + ' '
- + (inst.options.alpha ? ' ' : '')
- + '
- return html;
- };
- this.update = function () {
- switch (inst.mode) {
- case 'h':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 0', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).hide();
- break;
- case 's':
- case 'a':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -260px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -520px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- break;
- case 'v':
- $(e).css('background-color', 'black');
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -780px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).hide();
- break;
- case 'r':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1040px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1300px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- break;
- case 'g':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1560px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1820px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- break;
- case 'b':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2080px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2340px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- break;
- }
- that.repaint();
- };
- this.repaint = function () {
- var div = $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-pointer', e),
- x = 0,
- y = 0;
- switch (inst.mode) {
- case 'h':
- x = inst.color.getHSV().s * div.width();
- y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().v) * div.width();
- $(e).css('background-color', inst.color.copy().normalize().toCSS());
- break;
- case 's':
- case 'a':
- x = inst.color.getHSV().h * div.width();
- y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().v) * div.width();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getHSV().s);
- break;
- case 'v':
- x = inst.color.getHSV().h * div.width();
- y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().s) * div.width();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', e).css('opacity', inst.color.getHSV().v);
- break;
- case 'r':
- x = inst.color.getRGB().b * div.width();
- y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().g) * div.width();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css('opacity', inst.color.getRGB().r);
- break;
- case 'g':
- x = inst.color.getRGB().b * div.width();
- y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().r) * div.width();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css('opacity', inst.color.getRGB().g);
- break;
- case 'b':
- x = inst.color.getRGB().r * div.width();
- y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().g) * div.width();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', e).css('opacity', inst.color.getRGB().b);
- break;
- }
- if (inst.options.alpha) {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-alpha', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getAlpha());
- }
- $('.ui-colorpicker-map-pointer', e).css({
- 'left': x - 7,
- 'top': y - 7
- });
- };
- this.init = function () {
- e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-map-container', inst.dialog));
- e.bind('mousedown', _mousedown);
- };
- },
- bar: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- e = null,
- _mousedown, _mouseup, _mousemove, _html;
- _mousedown = function (event) {
- if (!inst.opened) {
- return;
- }
- var div = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-pointer', e),
- offset = div.offset(),
- width = div.width(),
- height = div.height(),
- x = event.pageX - offset.left,
- y = event.pageY - offset.top;
- if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) {
- event.stopImmediatePropagation();
- event.preventDefault();
- e.unbind('mousedown', _mousedown);
- $(document).bind('mouseup', _mouseup);
- $(document).bind('mousemove', _mousemove);
- _mousemove(event);
- }
- };
- _mouseup = function (event) {
- event.stopImmediatePropagation();
- event.preventDefault();
- $(document).unbind('mouseup', _mouseup);
- $(document).unbind('mousemove', _mousemove);
- e.bind('mousedown', _mousedown);
- };
- _mousemove = function (event) {
- event.stopImmediatePropagation();
- event.preventDefault();
- if (event.pageY === that.y) {
- return;
- }
- that.y = event.pageY;
- var div = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-pointer', e),
- offset = div.offset(),
- height = div.height(),
- y = event.pageY - offset.top;
- y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y / height, 1));
- // interpret values
- switch (inst.mode) {
- case 'h':
- inst.color.setHSV(1 - y, null, null);
- break;
- case 's':
- inst.color.setHSV(null, 1 - y, null);
- break;
- case 'v':
- inst.color.setHSV(null, null, 1 - y);
- break;
- case 'r':
- inst.color.setRGB(1 - y, null, null);
- break;
- case 'g':
- inst.color.setRGB(null, 1 - y, null);
- break;
- case 'b':
- inst.color.setRGB(null, null, 1 - y);
- break;
- case 'a':
- inst.color.setAlpha(1 - y);
- break;
- }
- inst._change();
- };
- _html = function () {
- var html = ''
- + ' '
- + ' '
- + ' '
- + ' ';
- if (inst.options.alpha) {
- html += ' '
- + ' ';
- }
- html += '
- return html;
- };
- this.update = function () {
- switch (inst.mode) {
- case 'h':
- case 's':
- case 'v':
- case 'r':
- case 'g':
- case 'b':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alpha', e).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alphabar', e).hide();
- break;
- case 'a':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alpha', e).hide();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alphabar', e).show();
- break;
- }
- switch (inst.mode) {
- case 'h':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 0', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).hide();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).hide();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).hide();
- break;
- case 's':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -260px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -520px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).hide();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).hide();
- break;
- case 'v':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -520px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).hide();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).hide();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).hide();
- break;
- case 'r':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1560px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1300px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css({'background-position': '0 -780px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1040px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- break;
- case 'g':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2600px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2340px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css({'background-position': '0 -1820px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2080px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- break;
- case 'b':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).css({'background-position': '0 -3640px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css({'background-position': '0 -3380px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css({'background-position': '0 -2860px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css({'background-position': '0 -3120px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
- break;
- case 'a':
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', e).hide();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).hide();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).hide();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).hide();
- break;
- }
- that.repaint();
- };
- this.repaint = function () {
- var div = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-pointer', e),
- y = 0;
- switch (inst.mode) {
- case 'h':
- y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().h) * div.height();
- break;
- case 's':
- y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().s) * div.height();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getHSV().v);
- $(e).css('background-color', inst.color.copy().normalize().toCSS());
- break;
- case 'v':
- y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().v) * div.height();
- $(e).css('background-color', inst.color.copy().normalize().toCSS());
- break;
- case 'r':
- y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().r) * div.height();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().b - inst.color.getRGB().g)));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().g - inst.color.getRGB().b)));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css('opacity', Math.min(inst.color.getRGB().b, inst.color.getRGB().g));
- break;
- case 'g':
- y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().g) * div.height();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().b - inst.color.getRGB().r)));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().r - inst.color.getRGB().b)));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css('opacity', Math.min(inst.color.getRGB().r, inst.color.getRGB().b));
- break;
- case 'b':
- y = (1 - inst.color.getRGB().b) * div.height();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().r - inst.color.getRGB().g)));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', e).css('opacity', Math.max(0, (inst.color.getRGB().g - inst.color.getRGB().r)));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', e).css('opacity', Math.min(inst.color.getRGB().r, inst.color.getRGB().g));
- break;
- case 'a':
- y = (1 - inst.color.getAlpha()) * div.height();
- $(e).css('background-color', inst.color.copy().normalize().toCSS());
- break;
- }
- if (inst.mode !== 'a') {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alpha', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getAlpha());
- }
- $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-pointer', e).css('top', y - 3);
- };
- this.init = function () {
- e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-bar-container', inst.dialog));
- e.bind('mousedown', _mousedown);
- };
- },
- preview: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- e = null,
- _html;
- _html = function () {
- return '';
- };
- this.init = function () {
- e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-preview-container', inst.dialog));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial', e).click(function () {
- inst.color = inst.currentColor.copy();
- inst._change();
- });
- };
- this.update = function () {
- if (inst.options.alpha) {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial-alpha, .ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha', e).show();
- } else {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial-alpha, .ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha', e).hide();
- }
- this.repaint();
- };
- this.repaint = function () {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial', e).css('background-color', inst.currentColor.toCSS()).attr('title', inst.currentColor.toHex());
- $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial-alpha', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.currentColor.getAlpha());
- $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-current', e).css('background-color', inst.color.toCSS()).attr('title', inst.color.toHex());
- $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha', e).css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getAlpha());
- };
- },
- hsv: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- e = null,
- _html;
- _html = function () {
- var html = '';
- if (inst.options.hsv) {
- html += '' + inst._getRegional('hsvH') + ' °
- + '' + inst._getRegional('hsvS') + ' %
- + '' + inst._getRegional('hsvV') + ' %
- }
- return '' + html + '
- };
- this.init = function () {
- e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-container', inst.dialog));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).click(function () {
- inst.mode = $(this).val();
- inst._updateAllParts();
- });
- $('.ui-colorpicker-number', e).bind('change keyup', function () {
- inst.color.setHSV(
- $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-h .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 360,
- $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-s .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 100,
- $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-v .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 100
- );
- inst._change();
- });
- };
- this.repaint = function () {
- var hsv = inst.color.getHSV();
- hsv.h *= 360;
- hsv.s *= 100;
- hsv.v *= 100;
- $.each(hsv, function (index, value) {
- var input = $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-' + index + ' .ui-colorpicker-number', e);
- value = Math.round(value);
- if (input.val() !== value) {
- input.val(value);
- }
- });
- };
- this.update = function () {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).each(function () {
- $(this).attr('checked', $(this).val() === inst.mode);
- });
- this.repaint();
- };
- },
- rgb: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- e = null,
- _html;
- _html = function () {
- var html = '';
- if (inst.options.rgb) {
- html += '' + inst._getRegional('rgbR') + '
- + '' + inst._getRegional('rgbG') + '
- + '' + inst._getRegional('rgbB') + '
- }
- return '' + html + '
- };
- this.init = function () {
- e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-container', inst.dialog));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).click(function () {
- inst.mode = $(this).val();
- inst._updateAllParts();
- });
- $('.ui-colorpicker-number', e).bind('change keyup', function () {
- inst.color.setRGB(
- $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-r .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 255,
- $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-g .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 255,
- $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-b .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 255
- );
- inst._change();
- });
- };
- this.repaint = function () {
- $.each(inst.color.getRGB(), function (index, value) {
- var input = $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-' + index + ' .ui-colorpicker-number', e);
- value = Math.round(value * 255);
- if (input.val() !== value) {
- input.val(value);
- }
- });
- };
- this.update = function () {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).each(function () {
- $(this).attr('checked', $(this).val() === inst.mode);
- });
- this.repaint();
- };
- },
- lab: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- part = null,
- html = function () {
- var html = '';
- if (inst.options.hsv) {
- html += '' + inst._getRegional('labL') + '
- + '' + inst._getRegional('labA') + '
- + '' + inst._getRegional('labB') + '
- }
- return '' + html + '
- };
- this.init = function () {
- var data = 0;
- part = $(html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-lab-container', inst.dialog));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-number', part).on('change keyup', function (event) {
- inst.color.setLAB(
- parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-lab-l .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) / 100,
- (parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-lab-a .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) + 128) / 255,
- (parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-lab-b .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) + 128) / 255
- );
- inst._change();
- });
- };
- this.repaint = function () {
- var lab = inst.color.getLAB();
- lab.l *= 100;
- lab.a = (lab.a * 255) - 128;
- lab.b = (lab.b * 255) - 128;
- $.each(lab, function (index, value) {
- var input = $('.ui-colorpicker-lab-' + index + ' .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
- value = Math.round(value);
- if (input.val() !== value) {
- input.val(value);
- }
- });
- };
- this.update = function () {
- this.repaint();
- };
- },
- cmyk: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- part = null,
- html = function () {
- var html = '';
- if (inst.options.hsv) {
- html += '' + inst._getRegional('cmykC') + ' %
- + '' + inst._getRegional('cmykM') + ' %
- + '' + inst._getRegional('cmykY') + ' %
- + '' + inst._getRegional('cmykK') + ' %
- }
- return '' + html + '
- };
- this.init = function () {
- part = $(html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-container', inst.dialog));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-number', part).on('change keyup', function (event) {
- inst.color.setCMYK(
- parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-c .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) / 100,
- parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-m .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) / 100,
- parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-y .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) / 100,
- parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-k .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val(), 10) / 100
- );
- inst._change();
- });
- };
- this.repaint = function () {
- $.each(inst.color.getCMYK(), function (index, value) {
- var input = $('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-' + index + ' .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
- value = Math.round(value * 100);
- if (input.val() !== value) {
- input.val(value);
- }
- });
- };
- this.update = function () {
- this.repaint();
- };
- },
- alpha: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- e = null,
- _html;
- _html = function () {
- var html = '';
- if (inst.options.alpha) {
- html += '' + inst._getRegional('alphaA') + ' %
- }
- return '' + html + '
- };
- this.init = function () {
- e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-alpha-container', inst.dialog));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).click(function () {
- inst.mode = $(this).val();
- inst._updateAllParts();
- });
- $('.ui-colorpicker-number', e).bind('change keyup', function () {
- inst.color.setAlpha($('.ui-colorpicker-a .ui-colorpicker-number', e).val() / 100);
- inst._change();
- });
- };
- this.update = function () {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', e).each(function () {
- $(this).attr('checked', $(this).val() === inst.mode);
- });
- this.repaint();
- };
- this.repaint = function () {
- var input = $('.ui-colorpicker-a .ui-colorpicker-number', e),
- value = Math.round(inst.color.getAlpha() * 100);
- if (!input.is(':focus') && input.val() !== value) {
- input.val(value);
- }
- };
- },
- hex: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- e = null,
- _html;
- _html = function () {
- var html = '';
- if (inst.options.alpha) {
- html += ' ';
- }
- html += ' ';
- return '# ' + html + '
- };
- this.init = function () {
- e = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-hex-container', inst.dialog));
- // repeat here makes the invalid input disappear faster
- $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-input', e).bind('change keydown keyup', function (a, b, c) {
- if (/[^a-fA-F0-9]/.test($(this).val())) {
- $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^a-fA-F0-9]/, ''));
- }
- });
- $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-input', e).bind('change keyup', function () {
- // repeat here makes sure that the invalid input doesn't get parsed
- inst.color = _parseHex($(this).val()).setAlpha(inst.color.getAlpha());
- inst._change();
- });
- $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', e).bind('change keydown keyup', function () {
- if (/[^a-fA-F0-9]/.test($(this).val())) {
- $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/[^a-fA-F0-9]/, ''));
- }
- });
- $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', e).bind('change keyup', function () {
- inst.color.setAlpha(parseInt($('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', e).val(), 16) / 255);
- inst._change();
- });
- };
- this.update = function () {
- this.repaint();
- };
- this.repaint = function () {
- if (!$('.ui-colorpicker-hex-input', e).is(':focus')) {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-input', e).val(inst.color.toHex(true));
- }
- if (!$('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', e).is(':focus')) {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', e).val(_intToHex(inst.color.getAlpha() * 255));
- }
- };
- },
- swatches: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- part = null,
- html = function () {
- var html = '';
- $.each(inst.options.swatches, function (name, color) {
- var c = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b),
- css = c.toCSS();
- html += '
- });
- return '' + html + '
- };
- this.init = function () {
- part = $(html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-swatches-container', inst.dialog));
- $('.ui-colorpicker-swatch', part).click(function () {
- inst.color = _parseColor($(this).css('background-color'));
- inst._change();
- });
- };
- },
- footer: function (inst) {
- var that = this,
- part = null,
- id_transparent = 'ui-colorpicker-special-transparent-'+_colorpicker_index,
- id_none = 'ui-colorpicker-special-none-'+_colorpicker_index,
- html = function () {
- var html = '';
- if (inst.options.alpha || (!inst.inline && inst.options.showNoneButton)) {
- html += '';
- if (inst.options.alpha) {
- html += '' + inst._getRegional('transparent') + ' ';
- }
- if (!inst.inline && inst.options.showNoneButton) {
- html += '' + inst._getRegional('none') + ' ';
- }
- html += '
- }
- if (!inst.inline) {
- html += '';
- if (inst.options.showCancelButton) {
- html += '' + inst._getRegional('cancel') + ' ';
- }
- html += '' + inst._getRegional('ok') + ' ';
- html += '
- }
- return '' + html + '
- };
- this.init = function () {
- part = $(html()).appendTo(inst.dialog);
- $('.ui-colorpicker-ok', part).button().click(function () {
- inst.close();
- });
- $('.ui-colorpicker-cancel', part).button().click(function () {
- inst.color = inst.currentColor.copy();
- inst._change(inst.color.set);
- inst.close();
- });
- //inst._getRegional('transparent')
- $('.ui-colorpicker-buttonset', part).buttonset();
- $('.ui-colorpicker-special-color', part).click(function () {
- inst._change();
- });
- $('#'+id_none, part).click(function () {
- inst._change(false);
- });
- $('#'+id_transparent, part).click(function () {
- inst.color.setAlpha(0);
- inst._change();
- });
- };
- this.repaint = function () {
- if (!inst.color.set) {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-special-none', part).attr('checked', true).button( "refresh" );
- } else if (inst.color.getAlpha() == 0) {
- $('.ui-colorpicker-special-transparent', part).attr('checked', true).button( "refresh" );
- } else {
- $('input', part).attr('checked', false).button( "refresh" );
- }
- $('.ui-colorpicker-cancel', part).button(inst.changed ? 'enable' : 'disable');
- };
- this.update = function () {};
- }
- },
- Color = function () {
- var spaces = { rgb: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0},
- hsv: {h: 0, s: 0, v: 0},
- hsl: {h: 0, s: 0, l: 0},
- lab: {l: 0, a: 0, b: 0},
- cmyk: {c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 1}
- },
- a = 1,
- arg,
- args = arguments,
- _clip = function(v) {
- if (isNaN(v) || v === null) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (typeof v == 'string') {
- v = parseInt(v, 10);
- }
- return Math.max(0, Math.min(v, 1));
- },
- _hexify = function (number) {
- var digits = '0123456789abcdef',
- lsd = number % 16,
- msd = (number - lsd) / 16,
- hexified = digits.charAt(msd) + digits.charAt(lsd);
- return hexified;
- },
- _rgb_to_xyz = function(rgb) {
- var r = (rgb.r > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((rgb.r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : rgb.r / 12.92,
- g = (rgb.g > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((rgb.g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : rgb.g / 12.92,
- b = (rgb.b > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((rgb.b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : rgb.b / 12.92;
- return {
- x: r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805,
- y: r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722,
- z: r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505
- };
- },
- _xyz_to_rgb = function(xyz) {
- var rgb = {
- r: xyz.x * 3.2406 + xyz.y * -1.5372 + xyz.z * -0.4986,
- g: xyz.x * -0.9689 + xyz.y * 1.8758 + xyz.z * 0.0415,
- b: xyz.x * 0.0557 + xyz.y * -0.2040 + xyz.z * 1.0570
- };
- rgb.r = (rgb.r > 0.0031308) ? 1.055 * Math.pow(rgb.r, (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * rgb.r;
- rgb.g = (rgb.g > 0.0031308) ? 1.055 * Math.pow(rgb.g, (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * rgb.g;
- rgb.b = (rgb.b > 0.0031308) ? 1.055 * Math.pow(rgb.b, (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * rgb.b;
- return rgb;
- },
- _rgb_to_hsv = function(rgb) {
- var minVal = Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b),
- maxVal = Math.max(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b),
- delta = maxVal - minVal,
- del_R, del_G, del_B,
- hsv = {
- h: 0,
- s: 0,
- v: maxVal
- };
- if (delta === 0) {
- hsv.h = 0;
- hsv.s = 0;
- } else {
- hsv.s = delta / maxVal;
- del_R = (((maxVal - rgb.r) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- del_G = (((maxVal - rgb.g) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- del_B = (((maxVal - rgb.b) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- if (rgb.r === maxVal) {
- hsv.h = del_B - del_G;
- } else if (rgb.g === maxVal) {
- hsv.h = (1 / 3) + del_R - del_B;
- } else if (rgb.b === maxVal) {
- hsv.h = (2 / 3) + del_G - del_R;
- }
- if (hsv.h < 0) {
- hsv.h += 1;
- } else if (hsv.h > 1) {
- hsv.h -= 1;
- }
- }
- return hsv;
- },
- _hsv_to_rgb = function(hsv) {
- var rgb = {
- r: 0,
- g: 0,
- b: 0
- },
- var_h,
- var_i,
- var_1,
- var_2,
- var_3;
- if (hsv.s === 0) {
- rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = hsv.v;
- } else {
- var_h = hsv.h === 1 ? 0 : hsv.h * 6;
- var_i = Math.floor(var_h);
- var_1 = hsv.v * (1 - hsv.s);
- var_2 = hsv.v * (1 - hsv.s * (var_h - var_i));
- var_3 = hsv.v * (1 - hsv.s * (1 - (var_h - var_i)));
- if (var_i === 0) {
- rgb.r = hsv.v;
- rgb.g = var_3;
- rgb.b = var_1;
- } else if (var_i === 1) {
- rgb.r = var_2;
- rgb.g = hsv.v;
- rgb.b = var_1;
- } else if (var_i === 2) {
- rgb.r = var_1;
- rgb.g = hsv.v;
- rgb.b = var_3;
- } else if (var_i === 3) {
- rgb.r = var_1;
- rgb.g = var_2;
- rgb.b = hsv.v;
- } else if (var_i === 4) {
- rgb.r = var_3;
- rgb.g = var_1;
- rgb.b = hsv.v;
- } else {
- rgb.r = hsv.v;
- rgb.g = var_1;
- rgb.b = var_2;
- }
- }
- return rgb;
- },
- _rgb_to_hsl = function(rgb) {
- var minVal = Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b),
- maxVal = Math.max(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b),
- delta = maxVal - minVal,
- del_R, del_G, del_B,
- hsl = {
- h: 0,
- s: 0,
- l: (maxVal + minVal) / 2
- };
- if (delta === 0) {
- hsl.h = 0;
- hsl.s = 0;
- } else {
- hsl.s = hsl.l < 0.5 ? delta / (maxVal + minVal) : delta / (2 - maxVal - minVal);
- del_R = (((maxVal - rgb.r) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- del_G = (((maxVal - rgb.g) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- del_B = (((maxVal - rgb.b) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
- if (rgb.r === maxVal) {
- hsl.h = del_B - del_G;
- } else if (rgb.g === maxVal) {
- hsl.h = (1 / 3) + del_R - del_B;
- } else if (rgb.b === maxVal) {
- hsl.h = (2 / 3) + del_G - del_R;
- }
- if (hsl.h < 0) {
- hsl.h += 1;
- } else if (hsl.h > 1) {
- hsl.h -= 1;
- }
- }
- return hsl;
- },
- _hsl_to_rgb = function(hsl) {
- var var_1,
- var_2,
- hue_to_rgb = function(v1, v2, vH) {
- if (vH < 0) {
- vH += 1;
- }
- if (vH > 1) {
- vH -= 1;
- }
- if ((6 * vH) < 1) {
- return v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6 * vH;
- }
- if ((2 * vH) < 1) {
- return v2;
- }
- if ((3 * vH) < 2) {
- return v1 + (v2 - v1) * ((2 / 3) - vH) * 6;
- }
- return v1;
- };
- if (hsl.s === 0) {
- return {
- r: hsl.l,
- g: hsl.l,
- b: hsl.l
- };
- }
- var_2 = (hsl.l < 0.5) ? hsl.l * (1 + hsl.s) : (hsl.l + hsl.s) - (hsl.s * hsl.l);
- var_1 = 2 * hsl.l - var_2;
- return {
- r: hue_to_rgb(var_1, var_2, hsl.h + (1 / 3)),
- g: hue_to_rgb(var_1, var_2, hsl.h),
- b: hue_to_rgb(var_1, var_2, hsl.h - (1 / 3))
- };
- },
- _xyz_to_lab = function(xyz) {
- // CIE-L*ab D65 1931
- var x = xyz.x / 0.95047,
- y = xyz.y,
- z = xyz.z / 1.08883;
- x = (x > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(x, (1/3)) : (7.787 * x) + (16/116);
- y = (y > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(y, (1/3)) : (7.787 * y) + (16/116);
- z = (z > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(z, (1/3)) : (7.787 * z) + (16/116);
- return {
- l: ((116 * y) - 16) / 100, // [0,100]
- a: ((500 * (x - y)) + 128) / 255, // [-128,127]
- b: ((200 * (y - z)) + 128) / 255 // [-128,127]
- };
- },
- _lab_to_xyz = function(lab) {
- var lab2 = {
- l: lab.l * 100,
- a: (lab.a * 255) - 128,
- b: (lab.b * 255) - 128
- },
- xyz = {
- x: 0,
- y: (lab2.l + 16) / 116,
- z: 0
- };
- xyz.x = lab2.a / 500 + xyz.y;
- xyz.z = xyz.y - lab2.b / 200;
- xyz.x = (Math.pow(xyz.x, 3) > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(xyz.x, 3) : (xyz.x - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
- xyz.y = (Math.pow(xyz.y, 3) > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(xyz.y, 3) : (xyz.y - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
- xyz.z = (Math.pow(xyz.z, 3) > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(xyz.z, 3) : (xyz.z - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
- xyz.x *= 0.95047;
- xyz.y *= 1;
- xyz.z *= 1.08883;
- return xyz;
- },
- _rgb_to_cmy = function(rgb) {
- return {
- c: 1 - (rgb.r),
- m: 1 - (rgb.g),
- y: 1 - (rgb.b)
- };
- },
- _cmy_to_rgb = function(cmy) {
- return {
- r: 1 - (cmy.c),
- g: 1 - (cmy.m),
- b: 1 - (cmy.y)
- };
- },
- _cmy_to_cmyk = function(cmy) {
- var K = 1;
- if (cmy.c < K) {
- K = cmy.c;
- }
- if (cmy.m < K) {
- K = cmy.m;
- }
- if (cmy.y < K) {
- K = cmy.y;
- }
- if (K == 1) {
- return {
- c: 0,
- m: 0,
- y: 0,
- k: 1
- };
- }
- return {
- c: (cmy.c - K) / (1 - K),
- m: (cmy.m - K) / (1 - K),
- y: (cmy.y - K) / (1 - K),
- k: K
- };
- },
- _cmyk_to_cmy = function(cmyk) {
- return {
- c: cmyk.c * (1 - cmyk.k) + cmyk.k,
- m: cmyk.m * (1 - cmyk.k) + cmyk.k,
- y: cmyk.y * (1 - cmyk.k) + cmyk.k
- };
- };
- this.set = true;
- this.setAlpha = function(_a) {
- if (_a !== null) {
- a = _clip(_a);
- }
- return this;
- };
- this.getAlpha = function() {
- return a;
- };
- this.setRGB = function(r, g, b) {
- spaces = {rgb: this.getRGB()};
- if (r !== null) {
- spaces.rgb.r = _clip(r);
- }
- if (g !== null) {
- spaces.rgb.g = _clip(g);
- }
- if (b !== null) {
- spaces.rgb.b = _clip(b);
- }
- return this;
- };
- this.setHSV = function(h, s, v) {
- spaces = {hsv: this.getHSV()};
- if (h !== null) {
- spaces.hsv.h = _clip(h);
- }
- if (s !== null) {
- spaces.hsv.s = _clip(s);
- }
- if (v !== null) {
- spaces.hsv.v = _clip(v);
- }
- return this;
- };
- this.setHSL = function(h, s, l) {
- spaces = {hsl: this.getHSL()};
- if (h !== null) {
- spaces.hsl.h = _clip(h);
- }
- if (s !== null) {
- spaces.hsl.s = _clip(s);
- }
- if (l !== null) {
- spaces.hsl.l = _clip(l);
- }
- return this;
- };
- this.setLAB = function(l, a, b) {
- spaces = {lab: this.getLAB()};
- if (l !== null) {
- spaces.lab.l = _clip(l);
- }
- if (a !== null) {
- spaces.lab.a = _clip(a);
- }
- if (b !== null) {
- spaces.lab.b = _clip(b);
- }
- return this;
- };
- this.setCMYK = function(c, m, y, k) {
- spaces = {cmyk: this.getCMYK()};
- if (c !== null) {
- spaces.cmyk.c = _clip(c);
- }
- if (m !== null) {
- spaces.cmyk.m = _clip(m);
- }
- if (y !== null) {
- spaces.cmyk.y = _clip(y);
- }
- if (k !== null) {
- spaces.cmyk.k = _clip(k);
- }
- return this;
- };
- this.getRGB = function() {
- if (!spaces.rgb) {
- spaces.rgb = spaces.lab ? _xyz_to_rgb(_lab_to_xyz(spaces.lab))
- : spaces.hsv ? _hsv_to_rgb(spaces.hsv)
- : spaces.hsl ? _hsl_to_rgb(spaces.hsl)
- : spaces.cmyk ? _cmy_to_rgb(_cmyk_to_cmy(spaces.cmyk))
- : {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0};
- spaces.rgb.r = _clip(spaces.rgb.r);
- spaces.rgb.g = _clip(spaces.rgb.g);
- spaces.rgb.b = _clip(spaces.rgb.b);
- }
- return $.extend({}, spaces.rgb);
- };
- this.getHSV = function() {
- if (!spaces.hsv) {
- spaces.hsv = spaces.lab ? _rgb_to_hsv(this.getRGB())
- : spaces.rgb ? _rgb_to_hsv(spaces.rgb)
- : spaces.hsl ? _rgb_to_hsv(this.getRGB())
- : spaces.cmyk ? _rgb_to_hsv(this.getRGB())
- : {h: 0, s: 0, v: 0};
- spaces.hsv.h = _clip(spaces.hsv.h);
- spaces.hsv.s = _clip(spaces.hsv.s);
- spaces.hsv.v = _clip(spaces.hsv.v);
- }
- return $.extend({}, spaces.hsv);
- };
- this.getHSL = function() {
- if (!spaces.hsl) {
- spaces.hsl = spaces.rgb ? _rgb_to_hsl(spaces.rgb)
- : spaces.hsv ? _rgb_to_hsl(this.getRGB())
- : spaces.cmyk ? _rgb_to_hsl(this.getRGB())
- : spaces.hsv ? _rgb_to_hsl(this.getRGB())
- : {h: 0, s: 0, l: 0};
- spaces.hsl.h = _clip(spaces.hsl.h);
- spaces.hsl.s = _clip(spaces.hsl.s);
- spaces.hsl.l = _clip(spaces.hsl.l);
- }
- return $.extend({}, spaces.hsl);
- };
- this.getCMYK = function() {
- if (!spaces.cmyk) {
- spaces.cmyk = spaces.rgb ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(spaces.rgb))
- : spaces.hsv ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(this.getRGB()))
- : spaces.hsl ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(this.getRGB()))
- : spaces.lab ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(this.getRGB()))
- : {c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 1};
- spaces.cmyk.c = _clip(spaces.cmyk.c);
- spaces.cmyk.m = _clip(spaces.cmyk.m);
- spaces.cmyk.y = _clip(spaces.cmyk.y);
- spaces.cmyk.k = _clip(spaces.cmyk.k);
- }
- return $.extend({}, spaces.cmyk);
- };
- this.getLAB = function() {
- if (!spaces.lab) {
- spaces.lab = spaces.rgb ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(spaces.rgb))
- : spaces.hsv ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(this.getRGB()))
- : spaces.hsl ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(this.getRGB()))
- : spaces.cmyk ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(this.getRGB()))
- : {l: 0, a: 0, b: 0};
- spaces.lab.l = _clip(spaces.lab.l);
- spaces.lab.a = _clip(spaces.lab.a);
- spaces.lab.b = _clip(spaces.lab.b);
- }
- return $.extend({}, spaces.lab);
- };
- this.getChannels = function() {
- return {
- r: this.getRGB().r,
- g: this.getRGB().g,
- b: this.getRGB().b,
- a: this.getAlpha(),
- h: this.getHSV().h,
- s: this.getHSV().s,
- v: this.getHSV().v,
- c: this.getCMYK().c,
- m: this.getCMYK().m,
- y: this.getCMYK().y,
- k: this.getCMYK().k,
- L: this.getLAB().l,
- A: this.getLAB().a,
- B: this.getLAB().b
- };
- };
- this.distance = function(color) {
- var space = 'lab',
- getter = 'get'+space.toUpperCase(),
- a = this[getter](),
- b = color[getter](),
- distance = 0,
- channel;
- for (channel in a) {
- distance += Math.pow(a[channel] - b[channel], 2);
- }
- return distance;
- };
- this.equals = function(color) {
- var a = this.getRGB(),
- b = color.getRGB();
- return this.getAlpha() == color.getAlpha()
- && a.r == b.r
- && a.g == b.g
- && a.b == b.b;
- };
- this.limit = function(steps) {
- steps -= 1;
- var rgb = this.getRGB();
- this.setRGB(
- Math.round(rgb.r * steps) / steps,
- Math.round(rgb.g * steps) / steps,
- Math.round(rgb.b * steps) / steps
- );
- };
- this.toHex = function() {
- var rgb = this.getRGB();
- return _hexify(rgb.r * 255) + _hexify(rgb.g * 255) + _hexify(rgb.b * 255);
- };
- this.toCSS = function() {
- return '#' + this.toHex();
- };
- this.normalize = function() {
- this.setHSV(null, 1, 1);
- return this;
- };
- this.copy = function() {
- var rgb = this.getRGB(),
- a = this.getAlpha();
- return new Color(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, a);
- };
- // Construct
- if (args.length > 0) {
- this.setRGB(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
- this.setAlpha(args[3] === 0 ? 0 : args[3] || 1);
- }
- };
- $.widget("vanderlee.colorpicker", {
- options: {
- alpha: false, // Show alpha controls and mode
- altAlpha: true, // change opacity of altField as well?
- altField: '', // selector for DOM elements which change background color on change.
- altOnChange: true, // true to update on each change, false to update only on close.
- altProperties: 'background-color', // comma separated list of any of 'background-color', 'color', 'border-color', 'outline-color'
- autoOpen: false, // Open dialog automatically upon creation
- buttonColorize: false,
- buttonImage: 'images/ui-colorpicker.png',
- buttonImageOnly: false,
- buttonText: null, // Text on the button and/or title of button image.
- closeOnEscape: true, // Close the dialog when the escape key is pressed.
- closeOnOutside: true, // Close the dialog when clicking outside the dialog (not for inline)
- color: '#00FF00', // Initial color (for inline only)
- colorFormat: 'HEX', // Format string for output color format
- draggable: true, // Make popup dialog draggable if header is visible.
- duration: 'fast',
- hsv: true, // Show HSV controls and modes
- regional: '',
- layout: {
- map: [0, 0, 1, 5], // Left, Top, Width, Height (in table cells).
- bar: [1, 0, 1, 5],
- preview: [2, 0, 1, 1],
- hsv: [2, 1, 1, 1],
- rgb: [2, 2, 1, 1],
- alpha: [2, 3, 1, 1],
- hex: [2, 4, 1, 1],
- lab: [3, 1, 1, 1],
- cmyk: [3, 2, 1, 2],
- swatches: [4, 0, 1, 5]
- },
- limit: '', // Limit color "resolution": '', 'websafe', 'nibble', 'binary', 'name'
- modal: false, // Modal dialog?
- mode: 'h', // Initial editing mode, h, s, v, r, g, b or a
- parts: '', // leave empty for automatic selection
- rgb: true, // Show RGB controls and modes
- showAnim: 'fadeIn',
- showCancelButton: true,
- showNoneButton: false,
- showCloseButton: true,
- showOn: 'focus', // 'focus', 'button', 'both'
- showOptions: {},
- swatches: null,
- title: null,
- close: null,
- init: null,
- select: null,
- open: null
- },
- _create: function () {
- var that = this,
- text;
- ++_colorpicker_index;
- that.widgetEventPrefix = 'color';
- that.opened = false;
- that.generated = false;
- that.inline = false;
- that.changed = false;
- that.dialog = null;
- that.button = null;
- that.image = null;
- that.overlay = null;
- that.mode = that.options.mode;
- if (that.options.swatches === null) {
- that.options.swatches = _colors;
- }
- if (this.element[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' || !this.inline) {
- that._setColor(that.element.val());
- this._callback('init');
- $('body').append(_container_popup);
- that.dialog = $('.ui-colorpicker:last');
- // Click outside/inside
- $(document).mousedown(function (event) {
- if (!that.opened || event.target === that.element[0] || that.overlay) {
- return;
- }
- // Check if clicked on any part of dialog
- if (that.dialog.is(event.target) || that.dialog.has(event.target).length > 0) {
- that.element.blur(); // inside window!
- return;
- }
- // Check if clicked on button
- var p,
- parents = $(event.target).parents();
- for (p = 0; p <= parents.length; ++p) {
- if (that.button !== null && parents[p] === that.button[0]) {
- return;
- }
- }
- // no closeOnOutside
- if (!that.options.closeOnOutside) {
- return;
- }
- that.close();
- });
- $(document).keydown(function (event) {
- if (event.keyCode == 27 && that.opened && that.options.closeOnEscape) {
- that.close();
- }
- });
- if (that.options.showOn === 'focus' || that.options.showOn === 'both') {
- that.element.focus(function () {
- that.open();
- });
- }
- if (that.options.showOn === 'button' || that.options.showOn === 'both') {
- if (that.options.buttonImage !== '') {
- text = that.options.buttonText || that._getRegional('button');
- that.image = $(' ').attr({
- 'src': that.options.buttonImage,
- 'alt': text,
- 'title': text
- });
- that._setImageBackground();
- }
- if (that.options.buttonImageOnly && that.image) {
- that.button = that.image;
- } else {
- that.button = $(' ').html(that.image || that.options.buttonText).button();
- that.image = that.image ? $('img', that.button).first() : null;
- }
- that.button.insertAfter(that.element).click(function () {
- that[that.opened ? 'close' : 'open']();
- });
- }
- if (that.options.autoOpen) {
- that.open();
- }
- that.element.keydown(function (event) {
- if (event.keyCode === 9) {
- that.close();
- }
- }).keyup(function (event) {
- var color = _parseColor(that.element.val());
- if (!that.color.equals(color)) {
- that.color = color;
- that._change();
- }
- });
- } else {
- that.inline = true;
- $(this.element).html(_container_inline);
- that.dialog = $('.ui-colorpicker', this.element);
- that._generate();
- that.opened = true;
- }
- return this;
- },
- _setOption: function(key, value){
- var that = this;
- switch (key) {
- case "disabled":
- if (value) {
- that.dialog.addClass('ui-colorpicker-disabled');
- } else {
- that.dialog.removeClass('ui-colorpicker-disabled');
- }
- break;
- }
- $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(that, arguments);
- },
- /* setBackground */
- _setImageBackground: function() {
- if (this.image && this.options.buttonColorize) {
- this.image.css('background-color', this.color.set? _formatColor('RGBA', this.color) : '');
- }
- },
- /**
- * If an alternate field is specified, set it according to the current color.
- */
- _setAltField: function () {
- if (this.options.altOnChange && this.options.altField && this.options.altProperties) {
- var index,
- property,
- properties = this.options.altProperties.split(',');
- for (index = 0; index <= properties.length; ++index) {
- property = $.trim(properties[index]);
- switch (property) {
- case 'color':
- case 'background-color':
- case 'outline-color':
- case 'border-color':
- $(this.options.altField).css(property, this.color.set? this.color.toCSS() : '');
- break;
- }
- }
- if (this.options.altAlpha) {
- $(this.options.altField).css('opacity', this.color.set? this.color.getAlpha() : '');
- }
- }
- },
- _setColor: function(text) {
- this.color = _parseColor(text);
- this.currentColor = this.color.copy();
- this._setImageBackground();
- this._setAltField();
- },
- setColor: function(text) {
- this._setColor(text);
- this._change(this.color.set);
- },
- _generate: function () {
- var that = this,
- index,
- part,
- parts_list,
- layout_parts;
- // Set color based on element?
- that._setColor(that.inline? that.options.color : that.element.val());
- // Determine the parts to include in this colorpicker
- if (typeof that.options.parts === 'string') {
- if (_parts_lists[that.options.parts]) {
- parts_list = _parts_lists[that.options.parts];
- } else {
- // automatic
- parts_list = _parts_lists[that.inline ? 'inline' : 'popup'];
- }
- } else {
- parts_list = that.options.parts;
- }
- // Add any parts to the internal parts list
- that.parts = {};
- $.each(parts_list, function(index, part) {
- if (_parts[part]) {
- that.parts[part] = new _parts[part](that);
- }
- });
- if (!that.generated) {
- layout_parts = [];
- $.each(that.options.layout, function(part, pos) {
- if (that.parts[part]) {
- layout_parts.push({
- 'part': part,
- 'pos': pos
- });
- }
- });
- $(_layoutTable(layout_parts, function(cell, x, y) {
- var classes = ['ui-colorpicker-' + cell.part + '-container'];
- if (x > 0) {
- classes.push('ui-colorpicker-padding-left');
- }
- if (y > 0) {
- classes.push('ui-colorpicker-padding-top');
- }
- return ' 1 ? ' colspan="' + cell.pos[2] + '"' : '')
- + (cell.pos[3] > 1 ? ' rowspan="' + cell.pos[3] + '"' : '')
- + ' valign="top"> ';
- })).appendTo(that.dialog).addClass('ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content');
- that._initAllParts();
- that._updateAllParts();
- that.generated = true;
- }
- },
- _effectGeneric: function (element, show, slide, fade, callback) {
- var that = this;
- if ($.effects && $.effects[that.options.showAnim]) {
- element[show](that.options.showAnim, that.options.showOptions, that.options.duration, callback);
- } else {
- element[(that.options.showAnim === 'slideDown' ?
- slide
- : (that.options.showAnim === 'fadeIn' ?
- fade
- : show))]((that.options.showAnim ? that.options.duration : null), callback);
- if (!that.options.showAnim || !that.options.duration) {
- callback();
- }
- }
- },
- _effectShow: function(element, callback) {
- this._effectGeneric(element, 'show', 'slideDown', 'fadeIn', callback);
- },
- _effectHide: function(element, callback) {
- this._effectGeneric(element, 'hide', 'slideUp', 'fadeOut', callback);
- },
- open: function() {
- var that = this,
- offset,
- bottom,
- right,
- height,
- width,
- x,
- y,
- zIndex;
- if (!that.opened) {
- that._generate();
- offset = that.element.offset();
- bottom = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop();
- right = $(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft();
- height = that.dialog.outerHeight();
- width = that.dialog.outerWidth();
- x = offset.left;
- y = offset.top + that.element.outerHeight();
- if (x + width > right) {
- x = Math.max(0, right - width);
- }
- if (y + height > bottom) {
- if (offset.top - height >= $(window).scrollTop()) {
- y = offset.top - height;
- } else {
- y = Math.max(0, bottom - height);
- }
- }
- that.dialog.css({'left': x, 'top': y});
- // Automatically find highest z-index.
- zIndex = 0;
- $(that.element[0]).parents().each(function() {
- var z = $(this).css('z-index');
- if ((typeof(z) === 'number' || typeof(z) === 'string') && z !== '' && !isNaN(z)) {
- zIndex = z;
- return false;
- }
- });
- //@todo zIndexOffset option, to raise above other elements?
- that.dialog.css('z-index', zIndex += 2);
- that.overlay = that.options.modal ? new $.ui.dialog.overlay(that) : null;
- that._effectShow(this.dialog);
- that.opened = true;
- that._callback('open', true);
- // Without waiting for domready the width of the map is 0 and we
- // wind up with the cursor stuck in the upper left corner
- $(function() {
- that._repaintAllParts();
- });
- }
- },
- close: function () {
- var that = this;
- that.currentColor = that.color.copy();
- that.changed = false;
- // tear down the interface
- that._effectHide(that.dialog, function () {
- that.dialog.empty();
- that.generated = false;
- that.opened = false;
- that._callback('close', true);
- });
- if (that.overlay) {
- that.overlay.destroy();
- }
- },
- destroy: function() {
- this.element.unbind();
- if (this.image !== null) {
- this.image.remove();
- }
- if (this.button !== null) {
- this.button.remove();
- }
- if (this.dialog !== null) {
- this.dialog.remove();
- }
- if (this.overlay) {
- this.overlay.destroy();
- }
- },
- _callback: function (callback, spaces) {
- var that = this,
- data,
- lab;
- if (that.color.set) {
- data = {
- formatted: _formatColor(that.options.colorFormat, that.color)
- };
- lab = that.color.getLAB();
- lab.a = (lab.a * 2) - 1;
- lab.b = (lab.b * 2) - 1;
- if (spaces === true) {
- data.a = that.color.getAlpha();
- data.rgb = that.color.getRGB();
- data.hsv = that.color.getHSV();
- data.cmyk = that.color.getCMYK();
- data.hsl = that.color.getHSL();
- data.lab = lab;
- }
- return that._trigger(callback, null, data);
- } else {
- return that._trigger(callback, null, {
- formatted: ''
- });
- }
- },
- _initAllParts: function () {
- $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) {
- if (part.init) {
- part.init();
- }
- });
- },
- _updateAllParts: function () {
- $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) {
- if (part.update) {
- part.update();
- }
- });
- },
- _repaintAllParts: function () {
- $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) {
- if (part.repaint) {
- part.repaint();
- }
- });
- },
- _change: function (set /* = true */) {
- this.color.set = (set !== false);
- this.changed = true;
- // Limit color palette
- switch (this.options.limit) {
- case 'websafe':
- this.color.limit(6);
- break;
- case 'nibble':
- this.color.limit(16);
- break;
- case 'binary':
- this.color.limit(2);
- break;
- case 'name':
- var name = _closestName(this.color);
- this.color.setRGB(_colors[name].r, _colors[name].g, _colors[name].b);
- break;
- }
- // update input element content
- if (!this.inline) {
- if (!this.color.set) {
- this.element.val('');
- } else if (!this.color.equals(_parseColor(this.element.val()))) {
- this.element.val(_formatColor(this.options.colorFormat, this.color));
- }
- this._setImageBackground();
- this._setAltField();
- }
- if (this.opened) {
- this._repaintAllParts();
- }
- // callback
- this._callback('select');
- },
- // This will be deprecated by jQueryUI 1.9 widget
- _hoverable: function (e) {
- e.hover(function () {
- e.addClass("ui-state-hover");
- }, function () {
- e.removeClass("ui-state-hover");
- });
- },
- // This will be deprecated by jQueryUI 1.9 widget
- _focusable: function (e) {
- e.focus(function () {
- e.addClass("ui-state-focus");
- }).blur(function () {
- e.removeClass("ui-state-focus");
- });
- },
- _getRegional: function(name) {
- return $.colorpicker.regional[this.options.regional][name] !== undefined ?
- $.colorpicker.regional[this.options.regional][name] : $.colorpicker.regional[''][name];
- }
- });
\ No newline at end of file
+/*jslint devel: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, browser: true, confusion: true, unparam: true, eqeq: true, white: true, nomen: true, plusplus: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */
+/*globals jQuery,Color,define */
+ * ColorPicker
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Martijn W. van der Lee
+ * Licensed under the MIT.
+ */
+/* Full-featured colorpicker for jQueryUI with full theming support.
+ * Most images from jPicker by Christopher T. Tillman.
+ * Sourcecode created from scratch by Martijn W. van der Lee.
+ */
+(function( factory ) {
+ if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define([
+ 'jquery'
+ ], factory );
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory( jQuery );
+ }
+} (function ($) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var _colorpicker_index = 0,
+ _container_popup = '
+ _container_inlineFrame = '
+ _container_inline = '
+ _intToHex = function (dec) {
+ var result = Math.round(dec).toString(16);
+ if (result.length === 1) {
+ result = ('0' + result);
+ }
+ return result.toLowerCase();
+ },
+ _keycode = {
+ isPrint: function(keycode) {
+ return keycode == 32 // spacebar
+ || (keycode >= 48 && keycode <= 57) // number keys
+ || (keycode >= 65 && keycode <= 90) // letter keys
+ || (keycode >= 96 && keycode <= 111) // numpad keys
+ || (keycode >= 186 && keycode < 192) // ;=,-./` (in order)
+ || (keycode >= 219 && keycode < 222); // [\]' (in order)
+ },
+ isHex: function(keycode) {
+ return (keycode >= 48 && keycode <= 57) // number keys
+ || (keycode >= 96 && keycode <= 105) // numpad keys
+ || (keycode >= 65 && keycode <= 70); // a-f
+ }
+ },
+ _layoutTable = function(layout, callback) {
+ var bitmap,
+ x, y,
+ width, height,
+ columns, rows,
+ index,
+ cell,
+ html,
+ w, h,
+ colspan,
+ walked;
+ layout.sort(function(a, b) {
+ if (a.pos[1] === b.pos[1]) {
+ return a.pos[0] - b.pos[0];
+ }
+ return a.pos[1] - b.pos[1];
+ });
+ // Determine dimensions of the table
+ width = 0;
+ height = 0;
+ $.each (layout, function(index, part) {
+ width = Math.max(width, part.pos[0] + part.pos[2]);
+ height = Math.max(height, part.pos[1] + part.pos[3]);
+ });
+ // Initialize bitmap
+ bitmap = [];
+ for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ bitmap.push([]);
+ }
+ // Mark rows and columns which have layout assigned
+ rows = [];
+ columns = [];
+ $.each(layout, function(index, part) {
+ // mark columns
+ for (x = 0; x < part.pos[2]; x += 1) {
+ columns[part.pos[0] + x] = true;
+ }
+ for (y = 0; y < part.pos[3]; y += 1) {
+ rows[part.pos[1] + y] = true;
+ }
+ });
+ // Generate the table
+ html = '';
+ cell = layout[index = 0];
+ for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+ html += '';
+ x = 0;
+ while (x < width) {
+ if (typeof cell !== 'undefined' && x === cell.pos[0] && y === cell.pos[1]) {
+ // Create a "real" cell
+ html += callback(cell, x, y);
+ for (h = 0; h < cell.pos[3]; h +=1) {
+ for (w = 0; w < cell.pos[2]; w +=1) {
+ bitmap[x + w][y + h] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ x += cell.pos[2];
+ cell = layout[++index];
+ } else {
+ // Fill in the gaps
+ colspan = 0;
+ walked = false;
+ while (x < width && bitmap[x][y] === undefined && (cell === undefined || y < cell.pos[1] || (y === cell.pos[1] && x < cell.pos[0]))) {
+ if (columns[x] === true) {
+ colspan += 1;
+ }
+ walked = true;
+ x += 1;
+ }
+ if (colspan > 0) {
+ html += ' ';
+ } else if (!walked) {
+ x += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ html += ' ';
+ }
+ return '';
+ };
+ $.colorpicker = new function() {
+ this.regional = {
+ '': {
+ ok: 'OK',
+ cancel: 'Cancel',
+ none: 'None',
+ button: 'Color',
+ title: 'Pick a color',
+ transparent: 'Transparent',
+ hsvH: 'H',
+ hsvS: 'S',
+ hsvV: 'V',
+ rgbR: 'R',
+ rgbG: 'G',
+ rgbB: 'B',
+ labL: 'L',
+ labA: 'a',
+ labB: 'b',
+ hslH: 'H',
+ hslS: 'S',
+ hslL: 'L',
+ cmykC: 'C',
+ cmykM: 'M',
+ cmykY: 'Y',
+ cmykK: 'K',
+ alphaA: 'A'
+ }
+ };
+ this.swatchesNames = {
+ 'html': 'HTML'
+ };
+ this.swatches = {
+ 'html': [
+ {name: 'black', r: 0, g: 0, b: 0},
+ {name: 'dimgray', r: 0.4117647058823529, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.4117647058823529},
+ {name: 'gray', r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5019607843137255},
+ {name: 'darkgray', r: 0.6627450980392157, g: 0.6627450980392157, b: 0.6627450980392157},
+ {name: 'silver', r: 0.7529411764705882, g: 0.7529411764705882, b: 0.7529411764705882},
+ {name: 'lightgrey', r: 0.8274509803921568, g: 0.8274509803921568, b: 0.8274509803921568},
+ {name: 'gainsboro', r: 0.8627450980392157, g: 0.8627450980392157, b: 0.8627450980392157},
+ {name: 'whitesmoke', r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.9607843137254902},
+ {name: 'white', r: 1, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'rosybrown', r: 0.7372549019607844, g: 0.5607843137254902, b: 0.5607843137254902},
+ {name: 'indianred', r: 0.803921568627451, g: 0.3607843137254902, b: 0.3607843137254902},
+ {name: 'brown', r: 0.6470588235294118, g: 0.16470588235294117, b: 0.16470588235294117},
+ {name: 'firebrick', r: 0.6980392156862745, g: 0.13333333333333333, b: 0.13333333333333333},
+ {name: 'lightcoral', r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5019607843137255},
+ {name: 'maroon', r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0, b: 0},
+ {name: 'darkred', r: 0.5450980392156862, g: 0, b: 0},
+ {name: 'red', r: 1, g: 0, b: 0},
+ {name: 'snow', r: 1, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.9803921568627451},
+ {name: 'salmon', r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.4470588235294118},
+ {name: 'mistyrose', r: 1, g: 0.8941176470588236, b: 0.8823529411764706},
+ {name: 'tomato', r: 1, g: 0.38823529411764707, b: 0.2784313725490196},
+ {name: 'darksalmon', r: 0.9137254901960784, g: 0.5882352941176471, b: 0.47843137254901963},
+ {name: 'orangered', r: 1, g: 0.27058823529411763, b: 0},
+ {name: 'coral', r: 1, g: 0.4980392156862745, b: 0.3137254901960784},
+ {name: 'lightsalmon', r: 1, g: 0.6274509803921569, b: 0.47843137254901963},
+ {name: 'sienna', r: 0.6274509803921569, g: 0.3215686274509804, b: 0.17647058823529413},
+ {name: 'seashell', r: 1, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.9333333333333333},
+ {name: 'chocolate', r: 0.8235294117647058, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.11764705882352941},
+ {name: 'saddlebrown', r: 0.5450980392156862, g: 0.27058823529411763, b: 0.07450980392156863},
+ {name: 'sandybrown', r: 0.9568627450980393, g: 0.6431372549019608, b: 0.3764705882352941},
+ {name: 'peachpuff', r: 1, g: 0.8549019607843137, b: 0.7254901960784313},
+ {name: 'peru', r: 0.803921568627451, g: 0.5215686274509804, b: 0.24705882352941178},
+ {name: 'linen', r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.9411764705882353, b: 0.9019607843137255},
+ {name: 'darkorange', r: 1, g: 0.5490196078431373, b: 0},
+ {name: 'bisque', r: 1, g: 0.8941176470588236, b: 0.7686274509803922},
+ {name: 'burlywood', r: 0.8705882352941177, g: 0.7215686274509804, b: 0.5294117647058824},
+ {name: 'tan', r: 0.8235294117647058, g: 0.7058823529411765, b: 0.5490196078431373},
+ {name: 'antiquewhite', r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.9215686274509803, b: 0.8431372549019608},
+ {name: 'navajowhite', r: 1, g: 0.8705882352941177, b: 0.6784313725490196},
+ {name: 'blanchedalmond', r: 1, g: 0.9215686274509803, b: 0.803921568627451},
+ {name: 'papayawhip', r: 1, g: 0.9372549019607843, b: 0.8352941176470589},
+ {name: 'orange', r: 1, g: 0.6470588235294118, b: 0},
+ {name: 'moccasin', r: 1, g: 0.8941176470588236, b: 0.7098039215686275},
+ {name: 'wheat', r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 0.8705882352941177, b: 0.7019607843137254},
+ {name: 'oldlace', r: 0.9921568627450981, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.9019607843137255},
+ {name: 'floralwhite', r: 1, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.9411764705882353},
+ {name: 'goldenrod', r: 0.8549019607843137, g: 0.6470588235294118, b: 0.12549019607843137},
+ {name: 'darkgoldenrod', r: 0.7215686274509804, g: 0.5254901960784314, b: 0.043137254901960784},
+ {name: 'cornsilk', r: 1, g: 0.9725490196078431, b: 0.8627450980392157},
+ {name: 'gold', r: 1, g: 0.8431372549019608, b: 0},
+ {name: 'palegoldenrod', r: 0.9333333333333333, g: 0.9098039215686274, b: 0.6666666666666666},
+ {name: 'khaki', r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 0.9019607843137255, b: 0.5490196078431373},
+ {name: 'lemonchiffon', r: 1, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.803921568627451},
+ {name: 'darkkhaki', r: 0.7411764705882353, g: 0.7176470588235294, b: 0.4196078431372549},
+ {name: 'beige', r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 0.9607843137254902, b: 0.8627450980392157},
+ {name: 'lightgoldenrodyellow', r: 0.9803921568627451, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.8235294117647058},
+ {name: 'olive', r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0},
+ {name: 'yellow', r: 1, g: 1, b: 0},
+ {name: 'lightyellow', r: 1, g: 1, b: 0.8784313725490196},
+ {name: 'ivory', r: 1, g: 1, b: 0.9411764705882353},
+ {name: 'olivedrab', r: 0.4196078431372549, g: 0.5568627450980392, b: 0.13725490196078433},
+ {name: 'yellowgreen', r: 0.6039215686274509, g: 0.803921568627451, b: 0.19607843137254902},
+ {name: 'darkolivegreen', r: 0.3333333333333333, g: 0.4196078431372549, b: 0.1843137254901961},
+ {name: 'greenyellow', r: 0.6784313725490196, g: 1, b: 0.1843137254901961},
+ {name: 'lawngreen', r: 0.48627450980392156, g: 0.9882352941176471, b: 0},
+ {name: 'chartreuse', r: 0.4980392156862745, g: 1, b: 0},
+ {name: 'darkseagreen', r: 0.5607843137254902, g: 0.7372549019607844, b: 0.5607843137254902},
+ {name: 'forestgreen', r: 0.13333333333333333, g: 0.5450980392156862, b: 0.13333333333333333},
+ {name: 'limegreen', r: 0.19607843137254902, g: 0.803921568627451, b: 0.19607843137254902},
+ {name: 'lightgreen', r: 0.5647058823529412, g: 0.9333333333333333, b: 0.5647058823529412},
+ {name: 'palegreen', r: 0.596078431372549, g: 0.984313725490196, b: 0.596078431372549},
+ {name: 'darkgreen', r: 0, g: 0.39215686274509803, b: 0},
+ {name: 'green', r: 0, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0},
+ {name: 'lime', r: 0, g: 1, b: 0},
+ {name: 'honeydew', r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 1, b: 0.9411764705882353},
+ {name: 'mediumseagreen', r: 0.23529411764705882, g: 0.7019607843137254, b: 0.44313725490196076},
+ {name: 'seagreen', r: 0.1803921568627451, g: 0.5450980392156862, b: 0.3411764705882353},
+ {name: 'springgreen', r: 0, g: 1, b: 0.4980392156862745},
+ {name: 'mintcream', r: 0.9607843137254902, g: 1, b: 0.9803921568627451},
+ {name: 'mediumspringgreen', r: 0, g: 0.9803921568627451, b: 0.6039215686274509},
+ {name: 'mediumaquamarine', r: 0.4, g: 0.803921568627451, b: 0.6666666666666666},
+ {name: 'aquamarine', r: 0.4980392156862745, g: 1, b: 0.8313725490196079},
+ {name: 'turquoise', r: 0.25098039215686274, g: 0.8784313725490196, b: 0.8156862745098039},
+ {name: 'lightseagreen', r: 0.12549019607843137, g: 0.6980392156862745, b: 0.6666666666666666},
+ {name: 'mediumturquoise', r: 0.2823529411764706, g: 0.8196078431372549, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'darkslategray', r: 0.1843137254901961, g: 0.30980392156862746, b: 0.30980392156862746},
+ {name: 'paleturquoise', r: 0.6862745098039216, g: 0.9333333333333333, b: 0.9333333333333333},
+ {name: 'teal', r: 0, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5019607843137255},
+ {name: 'darkcyan', r: 0, g: 0.5450980392156862, b: 0.5450980392156862},
+ {name: 'darkturquoise', r: 0, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.8196078431372549},
+ {name: 'aqua', r: 0, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'cyan', r: 0, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'lightcyan', r: 0.8784313725490196, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'azure', r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'cadetblue', r: 0.37254901960784315, g: 0.6196078431372549, b: 0.6274509803921569},
+ {name: 'powderblue', r: 0.6901960784313725, g: 0.8784313725490196, b: 0.9019607843137255},
+ {name: 'lightblue', r: 0.6784313725490196, g: 0.8470588235294118, b: 0.9019607843137255},
+ {name: 'deepskyblue', r: 0, g: 0.7490196078431373, b: 1},
+ {name: 'skyblue', r: 0.5294117647058824, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.9215686274509803},
+ {name: 'lightskyblue', r: 0.5294117647058824, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.9803921568627451},
+ {name: 'steelblue', r: 0.27450980392156865, g: 0.5098039215686274, b: 0.7058823529411765},
+ {name: 'aliceblue', r: 0.9411764705882353, g: 0.9725490196078431, b: 1},
+ {name: 'dodgerblue', r: 0.11764705882352941, g: 0.5647058823529412, b: 1},
+ {name: 'slategray', r: 0.4392156862745098, g: 0.5019607843137255, b: 0.5647058823529412},
+ {name: 'lightslategray', r: 0.4666666666666667, g: 0.5333333333333333, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'lightsteelblue', r: 0.6901960784313725, g: 0.7686274509803922, b: 0.8705882352941177},
+ {name: 'cornflowerblue', r: 0.39215686274509803, g: 0.5843137254901961, b: 0.9294117647058824},
+ {name: 'royalblue', r: 0.2549019607843137, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.8823529411764706},
+ {name: 'midnightblue', r: 0.09803921568627451, g: 0.09803921568627451, b: 0.4392156862745098},
+ {name: 'lavender', r: 0.9019607843137255, g: 0.9019607843137255, b: 0.9803921568627451},
+ {name: 'navy', r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.5019607843137255},
+ {name: 'darkblue', r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.5450980392156862},
+ {name: 'mediumblue', r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.803921568627451},
+ {name: 'blue', r: 0, g: 0, b: 1},
+ {name: 'ghostwhite', r: 0.9725490196078431, g: 0.9725490196078431, b: 1},
+ {name: 'darkslateblue', r: 0.2823529411764706, g: 0.23921568627450981, b: 0.5450980392156862},
+ {name: 'slateblue', r: 0.41568627450980394, g: 0.35294117647058826, b: 0.803921568627451},
+ {name: 'mediumslateblue', r: 0.4823529411764706, g: 0.40784313725490196, b: 0.9333333333333333},
+ {name: 'mediumpurple', r: 0.5764705882352941, g: 0.4392156862745098, b: 0.8588235294117647},
+ {name: 'blueviolet', r: 0.5411764705882353, g: 0.16862745098039217, b: 0.8862745098039215},
+ {name: 'indigo', r: 0.29411764705882354, g: 0, b: 0.5098039215686274},
+ {name: 'darkorchid', r: 0.6, g: 0.19607843137254902, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'darkviolet', r: 0.5803921568627451, g: 0, b: 0.8274509803921568},
+ {name: 'mediumorchid', r: 0.7294117647058823, g: 0.3333333333333333, b: 0.8274509803921568},
+ {name: 'thistle', r: 0.8470588235294118, g: 0.7490196078431373, b: 0.8470588235294118},
+ {name: 'plum', r: 0.8666666666666667, g: 0.6274509803921569, b: 0.8666666666666667},
+ {name: 'violet', r: 0.9333333333333333, g: 0.5098039215686274, b: 0.9333333333333333},
+ {name: 'purple', r: 0.5019607843137255, g: 0, b: 0.5019607843137255},
+ {name: 'darkmagenta', r: 0.5450980392156862, g: 0, b: 0.5450980392156862},
+ {name: 'magenta', r: 1, g: 0, b: 1},
+ {name: 'fuchsia', r: 1, g: 0, b: 1},
+ {name: 'orchid', r: 0.8549019607843137, g: 0.4392156862745098, b: 0.8392156862745098},
+ {name: 'mediumvioletred', r: 0.7803921568627451, g: 0.08235294117647059, b: 0.5215686274509804},
+ {name: 'deeppink', r: 1, g: 0.0784313725490196, b: 0.5764705882352941},
+ {name: 'hotpink', r: 1, g: 0.4117647058823529, b: 0.7058823529411765},
+ {name: 'palevioletred', r: 0.8588235294117647, g: 0.4392156862745098, b: 0.5764705882352941},
+ {name: 'lavenderblush', r: 1, g: 0.9411764705882353, b: 0.9607843137254902},
+ {name: 'crimson', r: 0.8627450980392157, g: 0.0784313725490196, b: 0.23529411764705882},
+ {name: 'pink', r: 1, g: 0.7529411764705882, b: 0.796078431372549},
+ {name: 'lightpink', r: 1, g: 0.7137254901960784, b: 0.7568627450980392}
+ ]
+ };
+ this.writers = {
+ '#HEX': function(color, that) {
+ return that._formatColor('#rxgxbx', color);
+ }
+ , '#HEX3': function(color, that) {
+ var hex3 = $.colorpicker.writers.HEX3(color);
+ return hex3 === false? false : '#'+hex3;
+ }
+ , 'HEX': function(color, that) {
+ return that._formatColor('rxgxbx', color);
+ }
+ , 'HEX3': function(color, that) {
+ var rgb = color.getRGB(),
+ r = Math.round(rgb.r * 255),
+ g = Math.round(rgb.g * 255),
+ b = Math.round(rgb.b * 255);
+ if (((r >>> 4) === (r &= 0xf))
+ && ((g >>> 4) === (g &= 0xf))
+ && ((b >>> 4) === (b &= 0xf))) {
+ return r.toString(16)+g.toString(16)+b.toString(16);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ , '#HEXA': function(color, that) {
+ return that._formatColor('#rxgxbxax', color);
+ }
+ , '#HEXA4': function(color, that) {
+ var hexa4 = $.colorpicker.writers.HEXA4(color, that);
+ return hexa4 === false? false : '#'+hexa4;
+ }
+ , 'HEXA': function(color, that) {
+ return that._formatColor('rxgxbxax', color);
+ }
+ , 'HEXA4': function(color, that) {
+ var a = Math.round(color.getAlpha() * 255);
+ if ((a >>> 4) === (a &= 0xf)) {
+ return $.colorpicker.writers.HEX3(color, that)+a.toString(16);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ , 'RGB': function(color, that) {
+ return color.getAlpha() >= 1
+ ? that._formatColor('rgb(rd,gd,bd)', color)
+ : false;
+ }
+ , 'RGBA': function(color, that) {
+ return that._formatColor('rgba(rd,gd,bd,af)', color);
+ }
+ , 'RGB%': function(color, that) {
+ return color.getAlpha() >= 1
+ ? that._formatColor('rgb(rp%,gp%,bp%)', color)
+ : false;
+ }
+ , 'RGBA%': function(color, that) {
+ return that._formatColor('rgba(rp%,gp%,bp%,af)', color);
+ }
+ , 'HSL': function(color, that) {
+ return color.getAlpha() >= 1
+ ? that._formatColor('hsl(hd,sd,vd)', color)
+ : false;
+ }
+ , 'HSLA': function(color, that) {
+ return that._formatColor('hsla(hd,sd,vd,af)', color);
+ }
+ , 'HSL%': function(color, that) {
+ return color.getAlpha() >= 1
+ ? that._formatColor('hsl(hp%,sp%,vp%)', color)
+ : false;
+ }
+ , 'HSLA%': function(color, that) {
+ return that._formatColor('hsla(hp%,sp%,vp%,af)', color);
+ }
+ , 'NAME': function(color, that) {
+ return that._closestName(color);
+ }
+ , 'EXACT': function(color, that) {
+ return that._exactName(color);
+ }
+ };
+ this.parsers = {
+ '': function(color) {
+ if (color === '') {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color();
+ }
+ }
+ , 'NAME': function(color, that) {
+ var c = that._getSwatch($.trim(color));
+ if (c) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(c.r, c.g, c.b);
+ }
+ }
+ , 'RGBA': function(color) {
+ var m = /^rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ m[1] / 255,
+ m[2] / 255,
+ m[3] / 255,
+ parseFloat(m[4])
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ , 'RGBA%': function(color) {
+ var m = /^rgba?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ m[1] / 100,
+ m[2] / 100,
+ m[3] / 100,
+ m[4] / 100
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ , 'HSLA': function(color) {
+ var m = /^hsla?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return (new $.colorpicker.Color()).setHSL(
+ m[1] / 255,
+ m[2] / 255,
+ m[3] / 255).setAlpha(parseFloat(m[4]));
+ }
+ }
+ , 'HSLA%': function(color) {
+ var m = /^hsla?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return (new $.colorpicker.Color()).setHSL(
+ m[1] / 100,
+ m[2] / 100,
+ m[3] / 100).setAlpha(m[4] / 100);
+ }
+ }
+ , '#HEX': function(color) {
+ var m = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ parseInt(m[1], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(m[2], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(m[3], 16) / 255
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ , '#HEX3': function(color) {
+ var m = /^#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ parseInt(String(m[1]) + m[1], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(String(m[2]) + m[2], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(String(m[3]) + m[3], 16) / 255
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ , 'HEX': function(color) {
+ var m = /^([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ parseInt(m[1], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(m[2], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(m[3], 16) / 255
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ , 'HEX3': function(color) {
+ var m = /^([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ parseInt(String(m[1]) + m[1], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(String(m[2]) + m[2], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(String(m[3]) + m[3], 16) / 255
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ , '#HEXA': function(color) {
+ var m = /^#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ parseInt(m[1], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(m[2], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(m[3], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(m[4], 16) / 255
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ , '#HEXA4': function(color) {
+ var m = /^#([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ parseInt(String(m[1]) + m[1], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(String(m[2]) + m[2], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(String(m[3]) + m[3], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(String(m[4]) + m[4], 16) / 255
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ , 'HEXA': function(color) {
+ var m = /^([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ parseInt(m[1], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(m[2], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(m[3], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(m[4], 16) / 255
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ , 'HEXA4': function(color) {
+ var m = /^([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])([a-fA-F0-9])$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ parseInt(String(m[1]) + m[1], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(String(m[2]) + m[2], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(String(m[3]) + m[3], 16) / 255,
+ parseInt(String(m[4]) + m[4], 16) / 255
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.partslists = {
+ 'full': ['header', 'map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'lab', 'cmyk', 'preview', 'swatches', 'footer'],
+ 'popup': ['map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'preview', 'footer'],
+ 'draggable': ['header', 'map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'preview', 'footer'],
+ 'inline': ['map', 'bar', 'hex', 'hsv', 'rgb', 'alpha', 'preview']
+ };
+ this.limits = {
+ 'websafe': function(color) {
+ color.limit(6);
+ },
+ 'nibble': function(color) {
+ color.limit(16);
+ },
+ 'binary': function(color) {
+ color.limit(2);
+ },
+ 'name': function(color, that) {
+ var swatch = that._getSwatch(that._closestName(color));
+ color.setRGB(swatch.r, swatch.g, swatch.b);
+ }
+ };
+ this.parts = {
+ header: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ _html = function() {
+ var title = inst.options.title || inst._getRegional('title'),
+ html = '' + title + ' ';
+ if (!inst.inline && inst.options.showCloseButton) {
+ html += ''
+ + 'close ';
+ }
+ return '';
+ },
+ _onclick = function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ inst.close(inst.options.revert);
+ };
+ this.init = function() {
+ part = $(_html()).prependTo(inst.dialog);
+ var close = $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close', part);
+ inst._hoverable(close);
+ inst._focusable(close);
+ close.on('click', _onclick);
+ if (!inst.inline && inst.options.draggable) {
+ var draggableOptions = {
+ handle: part,
+ };
+ if (inst.options.containment) {
+ draggableOptions.containment = inst.options.containment;
+ }
+ inst.dialog.draggable(draggableOptions);
+ }
+ };
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close', part)[disable ? 'off' : 'on']('click', _onclick);
+ };
+ },
+ map: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ pointer, width, height, layers = {},
+ _mousedown, _mouseup, _mousemove, _keydown, _html;
+ _mousedown = function (event) {
+ if (!inst.opened) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var offset = layers.p.offset(),
+ x = event.pageX - offset.left,
+ y = event.pageY - offset.top;
+ if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ part.off('mousedown', _mousedown).focus();
+ $(document).on('mouseup', _mouseup);
+ $(document).on('mousemove', _mousemove);
+ _mousemove(event);
+ }
+ };
+ _mouseup = function (event) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $(document).off('mouseup', _mouseup);
+ $(document).off('mousemove', _mousemove);
+ part.on('mousedown', _mousedown);
+ inst._callback('stop');
+ };
+ _mousemove = function (event) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if (event.pageX === that.x && event.pageY === that.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ that.x = event.pageX;
+ that.y = event.pageY;
+ var offset = layers.p.offset(),
+ x = event.pageX - offset.left,
+ y = event.pageY - offset.top;
+ x = Math.max(0, Math.min(x / width, 1));
+ y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y / height, 1));
+ // interpret values
+ switch (inst.mode) {
+ case 'h':
+ inst.color.setHSV(null, x, 1 - y);
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ case 'a':
+ inst.color.setHSV(x, null, 1 - y);
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ inst.color.setHSV(x, 1 - y, null);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ inst.color.setRGB(null, 1 - y, x);
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ inst.color.setRGB(1 - y, null, x);
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ inst.color.setRGB(x, 1 - y, null);
+ break;
+ }
+ inst._change(false);
+ };
+ _keydown = function(event) {
+ var x_channel_map = {
+ 'h': 's',
+ 's': 'h',
+ 'v': 'h',
+ 'r': 'b',
+ 'g': 'b',
+ 'b': 'r',
+ 'a': 'h'
+ },
+ x_change = {
+ 37: -1,
+ 39: 1,
+ },
+ y_channel_map = {
+ 'h': 'v',
+ 's': 'v',
+ 'v': 's',
+ 'r': 'g',
+ 'g': 'r',
+ 'b': 'g',
+ 'a': 'v'
+ },
+ y_change = {
+ 38: 1,
+ 40: -1
+ },
+ set = {
+ 35: 0,
+ 36: 1
+ },
+ change, value;
+ if (typeof x_change[event.which] !== 'undefined') {
+ value = inst.color.getChannel(x_channel_map[inst.mode]) * width;
+ change = x_change[event.which];
+ if (event.shiftKey) {
+ change *= 10;
+ } else if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
+ change *= width;
+ }
+ inst.color.setChannel(x_channel_map[inst.mode], (value + change) / width);
+ inst._change(false);
+ } else if (typeof y_change[event.which] !== 'undefined') {
+ value = inst.color.getChannel(y_channel_map[inst.mode]) * height;
+ change = y_change[event.which];
+ if (event.shiftKey) {
+ change *= 10;
+ } else if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
+ change *= height;
+ }
+ inst.color.setChannel(y_channel_map[inst.mode], (value + change) / height);
+ inst._change(false);
+ } else if (typeof set[event.which] !== 'undefined') {
+ inst.color.setChannel(x_channel_map[inst.mode], 1 - set[event.which]);
+ inst.color.setChannel(y_channel_map[inst.mode], set[event.which]);
+ inst._change(false);
+ }
+ };
+ _html = function () {
+ var html = ''
+ + ' '
+ + ' '
+ + (inst.options.alpha ? ' ' : '')
+ + '
+ return html;
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ part = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-map-container', inst.dialog));
+ part.on('mousedown', _mousedown);
+ part.on('keydown', _keydown);
+ // cache
+ layers[1] = $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-1', part);
+ layers[2] = $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-2', part);
+ layers.a = $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-alpha', part);
+ layers.p = $('.ui-colorpicker-map-layer-pointer', part);
+ width = layers.p.width();
+ height = layers.p.height();
+ pointer = $('.ui-colorpicker-map-pointer', part);
+ };
+ this.update = function () {
+ var step = ((inst.options.part.map.size || 256) * 65 / 64);
+ switch (inst.mode) {
+ case 'h':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 0', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].hide();
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ case 'a':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 2) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ part.css('background-color', 'black');
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 3) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].hide();
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 4) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 5) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 6) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 7) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 8) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 9) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ break;
+ }
+ that.repaint();
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ var x = 0,
+ y = 0;
+ switch (inst.mode) {
+ case 'h':
+ var hsv = inst.color.getHSV();
+ x = hsv.s * width;
+ y = (1 - hsv.v) * width;
+ part.css('background-color', inst.color.copy().setHSV(null, 1, 1).toCSS());
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ case 'a':
+ var hsv = inst.color.getHSV();
+ x = hsv.h * width;
+ y = (1 - hsv.v) * width;
+ layers[2].css('opacity', 1 - hsv.s);
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ var hsv = inst.color.getHSV();
+ x = hsv.h * width;
+ y = (1 - hsv.s) * width;
+ layers[1].css('opacity', hsv.v);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ var rgb = inst.color.getRGB();
+ x = rgb.b * width;
+ y = (1 - rgb.g) * width;
+ layers[2].css('opacity', rgb.r);
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ var rgb = inst.color.getRGB();
+ x = rgb.b * width;
+ y = (1 - rgb.r) * width;
+ layers[2].css('opacity', rgb.g);
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ var rgb = inst.color.getRGB();
+ x = rgb.r * width;
+ y = (1 - rgb.g) * width;
+ layers[2].css('opacity', rgb.b);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (inst.options.alpha) {
+ layers.a.css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getAlpha());
+ }
+ pointer.css({
+ 'left': x - 7,
+ 'top': y - 7
+ });
+ };
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ part[disable ? 'off' : 'on']('mousedown', _mousedown);
+ part[disable ? 'off' : 'on']('keydown', _keydown);
+ };
+ },
+ bar: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ pointer, width, height, layers = {},
+ _mousedown, _mouseup, _mousemove, _keydown, _html;
+ _mousedown = function (event) {
+ if (!inst.opened) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var offset = layers.p.offset(),
+ x = event.pageX - offset.left,
+ y = event.pageY - offset.top;
+ if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ part.off('mousedown', _mousedown).focus();
+ $(document).on('mouseup', _mouseup);
+ $(document).on('mousemove', _mousemove);
+ _mousemove(event);
+ }
+ };
+ _mouseup = function (event) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $(document).off('mouseup', _mouseup);
+ $(document).off('mousemove', _mousemove);
+ part.on('mousedown', _mousedown);
+ inst._callback('stop');
+ };
+ _mousemove = function (event) {
+ event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if (event.pageY === that.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ that.y = event.pageY;
+ var offset = layers.p.offset(),
+ y = event.pageY - offset.top;
+ y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y / height, 1));
+ // interpret values
+ switch (inst.mode) {
+ case 'h':
+ inst.color.setHSV(1 - y, null, null);
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ inst.color.setHSV(null, 1 - y, null);
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ inst.color.setHSV(null, null, 1 - y);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ inst.color.setRGB(1 - y, null, null);
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ inst.color.setRGB(null, 1 - y, null);
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ inst.color.setRGB(null, null, 1 - y);
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ inst.color.setAlpha(1 - y);
+ break;
+ }
+ inst._change(false);
+ };
+ _keydown = function(event) {
+ var change = {
+ 38: 1,
+ 40: -1,
+ 33: 10,
+ 34: -10
+ },
+ set = {
+ 35: 0,
+ 36: 1
+ },
+ change, value;
+ if (typeof change[event.which] !== 'undefined') {
+ value = inst.color.getChannel(inst.mode) * height;
+ change = change[event.which];
+ if (event.shiftKey) {
+ change *= 10;
+ } else if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
+ change *= height;
+ }
+ inst.color.setChannel(inst.mode, (value + change) / height);
+ inst._change(false);
+ } else if (typeof set[event.which] !== 'undefined') {
+ inst.color.setChannel(inst.mode, set[event.which]);
+ inst._change(false);
+ }
+ };
+ _html = function () {
+ var html = ''
+ + ' '
+ + ' '
+ + ' '
+ + ' ';
+ if (inst.options.alpha) {
+ html += ' '
+ + ' ';
+ }
+ html += '
+ return html;
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ part = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-bar-container', inst.dialog));
+ part.on('mousedown', _mousedown);
+ part.on('keydown', _keydown);
+ // cache
+ layers[1] = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-1', part);
+ layers[2] = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-2', part);
+ layers[3] = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-3', part);
+ layers[4] = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-4', part);
+ layers.a = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alpha', part);
+ layers.ab = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-alphabar', part);
+ layers.p = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-layer-pointer', part);
+ width = layers.p.width();
+ height = layers.p.height();
+ pointer = $('.ui-colorpicker-bar-pointer', part);
+ };
+ this.update = function () {
+ var step = ((inst.options.part.bar.size || 256) * 65 / 64);
+ switch (inst.mode) {
+ case 'h':
+ case 's':
+ case 'v':
+ case 'r':
+ case 'g':
+ case 'b':
+ layers.a.show();
+ layers.ab.hide();
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ layers.a.hide();
+ layers.ab.show();
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (inst.mode) {
+ case 'h':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 0', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].hide();
+ layers[3].hide();
+ layers[4].hide();
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 2) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[3].hide();
+ layers[4].hide();
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 2) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].hide();
+ layers[3].hide();
+ layers[4].hide();
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 6) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 5) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[3].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 3) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[4].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 4) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 10) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 9) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[3].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 7) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[4].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 8) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ layers[1].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 14) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[2].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 13) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[3].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 11) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ layers[4].css({'background-position': '0 ' + (-step * 12) + 'px', 'opacity': ''}).show();
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ layers[1].hide();
+ layers[2].hide();
+ layers[3].hide();
+ layers[4].hide();
+ break;
+ }
+ that.repaint();
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ var y = 0;
+ switch (inst.mode) {
+ case 'h':
+ y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().h) * height;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ var hsv = inst.color.getHSV();
+ y = (1 - hsv.s) * height;
+ layers[2].css('opacity', 1 - hsv.v);
+ part.css('background-color', inst.color.copy().setHSV(null, 1, null).toCSS());
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ y = (1 - inst.color.getHSV().v) * height;
+ part.css('background-color', inst.color.copy().setHSV(null, null, 1).toCSS());
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ var rgb = inst.color.getRGB();
+ y = (1 - rgb.r) * height;
+ layers[2].css('opacity', Math.max(0, (rgb.b - rgb.g)));
+ layers[3].css('opacity', Math.max(0, (rgb.g - rgb.b)));
+ layers[4].css('opacity', Math.min(rgb.b, rgb.g));
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ var rgb = inst.color.getRGB();
+ y = (1 - rgb.g) * height;
+ layers[2].css('opacity', Math.max(0, (rgb.b - rgb.r)));
+ layers[3].css('opacity', Math.max(0, (rgb.r - rgb.b)));
+ layers[4].css('opacity', Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.b));
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ var rgb = inst.color.getRGB();
+ y = (1 - rgb.b) * height;
+ layers[2].css('opacity', Math.max(0, (rgb.r - rgb.g)));
+ layers[3].css('opacity', Math.max(0, (rgb.g - rgb.r)));
+ layers[4].css('opacity', Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.g));
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ y = (1 - inst.color.getAlpha()) * height;
+ part.css('background-color', inst.color.copy().toCSS());
+ break;
+ }
+ if (inst.mode !== 'a') {
+ layers.a.css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getAlpha());
+ }
+ pointer.css('top', y - 3);
+ };
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ part[disable ? 'off' : 'on']('mousedown', _mousedown);
+ part[disable ? 'off' : 'on']('keydown', _keydown);
+ };
+ },
+ preview: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ both,
+ initial, initial_alpha,
+ current, current_alpha,
+ _html,
+ onclick = function () {
+ inst.color = inst.currentColor.copy();
+ inst._change();
+ };
+ _html = function () {
+ return '';
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ part = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-preview-container', inst.dialog));
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial', part).on('click', onclick);
+ // cache
+ initial = $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial', part);
+ initial_alpha = $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial-alpha', part);
+ current = $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-current', part);
+ current_alpha = $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha', part);
+ both = $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial-alpha, .ui-colorpicker-preview-current-alpha', part);
+ };
+ this.update = function () {
+ both[inst.options.alpha ? 'show' : 'hide']();
+ this.repaint();
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ initial.css('background-color', inst.currentColor.set ? inst.currentColor.toCSS() : '').attr('title', inst.currentColor.set ? inst.currentColor.toCSS() : '');
+ initial_alpha.css('opacity', 1 - inst.currentColor.getAlpha());
+ current.css('background-color', inst.color.set ? inst.color.toCSS() : '').attr('title', inst.color.set ? inst.color.toCSS() : '');
+ current_alpha.css('opacity', 1 - inst.color.getAlpha());
+ };
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-preview-initial', part)[disable ? 'off' : 'on']('click', onclick);
+ };
+ },
+ hsv: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ inputs = {},
+ _html;
+ _html = function () {
+ var html = '';
+ if (inst.options.hsv) {
+ html += ''
+ + inst._getRegional('hsvH')
+ + ' °
+ + ''
+ + inst._getRegional('hsvS')
+ + ' %
+ + ''
+ + inst._getRegional('hsvV')
+ + ' %
+ }
+ return '' + html + '
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ part = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-container', inst.dialog));
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', part).click(function () {
+ inst.mode = $(this).val();
+ inst._updateAllParts();
+ });
+ inputs.h = $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-h .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ inputs.s = $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-s .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ inputs.v = $('.ui-colorpicker-hsv-v .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-number', part).on('input change keyup', function () {
+ inst.color.setHSV(
+ inputs.h.val() / 360,
+ inputs.s.val() / 100,
+ inputs.v.val() / 100
+ );
+ inst._change();
+ });
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ var hsv = inst.color.getHSV();
+ inputs.h.val(Math.round(hsv.h * 360));
+ inputs.s.val(Math.round(hsv.s * 100));
+ inputs.v.val(Math.round(hsv.v * 100));
+ };
+ this.update = function () {
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', part).each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this);
+ $this.prop('checked', $this.val() === inst.mode);
+ });
+ this.repaint();
+ };
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ $(':input', part).prop('disabled', disable);
+ };
+ },
+ rgb: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ inputs = {},
+ _html;
+ _html = function () {
+ var html = '';
+ if (inst.options.rgb) {
+ html += '' + inst._getRegional('rgbR') + '
+ + '' + inst._getRegional('rgbG') + '
+ + '' + inst._getRegional('rgbB') + '
+ }
+ return '' + html + '
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ part = $(_html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-container', inst.dialog));
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', part).click(function () {
+ inst.mode = $(this).val();
+ inst._updateAllParts();
+ });
+ inputs.r = $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-r .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ inputs.g = $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-g .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ inputs.b = $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-b .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-number', part).on('input change keyup', function () {
+ var r = $('.ui-colorpicker-rgb-r .ui-colorpicker-number', part).val();
+ inst.color.setRGB(
+ inputs.r.val() / 255,
+ inputs.g.val() / 255,
+ inputs.b.val() / 255
+ );
+ inst._change();
+ });
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ var rgb = inst.color.getRGB();
+ inputs.r.val(Math.round(rgb.r * 255));
+ inputs.g.val(Math.round(rgb.g * 255));
+ inputs.b.val(Math.round(rgb.b * 255));
+ };
+ this.update = function () {
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', part).each(function () {
+ var $this = $(this);
+ $this.prop('checked', $this.val() === inst.mode);
+ });
+ this.repaint();
+ };
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ $(':input', part).prop('disabled', disable);
+ };
+ },
+ lab: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ inputs = {},
+ html = function () {
+ var html = '';
+ if (inst.options.hsv) {
+ html += '' + inst._getRegional('labL') + '
+ + '' + inst._getRegional('labA') + '
+ + '' + inst._getRegional('labB') + '
+ }
+ return '' + html + '
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ var data = 0;
+ part = $(html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-lab-container', inst.dialog));
+ inputs.l = $('.ui-colorpicker-lab-l .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ inputs.a = $('.ui-colorpicker-lab-a .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ inputs.b = $('.ui-colorpicker-lab-b .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-number', part).on('input change keyup', function (event) {
+ inst.color.setLAB(
+ parseInt(inputs.l.val(), 10) / 100,
+ (parseInt(inputs.a.val(), 10) + 128) / 255,
+ (parseInt(inputs.b.val(), 10) + 128) / 255
+ );
+ inst._change();
+ });
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ var lab = inst.color.getLAB();
+ inputs.l.val(Math.round(lab.l * 100));
+ inputs.a.val(Math.round(lab.a * 255) - 128);
+ inputs.b.val(Math.round(lab.b * 255) - 128);
+ };
+ this.update = this.repaint;
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ $(':input', part).prop('disabled', disable);
+ };
+ },
+ cmyk: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ inputs = {},
+ html = function () {
+ var html = '';
+ if (inst.options.hsv) {
+ html += '' + inst._getRegional('cmykC') + ' %
+ + '' + inst._getRegional('cmykM') + ' %
+ + '' + inst._getRegional('cmykY') + ' %
+ + '' + inst._getRegional('cmykK') + ' %
+ }
+ return '' + html + '
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ part = $(html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-container', inst.dialog));
+ inputs.c = $('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-c .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ inputs.m = $('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-m .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ inputs.y = $('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-y .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ inputs.k = $('.ui-colorpicker-cmyk-k .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-number', part).on('input change keyup', function (event) {
+ inst.color.setCMYK(
+ parseInt(inputs.c.val(), 10) / 100,
+ parseInt(inputs.m.val(), 10) / 100,
+ parseInt(inputs.y.val(), 10) / 100,
+ parseInt(inputs.k.val(), 10) / 100
+ );
+ inst._change();
+ });
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ var cmyk = inst.color.getCMYK();
+ inputs.c.val(Math.round(cmyk.c * 100));
+ inputs.m.val(Math.round(cmyk.m * 100));
+ inputs.y.val(Math.round(cmyk.y * 100));
+ inputs.k.val(Math.round(cmyk.k * 100));
+ };
+ this.update = this.repaint;
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ $(':input', part).prop('disabled', disable);
+ };
+ },
+ alpha: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ input,
+ html = function () {
+ var html = '';
+ if (inst.options.alpha) {
+ html += '' + inst._getRegional('alphaA') + ' %
+ }
+ return '' + html + '
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ part = $(html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-alpha-container', inst.dialog));
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', part).click(function () {
+ inst.mode = $(this).val();
+ inst._updateAllParts();
+ });
+ input = $('.ui-colorpicker-a .ui-colorpicker-number', part);
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-number', part).on('input change keyup', function () {
+ inst.color.setAlpha(input.val() / 100);
+ inst._change();
+ });
+ };
+ this.update = function () {
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-mode', part).each(function () {
+ $(this).prop('checked', $(this).val() === inst.mode);
+ });
+ this.repaint();
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ input.val(Math.round(inst.color.getAlpha() * 100));
+ };
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ $(':input', part).prop('disabled', disable);
+ };
+ },
+ hex: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ inputs = {},
+ parseHex = function(color) {
+ var c,
+ m;
+ // {#}rgb
+ m = /^#?([a-fA-F0-9]{1,3})$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ c = parseInt(m[1], 16);
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ ((c >> 8) & 0xF) / 15,
+ ((c >> 4) & 0xF) / 15,
+ (c & 0xF) / 15
+ );
+ }
+ // {#}rrggbb
+ m = /^#?([a-fA-F0-9]{1,6})$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ c = parseInt(m[1], 16);
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color(
+ ((c >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255,
+ ((c >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255,
+ (c & 0xFF) / 255
+ );
+ }
+ return new $.colorpicker.Color();
+ },
+ html = function () {
+ var html = '';
+ if (inst.options.alpha) {
+ html += ' ';
+ }
+ html += ' ';
+ return '# ' + html + '
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ part = $(html()).appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-hex-container', inst.dialog));
+ inputs.color = $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-input', part);
+ inputs.alpha = $('.ui-colorpicker-hex-alpha', part);
+ inputs.color.on('keydown keyup', function(e) {
+ return e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || _keycode.isHex(e.which) || !_keycode.isPrint(e.which);
+ });
+ // repeat here makes the invalid input disappear faster
+ inputs.color.on('change', function () {
+ if (/[^a-fA-F0-9]/.test(inputs.color.val())) {
+ inputs.color.val(inputs.color.val().replace(/[^a-fA-F0-9]/g, ''));
+ }
+ });
+ inputs.color.on('change keyup', function () {
+ // repeat here makes sure that the invalid input doesn't get parsed
+ inst.color = parseHex(inputs.color.val()).setAlpha(inst.color.getAlpha());
+ inst._change();
+ });
+ inputs.alpha.on('keydown keyup', function(e) {
+ return e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || _keycode.isHex(e.which) || !_keycode.isPrint(e.which);
+ });
+ inputs.alpha.on('change', function () {
+ if (/[^a-fA-F0-9]/.test(inputs.alpha)) {
+ inputs.alpha.val(inputs.alpha.val().replace(/[^a-fA-F0-9]/g, ''));
+ }
+ });
+ inputs.alpha.on('change keyup', function () {
+ inst.color.setAlpha(parseInt(inputs.alpha.val(), 16) / 255);
+ inst._change();
+ });
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ if (!inputs.color.is(':focus')) {
+ inputs.color.val(inst.color.toHex(true));
+ }
+ if (!inputs.alpha.is(':focus')) {
+ inputs.alpha.val(_intToHex(inst.color.getAlpha() * 255));
+ }
+ };
+ this.update = this.repaint;
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ $(':input', part).prop('disabled', disable);
+ };
+ },
+ swatches: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ html = function () {
+ var html = '';
+ inst._eachSwatch(function (name, color) {
+ var c = new $.colorpicker.Color(color.r, color.g, color.b),
+ css = c.toCSS();
+ html += '
+ });
+ return '' + html + '
+ },
+ onclick = function () {
+ inst.color = inst._parseColor($(this).css('background-color')) || new $.colorpicker.Color();
+ inst._change();
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ part = $(html());
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-swatches-container', inst.dialog).html(part);
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-swatch', part).on('click', onclick);
+ };
+ this.disable = function (disable) {
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-swatch', part)[disable ? 'off' : 'on']('click', onclick);
+ };
+ },
+ footer: function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null,
+ id_transparent = 'ui-colorpicker-special-transparent-' + inst.colorpicker_index,
+ id_none = 'ui-colorpicker-special-none-' + inst.colorpicker_index,
+ html = function () {
+ var html = '';
+ if (inst.options.alpha || (!inst.inline && inst.options.showNoneButton)) {
+ html += '';
+ if (inst.options.alpha) {
+ html += '' + inst._getRegional('transparent') + ' ';
+ }
+ if (!inst.inline && inst.options.showNoneButton) {
+ html += '' + inst._getRegional('none') + ' ';
+ }
+ html += '
+ }
+ if (!inst.inline) {
+ html += '';
+ if (inst.options.showCancelButton) {
+ html += '' + inst._getRegional('cancel') + ' ';
+ }
+ html += '' + inst._getRegional('ok') + ' ';
+ html += '
+ }
+ return '' + html + '
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ part = $(html()).appendTo(inst.dialog);
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-ok', part).button().click(function () {
+ inst.close();
+ });
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-cancel', part).button().click(function () {
+ inst.close(true); //cancel
+ });
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-buttonset', part)[$.fn.controlgroup ? 'controlgroup' : 'buttonset']();
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-special-color', part).click(function () {
+ inst._change();
+ });
+ $('#'+id_none, part).click(function () {
+ inst.color.set = false;
+ inst._change();
+ });
+ $('#'+id_transparent, part).click(function () {
+ inst.color.setAlpha(0);
+ inst._change();
+ });
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-special-none', part).prop('checked', !inst.color.set).button('refresh');
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-special-transparent', part).prop('checked', inst.color.set && inst.color.getAlpha() === 0).button('refresh');
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-ok', part).button(inst.changed ? 'enable' : 'disable');
+ };
+ this.update = function () {};
+ this.disable = function (disabled) {
+ $(':input, :button', part).button(disabled ? 'disable' : 'enable');
+ if (!disabled) {
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-ok', part).button(inst.changed ? 'enable' : 'disable');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ this.Color = function () {
+ var spaces = { rgb: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0},
+ hsv: {h: 0, s: 0, v: 0},
+ hsl: {h: 0, s: 0, l: 0},
+ lab: {l: 0, a: 0, b: 0},
+ cmyk: {c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 1}
+ },
+ a = 1,
+ illuminant = [0.9504285, 1, 1.0889], // CIE-L*ab D65/2' 1931
+ args = arguments,
+ _clip = function(v) {
+ if (isNaN(v) || v === null) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (typeof v == 'string') {
+ v = parseInt(v, 10);
+ }
+ return Math.max(0, Math.min(v, 1));
+ },
+ _hexify = function (number) {
+ var number = Math.round(number),
+ digits = '0123456789abcdef',
+ lsd = number % 16,
+ msd = (number - lsd) / 16,
+ hexified = digits.charAt(msd) + digits.charAt(lsd);
+ return hexified;
+ },
+ _rgb_to_xyz = function(rgb) {
+ var r = (rgb.r > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((rgb.r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : rgb.r / 12.92,
+ g = (rgb.g > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((rgb.g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : rgb.g / 12.92,
+ b = (rgb.b > 0.04045) ? Math.pow((rgb.b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : rgb.b / 12.92;
+ return {
+ x: r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805,
+ y: r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722,
+ z: r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505
+ };
+ },
+ _xyz_to_rgb = function(xyz) {
+ var rgb = {
+ r: xyz.x * 3.2406 + xyz.y * -1.5372 + xyz.z * -0.4986,
+ g: xyz.x * -0.9689 + xyz.y * 1.8758 + xyz.z * 0.0415,
+ b: xyz.x * 0.0557 + xyz.y * -0.2040 + xyz.z * 1.0570
+ };
+ rgb.r = (rgb.r > 0.0031308) ? 1.055 * Math.pow(rgb.r, (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * rgb.r;
+ rgb.g = (rgb.g > 0.0031308) ? 1.055 * Math.pow(rgb.g, (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * rgb.g;
+ rgb.b = (rgb.b > 0.0031308) ? 1.055 * Math.pow(rgb.b, (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055 : 12.92 * rgb.b;
+ return rgb;
+ },
+ _rgb_to_hsv = function(rgb) {
+ var minVal = Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b),
+ maxVal = Math.max(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b),
+ delta = maxVal - minVal,
+ del_R, del_G, del_B,
+ hsv = {
+ h: 0,
+ s: 0,
+ v: maxVal
+ };
+ if (delta === 0) {
+ hsv.h = 0;
+ hsv.s = 0;
+ } else {
+ hsv.s = delta / maxVal;
+ del_R = (((maxVal - rgb.r) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ del_G = (((maxVal - rgb.g) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ del_B = (((maxVal - rgb.b) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ if (rgb.r === maxVal) {
+ hsv.h = del_B - del_G;
+ } else if (rgb.g === maxVal) {
+ hsv.h = (1 / 3) + del_R - del_B;
+ } else if (rgb.b === maxVal) {
+ hsv.h = (2 / 3) + del_G - del_R;
+ }
+ if (hsv.h < 0) {
+ hsv.h += 1;
+ } else if (hsv.h > 1) {
+ hsv.h -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return hsv;
+ },
+ _hsv_to_rgb = function(hsv) {
+ var rgb = {
+ r: 0,
+ g: 0,
+ b: 0
+ },
+ var_h,
+ var_i,
+ var_1,
+ var_2,
+ var_3;
+ if (hsv.s === 0) {
+ rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = hsv.v;
+ } else {
+ var_h = hsv.h === 1 ? 0 : hsv.h * 6;
+ var_i = Math.floor(var_h);
+ var_1 = hsv.v * (1 - hsv.s);
+ var_2 = hsv.v * (1 - hsv.s * (var_h - var_i));
+ var_3 = hsv.v * (1 - hsv.s * (1 - (var_h - var_i)));
+ if (var_i === 0) {
+ rgb.r = hsv.v;
+ rgb.g = var_3;
+ rgb.b = var_1;
+ } else if (var_i === 1) {
+ rgb.r = var_2;
+ rgb.g = hsv.v;
+ rgb.b = var_1;
+ } else if (var_i === 2) {
+ rgb.r = var_1;
+ rgb.g = hsv.v;
+ rgb.b = var_3;
+ } else if (var_i === 3) {
+ rgb.r = var_1;
+ rgb.g = var_2;
+ rgb.b = hsv.v;
+ } else if (var_i === 4) {
+ rgb.r = var_3;
+ rgb.g = var_1;
+ rgb.b = hsv.v;
+ } else {
+ rgb.r = hsv.v;
+ rgb.g = var_1;
+ rgb.b = var_2;
+ }
+ }
+ return rgb;
+ },
+ _rgb_to_hsl = function(rgb) {
+ var minVal = Math.min(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b),
+ maxVal = Math.max(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b),
+ delta = maxVal - minVal,
+ del_R, del_G, del_B,
+ hsl = {
+ h: 0,
+ s: 0,
+ l: (maxVal + minVal) / 2
+ };
+ if (delta === 0) {
+ hsl.h = 0;
+ hsl.s = 0;
+ } else {
+ hsl.s = hsl.l < 0.5 ? delta / (maxVal + minVal) : delta / (2 - maxVal - minVal);
+ del_R = (((maxVal - rgb.r) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ del_G = (((maxVal - rgb.g) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ del_B = (((maxVal - rgb.b) / 6) + (delta / 2)) / delta;
+ if (rgb.r === maxVal) {
+ hsl.h = del_B - del_G;
+ } else if (rgb.g === maxVal) {
+ hsl.h = (1 / 3) + del_R - del_B;
+ } else if (rgb.b === maxVal) {
+ hsl.h = (2 / 3) + del_G - del_R;
+ }
+ if (hsl.h < 0) {
+ hsl.h += 1;
+ } else if (hsl.h > 1) {
+ hsl.h -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return hsl;
+ },
+ _hsl_to_rgb = function(hsl) {
+ var var_1,
+ var_2,
+ hue_to_rgb = function(v1, v2, vH) {
+ if (vH < 0) {
+ vH += 1;
+ }
+ if (vH > 1) {
+ vH -= 1;
+ }
+ if ((6 * vH) < 1) {
+ return v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6 * vH;
+ }
+ if ((2 * vH) < 1) {
+ return v2;
+ }
+ if ((3 * vH) < 2) {
+ return v1 + (v2 - v1) * ((2 / 3) - vH) * 6;
+ }
+ return v1;
+ };
+ if (hsl.s === 0) {
+ return {
+ r: hsl.l,
+ g: hsl.l,
+ b: hsl.l
+ };
+ }
+ var_2 = (hsl.l < 0.5) ? hsl.l * (1 + hsl.s) : (hsl.l + hsl.s) - (hsl.s * hsl.l);
+ var_1 = 2 * hsl.l - var_2;
+ return {
+ r: hue_to_rgb(var_1, var_2, hsl.h + (1 / 3)),
+ g: hue_to_rgb(var_1, var_2, hsl.h),
+ b: hue_to_rgb(var_1, var_2, hsl.h - (1 / 3))
+ };
+ },
+ _xyz_to_lab = function(xyz) {
+ var x = xyz.x / illuminant[0],
+ y = xyz.y / illuminant[1],
+ z = xyz.z / illuminant[2];
+ x = (x > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(x, (1/3)) : (7.787 * x) + (16/116);
+ y = (y > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(y, (1/3)) : (7.787 * y) + (16/116);
+ z = (z > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(z, (1/3)) : (7.787 * z) + (16/116);
+ return {
+ l: ((116 * y) - 16) / 100, // [0,100]
+ a: ((500 * (x - y)) + 128) / 255, // [-128,127]
+ b: ((200 * (y - z)) + 128) / 255 // [-128,127]
+ };
+ },
+ _lab_to_xyz = function(lab) {
+ var lab2 = {
+ l: lab.l * 100,
+ a: (lab.a * 255) - 128,
+ b: (lab.b * 255) - 128
+ },
+ xyz = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: (lab2.l + 16) / 116,
+ z: 0
+ };
+ xyz.x = lab2.a / 500 + xyz.y;
+ xyz.z = xyz.y - lab2.b / 200;
+ xyz.x = (Math.pow(xyz.x, 3) > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(xyz.x, 3) : (xyz.x - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
+ xyz.y = (Math.pow(xyz.y, 3) > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(xyz.y, 3) : (xyz.y - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
+ xyz.z = (Math.pow(xyz.z, 3) > 0.008856) ? Math.pow(xyz.z, 3) : (xyz.z - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
+ xyz.x *= illuminant[0];
+ xyz.y *= illuminant[1];
+ xyz.z *= illuminant[2];
+ return xyz;
+ },
+ _rgb_to_cmy = function(rgb) {
+ return {
+ c: 1 - (rgb.r),
+ m: 1 - (rgb.g),
+ y: 1 - (rgb.b)
+ };
+ },
+ _cmy_to_rgb = function(cmy) {
+ return {
+ r: 1 - (cmy.c),
+ g: 1 - (cmy.m),
+ b: 1 - (cmy.y)
+ };
+ },
+ _cmy_to_cmyk = function(cmy) {
+ var K = 1;
+ if (cmy.c < K) {
+ K = cmy.c;
+ }
+ if (cmy.m < K) {
+ K = cmy.m;
+ }
+ if (cmy.y < K) {
+ K = cmy.y;
+ }
+ if (K === 1) {
+ return {
+ c: 0,
+ m: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ k: 1
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ c: (cmy.c - K) / (1 - K),
+ m: (cmy.m - K) / (1 - K),
+ y: (cmy.y - K) / (1 - K),
+ k: K
+ };
+ },
+ _cmyk_to_cmy = function(cmyk) {
+ return {
+ c: cmyk.c * (1 - cmyk.k) + cmyk.k,
+ m: cmyk.m * (1 - cmyk.k) + cmyk.k,
+ y: cmyk.y * (1 - cmyk.k) + cmyk.k
+ };
+ };
+ this.set = false;
+ this.setAlpha = function(_a) {
+ if (_a !== null) {
+ a = _clip(_a);
+ }
+ this.set = true;
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.getAlpha = function() {
+ return a;
+ };
+ this.setRGB = function(r, g, b) {
+ spaces = { rgb: this.getRGB() };
+ if (r !== null) {
+ spaces.rgb.r = _clip(r);
+ }
+ if (g !== null) {
+ spaces.rgb.g = _clip(g);
+ }
+ if (b !== null) {
+ spaces.rgb.b = _clip(b);
+ }
+ this.set = true;
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.getChannel = function(channel) {
+ switch (channel) {
+ case 'h':
+ case 's':
+ case 'v':
+ return this.getHSV()[channel];
+ case 'r':
+ case 'g':
+ case 'b':
+ return this.getRGB()[channel];
+ case 'a':
+ return this.getAlpha();
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ this.setChannel = function(channel, value) {
+ switch (channel) {
+ case 'h':
+ return this.setHSV(value, null, null);
+ case 's':
+ return this.setHSV(null, value, null);
+ case 'v':
+ return this.setHSV(null, null, value);
+ case 'r':
+ return this.setRGB(value, null, null);
+ case 'g':
+ return this.setRGB(null, value, null);
+ case 'b':
+ return this.setRGB(null, null, value);
+ case 'a':
+ return this.setAlpha(value);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.setHSV = function(h, s, v) {
+ spaces = {hsv: this.getHSV()};
+ if (h !== null) {
+ spaces.hsv.h = _clip(h);
+ }
+ if (s !== null) {
+ spaces.hsv.s = _clip(s);
+ }
+ if (v !== null) {
+ spaces.hsv.v = _clip(v);
+ }
+ this.set = true;
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.setHSL = function(h, s, l) {
+ spaces = {hsl: this.getHSL()};
+ if (h !== null) {
+ spaces.hsl.h = _clip(h);
+ }
+ if (s !== null) {
+ spaces.hsl.s = _clip(s);
+ }
+ if (l !== null) {
+ spaces.hsl.l = _clip(l);
+ }
+ this.set = true;
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.setLAB = function(l, a, b) {
+ spaces = {lab: this.getLAB()};
+ if (l !== null) {
+ spaces.lab.l = _clip(l);
+ }
+ if (a !== null) {
+ spaces.lab.a = _clip(a);
+ }
+ if (b !== null) {
+ spaces.lab.b = _clip(b);
+ }
+ this.set = true;
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.setCMYK = function(c, m, y, k) {
+ spaces = {cmyk: this.getCMYK()};
+ if (c !== null) {
+ spaces.cmyk.c = _clip(c);
+ }
+ if (m !== null) {
+ spaces.cmyk.m = _clip(m);
+ }
+ if (y !== null) {
+ spaces.cmyk.y = _clip(y);
+ }
+ if (k !== null) {
+ spaces.cmyk.k = _clip(k);
+ }
+ this.set = true;
+ return this;
+ };
+ this.getRGB = function() {
+ if (!spaces.rgb) {
+ spaces.rgb = spaces.lab ? _xyz_to_rgb(_lab_to_xyz(spaces.lab))
+ : spaces.hsv ? _hsv_to_rgb(spaces.hsv)
+ : spaces.hsl ? _hsl_to_rgb(spaces.hsl)
+ : spaces.cmyk ? _cmy_to_rgb(_cmyk_to_cmy(spaces.cmyk))
+ : {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0};
+ spaces.rgb.r = _clip(spaces.rgb.r);
+ spaces.rgb.g = _clip(spaces.rgb.g);
+ spaces.rgb.b = _clip(spaces.rgb.b);
+ }
+ return $.extend({}, spaces.rgb);
+ };
+ this.getHSV = function() {
+ if (!spaces.hsv) {
+ spaces.hsv = spaces.lab ? _rgb_to_hsv(this.getRGB())
+ : spaces.rgb ? _rgb_to_hsv(spaces.rgb)
+ : spaces.hsl ? _rgb_to_hsv(this.getRGB())
+ : spaces.cmyk ? _rgb_to_hsv(this.getRGB())
+ : {h: 0, s: 0, v: 0};
+ spaces.hsv.h = _clip(spaces.hsv.h);
+ spaces.hsv.s = _clip(spaces.hsv.s);
+ spaces.hsv.v = _clip(spaces.hsv.v);
+ }
+ return $.extend({}, spaces.hsv);
+ };
+ this.getHSL = function() {
+ if (!spaces.hsl) {
+ spaces.hsl = spaces.rgb ? _rgb_to_hsl(spaces.rgb)
+ : spaces.hsv ? _rgb_to_hsl(this.getRGB())
+ : spaces.cmyk ? _rgb_to_hsl(this.getRGB())
+ : spaces.hsv ? _rgb_to_hsl(this.getRGB())
+ : {h: 0, s: 0, l: 0};
+ spaces.hsl.h = _clip(spaces.hsl.h);
+ spaces.hsl.s = _clip(spaces.hsl.s);
+ spaces.hsl.l = _clip(spaces.hsl.l);
+ }
+ return $.extend({}, spaces.hsl);
+ };
+ this.getCMYK = function() {
+ if (!spaces.cmyk) {
+ spaces.cmyk = spaces.rgb ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(spaces.rgb))
+ : spaces.hsv ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(this.getRGB()))
+ : spaces.hsl ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(this.getRGB()))
+ : spaces.lab ? _cmy_to_cmyk(_rgb_to_cmy(this.getRGB()))
+ : {c: 0, m: 0, y: 0, k: 1};
+ spaces.cmyk.c = _clip(spaces.cmyk.c);
+ spaces.cmyk.m = _clip(spaces.cmyk.m);
+ spaces.cmyk.y = _clip(spaces.cmyk.y);
+ spaces.cmyk.k = _clip(spaces.cmyk.k);
+ }
+ return $.extend({}, spaces.cmyk);
+ };
+ this.getLAB = function() {
+ if (!spaces.lab) {
+ spaces.lab = spaces.rgb ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(spaces.rgb))
+ : spaces.hsv ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(this.getRGB()))
+ : spaces.hsl ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(this.getRGB()))
+ : spaces.cmyk ? _xyz_to_lab(_rgb_to_xyz(this.getRGB()))
+ : {l: 0, a: 0, b: 0};
+ spaces.lab.l = _clip(spaces.lab.l);
+ spaces.lab.a = _clip(spaces.lab.a);
+ spaces.lab.b = _clip(spaces.lab.b);
+ }
+ return $.extend({}, spaces.lab);
+ };
+ this.getChannels = function() {
+ return {
+ r: this.getRGB().r,
+ g: this.getRGB().g,
+ b: this.getRGB().b,
+ a: this.getAlpha(),
+ h: this.getHSV().h,
+ s: this.getHSV().s,
+ v: this.getHSV().v,
+ c: this.getCMYK().c,
+ m: this.getCMYK().m,
+ y: this.getCMYK().y,
+ k: this.getCMYK().k,
+ L: this.getLAB().l,
+ A: this.getLAB().a,
+ B: this.getLAB().b
+ };
+ };
+ this.getSpaces = function() {
+ return $.extend(true, {}, spaces);
+ };
+ this.distance = function(color) {
+ var space = 'lab',
+ getter = 'get'+space.toUpperCase(),
+ a = this[getter](),
+ b = color[getter](),
+ distance = 0,
+ channel;
+ for (channel in a) {
+ distance += Math.pow(a[channel] - b[channel], 2);
+ }
+ return distance;
+ };
+ this.equals = function(color) {
+ if (color) {
+ var a = this.getRGB(),
+ b = color.getRGB();
+ return this.set === color.set
+ && this.getAlpha() === color.getAlpha()
+ && a.r === b.r
+ && a.g === b.g
+ && a.b === b.b;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ this.limit = function(steps) {
+ steps -= 1;
+ var rgb = this.getRGB();
+ this.setRGB(
+ Math.round(rgb.r * steps) / steps,
+ Math.round(rgb.g * steps) / steps,
+ Math.round(rgb.b * steps) / steps
+ );
+ };
+ this.toHex = function() {
+ var rgb = this.getRGB();
+ return _hexify(rgb.r * 255) + _hexify(rgb.g * 255) + _hexify(rgb.b * 255);
+ };
+ this.toCSS = function() {
+ return '#' + this.toHex();
+ };
+ this.copy = function() {
+ var color = new $.colorpicker.Color(this.getSpaces(), this.getAlpha());
+ color.set = this.set;
+ return color;
+ };
+ // Construct
+ if (args.length === 2) {
+ spaces = args[0];
+ this.setAlpha(args[1] === 0 ? 0 : args[1] || 1);
+ this.set = true;
+ }
+ if (args.length > 2) {
+ this.setRGB(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
+ this.setAlpha(args[3] === 0 ? 0 : args[3] || 1);
+ this.set = true;
+ }
+ };
+ }();
+ $.widget('vanderlee.colorpicker', {
+ options: {
+ alpha: false, // Show alpha controls and mode
+ altAlpha: true, // change opacity of altField as well?
+ altField: '', // selector for DOM elements which change background color on change.
+ altOnChange: true, // true to update on each change, false to update only on close.
+ altProperties: 'background-color', // comma separated list of any of 'background-color', 'color', 'border-color', 'outline-color'
+ autoOpen: false, // Open dialog automatically upon creation
+ buttonClass: null, // If set, the button will get this/these classname(s).
+ buttonColorize: false,
+ buttonImage: 'images/ui-colorpicker.png',
+ buttonImageOnly: false,
+ buttonText: null, // Text on the button and/or title of button image.
+ cancelOnExit: false, // Should we revert to original value if user clicks outside?
+ closeOnEscape: true, // Close the dialog when the escape key is pressed.
+ closeOnOutside: true, // Close the dialog when clicking outside the dialog (not for inline)
+ color: '#00FF00', // Initial color (for inline only)
+ colorFormat: 'HEX', // Format string for output color format
+ disabled: false, // Disable or enable the colorpicker initially
+ draggable: true, // Make popup dialog draggable if header is visible.
+ containment: null, // Constrains dragging to within the bounds of the specified element or region.
+ duration: 'fast',
+ hideOn: 'button', // 'focus', 'click', 'button', 'alt', 'all'
+ hsv: true, // Show HSV controls and modes
+ inline: true, // Show any divs as inline by default
+ inlineFrame: true, // Show a border and background when inline.
+ layout: {
+ map: [0, 0, 1, 5], // Left, Top, Width, Height (in table cells).
+ bar: [1, 0, 1, 5],
+ preview: [2, 0, 1, 1],
+ hsv: [2, 1, 1, 1],
+ rgb: [2, 2, 1, 1],
+ alpha: [2, 3, 1, 1],
+ hex: [2, 4, 1, 1],
+ lab: [3, 1, 1, 1],
+ cmyk: [3, 2, 1, 2],
+ swatches: [4, 0, 1, 5]
+ },
+ limit: '', // Limit color "resolution": '', 'websafe', 'nibble', 'binary', 'name'
+ modal: false, // Modal dialog?
+ mode: 'h', // Initial editing mode, h, s, v, r, g, b or a
+ okOnEnter: false, // Close (with OK) when pressing the enter key
+ parts: '', // leave empty for automatic selection
+ part: {
+ map: { size: 256 },
+ bar: { size: 256 }
+ }, // options per part
+ position: null,
+ regional: '',
+ revert: false, // Revert color upon non
+ rgb: true, // Show RGB controls and modes
+ showAnim: 'fadeIn',
+ showCancelButton: true,
+ showNoneButton: false,
+ showCloseButton: true,
+ showOn: 'focus click alt', // 'focus', 'click', 'button', 'alt', 'all'
+ showOptions: {},
+ swatches: null, // null for default or kv-object or names swatches set
+ swatchesWidth: 84, // width (in number of pixels) of swatches box.
+ title: null,
+ cancel: null,
+ close: null,
+ init: null,
+ ok: null,
+ open: null,
+ select: null,
+ stop: null,
+ ready: null
+ },
+ _create: function () {
+ var that = this,
+ text;
+ that.colorpicker_index = _colorpicker_index++;
+ that.widgetEventPrefix = 'colorpicker';
+ that.opened = false;
+ that.generated = false;
+ that.inline = false;
+ that.changed = false;
+ that.dialog = null;
+ that.button = null;
+ that.image = null;
+ that.overlay = null;
+ that.events = {
+ window_resize: null,
+ document_keydown: null,
+ document_click_html: null
+ };
+ that.mode = that.options.mode;
+ if (that.element.is('input') || that.options.inline === false) {
+ // Initial color
+ that._setColor(that.element.is('input') ? that.element.val() : that.options.color);
+ that._callback('init');
+ // showOn focus
+ if (/\bfocus|all|both\b/.test(that.options.showOn)) {
+ that.element.on('focus', function () {
+ that.open();
+ });
+ }
+ if (/\bfocus|all|both\b/.test(that.options.hideOn)) {
+ that.element.on('focusout', function (e) {
+ that.close();
+ });
+ }
+ // showOn click
+ if (/\bclick|all|both\b/.test(that.options.showOn)) {
+ that.element.on('click', function (e) {
+ if (that.opened && /\bclick|all|both\b/.test(that.options.hideOn)) {
+ that.close();
+ } else {
+ that.open();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // showOn button
+ if (/\bbutton|all|both\b/.test(that.options.showOn)) {
+ if (that.options.buttonImage !== '') {
+ text = that.options.buttonText || that._getRegional('button');
+ that.image = $(' ').attr({
+ 'src': that.options.buttonImage,
+ 'alt': text,
+ 'title': text
+ });
+ if (that.options.buttonClass) {
+ that.image.attr('class', that.options.buttonClass);
+ }
+ that._setImageBackground();
+ }
+ if (that.options.buttonImageOnly && that.image) {
+ that.button = that.image;
+ } else {
+ that.button = $(' ').html(that.image || that.options.buttonText).button();
+ that.image = that.image ? $('img', that.button).first() : null;
+ }
+ that.button.insertAfter(that.element).click(function () {
+ if (!that.options.disabled) {
+ if (that.opened && /\bbutton|all|both\b/.test(that.options.hideOn)) {
+ that.close();
+ } else {
+ that.open();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // showOn alt
+ if (/\balt|all|both\b/.test(that.options.showOn)) {
+ $(that.options.altField).on('click', function () {
+ if (that.opened && /\balt|all|both\b/.test(that.options.hideOn)) {
+ that.close();
+ } else {
+ that.open();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (that.options.autoOpen) {
+ that.open();
+ }
+ } else {
+ that.inline = true;
+ that._generate();
+ that.opened = true;
+ }
+ // Disable Widget-style
+ (that.element.is(':disabled') || that.options.disabled) && that.disable();
+ // Set callback just before creation ending
+ that._callback('ready');
+ return this;
+ },
+ _setOption: function(key, value) {
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'disabled':
+ this[value ? 'disable' : 'enable']();
+ break;
+ case 'swatches':
+ this.options.swatches = value;
+ this.parts.swatches.init();
+ break;
+ }
+ $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ enable: function () {
+ //$.Widget.prototype.enable.call(this);
+ this.element && this.element.prop('disabled', false);
+ this.button && this.button.prop('disabled', false);
+ this.dialog && this.dialog.removeClass('ui-colorpicker-disabled');
+ this.options.disabled = false;
+ this.parts && $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) {
+ part.disable && part.disable(false);
+ });
+ },
+ disable: function () {
+ //$.Widget.prototype.disable.call(this);
+ this.element && this.element.prop('disabled', true);
+ this.button && this.button.prop('disabled', true);
+ this.dialog && this.dialog.addClass('ui-colorpicker-disabled');
+ this.options.disabled = true;
+ this.parts && $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) {
+ part.disable && part.disable(true);
+ });
+ },
+ _setImageBackground: function() {
+ if (this.image && this.options.buttonColorize) {
+ this.image.css('background-color', this.color.set? this._formatColor('RGBA', this.color) : '');
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * If an alternate field is specified, set it according to the current color.
+ */
+ _setAltField: function () {
+ if (this.options.altOnChange && this.options.altField && this.options.altProperties) {
+ var index,
+ property,
+ properties = this.options.altProperties.split(',');
+ for (index = 0; index <= properties.length; ++index) {
+ property = $.trim(properties[index]);
+ switch (property) {
+ case 'color':
+ case 'fill':
+ case 'stroke':
+ case 'background-color':
+ case 'backgroundColor':
+ case 'outline-color':
+ case 'border-color':
+ $(this.options.altField).css(property, this.color.set? this.color.toCSS() : '');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this.options.altAlpha &&
+ $(this.options.altField).css('opacity', this.color.set? this.color.getAlpha() : '');
+ }
+ },
+ _setColor: function(text) {
+ this.color = this._parseColor(text) || new $.colorpicker.Color();
+ this.currentColor = this.color.copy();
+ this._setImageBackground();
+ this._setAltField();
+ },
+ setColor: function(text) {
+ this._setColor(text);
+ this._change();
+ },
+ getColor: function(format) {
+ return this._formatColor(format || this.options.colorFormat, this.color);
+ },
+ _generateInline: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ $(that.element).html(that.options.inlineFrame ? _container_inlineFrame : _container_inline);
+ that.dialog = $('.ui-colorpicker', that.element);
+ },
+ _generatePopup: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ that.dialog = $(_container_popup).appendTo('body');
+ // Close on clicking outside window and controls
+ if (that.events.document_click_html === null) {
+ $(document).on('touchstart click', 'html', that.events.document_click_html = function (event) {
+ if (!that.opened || event.target === that.element[0] || that.overlay) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check if clicked on any part of dialog
+ if (that.dialog.is(event.target) || that.dialog.has(event.target).length > 0) {
+ that.element.blur(); // inside window!
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check if clicked on known external elements
+ var p,
+ parents = $(event.target).parents();
+ // add the event.target in case of buttonImageOnly and closeOnOutside both are set to true
+ parents.push(event.target);
+ for (p = 0; p <= parents.length; ++p) {
+ // button
+ if (that.button !== null && parents[p] === that.button[0]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // showOn alt
+ if (/\balt|all|both\b/.test(that.options.showOn) && $(that.options.altField).is(parents[p])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // no closeOnOutside
+ if (!that.options.closeOnOutside) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // bring back the previous color if cancelOnExit is set to true
+ if (that.options.cancelOnExit) {
+ that.color = that.currentColor.copy();
+ that._change();
+ }
+ that.close(that.options.revert);
+ });
+ }
+ if (that.events.document_keydown === null) {
+ $(document).on('keydown', that.events.document_keydown = function (event) {
+ // close on ESC key
+ if (that.opened && event.keyCode === 27 && that.options.closeOnEscape) {
+ that.close(that.options.revert);
+ }
+ // OK on Enter key
+ if (that.opened && event.keyCode === 13 && that.options.okOnEnter) {
+ that.close();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Close (with OK) on tab key in element
+ that.element.keydown(function (event) {
+ if (event.keyCode === 9) {
+ that.close();
+ }
+ }).keyup(function (event) {
+ var color = that._parseColor(that.element.val());
+ if (color && !that.color.equals(color)) {
+ that.color = color;
+ that._change();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _generate: function () {
+ var that = this,
+ index,
+ part,
+ parts_list,
+ layout_parts,
+ table,
+ classes;
+ that._setColor(that.inline || !that.element.is('input') ? that.options.color : that.element.val());
+ that[that.inline ? '_generateInline' : '_generatePopup']();
+ // Determine the parts to include in this colorpicker
+ if (typeof that.options.parts === 'string') {
+ if ($.colorpicker.partslists[that.options.parts]) {
+ parts_list = $.colorpicker.partslists[that.options.parts];
+ } else {
+ // automatic
+ parts_list = $.colorpicker.partslists[that.inline ? 'inline' : 'popup'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ parts_list = that.options.parts;
+ }
+ // Add any parts to the internal parts list
+ that.parts = {};
+ $.each(parts_list, function(index, part) {
+ if ($.colorpicker.parts[part]) {
+ that.parts[part] = new $.colorpicker.parts[part](that);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!that.generated) {
+ layout_parts = [];
+ $.each(that.options.layout, function(part, pos) {
+ if (that.parts[part]) {
+ layout_parts.push({
+ 'part': part,
+ 'pos': pos
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ table = $(_layoutTable(layout_parts, function(cell, x, y) {
+ classes = ['ui-colorpicker-' + cell.part + '-container'];
+ if (x > 0) {
+ classes.push('ui-colorpicker-padding-left');
+ }
+ if (y > 0) {
+ classes.push('ui-colorpicker-padding-top');
+ }
+ return ' 1 ? ' colspan="' + cell.pos[2] + '"' : '')
+ + (cell.pos[3] > 1 ? ' rowspan="' + cell.pos[3] + '"' : '')
+ + ' valign="top"> ';
+ })).appendTo(that.dialog);
+ if (that.options.inlineFrame) {
+ table.addClass('ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content');
+ }
+ that._initAllParts();
+ that._updateAllParts();
+ that.generated = true;
+ }
+ },
+ _effectGeneric: function (element, show, slide, fade, callback) {
+ var that = this;
+ if ($.effects && $.effects[that.options.showAnim]) {
+ element[show](that.options.showAnim, that.options.showOptions, that.options.duration, callback);
+ } else {
+ element[(that.options.showAnim === 'slideDown' ?
+ slide
+ : (that.options.showAnim === 'fadeIn' ?
+ fade
+ : show))]((that.options.showAnim ? that.options.duration : null), callback);
+ if ($.isFunction(callback) && (!that.options.showAnim || !that.options.duration)) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _effectShow: function(element, callback) {
+ this._effectGeneric(element, 'show', 'slideDown', 'fadeIn', callback);
+ },
+ _effectHide: function(element, callback) {
+ this._effectGeneric(element, 'hide', 'slideUp', 'fadeOut', callback);
+ },
+ open: function() {
+ var that = this,
+ offset,
+ bottom, right,
+ height, width,
+ x, y,
+ zIndex,
+ element,
+ position;
+ if (!that.opened) {
+ that._generate();
+ if (that.element.is(':hidden')) {
+ element = $('
+ } else {
+ element = that.element;
+ }
+ if (that.element.is(':hidden')) {
+ element.remove();
+ }
+ // Automatically find highest z-index.
+ zIndex = 0;
+ $(that.element[0]).parents().each(function() {
+ var z = $(this).css('z-index');
+ if ((typeof(z) === 'number' || typeof(z) === 'string') && z !== '' && !isNaN(z)) {
+ if (z > zIndex) {
+ zIndex = parseInt(z, 10);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $(this).siblings().each(function() {
+ var z = $(this).css('z-index');
+ if ((typeof(z) === 'number' || typeof(z) === 'string') && z !== '' && !isNaN(z)) {
+ if (z > zIndex) {
+ zIndex = parseInt(z, 10);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ zIndex += 2;
+ that.dialog.css('z-index', zIndex);
+ if (that.options.modal) {
+ that.overlay = $('
').appendTo('body').css('z-index', zIndex - 1);
+ if (that.events.window_resize !== null) {
+ $(window).off('resize', that.events.window_resize);
+ }
+ that.events.window_resize = function() {
+ if (that.overlay) {
+ that.overlay.width($(document).width());
+ that.overlay.height($(document).height());
+ }
+ },
+ $(window).on('resize', that.events.window_resize);
+ that.events.window_resize();
+ }
+ that._effectShow(this.dialog);
+ if (that.options.position) {
+ position = $.extend({}, that.options.position);
+ if (position.of === 'element') {
+ position.of = element;
+ }
+ } else {
+ position = {
+ my: 'left top',
+ at: 'left bottom',
+ of: element,
+ collision: 'flip'
+ };
+ }
+ that.dialog.position(position);
+ that.opened = true;
+ that._callback('open');
+ // Without waiting for domready the width of the map is 0 and we
+ // wind up with the cursor stuck in the upper left corner
+ $(function() {
+ that._repaintAllParts();
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ close: function (cancel) {
+ var that = this;
+ if (!that.opened) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cancel) {
+ that.color = that.currentColor.copy();
+ that._change();
+ that._callback('cancel');
+ } else {
+ that.currentColor = that.color.copy();
+ that._callback('ok');
+ }
+ that.changed = false;
+ if (that.overlay) {
+ $(window).off('resize', that.events.window_resize);
+ that.overlay.remove();
+ }
+ // tear down the interface
+ that._effectHide(that.dialog, function () {
+ that.dialog.remove();
+ that.dialog = null;
+ that.generated = false;
+ that.opened = false;
+ that._callback('close');
+ });
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ if (that.events.document_click_html !== null) {
+ $(document).off('touchstart click', 'html', that.events.document_click_html);
+ }
+ if (that.events.document_keydown !== null) {
+ $(document).off('keydown', that.events.document_keydown);
+ }
+ if (that.events.window_resize !== null) {
+ $(window).off('resize', that.events.window_resize);
+ }
+ this.element.off();
+ if (this.overlay) {
+ this.overlay.remove();
+ }
+ if (this.dialog !== null) {
+ this.dialog.remove();
+ }
+ if (this.image !== null) {
+ this.image.remove();
+ }
+ if (this.button !== null) {
+ this.button.remove();
+ }
+ },
+ _callback: function (callback) {
+ var that = this,
+ data,
+ lab;
+ if (that.color.set) {
+ data = {
+ formatted: that._formatColor(that.options.colorFormat, that.color),
+ colorPicker: that
+ };
+ data.hex = that.color.toHex();
+ data.css = that.color.toCSS();
+ data.a = that.color.getAlpha();
+ data.rgb = that.color.getRGB();
+ data.hsv = that.color.getHSV();
+ data.cmyk = that.color.getCMYK();
+ data.hsl = that.color.getHSL();
+ lab = that.color.getLAB();
+ lab.a = (lab.a * 2) - 1;
+ lab.b = (lab.b * 2) - 1;
+ data.lab = lab;
+ return that._trigger(callback, null, data);
+ } else {
+ return that._trigger(callback, null, {
+ formatted: '',
+ colorPicker: that
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _initAllParts: function () {
+ $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) {
+ if (part.init) {
+ part.init();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _updateAllParts: function () {
+ $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) {
+ if (part.update) {
+ part.update();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _repaintAllParts: function () {
+ $.each(this.parts, function (index, part) {
+ if (part.repaint) {
+ part.repaint();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _change: function (stoppedChanging /* = true */) {
+ // Limit color palette
+ if (this.color.set && this.options.limit && $.colorpicker.limits[this.options.limit]) {
+ $.colorpicker.limits[this.options.limit](this.color, this);
+ }
+ // Set changed if different from starting color
+ this.changed = !this.color.equals(this.currentColor);
+ // update input element content
+ if (!this.inline) {
+ if (!this.color.set) {
+ if (this.element.val() !== '') {
+ this.element.val('').change();
+ }
+ } else if (!this.color.equals(this._parseColor(this.element.val()))) {
+ this.element.val(this._formatColor(this.options.colorFormat, this.color)).change();
+ }
+ this._setImageBackground();
+ }
+ // Set the alt field
+ this._setAltField();
+ // update color option
+ this.options.color = this.color.set ? this.color.toCSS() : '';
+ if (this.opened) {
+ this._repaintAllParts();
+ }
+ // callbacks
+ this._callback('select');
+ if (typeof stoppedChanging === 'undefined' ? true : !!stoppedChanging) {
+ this._callback('stop');
+ }
+ },
+ // This will be deprecated by jQueryUI 1.9 widget
+ _hoverable: function (e) {
+ e.hover(function () {
+ e.addClass('ui-state-hover');
+ }, function () {
+ e.removeClass('ui-state-hover');
+ });
+ },
+ // This will be deprecated by jQueryUI 1.9 widget
+ _focusable: function (e) {
+ e.focus(function () {
+ e.addClass('ui-state-focus');
+ }).blur(function () {
+ e.removeClass('ui-state-focus');
+ });
+ },
+ _getRegional: function(name) {
+ return $.colorpicker.regional[this.options.regional][name] !== undefined ?
+ $.colorpicker.regional[this.options.regional][name] : $.colorpicker.regional[''][name];
+ },
+ _getSwatches: function() {
+ if (typeof(this.options.swatches) === 'string') {
+ return $.colorpicker.swatches[this.options.swatches];
+ }
+ if ($.isPlainObject(this.options.swatches)) {
+ return this.options.swatches;
+ }
+ return $.colorpicker.swatches.html;
+ },
+ _eachSwatch: function (callback) {
+ var currentSwatches = this._getSwatches(),
+ name;
+ $.each(currentSwatches, function (nameOrIndex, swatch) {
+ name = $.isArray(currentSwatches) ? swatch.name : nameOrIndex;
+ return callback(name, swatch);
+ });
+ },
+ _getSwatch: function(name) {
+ var swatch = false;
+ this._eachSwatch(function(swatchName, current) {
+ if (swatchName.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) {
+ swatch = current;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return swatch;
+ },
+ _parseFormat: function(format, text) {
+ var that = this,
+ typeRegexps = {
+ x: function() {return '([0-9a-fA-F]{2})';}
+ , d: function() {return '([12]?[0-9]{1,2})';}
+ , f: function() {return '([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*)';}
+ , p: function() {return '([0-9]*\\.?[0-9]*)';}
+ },
+ typeConverters = {
+ x: function(v) {return parseInt(v, 16) / 255.;}
+ , d: function(v) {return v / 255.;}
+ , f: function(v) {return v;}
+ , p: function(v) {return v * 0.01;}
+ },
+ setters = {
+ r: 'setRGB'
+ , g: 'setRGB'
+ , b: 'setRGB'
+ , h: 'setHSV'
+ , s: 'setHSV'
+ , v: 'setHSV'
+ , c: 'setCMYK'
+ , m: 'setCMYK'
+ , y: 'setCMYK'
+ , k: 'setCMYK'
+ , L: 'setLAB'
+ , A: 'setLAB'
+ , B: 'setLAB'
+ },
+ setterChannels = {
+ setRGB: [ 'r', 'g', 'b']
+ , setHSV: [ 'h', 's', 'v' ]
+ , setCMYK: [ 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k' ]
+ , setLAB: [ 'L', 'A', 'B' ]
+ },
+ channels = [],
+ converters = [],
+ setter = null,
+ color,
+ pattern;
+ // Construct pattern
+ pattern = format.replace(/[()\\^$.|?*+[\]]/g, function(m) {
+ return '\\'+m;
+ });
+ pattern = pattern.replace(/\\?[argbhsvcmykLAB][xdfp]/g, function(variable) {
+ if (variable.match(/^\\/)) {
+ return variable.slice(1);
+ }
+ var channel = variable.charAt(0),
+ type = variable.charAt(1);
+ channels.push(channel);
+ converters.push(typeConverters[type]);
+ if (setters[channel]) {
+ setter = setters[channel];
+ }
+ return typeRegexps[type]();
+ });
+ if (setter) {
+ var values = text.match(new RegExp(pattern));
+ if (values) {
+ var args = [],
+ channelIndex;
+ values.shift();
+ $.each(setterChannels[setter], function(index, channel) {
+ channelIndex = $.inArray(channel, channels);
+ args[index] = converters[channelIndex](values[channelIndex]);
+ });
+ color = new $.colorpicker.Color();
+ color[setter].apply(color, args);
+ }
+ }
+ return color;
+ },
+ _parseColor: function(text) {
+ var that = this,
+ color;
+ var formats = $.isArray(that.options.colorFormat)
+ ? that.options.colorFormat
+ : [ that.options.colorFormat ];
+ $.each(formats, function(index, format) {
+ if ($.colorpicker.parsers[format]) {
+ color = $.colorpicker.parsers[format](text, that);
+ } else {
+ color = that._parseFormat(format, text);
+ }
+ if (color) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ if (!color) {
+ // fallback; check all registered parsers
+ $.each($.colorpicker.parsers, function(name, parser) {
+ color = parser(text, that);
+ if (color) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (color) {
+ return color;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ _exactName: function(color) {
+ var name = false;
+ this._eachSwatch(function(n, swatch) {
+ if (color.equals(new $.colorpicker.Color(swatch.r, swatch.g, swatch.b))) {
+ name = n;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return name;
+ },
+ _closestName: function(color) {
+ var rgb = color.getRGB(),
+ distance = null,
+ name = false,
+ d;
+ this._eachSwatch(function(n, swatch) {
+ d = color.distance(new $.colorpicker.Color(swatch.r, swatch.g, swatch.b));
+ if (d < distance || distance === null) {
+ name = n;
+ if (d <= 1e-20) { // effectively 0 by maximum rounding error
+ return false; // can't get much closer than 0
+ }
+ distance = d; // safety net
+ }
+ });
+ return name;
+ },
+ _formatColor: function (formats, color) {
+ var that = this,
+ text = null,
+ types = { 'x': function(v) {return _intToHex(v * 255);}
+ ,'d':function(v) {return Math.round(v * 255);}
+ ,'f':function(v) {return v;}
+ ,'p':function(v) {return v * 100.;}
+ },
+ channels = color.getChannels();
+ if (!$.isArray(formats)) {
+ formats = [formats];
+ }
+ $.each(formats, function(index, format) {
+ if ($.colorpicker.writers[format]) {
+ text = $.colorpicker.writers[format](color, that);
+ return (text === false);
+ } else {
+ text = format.replace(/\\?[argbhsvcmykLAB][xdfp]/g, function(m) {
+ if (m.match(/^\\/)) {
+ return m.slice(1);
+ }
+ return types[m.charAt(1)](channels[m.charAt(0)]);
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return text;
+ }
+ });
+ return $.vanderlee.colorpicker;
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/package.json b/js/jquery-colorpicker/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aaf298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ "name": "vanderlee-colorpicker",
+ "version": "1.2.20",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/vanderlee/colorpicker",
+ "author": "Martijn van der Lee ",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "https://github.com/vanderlee/colorpicker"
+ },
+ "description": "JQuery colorpicker: themeroller styling, RGB, HSL, CMYK and L*A*B support. Standard look & feel, configurable. Works as a popup or inline.",
+ "main": "jquery.colorpicker.js",
+ "keywords": [
+ "jquery",
+ "colorpicker"
+ ],
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "ignore": [
+ "**/.*",
+ "node_modules",
+ "bower_components",
+ "test"
+ ],
+ "dependencies": {
+ "jquery": ">=1.7.1",
+ "jquery-ui": ">=1.8.0"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "eslint": "^5.15.1",
+ "stylelint": "^9.10.1",
+ "stylelint-config-recommended": "^2.1.0"
+ }
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/parsers/jquery.ui.colorpicker-cmyk-parser.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/parsers/jquery.ui.colorpicker-cmyk-parser.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..230daae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/parsers/jquery.ui.colorpicker-cmyk-parser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.parsers['CMYK'] = function (color) {
+ var m = /^cmyk\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*\)$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return (new $.colorpicker.Color()).setCMYK(
+ m[1] / 255,
+ m[2] / 255,
+ m[3] / 255,
+ m[4] / 255
+ );
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/parsers/jquery.ui.colorpicker-cmyk-percentage-parser.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/parsers/jquery.ui.colorpicker-cmyk-percentage-parser.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0211dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/parsers/jquery.ui.colorpicker-cmyk-percentage-parser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.parsers['CMYK%'] = function (color) {
+ var m = /^cmyk\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*\)$/.exec(color);
+ if (m) {
+ return (new $.colorpicker.Color()).setCMYK(
+ m[1] / 100,
+ m[2] / 100,
+ m[3] / 100,
+ m[4] / 100
+ );
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/parts/jquery.ui.colorpicker-memory.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/parts/jquery.ui.colorpicker-memory.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b13d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/parts/jquery.ui.colorpicker-memory.js
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.parts.memory = function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ container,
+ selectNode = function(node) {
+ inst.color = inst._parseColor($(node).css('backgroundColor'));
+ inst._change();
+ },
+ deleteNode = function(node) {
+ node.remove();
+ },
+ addNode = function(color) {
+ var $node = $('
').addClass('ui-colorpicker-swatch').css('backgroundColor', color);
+ $node.mousedown(function(e) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ if (!inst.options.disabled) {
+ switch (e.which) {
+ case 1:
+ selectNode(this);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ deleteNode($node);
+ setMemory();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }).on('contextmenu', function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ container.append($node);
+ },
+ getMemory = function() {
+ if (window.localStorage) {
+ var memory = localStorage.getItem('colorpicker-memory');
+ if (memory) {
+ return JSON.parse(memory);
+ }
+ }
+ return $.map((document.cookie.match(/\bcolorpicker-memory=([^;]*)/) || [0, ''])[1].split(','),unescape);
+ };
+ setMemory = function() {
+ var colors = [];
+ $('> *', container).each(function() {
+ colors.push($(this).css('backgroundColor'));
+ });
+ if (window.localStorage) {
+ localStorage.setItem('colorpicker-memory',JSON.stringify(colors));
+ }
+ else {
+ var expdate=new Date();
+ expdate.setDate(expdate.getDate() + (365 * 10));
+ document.cookie = 'colorpicker-memory='+$.map(colors,escape).join()+';expires='+expdate.toUTCString();
+ }
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ container = $('
+ .addClass('ui-colorpicker-memory ui-colorpicker-border ui-colorpicker-swatches')
+ .css({
+ width: 84,
+ height: 84,
+ cursor: 'crosshair'
+ })
+ .appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-memory-container', inst.dialog));
+ $.each(getMemory(), function() {
+ addNode(this);
+ });
+ container.mousedown(function(e) {
+ if (!inst.options.disabled) {
+ addNode(inst.color.toCSS());
+ setMemory();
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/parts/jquery.ui.colorpicker-rgbslider.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/parts/jquery.ui.colorpicker-rgbslider.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e861d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/parts/jquery.ui.colorpicker-rgbslider.js
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+jQuery(function($) {
+ /**
+ * Set a horizontal gradient background image on an element.
+ * Uses the now-deprecated $.browser
+ * @param $ element
+ * @param $.colorpicker.Color startColor
+ * @param $.colorpicker.Color endColor
+ * @returns {undefined}
+ */
+ function setGradient(element, startColor, endColor) {
+ var start = startColor.toCSS(),
+ end = endColor.toCSS(),
+ styles = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, ''),
+ prefix = (Array.prototype.slice.call(styles).join('').match(/-(moz|webkit|ms)-/) || (styles.OLink === '' && ['', 'o']))[1];
+ element.css('background-image', '-'+prefix+'-linear-gradient(left, '+start+' 0%, '+end+' 100%)');
+ }
+ $.colorpicker.parts.rgbslider = function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ sliders = { r: $('
+ g: $('
+ b: $('
+ };
+ this.updateGradients = function () {
+ var color = inst.color.getRGB();
+ setGradient(sliders.r, new $.colorpicker.Color(0, color.g, color.b), new $.colorpicker.Color(1, color.g, color.b));
+ setGradient(sliders.g, new $.colorpicker.Color(color.r, 0, color.b), new $.colorpicker.Color(color.r, 1, color.b));
+ setGradient(sliders.b, new $.colorpicker.Color(color.r, color.g, 0), new $.colorpicker.Color(color.r, color.g, 1));
+ };
+ this.init = function () {
+ $('
').append(sliders.r, sliders.g, sliders.b)
+ .appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-rgbslider-container', inst.dialog));
+ function refresh() {
+ var r = sliders.r.slider('value') / 255,
+ g = sliders.g.slider('value') / 255,
+ b = sliders.b.slider('value') / 255;
+ inst.color.setRGB(r, g, b);
+ inst._change();
+ that.updateGradients();
+ }
+ $(sliders.r).add(sliders.g).add(sliders.b).slider({
+ min: 0,
+ max: 255,
+ step: 1,
+ slide: refresh,
+ change: refresh
+ });
+ this.updateGradients();
+ };
+ this.repaint = function () {
+ $.each(inst.color.getRGB(), function (index, value) {
+ var input = sliders[index];
+ value = Math.round(value * 255);
+ if (input.slider('value') !== value) {
+ input.slider('value', value);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ this.update = function () {
+ this.repaint();
+ };
+ this.disable = function (disabled) {
+ sliders.r.slider(disabled ? 'disable' : 'enable');
+ sliders.g.slider(disabled ? 'disable' : 'enable');
+ sliders.b.slider(disabled ? 'disable' : 'enable');
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/parts/jquery.ui.colorpicker-swatchesswitcher.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/parts/jquery.ui.colorpicker-swatchesswitcher.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..579bb85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/parts/jquery.ui.colorpicker-swatchesswitcher.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.parts.swatchesswitcher = function (inst) {
+ var that = this,
+ part = null;
+ this.init = function () {
+ var names = $.map($.colorpicker.swatches, function(v, name) { return name; }).sort(),
+ current = inst.options.swatches || 'html',
+ select = $('').width(inst.options.swatchesWidth + 2);
+ part = $('
+ .addClass('ui-colorpicker-swatchesswitcher')
+ .css('text-align', 'center')
+ .appendTo($('.ui-colorpicker-swatchesswitcher-container', inst.dialog));
+ select.appendTo(part);
+ $.each(names, function(x, name) {
+ var label = $.colorpicker.swatchesNames[name]
+ || name.replace(/[-_]/, ' ').replace(/^([a-z\u00E0-\u00FC])|\s+([a-z\u00E0-\u00FC])/g, function($1) {
+ return $1.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ $('').val(name).text(label).appendTo(select);
+ });
+ select.val(current);
+ select.change(function() {
+ inst.option('swatches', $(this).val());
+ });
+ };
+ this.disable = function (disabled) {
+ $('select', part).prop('disabled', disabled);
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-copic.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-copic.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0259aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-copic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.swatchesNames['copic'] = 'Copic';
+ $.colorpicker.swatches['copic'] = [
+ {name: 'Colorless Blender', r: 1, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Black', r: 0.1921568627451, g: 0.16862745098039, b: 0.16862745098039},
+ {name: 'Special Black', r: 0.011764705882353, g: 0.027450980392157, b: 0.031372549019608},
+ {name: 'Frost Blue', r: 0.86666666666667, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.95686274509804},
+ {name: 'Pale Porcelain Blue', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.95686274509804, b: 0.96078431372549},
+ {name: 'Pale Celestine', r: 0.94117647058824, g: 0.97647058823529, b: 0.99607843137255},
+ {name: 'Mint Blue', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.93333333333333, b: 0.94901960784314},
+ {name: 'Robin\'s Egg Blue', r: 0.70196078431373, g: 0.89019607843137, b: 0.94509803921569},
+ {name: 'Tahitian Blue', r: 0.45098039215686, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.90196078431373},
+ {name: 'Process Blue', r: 0.25098039215686, g: 0.77254901960784, b: 0.90196078431373},
+ {name: 'Peacock Blue', r: 0, g: 0.70196078431373, b: 0.90196078431373},
+ {name: 'Ice Blue', r: 0.7843137254902, g: 0.90196078431373, b: 0.94117647058824},
+ {name: 'Light Blue', r: 0.44313725490196, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.92156862745098},
+ {name: 'Cyanine Blue', r: 0, g: 0.73725490196078, b: 0.91764705882353},
+ {name: 'Lapis Lazuli', r: 0.11372549019608, g: 0.54117647058824, b: 0.79607843137255},
+ {name: 'Baby Blue', r: 0.85882352941176, g: 0.92941176470588, b: 0.97647058823529},
+ {name: 'Phthalo Blue', r: 0.57254901960784, g: 0.76078431372549, b: 0.90980392156863},
+ {name: 'Sky', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.8078431372549, b: 0.95294117647059},
+ {name: 'Cobalt Blue', r: 0.39607843137255, g: 0.70196078431373, b: 0.89019607843137},
+ {name: 'Royal Blue', r: 0.098039215686275, g: 0.42745098039216, b: 0.71372549019608},
+ {name: 'Ultramarine', r: 0.003921568627451, g: 0.46666666666667, b: 0.75686274509804},
+ {name: 'Pale Blue', r: 0.88627450980392, g: 0.93725490196078, b: 0.96862745098039},
+ {name: 'Manganese Blue', r: 0.50980392156863, g: 0.76470588235294, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Antwerp Blue', r: 0.082352941176471, g: 0.43529411764706, b: 0.64313725490196},
+ {name: 'Prussian Blue', r: 0.16862745098039, g: 0.3921568627451, b: 0.66274509803922},
+ {name: 'Powder Blue', r: 0.88627450980392, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.9843137254902},
+ {name: 'Smoky Blue', r: 0.45882352941176, g: 0.75294117647059, b: 0.91764705882353},
+ {name: 'Soft Greenish Blue', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0.80392156862745, b: 0.86274509803922},
+ {name: 'Pale Blue Gray', r: 0.85490196078431, g: 0.88235294117647, b: 0.95294117647059},
+ {name: 'Light Hydrangea', r: 0.65490196078431, g: 0.73333333333333, b: 0.87843137254902},
+ {name: 'Clematis', r: 0.4078431372549, g: 0.53333333333333, b: 0.77254901960784},
+ {name: 'Stratospheric Blue', r: 0.12941176470588, g: 0.39607843137255, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'Iris', r: 0.23137254901961, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.6156862745098},
+ {name: 'Pale Grayish Blue', r: 0.83529411764706, g: 0.88627450980392, b: 0.92156862745098},
+ {name: 'Light Crockery Blue', r: 0.5843137254902, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.85490196078431},
+ {name: 'Light Grayish Cobalt', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.77254901960784, b: 0.81176470588235},
+ {name: 'Night Blue', r: 0.27058823529412, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.60392156862745},
+ {name: 'Agate', r: 0.058823529411765, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'Pale Aqua', r: 0.89803921568627, g: 0.95686274509804, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Snow Green', r: 0.93725490196078, g: 0.97254901960784, b: 0.95294117647059},
+ {name: 'Aqua Blue', r: 0.78039215686275, g: 0.90196078431373, b: 0.98039215686275},
+ {name: 'New Blue', r: 0.77647058823529, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.91764705882353},
+ {name: 'Holiday Blue', r: 0.11372549019608, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.8078431372549},
+ {name: 'Petroleum Blue', r: 0.11372549019608, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.8078431372549},
+ {name: 'Blue Green', r: 0.86274509803922, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.93725490196078},
+ {name: 'Cool Shadow', r: 0.86274509803922, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.93725490196078},
+ {name: 'Moon White', r: 0.8078431372549, g: 0.92156862745098, b: 0.94509803921569},
+ {name: 'Mint Green', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.90588235294118, b: 0.91372549019608},
+ {name: 'Aqua', r: 0.62745098039216, g: 0.85098039215686, b: 0.82352941176471},
+ {name: 'Teal Blue', r: 0.2156862745098, g: 0.75294117647059, b: 0.69019607843137},
+ {name: 'Coral Sea', r: 0.74117647058824, g: 0.89803921568627, b: 0.86666666666667},
+ {name: 'Aqua Mint', r: 0.73725490196078, g: 0.88627450980392, b: 0.84313725490196},
+ {name: 'Horizon Green', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.85490196078431, b: 0.84313725490196},
+ {name: 'Nile Blue', r: 0.68627450980392, g: 0.87450980392157, b: 0.87450980392157},
+ {name: 'Duck Blue', r: 0, g: 0.71372549019608, b: 0.72549019607843},
+ {name: 'Ice Mint', r: 0.67450980392157, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.81960784313725},
+ {name: 'Jasper', r: 0.3921568627451, g: 0.74509803921569, b: 0.74509803921569},
+ {name: 'Ocean Mist', r: 0.85490196078431, g: 0.92549019607843, b: 0.93333333333333},
+ {name: 'Ice Ocean', r: 0.45490196078431, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.73333333333333},
+ {name: 'Abyss Green', r: 0.34901960784314, g: 0.56862745098039, b: 0.55686274509804},
+ {name: 'Bronze', r: 0.28627450980392, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.41960784313725},
+ {name: 'Gray Sky', r: 0.72941176470588, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.72549019607843},
+ {name: 'Green Gray', r: 0.72941176470588, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.72549019607843},
+ {name: 'Bush', r: 0.50588235294118, g: 0.63529411764706, b: 0.56862745098039},
+ {name: 'Flagstone Blue', r: 0.43137254901961, g: 0.6078431372549, b: 0.52941176470588},
+ {name: 'Mauve Shadow', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.86274509803922, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Iridescent Mauve', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.90588235294118, b: 0.94901960784314},
+ {name: 'Pale Thistle', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.90588235294118, b: 0.94901960784314},
+ {name: 'Viola', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.78823529411765, b: 0.90196078431373},
+ {name: 'Prune', r: 0.66666666666667, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.85882352941176},
+ {name: 'Blue Berry', r: 0.48627450980392, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.8078431372549},
+ {name: 'Blue Violet', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.90588235294118, b: 0.94901960784314},
+ {name: 'Soft Violet', r: 0.83137254901961, g: 0.82352941176471, b: 0.90980392156863},
+ {name: 'Hydrangea Blue', r: 0.51764705882353, g: 0.56862745098039, b: 0.7843137254902},
+ {name: 'Deep Reddish Blue', r: 0.43137254901961, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.74117647058824},
+ {name: 'Dull Lavender', r: 0.81176470588235, g: 0.85882352941176, b: 0.94509803921569},
+ {name: 'Grayish Lavender', r: 0.69411764705882, g: 0.75294117647059, b: 0.86666666666667},
+ {name: 'Grayish Violet', r: 0.50588235294118, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.65490196078431},
+ {name: 'Slate', r: 0.21960784313725, g: 0.27058823529412, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'Pale Lavender', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.90588235294118, b: 0.94901960784314},
+ {name: 'Bluebell', r: 0.62352941176471, g: 0.65490196078431, b: 0.73725490196078},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.0', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.90588235294118, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.00', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.90588235294118, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.1', r: 0.85490196078431, g: 0.89019607843137, b: 0.90980392156863},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.10', r: 0.12549019607843, g: 0.16862745098039, b: 0.1921568627451},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.2', r: 0.8, g: 0.84313725490196, b: 0.86666666666667},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.3', r: 0.75686274509804, g: 0.8, b: 0.82352941176471},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.4', r: 0.57254901960784, g: 0.62745098039216, b: 0.67058823529412},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.5', r: 0.57254901960784, g: 0.62745098039216, b: 0.67058823529412},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.6', r: 0.38823529411765, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.7', r: 0.38823529411765, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.8', r: 0.32549019607843, g: 0.36470588235294, b: 0.4},
+ {name: 'Cool Gray No.9', r: 0.23529411764706, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'Skin White', r: 0.9921568627451, g: 0.95294117647059, b: 0.91764705882353},
+ {name: 'Pale Fruit Pink', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.96078431372549, b: 0.93333333333333},
+ {name: 'Floral White', r: 1, g: 0.98039215686275, b: 0.95686274509804},
+ {name: 'Pink Flamingo', r: 1, g: 0.93333333333333, b: 0.89411764705882},
+ {name: 'Fruit Pink', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.92549019607843, b: 0.87843137254902},
+ {name: 'Lipstick Natural', r: 0.89411764705882, g: 0.73725490196078, b: 0.76862745098039},
+ {name: 'Light Mahogany', r: 0.8, g: 0.50588235294118, b: 0.4156862745098},
+ {name: 'Brown', r: 0.7921568627451, g: 0.39607843137255, b: 0.32549019607843},
+ {name: 'Burnt Sienna', r: 0.85098039215686, g: 0.4156862745098, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'Bareley Beige', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.91372549019608, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Light Suntan', r: 0.91372549019608, g: 0.77254901960784, b: 0.68627450980392},
+ {name: 'Dark Suntan', r: 0.9843137254902, g: 0.73333333333333, b: 0.55294117647059},
+ {name: 'Reddish Brass', r: 0.72156862745098, g: 0.37254901960784, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'Copper', r: 0.53333333333333, g: 0.32549019607843, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'Redwood', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.32156862745098, b: 0.21960784313725},
+ {name: 'Baby Skin Pink', r: 0.9921568627451, g: 0.88627450980392, b: 0.78039215686275},
+ {name: 'Hazelnut', r: 0.92549019607843, g: 0.7921568627451, b: 0.69411764705882},
+ {name: 'Caribe Cocoa', r: 0.82352941176471, g: 0.64313725490196, b: 0.50980392156863},
+ {name: 'Africano', r: 0.6, g: 0.46274509803922, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'Burnt Umber', r: 0.53333333333333, g: 0.27450980392157, b: 0.21176470588235},
+ {name: 'Bisque', r: 0.96862745098039, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Brick Beige', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.90196078431373, b: 0.8078431372549},
+ {name: 'Sand', r: 0.95294117647059, g: 0.82352941176471, b: 0.69411764705882},
+ {name: 'Orientale', r: 0.94117647058824, g: 0.7921568627451, b: 0.65098039215686},
+ {name: 'Chamois', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.76470588235294, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: 'Sepia', r: 0.8, g: 0.56862745098039, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'Leather', r: 0.77254901960784, g: 0.45490196078431, b: 0.24705882352941},
+ {name: 'Brick White', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.86274509803922},
+ {name: 'Pearl White', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.94509803921569, b: 0.88235294117647},
+ {name: 'Sand White', r: 0.95294117647059, g: 0.91764705882353, b: 0.85098039215686},
+ {name: 'Dull Ivory', r: 0.90980392156863, g: 0.85490196078431, b: 0.74117647058824},
+ {name: 'Clay', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.43137254901961, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'Dark Brown', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.43137254901961, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'Dark Bark', r: 0.38823529411765, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.23529411764706},
+ {name: 'Egg Shell', r: 0.95686274509804, g: 0.92156862745098, b: 0.94117647058824},
+ {name: 'Milky White', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.92549019607843, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Raw Silk', r: 0.94509803921569, g: 0.87450980392157, b: 0.72549019607843},
+ {name: 'Light Camel', r: 0.94509803921569, g: 0.87450980392157, b: 0.72549019607843},
+ {name: 'Light Walnut', r: 0.69411764705882, g: 0.52156862745098, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'Walnut', r: 0.60392156862745, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'Ash Rose', r: 0.93725490196078, g: 0.91764705882353, b: 0.90196078431373},
+ {name: 'Champagne', r: 0.63137254901961, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'Cocoa Brown', r: 0.63137254901961, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'Maroon', r: 0.49803921568627, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'Cashew', r: 0.29019607843137, g: 0.17254901960784, b: 0.13333333333333},
+ {name: 'Ivory', r: 0.94117647058824, g: 0.90196078431373, b: 0.76078431372549},
+ {name: 'Khaki', r: 0.68235294117647, g: 0.62352941176471, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'Fig', r: 0.43529411764706, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'Pecan', r: 0.35294117647059, g: 0.28627450980392, b: 0.22352941176471},
+ {name: 'Tea Rose', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.82352941176471, b: 0.72549019607843},
+ {name: 'Flesh Pink', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.73725490196078, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'Deep Orange', r: 0.70588235294118, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.20392156862745},
+ {name: 'Baked Clay', r: 0.70588235294118, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.20392156862745},
+ {name: 'Fluorescent Dull Blue', r: 0.019607843137255, g: 0.56078431372549, b: 0.8156862745098},
+ {name: 'Fluorescent Dull Blue Green', r: 0.3843137254902, g: 0.79607843137255, b: 0.90980392156863},
+ {name: 'Fluorescent Pink', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.78039215686275},
+ {name: 'Fluorescent Dull Violet', r: 0.49803921568627, g: 0.45490196078431, b: 0.71372549019608},
+ {name: 'Fluorescent Yellow Orange', r: 1, g: 0.96470588235294, b: 0.5921568627451},
+ {name: 'Fluorescent Yellow', r: 0.61960784313725, g: 0.80392156862745, b: 0.26274509803922},
+ {name: 'Fluorescent Dull Yellow Green', r: 0.61960784313725, g: 0.80392156862745, b: 0.26274509803922},
+ {name: 'Fluorescent Orange', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.8, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Jade Green', r: 0.89019607843137, g: 0.94901960784314, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Pale Green', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.96078431372549, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Crystal Opal', r: 0.94509803921569, g: 0.96862745098039, b: 0.95294117647059},
+ {name: 'Spectrum Green', r: 0.81176470588235, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.82745098039216},
+ {name: 'Meadow Green', r: 0.71372549019608, g: 0.85490196078431, b: 0.61176470588235},
+ {name: 'Emerald Green', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.75294117647059, b: 0.48235294117647},
+ {name: 'Nile Green', r: 0.48235294117647, g: 0.77254901960784, b: 0.46274509803922},
+ {name: 'Veronese Green', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.76862745098039, b: 0.39607843137255},
+ {name: 'Sea Green', r: 0.82352941176471, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.76862745098039},
+ {name: 'Apple Green', r: 0.5921568627451, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.56470588235294},
+ {name: 'Malachite', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.59607843137255},
+ {name: 'Forest Green', r: 0.07843137254902, g: 0.70196078431373, b: 0.49019607843137},
+ {name: 'Bright Parrot Green', r: 0.17647058823529, g: 0.72549019607843, b: 0.54117647058824},
+ {name: 'Wax White', r: 0.92941176470588, g: 0.96470588235294, b: 0.85882352941176},
+ {name: 'Lime Green', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.89411764705882, b: 0.80392156862745},
+ {name: 'Willow', r: 0.76470588235294, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.70588235294118},
+ {name: 'Ocean Green', r: 0.066666666666667, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0.3843137254902},
+ {name: 'Pine Tree Green', r: 0.098039215686275, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'Dim Green', r: 0.89411764705882, g: 0.94509803921569, b: 0.87450980392157},
+ {name: 'Pistachio', r: 0.84313725490196, g: 0.90588235294118, b: 0.65882352941176},
+ {name: 'Mistletoe', r: 0.34117647058824, g: 0.61960784313725, b: 0.47058823529412},
+ {name: 'Spring Dim Green', r: 0.8, g: 0.85490196078431, b: 0.72549019607843},
+ {name: 'Verdigris', r: 0.6156862745098, g: 0.76470588235294, b: 0.66666666666667},
+ {name: 'Grayish Olive', r: 0.59607843137255, g: 0.65490196078431, b: 0.52549019607843},
+ {name: 'Olive', r: 0.37254901960784, g: 0.49411764705882, b: 0.22745098039216},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.0', r: 0.92549019607843, g: 0.93333333333333, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.1', r: 0.88627450980392, g: 0.89019607843137, b: 0.89803921568627},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.10', r: 0.1921568627451, g: 0.1843137254902, b: 0.18823529411765},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.2', r: 0.85490196078431, g: 0.85882352941176, b: 0.86666666666667},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.3', r: 0.81960784313725, g: 0.82352941176471, b: 0.83137254901961},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.4', r: 0.73725490196078, g: 0.74117647058824, b: 0.75686274509804},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.5', r: 0.65882352941176, g: 0.66274509803922, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.6', r: 0.58039215686275, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.7', r: 0.46666666666667, g: 0.47058823529412, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.8', r: 0.38823529411765, g: 0.3921568627451, b: 0.4},
+ {name: 'Neutral Gray No.9', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'Pinkish White', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.91764705882353, b: 0.88235294117647},
+ {name: 'Cherry White', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.90588235294118},
+ {name: 'Pink Beryl', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.95294117647059, b: 0.93725490196078},
+ {name: 'Pinkish Vanilla', r: 0.9921568627451, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.84705882352941},
+ {name: 'Flesh', r: 0.9921568627451, g: 0.82745098039216, b: 0.78039215686275},
+ {name: 'Salmon Red', r: 0.96470588235294, g: 0.56862745098039, b: 0.48235294117647},
+ {name: 'Vermilion', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.40392156862745, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'Pale Cherry Pink', r: 0.9921568627451, g: 0.88235294117647, b: 0.83529411764706},
+ {name: 'Light Tea Rose', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.82745098039216, b: 0.75686274509804},
+ {name: 'Light Rouse', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.6078431372549, b: 0.57254901960784},
+ {name: 'Lipstick Orange', r: 0.95686274509804, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'Blush', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.84313725490196, b: 0.81176470588235},
+ {name: 'Sardonyx', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.71372549019608},
+ {name: 'Light Prawn', r: 0.97254901960784, g: 0.71764705882353, b: 0.69411764705882},
+ {name: 'Prawn', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.45882352941176, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'Cadmium Red', r: 0.94509803921569, g: 0.31372549019608, b: 0.3843137254902},
+ {name: 'Lipstick Red', r: 0.92941176470588, g: 0.090196078431373, b: 0.29411764705882},
+ {name: 'Pale Yellowish Pink', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.89019607843137, b: 0.87450980392157},
+ {name: 'Peach', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.72941176470588},
+ {name: 'Coral', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.44313725490196, b: 0.52156862745098},
+ {name: 'Carmine', r: 0.90980392156863, g: 0.42352941176471, b: 0.45490196078431},
+ {name: 'Garnet', r: 0.79607843137255, g: 0.28235294117647, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'Bougainvillaea', r: 0.93333333333333, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.55686274509804},
+ {name: 'Strong Red', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'Currant', r: 0.82352941176471, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'Cardinal', r: 0.71764705882353, g: 0.30980392156863, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'Rose Pink', r: 0.94509803921569, g: 0.7843137254902, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Rose Mist', r: 0.94509803921569, g: 0.61176470588235, b: 0.72549019607843},
+ {name: 'Rose Red', r: 0.82745098039216, g: 0.4156862745098, b: 0.57647058823529},
+ {name: 'Dark Red', r: 0.49019607843137, g: 0.16862745098039, b: 0.25882352941176},
+ {name: 'Water Lily', r: 0.94509803921569, g: 0.85490196078431, b: 0.91764705882353},
+ {name: 'Pale Purple', r: 0.95686274509804, g: 0.88627450980392, b: 0.93333333333333},
+ {name: 'Evening Primrose', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.91764705882353, b: 0.96078431372549},
+ {name: 'Sugared Almond Pink', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.83529411764706, b: 0.90196078431373},
+ {name: 'Shock Pink', r: 0.96470588235294, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.74901960784314},
+ {name: 'Cerise', r: 0.95294117647059, g: 0.52549019607843, b: 0.68627450980392},
+ {name: 'Fuchsia', r: 0.88235294117647, g: 0.44313725490196, b: 0.67450980392157},
+ {name: 'Pale Pink', r: 0.9921568627451, g: 0.92549019607843, b: 0.95686274509804},
+ {name: 'Pink', r: 0.9843137254902, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.86666666666667},
+ {name: 'Tender Pink', r: 0.97647058823529, g: 0.78823529411765, b: 0.84313725490196},
+ {name: 'Begonia Pink', r: 0.95686274509804, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.71764705882353},
+ {name: 'Deep Magenta', r: 0.85882352941176, g: 0.49411764705882, b: 0.70196078431373},
+ {name: 'Red Violet', r: 0.82352941176471, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.66666666666667},
+ {name: 'Light Pink', r: 0.9921568627451, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.90588235294118},
+ {name: 'Pure Pink', r: 0.97254901960784, g: 0.72941176470588, b: 0.78823529411765},
+ {name: 'Dog Rose Flower', r: 0.95686274509804, g: 0.57647058823529, b: 0.74509803921569},
+ {name: 'Crimson', r: 0.93725490196078, g: 0.28235294117647, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'Shadow Pink', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.82745098039216, b: 0.8078431372549},
+ {name: 'Dark Pink', r: 0.97647058823529, g: 0.68627450980392, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'Salmon Pink', r: 0.97254901960784, g: 0.73333333333333, b: 0.71372549019608},
+ {name: 'Cotton Candy', r: 0.97647058823529, g: 0.7921568627451, b: 0.87058823529412},
+ {name: 'Hollyhock', r: 0.91372549019608, g: 0.64705882352941, b: 0.7921568627451},
+ {name: 'Begonia', r: 0.8156862745098, g: 0.6156862745098, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'Raspberry', r: 0.72156862745098, g: 0.4156862745098, b: 0.51764705882353},
+ {name: 'Peony', r: 0.54509803921569, g: 0.34117647058824, b: 0.43137254901961},
+ {name: 'Garyish Cherry', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.83137254901961, b: 0.88627450980392},
+ {name: 'Smokey Purple', r: 0.90588235294118, g: 0.71372549019608, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Baby Blossoms', r: 0.71372549019608, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'Argyle Purple', r: 0.35294117647059, g: 0.28235294117647, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.0', r: 0.92549019607843, g: 0.93333333333333, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.1', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.91764705882353, b: 0.90980392156863},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.10', r: 0.19607843137255, g: 0.18039215686275, b: 0.17647058823529},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.2', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.87058823529412},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.3', r: 0.81960784313725, g: 0.82352941176471, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.4', r: 0.73725490196078, g: 0.73333333333333, b: 0.72549019607843},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.5', r: 0.65882352941176, g: 0.65490196078431, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.6', r: 0.58039215686275, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.56470588235294},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.7', r: 0.46666666666667, g: 0.46274509803922, b: 0.45490196078431},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.8', r: 0.38823529411765, g: 0.3921568627451, b: 0.37254901960784},
+ {name: 'Toner Gray No.9', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.29411764705882, b: 0.28627450980392},
+ {name: 'Pale Heath', r: 0.91372549019608, g: 0.89803921568627, b: 0.95294117647059},
+ {name: 'Rose Quartz', r: 0.94117647058824, g: 0.92941176470588, b: 0.96470588235294},
+ {name: 'Heath', r: 0.89411764705882, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.85098039215686},
+ {name: 'Lilac', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.66666666666667, b: 0.8078431372549},
+ {name: 'Marigold', r: 0.88627450980392, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0.7921568627451},
+ {name: 'Lavender', r: 0.8078431372549, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.76078431372549},
+ {name: 'Violet', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'Pale Lilac', r: 0.93333333333333, g: 0.84313725490196, b: 0.91372549019608},
+ {name: 'Mallow', r: 0.82745098039216, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0.80392156862745},
+ {name: 'Amethyst', r: 0.62745098039216, g: 0.57254901960784, b: 0.78039215686275},
+ {name: 'Wisteria', r: 0.88627450980392, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Ash Lavender', r: 0.69803921568627, g: 0.69411764705882, b: 0.8156862745098},
+ {name: 'Pale Blackberry', r: 0.52156862745098, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: 'Eggplant', r: 0.41960784313725, g: 0.4, b: 0.55686274509804},
+ {name: 'Pale Grape', r: 0.90980392156863, g: 0.76862745098039, b: 0.8156862745098},
+ {name: 'Early Grape', r: 0.89803921568627, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.85882352941176},
+ {name: 'Light Grape', r: 0.71764705882353, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.65882352941176},
+ {name: 'Aubergine', r: 0.32156862745098, g: 0.26274509803922, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.0', r: 0.92549019607843, g: 0.92549019607843, b: 0.89411764705882},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.00', r: 0.95294117647059, g: 0.95294117647059, b: 0.92156862745098},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.1', r: 0.90588235294118, g: 0.90588235294118, b: 0.87450980392157},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.10', r: 0.18823529411765, g: 0.1843137254902, b: 0.16862745098039},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.2', r: 0.86666666666667, g: 0.86666666666667, b: 0.83529411764706},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.3', r: 0.82352941176471, g: 0.82352941176471, b: 0.7921568627451},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.4', r: 0.73725490196078, g: 0.74117647058824, b: 0.71764705882353},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.5', r: 0.65882352941176, g: 0.66274509803922, b: 0.64313725490196},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.6', r: 0.58039215686275, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.56078431372549},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.7', r: 0.46666666666667, g: 0.47058823529412, b: 0.45098039215686},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.8', r: 0.38823529411765, g: 0.3921568627451, b: 0.37254901960784},
+ {name: 'Warm Gray No.9', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.28235294117647},
+ {name: 'Barium Yellow', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.9921568627451, b: 0.87450980392157},
+ {name: 'Pale Lemon', r: 1, g: 0.98823529411765, b: 0.91372549019608},
+ {name: 'Yellow Fluorite', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.99607843137255, b: 0.95686274509804},
+ {name: 'Canary Yellow', r: 0.96470588235294, g: 0.95294117647059, b: 0.58823529411765},
+ {name: 'Acacia', r: 0.92941176470588, g: 0.89803921568627, b: 0.33725490196078},
+ {name: 'Yellow', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.96078431372549, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'Acid Yellow', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.94901960784314, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Pale Yellow', r: 1, g: 0.9843137254902, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Lemon Yellow', r: 0.9843137254902, g: 0.96862745098039, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'Cadmium Yellow', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.91372549019608, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'Golden Yellow', r: 1, g: 0.89411764705882, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'Lightning Yellow', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.92941176470588, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'Napoli Yellow', r: 1, g: 0.91372549019608, b: 0.24313725490196},
+ {name: 'Buttercup Yellow', r: 1, g: 0.93333333333333, b: 0.76078431372549},
+ {name: 'Yellowish Beige', r: 0.9843137254902, g: 0.89019607843137, b: 0.70196078431373},
+ {name: 'Mustard', r: 0.94117647058824, g: 0.86666666666667, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'Lionet Gold', r: 0.7921568627451, g: 0.65882352941176, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'Cashmere', r: 0.97647058823529, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.75294117647059},
+ {name: 'Maize', r: 1, g: 0.84705882352941, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'Honey', r: 1, g: 0.82352941176471, b: 0.45490196078431},
+ {name: 'Mimosa Yellow', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.90196078431373, b: 0.61960784313725},
+ {name: 'Lily White', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.96862745098039, b: 0.87843137254902},
+ {name: 'Green Bice', r: 0.88627450980392, g: 0.92156862745098, b: 0.69803921568627},
+ {name: 'Yellow Green', r: 0.87058823529412, g: 0.91764705882353, b: 0.66666666666667},
+ {name: 'Salad', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.89803921568627, b: 0.57254901960784},
+ {name: 'Yellowish Green', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.87450980392157, b: 0.57254901960784},
+ {name: 'Acid Green', r: 0.64705882352941, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'Lettuce Green', r: 0.50980392156863, g: 0.77254901960784, b: 0.4},
+ {name: 'Mignonette', r: 0.89803921568627, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.8156862745098},
+ {name: 'Chartreuse', r: 0.83137254901961, g: 0.89803921568627, b: 0.62352941176471},
+ {name: 'Grass Green', r: 0.44705882352941, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.33725490196078},
+ {name: 'Anise', r: 0.96862745098039, g: 0.96470588235294, b: 0.74509803921569},
+ {name: 'New Leaf', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.92156862745098, b: 0.56078431372549},
+ {name: 'Celadon Green', r: 0.8156862745098, g: 0.88235294117647, b: 0.48235294117647},
+ {name: 'Pale Cobalt Green', r: 0.83529411764706, g: 0.92156862745098, b: 0.83137254901961},
+ {name: 'Cobalt Green', r: 0.70588235294118, g: 0.86274509803922, b: 0.71764705882353},
+ {name: 'Pale Moss', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.91372549019608, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Pea Green', r: 0.62745098039216, g: 0.7921568627451, b: 0.63529411764706},
+ {name: 'Moss', r: 0.50588235294118, g: 0.74901960784314, b: 0.54901960784314},
+ {name: 'Putty', r: 0.85490196078431, g: 0.84313725490196, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'Grayish Yellow', r: 0.82352941176471, g: 0.82352941176471, b: 0.61176470588235},
+ {name: 'Pale Olive', r: 0.79607843137255, g: 0.77647058823529, b: 0.36862745098039},
+ {name: 'Spanish Olive', r: 0.5843137254902, g: 0.56078431372549, b: 0.011764705882353},
+ {name: 'Marine Green', r: 0.30588235294118, g: 0.4156862745098, b: 0.082352941176471},
+ {name: 'Powder Pink', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.74117647058824},
+ {name: 'Silk', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.92549019607843, b: 0.84705882352941},
+ {name: 'Pale Chiffon', r: 1, g: 0.95294117647059, b: 0.89803921568627},
+ {name: 'Peach Puff', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.85490196078431, b: 0.76078431372549},
+ {name: 'Light Orange', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.86274509803922, b: 0.77254901960784},
+ {name: 'Chrome Orange', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.76470588235294, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'Cadmium Orange', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.43529411764706, b: 0.22352941176471},
+ {name: 'Chinese Orange', r: 0.94509803921569, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.14117647058824},
+ {name: 'Loquat', r: 1, g: 0.88627450980392, b: 0.65098039215686},
+ {name: 'Caramel', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.7843137254902, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'Pumpkin Yellow', r: 0.9843137254902, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.51764705882353},
+ {name: 'Apricot', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.71764705882353, b: 0.16078431372549},
+ {name: 'Sanguine', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.41960784313725, b: 0.23529411764706},
+ {name: 'Yellowish Shade', r: 1, g: 0.88235294117647, b: 0.74901960784314},
+ {name: 'Cream', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.86666666666667, b: 0.69411764705882},
+ {name: 'Yellow Ochre', r: 0.92549019607843, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.54509803921569},
+ {name: 'Pale Sepia', r: 0.94117647058824, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.3921568627451},
+ {name: 'Tuscan Orange', r: 0.83529411764706, g: 0.4, b: 0.21960784313725},
+ {name: 'Macadamia Nut', r: 0.99607843137255, g: 0.94901960784314, b: 0.85490196078431},
+ {name: 'Light Reddish Yellow', r: 1, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.65882352941176},
+ {name: 'Yellowish Skin Pink', r: 0.9921568627451, g: 0.85490196078431, b: 0.76862745098039},
+ {name: 'Atoll', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.68235294117647, b: 0.37647058823529},
+ {name: 'Orange', r: 0.95294117647059, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.13333333333333},
+ {name: 'Mellow Peach', r: 0.9921568627451, g: 0.77647058823529, b: 0.55294117647059}
+ ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-crayola.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-crayola.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..826192c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-crayola.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.swatchesNames['crayola'] = 'Crayola';
+ $.colorpicker.swatches['crayola'] = [
+ {name: 'Almond', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.772549019607843},
+ {name: 'Antique Brass', r: 0.803921568627451, g: 0.584313725490196, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: 'Apricot', r: 0.992156862745098, g: 0.850980392156863, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: 'Aquamarine', r: 0.470588235294118, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.886274509803922},
+ {name: 'Asparagus', r: 0.529411764705882, g: 0.662745098039216, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: 'Atomic Tangerine', r: 1, g: 0.643137254901961, b: 0.454901960784314},
+ {name: 'Banana Mania', r: 0.980392156862745, g: 0.905882352941176, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: 'Beaver', r: 0.623529411764706, g: 0.505882352941176, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'Bittersweet', r: 0.992156862745098, g: 0.486274509803922, b: 0.431372549019608},
+ {name: 'Black', r: 0.137254901960784, g: 0.137254901960784, b: 0.137254901960784},
+ {name: 'Blue', r: 0.12156862745098, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.996078431372549},
+ {name: 'Blue Bell', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Blue Green', r: 0.0980392156862745, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.741176470588235},
+ {name: 'Blue Violet', r: 0.450980392156863, g: 0.4, b: 0.741176470588235},
+ {name: 'Blush', r: 0.870588235294118, g: 0.364705882352941, b: 0.513725490196078},
+ {name: 'Brick Red', r: 0.796078431372549, g: 0.254901960784314, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: 'Brown', r: 0.705882352941177, g: 0.403921568627451, b: 0.301960784313725},
+ {name: 'Burnt Orange', r: 1, g: 0.498039215686275, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: 'Burnt Sienna', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.494117647058824, b: 0.364705882352941},
+ {name: 'Cadet Blue', r: 0.690196078431373, g: 0.717647058823529, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: 'Canary', r: 1, g: 1, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Caribbean Green', r: 0.109803921568627, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.635294117647059},
+ {name: 'Carnation Pink', r: 1, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Cerise', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0.572549019607843},
+ {name: 'Cerulean', r: 0.113725490196078, g: 0.674509803921569, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Chestnut', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.364705882352941, b: 0.345098039215686},
+ {name: 'Copper', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.580392156862745, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: 'Cornflower', r: 0.603921568627451, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.92156862745098},
+ {name: 'Cotton Candy', r: 1, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0.850980392156863},
+ {name: 'Dandelion', r: 0.992156862745098, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: 'Denim', r: 0.168627450980392, g: 0.423529411764706, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: 'Desert Sand', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.803921568627451, b: 0.72156862745098},
+ {name: 'Eggplant', r: 0.431372549019608, g: 0.317647058823529, b: 0.376470588235294},
+ {name: 'Electric Lime', r: 0.113725490196078, g: 0.976470588235294, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: 'Fern', r: 0.443137254901961, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0.470588235294118},
+ {name: 'Forest Green', r: 0.427450980392157, g: 0.682352941176471, b: 0.505882352941176},
+ {name: 'Fuchsia', r: 0.764705882352941, g: 0.392156862745098, b: 0.772549019607843},
+ {name: 'Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown', r: 0.8, g: 0.4, b: 0.4},
+ {name: 'Gold', r: 0.905882352941176, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.592156862745098},
+ {name: 'Goldenrod', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.850980392156863, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: 'Granny Smith Apple', r: 0.658823529411765, g: 0.894117647058824, b: 0.627450980392157},
+ {name: 'Gray', r: 0.584313725490196, g: 0.568627450980392, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: 'Green', r: 0.109803921568627, g: 0.674509803921569, b: 0.470588235294118},
+ {name: 'Green Yellow', r: 0.941176470588235, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.568627450980392},
+ {name: 'Hot Magenta', r: 1, g: 0.113725490196078, b: 0.807843137254902},
+ {name: 'Inch Worm', r: 0.698039215686274, g: 0.925490196078431, b: 0.364705882352941},
+ {name: 'Indigo', r: 0.364705882352941, g: 0.462745098039216, b: 0.796078431372549},
+ {name: 'Jazzberry Jam', r: 0.792156862745098, g: 0.215686274509804, b: 0.403921568627451},
+ {name: 'Jungle Green', r: 0.231372549019608, g: 0.690196078431373, b: 0.56078431372549},
+ {name: 'Laser Lemon', r: 0.992156862745098, g: 0.988235294117647, b: 0.454901960784314},
+ {name: 'Lavender', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.705882352941177, b: 0.835294117647059},
+ {name: 'Macaroni and Cheese', r: 1, g: 0.741176470588235, b: 0.533333333333333},
+ {name: 'Magenta', r: 0.964705882352941, g: 0.392156862745098, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: 'Mahogany', r: 0.803921568627451, g: 0.290196078431373, b: 0.290196078431373},
+ {name: 'Manatee', r: 0.592156862745098, g: 0.603921568627451, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: 'Mango Tango', r: 1, g: 0.509803921568627, b: 0.262745098039216},
+ {name: 'Maroon', r: 0.784313725490196, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.352941176470588},
+ {name: 'Mauvelous', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.596078431372549, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: 'Melon', r: 0.992156862745098, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0.705882352941177},
+ {name: 'Midnight Blue', r: 0.101960784313725, g: 0.282352941176471, b: 0.462745098039216},
+ {name: 'Mountain Meadow', r: 0.188235294117647, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.56078431372549},
+ {name: 'Navy Blue', r: 0.0980392156862745, g: 0.454901960784314, b: 0.823529411764706},
+ {name: 'Neon Carrot', r: 1, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.262745098039216},
+ {name: 'Olive Green', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.423529411764706},
+ {name: 'Orange', r: 1, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.219607843137255},
+ {name: 'Orchid', r: 0.901960784313726, g: 0.658823529411765, b: 0.843137254901961},
+ {name: 'Outer Space', r: 0.254901960784314, g: 0.290196078431373, b: 0.298039215686275},
+ {name: 'Outrageous Orange', r: 1, g: 0.431372549019608, b: 0.290196078431373},
+ {name: 'Pacific Blue', r: 0.109803921568627, g: 0.662745098039216, b: 0.788235294117647},
+ {name: 'Peach', r: 1, g: 0.811764705882353, b: 0.670588235294118},
+ {name: 'Periwinkle', r: 0.772549019607843, g: 0.815686274509804, b: 0.901960784313726},
+ {name: 'Piggy Pink', r: 0.992156862745098, g: 0.843137254901961, b: 0.894117647058824},
+ {name: 'Pine Green', r: 0.0823529411764706, g: 0.501960784313725, b: 0.470588235294118},
+ {name: 'Pink Flamingo', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.454901960784314, b: 0.992156862745098},
+ {name: 'Pink Sherbet', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.501960784313725, b: 0.631372549019608},
+ {name: 'Plum', r: 0.556862745098039, g: 0.270588235294118, b: 0.52156862745098},
+ {name: 'Purple Heart', r: 0.454901960784314, g: 0.258823529411765, b: 0.784313725490196},
+ {name: 'Purple Mountains’ Majesty', r: 0.615686274509804, g: 0.505882352941176, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: 'Purple Pizzazz', r: 1, g: 0.113725490196078, b: 0.807843137254902},
+ {name: 'Radical Red', r: 1, g: 0.286274509803922, b: 0.423529411764706},
+ {name: 'Raw Sienna', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.541176470588235, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: 'Razzle Dazzle Rose', r: 1, g: 0.282352941176471, b: 0.815686274509804},
+ {name: 'Razzmatazz', r: 0.890196078431372, g: 0.145098039215686, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: 'Red', r: 0.933333333333333, g: 0.125490196078431, b: 0.301960784313725},
+ {name: 'Red Orange', r: 1, g: 0.325490196078431, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: 'Red Violet', r: 0.752941176470588, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0.56078431372549},
+ {name: 'Robin Egg Blue', r: 0.12156862745098, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.796078431372549},
+ {name: 'Royal Purple', r: 0.470588235294118, g: 0.317647058823529, b: 0.662745098039216},
+ {name: 'Salmon', r: 1, g: 0.607843137254902, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: 'Scarlet', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: 'Screamin Green', r: 0.462745098039216, g: 1, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'Sea Green', r: 0.623529411764706, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: 'Sepia', r: 0.647058823529412, g: 0.411764705882353, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: 'Shadow', r: 0.541176470588235, g: 0.474509803921569, b: 0.364705882352941},
+ {name: 'Shamrock', r: 0.270588235294118, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.635294117647059},
+ {name: 'Shocking Pink', r: 0.984313725490196, g: 0.494117647058824, b: 0.992156862745098},
+ {name: 'Silver', r: 0.803921568627451, g: 0.772549019607843, b: 0.76078431372549},
+ {name: 'Sky Blue', r: 0.501960784313725, g: 0.854901960784314, b: 0.92156862745098},
+ {name: 'Spring Green', r: 0.925490196078431, g: 0.917647058823529, b: 0.745098039215686},
+ {name: 'Sunglow', r: 1, g: 0.811764705882353, b: 0.282352941176471},
+ {name: 'Sunset Orange', r: 0.992156862745098, g: 0.368627450980392, b: 0.325490196078431},
+ {name: 'Tan', r: 0.980392156862745, g: 0.654901960784314, b: 0.423529411764706},
+ {name: 'Tickle Me Pink', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.674509803921569},
+ {name: 'Timberwolf', r: 0.858823529411765, g: 0.843137254901961, b: 0.823529411764706},
+ {name: 'Tropical Rain Forest', r: 0.0901960784313725, g: 0.501960784313725, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: 'Tumbleweed', r: 0.870588235294118, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.533333333333333},
+ {name: 'Turquoise Blue', r: 0.466666666666667, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.905882352941176},
+ {name: 'Unmellow Yellow', r: 0.992156862745098, g: 0.988235294117647, b: 0.454901960784314},
+ {name: 'Violet (Purple)', r: 0.572549019607843, g: 0.431372549019608, b: 0.682352941176471},
+ {name: 'Violet Red', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.325490196078431, b: 0.580392156862745},
+ {name: 'Vivid Tangerine', r: 1, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.537254901960784},
+ {name: 'Vivid Violet', r: 0.56078431372549, g: 0.313725490196078, b: 0.615686274509804},
+ {name: 'White', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.929411764705882},
+ {name: 'Wild Blue Yonder', r: 0.635294117647059, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.815686274509804},
+ {name: 'Wild Strawberry', r: 1, g: 0.262745098039216, b: 0.643137254901961},
+ {name: 'Wild Watermelon', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.423529411764706, b: 0.52156862745098},
+ {name: 'Wisteria', r: 0.803921568627451, g: 0.643137254901961, b: 0.870588235294118},
+ {name: 'Yellow', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.513725490196078},
+ {name: 'Yellow Green', r: 0.772549019607843, g: 0.890196078431372, b: 0.517647058823529},
+ {name: 'Yellow Orange', r: 1, g: 0.713725490196078, b: 0.325490196078431}
+ ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-din6164.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-din6164.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75bcf71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-din6164.js
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+jQuery(function ($) {
+ $.colorpicker.swatchesNames['din6164'] = 'DIN 6164';
+ $.colorpicker.swatches['din6164'] = [
+ {name: 'TSD 1-1-1', r: 0.8, g: 0.78823529411765, b: 0.71372549019608},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-1-2', r: 0.69019607843137, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-1-3', r: 0.56470588235294, g: 0.55686274509804, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-1-4', r: 0.47058823529412, g: 0.46274509803922, b: 0.41960784313725},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-1-5', r: 0.3843137254902, g: 0.38039215686275, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-1-6', r: 0.33725490196078, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.29411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-1-7', r: 0.26274509803922, g: 0.25882352941176, b: 0.23529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-2-1', r: 0.82352941176471, g: 0.8, b: 0.65882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-2-2', r: 0.69019607843137, g: 0.67058823529412, b: 0.55294117647059},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-2-3', r: 0.56862745098039, g: 0.55686274509804, b: 0.45490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-2-4', r: 0.49803921568627, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.3843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-2-5', r: 0.4156862745098, g: 0.39607843137255, b: 0.32156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-2-6', r: 0.34117647058824, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.27058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-2-7', r: 0.25098039215686, g: 0.24313725490196, b: 0.20392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-3-1', r: 0.8, g: 0.77254901960784, b: 0.55294117647059},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-3-2', r: 0.69019607843137, g: 0.67450980392157, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-3-3', r: 0.55686274509804, g: 0.54117647058824, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-3-4', r: 0.49411764705882, g: 0.46274509803922, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-3-5', r: 0.4, g: 0.38039215686275, b: 0.27450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-3-6', r: 0.33333333333333, g: 0.32156862745098, b: 0.23529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-4-1', r: 0.82745098039216, g: 0.78823529411765, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-4-2', r: 0.68235294117647, g: 0.65882352941176, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-4-3', r: 0.56862745098039, g: 0.54901960784314, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-4-4', r: 0.48627450980392, g: 0.45882352941176, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-4-5', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.38823529411765, b: 0.24313725490196},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-5-1', r: 0.76470588235294, g: 0.71372549019608, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-5-2', r: 0.66274509803922, g: 0.62352941176471, b: 0.29019607843137},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-5-3', r: 0.57647058823529, g: 0.53333333333333, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-5-4', r: 0.48627450980392, g: 0.44705882352941, b: 0.2078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-6-1', r: 0.7843137254902, g: 0.72549019607843, b: 0.16078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-6-2', r: 0.70196078431373, g: 0.64313725490196, b: 0.16078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 1-6-3', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.56470588235294, b: 0.15686274509804},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-1-1', r: 0.83137254901961, g: 0.7921568627451, b: 0.72156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-1-2', r: 0.71372549019608, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.61960784313725},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-1-3', r: 0.56078431372549, g: 0.53333333333333, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-1-4', r: 0.51764705882353, g: 0.49411764705882, b: 0.44705882352941},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-1-5', r: 0.42745098039216, g: 0.4, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-1-6', r: 0.35686274509804, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.29803921568627},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-1-7', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.25882352941176, b: 0.24705882352941},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-2-1', r: 0.83529411764706, g: 0.76078431372549, b: 0.63529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-2-2', r: 0.70980392156863, g: 0.64705882352941, b: 0.53333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-2-3', r: 0.61176470588235, g: 0.55294117647059, b: 0.45882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-2-4', r: 0.50588235294118, g: 0.46274509803922, b: 0.3843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-2-5', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.32156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-2-6', r: 0.34901960784314, g: 0.31372549019608, b: 0.26274509803922},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-2-7', r: 0.25098039215686, g: 0.22745098039216, b: 0.19607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-3-1', r: 0.85098039215686, g: 0.74509803921569, b: 0.54117647058824},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-3-2', r: 0.70588235294118, g: 0.61960784313725, b: 0.45882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-3-3', r: 0.62352941176471, g: 0.54117647058824, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-3-4', r: 0.52549019607843, g: 0.45882352941176, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-3-5', r: 0.44313725490196, g: 0.38039215686275, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-3-6', r: 0.35686274509804, g: 0.31372549019608, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-4-1', r: 0.78039215686275, g: 0.65882352941176, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-4-2', r: 0.66274509803922, g: 0.55686274509804, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-4-3', r: 0.62745098039216, g: 0.52549019607843, b: 0.32156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-4-4', r: 0.50980392156863, g: 0.42352941176471, b: 0.27450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-4-5', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.19607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-5-1', r: 0.85882352941176, g: 0.69411764705882, b: 0.32156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-5-2', r: 0.73333333333333, g: 0.59607843137255, b: 0.29019607843137},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-5-3', r: 0.6156862745098, g: 0.50196078431373, b: 0.24313725490196},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-5-4', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0.42352941176471, b: 0.20392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-6-1', r: 0.85882352941176, g: 0.67058823529412, b: 0.023529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 2-6-2', r: 0.74509803921569, g: 0.57647058823529, b: 0.10980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-1-1', r: 0.82745098039216, g: 0.77647058823529, b: 0.72156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-1-2', r: 0.70980392156863, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-1-3', r: 0.5921568627451, g: 0.54509803921569, b: 0.49803921568627},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-1-4', r: 0.49019607843137, g: 0.44705882352941, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-1-5', r: 0.41960784313725, g: 0.3843137254902, b: 0.35294117647059},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-1-6', r: 0.33725490196078, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.27058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-1-7', r: 0.27450980392157, g: 0.24705882352941, b: 0.22745098039216},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-2-1', r: 0.8156862745098, g: 0.70588235294118, b: 0.6078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-2-2', r: 0.72156862745098, g: 0.61960784313725, b: 0.52549019607843},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-2-3', r: 0.6156862745098, g: 0.52941176470588, b: 0.44705882352941},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-2-4', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0.44705882352941, b: 0.37647058823529},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-2-5', r: 0.43137254901961, g: 0.36470588235294, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-2-6', r: 0.35294117647059, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-2-7', r: 0.28235294117647, g: 0.23137254901961, b: 0.18823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-3-1', r: 0.85490196078431, g: 0.68627450980392, b: 0.52549019607843},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-3-2', r: 0.73333333333333, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-3-3', r: 0.63137254901961, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.3843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-3-4', r: 0.53725490196078, g: 0.42352941176471, b: 0.32549019607843},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-3-5', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.34117647058824, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-3-6', r: 0.36470588235294, g: 0.28627450980392, b: 0.21960784313725},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-4-1', r: 0.86666666666667, g: 0.65490196078431, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-4-2', r: 0.76078431372549, g: 0.57647058823529, b: 0.37254901960784},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-4-3', r: 0.65490196078431, g: 0.48235294117647, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-4-4', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.39607843137255, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-4-5', r: 0.44313725490196, g: 0.32156862745098, b: 0.2},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-5-1', r: 0.87450980392157, g: 0.62745098039216, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-5-2', r: 0.74509803921569, g: 0.53725490196078, b: 0.25490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-5-3', r: 0.63137254901961, g: 0.44705882352941, b: 0.22745098039216},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-5-4', r: 0.53333333333333, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.20392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-6-1', r: 0.87058823529412, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.13333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 3-6-2', r: 0.77647058823529, g: 0.52549019607843, b: 0.12549019607843},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-1-1', r: 0.85490196078431, g: 0.76862745098039, b: 0.71372549019608},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-1-2', r: 0.70588235294118, g: 0.63137254901961, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-1-3', r: 0.59607843137255, g: 0.52941176470588, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-1-4', r: 0.49411764705882, g: 0.44313725490196, b: 0.4156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-1-5', r: 0.41960784313725, g: 0.37254901960784, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-1-6', r: 0.34509803921569, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.28627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-1-7', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.25098039215686, b: 0.23529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-2-1', r: 0.84313725490196, g: 0.69803921568627, b: 0.6156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-2-2', r: 0.72156862745098, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.52156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-2-3', r: 0.61960784313725, g: 0.50196078431373, b: 0.43137254901961},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-2-4', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0.43529411764706, b: 0.38039215686275},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-2-5', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.34901960784314, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-2-6', r: 0.34509803921569, g: 0.28627450980392, b: 0.24705882352941},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-3-1', r: 0.86274509803922, g: 0.63529411764706, b: 0.49019607843137},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-3-2', r: 0.74509803921569, g: 0.56078431372549, b: 0.44313725490196},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-3-3', r: 0.64313725490196, g: 0.47058823529412, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-3-4', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0.39607843137255, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-3-5', r: 0.45098039215686, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.25882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-3-6', r: 0.35686274509804, g: 0.27058823529412, b: 0.21960784313725},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-4-1', r: 0.88235294117647, g: 0.6, b: 0.3921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-4-2', r: 0.75294117647059, g: 0.52156862745098, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-4-3', r: 0.64705882352941, g: 0.45098039215686, b: 0.31372549019608},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-4-4', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.25490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-4-5', r: 0.46666666666667, g: 0.31372549019608, b: 0.21176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-5-1', r: 0.88235294117647, g: 0.56862745098039, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-5-2', r: 0.75686274509804, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.25882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-5-3', r: 0.64705882352941, g: 0.41176470588235, b: 0.22745098039216},
+ {name: 'TSD 4-6-1', r: 0.89803921568627, g: 0.53725490196078, b: 0.12156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-1-1', r: 0.83137254901961, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-1-2', r: 0.73725490196078, g: 0.64313725490196, b: 0.61176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-1-3', r: 0.62352941176471, g: 0.54509803921569, b: 0.51764705882353},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-1-4', r: 0.49803921568627, g: 0.42745098039216, b: 0.4},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-1-5', r: 0.4156862745098, g: 0.35686274509804, b: 0.33725490196078},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-1-6', r: 0.34509803921569, g: 0.29019607843137, b: 0.27450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-1-7', r: 0.27058823529412, g: 0.24313725490196, b: 0.23529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-2-1', r: 0.87058823529412, g: 0.66274509803922, b: 0.58823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-2-2', r: 0.73333333333333, g: 0.56078431372549, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-2-3', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.42745098039216},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-2-4', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0.40392156862745, b: 0.36078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-2-5', r: 0.44313725490196, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.29411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-2-6', r: 0.36470588235294, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-3-1', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.61960784313725, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-3-2', r: 0.75294117647059, g: 0.52941176470588, b: 0.42745098039216},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-3-3', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.43529411764706, b: 0.35686274509804},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-3-4', r: 0.51764705882353, g: 0.36078431372549, b: 0.29803921568627},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-3-5', r: 0.44705882352941, g: 0.31372549019608, b: 0.26274509803922},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-4-1', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.57647058823529, b: 0.43529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-4-2', r: 0.77254901960784, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.35686274509804},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-4-3', r: 0.65098039215686, g: 0.4, b: 0.29411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-4-4', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.34901960784314, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-4-5', r: 0.45098039215686, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.20392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-5-1', r: 0.90588235294118, g: 0.52549019607843, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-5-2', r: 0.77254901960784, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.25490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 5-5-3', r: 0.65490196078431, g: 0.36862745098039, b: 0.22352941176471},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-1-1', r: 0.83529411764706, g: 0.69803921568627, b: 0.67058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-1-2', r: 0.73333333333333, g: 0.6156862745098, b: 0.58823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-1-3', r: 0.60392156862745, g: 0.50980392156863, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-1-4', r: 0.48627450980392, g: 0.41176470588235, b: 0.4},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-1-5', r: 0.41960784313725, g: 0.34901960784314, b: 0.33725490196078},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-1-6', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.28235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-1-7', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.23529411764706, b: 0.22352941176471},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-2-1', r: 0.88627450980392, g: 0.64313725490196, b: 0.5921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-2-2', r: 0.75294117647059, g: 0.54117647058824, b: 0.50588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-2-3', r: 0.64313725490196, g: 0.45882352941176, b: 0.42745098039216},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-2-4', r: 0.53725490196078, g: 0.3843137254902, b: 0.35294117647059},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-2-5', r: 0.44705882352941, g: 0.32156862745098, b: 0.29803921568627},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-2-6', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.25490196078431, b: 0.23529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-3-1', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.61176470588235, b: 0.53333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-3-2', r: 0.78039215686275, g: 0.50980392156863, b: 0.44313725490196},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-3-3', r: 0.64313725490196, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.36078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-3-4', r: 0.55294117647059, g: 0.35294117647059, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-3-5', r: 0.44705882352941, g: 0.28235294117647, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-4-2', r: 0.78823529411765, g: 0.43529411764706, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-4-3', r: 0.64705882352941, g: 0.35294117647059, b: 0.28235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-4-4', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.29411764705882, b: 0.23137254901961},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-4-5', r: 0.45490196078431, g: 0.25490196078431, b: 0.21176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-5-2', r: 0.77647058823529, g: 0.38039215686275, b: 0.27058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-5-3', r: 0.65098039215686, g: 0.30980392156863, b: 0.21960784313725},
+ {name: 'TSD 6-6-2', r: 0.77647058823529, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.1843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-1-1', r: 0.80392156862745, g: 0.63529411764706, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-1-2', r: 0.74117647058824, g: 0.6, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-1-3', r: 0.63529411764706, g: 0.51372549019608, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-1-4', r: 0.50588235294118, g: 0.41176470588235, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-1-5', r: 0.44313725490196, g: 0.36078431372549, b: 0.35294117647059},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-1-6', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.29411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-1-7', r: 0.29019607843137, g: 0.23529411764706, b: 0.22745098039216},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-2-1', r: 0.88235294117647, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.58039215686275},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-2-2', r: 0.73333333333333, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-2-3', r: 0.64313725490196, g: 0.43529411764706, b: 0.41960784313725},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-2-4', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.36862745098039, b: 0.36078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-2-5', r: 0.47058823529412, g: 0.31372549019608, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-2-6', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.24705882352941, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-3-2', r: 0.77647058823529, g: 0.47058823529412, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-3-3', r: 0.65882352941176, g: 0.38823529411765, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-3-4', r: 0.55686274509804, g: 0.32549019607843, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-3-5', r: 0.45098039215686, g: 0.26666666666667, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-3-6', r: 0.37254901960784, g: 0.22745098039216, b: 0.21960784313725},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-4-2', r: 0.76078431372549, g: 0.3843137254902, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-4-3', r: 0.64313725490196, g: 0.33725490196078, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-4-4', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.27450980392157, b: 0.24705882352941},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-5-2', r: 0.76078431372549, g: 0.32549019607843, b: 0.28235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-5-3', r: 0.66666666666667, g: 0.29019607843137, b: 0.25490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 7-6-2', r: 0.74509803921569, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.23529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-1-1', r: 0.85098039215686, g: 0.68627450980392, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-1-2', r: 0.74509803921569, g: 0.6, b: 0.60392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-1-3', r: 0.63529411764706, g: 0.50588235294118, b: 0.51372549019608},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-1-4', r: 0.53725490196078, g: 0.42745098039216, b: 0.43529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-1-5', r: 0.43529411764706, g: 0.34509803921569, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-1-6', r: 0.35686274509804, g: 0.29019607843137, b: 0.29411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-1-7', r: 0.26666666666667, g: 0.2156862745098, b: 0.21960784313725},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-2-1', r: 0.91372549019608, g: 0.61176470588235, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-2-2', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.52941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-2-3', r: 0.64705882352941, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.45490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-2-4', r: 0.53725490196078, g: 0.35686274509804, b: 0.37254901960784},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-2-5', r: 0.45098039215686, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.31372549019608},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-2-6', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.25490196078431, b: 0.25882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-3-2', r: 0.77647058823529, g: 0.44705882352941, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-3-3', r: 0.64705882352941, g: 0.36470588235294, b: 0.38039215686275},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-3-4', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.30980392156863, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-3-5', r: 0.45490196078431, g: 0.25882352941176, b: 0.26666666666667},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-4-2', r: 0.77254901960784, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.4078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-4-3', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-4-4', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.26274509803922, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-5-2', r: 0.74509803921569, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-5-3', r: 0.64313725490196, g: 0.25882352941176, b: 0.29411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 8-5-4', r: 0.53333333333333, g: 0.22745098039216, b: 0.24313725490196},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-1-1', r: 0.86274509803922, g: 0.71372549019608, b: 0.72549019607843},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-1-2', r: 0.72156862745098, g: 0.58823529411765, b: 0.59607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-1-3', r: 0.61960784313725, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.50980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-1-4', r: 0.51764705882353, g: 0.42352941176471, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-1-5', r: 0.43137254901961, g: 0.34901960784314, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-1-6', r: 0.35686274509804, g: 0.28627450980392, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-1-7', r: 0.29019607843137, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.24313725490196},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-2-2', r: 0.77254901960784, g: 0.52156862745098, b: 0.55686274509804},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-2-3', r: 0.63529411764706, g: 0.42745098039216, b: 0.45490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-2-4', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.36862745098039, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-2-5', r: 0.44705882352941, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.32156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-2-6', r: 0.36470588235294, g: 0.25490196078431, b: 0.27450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-3-2', r: 0.76470588235294, g: 0.44705882352941, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-3-3', r: 0.64313725490196, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-3-4', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.30588235294118, b: 0.35294117647059},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-3-5', r: 0.45490196078431, g: 0.27058823529412, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-4-2', r: 0.78039215686275, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.43137254901961},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-4-3', r: 0.63529411764706, g: 0.31372549019608, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-4-4', r: 0.53333333333333, g: 0.25882352941176, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-5-2', r: 0.75294117647059, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.37647058823529},
+ {name: 'TSD 9-5-3', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.27450980392157, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-1-1', r: 0.86666666666667, g: 0.70980392156863, b: 0.75294117647059},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-1-2', r: 0.71372549019608, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-1-3', r: 0.6078431372549, g: 0.50196078431373, b: 0.54117647058824},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-1-4', r: 0.51372549019608, g: 0.41960784313725, b: 0.45490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-1-5', r: 0.42352941176471, g: 0.34901960784314, b: 0.38039215686275},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-1-6', r: 0.34117647058824, g: 0.27450980392157, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-1-7', r: 0.25882352941176, g: 0.2156862745098, b: 0.23529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-2-2', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.54509803921569, b: 0.64313725490196},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-2-3', r: 0.65098039215686, g: 0.44705882352941, b: 0.53333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-2-4', r: 0.52549019607843, g: 0.35686274509804, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-2-5', r: 0.43529411764706, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-2-6', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.23529411764706, b: 0.28627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-3-2', r: 0.77647058823529, g: 0.45490196078431, b: 0.5921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-3-3', r: 0.67058823529412, g: 0.3921568627451, b: 0.50980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-3-4', r: 0.56078431372549, g: 0.33725490196078, b: 0.43137254901961},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-3-5', r: 0.45490196078431, g: 0.25490196078431, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-4-3', r: 0.65490196078431, g: 0.32156862745098, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 10-4-4', r: 0.54509803921569, g: 0.25882352941176, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-1-1', r: 0.82352941176471, g: 0.72549019607843, b: 0.79607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-1-2', r: 0.72941176470588, g: 0.63137254901961, b: 0.71372549019608},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-1-3', r: 0.6078431372549, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-1-4', r: 0.49803921568627, g: 0.41960784313725, b: 0.47058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-1-5', r: 0.42352941176471, g: 0.36470588235294, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-1-6', r: 0.32941176470588, g: 0.28627450980392, b: 0.32549019607843},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-1-7', r: 0.26274509803922, g: 0.23137254901961, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-2-2', r: 0.71764705882353, g: 0.52941176470588, b: 0.68627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-2-3', r: 0.62352941176471, g: 0.46666666666667, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-2-4', r: 0.51764705882353, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.48235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-2-5', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.31764705882353, b: 0.4078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-2-6', r: 0.34901960784314, g: 0.25490196078431, b: 0.31764705882353},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-3-3', r: 0.6156862745098, g: 0.40392156862745, b: 0.56470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-3-4', r: 0.51764705882353, g: 0.32156862745098, b: 0.48235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-3-5', r: 0.44705882352941, g: 0.28235294117647, b: 0.4156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-4-4', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0.27450980392157, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 11-4-5', r: 0.42352941176471, g: 0.23529411764706, b: 0.39607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-1-1', r: 0.78823529411765, g: 0.70196078431373, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-1-2', r: 0.66666666666667, g: 0.58823529411765, b: 0.67450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-1-3', r: 0.56078431372549, g: 0.48235294117647, b: 0.58039215686275},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-1-4', r: 0.47450980392157, g: 0.4156862745098, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-1-5', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.32549019607843, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-1-6', r: 0.30980392156863, g: 0.27058823529412, b: 0.31764705882353},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-1-7', r: 0.24705882352941, g: 0.21960784313725, b: 0.25490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-2-2', r: 0.63137254901961, g: 0.52549019607843, b: 0.68627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-2-3', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0.42352941176471, b: 0.57647058823529},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-2-4', r: 0.47058823529412, g: 0.37254901960784, b: 0.50588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-2-5', r: 0.37254901960784, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-2-6', r: 0.30196078431373, g: 0.24705882352941, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-3-3', r: 0.51764705882353, g: 0.36470588235294, b: 0.58823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-3-4', r: 0.42745098039216, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-3-5', r: 0.36470588235294, g: 0.26666666666667, b: 0.4156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-4-4', r: 0.42352941176471, g: 0.27058823529412, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 12-4-5', r: 0.34117647058824, g: 0.21960784313725, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-1-1', r: 0.76078431372549, g: 0.71372549019608, b: 0.8078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-1-2', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.68627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-1-3', r: 0.54509803921569, g: 0.50196078431373, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-1-4', r: 0.45490196078431, g: 0.41960784313725, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-1-5', r: 0.37254901960784, g: 0.34509803921569, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-1-6', r: 0.30588235294118, g: 0.28235294117647, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-1-7', r: 0.25098039215686, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.27058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-2-2', r: 0.5921568627451, g: 0.52941176470588, b: 0.69411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-2-3', r: 0.49019607843137, g: 0.42745098039216, b: 0.57647058823529},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-2-4', r: 0.42745098039216, g: 0.36862745098039, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-2-5', r: 0.34509803921569, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-2-6', r: 0.29411764705882, g: 0.24705882352941, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-3-3', r: 0.46274509803922, g: 0.37254901960784, b: 0.58823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-3-4', r: 0.40392156862745, g: 0.31764705882353, b: 0.50588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 13-3-5', r: 0.32941176470588, g: 0.26274509803922, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-1-1', r: 0.73725490196078, g: 0.72549019607843, b: 0.82352941176471},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-1-2', r: 0.62352941176471, g: 0.61176470588235, b: 0.71372549019608},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-1-3', r: 0.52156862745098, g: 0.50196078431373, b: 0.58823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-1-4', r: 0.43137254901961, g: 0.42352941176471, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-1-5', r: 0.34901960784314, g: 0.34117647058824, b: 0.4078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-1-6', r: 0.28235294117647, g: 0.27450980392157, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-2-2', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.51372549019608, b: 0.69411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-2-3', r: 0.47058823529412, g: 0.44705882352941, b: 0.60392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-2-4', r: 0.39607843137255, g: 0.37254901960784, b: 0.50980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-2-5', r: 0.32549019607843, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.41960784313725},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-2-6', r: 0.25882352941176, g: 0.24313725490196, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-3-3', r: 0.42745098039216, g: 0.38823529411765, b: 0.59607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-3-4', r: 0.36470588235294, g: 0.32549019607843, b: 0.51764705882353},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-3-5', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.26666666666667, b: 0.4156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-4-4', r: 0.32549019607843, g: 0.28627450980392, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-1-1', r: 0.69803921568627, g: 0.70196078431373, b: 0.77647058823529},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-1-2', r: 0.58823529411765, g: 0.58823529411765, b: 0.67450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-1-3', r: 0.49019607843137, g: 0.49019607843137, b: 0.57254901960784},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-1-4', r: 0.41960784313725, g: 0.4156862745098, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-1-5', r: 0.34117647058824, g: 0.34509803921569, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-1-6', r: 0.26666666666667, g: 0.26666666666667, b: 0.31372549019608},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-1-7', r: 0.22745098039216, g: 0.22352941176471, b: 0.24705882352941},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-2-2', r: 0.53725490196078, g: 0.54901960784314, b: 0.69411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-2-3', r: 0.43137254901961, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.56470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-2-4', r: 0.37254901960784, g: 0.37254901960784, b: 0.49019607843137},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-2-5', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.30588235294118, b: 0.4156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-2-6', r: 0.25098039215686, g: 0.25098039215686, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-3-2', r: 0.48235294117647, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.70196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-3-3', r: 0.38823529411765, g: 0.3921568627451, b: 0.5921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-3-4', r: 0.32156862745098, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-3-5', r: 0.27058823529412, g: 0.26666666666667, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-4-3', r: 0.35294117647059, g: 0.36470588235294, b: 0.58823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-4-4', r: 0.28627450980392, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-5-3', r: 0.31372549019608, g: 0.33725490196078, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'TSD 15-5-4', r: 0.26274509803922, g: 0.26666666666667, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-1-1', r: 0.70196078431373, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.81176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-1-2', r: 0.57647058823529, g: 0.6078431372549, b: 0.69019607843137},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-1-3', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.50588235294118, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-1-4', r: 0.38823529411765, g: 0.4156862745098, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-1-5', r: 0.32156862745098, g: 0.34117647058824, b: 0.4},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-1-6', r: 0.26274509803922, g: 0.27450980392157, b: 0.32156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-1-7', r: 0.22352941176471, g: 0.22352941176471, b: 0.25882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-2-2', r: 0.49019607843137, g: 0.53725490196078, b: 0.70588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-2-3', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.45490196078431, b: 0.58823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-2-4', r: 0.33333333333333, g: 0.37254901960784, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-2-5', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.30588235294118, b: 0.4078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-2-6', r: 0.23529411764706, g: 0.24705882352941, b: 0.32549019607843},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-3-2', r: 0.42745098039216, g: 0.49019607843137, b: 0.70196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-3-3', r: 0.34901960784314, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.58823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-3-4', r: 0.28627450980392, g: 0.33725490196078, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-3-5', r: 0.25490196078431, g: 0.28627450980392, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-4-3', r: 0.29019607843137, g: 0.37254901960784, b: 0.59607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-4-4', r: 0.24313725490196, g: 0.30980392156863, b: 0.49803921568627},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-4-5', r: 0.21176470588235, g: 0.25098039215686, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 16-5-4', r: 0.19607843137255, g: 0.29019607843137, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-1-1', r: 0.69803921568627, g: 0.74509803921569, b: 0.8156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-1-2', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.6, b: 0.67058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-1-3', r: 0.47450980392157, g: 0.52156862745098, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-1-4', r: 0.3921568627451, g: 0.43529411764706, b: 0.48235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-1-5', r: 0.32941176470588, g: 0.36862745098039, b: 0.4078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-1-6', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.29411764705882, b: 0.31764705882353},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-1-7', r: 0.21960784313725, g: 0.23137254901961, b: 0.25490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-2-1', r: 0.56862745098039, g: 0.66666666666667, b: 0.80392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-2-2', r: 0.48235294117647, g: 0.57647058823529, b: 0.69411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-2-3', r: 0.39607843137255, g: 0.48235294117647, b: 0.5921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-2-4', r: 0.33333333333333, g: 0.40392156862745, b: 0.49803921568627},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-2-5', r: 0.28235294117647, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.4078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-2-6', r: 0.22745098039216, g: 0.27058823529412, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-3-1', r: 0.46666666666667, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0.83529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-3-2', r: 0.36862745098039, g: 0.52941176470588, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-3-3', r: 0.32549019607843, g: 0.46274509803922, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-3-4', r: 0.27058823529412, g: 0.38823529411765, b: 0.50588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-3-5', r: 0.21960784313725, g: 0.30980392156863, b: 0.3921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-4-2', r: 0.28235294117647, g: 0.52549019607843, b: 0.72156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-4-3', r: 0.21960784313725, g: 0.42352941176471, b: 0.58039215686275},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-4-4', r: 0.2078431372549, g: 0.36078431372549, b: 0.49019607843137},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-4-5', r: 0.16470588235294, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-5-2', r: 0.1843137254902, g: 0.49019607843137, b: 0.71764705882353},
+ {name: 'TSD 17-5-3', r: 0.13725490196078, g: 0.41960784313725, b: 0.59607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-1-1', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.7921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-1-2', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.63137254901961, b: 0.67058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-1-3', r: 0.46666666666667, g: 0.52549019607843, b: 0.54901960784314},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-1-4', r: 0.39607843137255, g: 0.45490196078431, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-1-5', r: 0.33725490196078, g: 0.38039215686275, b: 0.4},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-1-6', r: 0.25882352941176, g: 0.29411764705882, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-1-7', r: 0.22352941176471, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-2-1', r: 0.53725490196078, g: 0.71372549019608, b: 0.7921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-2-2', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.61960784313725, b: 0.69411764705882},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-2-3', r: 0.4156862745098, g: 0.53333333333333, b: 0.5921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-2-4', r: 0.34901960784314, g: 0.45490196078431, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-2-5', r: 0.28235294117647, g: 0.36862745098039, b: 0.4078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-2-6', r: 0.21960784313725, g: 0.29411764705882, b: 0.32549019607843},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-3-1', r: 0.4156862745098, g: 0.69803921568627, b: 0.8078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-3-2', r: 0.3843137254902, g: 0.60392156862745, b: 0.68627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-3-3', r: 0.31372549019608, g: 0.52156862745098, b: 0.60392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-3-4', r: 0.27058823529412, g: 0.43137254901961, b: 0.49019607843137},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-3-5', r: 0.2078431372549, g: 0.35294117647059, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-3-6', r: 0.17647058823529, g: 0.29019607843137, b: 0.32156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-4-2', r: 0.22352941176471, g: 0.58823529411765, b: 0.71764705882353},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-4-3', r: 0.1921568627451, g: 0.47450980392157, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-4-4', r: 0.14509803921569, g: 0.4, b: 0.45882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-4-5', r: 0.14117647058824, g: 0.35294117647059, b: 0.4078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 18-5-3', r: 0, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.59607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-1-1', r: 0.69019607843137, g: 0.78823529411765, b: 0.7843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-1-2', r: 0.59607843137255, g: 0.68235294117647, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-1-3', r: 0.49803921568627, g: 0.56078431372549, b: 0.56470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-1-4', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.47058823529412, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-1-5', r: 0.34509803921569, g: 0.38823529411765, b: 0.3921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-1-6', r: 0.28235294117647, g: 0.31372549019608, b: 0.31764705882353},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-1-7', r: 0.2156862745098, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.24313725490196},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-2-1', r: 0.5843137254902, g: 0.7843137254902, b: 0.7921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-2-2', r: 0.48235294117647, g: 0.64705882352941, b: 0.66666666666667},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-2-3', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.55294117647059, b: 0.56470588235294},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-2-4', r: 0.33725490196078, g: 0.46274509803922, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-2-5', r: 0.29019607843137, g: 0.38823529411765, b: 0.39607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-2-6', r: 0.22352941176471, g: 0.30588235294118, b: 0.32156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-3-2', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.65882352941176, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-3-3', r: 0.28627450980392, g: 0.53333333333333, b: 0.55686274509804},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-3-4', r: 0.23137254901961, g: 0.44313725490196, b: 0.46274509803922},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-3-5', r: 0.22745098039216, g: 0.38039215686275, b: 0.39607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-3-6', r: 0.17254901960784, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-4-2', r: 0.15686274509804, g: 0.66274509803922, b: 0.69803921568627},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-4-3', r: 0.18823529411765, g: 0.53725490196078, b: 0.55686274509804},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-4-4', r: 0.13725490196078, g: 0.44705882352941, b: 0.45882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 19-4-5', r: 0.086274509803922, g: 0.36862745098039, b: 0.38039215686275},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-1-1', r: 0.72941176470588, g: 0.83137254901961, b: 0.80392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-1-2', r: 0.59607843137255, g: 0.69019607843137, b: 0.67058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-1-3', r: 0.50588235294118, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.57647058823529},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-1-4', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-1-5', r: 0.33725490196078, g: 0.4, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-1-6', r: 0.27058823529412, g: 0.31764705882353, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-1-7', r: 0.22352941176471, g: 0.25490196078431, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-2-1', r: 0.64313725490196, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.7921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-2-2', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.71764705882353, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-2-3', r: 0.44313725490196, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.56862745098039},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-2-4', r: 0.36470588235294, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-2-5', r: 0.29411764705882, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-2-6', r: 0.23921568627451, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.31764705882353},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-3-2', r: 0.4156862745098, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.67058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-3-3', r: 0.34509803921569, g: 0.59607843137255, b: 0.55294117647059},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-3-4', r: 0.27450980392157, g: 0.49019607843137, b: 0.45490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-3-5', r: 0.23137254901961, g: 0.4156862745098, b: 0.3843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-3-6', r: 0.16470588235294, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-4-3', r: 0.2, g: 0.61176470588235, b: 0.55294117647059},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-4-4', r: 0.14901960784314, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.45098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-4-5', r: 0.14901960784314, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.36862745098039},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-5-4', r: 0, g: 0.49411764705882, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 20-5-5', r: 0, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.36078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-1-1', r: 0.72941176470588, g: 0.83529411764706, b: 0.78823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-1-2', r: 0.6078431372549, g: 0.69019607843137, b: 0.65098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-1-3', r: 0.50588235294118, g: 0.56862745098039, b: 0.54117647058824},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-1-4', r: 0.4156862745098, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.45882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-1-5', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-1-6', r: 0.28627450980392, g: 0.32549019607843, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-1-7', r: 0.21176470588235, g: 0.24705882352941, b: 0.23137254901961},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-2-1', r: 0.62352941176471, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.73333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-2-2', r: 0.52549019607843, g: 0.69411764705882, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-2-3', r: 0.43137254901961, g: 0.57254901960784, b: 0.51764705882353},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-2-4', r: 0.38039215686275, g: 0.50588235294118, b: 0.45098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-2-5', r: 0.30980392156863, g: 0.40392156862745, b: 0.36862745098039},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-2-6', r: 0.26274509803922, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-3-2', r: 0.42352941176471, g: 0.70980392156863, b: 0.6078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-3-3', r: 0.36470588235294, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0.50588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-3-4', r: 0.30196078431373, g: 0.50196078431373, b: 0.42745098039216},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-3-5', r: 0.25490196078431, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-3-6', r: 0.20392156862745, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.27450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-4-2', r: 0.33725490196078, g: 0.71764705882353, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-4-3', r: 0.27450980392157, g: 0.6, b: 0.48235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-4-4', r: 0.21176470588235, g: 0.50588235294118, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-4-5', r: 0.20392156862745, g: 0.41960784313725, b: 0.33725490196078},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-5-3', r: 0.14117647058824, g: 0.60392156862745, b: 0.45882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-5-4', r: 0.047058823529412, g: 0.49019607843137, b: 0.38039215686275},
+ {name: 'TSD 21-5-5', r: 0.047058823529412, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-1-1', r: 0.77647058823529, g: 0.85098039215686, b: 0.76078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-1-2', r: 0.61960784313725, g: 0.68235294117647, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-1-3', r: 0.52549019607843, g: 0.57647058823529, b: 0.53725490196078},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-1-4', r: 0.45882352941176, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.45882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-1-5', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.38039215686275},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-1-6', r: 0.29411764705882, g: 0.32549019607843, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-1-7', r: 0.24705882352941, g: 0.26666666666667, b: 0.24705882352941},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-2-1', r: 0.69411764705882, g: 0.85098039215686, b: 0.72941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-2-2', r: 0.5843137254902, g: 0.71372549019608, b: 0.61176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-2-3', r: 0.48235294117647, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.49803921568627},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-2-4', r: 0.41960784313725, g: 0.50980392156863, b: 0.43529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-2-5', r: 0.33725490196078, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-2-6', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.34117647058824, b: 0.28627450980392},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-3-2', r: 0.50588235294118, g: 0.69803921568627, b: 0.55294117647059},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-3-3', r: 0.43137254901961, g: 0.58823529411765, b: 0.46666666666667},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-3-4', r: 0.37254901960784, g: 0.50980392156863, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-3-5', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.40392156862745, b: 0.31372549019608},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-3-6', r: 0.24313725490196, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.25882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-4-2', r: 0.42745098039216, g: 0.69803921568627, b: 0.50588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-4-3', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.6078431372549, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-4-4', r: 0.31372549019608, g: 0.50980392156863, b: 0.36078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-4-5', r: 0.26274509803922, g: 0.42352941176471, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-4-6', r: 0.21176470588235, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-5-3', r: 0.29019607843137, g: 0.59607843137255, b: 0.3921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-5-4', r: 0.23529411764706, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.32549019607843},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-5-5', r: 0.2078431372549, g: 0.41960784313725, b: 0.27058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-6-3', r: 0.18039215686275, g: 0.59607843137255, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'TSD 22-6-4', r: 0.17647058823529, g: 0.50196078431373, b: 0.29019607843137},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-1-1', r: 0.76470588235294, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.74509803921569},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-1-2', r: 0.65882352941176, g: 0.70588235294118, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-1-3', r: 0.53725490196078, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0.52156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-1-4', r: 0.46666666666667, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.45098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-1-5', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.40392156862745, b: 0.36862745098039},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-1-6', r: 0.30588235294118, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.29803921568627},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-1-7', r: 0.24705882352941, g: 0.25882352941176, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-2-1', r: 0.70588235294118, g: 0.8156862745098, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-2-2', r: 0.5921568627451, g: 0.68235294117647, b: 0.56862745098039},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-2-3', r: 0.49411764705882, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.48235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-2-4', r: 0.42745098039216, g: 0.49019607843137, b: 0.4078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-2-5', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.41176470588235, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-2-6', r: 0.27450980392157, g: 0.31764705882353, b: 0.25882352941176},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-3-1', r: 0.64313725490196, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.61176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-3-2', r: 0.54509803921569, g: 0.69803921568627, b: 0.52941176470588},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-3-3', r: 0.46666666666667, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-3-4', r: 0.39607843137255, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.37254901960784},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-3-5', r: 0.32156862745098, g: 0.40392156862745, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-3-6', r: 0.27058823529412, g: 0.33725490196078, b: 0.25490196078431},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-4-2', r: 0.51372549019608, g: 0.69411764705882, b: 0.46274509803922},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-4-3', r: 0.42745098039216, g: 0.59607843137255, b: 0.3921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-4-4', r: 0.38039215686275, g: 0.50588235294118, b: 0.33725490196078},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-4-5', r: 0.31372549019608, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.26666666666667},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-4-6', r: 0.24313725490196, g: 0.32156862745098, b: 0.2156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-5-2', r: 0.48627450980392, g: 0.71764705882353, b: 0.41960784313725},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-5-3', r: 0.4078431372549, g: 0.6, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-5-4', r: 0.33333333333333, g: 0.49411764705882, b: 0.27058823529412},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-5-5', r: 0.27058823529412, g: 0.41176470588235, b: 0.2156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-6-2', r: 0.45490196078431, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-6-3', r: 0.38039215686275, g: 0.60392156862745, b: 0.27450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 23-6-4', r: 0.30588235294118, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.21176470588235},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-1-1', r: 0.78823529411765, g: 0.8078431372549, b: 0.73725490196078},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-1-2', r: 0.67450980392157, g: 0.69019607843137, b: 0.62352941176471},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-1-3', r: 0.56470588235294, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0.53333333333333},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-1-4', r: 0.47058823529412, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-1-5', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.38823529411765, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-1-6', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.30980392156863, b: 0.27450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-1-7', r: 0.24313725490196, g: 0.25098039215686, b: 0.22745098039216},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-2-1', r: 0.77647058823529, g: 0.81960784313725, b: 0.67450980392157},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-2-2', r: 0.65490196078431, g: 0.69411764705882, b: 0.56078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-2-3', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-2-4', r: 0.45882352941176, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-2-5', r: 0.37254901960784, g: 0.3921568627451, b: 0.31372549019608},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-2-6', r: 0.32156862745098, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.26666666666667},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-3-1', r: 0.75294117647059, g: 0.81960784313725, b: 0.5921568627451},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-3-2', r: 0.63529411764706, g: 0.69019607843137, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-3-3', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.58823529411765, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-3-4', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.48235294117647, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-3-5', r: 0.36470588235294, g: 0.4, b: 0.28235294117647},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-3-6', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.32156862745098, b: 0.22745098039216},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-4-1', r: 0.74117647058824, g: 0.82745098039216, b: 0.50980392156863},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-4-2', r: 0.6156862745098, g: 0.68627450980392, b: 0.43529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-4-3', r: 0.53725490196078, g: 0.58823529411765, b: 0.36862745098039},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-4-4', r: 0.43529411764706, g: 0.49019607843137, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-4-5', r: 0.37254901960784, g: 0.41176470588235, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-5-1', r: 0.72941176470588, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-5-2', r: 0.59607843137255, g: 0.69019607843137, b: 0.33725490196078},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-5-3', r: 0.52156862745098, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.29803921568627},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-5-4', r: 0.42745098039216, g: 0.48235294117647, b: 0.23529411764706},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-5-5', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.39607843137255, b: 0.19607843137255},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-6-2', r: 0.58823529411765, g: 0.69019607843137, b: 0.2156862745098},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-6-3', r: 0.51372549019608, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.17647058823529},
+ {name: 'TSD 24-6-4', r: 0.43137254901961, g: 0.49411764705882, b: 0.16078431372549},
+ {name: 'TSD 14-1-7', r: 0.23137254901961, g: 0.22352941176471, b: 0.25882352941176}
+ ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-isccnbs.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-isccnbs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c03509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-isccnbs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+jQuery(function ($) {
+ $.colorpicker.swatchesNames['isccnbs'] = 'ISCC-NBS';
+ $.colorpicker.swatches['isccnbs'] = [
+ {name: 'Vivid Pink', r: 1, g: 0.70980392156863, b: 0.72941176470588},
+ {name: 'Strong Pink', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.57647058823529, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Deep Pink', r: 0.89411764705882, g: 0.44313725490196, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'Light Pink', r: 0.97647058823529, g: 0.8, b: 0.7921568627451},
+ {name: 'Moderate Pink', r: 0.87058823529412, g: 0.64705882352941, b: 0.64313725490196},
+ {name: 'Dark Pink', r: 0.75294117647059, g: 0.50196078431373, b: 0.50588235294118},
+ {name: 'Pale Pink', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.84705882352941, b: 0.84313725490196},
+ {name: 'Grayish Pink', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.68235294117647, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: 'Pinkish White', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.89019607843137, b: 0.88235294117647},
+ {name: 'Pinkish Gray', r: 0.75686274509804, g: 0.71372549019608, b: 0.70196078431373},
+ {name: 'Vivid Red', r: 0.74509803921569, g: 0, b: 0.19607843137255},
+ {name: 'Strong Red', r: 0.73725490196078, g: 0.24705882352941, b: 0.29019607843137},
+ {name: 'Deep Red', r: 0.51764705882353, g: 0.10588235294118, b: 0.17647058823529},
+ {name: 'Very Deep Red', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.035294117647059, b: 0.13725490196078},
+ {name: 'Moderate Red', r: 0.67058823529412, g: 0.30588235294118, b: 0.32156862745098},
+ {name: 'Dark Red', r: 0.44705882352941, g: 0.1843137254902, b: 0.2156862745098},
+ {name: 'Very Dark Red', r: 0.24705882352941, g: 0.090196078431373, b: 0.15686274509804},
+ {name: 'Light Grayish Red', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0.53333333333333, b: 0.51764705882353},
+ {name: 'Grayish Red', r: 0.56470588235294, g: 0.36470588235294, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'Dark Grayish Red', r: 0.32941176470588, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.24705882352941},
+ {name: 'Blackish Red', r: 0.18039215686275, g: 0.11372549019608, b: 0.12941176470588},
+ {name: 'Reddish Gray', r: 0.56078431372549, g: 0.50588235294118, b: 0.49803921568627},
+ {name: 'Dark Reddish Gray', r: 0.36078431372549, g: 0.31372549019608, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'Reddish Black', r: 0.15686274509804, g: 0.12549019607843, b: 0.13333333333333},
+ {name: 'Vivid Yellowish Pink', r: 1, g: 0.71764705882353, b: 0.64705882352941},
+ {name: 'Strong Yellowish Pink', r: 0.97647058823529, g: 0.57647058823529, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'Deep Yellowish Pink', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.40392156862745, b: 0.12941176470588},
+ {name: 'Light Yellowish Pink', r: 0.95686274509804, g: 0.76078431372549, b: 0.76078431372549},
+ {name: 'Moderate Yellowish Pink', r: 0.85098039215686, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0.66274509803922},
+ {name: 'Dark Yellowish Pink', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.51372549019608, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'Pale Yellowish Pink', r: 0.92549019607843, g: 0.83529411764706, b: 0.77254901960784},
+ {name: 'Grayish Yellowish Pink', r: 0.78039215686275, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: 'Brownish Pink', r: 0.76078431372549, g: 0.67450980392157, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Vivid Reddish Orange', r: 0.88627450980392, g: 0.34509803921569, b: 0.13333333333333},
+ {name: 'Strong Reddish Orange', r: 0.85098039215686, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.23137254901961},
+ {name: 'Deep Reddish Orange', r: 0.66666666666667, g: 0.21960784313725, b: 0.11764705882353},
+ {name: 'Moderate Reddish Orange', r: 0.79607843137255, g: 0.42745098039216, b: 0.31764705882353},
+ {name: 'Dark Reddish Orange', r: 0.61960784313725, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.19607843137255},
+ {name: 'Grayish Reddish Orange', r: 0.70588235294118, g: 0.45490196078431, b: 0.36862745098039},
+ {name: 'Strong Reddish Brown', r: 0.53333333333333, g: 0.17647058823529, b: 0.090196078431373},
+ {name: 'Deep Reddish Brown', r: 0.33725490196078, g: 0.027450980392157, b: 0.047058823529412},
+ {name: 'Light Reddish Brown', r: 0.65882352941176, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.42745098039216},
+ {name: 'Moderate Reddish Brown', r: 0.47450980392157, g: 0.26666666666667, b: 0.23137254901961},
+ {name: 'Dark Reddish Brown', r: 0.24313725490196, g: 0.11372549019608, b: 0.11764705882353},
+ {name: 'Light Grayish Reddish Brown', r: 0.5921568627451, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.45098039215686},
+ {name: 'Grayish Reddish Brown', r: 0.40392156862745, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: 'Dark Grayish Reddish Brown', r: 0.26274509803922, g: 0.18823529411765, b: 0.18039215686275},
+ {name: 'Vivid Orange', r: 0.95294117647059, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Orange', r: 0.9921568627451, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0.24705882352941},
+ {name: 'Strong Orange', r: 0.92941176470588, g: 0.52941176470588, b: 0.17647058823529},
+ {name: 'Deep Orange', r: 0.74509803921569, g: 0.39607843137255, b: 0.086274509803922},
+ {name: 'Light Orange', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.70980392156863, b: 0.49803921568627},
+ {name: 'Moderate Orange', r: 0.85098039215686, g: 0.56470588235294, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'Brownish Orange', r: 0.68235294117647, g: 0.41176470588235, b: 0.21960784313725},
+ {name: 'Strong Brown', r: 0.50196078431373, g: 0.27450980392157, b: 0.10588235294118},
+ {name: 'Deep Brown', r: 0.34901960784314, g: 0.2, b: 0.098039215686275},
+ {name: 'Light Brown', r: 0.65098039215686, g: 0.48235294117647, b: 0.35686274509804},
+ {name: 'Moderate Brown', r: 0.43529411764706, g: 0.30588235294118, b: 0.2156862745098},
+ {name: 'Dark Brown', r: 0.25882352941176, g: 0.14509803921569, b: 0.094117647058824},
+ {name: 'Light Grayish Brown', r: 0.5843137254902, g: 0.50196078431373, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'Grayish Brown', r: 0.38823529411765, g: 0.31764705882353, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: 'Dark Grayish Brown', r: 0.24313725490196, g: 0.19607843137255, b: 0.17254901960784},
+ {name: 'Light Brownish Gray', r: 0.55686274509804, g: 0.50980392156863, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'Brownish Gray', r: 0.35686274509804, g: 0.31372549019608, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'Brownish Black', r: 0.15686274509804, g: 0.12549019607843, b: 0.10980392156863},
+ {name: 'Vivid Orange Yellow', r: 0.96470588235294, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Orange Yellow', r: 1, g: 0.75686274509804, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'Strong Orange Yellow', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.63529411764706, b: 0.12941176470588},
+ {name: 'Deep Orange Yellow', r: 0.78823529411765, g: 0.52156862745098, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Light Orange Yellow', r: 0.9843137254902, g: 0.78823529411765, b: 0.49803921568627},
+ {name: 'Moderate Orange Yellow', r: 0.89019607843137, g: 0.65882352941176, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'Dark Orange Yellow', r: 0.74509803921569, g: 0.54117647058824, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: 'Pale Orange Yellow', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.64705882352941},
+ {name: 'Strong Yellowish Brown', r: 0.6, g: 0.39607843137255, b: 0.082352941176471},
+ {name: 'Deep Yellowish Brown', r: 0.39607843137255, g: 0.27058823529412, b: 0.13333333333333},
+ {name: 'Light Yellowish Brown', r: 0.75686274509804, g: 0.60392156862745, b: 0.41960784313725},
+ {name: 'Moderate Yellowish Brown', r: 0.50980392156863, g: 0.4, b: 0.26666666666667},
+ {name: 'Dark Yellowish Brown', r: 0.29411764705882, g: 0.21176470588235, b: 0.12941176470588},
+ {name: 'Light Grayish Yellowish Brown', r: 0.68235294117647, g: 0.6078431372549, b: 0.50980392156863},
+ {name: 'Grayish Yellowish Brown', r: 0.49411764705882, g: 0.42745098039216, b: 0.35294117647059},
+ {name: 'Dark Grayish Yellowish Brown', r: 0.28235294117647, g: 0.23529411764706, b: 0.19607843137255},
+ {name: 'Vivid Yellow', r: 0.95294117647059, g: 0.76470588235294, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Yellow', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.85490196078431, b: 0.36862745098039},
+ {name: 'Strong Yellow', r: 0.83137254901961, g: 0.68627450980392, b: 0.2156862745098},
+ {name: 'Deep Yellow', r: 0.68627450980392, g: 0.55294117647059, b: 0.074509803921569},
+ {name: 'Light Yellow', r: 0.97254901960784, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'Moderate Yellow', r: 0.78823529411765, g: 0.68235294117647, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'Dark Yellow', r: 0.67058823529412, g: 0.56862745098039, b: 0.26666666666667},
+ {name: 'Pale Yellow', r: 0.95294117647059, g: 0.89803921568627, b: 0.67058823529412},
+ {name: 'Grayish Yellow', r: 0.76078431372549, g: 0.69803921568627, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'Dark Grayish Yellow', r: 0.63137254901961, g: 0.56078431372549, b: 0.37647058823529},
+ {name: 'Yellowish White', r: 0.94117647058824, g: 0.91764705882353, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Yellowish Gray', r: 0.74901960784314, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.64705882352941},
+ {name: 'Light Olive Brown', r: 0.58823529411765, g: 0.44313725490196, b: 0.090196078431373},
+ {name: 'Moderate Olive Brown', r: 0.42352941176471, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.11764705882353},
+ {name: 'Dark Olive Brown', r: 0.23137254901961, g: 0.1921568627451, b: 0.12941176470588},
+ {name: 'Vivid Greenish Yellow', r: 0.86274509803922, g: 0.82745098039216, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Greenish Yellow', r: 0.91372549019608, g: 0.89411764705882, b: 0.31372549019608},
+ {name: 'Strong Greenish Yellow', r: 0.74509803921569, g: 0.71764705882353, b: 0.18039215686275},
+ {name: 'Deep Greenish Yellow', r: 0.6078431372549, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Light Greenish Yellow', r: 0.91764705882353, g: 0.90196078431373, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'Moderate Greenish Yellow', r: 0.72549019607843, g: 0.70588235294118, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'Dark Greenish Yellow', r: 0.59607843137255, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0.24313725490196},
+ {name: 'Pale Greenish Yellow', r: 0.92156862745098, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.64313725490196},
+ {name: 'Grayish Greenish Yellow', r: 0.72549019607843, g: 0.70980392156863, b: 0.49019607843137},
+ {name: 'Light Olive', r: 0.52549019607843, g: 0.49411764705882, b: 0.21176470588235},
+ {name: 'Moderate Olive', r: 0.4, g: 0.36470588235294, b: 0.11764705882353},
+ {name: 'Dark Olive', r: 0.25098039215686, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.12941176470588},
+ {name: 'Light Grayish Olive', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.52941176470588, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'Grayish Olive', r: 0.35686274509804, g: 0.34509803921569, b: 0.25882352941176},
+ {name: 'Dark Grayish Olive', r: 0.21176470588235, g: 0.2078431372549, b: 0.15294117647059},
+ {name: 'Light Olive Gray', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.52941176470588, b: 0.46274509803922},
+ {name: 'Olive Gray', r: 0.34117647058824, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.29803921568627},
+ {name: 'Olive Black', r: 0.14509803921569, g: 0.14117647058824, b: 0.11372549019608},
+ {name: 'Vivid Yellow Green', r: 0.55294117647059, g: 0.71372549019608, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Yellow Green', r: 0.74117647058824, g: 0.85490196078431, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'Strong Yellow Green', r: 0.49411764705882, g: 0.62352941176471, b: 0.18039215686275},
+ {name: 'Deep Yellow Green', r: 0.27450980392157, g: 0.44313725490196, b: 0.16078431372549},
+ {name: 'Light Yellow Green', r: 0.78823529411765, g: 0.86274509803922, b: 0.53725490196078},
+ {name: 'Moderate Yellow Green', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.60392156862745, b: 0.35686274509804},
+ {name: 'Pale Yellow Green', r: 0.85490196078431, g: 0.87450980392157, b: 0.71764705882353},
+ {name: 'Grayish Yellow Green', r: 0.56078431372549, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'Strong Olive Green', r: 0.25098039215686, g: 0.30980392156863, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Deep Olive Green', r: 0.13725490196078, g: 0.1843137254902, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Moderate Olive Green', r: 0.29019607843137, g: 0.36470588235294, b: 0.13725490196078},
+ {name: 'Dark Olive Green', r: 0.16862745098039, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.14901960784314},
+ {name: 'Grayish Olive Green', r: 0.31764705882353, g: 0.34117647058824, b: 0.26666666666667},
+ {name: 'Dark Grayish Olive Green', r: 0.1921568627451, g: 0.21176470588235, b: 0.16862745098039},
+ {name: 'Vivid Yellowish Green', r: 0.15294117647059, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0.29803921568627},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Yellowish Green', r: 0.51372549019608, g: 0.82745098039216, b: 0.49019607843137},
+ {name: 'Strong Yellowish Green', r: 0.26666666666667, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0.29019607843137},
+ {name: 'Deep Yellowish Green', r: 0, g: 0.3843137254902, b: 0.17647058823529},
+ {name: 'Very Deep Yellowish Green', r: 0, g: 0.1921568627451, b: 0.094117647058824},
+ {name: 'Very Light Yellowish Green', r: 0.71372549019608, g: 0.89803921568627, b: 0.68627450980392},
+ {name: 'Light Yellowish Green', r: 0.57647058823529, g: 0.77254901960784, b: 0.57254901960784},
+ {name: 'Moderate Yellowish Green', r: 0.40392156862745, g: 0.57254901960784, b: 0.40392156862745},
+ {name: 'Dark Yellowish Green', r: 0.2078431372549, g: 0.36862745098039, b: 0.23137254901961},
+ {name: 'Very Dark Yellowish Green', r: 0.090196078431373, g: 0.21176470588235, b: 0.12549019607843},
+ {name: 'Vivid Green', r: 0, g: 0.53333333333333, b: 0.33725490196078},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Green', r: 0.24313725490196, g: 0.70588235294118, b: 0.53725490196078},
+ {name: 'Strong Green', r: 0, g: 0.47450980392157, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'Deep Green', r: 0, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: 'Very Light Green', r: 0.55686274509804, g: 0.81960784313725, b: 0.69803921568627},
+ {name: 'Light Green', r: 0.4156862745098, g: 0.67058823529412, b: 0.55686274509804},
+ {name: 'Moderate Green', r: 0.23137254901961, g: 0.47058823529412, b: 0.38039215686275},
+ {name: 'Dark Green', r: 0.10588235294118, g: 0.30196078431373, b: 0.24313725490196},
+ {name: 'Very Dark Green', r: 0.10980392156863, g: 0.2078431372549, b: 0.17647058823529},
+ {name: 'Very Pale Green', r: 0.78039215686275, g: 0.90196078431373, b: 0.84313725490196},
+ {name: 'Pale Green', r: 0.55294117647059, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Grayish Green', r: 0.36862745098039, g: 0.44313725490196, b: 0.4156862745098},
+ {name: 'Dark Grayish Green', r: 0.22745098039216, g: 0.29411764705882, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: 'Blackish Green', r: 0.10196078431373, g: 0.14117647058824, b: 0.12941176470588},
+ {name: 'Greenish White', r: 0.87450980392157, g: 0.92941176470588, b: 0.90980392156863},
+ {name: 'Light Greenish Gray', r: 0.69803921568627, g: 0.74509803921569, b: 0.70980392156863},
+ {name: 'Greenish Gray', r: 0.49019607843137, g: 0.53725490196078, b: 0.51764705882353},
+ {name: 'Dark Greenish Gray', r: 0.30588235294118, g: 0.34117647058824, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'Greenish Black', r: 0.11764705882353, g: 0.13725490196078, b: 0.12941176470588},
+ {name: 'Vivid Bluish Green', r: 0, g: 0.53333333333333, b: 0.50980392156863},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Bluish Green', r: 0, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0.57647058823529},
+ {name: 'Strong Bluish Green', r: 0, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.45490196078431},
+ {name: 'Deep Bluish Green', r: 0, g: 0.26666666666667, b: 0.24705882352941},
+ {name: 'Very Light Bluish Green', r: 0.58823529411765, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.81960784313725},
+ {name: 'Light Bluish Green', r: 0.4, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.64313725490196},
+ {name: 'Moderate Bluish Green', r: 0.1921568627451, g: 0.47058823529412, b: 0.45098039215686},
+ {name: 'Dark Bluish Green', r: 0, g: 0.29411764705882, b: 0.28627450980392},
+ {name: 'Very Dark Bluish Green', r: 0, g: 0.16470588235294, b: 0.16078431372549},
+ {name: 'Vivid Greenish Blue', r: 0, g: 0.52156862745098, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Greenish Blue', r: 0.13725490196078, g: 0.61960784313725, b: 0.72941176470588},
+ {name: 'Strong Greenish Blue', r: 0, g: 0.46666666666667, b: 0.56862745098039},
+ {name: 'Deep Greenish Blue', r: 0.18039215686275, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'Very Light Greenish Blue', r: 0.61176470588235, g: 0.81960784313725, b: 0.86274509803922},
+ {name: 'Light Greenish Blue', r: 0.4, g: 0.66666666666667, b: 0.73725490196078},
+ {name: 'Moderate Greenish Blue', r: 0.21176470588235, g: 0.45882352941176, b: 0.53333333333333},
+ {name: 'Dark Greenish Blue', r: 0, g: 0.28627450980392, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'Very Dark Greenish Blue', r: 0, g: 0.18039215686275, b: 0.23137254901961},
+ {name: 'Vivid Blue', r: 0, g: 0.63137254901961, b: 0.76078431372549},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Blue', r: 0.28627450980392, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.8156862745098},
+ {name: 'Strong Blue', r: 0, g: 0.40392156862745, b: 0.64705882352941},
+ {name: 'Deep Blue', r: 0, g: 0.25490196078431, b: 0.4156862745098},
+ {name: 'Very Light Blue', r: 0.63137254901961, g: 0.7921568627451, b: 0.94509803921569},
+ {name: 'Light Blue', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Moderate Blue', r: 0.26274509803922, g: 0.41960784313725, b: 0.5843137254902},
+ {name: 'Dark Blue', r: 0, g: 0.18823529411765, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'Very Pale Blue', r: 0.73725490196078, g: 0.83137254901961, b: 0.90196078431373},
+ {name: 'Pale Blue', r: 0.56862745098039, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.69019607843137},
+ {name: 'Grayish Blue', r: 0.32549019607843, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.47058823529412},
+ {name: 'Dark Grayish Blue', r: 0.21176470588235, g: 0.27058823529412, b: 0.30980392156863},
+ {name: 'Blackish Blue', r: 0.12549019607843, g: 0.15686274509804, b: 0.18823529411765},
+ {name: 'Bluish White', r: 0.91372549019608, g: 0.91372549019608, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Light Bluish Gray', r: 0.70588235294118, g: 0.73725490196078, b: 0.75294117647059},
+ {name: 'Bluish Gray', r: 0.50588235294118, g: 0.52941176470588, b: 0.54509803921569},
+ {name: 'Dark Bluish Gray', r: 0.31764705882353, g: 0.34509803921569, b: 0.36862745098039},
+ {name: 'Bluish Black', r: 0.12549019607843, g: 0.14117647058824, b: 0.15686274509804},
+ {name: 'Vivid Purplish Blue', r: 0.18823529411765, g: 0.14901960784314, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Purplish Blue', r: 0.42352941176471, g: 0.47450980392157, b: 0.72156862745098},
+ {name: 'Strong Purplish Blue', r: 0.32941176470588, g: 0.35294117647059, b: 0.65490196078431},
+ {name: 'Deep Purplish Blue', r: 0.15294117647059, g: 0.14117647058824, b: 0.34509803921569},
+ {name: 'Very Light Purplish Blue', r: 0.70196078431373, g: 0.73725490196078, b: 0.88627450980392},
+ {name: 'Light Purplish Blue', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0.56862745098039, b: 0.74901960784314},
+ {name: 'Moderate Purplish Blue', r: 0.30588235294118, g: 0.31764705882353, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'Dark Purplish Blue', r: 0.14509803921569, g: 0.14117647058824, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'Very Pale Purplish Blue', r: 0.75294117647059, g: 0.7843137254902, b: 0.88235294117647},
+ {name: 'Pale Purplish Blue', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.57254901960784, b: 0.67450980392157},
+ {name: 'Grayish Purplish Blue', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.31764705882353, b: 0.42745098039216},
+ {name: 'Vivid Violet', r: 0.56470588235294, g: 0.39607843137255, b: 0.7921568627451},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Violet', r: 0.49411764705882, g: 0.45098039215686, b: 0.72156862745098},
+ {name: 'Strong Violet', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.30588235294118, b: 0.5921568627451},
+ {name: 'Deep Violet', r: 0.19607843137255, g: 0.090196078431373, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'Very Light Violet', r: 0.86274509803922, g: 0.8156862745098, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Light Violet', r: 0.54901960784314, g: 0.50980392156863, b: 0.71372549019608},
+ {name: 'Moderate Violet', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.30588235294118, b: 0.50588235294118},
+ {name: 'Dark Violet', r: 0.1843137254902, g: 0.12941176470588, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'Very Pale Violet', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.76470588235294, b: 0.86666666666667},
+ {name: 'Pale Violet', r: 0.58823529411765, g: 0.56470588235294, b: 0.67058823529412},
+ {name: 'Grayish Violet', r: 0.33333333333333, g: 0.29803921568627, b: 0.41176470588235},
+ {name: 'Vivid Purple', r: 0.60392156862745, g: 0.30588235294118, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Purple', r: 0.82745098039216, g: 0.6, b: 0.90196078431373},
+ {name: 'Strong Purple', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0.33725490196078, b: 0.57254901960784},
+ {name: 'Deep Purple', r: 0.37647058823529, g: 0.1843137254902, b: 0.41960784313725},
+ {name: 'Very Deep Purple', r: 0.25098039215686, g: 0.10196078431373, b: 0.29803921568627},
+ {name: 'Very Light Purple', r: 0.83529411764706, g: 0.72941176470588, b: 0.85882352941176},
+ {name: 'Light Purple', r: 0.71372549019608, g: 0.5843137254902, b: 0.75294117647059},
+ {name: 'Moderate Purple', r: 0.52549019607843, g: 0.37647058823529, b: 0.55686274509804},
+ {name: 'Dark Purple', r: 0.33725490196078, g: 0.23529411764706, b: 0.36078431372549},
+ {name: 'Very Dark Purple', r: 0.18823529411765, g: 0.098039215686275, b: 0.20392156862745},
+ {name: 'Very Pale Purple', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.7921568627451, b: 0.86666666666667},
+ {name: 'Pale Purple', r: 0.66666666666667, g: 0.59607843137255, b: 0.66274509803922},
+ {name: 'Grayish Purple', r: 0.47450980392157, g: 0.4078431372549, b: 0.47058823529412},
+ {name: 'Dark Grayish Purple', r: 0.31372549019608, g: 0.25098039215686, b: 0.30196078431373},
+ {name: 'Blackish Purple', r: 0.16078431372549, g: 0.11764705882353, b: 0.16078431372549},
+ {name: 'Purplish White', r: 0.90980392156863, g: 0.89019607843137, b: 0.89803921568627},
+ {name: 'Light Purplish Gray', r: 0.74901960784314, g: 0.72549019607843, b: 0.74117647058824},
+ {name: 'Purplish Gray', r: 0.54509803921569, g: 0.52156862745098, b: 0.53725490196078},
+ {name: 'Dark Purplish Gray', r: 0.36470588235294, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.35686274509804},
+ {name: 'Purplish Black', r: 0.14117647058824, g: 0.12941176470588, b: 0.14117647058824},
+ {name: 'Vivid Reddish Purple', r: 0.52941176470588, g: 0, b: 0.45490196078431},
+ {name: 'Strong Reddish Purple', r: 0.61960784313725, g: 0.30980392156863, b: 0.53333333333333},
+ {name: 'Deep Reddish Purple', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.16078431372549, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'Very Deep Reddish Purple', r: 0.32941176470588, g: 0.098039215686275, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'Light Reddish Purple', r: 0.71764705882353, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.65490196078431},
+ {name: 'Moderate Reddish Purple', r: 0.56862745098039, g: 0.36078431372549, b: 0.51372549019608},
+ {name: 'Dark Reddish Purple', r: 0.36470588235294, g: 0.22352941176471, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'Very Dark Reddish Purple', r: 0.20392156862745, g: 0.090196078431373, b: 0.1921568627451},
+ {name: 'Pale Reddish Purple', r: 0.66666666666667, g: 0.54117647058824, b: 0.61960784313725},
+ {name: 'Grayish Reddish Purple', r: 0.51372549019608, g: 0.3921568627451, b: 0.47450980392157},
+ {name: 'Brilliant Purplish Pink', r: 1, g: 0.7843137254902, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Strong Purplish Pink', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.56078431372549, b: 0.67450980392157},
+ {name: 'Deep Purplish Pink', r: 0.87058823529412, g: 0.43529411764706, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'Light Purplish Pink', r: 0.93725490196078, g: 0.73333333333333, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Moderate Purplish Pink', r: 0.83529411764706, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.68235294117647},
+ {name: 'Dark Purplish Pink', r: 0.75686274509804, g: 0.49411764705882, b: 0.56862745098039},
+ {name: 'Pale Purplish Pink', r: 0.90980392156863, g: 0.8, b: 0.84313725490196},
+ {name: 'Grayish Purplish Pink', r: 0.76470588235294, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0.69411764705882},
+ {name: 'Vivid Purplish Red', r: 0.8078431372549, g: 0.27450980392157, b: 0.46274509803922},
+ {name: 'Strong Purplish Red', r: 0.70196078431373, g: 0.26666666666667, b: 0.42352941176471},
+ {name: 'Deep Purplish Red', r: 0.47058823529412, g: 0.094117647058824, b: 0.29019607843137},
+ {name: 'Very Deep Purplish Red', r: 0.32941176470588, g: 0.074509803921569, b: 0.23137254901961},
+ {name: 'Moderate Purplish Red', r: 0.65882352941176, g: 0.31764705882353, b: 0.43137254901961},
+ {name: 'Dark Purplish Red', r: 0.40392156862745, g: 0.1921568627451, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: 'Very Dark Purplish Red', r: 0.21960784313725, g: 0.082352941176471, b: 0.17254901960784},
+ {name: 'Light Grayish Purplish Red', r: 0.68627450980392, g: 0.52549019607843, b: 0.55686274509804},
+ {name: 'Grayish Purplish Red', r: 0.56862745098039, g: 0.37254901960784, b: 0.42745098039216},
+ {name: 'White', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.95294117647059, b: 0.95686274509804},
+ {name: 'Light Gray', r: 0.72549019607843, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.70980392156863},
+ {name: 'Medium Gray', r: 0.51764705882353, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.50980392156863},
+ {name: 'Dark Gray', r: 0.33333333333333, g: 0.33333333333333, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'Black', r: 0.13333333333333, g: 0.13333333333333, b: 0.13333333333333}
+ ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-pantone.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-pantone.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb01e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-pantone.js
@@ -0,0 +1,942 @@
+jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.swatchesNames['pantone'] = 'Pantone';
+ $.colorpicker.swatches['pantone'] = [
+ {name: '100', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '101', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: '102', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '103', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.0588235294117647},
+ {name: '104', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0.607843137254902, b: 0.0470588235294118},
+ {name: '105', r: 0.509803921568627, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.0588235294117647},
+ {name: '106', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '107', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.898039215686275, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '108', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.0862745098039216},
+ {name: '109', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.0862745098039216},
+ {name: '110', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '111', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.576470588235294, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '112', r: 0.6, g: 0.517647058823529, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '113', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.898039215686275, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '114', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.298039215686275},
+ {name: '115', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.298039215686275},
+ {name: '116', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.0862745098039216},
+ {name: '116 2X', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.0470588235294118},
+ {name: '117', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.0470588235294118},
+ {name: '118', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '119', r: 0.537254901960784, g: 0.466666666666667, b: 0.0980392156862745},
+ {name: '120', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.498039215686275},
+ {name: '1205', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '121', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '1215', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '122', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.337254901960784},
+ {name: '1225', r: 1, g: 0.8, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '123', r: 1, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.117647058823529},
+ {name: '1235', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '124', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.0588235294117647},
+ {name: '1245', r: 0.749019607843137, g: 0.568627450980392, b: 0.0470588235294118},
+ {name: '125', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '1255', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.498039215686275, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '126', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.509803921568627, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '1265', r: 0.486274509803922, g: 0.388235294117647, b: 0.0862745098039216},
+ {name: '127', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.529411764705882},
+ {name: '128', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.376470588235294},
+ {name: '129', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: '130', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.0588235294117647},
+ {name: '130 2X', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.568627450980392, b: 0},
+ {name: '131', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.576470588235294, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '132', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.486274509803922, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '133', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.356862745098039, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '134', r: 1, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.498039215686275},
+ {name: '1345', r: 1, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.568627450980392},
+ {name: '135', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.788235294117647, b: 0.388235294117647},
+ {name: '1355', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.529411764705882},
+ {name: '136', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '1365', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.368627450980392},
+ {name: '137', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '1375', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.607843137254902, b: 0.0470588235294118},
+ {name: '138', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.00784313725490196},
+ {name: '1385', r: 0.8, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.00784313725490196},
+ {name: '139', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '1395', r: 0.6, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.0274509803921569},
+ {name: '140', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.356862745098039, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '1405', r: 0.419607843137255, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '141', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.407843137254902},
+ {name: '142', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '143', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.698039215686274, b: 0.176470588235294},
+ {name: '144', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '145', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.498039215686275, b: 0.0274509803921569},
+ {name: '146', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '147', r: 0.447058823529412, g: 0.368627450980392, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '148', r: 1, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.607843137254902},
+ {name: '1485', r: 1, g: 0.717647058823529, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '149', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.8, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '1495', r: 1, g: 0.6, b: 0.247058823529412},
+ {name: '150', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.337254901960784},
+ {name: '1505', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.486274509803922, b: 0},
+ {name: '151', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.498039215686275, b: 0},
+ {name: '152', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0},
+ {name: '1525', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.329411764705882, b: 0},
+ {name: '153', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.427450980392157, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '1535', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0},
+ {name: '154', r: 0.6, g: 0.349019607843137, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '1545', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.133333333333333, b: 0},
+ {name: '155', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '1555', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '156', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '1565', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.647058823529412, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '157', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '1575', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.266666666666667},
+ {name: '158', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '1585', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.0274509803921569},
+ {name: '159', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '1595', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.356862745098039, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '160', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.329411764705882, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '1605', r: 0.627450980392157, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '161', r: 0.388235294117647, g: 0.227450980392157, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '1615', r: 0.517647058823529, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.0588235294117647},
+ {name: '162', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '1625', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.647058823529412, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '163', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '1635', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: '164', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.498039215686275, b: 0.247058823529412},
+ {name: '1645', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.447058823529412, b: 0.258823529411765},
+ {name: '165', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.388235294117647, b: 0.00784313725490196},
+ {name: '165 2X', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0},
+ {name: '1655', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.337254901960784, b: 0.00784313725490196},
+ {name: '166', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.349019607843137, b: 0},
+ {name: '1665', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '167', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.0274509803921569},
+ {name: '1675', r: 0.647058823529412, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.0588235294117647},
+ {name: '168', r: 0.427450980392157, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '1685', r: 0.517647058823529, g: 0.207843137254902, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '169', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '170', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '171', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '172', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.286274509803922, b: 0.00784313725490196},
+ {name: '173', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '174', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0.2, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '175', r: 0.427450980392157, g: 0.2, b: 0.129411764705882},
+ {name: '176', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: '1765', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: '1767', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.698039215686274, b: 0.717647058823529},
+ {name: '177', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.509803921568627, b: 0.498039215686275},
+ {name: '1775', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.517647058823529, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '1777', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.4, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '178', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.368627450980392, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '1785', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '1787', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '1788', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.168627450980392, b: 0.176470588235294},
+ {name: '1788 2X', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0},
+ {name: '179', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '1795', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '1797', r: 0.8, g: 0.176470588235294, b: 0.188235294117647},
+ {name: '180', r: 0.756862745098039, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '1805', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '1807', r: 0.627450980392157, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.2},
+ {name: '181', r: 0.486274509803922, g: 0.176470588235294, b: 0.137254901960784},
+ {name: '1810', r: 0.486274509803922, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.117647058823529},
+ {name: '1817', r: 0.356862745098039, g: 0.176470588235294, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '182', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '183', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '184', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.368627450980392, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '185', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.0666666666666667, b: 0.176470588235294},
+ {name: '185 2X', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.0862745098039216, b: 0},
+ {name: '186', r: 0.807843137254902, g: 0.0666666666666667, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '187', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.117647058823529, b: 0.176470588235294},
+ {name: '188', r: 0.486274509803922, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '189', r: 1, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '1895', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.788235294117647},
+ {name: '190', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '1905', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.607843137254902, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '191', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '1915', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.329411764705882, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '192', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0.0196078431372549, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '1925', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.0274509803921569, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: '193', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0, b: 0.262745098039216},
+ {name: '1935', r: 0.756862745098039, g: 0.0196078431372549, b: 0.219607843137255},
+ {name: '194', r: 0.6, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.207843137254902},
+ {name: '1945', r: 0.658823529411765, g: 0.0470588235294118, b: 0.207843137254902},
+ {name: '1955', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0.0862745098039216, b: 0.219607843137255},
+ {name: '196', r: 0.980392156862745, g: 0.835294117647059, b: 0.882352941176471},
+ {name: '197', r: 0.964705882352941, g: 0.647058823529412, b: 0.745098039215686},
+ {name: '198', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.356862745098039, b: 0.517647058823529},
+ {name: '199', r: 0.627450980392157, g: 0.152941176470588, b: 0.294117647058824},
+ {name: '200', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.117647058823529, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '201', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.219607843137255},
+ {name: '202', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.2},
+ {name: '203', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '204', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '205', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0.298039215686275, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '206', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.0196078431372549, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: '207', r: 0.752941176470588, g: 0, b: 0.305882352941176},
+ {name: '208', r: 0.556862745098039, g: 0.137254901960784, b: 0.266666666666667},
+ {name: '209', r: 0.458823529411765, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: '210', r: 1, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '211', r: 1, g: 0.466666666666667, b: 0.658823529411765},
+ {name: '212', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '213', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.0588235294117647, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '214', r: 0.8, g: 0.00784313725490196, b: 0.337254901960784},
+ {name: '215', r: 0.647058823529412, g: 0.0196078431372549, b: 0.266666666666667},
+ {name: '216', r: 0.486274509803922, g: 0.117647058823529, b: 0.247058823529412},
+ {name: '217', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '218', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.447058823529412, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '219', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.509803921568627},
+ {name: '220', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '221', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0, b: 0.258823529411765},
+ {name: '222', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.0980392156862745, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: '223', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.576470588235294, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '224', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '225', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '226', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.00784313725490196, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '227', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '228', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0, b: 0.298039215686275},
+ {name: '229', r: 0.427450980392157, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.247058823529412},
+ {name: '230', r: 1, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '231', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '232', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '233', r: 0.807843137254902, g: 0, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '234', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0, b: 0.4},
+ {name: '235', r: 0.556862745098039, g: 0.0196078431372549, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '236', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '2365', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.847058823529412},
+ {name: '237', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.517647058823529, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '2375', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '238', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '2385', r: 0.858823529411765, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '239', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '2395', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '240', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.0588235294117647, b: 0.537254901960784},
+ {name: '2405', r: 0.658823529411765, g: 0, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: '241', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '2415', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '242', r: 0.486274509803922, g: 0.109803921568627, b: 0.317647058823529},
+ {name: '2425', r: 0.529411764705882, g: 0, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '243', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.847058823529412},
+ {name: '244', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '245', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.498039215686275, b: 0.788235294117647},
+ {name: '246', r: 0.8, g: 0, b: 0.627450980392157},
+ {name: '247', r: 0.717647058823529, g: 0, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '248', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.0196078431372549, b: 0.498039215686275},
+ {name: '249', r: 0.498039215686275, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.376470588235294},
+ {name: '250', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '251', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '252', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '253', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.137254901960784, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '254', r: 0.627450980392157, g: 0.176470588235294, b: 0.588235294117647},
+ {name: '255', r: 0.466666666666667, g: 0.176470588235294, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '256', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '2562', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.658823529411765, b: 0.847058823529412},
+ {name: '2563', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '2567', r: 0.749019607843137, g: 0.576470588235294, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '257', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.647058823529412, b: 0.788235294117647},
+ {name: '2572', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '2573', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.486274509803922, b: 0.737254901960784},
+ {name: '2577', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.447058823529412, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '258', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.588235294117647},
+ {name: '2582', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '2583', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '2587', r: 0.556862745098039, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: '259', r: 0.447058823529412, g: 0.0862745098039216, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '2592', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0.0588235294117647, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '2593', r: 0.529411764705882, g: 0.168627450980392, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '2597', r: 0.4, g: 0, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '260', r: 0.407843137254902, g: 0.117647058823529, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '2602', r: 0.509803921568627, g: 0.0470588235294118, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '2603', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.0784313725490196, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: '2607', r: 0.356862745098039, g: 0.00784313725490196, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: '261', r: 0.368627450980392, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '2612', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.117647058823529, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '2613', r: 0.4, g: 0.0666666666666667, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: '2617', r: 0.337254901960784, g: 0.0470588235294118, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '262', r: 0.329411764705882, g: 0.137254901960784, b: 0.266666666666667},
+ {name: '2622', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.176470588235294, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '2623', r: 0.356862745098039, g: 0.0980392156862745, b: 0.368627450980392},
+ {name: '2627', r: 0.298039215686275, g: 0.0784313725490196, b: 0.368627450980392},
+ {name: '263', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.87843137254902},
+ {name: '2635', r: 0.788235294117647, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.847058823529412},
+ {name: '264', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.858823529411765},
+ {name: '2645', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.568627450980392, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '265', r: 0.588235294117647, g: 0.388235294117647, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '2655', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0.427450980392157, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '266', r: 0.427450980392157, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '2665', r: 0.537254901960784, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '267', r: 0.349019607843137, g: 0.0666666666666667, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '268', r: 0.309803921568627, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '2685', r: 0.337254901960784, g: 0, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '269', r: 0.266666666666667, g: 0.137254901960784, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '2695', r: 0.266666666666667, g: 0.137254901960784, b: 0.368627450980392},
+ {name: '270', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '2705', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '2706', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '2707', r: 0.749019607843137, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.898039215686275},
+ {name: '2708', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0.858823529411765},
+ {name: '271', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.568627450980392, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '2715', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '2716', r: 0.647058823529412, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '2717', r: 0.647058823529412, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.87843137254902},
+ {name: '2718', r: 0.356862745098039, g: 0.466666666666667, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '272', r: 0.537254901960784, g: 0.466666666666667, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '2725', r: 0.447058823529412, g: 0.317647058823529, b: 0.737254901960784},
+ {name: '2726', r: 0.4, g: 0.337254901960784, b: 0.737254901960784},
+ {name: '2727', r: 0.368627450980392, g: 0.407843137254902, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '2728', r: 0.188235294117647, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '273', r: 0.219607843137255, g: 0.0980392156862745, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: '2735', r: 0.309803921568627, g: 0, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '2736', r: 0.286274509803922, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: '2738', r: 0.176470588235294, g: 0, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '274', r: 0.168627450980392, g: 0.0666666666666667, b: 0.4},
+ {name: '2745', r: 0.247058823529412, g: 0, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '2746', r: 0.247058823529412, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '2747', r: 0.109803921568627, g: 0.0784313725490196, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '2748', r: 0.117647058823529, g: 0.109803921568627, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '275', r: 0.149019607843137, g: 0.0588235294117647, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '2755', r: 0.207843137254902, g: 0, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: '2756', r: 0.2, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '2757', r: 0.0784313725490196, g: 0.0862745098039216, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '2758', r: 0.0980392156862745, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.407843137254902},
+ {name: '276', r: 0.168627450980392, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: '2765', r: 0.168627450980392, g: 0.0470588235294118, b: 0.337254901960784},
+ {name: '2766', r: 0.168627450980392, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '2767', r: 0.0784313725490196, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: '2768', r: 0.0666666666666667, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.317647058823529},
+ {name: '277', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.909803921568627},
+ {name: '278', r: 0.6, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '279', r: 0.4, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '280', r: 0, g: 0.168627450980392, b: 0.498039215686275},
+ {name: '281', r: 0, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.407843137254902},
+ {name: '282', r: 0, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '283', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.886274509803922},
+ {name: '284', r: 0.458823529411765, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.858823529411765},
+ {name: '285', r: 0.227450980392157, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '286', r: 0, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.658823529411765},
+ {name: '287', r: 0, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '288', r: 0, g: 0.2, b: 0.498039215686275},
+ {name: '289', r: 0, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '290', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.886274509803922},
+ {name: '2905', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.87843137254902},
+ {name: '291', r: 0.658823529411765, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.886274509803922},
+ {name: '2915', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '292', r: 0.458823529411765, g: 0.698039215686274, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '2925', r: 0, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '293', r: 0, g: 0.317647058823529, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '2935', r: 0, g: 0.356862745098039, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '294', r: 0, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.529411764705882},
+ {name: '2945', r: 0, g: 0.329411764705882, b: 0.627450980392157},
+ {name: '295', r: 0, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '2955', r: 0, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '296', r: 0, g: 0.176470588235294, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: '2965', r: 0, g: 0.2, b: 0.298039215686275},
+ {name: '297', r: 0.509803921568627, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.886274509803922},
+ {name: '2975', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.886274509803922},
+ {name: '298', r: 0.317647058823529, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.87843137254902},
+ {name: '2985', r: 0.317647058823529, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.886274509803922},
+ {name: '299', r: 0, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '2995', r: 0, g: 0.647058823529412, b: 0.858823529411765},
+ {name: '300', r: 0, g: 0.447058823529412, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '3005', r: 0, g: 0.517647058823529, b: 0.788235294117647},
+ {name: '301', r: 0, g: 0.356862745098039, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '3015', r: 0, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '302', r: 0, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: '3025', r: 0, g: 0.329411764705882, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '303', r: 0, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '3035', r: 0, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '304', r: 0.647058823529412, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.886274509803922},
+ {name: '305', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.886274509803922},
+ {name: '306', r: 0, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0.886274509803922},
+ {name: '306 2X', r: 0, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '307', r: 0, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '308', r: 0, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '309', r: 0, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '310', r: 0.447058823529412, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '3105', r: 0.498039215686275, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.858823529411765},
+ {name: '311', r: 0.156862745098039, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.847058823529412},
+ {name: '3115', r: 0.176470588235294, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '312', r: 0, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '3125', r: 0, g: 0.717647058823529, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '313', r: 0, g: 0.6, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '3135', r: 0, g: 0.607843137254902, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '314', r: 0, g: 0.509803921568627, b: 0.607843137254902},
+ {name: '3145', r: 0, g: 0.517647058823529, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '315', r: 0, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '3155', r: 0, g: 0.427450980392157, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '316', r: 0, g: 0.286274509803922, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '3165', r: 0, g: 0.337254901960784, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '317', r: 0.788235294117647, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '318', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.858823529411765},
+ {name: '319', r: 0.298039215686275, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '320', r: 0, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.627450980392157},
+ {name: '320 2X', r: 0, g: 0.498039215686275, b: 0.509803921568627},
+ {name: '321', r: 0, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.537254901960784},
+ {name: '322', r: 0, g: 0.447058823529412, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '323', r: 0, g: 0.4, b: 0.388235294117647},
+ {name: '324', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '3242', r: 0.529411764705882, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '3245', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '3248', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '325', r: 0.337254901960784, g: 0.788235294117647, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '3252', r: 0.337254901960784, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.788235294117647},
+ {name: '3255', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '3258', r: 0.207843137254902, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '326', r: 0, g: 0.698039215686274, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '3262', r: 0, g: 0.756862745098039, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '3265', r: 0, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '3268', r: 0, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '327', r: 0, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.509803921568627},
+ {name: '327 2X', r: 0, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '3272', r: 0, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '3275', r: 0, g: 0.698039215686274, b: 0.627450980392157},
+ {name: '3278', r: 0, g: 0.607843137254902, b: 0.517647058823529},
+ {name: '328', r: 0, g: 0.466666666666667, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '3282', r: 0, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.509803921568627},
+ {name: '3285', r: 0, g: 0.6, b: 0.529411764705882},
+ {name: '3288', r: 0, g: 0.509803921568627, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '329', r: 0, g: 0.427450980392157, b: 0.4},
+ {name: '3292', r: 0, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.337254901960784},
+ {name: '3295', r: 0, g: 0.509803921568627, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '3298', r: 0, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '330', r: 0, g: 0.349019607843137, b: 0.317647058823529},
+ {name: '3302', r: 0, g: 0.286274509803922, b: 0.247058823529412},
+ {name: '3305', r: 0, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.258823529411765},
+ {name: '3308', r: 0, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0.219607843137255},
+ {name: '331', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.917647058823529, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '332', r: 0.627450980392157, g: 0.898039215686275, b: 0.807843137254902},
+ {name: '333', r: 0.368627450980392, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '334', r: 0, g: 0.6, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '335', r: 0, g: 0.486274509803922, b: 0.4},
+ {name: '336', r: 0, g: 0.407843137254902, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '337', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '3375', r: 0.556862745098039, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.737254901960784},
+ {name: '338', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '3385', r: 0.329411764705882, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.658823529411765},
+ {name: '339', r: 0, g: 0.698039215686274, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '3395', r: 0, g: 0.788235294117647, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '340', r: 0, g: 0.6, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '3405', r: 0, g: 0.698039215686274, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: '341', r: 0, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.368627450980392},
+ {name: '3415', r: 0, g: 0.486274509803922, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '342', r: 0, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '3425', r: 0, g: 0.407843137254902, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: '343', r: 0, g: 0.337254901960784, b: 0.247058823529412},
+ {name: '3435', r: 0.00784313725490196, g: 0.286274509803922, b: 0.188235294117647},
+ {name: '344', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '345', r: 0.588235294117647, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '346', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.607843137254902},
+ {name: '347', r: 0, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.376470588235294},
+ {name: '348', r: 0, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.317647058823529},
+ {name: '349', r: 0, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.247058823529412},
+ {name: '350', r: 0.137254901960784, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.2},
+ {name: '351', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '352', r: 0.6, g: 0.898039215686275, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '353', r: 0.517647058823529, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.658823529411765},
+ {name: '354', r: 0, g: 0.717647058823529, b: 0.376470588235294},
+ {name: '355', r: 0, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '356', r: 0, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: '357', r: 0.129411764705882, g: 0.356862745098039, b: 0.2},
+ {name: '358', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.588235294117647},
+ {name: '359', r: 0.627450980392157, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '360', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '361', r: 0.117647058823529, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '362', r: 0.2, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.207843137254902},
+ {name: '363', r: 0.23921568627451, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.2},
+ {name: '364', r: 0.227450980392157, g: 0.466666666666667, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '365', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: '366', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.898039215686275, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '367', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: '368', r: 0.356862745098039, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.129411764705882},
+ {name: '368 2X', r: 0, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.0588235294117647},
+ {name: '369', r: 0.337254901960784, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.109803921568627},
+ {name: '370', r: 0.337254901960784, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '371', r: 0.337254901960784, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.129411764705882},
+ {name: '372', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.588235294117647},
+ {name: '373', r: 0.807843137254902, g: 0.917647058823529, b: 0.509803921568627},
+ {name: '374', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.376470588235294},
+ {name: '375', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0},
+ {name: '375 2X', r: 0.329411764705882, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0},
+ {name: '376', r: 0.498039215686275, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0},
+ {name: '377', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.576470588235294, b: 0.00784313725490196},
+ {name: '378', r: 0.337254901960784, g: 0.388235294117647, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '379', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.917647058823529, b: 0.407843137254902},
+ {name: '380', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.898039215686275, b: 0.258823529411765},
+ {name: '381', r: 0.8, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '382', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '382 2X', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0},
+ {name: '383', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.0274509803921569},
+ {name: '384', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0.6, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '385', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '386', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.376470588235294},
+ {name: '387', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.266666666666667},
+ {name: '388', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.0588235294117647},
+ {name: '389', r: 0.807843137254902, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.0274509803921569},
+ {name: '390', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '391', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.0274509803921569},
+ {name: '392', r: 0.517647058823529, g: 0.509803921568627, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '393', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.937254901960784, b: 0.529411764705882},
+ {name: '3935', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: '394', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.207843137254902},
+ {name: '3945', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.917647058823529, b: 0.0274509803921569},
+ {name: '395', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '3955', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '396', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.0470588235294118},
+ {name: '3965', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '397', r: 0.756862745098039, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '3975', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.658823529411765, b: 0.0470588235294118},
+ {name: '398', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.658823529411765, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '3985', r: 0.6, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '399', r: 0.6, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.0274509803921569},
+ {name: '3995', r: 0.427450980392157, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.00784313725490196},
+ {name: '400', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '401', r: 0.756862745098039, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '402', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.647058823529412, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '403', r: 0.6, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '404', r: 0.509803921568627, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.4},
+ {name: '405', r: 0.419607843137255, g: 0.368627450980392, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '406', r: 0.807843137254902, g: 0.756862745098039, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '408', r: 0.658823529411765, g: 0.6, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '409', r: 0.6, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '410', r: 0.486274509803922, g: 0.427450980392157, b: 0.388235294117647},
+ {name: '411', r: 0.4, g: 0.349019607843137, b: 0.298039215686275},
+ {name: '412', r: 0.23921568627451, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '413', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.756862745098039, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '414', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.627450980392157},
+ {name: '415', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '416', r: 0.556862745098039, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: '417', r: 0.466666666666667, g: 0.447058823529412, b: 0.388235294117647},
+ {name: '418', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.368627450980392, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '419', r: 0.156862745098039, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.129411764705882},
+ {name: '420', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.8, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '421', r: 0.749019607843137, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '422', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: '423', r: 0.588235294117647, g: 0.576470588235294, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '424', r: 0.509803921568627, g: 0.498039215686275, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '425', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '426', r: 0.168627450980392, g: 0.168627450980392, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '427', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '428', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '429', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '430', r: 0.568627450980392, g: 0.588235294117647, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '431', r: 0.4, g: 0.427450980392157, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '432', r: 0.266666666666667, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.317647058823529},
+ {name: '433', r: 0.188235294117647, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '433 2X', r: 0.0392156862745098, g: 0.0470588235294118, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '434', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '435', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.717647058823529},
+ {name: '436', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.647058823529412, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '437', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '438', r: 0.349019607843137, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: '439', r: 0.286274509803922, g: 0.207843137254902, b: 0.2},
+ {name: '440', r: 0.247058823529412, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.168627450980392},
+ {name: '441', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '442', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.717647058823529},
+ {name: '443', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.658823529411765, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: '444', r: 0.537254901960784, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '445', r: 0.337254901960784, g: 0.349019607843137, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '446', r: 0.286274509803922, g: 0.298039215686275, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '447', r: 0.247058823529412, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.219607843137255},
+ {name: '448', r: 0.329411764705882, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.176470588235294},
+ {name: '4485', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.298039215686275, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '449', r: 0.329411764705882, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '4495', r: 0.529411764705882, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.188235294117647},
+ {name: '450', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.329411764705882, b: 0.168627450980392},
+ {name: '4505', r: 0.627450980392157, g: 0.568627450980392, b: 0.317647058823529},
+ {name: '451', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: '4515', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '452', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.717647058823529, b: 0.588235294117647},
+ {name: '4525', r: 0.8, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '453', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.8, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '4535', r: 0.858823529411765, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '454', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '4545', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '455', r: 0.4, g: 0.337254901960784, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '456', r: 0.6, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '457', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.607843137254902, b: 0.0470588235294118},
+ {name: '458', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.8, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '459', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '460', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.588235294117647},
+ {name: '461', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.898039215686275, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: '462', r: 0.356862745098039, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.137254901960784},
+ {name: '4625', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.137254901960784, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '463', r: 0.458823529411765, g: 0.329411764705882, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '4635', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.349019607843137, b: 0.2},
+ {name: '464', r: 0.529411764705882, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '464 2X', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.258823529411765, b: 0.0784313725490196},
+ {name: '4645', r: 0.698039215686274, g: 0.509803921568627, b: 0.376470588235294},
+ {name: '465', r: 0.756862745098039, g: 0.658823529411765, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '4655', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.6, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '466', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.568627450980392},
+ {name: '4665', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.588235294117647},
+ {name: '467', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.8, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '4675', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '468', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '4685', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.737254901960784},
+ {name: '469', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.2, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '4695', r: 0.317647058823529, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.109803921568627},
+ {name: '470', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0.309803921568627, b: 0.0980392156862745},
+ {name: '4705', r: 0.486274509803922, g: 0.317647058823529, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: '471', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.368627450980392, b: 0.117647058823529},
+ {name: '471 2X', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0.00784313725490196},
+ {name: '4715', r: 0.6, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '472', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: '4725', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.568627450980392, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '473', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.627450980392157},
+ {name: '4735', r: 0.8, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.607843137254902},
+ {name: '474', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.8, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '4745', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '475', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '4755', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.8, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '476', r: 0.349019607843137, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.168627450980392},
+ {name: '477', r: 0.388235294117647, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '478', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '479', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '480', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.717647058823529, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: '481', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.8, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '482', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '483', r: 0.419607843137255, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.129411764705882},
+ {name: '484', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.109803921568627},
+ {name: '485', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.117647058823529, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '485 2X', r: 0.8, g: 0.0470588235294118, b: 0},
+ {name: '486', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.517647058823529},
+ {name: '487', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.627450980392157},
+ {name: '488', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '489', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '490', r: 0.356862745098039, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '491', r: 0.458823529411765, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '492', r: 0.568627450980392, g: 0.2, b: 0.219607843137255},
+ {name: '494', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '495', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '496', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.788235294117647, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '497', r: 0.317647058823529, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '4975', r: 0.266666666666667, g: 0.117647058823529, b: 0.109803921568627},
+ {name: '498', r: 0.427450980392157, g: 0.2, b: 0.168627450980392},
+ {name: '4985', r: 0.517647058823529, g: 0.286274509803922, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '499', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.176470588235294},
+ {name: '4995', r: 0.647058823529412, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: '500', r: 0.807843137254902, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '5005', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.529411764705882},
+ {name: '501', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.698039215686274, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '5015', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.658823529411765},
+ {name: '502', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '5025', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0.717647058823529},
+ {name: '503', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '5035', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '504', r: 0.317647058823529, g: 0.117647058823529, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '505', r: 0.4, g: 0.117647058823529, b: 0.168627450980392},
+ {name: '506', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.219607843137255},
+ {name: '507', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.607843137254902},
+ {name: '508', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.647058823529412, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '509', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '510', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.788235294117647},
+ {name: '511', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.266666666666667},
+ {name: '5115', r: 0.309803921568627, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '512', r: 0.517647058823529, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '5125', r: 0.458823529411765, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.376470588235294},
+ {name: '513', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.137254901960784, b: 0.529411764705882},
+ {name: '5135', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.498039215686275},
+ {name: '514', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.517647058823529, b: 0.737254901960784},
+ {name: '5145', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '515', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.788235294117647},
+ {name: '5155', r: 0.8, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.717647058823529},
+ {name: '516', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '5165', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.788235294117647, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '517', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.8, b: 0.847058823529412},
+ {name: '5175', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '518', r: 0.317647058823529, g: 0.176470588235294, b: 0.266666666666667},
+ {name: '5185', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.207843137254902},
+ {name: '519', r: 0.388235294117647, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.368627450980392},
+ {name: '5195', r: 0.349019607843137, g: 0.2, b: 0.266666666666667},
+ {name: '520', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.207843137254902, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '5205', r: 0.556862745098039, g: 0.407843137254902, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '521', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '5215', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.576470588235294, b: 0.607843137254902},
+ {name: '522', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '5225', r: 0.8, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '523', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.717647058823529, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '5235', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '524', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.8, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '5245', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '525', r: 0.317647058823529, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '5255', r: 0.207843137254902, g: 0.149019607843137, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '526', r: 0.407843137254902, g: 0.129411764705882, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: '5265', r: 0.286274509803922, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.388235294117647},
+ {name: '527', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.117647058823529, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '5275', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.337254901960784, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '528', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.447058823529412, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '5285', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.509803921568627, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '529', r: 0.807843137254902, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '5295', r: 0.698039215686274, g: 0.658823529411765, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '530', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '5305', r: 0.8, g: 0.756862745098039, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '531', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.858823529411765},
+ {name: '5315', r: 0.858823529411765, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '532', r: 0.207843137254902, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.258823529411765},
+ {name: '533', r: 0.207843137254902, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '534', r: 0.227450980392157, g: 0.286274509803922, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '535', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.717647058823529},
+ {name: '536', r: 0.67843137254902, g: 0.698039215686274, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '537', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.807843137254902},
+ {name: '538', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '539', r: 0, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '5395', r: 0.00784313725490196, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '540', r: 0, g: 0.2, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '5405', r: 0.247058823529412, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '541', r: 0, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '5415', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.486274509803922, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '542', r: 0.4, g: 0.576470588235294, b: 0.737254901960784},
+ {name: '5425', r: 0.517647058823529, g: 0.6, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '543', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0.717647058823529, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '5435', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '544', r: 0.717647058823529, g: 0.8, b: 0.858823529411765},
+ {name: '5445', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.8, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '545', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '5455', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '546', r: 0.0470588235294118, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.266666666666667},
+ {name: '5463', r: 0, g: 0.207843137254902, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '5467', r: 0.0980392156862745, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.2},
+ {name: '547', r: 0, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '5473', r: 0.149019607843137, g: 0.407843137254902, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: '5477', r: 0.227450980392157, g: 0.337254901960784, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '548', r: 0, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '5483', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.568627450980392, b: 0.568627450980392},
+ {name: '5487', r: 0.4, g: 0.486274509803922, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '549', r: 0.368627450980392, g: 0.6, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '5493', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: '5497', r: 0.568627450980392, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '550', r: 0.529411764705882, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '5503', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '5507', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '551', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.756862745098039, b: 0.788235294117647},
+ {name: '5513', r: 0.807843137254902, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '5517', r: 0.788235294117647, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '552', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '5523', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '5527', r: 0.807843137254902, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '553', r: 0.137254901960784, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0.207843137254902},
+ {name: '5535', r: 0.129411764705882, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.188235294117647},
+ {name: '554', r: 0.0980392156862745, g: 0.368627450980392, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: '5545', r: 0.309803921568627, g: 0.427450980392157, b: 0.368627450980392},
+ {name: '555', r: 0.0274509803921569, g: 0.427450980392157, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '5555', r: 0.466666666666667, g: 0.568627450980392, b: 0.509803921568627},
+ {name: '556', r: 0.47843137254902, g: 0.658823529411765, b: 0.568627450980392},
+ {name: '5565', r: 0.588235294117647, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '557', r: 0.63921568627451, g: 0.756862745098039, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: '5575', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: '558', r: 0.717647058823529, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.737254901960784},
+ {name: '5585', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '559', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '5595', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '560', r: 0.168627450980392, g: 0.298039215686275, b: 0.247058823529412},
+ {name: '5605', r: 0.137254901960784, g: 0.227450980392157, b: 0.176470588235294},
+ {name: '561', r: 0.149019607843137, g: 0.4, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '5615', r: 0.329411764705882, g: 0.407843137254902, b: 0.337254901960784},
+ {name: '562', r: 0.117647058823529, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: '5625', r: 0.447058823529412, g: 0.517647058823529, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '563', r: 0.498039215686275, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '5635', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '564', r: 0.0196078431372549, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.368627450980392},
+ {name: '5645', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.756862745098039, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '565', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '5655', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.8, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '566', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '5665', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '567', r: 0.149019607843137, g: 0.317647058823529, b: 0.258823529411765},
+ {name: '568', r: 0, g: 0.447058823529412, b: 0.388235294117647},
+ {name: '569', r: 0, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '570', r: 0.498039215686275, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '571', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '572', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.807843137254902},
+ {name: '573', r: 0.8, g: 0.898039215686275, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '574', r: 0.286274509803922, g: 0.349019607843137, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '5743', r: 0.247058823529412, g: 0.286274509803922, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '5747', r: 0.258823529411765, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.0862745098039216},
+ {name: '575', r: 0.329411764705882, g: 0.466666666666667, b: 0.188235294117647},
+ {name: '5753', r: 0.368627450980392, g: 0.4, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '5757', r: 0.419607843137255, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.168627450980392},
+ {name: '576', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '5763', r: 0.466666666666667, g: 0.486274509803922, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '5767', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.568627450980392, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '577', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.8, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '5773', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '5777', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '578', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.627450980392157},
+ {name: '5783', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '5787', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '579', r: 0.788235294117647, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: '5793', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '5797', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '580', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '5803', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.717647058823529},
+ {name: '5807', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.737254901960784},
+ {name: '581', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.368627450980392, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '5815', r: 0.286274509803922, g: 0.266666666666667, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '582', r: 0.529411764705882, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '5825', r: 0.458823529411765, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.168627450980392},
+ {name: '583', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '5835', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.6, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '584', r: 0.807843137254902, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '5845', r: 0.698039215686274, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '585', r: 0.858823529411765, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.419607843137255},
+ {name: '5855', r: 0.8, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '586', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.898039215686275, b: 0.517647058823529},
+ {name: '5865', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: '587', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.607843137254902},
+ {name: '5875', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '600', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '601', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '602', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.917647058823529, b: 0.529411764705882},
+ {name: '603', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '604', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.129411764705882},
+ {name: '605', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '606', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '607', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.917647058823529, b: 0.737254901960784},
+ {name: '608', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.909803921568627, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: '609', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.898039215686275, b: 0.588235294117647},
+ {name: '610', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '611', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '612', r: 0.768627450980392, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0},
+ {name: '613', r: 0.686274509803922, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.0470588235294118},
+ {name: '614', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.717647058823529},
+ {name: '615', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '616', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.607843137254902},
+ {name: '617', r: 0.8, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '618', r: 0.709803921568627, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '619', r: 0.588235294117647, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '620', r: 0.517647058823529, g: 0.466666666666667, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '621', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.807843137254902},
+ {name: '622', r: 0.756862745098039, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '623', r: 0.647058823529412, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '624', r: 0.498039215686275, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '625', r: 0.356862745098039, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.447058823529412},
+ {name: '626', r: 0.129411764705882, g: 0.329411764705882, b: 0.247058823529412},
+ {name: '627', r: 0.0470588235294118, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.149019607843137},
+ {name: '628', r: 0.8, g: 0.886274509803922, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '629', r: 0.698039215686274, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.847058823529412},
+ {name: '630', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.8, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '631', r: 0.329411764705882, g: 0.717647058823529, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '632', r: 0, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '633', r: 0, g: 0.498039215686275, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '634', r: 0, g: 0.4, b: 0.498039215686275},
+ {name: '635', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.87843137254902},
+ {name: '636', r: 0.6, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '637', r: 0.419607843137255, g: 0.788235294117647, b: 0.858823529411765},
+ {name: '638', r: 0, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '639', r: 0, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '640', r: 0, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '641', r: 0, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '642', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.847058823529412},
+ {name: '643', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '644', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '645', r: 0.466666666666667, g: 0.588235294117647, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '646', r: 0.368627450980392, g: 0.509803921568627, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: '647', r: 0.149019607843137, g: 0.329411764705882, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '648', r: 0, g: 0.188235294117647, b: 0.368627450980392},
+ {name: '649', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.847058823529412},
+ {name: '650', r: 0.749019607843137, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '651', r: 0.607843137254902, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '652', r: 0.427450980392157, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.658823529411765},
+ {name: '653', r: 0.2, g: 0.337254901960784, b: 0.529411764705882},
+ {name: '654', r: 0.0588235294117647, g: 0.168627450980392, b: 0.356862745098039},
+ {name: '655', r: 0.0470588235294118, g: 0.109803921568627, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: '656', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.858823529411765, b: 0.87843137254902},
+ {name: '657', r: 0.756862745098039, g: 0.788235294117647, b: 0.866666666666667},
+ {name: '658', r: 0.647058823529412, g: 0.686274509803922, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '659', r: 0.498039215686275, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '660', r: 0.349019607843137, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.658823529411765},
+ {name: '661', r: 0.176470588235294, g: 0.2, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '662', r: 0.0470588235294118, g: 0.0980392156862745, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '663', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '664', r: 0.847058823529412, g: 0.8, b: 0.819607843137255},
+ {name: '665', r: 0.776470588235294, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '666', r: 0.658823529411765, g: 0.576470588235294, b: 0.67843137254902},
+ {name: '667', r: 0.498039215686275, g: 0.4, b: 0.537254901960784},
+ {name: '668', r: 0.4, g: 0.286274509803922, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '669', r: 0.27843137254902, g: 0.168627450980392, b: 0.349019607843137},
+ {name: '670', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.847058823529412},
+ {name: '671', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.776470588235294, b: 0.827450980392157},
+ {name: '672', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '673', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.698039215686274},
+ {name: '674', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '675', r: 0.737254901960784, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '676', r: 0.627450980392157, g: 0, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '677', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '678', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.8, b: 0.807843137254902},
+ {name: '679', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '680', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '681', r: 0.717647058823529, g: 0.447058823529412, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '682', r: 0.627450980392157, g: 0.317647058823529, b: 0.458823529411765},
+ {name: '683', r: 0.498039215686275, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '684', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.8, b: 0.807843137254902},
+ {name: '685', r: 0.917647058823529, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.768627450980392},
+ {name: '686', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '687', r: 0.788235294117647, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '688', r: 0.698039215686274, g: 0.4, b: 0.517647058823529},
+ {name: '689', r: 0.576470588235294, g: 0.258823529411765, b: 0.4},
+ {name: '690', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.137254901960784, b: 0.258823529411765},
+ {name: '691', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.788235294117647},
+ {name: '692', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.729411764705882},
+ {name: '693', r: 0.858823529411765, g: 0.658823529411765, b: 0.647058823529412},
+ {name: '694', r: 0.788235294117647, g: 0.549019607843137, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '695', r: 0.698039215686274, g: 0.419607843137255, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: '696', r: 0.556862745098039, g: 0.27843137254902, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '697', r: 0.498039215686275, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.227450980392157},
+ {name: '698', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '699', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.749019607843137},
+ {name: '700', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.647058823529412, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '701', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.529411764705882, b: 0.556862745098039},
+ {name: '702', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.427450980392157},
+ {name: '703', r: 0.717647058823529, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.266666666666667},
+ {name: '704', r: 0.619607843137255, g: 0.156862745098039, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '705', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: '706', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.788235294117647, b: 0.776470588235294},
+ {name: '707', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '708', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '709', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.407843137254902, b: 0.466666666666667},
+ {name: '710', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.258823529411765, b: 0.317647058823529},
+ {name: '711', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.176470588235294, b: 0.2},
+ {name: '712', r: 1, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.666666666666667},
+ {name: '713', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.788235294117647, b: 0.63921568627451},
+ {name: '714', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.729411764705882, b: 0.509803921568627},
+ {name: '715', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.619607843137255, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '716', r: 0.949019607843137, g: 0.517647058823529, b: 0.0666666666666667},
+ {name: '717', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.427450980392157, b: 0},
+ {name: '718', r: 0.749019607843137, g: 0.356862745098039, b: 0},
+ {name: '719', r: 0.956862745098039, g: 0.819607843137255, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '720', r: 0.937254901960784, g: 0.768627450980392, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '721', r: 0.909803921568627, g: 0.698039215686274, b: 0.509803921568627},
+ {name: '722', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.329411764705882},
+ {name: '723', r: 0.729411764705882, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.188235294117647},
+ {name: '724', r: 0.556862745098039, g: 0.286274509803922, b: 0.0196078431372549},
+ {name: '725', r: 0.458823529411765, g: 0.219607843137255, b: 0.00784313725490196},
+ {name: '726', r: 0.929411764705882, g: 0.827450980392157, b: 0.709803921568627},
+ {name: '727', r: 0.886274509803922, g: 0.749019607843137, b: 0.607843137254902},
+ {name: '728', r: 0.827450980392157, g: 0.658823529411765, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '729', r: 0.756862745098039, g: 0.556862745098039, b: 0.376470588235294},
+ {name: '730', r: 0.666666666666667, g: 0.458823529411765, b: 0.247058823529412},
+ {name: '731', r: 0.447058823529412, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '732', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.2, b: 0.0392156862745098},
+ {name: '801', r: 0, g: 0.666666666666667, b: 0.8},
+ {name: '801 2X', r: 0, g: 0.537254901960784, b: 0.686274509803922},
+ {name: '802', r: 0.376470588235294, g: 0.866666666666667, b: 0.286274509803922},
+ {name: '802 2X', r: 0.109803921568627, g: 0.807843137254902, b: 0.156862745098039},
+ {name: '803', r: 1, g: 0.929411764705882, b: 0.219607843137255},
+ {name: '803 2X', r: 1, g: 0.847058823529412, b: 0.0862745098039216},
+ {name: '804', r: 1, g: 0.576470588235294, b: 0.219607843137255},
+ {name: '804 2X', r: 1, g: 0.498039215686275, b: 0.117647058823529},
+ {name: '805', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.349019607843137, b: 0.317647058823529},
+ {name: '805 2X', r: 0.976470588235294, g: 0.227450980392157, b: 0.168627450980392},
+ {name: '806', r: 1, g: 0, b: 0.576470588235294},
+ {name: '806 2X', r: 0.968627450980392, g: 0.00784313725490196, b: 0.486274509803922},
+ {name: '807', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0, b: 0.619607843137255},
+ {name: '807 2X', r: 0.749019607843137, g: 0, b: 0.549019607843137},
+ {name: '808', r: 0, g: 0.709803921568627, b: 0.607843137254902},
+ {name: '808 2X', r: 0, g: 0.627450980392157, b: 0.529411764705882},
+ {name: '809', r: 0.866666666666667, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.0588235294117647},
+ {name: '809 2X', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.83921568627451, b: 0.0470588235294118},
+ {name: '810', r: 1, g: 0.8, b: 0.117647058823529},
+ {name: '810 2X', r: 1, g: 0.737254901960784, b: 0.129411764705882},
+ {name: '811', r: 1, g: 0.447058823529412, b: 0.27843137254902},
+ {name: '811 2X', r: 1, g: 0.329411764705882, b: 0.0862745098039216},
+ {name: '812', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.137254901960784, b: 0.4},
+ {name: '812 2X', r: 0.988235294117647, g: 0.0274509803921569, b: 0.309803921568627},
+ {name: '813', r: 0.898039215686275, g: 0, b: 0.6},
+ {name: '813 2X', r: 0.819607843137255, g: 0, b: 0.517647058823529},
+ {name: '814', r: 0.549019607843137, g: 0.376470588235294, b: 0.756862745098039},
+ {name: '814 2X', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.247058823529412, b: 0.686274509803922}
+ ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-prismacolor.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-prismacolor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d83ff9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-prismacolor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+jQuery(function ($) {
+ $.colorpicker.swatchesNames['prismacolor'] = 'Prismacolor';
+ $.colorpicker.swatches['prismacolor'] = [
+ {name: 'Process Red', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.54901960784314, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Blush Pink', r: 1, g: 0.65882352941176, b: 0.83137254901961},
+ {name: 'Warm Grey 20%', r: 0.92941176470588, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.94117647058824},
+ {name: 'Warm Grey 30%', r: 0.90980392156863, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Warm Grey 40%', r: 0.87058823529412, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.89019607843137},
+ {name: 'Warm Grey 50%', r: 0.69803921568627, g: 0.72941176470588, b: 0.74901960784314},
+ {name: 'Warm Grey 60%', r: 0.65098039215686, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.70980392156863},
+ {name: 'Warm Grey 70%', r: 0.45882352941176, g: 0.49803921568627, b: 0.52549019607843},
+ {name: 'Warm Grey 80%', r: 0.29019607843137, g: 0.30588235294118, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'Warm Grey 90%', r: 0.13725490196078, g: 0.14117647058824, b: 0.16862745098039},
+ {name: 'Cool Grey 10%', r: 0.94117647058824, g: 0.95686274509804, b: 0.96470588235294},
+ {name: 'Cool Grey 20%', r: 0.89803921568627, g: 0.92549019607843, b: 0.93725490196078},
+ {name: 'Deco Peach', r: 1, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.87058823529412},
+ {name: 'Cool Grey 30%', r: 0.81176470588235, g: 0.86274509803922, b: 0.89019607843137},
+ {name: 'Cool Grey 40%', r: 0.73333333333333, g: 0.77647058823529, b: 0.80392156862745},
+ {name: 'Cool Grey 50%', r: 0.64705882352941, g: 0.69019607843137, b: 0.71764705882353},
+ {name: 'Cool Grey 60%', r: 0.54509803921569, g: 0.62745098039216, b: 0.67450980392157},
+ {name: 'Cool Grey 70%', r: 0.4078431372549, g: 0.50196078431373, b: 0.55294117647059},
+ {name: 'Cool Grey 80%', r: 0.31764705882353, g: 0.39607843137255, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'Cool Grey 90%', r: 0.21176470588235, g: 0.27450980392157, b: 0.30588235294118},
+ {name: 'Metallic Silver Broad', r: 0.5843137254902, g: 0.66274509803922, b: 0.65490196078431},
+ {name: 'Metallic Silver Fine', r: 0.5843137254902, g: 0.66274509803922, b: 0.65490196078431},
+ {name: 'Metallic Gold Broad', r: 0.63529411764706, g: 0.69411764705882, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'Light Peach', r: 1, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.83137254901961},
+ {name: 'Metallic Gold Fine', r: 0.63529411764706, g: 0.69411764705882, b: 0.34117647058824},
+ {name: 'Colorless Blender', r: 1, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Salmon Pink', r: 1, g: 0.76862745098039, b: 0.72156862745098},
+ {name: 'Spanish Orange', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.83137254901961, b: 0.011764705882353},
+ {name: 'Lime peel', r: 0.83137254901961, g: 0.98039215686275, b: 0.36862745098039},
+ {name: 'Peacock Blue', r: 0.17254901960784, g: 0.46274509803922, b: 0.72941176470588},
+ {name: 'Cerulean Blue', r: 0.50196078431373, g: 0.72941176470588, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Imperial Violet', r: 0.34117647058824, g: 0.47843137254902, b: 0.96862745098039},
+ {name: 'Parma Violet', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.54901960784314, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Poppy Red', r: 1, g: 0.32941176470588, b: 0.23921568627451},
+ {name: 'Deco Orange', r: 1, g: 0.72941176470588, b: 0.54901960784314},
+ {name: 'Deco Yellow', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.96078431372549, b: 0.54901960784314},
+ {name: 'Jasmine', r: 1, g: 0.83137254901961, b: 0.45098039215686},
+ {name: 'Deco Pink', r: 1, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Deco Blue', r: 0.72156862745098, g: 1, b: 0.96078431372549},
+ {name: 'Dusty Rose', r: 0.94509803921569, g: 0.84705882352941, b: 0.83529411764706},
+ {name: 'Clay Rose', r: 0.81960784313725, g: 0.54117647058824, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Pale Vermilion', r: 1, g: 0.41960784313725, b: 0.070588235294118},
+ {name: 'Celadon Green', r: 0.69803921568627, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.76078431372549},
+ {name: 'Jade Green', r: 0.65098039215686, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Brittany Blue', r: 0.52156862745098, g: 0.72941176470588, b: 0.76862745098039},
+ {name: 'Mediterranean Blue', r: 0.50196078431373, g: 0.74901960784314, b: 0.98039215686275},
+ {name: 'Cloud Blue', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.92156862745098, b: 0.98823529411765},
+ {name: 'Blue Slate', r: 0.56078431372549, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 0.98823529411765},
+ {name: 'Periwinkle', r: 0.41960784313725, g: 0.63137254901961, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Greyed Lavender', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.72156862745098, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Greyed Lavender Light', r: 0.88627450980392, g: 0.85490196078431, b: 0.92549019607843},
+ {name: 'Bronze', r: 0.60392156862745, g: 0.66274509803922, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Yellow Orange', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.65882352941176, b: 0.011764705882353},
+ {name: 'Mahogany Red', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.086274509803922, b: 0.35686274509804},
+ {name: 'Raspberry', r: 0.68235294117647, g: 0.027450980392157, b: 0.39607843137255},
+ {name: 'Henna', r: 0.72549019607843, g: 0.094117647058824, b: 0.38039215686275},
+ {name: 'Pumpkin Orange', r: 0.87058823529412, g: 0.32549019607843, b: 0.16862745098039},
+ {name: 'Mineral Orange', r: 1, g: 0.65882352941176, b: 0.18823529411765},
+ {name: 'French Grey 10%', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.94901960784314, b: 0.94117647058824},
+ {name: 'French Grey 20%', r: 0.90980392156863, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.90196078431373},
+ {name: 'French Grey 30%', r: 0.8, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.78039215686275},
+ {name: 'French Grey 40%', r: 0.70980392156863, g: 0.72941176470588, b: 0.72156862745098},
+ {name: 'French Grey 50%', r: 0.64313725490196, g: 0.64313725490196, b: 0.64313725490196},
+ {name: 'Orange', r: 1, g: 0.54901960784314, b: 0.011764705882353},
+ {name: 'French Grey 60%', r: 0.57647058823529, g: 0.59607843137255, b: 0.59607843137255},
+ {name: 'French Grey 70%', r: 0.45882352941176, g: 0.48627450980392, b: 0.48627450980392},
+ {name: 'French Grey 80%', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.32156862745098, b: 0.32941176470588},
+ {name: 'French Grey 90%', r: 0.15294117647059, g: 0.16470588235294, b: 0.17254901960784},
+ {name: 'Grass Green', r: 0.32549019607843, g: 0.88235294117647, b: 0.37647058823529},
+ {name: 'True Green', r: 0.74117647058824, g: 0.98039215686275, b: 0.69019607843137},
+ {name: 'Apple Green', r: 0.63137254901961, g: 0.96078431372549, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'Dark Purple', r: 0.15686274509804, g: 0, b: 0.87450980392157},
+ {name: 'Tuscan Red', r: 0.58039215686275, g: 0.17647058823529, b: 0.48235294117647},
+ {name: 'Sunburst Yellow', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.2},
+ {name: 'Peach', r: 1, g: 0.54901960784314, b: 0.54901960784314},
+ {name: 'Lilac', r: 0.65098039215686, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Light Umber', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.45490196078431, b: 0.22745098039216},
+ {name: 'Lilac Light', r: 0.6156862745098, g: 0.58823529411765, b: 0.77254901960784},
+ {name: 'Neon Yellow', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.14117647058824},
+ {name: 'Neon Orange', r: 0.93725490196078, g: 0.76078431372549, b: 0.32549019607843},
+ {name: 'Neon Pink', r: 0.76470588235294, g: 0.4156862745098, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'Neon Blue', r: 0.074509803921569, g: 0.60392156862745, b: 0.7921568627451},
+ {name: 'Yellow Ochre', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.83137254901961, b: 0.011764705882353},
+ {name: 'Neon Yellow Green', r: 0.96470588235294, g: 0.92941176470588, b: 0.38823529411765},
+ {name: 'Neon Green', r: 0.65882352941176, g: 0.7843137254902, b: 0.37647058823529},
+ {name: 'Forest Green', r: 0.52156862745098, g: 0.83137254901961, b: 0.56078431372549},
+ {name: 'Spruce Green', r: 0.18823529411765, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0.44313725490196},
+ {name: 'Emerald', r: 0.1843137254902, g: 0.80392156862745, b: 0.17647058823529},
+ {name: 'Leaf Green', r: 0.39607843137255, g: 0.84313725490196, b: 0.13725490196078},
+ {name: 'Canary Yellow', r: 0.96862745098039, g: 0.96862745098039, b: 0.011764705882353},
+ {name: 'Pale Jade', r: 0.74117647058824, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.76862745098039},
+ {name: 'Avocado', r: 0.70980392156863, g: 1, b: 0.019607843137255},
+ {name: 'Mint Cream', r: 0.70980392156863, g: 0.96078431372549, b: 0.52941176470588},
+ {name: 'Cold Stone', r: 0.8, g: 0.89019607843137, b: 0.98039215686275},
+ {name: 'Spearmint', r: 0.14509803921569, g: 0.62745098039216, b: 0.007843137254902},
+ {name: 'Wheat', r: 0.94901960784314, g: 0.96078431372549, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Green Tea', r: 0.43921568627451, g: 0.7843137254902, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Muted Turquoise', r: 0.69019607843137, g: 0.90196078431373, b: 0.94901960784314},
+ {name: 'Mocha Light', r: 0.5843137254902, g: 0.55686274509804, b: 0.31764705882353},
+ {name: 'Process Red Light', r: 0.90588235294118, g: 0.73333333333333, b: 0.83137254901961},
+ {name: 'Canary Yellow Light', r: 1, g: 0.96470588235294, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Mocha Dark', r: 0.24313725490196, g: 0.24313725490196, b: 0.03921568627451},
+ {name: 'Cinnamon Toast', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.81176470588235, b: 0.61960784313725},
+ {name: 'Sky Blue Light', r: 0.50980392156863, g: 0.81960784313725, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Driftwood', r: 0.85882352941176, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Taupe', r: 0.57647058823529, g: 0.64705882352941, b: 0.54901960784314},
+ {name: 'Parchment', r: 0.81960784313725, g: 0.85882352941176, b: 0.74901960784314},
+ {name: 'Ash Grey', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.81960784313725},
+ {name: 'Pale Peach', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.76862745098039},
+ {name: 'Ballet Pink', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.74117647058824, b: 0.87058823529412},
+ {name: 'Khaki', r: 0.74901960784314, g: 0.76078431372549, b: 0.52941176470588},
+ {name: 'Tulip Yellow', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.34901960784314},
+ {name: 'Oatmeal', r: 0.83137254901961, g: 0.85882352941176, b: 0.54901960784314},
+ {name: 'Jet Black', r: 0.074509803921569, g: 0.094117647058824, b: 0.090196078431373},
+ {name: 'Pewter', r: 0.81960784313725, g: 0.87843137254902, b: 0.89019607843137},
+ {name: 'Eggplant', r: 0.15686274509804, g: 0.050980392156863, b: 0.10196078431373},
+ {name: 'Cocoa Bean', r: 0.2156862745098, g: 0.26274509803922, b: 0.047058823529412},
+ {name: 'Yellow Orange Light', r: 0.93725490196078, g: 0.76078431372549, b: 0.32549019607843},
+ {name: 'Neutral Grey 10%', r: 0.86666666666667, g: 0.86274509803922, b: 0.86666666666667},
+ {name: 'Neutral Grey 20%', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.76470588235294, b: 0.77647058823529},
+ {name: 'Neutral Grey 30%', r: 0.68235294117647, g: 0.67450980392157, b: 0.69019607843137},
+ {name: 'Neutral Grey 40%', r: 0.6, g: 0.5921568627451, b: 0.6156862745098},
+ {name: 'Neutral Grey 50%', r: 0.52549019607843, g: 0.51764705882353, b: 0.54509803921569},
+ {name: 'Neutral Grey 60%', r: 0.45490196078431, g: 0.45098039215686, b: 0.47843137254902},
+ {name: 'Neutral Grey 70%', r: 0.3921568627451, g: 0.38823529411765, b: 0.41960784313725},
+ {name: 'Neutral Grey 80%', r: 0.33333333333333, g: 0.33725490196078, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'Neutral Grey 90%', r: 0.27450980392157, g: 0.28627450980392, b: 0.31764705882353},
+ {name: 'Cream', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 1, b: 0.83137254901961},
+ {name: 'Deco Orange Light', r: 0.94117647058824, g: 0.79607843137255, b: 0.65490196078431},
+ {name: 'Deco Pink Light', r: 0.96862745098039, g: 0.90196078431373, b: 0.93725490196078},
+ {name: 'Almond Milk', r: 0.9843137254902, g: 0.94509803921569, b: 0.91764705882353},
+ {name: 'Ultramarine Light', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.68235294117647, b: 0.86274509803922},
+ {name: 'Spring Green', r: 0.58823529411765, g: 0.96862745098039, b: 0.21176470588235},
+ {name: 'Light Olive Green', r: 0.60392156862745, g: 0.77254901960784, b: 0.36470588235294},
+ {name: 'Carmine Red Light', r: 0.88235294117647, g: 0.6156862745098, b: 0.58039215686275},
+ {name: 'Chartreuse', r: 0.83921568627451, g: 1, b: 0.47058823529412},
+ {name: 'Light Umber 20%', r: 0.89411764705882, g: 0.83529411764706, b: 0.75294117647059},
+ {name: 'Light Umber 30%', r: 0.87058823529412, g: 0.79607843137255, b: 0.69803921568627},
+ {name: 'Light Umber 40%', r: 0.81960784313725, g: 0.74901960784314, b: 0.67450980392157},
+ {name: 'Light Umber 50%', r: 0.79607843137255, g: 0.71372549019608, b: 0.63137254901961},
+ {name: 'Light Umber 60%', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.58823529411765},
+ {name: 'Light Umber 70%', r: 0.74117647058824, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.54117647058824},
+ {name: 'Light Umber 80%', r: 0.71372549019608, g: 0.6078431372549, b: 0.50196078431373},
+ {name: 'Light Umber 90%', r: 0.54117647058824, g: 0.45490196078431, b: 0.33333333333333},
+ {name: 'Dark Olive Green', r: 0.29803921568627, g: 0.62352941176471, b: 0.086274509803922},
+ {name: 'Pink Light', r: 0.87843137254902, g: 0.63921568627451, b: 0.76862745098039},
+ {name: 'Ballet Pink Light', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.87450980392157, b: 0.88235294117647},
+ {name: 'Dark Green', r: 0.25098039215686, g: 0.70588235294118, b: 0.2156862745098},
+ {name: 'Parrot Green', r: 0.24705882352941, g: 0.84313725490196, b: 0.50588235294118},
+ {name: 'Parrot Green Light', r: 0.50588235294118, g: 0.74117647058824, b: 0.70980392156863},
+ {name: 'Lime Green', r: 0.72941176470588, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.69019607843137},
+ {name: 'Aquamarine', r: 0.25882352941176, g: 0.78039215686275, b: 0.70980392156863},
+ {name: 'Teal Blue', r: 0.32156862745098, g: 0.63529411764706, b: 0.65490196078431},
+ {name: 'True Blue', r: 0.41176470588235, g: 0.83137254901961, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Crimson Red', r: 0.88235294117647, g: 0.007843137254902, b: 0.027450980392157},
+ {name: 'Copenhagen Blue', r: 0.30196078431373, g: 0.70980392156863, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Violet Blue Light', r: 0.83137254901961, g: 0.69019607843137, b: 0.88235294117647},
+ {name: 'Violet Blue', r: 0.14901960784314, g: 0.31764705882353, b: 0.92941176470588},
+ {name: 'Indigo Blue', r: 0.12156862745098, g: 0.24313725490196, b: 0.73333333333333},
+ {name: 'Ultramarine', r: 0.2, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 0.98039215686275},
+ {name: 'Navy Blue', r: 0.023529411764706, g: 0.11372549019608, b: 0.56078431372549},
+ {name: 'Light Aqua', r: 0.58823529411765, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.87058823529412},
+ {name: 'Light Blue', r: 0.6, g: 0.90980392156863, b: 0.92156862745098},
+ {name: 'Light Cerulean Blue', r: 0.78039215686275, g: 0.94901960784314, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Scarlet Lake', r: 1, g: 0.14901960784314, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'Violet', r: 0.14901960784314, g: 0.058823529411765, b: 0.98823529411765},
+ {name: 'Violet Dark', r: 0.24705882352941, g: 0.24313725490196, b: 0.54509803921569},
+ {name: 'Mulberry Light', r: 0.83529411764706, g: 0.67843137254902, b: 0.80392156862745},
+ {name: 'Mulberry', r: 0.76862745098039, g: 0.050980392156863, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Rhodamine Light', r: 0.85098039215686, g: 0.6078431372549, b: 0.74901960784314},
+ {name: 'Rhodamine', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.011764705882353, b: 0.98823529411765},
+ {name: 'Rhodamine Dark', r: 0.58039215686275, g: 0.14117647058824, b: 0.49803921568627},
+ {name: 'Carmine Red', r: 1, g: 0.34117647058824, b: 0.54901960784314},
+ {name: 'Violet Mist', r: 0.72156862745098, g: 0.83137254901961, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Dark Umber', r: 0.22352941176471, g: 0.090196078431373, b: 0.086274509803922},
+ {name: 'Sepia', r: 0.45882352941176, g: 0.44313725490196, b: 0.18823529411765},
+ {name: 'Sienna Brown', r: 0.83137254901961, g: 0.4156862745098, b: 0.44705882352941},
+ {name: 'Goldenrod', r: 0.92941176470588, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'Magenta', r: 1, g: 0.23921568627451, b: 0.96078431372549},
+ {name: 'Sand', r: 0.92941176470588, g: 0.76862745098039, b: 0.54901960784314},
+ {name: 'Buff', r: 0.92156862745098, g: 0.94117647058824, b: 0.92156862745098},
+ {name: 'Eggshell', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.96078431372549, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Flagstone Red', r: 0.66274509803922, g: 0.43529411764706, b: 0.72156862745098},
+ {name: 'Brick Beige', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.76862745098039},
+ {name: 'Brick White', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.94901960784314, b: 0.89019607843137},
+ {name: 'Pink', r: 1, g: 0.43921568627451, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Putty', r: 0.90196078431373, g: 0.87058823529412, b: 0.83921568627451},
+ {name: 'Turquoise Dark', r: 0.10196078431373, g: 0.51372549019608, b: 0.77254901960784},
+ {name: 'Terra Cotta', r: 0.92941176470588, g: 0.41960784313725, b: 0.43921568627451},
+ {name: 'Cherry', r: 0.87058823529412, g: 0.24705882352941, b: 0.44705882352941},
+ {name: 'Dark Brown', r: 0.43529411764706, g: 0.45882352941176, b: 0.23137254901961},
+ {name: 'Light Walnut', r: 0.85098039215686, g: 0.8, b: 0.70980392156863},
+ {name: 'Blush Pink Light', r: 0.93333333333333, g: 0.79607843137255, b: 0.80392156862745},
+ {name: 'Walnut', r: 0.85882352941176, g: 0.58039215686275, b: 0.52156862745098},
+ {name: 'Burnt Ochre', r: 0.96078431372549, g: 0.65098039215686, b: 0.25098039215686},
+ {name: 'Light Tan', r: 0.73333333333333, g: 0.67450980392157, b: 0.49411764705882},
+ {name: 'Blondwood', r: 0.98039215686275, g: 0.96078431372549, b: 0.76078431372549},
+ {name: 'Warm Black', r: 0.023529411764706, g: 0.031372549019608, b: 0.031372549019608},
+ {name: 'Black', r: 0.023529411764706, g: 0.031372549019608, b: 0.031372549019608},
+ {name: 'Warm Grey 10%', r: 0.98823529411765, g: 0.98823529411765, b: 0.98823529411765}
+ ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-ral-classic.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-ral-classic.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f0f34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-ral-classic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.swatchesNames['ral-classic'] = 'RAL Classic';
+ $.colorpicker.swatches['ral-classic'] = [
+ {name:'1000', r:0.80392156862745, g:0.72941176470588, b:0.53333333333333},
+ {name:'1001', r:0.8156862745098, g:0.69019607843137, b:0.51764705882353},
+ {name:'1002', r:0.82352941176471, g:0.66666666666667, b:0.42745098039216},
+ {name:'1003', r:0.97647058823529, g:0.65882352941176, b:0},
+ {name:'1004', r:0.89411764705882, g:0.61960784313725, b:0},
+ {name:'1005', r:0.79607843137255, g:0.55686274509804, b:0},
+ {name:'1006', r:0.88627450980392, g:0.56470588235294, b:0},
+ {name:'1007', r:0.90980392156863, g:0.54901960784314, b:0},
+ {name:'1011', r:0.68627450980392, g:0.50196078431373, b:0.30980392156863},
+ {name:'1012', r:0.86666666666667, g:0.68627450980392, b:0.15294117647059},
+ {name:'1013', r:0.89019607843137, g:0.85098039215686, b:0.77647058823529},
+ {name:'1014', r:0.86666666666667, g:0.76862745098039, b:0.60392156862745},
+ {name:'1015', r:0.90196078431373, g:0.82352941176471, b:0.70980392156863},
+ {name:'1016', r:0.94509803921569, g:0.86666666666667, b:0.21960784313725},
+ {name:'1017', r:0.96470588235294, g:0.66274509803922, b:0.31372549019608},
+ {name:'1018', r:0.98039215686275, g:0.7921568627451, b:0.18823529411765},
+ {name:'1019', r:0.64313725490196, g:0.56078431372549, b:0.47843137254902},
+ {name:'1020', r:0.62745098039216, g:0.56078431372549, b:0.39607843137255},
+ {name:'1021', r:0.96470588235294, g:0.71372549019608, b:0},
+ {name:'1023', r:0.96862745098039, g:0.70980392156863, b:0},
+ {name:'1024', r:0.72941176470588, g:0.56078431372549, b:0.29803921568627},
+ {name:'1026', r:1, g:1, b:0},
+ {name:'1027', r:0.65490196078431, g:0.49803921568627, b:0.054901960784314},
+ {name:'1028', r:1, g:0.6078431372549, b:0},
+ {name:'1032', r:0.88627450980392, g:0.63921568627451, b:0},
+ {name:'1033', r:0.97647058823529, g:0.60392156862745, b:0.10980392156863},
+ {name:'1034', r:0.92156862745098, g:0.61176470588235, b:0.32156862745098},
+ {name:'1035', r:0.56470588235294, g:0.51372549019608, b:0.43921568627451},
+ {name:'1036', r:0.50196078431373, g:0.3921568627451, b:0.24705882352941},
+ {name:'1037', r:0.94117647058824, g:0.57254901960784, b:0},
+ {name:'2000', r:0.85490196078431, g:0.43137254901961, b:0},
+ {name:'2001', r:0.72941176470588, g:0.28235294117647, b:0.10588235294118},
+ {name:'2002', r:0.74901960784314, g:0.22352941176471, b:0.13333333333333},
+ {name:'2003', r:0.96470588235294, g:0.47058823529412, b:0.15686274509804},
+ {name:'2004', r:0.88627450980392, g:0.32549019607843, b:0.011764705882353},
+ {name:'2005', r:1, g:0.30196078431373, b:0},
+ {name:'2007', r:1, g:0.69803921568627, b:0},
+ {name:'2008', r:0.92941176470588, g:0.41960784313725, b:0.12941176470588},
+ {name:'2009', r:0.87058823529412, g:0.32549019607843, b:0.027450980392157},
+ {name:'2010', r:0.8156862745098, g:0.36470588235294, b:0.15686274509804},
+ {name:'2011', r:0.88627450980392, g:0.43137254901961, b:0.054901960784314},
+ {name:'2012', r:0.83529411764706, g:0.39607843137255, b:0.30196078431373},
+ {name:'2013', r:0.57254901960784, g:0.24313725490196, b:0.14509803921569},
+ {name:'3000', r:0.65490196078431, g:0.16078431372549, b:0.12549019607843},
+ {name:'3001', r:0.6078431372549, g:0.14117647058824, b:0.13725490196078},
+ {name:'3002', r:0.6078431372549, g:0.13725490196078, b:0.12941176470588},
+ {name:'3003', r:0.52549019607843, g:0.10196078431373, b:0.13333333333333},
+ {name:'3004', r:0.41960784313725, g:0.10980392156863, b:0.13725490196078},
+ {name:'3005', r:0.34901960784314, g:0.098039215686275, b:0.12156862745098},
+ {name:'3007', r:0.24313725490196, g:0.12549019607843, b:0.13333333333333},
+ {name:'3009', r:0.42745098039216, g:0.20392156862745, b:0.17647058823529},
+ {name:'3011', r:0.47450980392157, g:0.14117647058824, b:0.13725490196078},
+ {name:'3012', r:0.77647058823529, g:0.51764705882353, b:0.42745098039216},
+ {name:'3013', r:0.5921568627451, g:0.18039215686275, b:0.14509803921569},
+ {name:'3014', r:0.79607843137255, g:0.45098039215686, b:0.45882352941176},
+ {name:'3015', r:0.84705882352941, g:0.62745098039216, b:0.65098039215686},
+ {name:'3016', r:0.65098039215686, g:0.23921568627451, b:0.1843137254902},
+ {name:'3017', r:0.79607843137255, g:0.33333333333333, b:0.36470588235294},
+ {name:'3018', r:0.78039215686275, g:0.24705882352941, b:0.29019607843137},
+ {name:'3020', r:0.73333333333333, g:0.11764705882353, b:0.062745098039216},
+ {name:'3022', r:0.81176470588235, g:0.41176470588235, b:0.33333333333333},
+ {name:'3024', r:1, g:0.17647058823529, b:0.12941176470588},
+ {name:'3026', r:1, g:0.16470588235294, b:0.10588235294118},
+ {name:'3027', r:0.67058823529412, g:0.15294117647059, b:0.23529411764706},
+ {name:'3028', r:0.8, g:0.17254901960784, b:0.14117647058824},
+ {name:'3031', r:0.65098039215686, g:0.20392156862745, b:0.2156862745098},
+ {name:'3032', r:0.43921568627451, g:0.11372549019608, b:0.13725490196078},
+ {name:'3033', r:0.64705882352941, g:0.22745098039216, b:0.17647058823529},
+ {name:'4001', r:0.50588235294118, g:0.38039215686275, b:0.51372549019608},
+ {name:'4002', r:0.55294117647059, g:0.23529411764706, b:0.29411764705882},
+ {name:'4003', r:0.76862745098039, g:0.38039215686275, b:0.54901960784314},
+ {name:'4004', r:0.39607843137255, g:0.11764705882353, b:0.21960784313725},
+ {name:'4005', r:0.46274509803922, g:0.4078431372549, b:0.60392156862745},
+ {name:'4006', r:0.56470588235294, g:0.2, b:0.45098039215686},
+ {name:'4007', r:0.27843137254902, g:0.14117647058824, b:0.23529411764706},
+ {name:'4008', r:0.51764705882353, g:0.29803921568627, b:0.50980392156863},
+ {name:'4009', r:0.6156862745098, g:0.52549019607843, b:0.57254901960784},
+ {name:'4010', r:0.73725490196078, g:0.25098039215686, b:0.46666666666667},
+ {name:'4011', r:0.43137254901961, g:0.38823529411765, b:0.52941176470588},
+ {name:'4012', r:0.41960784313725, g:0.41960784313725, b:0.49803921568627},
+ {name:'5000', r:0.1921568627451, g:0.30980392156863, b:0.43529411764706},
+ {name:'5001', r:0.058823529411765, g:0.29803921568627, b:0.3921568627451},
+ {name:'5002', r:0, g:0.21960784313725, b:0.48235294117647},
+ {name:'5003', r:0.12156862745098, g:0.21960784313725, b:0.33333333333333},
+ {name:'5004', r:0.098039215686275, g:0.11764705882353, b:0.15686274509804},
+ {name:'5005', r:0, g:0.32549019607843, b:0.52941176470588},
+ {name:'5007', r:0.2156862745098, g:0.41960784313725, b:0.54901960784314},
+ {name:'5008', r:0.16862745098039, g:0.22745098039216, b:0.26666666666667},
+ {name:'5009', r:0.13333333333333, g:0.37254901960784, b:0.47058823529412},
+ {name:'5010', r:0, g:0.30980392156863, b:0.48627450980392},
+ {name:'5011', r:0.10196078431373, g:0.16862745098039, b:0.23529411764706},
+ {name:'5012', r:0, g:0.53725490196078, b:0.71372549019608},
+ {name:'5013', r:0.098039215686275, g:0.1921568627451, b:0.32549019607843},
+ {name:'5014', r:0.38823529411765, g:0.49019607843137, b:0.58823529411765},
+ {name:'5015', r:0, g:0.48627450980392, b:0.69019607843137},
+ {name:'5017', r:0, g:0.35686274509804, b:0.54901960784314},
+ {name:'5018', r:0.019607843137255, g:0.54509803921569, b:0.54901960784314},
+ {name:'5019', r:0, g:0.36862745098039, b:0.51372549019608},
+ {name:'5020', r:0, g:0.25490196078431, b:0.29411764705882},
+ {name:'5021', r:0, g:0.45882352941176, b:0.46666666666667},
+ {name:'5022', r:0.13333333333333, g:0.17647058823529, b:0.35294117647059},
+ {name:'5023', r:0.25882352941176, g:0.41176470588235, b:0.54901960784314},
+ {name:'5024', r:0.37647058823529, g:0.57647058823529, b:0.67450980392157},
+ {name:'5025', r:0.12941176470588, g:0.41176470588235, b:0.48627450980392},
+ {name:'5026', r:0.058823529411765, g:0.18823529411765, b:0.32156862745098},
+ {name:'6000', r:0.23529411764706, g:0.45490196078431, b:0.37647058823529},
+ {name:'6001', r:0.21176470588235, g:0.40392156862745, b:0.2078431372549},
+ {name:'6002', r:0.19607843137255, g:0.34901960784314, b:0.15686274509804},
+ {name:'6003', r:0.31372549019608, g:0.32549019607843, b:0.23529411764706},
+ {name:'6004', r:0.007843137254902, g:0.26666666666667, b:0.25882352941176},
+ {name:'6005', r:0.066666666666667, g:0.25882352941176, b:0.19607843137255},
+ {name:'6006', r:0.23529411764706, g:0.22352941176471, b:0.18039215686275},
+ {name:'6007', r:0.17254901960784, g:0.19607843137255, b:0.13333333333333},
+ {name:'6008', r:0.2156862745098, g:0.20392156862745, b:0.16470588235294},
+ {name:'6009', r:0.15294117647059, g:0.2078431372549, b:0.16470588235294},
+ {name:'6010', r:0.30196078431373, g:0.43529411764706, b:0.22352941176471},
+ {name:'6011', r:0.42352941176471, g:0.48627450980392, b:0.34901960784314},
+ {name:'6012', r:0.18823529411765, g:0.23921568627451, b:0.22745098039216},
+ {name:'6013', r:0.49019607843137, g:0.46274509803922, b:0.35294117647059},
+ {name:'6014', r:0.27843137254902, g:0.25490196078431, b:0.2078431372549},
+ {name:'6015', r:0.23921568627451, g:0.23921568627451, b:0.21176470588235},
+ {name:'6016', r:0, g:0.41176470588235, b:0.29803921568627},
+ {name:'6017', r:0.34509803921569, g:0.49803921568627, b:0.25098039215686},
+ {name:'6018', r:0.38039215686275, g:0.6, b:0.23137254901961},
+ {name:'6019', r:0.72549019607843, g:0.8078431372549, b:0.67450980392157},
+ {name:'6020', r:0.2156862745098, g:0.25882352941176, b:0.1843137254902},
+ {name:'6021', r:0.54117647058824, g:0.6, b:0.46666666666667},
+ {name:'6022', r:0.22745098039216, g:0.2, b:0.15294117647059},
+ {name:'6024', r:0, g:0.51372549019608, b:0.31764705882353},
+ {name:'6025', r:0.36862745098039, g:0.43137254901961, b:0.23137254901961},
+ {name:'6026', r:0, g:0.37254901960784, b:0.30588235294118},
+ {name:'6027', r:0.49411764705882, g:0.72941176470588, b:0.70980392156863},
+ {name:'6028', r:0.1921568627451, g:0.32941176470588, b:0.25882352941176},
+ {name:'6029', r:0, g:0.43529411764706, b:0.23921568627451},
+ {name:'6032', r:0.13725490196078, g:0.49803921568627, b:0.32156862745098},
+ {name:'6033', r:0.27450980392157, g:0.52941176470588, b:0.49803921568627},
+ {name:'6034', r:0.47843137254902, g:0.67450980392157, b:0.67450980392157},
+ {name:'6035', r:0.098039215686275, g:0.30196078431373, b:0.14509803921569},
+ {name:'6036', r:0.015686274509804, g:0.34117647058824, b:0.29411764705882},
+ {name:'6037', r:0, g:0.54509803921569, b:0.16078431372549},
+ {name:'6038', r:0, g:0.70980392156863, b:0.10196078431373},
+ {name:'7000', r:0.47843137254902, g:0.53333333333333, b:0.55686274509804},
+ {name:'7001', r:0.54901960784314, g:0.58823529411765, b:0.6156862745098},
+ {name:'7002', r:0.50588235294118, g:0.47058823529412, b:0.38823529411765},
+ {name:'7003', r:0.47843137254902, g:0.46274509803922, b:0.41176470588235},
+ {name:'7004', r:0.6078431372549, g:0.6078431372549, b:0.6078431372549},
+ {name:'7005', r:0.42352941176471, g:0.43137254901961, b:0.41960784313725},
+ {name:'7006', r:0.46274509803922, g:0.4156862745098, b:0.36862745098039},
+ {name:'7008', r:0.45490196078431, g:0.36862745098039, b:0.23921568627451},
+ {name:'7009', r:0.36470588235294, g:0.37647058823529, b:0.34509803921569},
+ {name:'7010', r:0.34509803921569, g:0.36078431372549, b:0.33725490196078},
+ {name:'7011', r:0.32156862745098, g:0.34901960784314, b:0.36470588235294},
+ {name:'7012', r:0.34117647058824, g:0.36470588235294, b:0.36862745098039},
+ {name:'7013', r:0.34117647058824, g:0.31372549019608, b:0.26666666666667},
+ {name:'7015', r:0.30980392156863, g:0.32549019607843, b:0.34509803921569},
+ {name:'7016', r:0.21960784313725, g:0.24313725490196, b:0.25882352941176},
+ {name:'7021', r:0.1843137254902, g:0.19607843137255, b:0.20392156862745},
+ {name:'7022', r:0.29803921568627, g:0.29019607843137, b:0.26666666666667},
+ {name:'7023', r:0.50196078431373, g:0.50196078431373, b:0.46274509803922},
+ {name:'7024', r:0.27058823529412, g:0.28627450980392, b:0.30588235294118},
+ {name:'7026', r:0.2156862745098, g:0.26274509803922, b:0.27058823529412},
+ {name:'7030', r:0.57254901960784, g:0.55686274509804, b:0.52156862745098},
+ {name:'7031', r:0.35686274509804, g:0.4078431372549, b:0.42745098039216},
+ {name:'7032', r:0.70980392156863, g:0.69019607843137, b:0.63137254901961},
+ {name:'7033', r:0.49803921568627, g:0.50980392156863, b:0.45490196078431},
+ {name:'7034', r:0.57254901960784, g:0.53333333333333, b:0.43529411764706},
+ {name:'7035', r:0.77254901960784, g:0.78039215686275, b:0.76862745098039},
+ {name:'7036', r:0.5921568627451, g:0.57647058823529, b:0.57254901960784},
+ {name:'7037', r:0.47843137254902, g:0.48235294117647, b:0.47843137254902},
+ {name:'7038', r:0.69019607843137, g:0.69019607843137, b:0.66274509803922},
+ {name:'7039', r:0.41960784313725, g:0.4, b:0.36862745098039},
+ {name:'7040', r:0.59607843137255, g:0.61960784313725, b:0.63137254901961},
+ {name:'7042', r:0.55686274509804, g:0.57254901960784, b:0.56862745098039},
+ {name:'7043', r:0.30980392156863, g:0.32156862745098, b:0.31372549019608},
+ {name:'7044', r:0.71764705882353, g:0.70196078431373, b:0.65882352941176},
+ {name:'7045', r:0.55294117647059, g:0.57254901960784, b:0.5843137254902},
+ {name:'7046', r:0.49803921568627, g:0.52549019607843, b:0.54117647058824},
+ {name:'7047', r:0.7843137254902, g:0.7843137254902, b:0.78039215686275},
+ {name:'7048', r:0.50588235294118, g:0.48235294117647, b:0.45098039215686},
+ {name:'8000', r:0.53725490196078, g:0.41176470588235, b:0.24313725490196},
+ {name:'8001', r:0.6156862745098, g:0.3843137254902, b:0.16862745098039},
+ {name:'8002', r:0.47450980392157, g:0.30196078431373, b:0.24313725490196},
+ {name:'8003', r:0.49411764705882, g:0.29411764705882, b:0.14901960784314},
+ {name:'8004', r:0.55294117647059, g:0.28627450980392, b:0.1921568627451},
+ {name:'8007', r:0.43921568627451, g:0.27058823529412, b:0.16470588235294},
+ {name:'8008', r:0.44705882352941, g:0.29019607843137, b:0.14509803921569},
+ {name:'8011', r:0.35294117647059, g:0.21960784313725, b:0.14901960784314},
+ {name:'8012', r:0.4, g:0.2, b:0.16862745098039},
+ {name:'8014', r:0.29019607843137, g:0.2078431372549, b:0.14901960784314},
+ {name:'8015', r:0.36862745098039, g:0.1843137254902, b:0.14901960784314},
+ {name:'8016', r:0.29803921568627, g:0.16862745098039, b:0.12549019607843},
+ {name:'8017', r:0.26666666666667, g:0.1843137254902, b:0.16078431372549},
+ {name:'8019', r:0.23921568627451, g:0.21176470588235, b:0.2078431372549},
+ {name:'8022', r:0.10196078431373, g:0.090196078431373, b:0.094117647058824},
+ {name:'8023', r:0.64313725490196, g:0.34117647058824, b:0.16078431372549},
+ {name:'8024', r:0.47450980392157, g:0.31372549019608, b:0.21960784313725},
+ {name:'8025', r:0.45882352941176, g:0.34509803921569, b:0.27843137254902},
+ {name:'8028', r:0.31764705882353, g:0.22745098039216, b:0.16470588235294},
+ {name:'8029', r:0.49803921568627, g:0.25098039215686, b:0.1921568627451},
+ {name:'9001', r:0.91372549019608, g:0.87843137254902, b:0.82352941176471},
+ {name:'9002', r:0.84313725490196, g:0.83529411764706, b:0.79607843137255},
+ {name:'9003', r:0.92549019607843, g:0.92549019607843, b:0.90588235294118},
+ {name:'9004', r:0.16862745098039, g:0.16862745098039, b:0.17254901960784},
+ {name:'9005', r:0.054901960784314, g:0.054901960784314, b:0.062745098039216},
+ {name:'9006', r:0.63137254901961, g:0.63137254901961, b:0.62745098039216},
+ {name:'9007', r:0.52941176470588, g:0.52156862745098, b:0.50588235294118},
+ {name:'9010', r:0.94509803921569, g:0.92549019607843, b:0.88235294117647},
+ {name:'9011', r:0.15294117647059, g:0.16078431372549, b:0.16862745098039},
+ {name:'9016', r:0.94509803921569, g:0.94117647058824, b:0.91764705882353},
+ {name:'9017', r:0.16470588235294, g:0.16078431372549, b:0.16470588235294},
+ {name:'9018', r:0.7843137254902, g:0.79607843137255, b:0.76862745098039},
+ {name:'9022', r:0.52156862745098, g:0.52156862745098, b:0.51372549019608},
+ {name:'9023', r:0.47450980392157, g:0.48235294117647, b:0.47843137254902}
+ ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-x11.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-x11.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d208be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/swatches/jquery.ui.colorpicker-x11.js
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+jQuery(function($) {
+ $.colorpicker.swatchesNames['x11'] = 'X11';
+ $.colorpicker.swatches['x11'] = [
+ {name: 'Alice Blue', r: 0.94, g: 0.97, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Antique White', r: 0.98, g: 0.92, b: 0.84},
+ {name: 'Aqua', r: 0, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Aquamarine', r: 0.5, g: 1, b: 0.83},
+ {name: 'Azure', r: 0.94, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Beige', r: 0.96, g: 0.96, b: 0.86},
+ {name: 'Bisque', r: 1, g: 0.89, b: 0.77},
+ {name: 'Black', r: 0, g: 0, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Blanched Almond', r: 1, g: 0.92, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Blue', r: 0, g: 0, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Blue Violet', r: 0.54, g: 0.17, b: 0.89},
+ {name: 'Brown', r: 0.65, g: 0.16, b: 0.16},
+ {name: 'Burlywood', r: 0.87, g: 0.72, b: 0.53},
+ {name: 'Cadet Blue', r: 0.37, g: 0.62, b: 0.63},
+ {name: 'Chartreuse', r: 0.5, g: 1, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Chocolate', r: 0.82, g: 0.41, b: 0.12},
+ {name: 'Coral', r: 1, g: 0.5, b: 0.31},
+ {name: 'Cornflower', r: 0.39, g: 0.58, b: 0.93},
+ {name: 'Cornsilk', r: 1, g: 0.97, b: 0.86},
+ {name: 'Crimson', r: 0.86, g: 0.08, b: 0.24},
+ {name: 'Cyan', r: 0, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Dark Blue', r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.55},
+ {name: 'Dark Cyan', r: 0, g: 0.55, b: 0.55},
+ {name: 'Dark Goldenrod', r: 0.72, g: 0.53, b: 0.04},
+ {name: 'Dark Gray', r: 0.66, g: 0.66, b: 0.66},
+ {name: 'Dark Green', r: 0, g: 0.39, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Dark Khaki', r: 0.74, g: 0.72, b: 0.42},
+ {name: 'Dark Magenta', r: 0.55, g: 0, b: 0.55},
+ {name: 'Dark Olive Green', r: 0.33, g: 0.42, b: 0.18},
+ {name: 'Dark Orange', r: 1, g: 0.55, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Dark Orchid', r: 0.6, g: 0.2, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Dark Red', r: 0.55, g: 0, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Dark Salmon', r: 0.91, g: 0.59, b: 0.48},
+ {name: 'Dark Sea Green', r: 0.56, g: 0.74, b: 0.56},
+ {name: 'Dark Slate Blue', r: 0.28, g: 0.24, b: 0.55},
+ {name: 'Dark Slate Gray', r: 0.18, g: 0.31, b: 0.31},
+ {name: 'Dark Turquoise', r: 0, g: 0.81, b: 0.82},
+ {name: 'Dark Violet', r: 0.58, g: 0, b: 0.83},
+ {name: 'Deep Pink', r: 1, g: 0.08, b: 0.58},
+ {name: 'Deep Sky Blue', r: 0, g: 0.75, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Dim Gray', r: 0.41, g: 0.41, b: 0.41},
+ {name: 'Dodger Blue', r: 0.12, g: 0.56, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Firebrick', r: 0.7, g: 0.13, b: 0.13},
+ {name: 'Floral White', r: 1, g: 0.98, b: 0.94},
+ {name: 'Forest Green', r: 0.13, g: 0.55, b: 0.13},
+ {name: 'Fuchsia', r: 1, g: 0, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Gainsboro', r: 0.86, g: 0.86, b: 0.86},
+ {name: 'Ghost White', r: 0.97, g: 0.97, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Gold', r: 1, g: 0.84, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Goldenrod', r: 0.85, g: 0.65, b: 0.13},
+ {name: 'Gray', r: 0.75, g: 0.75, b: 0.75},
+ {name: 'Web Gray', r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 0.5},
+ {name: 'Green', r: 0, g: 1, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Web Green', r: 0, g: 0.5, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Green Yellow', r: 0.68, g: 1, b: 0.18},
+ {name: 'Honeydew', r: 0.94, g: 1, b: 0.94},
+ {name: 'Hot Pink', r: 1, g: 0.41, b: 0.71},
+ {name: 'Indian Red', r: 0.8, g: 0.36, b: 0.36},
+ {name: 'Indigo', r: 0.29, g: 0, b: 0.51},
+ {name: 'Ivory', r: 1, g: 1, b: 0.94},
+ {name: 'Khaki', r: 0.94, g: 0.9, b: 0.55},
+ {name: 'Lavender', r: 0.9, g: 0.9, b: 0.98},
+ {name: 'Lavender Blush', r: 1, g: 0.94, b: 0.96},
+ {name: 'Lawn Green', r: 0.49, g: 0.99, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Lemon Chiffon', r: 1, g: 0.98, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Light Blue', r: 0.68, g: 0.85, b: 0.9},
+ {name: 'Light Coral', r: 0.94, g: 0.5, b: 0.5},
+ {name: 'Light Cyan', r: 0.88, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Light Goldenrod', r: 0.98, g: 0.98, b: 0.82},
+ {name: 'Light Gray', r: 0.83, g: 0.83, b: 0.83},
+ {name: 'Light Green', r: 0.56, g: 0.93, b: 0.56},
+ {name: 'Light Pink', r: 1, g: 0.71, b: 0.76},
+ {name: 'Light Salmon', r: 1, g: 0.63, b: 0.48},
+ {name: 'Light Sea Green', r: 0.13, g: 0.7, b: 0.67},
+ {name: 'Light Sky Blue', r: 0.53, g: 0.81, b: 0.98},
+ {name: 'Light Slate Gray', r: 0.47, g: 0.53, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Light Steel Blue', r: 0.69, g: 0.77, b: 0.87},
+ {name: 'Light Yellow', r: 1, g: 1, b: 0.88},
+ {name: 'Lime', r: 0, g: 1, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Lime Green', r: 0.2, g: 0.8, b: 0.2},
+ {name: 'Linen', r: 0.98, g: 0.94, b: 0.9},
+ {name: 'Magenta', r: 1, g: 0, b: 1},
+ {name: 'Maroon', r: 0.69, g: 0.19, b: 0.38},
+ {name: 'Web Maroon', r: 0.5, g: 0, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Medium Aquamarine', r: 0.4, g: 0.8, b: 0.67},
+ {name: 'Medium Blue', r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Medium Orchid', r: 0.73, g: 0.33, b: 0.83},
+ {name: 'Medium Purple', r: 0.58, g: 0.44, b: 0.86},
+ {name: 'Medium Sea Green', r: 0.24, g: 0.7, b: 0.44},
+ {name: 'Medium Slate Blue', r: 0.48, g: 0.41, b: 0.93},
+ {name: 'Medium Spring Green', r: 0, g: 0.98, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Medium Turquoise', r: 0.28, g: 0.82, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Medium Violet Red', r: 0.78, g: 0.08, b: 0.52},
+ {name: 'Midnight Blue', r: 0.1, g: 0.1, b: 0.44},
+ {name: 'Mint Cream', r: 0.96, g: 1, b: 0.98},
+ {name: 'Misty Rose', r: 1, g: 0.89, b: 0.88},
+ {name: 'Moccasin', r: 1, g: 0.89, b: 0.71},
+ {name: 'Navajo White', r: 1, g: 0.87, b: 0.68},
+ {name: 'Navy Blue', r: 0, g: 0, b: 0.5},
+ {name: 'Old Lace', r: 0.99, g: 0.96, b: 0.9},
+ {name: 'Olive', r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Olive Drab', r: 0.42, g: 0.56, b: 0.14},
+ {name: 'Orange', r: 1, g: 0.65, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Orange Red', r: 1, g: 0.27, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Orchid', r: 0.85, g: 0.44, b: 0.84},
+ {name: 'Pale Goldenrod', r: 0.93, g: 0.91, b: 0.67},
+ {name: 'Pale Green', r: 0.6, g: 0.98, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Pale Turquoise', r: 0.69, g: 0.93, b: 0.93},
+ {name: 'Pale Violet Red', r: 0.86, g: 0.44, b: 0.58},
+ {name: 'Papaya Whip', r: 1, g: 0.94, b: 0.84},
+ {name: 'Peach Puff', r: 1, g: 0.85, b: 0.73},
+ {name: 'Peru', r: 0.8, g: 0.52, b: 0.25},
+ {name: 'Pink', r: 1, g: 0.75, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Plum', r: 0.87, g: 0.63, b: 0.87},
+ {name: 'Powder Blue', r: 0.69, g: 0.88, b: 0.9},
+ {name: 'Purple', r: 0.63, g: 0.13, b: 0.94},
+ {name: 'Web Purple', r: 0.5, g: 0, b: 0.5},
+ {name: 'Rebecca Purple', r: 0.4, g: 0.2, b: 0.6},
+ {name: 'Red', r: 1, g: 0, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Rosy Brown', r: 0.74, g: 0.56, b: 0.56},
+ {name: 'Royal Blue', r: 0.25, g: 0.41, b: 0.88},
+ {name: 'Saddle Brown', r: 0.55, g: 0.27, b: 0.07},
+ {name: 'Salmon', r: 0.98, g: 0.5, b: 0.45},
+ {name: 'Sandy Brown', r: 0.96, g: 0.64, b: 0.38},
+ {name: 'Sea Green', r: 0.18, g: 0.55, b: 0.34},
+ {name: 'Seashell', r: 1, g: 0.96, b: 0.93},
+ {name: 'Sienna', r: 0.63, g: 0.32, b: 0.18},
+ {name: 'Silver', r: 0.75, g: 0.75, b: 0.75},
+ {name: 'Sky Blue', r: 0.53, g: 0.81, b: 0.92},
+ {name: 'Slate Blue', r: 0.42, g: 0.35, b: 0.8},
+ {name: 'Slate Gray', r: 0.44, g: 0.5, b: 0.56},
+ {name: 'Snow', r: 1, g: 0.98, b: 0.98},
+ {name: 'Spring Green', r: 0, g: 1, b: 0.5},
+ {name: 'Steel Blue', r: 0.27, g: 0.51, b: 0.71},
+ {name: 'Tan', r: 0.82, g: 0.71, b: 0.55},
+ {name: 'Teal', r: 0, g: 0.5, b: 0.5},
+ {name: 'Thistle', r: 0.85, g: 0.75, b: 0.85},
+ {name: 'Tomato', r: 1, g: 0.39, b: 0.28},
+ {name: 'Turquoise', r: 0.25, g: 0.88, b: 0.82},
+ {name: 'Violet', r: 0.93, g: 0.51, b: 0.93},
+ {name: 'Wheat', r: 0.96, g: 0.87, b: 0.7},
+ {name: 'White', r: 1, g: 1, b: 1},
+ {name: 'White Smoke', r: 0.96, g: 0.96, b: 0.96},
+ {name: 'Yellow', r: 1, g: 1, b: 0},
+ {name: 'Yellow Green', r: 0.6, g: 0.8, b: 0.2}
+ ];
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bea17e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/test/events.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+test('Empty input value should not set altField background to black', function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var $input = $(' ').appendTo('#qunit-fixture');
+ var $altfield = $('
+ equal($altfield.css('backgroundColor'), 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'Initial state, no color');
+ var jqcp = $input.colorpicker({
+ altField: $altfield
+ });
+ equal($altfield.css('backgroundColor'), 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'After creation, no color');
+ jqcp.colorpicker('open');
+ equal($altfield.css('backgroundColor'), 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'After open, no color');
+ jqcp.colorpicker('close');
+ equal($altfield.css('backgroundColor'), 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', 'After close, no color');
+asyncTest('Changing the color in input should trigger a \'change\' event on the input', function() {
+ expect(1);
+ var $input = $(' ').appendTo('#qunit-fixture');
+ $input.change(function() {
+ ok(true, 'triggered');
+ start();
+ });
+ var jqcp = $input.colorpicker();
+ jqcp.colorpicker('setColor', 'red');
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/test/index.html b/js/jquery-colorpicker/test/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2638a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/test/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ JQCP QUnit test
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/test/issues.js b/js/jquery-colorpicker/test/issues.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebbc495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/test/issues.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+test('#94: Clicking black swatch on empty input does not change input', function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var $input = $(' ').appendTo('#qunit-fixture');
+ var jqcp = $input.colorpicker({
+ parts: ['swatches']
+ });
+ equal($input.val(), '', 'Starts empty');
+ jqcp.colorpicker('open');
+ equal($input.val(), '', 'Still empty on open');
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-swatch[title="white"]').click();
+ equal($input.val(), 'ffffff', 'Clicking white, input white');
+ $input.val('');
+ $('.ui-colorpicker-swatch[title="black"]').click();
+ equal($input.val(), '000000', 'Clicking black, input black (remains empty in issue #94).');
diff --git a/js/jquery-colorpicker/yarn.lock b/js/jquery-colorpicker/yarn.lock
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/jquery-colorpicker/yarn.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,2799 @@
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